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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

An emerging spirituality for The New Age of Aquarius
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Picture: An emerging spirituality for The New Age of Aquarius.


As religion is left behind and more grown-up ways of being human are explored, a new spirituality is emerging on Planet Earth.

Transpersonal and transdimensional perspectives are becoming common. Human origins are being questioned. Establishment histories of human culture are being revised.
The influence of benevolent extraterrestrial teachers is becoming apparent. A new alertness to the return of the angels is manifesting.

People are having potent and positive experiences with prayer, invocation, affirmation, meditation, dream management, vocal toning, yoga, energy work and Kundalini. Sexuality is being affirmed.

Unusual children are being born. Signs and wonders abound.

Maps of the hidden spiritual anatomy of the human body are being constructed as its light sigils, power-points and portals are identified through study and spiritual practice.

People are learning to leave and re-enter their physical bodies at will, and to use their resurrection and ascension bodies for spiritual work during sleep.

New spiritual information is coming to light. Ordinary people are becoming clairsentient. The possibility of substantive communication with animals, plants, water, stone and celestial bodies is being proved in experience.

The recognition that there are animal and plant species on the surface of the planet which are more evolved, spiritually, than most humans is dawning.

Received theories about the geology of the planet are being discarded, as it becomes clear that Spaceship Earth has enormous internal chambers and tunnel systems miles down in its crust, many thousands of which are not aquifer cavities. These chambers interconnect. Many are illuminated, support plant growth and are inhabited by spiritually advanced civilisations, including ancient human populations.

These civilisations are transdimensionally connected with the civilisations of other planets in the Solar System and with those of other star systems. Visitors routinely travel in both directions. There are said to be about four hundred thousand active ET bases on Earth, most of which are invisible to physical human sight. These bases are distributed throughout what the surface human population thinks of as the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the lithosphere.

Earth did not originate in our Solar System. It was brought here from a solar system in Sirius about sixty-five million years ago. This was before the first humans arrived on the planet. The Sirius system (Canis Major and Canis Minor constellations; 8.6 light years away) has many hundreds of water planets, some of which are the home planets of the cetaceans we know in our own oceans. Earth was transited to the Solar System because there was a recently-vacated orbital space around the Sun. The previous planet in this orbit had been blown-up during a conflict between warring powergroups among its inhabitants. That planet was called Maldek (alternative names: Maldec, Sunata or Oodoo).

Certain of the Egyptian pyramids have internal structures precisely aligned with where Sirius appeared in the night sky when they were first constructed. It is possible that some of the benevolent ET bases now active on Earth came with the planet when it was transited from Sirius. In the oral traditions of at least one ancient and still shamanic African tribe, the Sirius connection lives on in their story cycles.

In the unfolding New Age, concepts of ecological love and economic sharing are gaining ground.

Books are being published, or uncovered, which are better written, better informed, more spiritual and more authoritative than any scripture of any Mediterranean religion yet invented.

A new respect for our spiritual seniors in the East is growing, particularly with regard to Sai Baba, Maitreya, Saint Germain, Sananda and Djwhal Khul. Two of these are known well by other names in traditional Christian and Islamic cultures: Maitreya (Christ, the Imam Mahdi) and Sananda (Yesua Ben Joseph, Jesus of Nazareth, the Prophet Jesus).

In the Nag Hammadi Library (discovered in 1945) and the Dead Sea Scrolls (discovered in 1947), Christ is referred to as the Teacher of Righteousness, and Jesus is referred to as the Pierced Messiah. Christ and Jesus are two separate people. They work together closely on the physical and spiritual planes.

Internet spiritual communities are freeing people from the tyranny of spiritual censure and spiritual censorship by establishment religiosities. And they are enabling and encouraging an individuated exploration of previously off-limit metaphysical ideas experienced, but not openly expressed, within the mystical traditions of all faiths and philosophies.

Down here in the Matrix, this kind of talk can be challenging. Human beings do not own Planet Earth. The surface population of human beings is a temporary visitor to the planet. It is part of the Explorer Race, attending a 3D Mystery School. The surface human civilisation is here briefly and will soon pass on to other planets, star systems and parallel realities. The rabbit hole goes a long way up.

The Alcuin and Flutterby blog offers some provisional and tentative ideas about the New Spirituality via the links below:

What is the New Spirituality?

Gospel for the New Age

A New Age prospectus

A Prayer for the New Age

An Invocation for the New Age

Understanding the New Age Children

Picture: The rabbit hole goes a long way up.


The resurrection of the shaman

Meditation - the direct encounter

The Art of the New Spirituality

The Share International revelations


In connection with emerging New Age ideas, three films may be worth noticing:

The Matrix (1999)
Reviews here, here and here.

Avatar (2009)
Reviews here, here and here.

Inception (2010)
Reviews here, here and here.

Picture: In a quantum multiverse, can everything be true?


A dream is a portal

A new scripture shortly to be published


Picture: Hold the light.


Agenda for disclosure

Living through the pole shift and the global end-time tsunami

Index of blog contents

Monday, April 29, 2024

The Simulation Exit

How do we get out of the matrix?

If human beings are just constructed simulations inside something else's computer, where's the escape hatch?
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 Picture: It's all a bit of a puzzle. Who are we really? The Simulation Argument. ..............................................................................................................................................
The device you are reading this on looks real, doesn't it? Tap it with your finger. It feels real too. Kiss the screen lightly with your lips. Yes, it's really there. Lips never lie, do they?

If you think like this, you probably also think that you are living in a base reality. Look around you. You seem to live in a real place which actually exists in physical reality and occupies a demonstrable physical location which can be visited by others, looked at through binoculars and trodden underfoot, sometimes with a crunchy noise.

Other people live in this base reality with you. Some of these you think of as human people. You can see them and hear their vehicle noise and catch diseases from them. If you want to, you can communicate with them without using any device other than your vocal cords. A physical mixture of gases around you carries sound waves which makes this possible.

These gases include nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapour, argon, xenon, neon and krypton. Each of these gases can be isolated from all the others. Any one of them can be put in a container on its own, in solid, liquid or gaseous form. That container can then be plonked down in front of you next to your device. You notice that the container is there. A little while ago you also noticed that it wasn't there (yet).

We live in a most convincing base reality. It's actually there. We actually experience it ourselves.

Most Westerners thought like this until 1999. Then they went to see a film called The Matrix. This got some of them them thinking in a different way.

Then, in 2001, Nick Bostrom of Oxford University (UK) privately circulated the first draft of a paper. It asked a question: Do we live in a simulation?

Two years later, a slightly tweaked version of the same paper was published in an academic journal called Philosophical Quarterly (2003, Vol. 53, No. 211, pp. 243-255).

Philosophical Quarterly is not like a Rupert annual. And Nick Bostrum is not like the man behind you in the fish shop. He is a Swedish-born philosopher with an academic background in theoretical physics, computational neuroscience, logic and artificial intelligence. If he walks up to you in the back bar of the Bear with an empty pint glass and half a packet of pork scratchings in his hand, you need to get out fast.

But what about Bostrom's question? Do we live in a simulation? In other words, rather than living in a physical base reality, could we, and all that we experience as physical, actually be constructed simulations created inside somebody else's computer?

Might we be virtual beings who have been made capable of thought and consciousness? Or, during the years-long ongoing processes of the simulation, might we have evolved into a conscious state from an original unconscious state because of the creative way the simulation was set up?

Such a simulation would take a very big computer and someone who was very good indeed at writing creative computer code.

Whose computer might it be? One possibility is that it belongs to the entity once known as God.

And where might the big computer be kept? Perhaps it is kept everywhere. The totality of what we think of as the physical universe might actually be a huge quantum computer.

And what might we call the clever bunch of computer code which produces the simulacrum in which we live and move and have our being? One possibilty is that we call it AI (the All-Seeing I), 'artificial intelligence'.

So then, what is the likelihood? Are we virtual beings living in a simulation or not? It depends who you believe. According to the academic specialists working on the thoughtflows which followed the original publication of The Simulation Argument, things have changed since 2003. These days the chances are reckoned to be about fifty-fifty. That is to say it is as likely as not that we are virtual beings living in a simulacrum.

This leaves a final question. If, one day, looking around inside our simulated existence we happen to find evidence of it being a simulation - we notice a fundamental glitch in the fabric of the illusion - something really crazy and mad - or something getting crazier and madder and more unbelievable each time we look - how the hell do we get out of the simulation before it's too late?

That's easy. We just go to sleep and choose not to wake up again. We return to where we belong and to where we are actually real and always have been. Our time in the mystery school on Planet Earth will be over.

Alternatively, we go to sleep and wake up somewhere else. But there's another option. We get it, choose to wake up inside the simulation again and put the news around.

If we do this, and the AI notices, which it certainly would do if it is the All-Seeing I, would the AI then (1) Delete us? (2) Limit the visibility of our influence inside the simulation? Or, (3) Have a good laugh and invite us to join it in creating something new, something more and something better?

More theoretical background here. Reviews of the 1999 film, The Matrix, can be found here, here and here. The full text of The Simulation Argument is linked from this page here. And there is more about NIck Bostrom here.

Late note: There's another perspective. We commented above about the possibility that if we are actually characters living inside someone else's computer-generated simulation, one day one or several of us might notice 'concrete' evidence of this fact. Looking round inside our simulated existence on a wet Tuesday morning in November, say, we suddenly notice a fundamental glitch in the fabric of the illusion in which we are immersed. It might be something totally mad-looking; something absolutely ridiculous, impossible and unique which doesn't at all fit with our established understanding of the world we perceive ourselves to be living in. What then?

We might just call the glitch-event supernatural. Perhaps it's a miracle. If the glitch in the fabric of the simulacrum repeats itself, we might start thinking of it in terms of a revelation about the existence of other powers, other realities, other worlds. If the mad-looking stuff continues episodically, and enough people see it or hear about it, the anomalies might be turned into the bases of a religion. They could be collected, recorded in writing, discussed, argued about, and condensed into scriptures. What might happen then can only be imagined.


The Cryptography Conundrum

Corporate evil, artificial intelligence and cyberform spirituality

Can heart pacemakers be used as assassination devices?

Conspiracy Obverse

Office separation

God is nothing special

Agenda for disclosure

Index of blog contents

Sunday, April 28, 2024

A New Age prospectus
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Picture: New Age Prospectus. A view through the back of the wardrobe.,+Arizona+(USA).+%231ab..jpg?SSImageQuality=Full


All the important news is good.

The universe is a friendly place which is designed to support us completely.

We are immersed in a benevolent cosmic ecosystem, a God-process, which is uncomplicatedly benign and which nourishes us at every level of our being.

Everything is alive. Everything is intelligent. Everything is conscious.

Everything is changing. Everything is improving. Everything is becoming more.

The universe is richly inhabited with positive beings of light, many of who are far more advanced than we are. Their mission and their joy is to welcome us, nurture us, heal us, protect us, guide us and assist us in our evolutionary return to the internal experience of Godhead.

There is nothing wrong with us; at the level of our core essence we are perfect.

We are held softly in the understanding arms of inclusion. We are comprehensively loved at all times, whatever we think or do.

Everything we need has been thought of by those who know us better than we know ourselves.

Everything we need is immediately available to us if we ask.

All is well and all will be well.

Picture: Prospectus for The New Age. Young woman reading book.

An emerging spirituality for The New Age of Aquarius

A Prayer for the New Age

Gospel for the New Age

An Invocation for the New Age

Understanding the New Age Children

What is the New Spirituality?

The Art of the New Spirituality

Meditation - the direct encounter

Living through the pole shift and the global end-time tsunami

Index of blog contents

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Conspiracy Obverse

Many things are the other way round
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Picture: Conspiracy Obverse माया māyā́.
Picture: English limestone birdbath seen through binoculars.

Things are not what they appear to be. Many things are the other way round.
What appears to be the reverse may actually be the obverse.

A conspiracy theory may be 100% conspiracy fact. Conspiracy Obverse.

Establishment news reports and establishment histories may be 100% deliberate disinformation. 70-80% would not be unusual. If so, they are information conspiracies.

There is a basal level of intellectual response to élite-broadcast current affairs narratives. Agendas of perception can be tuned by oft-repeated false-world narratives.

A higher level of response is also possible. This response is spiritual.

Planet Earth is a mystery school, but it is a mystery school for only one species.

Of all the species living on the planet only one doesn't know who it is. The plants, the animals, the crystals and the waters are its teachers.

In the midst of a carefully-constructed matrix of illusions that species is now awakening.

The trick is to wake up, become aware of the matrix, stay strong, stay free and watch the manufactured illusions crumble and fall apart.

This is now happening.

A language older than the planet itself has a word for the global mystery: माया

That language was originally brought to the planet by an old race of humans who certainly did know who they were.

From Sanskrit the word of mystery can be written: māyā́

Picture: Matrix Breakout.


Downpage notes:

(1) In the text above, the words conspiracy and obverse are employed. Conspiracy is the act of conspiring; a ganging together of conspirators for a secret and usually unlawful (illegal) purpose.

A conspiracy is a plot; a covert joint action of (usually) evil-doers designed to secretly engineer an outcome which is advantageous to themselves but manifestly disadvantageous to others who, initially at least, are deliberately kept uninformed about what is being engineered against their interests.

On this view, a conspiracy is a private club or self-serving secret society; a closed scheme to devise a plan intended to yield benefit to an élite (or hidden) clique at the expense of the excluded 99% who know nothing about it.

The term conspiracy of silence is sometimes used. This refers to a private agreement (or understanding or custom) among an entitled group of people not to talk openly about a particular matter in order to prevent others outside the group from obtaining information about it.

(2) Obverse. Coins - monetary coins used to facilitate the exchange of goods or services -  have obverse and reverse sides. The obverse side is the one showing the head or principal symbol. Heads or Tails? Obverse or Reverse?

By extension, in common usage, the obverse of something is the principal, or most important side of it turned towards the public observer. It is the common and proper public view of something.

The word obverse also carries the sense of something complemental; the other side of something, constituting the opposite aspect of the same fact or phenomenon; a counterpart. And, by extension again, obversion is the act of an observer turning something round towards herself or himself for the purpose of closer scrutiny of its other side. The observer has obverted it. Depending on the aspect of the original observation, the observer may also have reversed it. If I am holding a coin with the head or principle symbol towards my eyes and I turn it over to look at the other side, I am reversing it. If, however, I am holding the coin with the reverse side towards me and I turn it over to look at the other side, I am obverting it. Speaking thus, I might also be insufferably fastidious in my quibbling use of language.

(3) Within benevolent esoteric circles and within much of the Alternative News community worldwide, this particular time in human history is understood to be the end-time. It is the close of a major cycle of human civilisation. It is the end of many, perhaps thirteen millennia of corrupt rule by negative reptilian energies channelled through 'royal' human bloodlines and the human secret societies and criminal enforcers which enabled, enriched and sustained those bloodlines.

That rogue faction of high-end conspirators was the 1%. It was composed of the self-chosen ones; the self-entitled élite families and the lawyers, bankers, priests, thieves, publicists, armies and assassins required to hold the conspiracy of covert world government together. The other 99% of humans were duped slaves. They were the controlled human food of the élites destined to be fed on physically, energetically and financially. I am your Queen. You are my subjects. Give your money to my bankers.

For this élite conspiracy to work required that the 99% were stupid and were kept stupid. The 99% had to be controlled by élite psyops to maintain their ignorance and unquestioning docility. Such controlling psyops included organised religion, the concretisation of class and caste systems, compulsory state or religious education, money, debt-slavery, legal systems to keep the little people down, war-organised poverty, starvation and migration, colonialism, media-mediated 'democratic' systems, torture, murder, assassination and the active assistance of negative off-planet races.

It also required pan-total surveillance of the population and a mass media network content-controlled by the élites. This media was tasked with huckstering false-world narratives about what had happened in the past and what was happening in the present. History and current affairs had to be weaponised for the purposes of cultural propaganda and control.

The ruling status quo in the surface human population of the planet was knowingly and Satanically evil. It had to be presented as good. And if it couldn't be presented as good, it had to be presented as what was reasonable in the circumstances and pragmatically necessary for the present. There would be jam tomorrow. Lots of it. The jam would look like jam and it would taste like jam. But it would be controlled jam. And the jam could be locally poisoned as required. Hence the existence of BigPharma. And the jam could be locally withdrawn for the purposes of control. Hence the existence of BigBankster.

(4) Higher up this page we referred to mystery and illusion. Implicit around those concepts is the idea that they present a semantic challenge to the spiritually-awake observer. One of the tasks of ensouled human people who have chosen to take a physical 3D incarnation within the surface population on Earth at this present time is to sus it all out. For them, Earth is a sort of post-doctoral mystery school. They're here to puzzle out what matters and what doesn't. What is and what isn't.

(5) With regard to what is and what isn't, quite a few things aren't. They don't exist. But some people persist in thinking that they do. Two examples are facts and things. We are beginning to learn that there is no such thing as a fact and no such thing as a thing. Facts and things are illusions.

The reason for this is that in the quantum multiverse we inhabit there is no such thing as stasis. Nothing is static. Nothing is fixed. Everything is on the move. Everything is changing. Everything is becoming more all the time. Except that time doesn't exist either.

Seen from the outside, theoretical physicists are a confused and confusing bunch of apparently mad scientists. But they are fairly clear on one point. They know what time isn't. Carlo Rovelli, perhaps, is clearer than Stephen Hawking on this, at least when addressing the general reader. His book, The Order of Time (2017) is better in this regard than Hawking's A Brief History of Time (1988). The latter is a bit out of date now. And that's the point, really. Everything is out of date, always has been and always will be.

But back to the non-existence of facts. The fact that facts don't exist is not a new idea. Over 130 years ago, the German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, noted that "There are no facts, only interpretations." (Notebooks, Summer 1886 - Autumn 1887, Section 91)

What Nietzsche meant was that there are no facts, only opinions. The mass media would do well to understand this. Since 2016, when the Western mainstream media began to lose control of their false world narratives and were widely acknowledged to have done so with their persistent fake news in the USA, they responded by inventing a new illusion: fact-checking. But how do you check facts when there are no such thing as facts, only agendas of perception?

I expediently choose to perceive that my fact is factual and your fact is fake. And look at my wad. My fact is bigger than your fact. Look at my circulation. Look at my reach. Hear the decibels of my megaphone. In the public marketplace, my fact can beat up your fact any day.

If something called a fact actually existed, how would we define it?

A fact is someone-or-other's fixed opinion about something fixed to something else fixed? A fact is a fixed social construct which is fixed in place by someone who is granted the authority by someone else to fix constructions in place by nailing them down to something else which never moves or changes?
 Picture: Cartoon illustration. Lid - John nails a lid onto the coffin.

Facts don't exist, not just because nothing in the quantum multiverse is fixed, but also because anything which is claimed to be a fact is changed into something else by what we think of as the passing of time.

In addition to this, each fact is immediately changed into something else by its interaction with each observer. It is not possible for a human being to perceive what she thinks of as a fact without changing that fact into something else by the very act of perceiving it.

A fact arrives. Its presence in the quiet or noisy vicinity is detected with or without its wrapping by an observer. The fact is then perceived as being allegedly fact-like by the observer, passes through her sunglasses and ends up inside her head.

For ease of reference, we will call the observer and the owner-occupier of the head Gillian.

Once inside Gillian's head, the perceived and filtered alleged fact is processed in her consciousness while rattling around among other similar, related or different fact-like ideas which happen to be there already as a result of her intellectual shopping, education and socialisation. Those other rattling-around fact-like ideas may or may not be organised in some way.

The next day, Gillian decides to mention this new processed fact-like idea, with or without a wrapping, to a friend while they are having a coffee and doing their phones. Gillian's friend is called Victoria.

It's a busy coffee shop. A lot is going on. Someone drops an almond criossant on the floor. Someone else squelches it underfoot.

Gillian broacasts the fact-like idea as she now understands it to Victoria using a language, a tone of voice and a facial expression which she understands to be suitable in the particular social context in which she is broadcasting.

After a journey of a few inches through hostile surroundings, the fact arrives in the vicinity of Victoria's detection apparatus. She looks up from her phone and says: "What? Speak up, darling, I can't hear you. Look at that almond croissant! What a plonker!" Gillian then broadcasts the fact-like idea again, louder and with a different intonation and facial expression. Victoria nods and continues looking at her phone.

Facts are just stuff that people say.

Ask someone who disagrees to give you an example of a fact. Any fact. Any single fact. Just one. It's impossible. There's nothing to choose from. How do you give an example of something which doesn't exist?

"It's a fact that I exist. You can see me."

The person who said that is broadcasting words to another person. The speaker is a man. His interlocutor looks across the room. Her name is Dorothy. There is a slow swirl of energy which looks like bunch of molecules sitting in her favourite armchair. She detects these. The bunch of molecules has a male humanoid shape plus wrappings. It is called Brian.

The bunch of molecules called Brian is sipping a pretty decent glass of her Muscadet which is another two bunches of molecules. The Muscadet is nothing to write home about, but the glass itself is pretty decent.

"I think I can see what I think of as you, yes, Brian. I have a strong suspicion that what I think of as you is communicating with me and drinking my Muscadet. That sense impression exists for me now. It didn't just now. You weren't here. And that sense impression will cease when you leave shortly. You won't be here again."

"Looking at it from your point of view, Brian, you may yourself have a strong sense of existing, or you may have a strong sense of not existing; it depends on how much of my Muscadet you drink. But just because you are capable of detecting yourself subjectively in a manner which leads to you think that you exist is not in itself a fact. It is one person's opinion: yours. I happend to hold the same opinion. But its not a fact, is it? Mrs Button doen't think so. If it was a fact, Mrs Button, would know."

"Who is Mrs Button?"
"Mrs Button is the mother of the chap who runs the bicycle repair shop in North Street."
"Why does Mrs Button not think it is a fact that I exist?"
"Because Mrs Button has never heard of you, has never observed you or anything that looks like you, and has never been advised by anyone else that it's a fact that you exist. If it really is a fact that you exist, Brian, Mrs Button would know."
"But Mrs Button doesn't know me."
"No, she doesn't. And from her perspective, you do not exist. This being the case, her opinion about your opinion that you exist is non-existent."

"I didn't know there was a bicycle repair shop in North Street."
"Nor did I."
"Ah. I see. I'm not good on geography. There's a street map of the town in that drawer over there, I know. But help me out here, Dorothy. Where is North Street, actually?
"I've no idea."
"Right. I'm getting the hang of this now. Is there actually a North Street at all anywhere inside the town boundaries?"
"Not that I'm aware of. But there may be. It's not theoretically impossible. Perhaps we should ask Mrs Button."
"It would be funny if I put down my glass of Muscadet, got up, walked across the room, got out that street map now, looked up the index, and established that North Street does actually exist."
"Yes. That would be very funny indeed, for five or six reasons."

"You're saying that for a fact to exist requires that people other than the direct combatants should be aware of the existence of that fact even if they are unaware of the existence of the direct combatants themselves?"
"That kind of thing, yes. Several billion people, ideally."

"How long have you and I been married now, Dorothy? Forty or fifty years or something, is it?"
"Just over fifty-one, Brian. It all started at that Jimi Hendrix concert at Olympia in December 1967, didn't it?"
"London seems a long way away now ...."
"Yes, it does. You're not the man you once were, Brian. I'm sure I married someone else back then. Someone who was quite different. He's a changed man, my husband."
"Don't be silly, Dorothy. That's just your geriatric subjectivity playing tricks again. I'm sure I can remember when you weren't like this."

(6) Other ideas claimed as being facts include the sort sometimes expressed in other words such as:

"It's a fact that I exist. I know it myself, independent of any third-party observer."

"It's a fact that in (date specified) this (event specified) happened."

"It's a fact that that mountain over there is the highest mountain in the world."

"It's a fact that my wife loves me."

"It's a fact that God loves me."

This latter example is sometimes heard from religious people in retreat. "It's a fact that God loves me." One might suggest, in response, that it is not a fact, but it is true.

After all, whatever we mean by the word or concept 'God', we probably think that God is Love.

Extending that idea, God is Love and there is nothing outside God, even Brian.

But does that mean that God loves Brian? If it does mean that, that meaning is not a fact. For the idea to be a fact would require that God stops. The God process in which we are immersed would have to stop and issue a clear statement of confirmation, chiselled into unchanging permanent granite and handed down from the summit of Mount Chimborazo.

Constructing that kind of a statement might not be a good use of energy. What kind of a God would do a daft thing like that? And who might misunderstand it? And who else might deliberately misreport it for reasons of religious politics?

The most that can be said is that God has a feeling of love towards Brian, and Brian has a feeling of being loved by God. That is not a fact; it is a subjective feeling at a particular instant between two people whose creative and dynamic energies are interacting in a specific way.

The feeling is not fixed or unchanging over time in a way that concretises it as a fact. It's an ongoing, ever-changing, personal and subjective experience of spiritual coherence, empathy and mutual appreciation between two centres of consciousness in a fast-evolving cosmos, the total population of which is One.

Alleged facts are everywhere. What was once thought of as a fact by one of the purple people who speaks grey and thinks yellow, doesn't seem to be a fact at all to another, younger, purple person who speaks grey and thinks yellow.

And what is claimed to be an obvious fact by one of the leading purple people who speaks grey and thinks yellow is regarded as a manifest non-fact or anti-fact by one of the leading crimson people who speaks orange and thinks polkadot. It's all a matter of opinion.

People in muddy anoraks at the garden centre sometimes ask if facts don't exist and things don't exist, what does exist? The answer is energy. Conscious energy is all that exists. Swirling, creative, ever-changing, conscious energy.There is nothing outside this. There is nothing outside God.

And there is nothing inside God which is concretised into anything fixed, static, nailed-down or permanent, even for a fraction of a zeptosecond of illusory human clock time. If you're an active type, this can be quite a comforting thought.

(7) Things. Things don't exist either. Imagine three things which are sometimes called things: (1) A mountain; (2) A plate of braised celery with cheese and onion sauce; (3) The taxman.

From what has been suggested above, none of these things can exist, even theoretically, except perhaps for a vanishingly small period of time because everything there is is changing all the time.

The vanishingly small period of time for which the alleged thing is said to exist as some sort of fixed entity is so vanishingly small that there would be far too little time for any observer to detect it while it appeared to be in a condition of steady stasis.

Eyes can't work that fast. Light doesn't travel that fast. Detection equipment can't detect things that fast because the processes of perception and recording needed for veridical detection need much more space than is offered inside even the biggest vanishingly small period of time.

The mountain explodes in a volcanic eruption. The plate of braised celery with cheese and onion sauce is pecked to shreds by a seagull. The Taxman is shot dead by a member of a rival gang.

Or, in an alternative and less dynamic manner, a stiff breeze blows on the mountain and a molecule of something adhering to one of its exposed granite surfaces is blown away. It is now a different mountain. It is not the mountain it once was. It will never be that mountain again. Then it begins to rain.

The plate of braised celery with cheese and onion sauce cools down on the kitchen work surface. Brian is delayed in the garage. The hedge-trimmer is making funny noises.

The plate of braised celery with cheese and onion sauce is now a different plate of braised celery with cheese and onion sauce. Water has evaporated from it in the form of steam. It has lost mass. The fall in ambient temperature has brought about irreversible physical and chemical changes in the cheese and onion sauce. It is not the plate of braised celery with cheese and onion sauce it once was. It will never be that plate of braised celery with cheese and onion sauce again.

The taxman grows weary of his job. He tires of the vitriolic hatred his work engenders in innocent members of the general public. He decides to become a stand-up comedian. His self-concept changes subtly. He is not the taxman he once was. He will never be that taxman again.

Things are not what they appear to be. All things are different from themselves. It's called freedom.

God is Evolution. God's will is Evolution. Evolution is all there is. There is nothing outside the freedom of constant evolution.

There is nothing outside the freedom of ongoing, incremental, continual, creative change.

All there is is benevolent, cumulative change. It's like taking a new lungful of fresh air every time you breathe.
Picture: There's a way out of the matrix!

Picture: Is this the only way to escape the Matrix?

Picture - Plague PsyOp 2020-2022. Friday 10th March 2023.
Picture: The other way round. Global Plague PsyOp 2020-2023.
Picture: Many things are the other way round.
Picture: Iain Davis on Conspiracy Theory. October 2023.
Picture: Mind control - human reality in the matrix?
Picture: Does Mind Control Exist?
Picture: White Quartz. Ask the crystal what it can do.


The Simulation Exit

Agenda for disclosure

Living through the pole shift and the global end-time tsunami

Q Channel Q Source Q Anon

False Flag Attacks, élite criminality and politically expedient government-sponsored terrorism

God is nothing special

Index of blog contents

Friday, April 26, 2024

Perhaps pleasure is holiness
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Picture: St Theresa and the serpent.
It has been suggested that the experience of consensual sex is the experience of God.

It is doubtful that one can fully understand the experience of God if one does not fully understand the experience of sex.

On this view, the more sex the better, because more sex is more God. And the better we get at sex, the better we get at God.

Feel-good spirituality is feel-God spirituality.

Picture: Perhaps pleasure is holiness (2).

Perhaps pleasure is holiness. And perhaps the most important book in the Bible is the Song of Solomon.

A work by the Italian baroque sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680) may be relevant here. Sited in an out-of-the-way location in Rome, it is called "The Ecstasy of St Theresa".

A good image of this curious artwork can be found online here. Or, a detail from a slightly different angle here. In full frontal view here. And a two-angle collage is here.


The saint and his virgin
Sacred sexuality in early Christianity and the inner teachings of Jesus - an article by Walter Last

Sex and spirituality
Healing with sexual energy - an essay by Walter Last

Sexuality, Appreciation, Higher Self
Thoughts on the spirituality of sex by Joyful Spirit (Ted Murray)

Sex and Spirituality
Thoughts on the spirituality of sex by Neale Donald Walsch

The inner wisdom of the Hindu Tantrik tradition
Mike Magee’s UK website

The Biological Basis of Tantric Sex
A physical guide by Catherine Yronwode

What is Tantra?
An essay by Suzie Heumann

Picture: The Path to Divine Sex. Ananda through Tina Louise Spalding.

Adam and Eve under The Tree of Knowledge
A picture by Ernst Fuchs

Adam Mysticus
A picture by Ernst Fuchs

The Gate
A picture by Rowena Morill

A picture by Julie Bell


Picture: Mary Magdalene. The Holy Grail.
Picture: Joan of Arc, Mary Magdalene, Quan Yin, Taiwan and France.
Picture: Ljubljana (Slovenia).
Picture: Ljubljana (Slovenia) on The Goddess Leyline.
Picture: The Goddess, the Black Madonnas and the Isis mysteries. ..............................................................................................................................................
The five images immediately above and their clickthroughs relate to the Goddess, the Black Madonnas, the High Priestess and the ancient Isis mysteries. More background here, here, here, here, here, here and here.
Picture: Goddess energy - the energy the dark forces fear the most.
Picture: Kriya Yoga - An Introduction.

Is God an idealist?

Meditation - the direct encounter

Living through the pole shift and the global end-time tsunami

Index of blog contents