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Sunday, August 04, 2024

A new scripture shortly to be published
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Picture: A new scripture shortly to be published. Alcuin Bramerton (3).


Young Mary Halton
Of Quernmore, Lancashire,
Sat down
To write a new scripture.

She had read
All the extant world scriptures
And had found them to be
Of poor quality.

They were badly written,
Badly edited,
Spiritually incoherent,
And boring.

Which, presumably,
Is why the major world religions
Have taken such care
To preserve them,
She thinks.

In radical contradistinction,
Mary has decided
That her new scripture
Will be different.

Her new scripture
Will be of good quality,
Well written,
Intelligently edited,
Relevant to modern people,
And interesting.

A little while ago,
She approached a publisher
With her synopsis.

It was rejected.

There is no market
For such a scripture,
She was told,
Even in the fantasy genre.

People are very religious
These days;
They are afraid of terrorists
And the worldwide collapse
Of capitalist values.

They want scriptures
Which are badly written,
Badly edited,
Spiritually incoherent,
And boring,
To support their

Mary began to write
Her new scripture,

It would have to be
On the internet.

"Adam and Eve were
Courageous spiritual pioneers,"
She started,
"The doctrine of Original Sin
Is a control fiction
Of matrix religiosity.
The function of the fiction
Is to foment fear.
The function of the fear
Is to suffocate love.
And without love,
The individual
Cannot connect
With the God-process
Of the universe,
Which is love."

"It is a spiritual law
That like attracts like:
Fear attracts fear;
Love attracts love."

"The doctrine of Original Sin
Is a good example
Of the generation
Of negative spiritual values
By emergent churchianity
In the patristic period ...."

At this point,
There was a rustling of gossamer
And The Holy Spirit,
Slightly out of breath,
Walked into the room
And introduced Himself.

"Who are you?"
Mary asked.
"I am the Holy Spirit;
Traditionally I inspire
The writing of new scriptures."

"Are you here to make trouble?"
Said Mary.

"Certainly not.
I simply dropped in
To say
That I rather like your stuff,
And if you decide,
When it's complete,
To self-publish it
As a new scripture
On the internet,
Then I'll make sure
That the word gets around,
And I'll ask the angels
Who look after these things,
To hotlink your new scripture
Into all the right blogs,
And search engines."

"Why are you
Out of breath?"
Asked Mary.

"There is a lot
Of new scripture
Being written
At the moment –
Not all of it
In Quernmore, Lancashire,"
Said the Holy Spirit.

"I suppose you're going to tell me
What to write,"
Said Mary.

"Goodness gracious, no,"
Said the Holy Spirit,
"If I were to tell you
What to write,
I would be in serious danger
Of infringing your free will,
Wouldn't I?"

"You certainly would,"
Said Mary.
"Would you like a cup of tea?"

"I only drink tea
Which is heavily allegorised
Or subtly metaphorated."

"I understand completely,"
Said Mary,
"You want raspberry leaf tea,
Don't you?"

"Yes please,"

Said the Holy Spirit.

Picture: Raspberries & raspberry leaves.


Living text entity

God is nothing special

Estuary Hermeneutics

The unwisdom of belief

The central question of the universe


More Norfolk koans

Index of blog contents


Anonymous said...

How utterly lovely!

DhiRAj SinGh said...

Very cool, more power to the writers of new scriptures!! The Holy Ghost bit reminded me of something I saw some years ago. It went like this: "And the Holy Ghost that is the Parakeet descended on him on the form of a dove."

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,

You might want to download my FREE EBook and read my articles before continuing with this line of mumbo-jumbo.

Much of what you are asserting has been decisively and irreversibly exposed as misinterpreted ancient symbolism and purposeful Roman deceptions. Most of what religion and mysticism portrays as ancient wisdom has been proven innacurate.

The time has come to set aside ages-old delusions and to finally learn the truth about ancient texts and their symbology.

The truth will set you free...

Soleil said...

Amazing!I resonated with that. Although isn't the Holy Spirit female?