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Sunday, December 15, 2024

God is nothing special

There's a lot of it about
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Picture: The entity once known as God was sighted at this location here.

God is nothing special.
There's a lot of it about.
You see it all over the place.
God is All That Is.

There is nothing outside God.
Everything is inside God.

That's why there is no sin
And no devil
And no hell,
Unless you want them to exist
Inside your own manufactured illusions.

What would be the point
Of a thing called God
If it had things inside it
Such as sin, the devil or hell?

God isn't silly.
God is love.
That which is not love
Does not live inside God.

Where do sin, the devil and hell live then?
And who used their God-given free will
To invent them
To promote suffering and death
For the religious agenda?

And there's another thing to consider too:
God is not a person.

Most modern people who frequent
The transdimensional coffee shops
Of pan-galactic being agree that
God does not have compliant photo ID.

Journalists of all persuasions have noticed this.

When the senior management team of All That Is
Convenes a General Purposes Sub-Committee
In the executive suite of the multiverse,
There is no discrete individuated being present
Wearing a name-plate which says 'God'
Or anything which means 'God'.

This doesn't mean that God couldn't make the meeting,
Or that God has thrown a sickie.
It simply means that God is not a person.
Only persons attend meetings.

Alert Earthlings who notice this fact trending on their screens may choose to tap the FAQs icon.

Q: If God is not a person, what is it?
A: God is the conscious creative energy of love, part of which becomes luminous. Small globs of this emitted light slow down and become people.

A few billion of these people evolve into creators. These creators then continuously create a few billion or more creations all of which are different from each other.

Some of these creations may be universes. Some of the universes may be partly physical, but most are entirely non-physical.

The physical is created from the non-physical. That is the First Law of Future Physics.

None of this has anything to do with religion.
All of it has everything to do with spirituality.

Generally speaking,
Spirituality does better
If the religion is washed off.

It's a bit like dirty potatoes.
If you don't wash the mud off
It thickens the stew
But diminishes the gastronomic experience
At the taste-bud level.

Back in the coffee shop
If you wanted to risk
A second cup of coffee,
You might hear that that which we call God
Is just the absolute and all-pervasive force
Which permeates everything
And which keeps everything
Whirling and living.

Someone else
Thought by some to be rather significant,
Said that himself.

He also said that there is a strange energy
Afoot on Planet Earth at the moment:
It is the energy of a galactic speed-up.
We're at the end of a spiritual season, apparently.

He said that in 2019.
God is inevitable.

In other news, last week's football results will follow again shortly.



Is God an idealist?

A new scripture shortly to be published

The Simulation Exit

Conspiracy Obverse

Living through the pole shift and the global end-time tsunami

Index of blog contents

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