
Friday, December 21, 2012

Gospel for the New Age
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The idea that God turned stone-silent and stopped talking to the human race a long time ago is false.

The idea that God is angry with the human race and kicked it out of Paradise is false.

The idea that God has set Himself up as judge and jury and will be deciding which members of the human race go to heaven or hell is false.

God loves every human being who ever lived, lives now, or ever will live.

God's desire is for every soul to return to God, and God cannot fail in having this desire fulfilled.

God is separate from nothing, and nothing is separate from God.

There is nothing that God needs, because God is everything there is.

There is nothing outside God.

This is the good news. Everything else is an illusion.



I quote here from page 14 of "Communion with God – An uncommon dialogue" by Neale Donald Walsch (2000): Hodder & Stoughton; ISBN 0-340-76784-7. The title given to the above piece ("Gospel for the New Age") is Alcuin's.

Conversations with God Foundation is based at Ashland, Oregon, USA, and can be located online here.


A symbol for the New Age

An Invocation for the New Age

A Prayer for the New Age

How is religion?

What is the function of religion?

How silly is salvation?

How important is Jesus?

The Share International revelations

Index of blog contents

An Invocation for the New Age
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From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men -
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the center which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth. 


This mantram is called "The Great Invocation." It was first used by The World Teacher in June 1945, at the successful conclusion of the Armageddon conflict.

The World Teacher's name is Maitreya. He is the individual who is referred to as "Christ" in church mythology. Other religions know him by other names. Maitreya is a human being. He is not a religious figure; he is a spiritual teacher.

Armageddon was a multidimensional nexus of military, racial, economic and spiritual conflicts. They took place in the third dimension (the physical plane), the fourth dimension (the astral plane) and the fifth dimension (the mental plane).

The opposing energies were high-vibration light-beings and low-vibration dark-beings. Human beings, both incarnate and discarnate, were active on both sides. Many other non-human entities were involved. Some of these were on-planet and off-planet extraterrestrials.

Seen from the physical plane viewpoint of western linear time, Armageddon began in 1914 and concluded in 1945. The antichrist energies will not now reappear for three thousand years.

There is more about Maitreya on the Share International website here.

Benjamin Creme outlines the spiritual background of The Great Invocation here.

The Lucis Trust has more detail about the specific meaning of each part of The Great Invocation here.


A New Age prospectus

Gospel for the New Age

A Prayer for the New Age

A symbol for the New Age

The Share International revelations

Index of blog contents

A Prayer for the New Age
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I am the creator of the universe.

I am the father and mother of the universe.

Everything came from me.

Everything shall return to me.

Mind, spirit and body are my temples, for the self to realize in them My supreme being and becoming.


Benjamin Creme outlines the spiritual background of this prayer here.


Is prayer a waste of time?

An Invocation for the New Age
A symbol for the New Age

Meditation - the direct encounter

The Share International revelations

Index of blog contents