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Picture: The planet Jupiter and one of its moons.
The image above of the planet Jupiter and one of its moons was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope on Tuesday 25th August 2020. At least one of the features visible in the picture is likely to be a portal; perhaps an interspatial portal or an interdimensional portal.
The clickthrough photograph beneath it is understood to be a twilight grabshot of a small Jovian lightship in the process of creating an agriglyph in a southern English crop field at Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, UK.
If true, that lightship, or its signature energy components, may have passed through one of the portals in or around Jupiter at least once in its past or future history. It might have done that on its own or, more likely, inside a larger mothership. ..............................................................................................................................................
Picture: More talk of a rogue faction clearout in the Netherlands.
Picture: How useful are face masks? What is the scientific evidence?
Picture: USA and Russia. Jackson, Kennedy, Trump and Putin.
Picture: Donald Trump, the Declaration of Independence and the Founding Fathers.
Picture: Conspiracy Obverse.
Picture: Burning the Books. A History of Knowledge Under Attack. Richard Ovenden.
Picture: The rabbit hole goes a long way up.
Picture: Martin Heidegger, Walter Benjamin, Ernst Cassirer and Ludwig Wittgenstein.
Picture: Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) and John Milton (1608-1674).
Picture: The much-discussed Shadow Gate documentary.
Picture: Suzie Dawson thread about the Shadow Gate documentary.
Picture: New health problems said to be emerging from continuous mask wearing.
Picture: Maurice Chatelain - Most US flights were followed by ET space vehicles.
Picture: How will we know when AI has taken over our human computer networks?
Picture: Surveillance capitalism. The thieves have already got your soul.
Picture: USA's Mike Pompeo, London and the Tik Tok HQ.
Picture: John F Kennedy Junior (USA) and his 1999 plane crash.
Picture: USA President Donald Trump at Mount Rushmore. July 2020.
Picture: Putin & Macron discuss establishing a new system of European security.
Picture: Tim Cook, Apple and the USA DoJ Anti-Trust probe.
Picture: Karl Friston and the COVID-19 coronavirus.
Picture: USA - Internet neutrality. Trump, Dorsey and Zuckerberg.
Picture: Thunder and lightning over Washington DC (USA) on Friday 5th June 2020.
Picture: Markets - Global Money Supply v Gold (2003-2020).
Picture: Evaluating the fake news problem.
The Alternative News community worldwide has long been aware that most of the fake news swilling around these days is to be found in the corporate mainstream media (MSM) or in public service broadcasting.
This fake news is planted in those places by deep state security apparats working through bought-and-paid-for editors and journalists, or by political syndicates which effectively 'own' the content of particular corporate media outlets.
In either case the aims are the same: to sustain a false world narrative about what is actually going on geopolitically or domestically, and/or to distract the public mind from real issues of élite corruption and criminality which are at imminent risk of being exposed. Such real issues are robotically labelled by the MSM as 'conspiracy theories' rather than as legitimate matters of investigative reporting, authoritative document leaks, pertinent whistleblowing or conspiracy facts.
It was therefore interesting to see a recent Social Sciences research article entitled Evaluating the fake news problem at the scale of the information ecosystem in the American Association for the Advancement of Science's Science Advances journal (Volume 6, Number 14; 3rd April 2020). This research focused on the fake news situation current in the USA.
The researchers suggest that fake news can be broadly defined as false or misleading information masquerading as legitimate news. This fake news, they say, is frequently asserted to be pervasive online and its presence is believed to have serious consequences for democracy.
The researchers refute this conventional wisdom on three levels. First, news consumption of any sort is heavily outweighed by other forms of media consumption, comprising at most 14.2% of Americans’ daily media diets.
Second, to the extent that Americans do consume news, it is overwhelmingly from television, which accounts for roughly five times as much news consumption as online.
Third, fake news comprises only 0.15% of Americans’ daily media diet.
The research results suggest that the origins of public misinformedness and polarization are more likely to lie in the content of ordinary news or in the avoidance of news altogether as this is thought to be mired in overt fakery.
More here (03.04.20). ..............................................................................................................................................
Picture: EU - Germany's Constitutional Court and the ECB (Christine Lagarde).
Picture: Is the Euro now too dead to be resuscitated?
On Tuesday 5th May 2020, the long-expected break-up of the EuroZone finally became urgent and visible.
In a 110-page ruling, Germany's constitutional court accused the European Central Bank (ECB) of abusing its power and acting beyond its assigned competence. In ruling thus, the German court was effectively overruling the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in Luxembourg.
The legal case related to government debt worth €2.1 trillion purchased by the ECB. This was the bank's latest round of so-called 'Quantitive Easing' (QE) which started in 2015. The German court said that there was insufficient political oversight in the PSPP buying scheme (the ECB's public sector purchase program).
The German court told the ECB that it had three months to prove that its QE bond purchases were proportionate to the economic and fiscal policy effects. And it ordered Germany’s government and Bundestag to monitor the ECB’s efforts. If this was not done, and the ECB failed to provide the requisite proof, Germany’s Bundesbank, the ECB’s largest shareholder, would no longer be allowed to participate in this particular form of QE.
Following Brexit and the COVID-19 event, the German court ruling appeared to put the final nail in the coffin of the EuroZone and its troublesome Euro currency. The whole Nazi-continuum money-laundering project in Brussels and Frankfurt was dead. And another larger question was again brought into sharp focus. Might, indeed, the entire ill-conceived European Union project now collapse into inevitable chaos as its individual nation states, one by one, follow Germany and assert their individual national and legal sovereignties over Brussels?
More here (05.05.20), here (06.05.20) and here (10.05.20). ..............................................................................................................................................
Picture: Americans are 20 times more likely to end up in jail than the Chinese.
More background about America's prison population statistics can be found here, here, here, here and here. ..............................................................................................................................................
Picture: 25th April 1945. Russian & American troops on the Elbe bridge (Torgau, Germany).
Joint statement by the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, and the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the meeting on the River Elbe (Torgau, Germany) on Wednesday 25th April 1945.
April 25, 2020, marks the 75th Anniversary of the historic meeting between Soviet and American soldiers, who shook hands on the damaged bridge over the Elbe River. This event heralded the decisive defeat of the Nazi regime.
The meeting on the Elbe represented a culmination of tremendous efforts by the many countries and peoples that joined forces under the framework of the United Nations Declaration of 1942. This common struggle required enormous sacrifice by millions of soldiers, sailors, and citizens in multiple theaters of war.
We also recognize the contributions from millions of men and women on the home front, who forged vast quantities of war materials for use around the world. Workers and manufacturers played a crucial role in supplying the allied forces with the tools necessary for victory.
The “Spirit of the Elbe” is an example of how our countries can put aside differences, build trust, and cooperate in pursuit of a greater cause. As we work today to confront the most important challenges of the 21st century, we pay tribute to the valor and courage of all those who fought together to defeat fascism. Their heroic feat will never be forgotten.
Sources here (25.04.20) and here (25.04.20).
Picture: Book - The Genetic Superiority of Women. Sharon Moalem.
Picture: Two different American seals.
Picture: The USA Pentagon, China, Russia and Venezuela.
Picture: USA - another Q symbol flag with two Trump supporters.
Picture: Immunosuppression.
Picture: Biochemical psychology - cortisol and the effects of prolonged fear.
Picture: Global currency resets and the new quantum financial system.
Picture: Australian Perth Mint gold and Europe.
By the beginning of April 2020, it seemed likely that one of the side-effects of the global COVID-19 virus event might be the collapse of the EuroZone. Germany was rumoured to be hoarding gold in preparation for an imminent currency reform. The Euro looked dead in the water.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the world in Australia, and under the watchful eye of China, the Perth Mint was said to be smelting quantities of newly-delivered Asian off-ledger gold. German private investors were reported to be among the mint's most active customers.
More background here (02.04.20) and here (30.03.20).
Picture: USA - Michael Horowitz and Christopher Wray. FISAgate (March 2020 memo).
Picture: Forest SunGlimpse.
Picture: The Angel of Aquarius.
Picture: The Ancient of Days watches from the heights of the East.
Picture: Stockmarket crash of 2020 said to be worse than 1987 or 1929.
Picture: USA Army refuses to disclose records about its UFO novel materials deal with TTSA.
Picture: Lijian Zhao, spokesman & DDG of China's MFA Information Department.
Picture: 1981 book by Dean Koontz. COVID-19 coronavirus prediction?
Picture: 'Slayer' by American artist Mark Ryden (1999).
The picture above, entitled 'Slayer' (1999), and the clickthrough image underneath it ('The Birth' - 1994) are by the American artist, Mark Ryden. More examples of artwork by Mark Ryden, and by seventy other artists and illustrators, are linked from this blog page here.
Picture: Book - 'How to Argue with a Racist ' by geneticist Adam Rutherford.
Picture: Thomas Piketty, Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Picture: True or False? Conspiracy fact or conspiracy fiction?
Picture: US Democratic primaries Feb 2020 - Bloomberg, Warren & Sanders.
Picture: Dr Salvatore Cezar Pais and his X-Files-type world patents.
At the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, more and more odd X-Files-type patents started to come to light in the West as the USA began to lose its trade war with China, faced the consequences of US private corporation bankruptcy and was forced to find a way to monetise its long-held military and technology secrets in open world markets.
It was reported that a distinguished American inventor, Salvatore Cezar Pais, had been filing several such world patents on behalf of the USA Navy. His inventions included things to do with high-temperature superconductors, gravitational wave generators, compact fusion reactors, high-energy electromagnetic field generators and a hybrid aerospace-underwater craft. This latter invention seemed to be a sort of amphibious trans-dimensional UFO-like vehicle which operated by skirting round the publicly-taught 'laws' of Physics and re-engineering the fabric of reality along its flightpath.
The Chief Technology Officer of the USA Naval Aviation Enterprise is said to have personally attested to the reality of these inventions in official documents known to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and to Congress.
Salvatore Pais himself recently published an academic paper in the IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science journal detailing his work on a Plasma Compression Fusion Device. Things of this kind are often described as free-energy compact fusion reactors. You get a lot more usable energy out of them than you have to put in initially to get the device started. They can be any size. And they can be wired in to power a vehicle, a house or a city.
By February 2020, across the world, seven or eight variations of this or associated technologies had appeared, or reappeared from deep secrecy. Their release to Joe Public was thought to be associated in some way with the imminent global currency resets and the final defeat of Nazi-Continuum syndicate influence in Antarctica and in Western government rogue factions. It was this negative syndicate which had been instructing the private hoarding of the patents, many for more than a century.
Salvatore Pais used to work for NAVAIR/NAWCAD, but by 2020 was based at the USA Navy Strategic Systems Programs (SSP). At that time, the SSP was rumoured to be struggling to keep up with the more advanced Russian and Chinese missile systems and, in particular, with their defense systems (S-500s etc).
In correspondence with the War Zone website (here), Dr Pais said that his work culminates in the enablement of the 'Pais Effect'. This, he explained, is an original physical concept comprising the generation of extremely high electromagnetic energy fluxes and high local energy densities. These are produced by the controlled motion of electrically-charged matter from solid to plasma states subjected to accelerated vibration and/or accelerated spin, via rapid acceleration transients.
Such high-energy electromagnetic radiation, he claims, can interact locally with the Vacuum Energy State. The VES is the fifth state of matter; the fundamental structure (or foundational framework) from which everything else in our quantum reality emerges, including spacetime. The four other lower-vibration states of matter are solid, liquid, gas and plasma.
Careful engineering of the Pais Effect can give rise to the enablement of macroscopic quantum coherence.
Pais stressed that his work in this area was conducted as a NAVAIR/ NAWCAD employee, and that his current position with the USA Navy SSP has nothing to do with this particular physics.
Source here (22.01.20).
Late note: We commented above that the USA was beginning to lose its trade war with China by the beginning of 2020. This had been apparent to the rest of the world for several months before. Nations such as the USA with hollowed out industrial heartlands and no real money to spend cannot do anything but lose trade wars with China.
China is the workshop of the world. It makes high-quality things at high volume levels which the whole world wants to buy at prices which are readily affordable. Since 1989, the USA has not been like this. It is now a big, fat, consuming country with its feet up on a collapsing table. Relatively speaking, it makes hardly anything tangible in volumes that anyone wants. And when, occasionally, it does succeed in selected sectors, the prices are too high and are denominated in a fiat currency which is no longer trusted.
The fact of the lost trade war with China began to seep into the domestic American consciousness in the early part of 2020 with a new report from the Congressional Budget Office. Trump's trade war was projected to reduce the average family's real income by $1,277 in 2020, it said. The CBO is not a partisan political outfit. It is a neutral research entity.
The reality is that the tariffs imposed by the Trump administration and the retaliatory tariffs imposed by China (and other nations) reduce economic growth while increasing prices to consumers. These days the average American is a consumer, not a producer.
The Trump trade war tariffs are expected to reduce the level of real USA GDP by about 0.5% in 2020 and raise consumer prices by the same percentage. This is the root cause of the likelihood that real household incomes in 2020 will reduce by $1,277. This is a big number for a modern economy in a single year. For comparison, the median American household pays around $2,000 in federal income taxes. The domestic cost of the Trump trade war, therefore, effectively amounts to a tax hike of more than 60% in one calendar year.
Trade war tariffs don't just increase costs on consumer goods. They also create the kind of uncertainty which leads many American businesses to delay or forgo new investments or to make costly adjustments to their supply chains. And, of course, tariffs also result in retaliatory policies from trading partners, thus reducing exports by American companies.
The January 2020 CBO report also projected that the USA federal budget deficit would increase to $1 trillion in 2020 and would average $1.3 trillion per year through 2030. On these bases, the USA federal debt could be expected to grow from 81% of GDP in 2020 to 98% of GDP in 2030, and to 180% of GDP by 2050.
In each of the last three quarters of 2019, during the Trump trade wars, the USA economy grew by a little over 2%. This was a slower rate of growth than happened during the final three years of the Obama administration.
More detail here (07.02.20) and here (Jan 2020).
.............................................................................................................................................. Picture: Senate letter about Hunter Biden's business deals in Ukraine & China.
Picture: A World Without Work. Technology, Automation & the human response.
Picture: Pteropus fruitbat, ACE2 receptor, Coronavirus 2019-nCov and SARS-Cov.
Picture: Another Coronavirus patent - this time dating from 2018.
Picture: Climate Crisis - Tobacco, oil & gas firms now accorded pariah status.
Picture: Greta Thunberg with a plausible grown-up at Davos. January 2020.
Picture: Putin & Merkel at the Berlin peace summit on Libya - 19th January 2020.
Picture: Pompeo & Putin at the Berlin peace summit on Libya - 19th January 2020.
Picture: Newly-discovered bird in Indonesia. Nine others were discovered with it.
Picture: Quantum Weirdness - A summary - New book by John Gribbin.
Picture: Optical illusion? How many black dots does your brain let you see?
Picture: Russia and Syria - Putin and Assad in Damascus - January 2020.
Picture: Russia and USA - Sergey Lavrov and Mike Pompeo.
Picture: US and USA Republicans 2000-2020.
Picture: USA - Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler & Trump. The 2019 impeachment diversion.
In the run-up to Christmas 2019, the USA President, Donald Trump, wrote a letter to the Democratic Party Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi. It was a long and detailed letter, destined to be of major historical importance for the American people and for Constitutional lawyers for decades, if not centuries, to come.
The letter came at a time when the Nazi-Continuum remnant in America was finally being cleared out of national governance permanently. The Nazi-Continuum years in America were 1945-2016.
During this time, and particularly since 1989, the nation was looted and ruined by corporate oligarchs bent on a self-enriching globalisation agenda which sought to put private corporations above nation states in the global pecking order, and which made American-fomented foreign wars and subversive agitations into a permanent tool of foreign policy designed to further the financial interests of those private corporations.
Side effects of this looting included a debt-driven bankruptcy of the US private corporation (UNITED STATES, INC.), national deindustrialisation as jobs and factories were moved overseas, the destruction of the American middle-class, the growth of tent cities, the crumbling of national infrastructure and the attempted sale of great chunks of American territory and technology to China.
For this Nazi-Continuum agenda to operate efficiently required bankers at the very top to control, covertly, every aspect of US public governance including the military, money-makers, market-makers, intelligence agencies, law enforcement, legal professionals, accountants, media and politicians.
During the Obama years (2008-2016), the corruption became so manifest within the US Deep State that the Nazi-Continuum lost the loyalty of the American military. By 2014, the military had decided to act in defence of the American people to restore the Constitution and the Republic. To do this, they needed the public support not just of the domestic state militias but also of a powerful and independent-minded patriot in the White House who would start to drain the Washington swamp. This was achieved in the Presidential election of 2016. The US corporation was supplanted by the USA corporation. More background here.
By the end of 2019, most of the major Nazi-Continuum puppets had died, disappeared or left publicly visible office. Tens of thousands awaited the unsealing of treason or corruption indictments against them and the inevitable military tribunals which would follow under Admiralty Court Martial Law. More here (pdf 23pp).
An old concretisation of retainers, however, remained in place at the top of the Democratic Party in Washington and at the top of the Fake News media corporations which still supported them and which huckstered the false world narratives which favoured the American trans-national corporate agenda.
One of these narratives had to do with terrorism and 'The War on Terror', a fiction designed to enable global wars, corporate oil thefts and resource-rich land-grabs. For this false world narrative to work required the activity of real-world controlled terrorist networks ('private military contractors') to organise school shootings, plane crashes, false flag attacks, extremist religious armies, and massive immigration flows into the USA through the southern border. Among other things, the calculation was that these immigrants would vote Democrat.
President Trump's letter to Nancy Pelosi of Tuesday 17th December 2019 addressed her party's last-ditch and treasonous attempt to launch impeachment proceedings against him in order to divert public attention from the exposure of her anti-Constitutional rogue faction within the Democratic Party and of the media moguls who still supported it.
In his letter, Donald Trump characterised this impeachment diversion as a partisan crusade by the Democrats which represented an unprecedented and unconstitutional abuse of power by them.
The Articles of Impeachment introduced by the House Judiciary Committee were not recognizable under any standard of Constitutional theory, interpretation, or jurisprudence. The Democrats, in proceeding with their invalid impeachment, were violating their oaths of office, breaking their allegiance to the Constitution, and declaring open war upon American Democracy.
The Democrats, Trump asserted, were attempting to turn a policy disagreement between two branches of the American government into an impeachable offense. They were trying to impeach him by falsely accusing him of doing what Obama's Vice President, Joe Biden, himself had actually done in Ukraine.
The House Democrats were trying to impeach the duly-elected President of the United States for asserting Constitutionally-based privileges which had been asserted on a bipartisan basis by administrations of both political parties throughout American history. This was a naked abuse of power by the Democrats. The Founders of the Nation had feared the tribalisation of partisan politics, and the Democrats were now bringing their worst fears to life. History would judge them as they proceeded with their impeachment charade. Their legacy would be that of turning the House of Representatives from a revered legislative body into a Star Chamber of partisan persecution.
The full text of the American President's six-page letter to Nancy Pelosi follows below:
December 17, 2019
The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Washington, DC. 20515
Dear Madam Speaker:
I write to express my strongest and most powerful protest against the partisan impeachment crusade being pursued by the Democrats in the House of Representatives. This impeachment represents an unprecedented and unconstitutional abuse of power by Democrat Lawmakers, unequaled in nearly two and a half centuries of American legislative history.
The Articles of Impeachment introduced by the House Judiciary Committee are not recognizable under any standard of Constitutional theory, interpretation, or jurisprudence. They include no crimes, no misdemeanors, and no offenses whatsoever. You have cheapened the importance of the very ugly word, impeachment!
By proceeding with your invalid impeachment, you are violating your oaths of office, you are breaking your allegiance to the Constitution, and you are declaring open war on American Democracy. You dare to invoke the Founding Fathers in pursuit of this election-nullification scheme - yet your spiteful actions display unfettered contempt for America's founding and your egregious conduct threatens to destroy that which our Founders pledged their very lives to build.
Even worse than offending the Founding Fathers, you are offending Americans of faith by continually saying "I pray for the President," when you know this statement is not true, unless it is meant in a negative sense. It is a terrible thing you are doing, but you will have to live with it, not I!
Your first claim, "Abuse of Power," is a completely disingenuous, meritless, and baseless invention of your imagination. You know that I had a totally innocent conversation with the President of Ukraine. I then had a second conversation that has been misquoted, mischaracterized, and fraudulently misrepresented. Fortunately, there was a transcript of the conversation taken, and you know from the transcript (which was immediately made available) that the paragraph in question was perfect. I said to President Zelensky: "I would like you to do us a favor, though, because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it." I said do us a favor, not me, and our country, not a campaign. I then mentioned the Attorney General of the United States. Every time I talk with a foreign leader, I put America's interests first, just as I did with President Zelensky.
You are turning a policy disagreement between two branches of government into an impeachable offense - it is no more legitimate than the Executive Branch charging members of Congress with crimes for the lawful exercise of legislative power.
You know full well that Vice President Biden used his office and $1 billion dollars of U.S. aid money to coerce Ukraine into firing the prosecutor who was digging into the company paying his son millions of dollars. You know this because Biden bragged about it on video. Biden openly stated: "I said, 'I'm telling you, you're not getting the billion dollars' ... I looked at them and said: 'I'm leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money.' Well, son of a bitch. He got fired." Even Joe Biden admitted just days ago in an interview with NPR that it "looked bad." Now you are trying to impeach me by falsely accusing me of doing what Joe Biden has admitted he actually did.
President Zelensky has repeatedly declared that I did nothing wrong, and that there was No Pressure. He further emphasized that it was a "good phone call," that "I don't feel pressure," and explicitly stressed that "nobody pushed me." The Ukrainian Foreign Minister stated very clearly: "I have never seen a direct link between investigations and security assistance." He also said there was "No Pressure." Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, a supporter of Ukraine who met privately with President Zelensky, has said: "At no time during this meeting ... was there any mention by Zelensky or any Ukrainian that they were feeling pressure to do anything in return for the military aid." Many meetings have been held between representatives of Ukraine and our country. Never once did Ukraine complain about pressure being applied - not once! Ambassador Sondland testifed that I told him: "No quid pro quo. I want nothing. I want nothing. I want President Zelensky to do the right thing, do what he ran on."
The second claim, so-called "Obstruction of Congress," is preposterous and dangerous. House Democrats are trying to impeach the duly elected President of the United States for asserting Constitutionally based privileges that have been asserted on a bipartisan basis by administrations of both political parties throughout our Nation's history. Under that standard, every American president would have been impeached many times over. As liberal law professor Jonathan Turley warned when addressing Congressional Democrats: "I can't emphasize this enough ... if you impeach a president, if you make a high crime and misdemeanor out of going to the courts, it is an abuse of power. It's your abuse of power. You're doing precisely what you're criticizing the President for doing."
Everyone, you included, knows what is really happening. Your chosen candidate lost the election in 2016, in an Electoral College landslide (306-227), and you and your party have never recovered from this defeat. You have developed a full-fledged case of what many in the media call Trump Derangement Syndrome and sadly, you will never get over it! You are unwilling and unable to accept the verdict issued at the ballot box during the great Election of 2016. So you have spent three straight years attempting to overturn the will of the American people and nullify their votes. You view democracy as your enemy!
Speaker Pelosi, you admitted just last week at a public forum that your party's impeachment effort has been going on for "two and a half years," long before you ever heard about a phone call with Ukraine. Nineteen minutes after I took the oath of office, the Washington Post published a story headlined, "The Campaign to Impeach President Trump Has Begun." Less than three months after my inauguration, Representative Maxine Waters stated, "I'm going to fight every day until he's impeached." House Democrats introduced the first impeachment resolution against me within months of my inauguration, for what will be regarded as one of our country's best decisions, the firing of James Comey (see Inspector General Reports) - who the world now knows is one of the dirtiest cops our Nation has ever seen. A ranting and raving Congresswoman, Rashida Tlaib, declared just hours after she was sworn into office, "We're gonna go in there and we're gonna impeach the motherf****r." Representative Al Green said in May, "I'm concerned that if we don't impeach this president, he will get re-elected." Again, you and your allies said, and did, all of these things long before you ever heard of President Zelensky or anything related to Ukraine. As you know very well, this impeachment drive has nothing to do with Ukraine, or the totally appropriate conversation I had with its new president. It only has to do with your attempt to undo the election of 2016 and steal the election of 2020!
Congressman Adam Schiff cheated and lied all the way up to the present day, even going so far as to fraudulently make up, out of thin air, my conversation with President Zelensky of Ukraine and read this fantasy language to Congress as though it were said by me. His shameless lies and deceptions, dating all the way back to the Russia Hoax, is one of the main reasons we are here today.
You and your party are desperate to distract from America's extraordinary economy, incredible jobs boom, record stock market, soaring confidence, and flourishing citizens. Your party simply cannot compete with our record: 7 million new jobs; the lowest-ever unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans; a rebuilt military; a completely reformed VA with Choice and Accountability for our great veterans; more than 170 new federal judges and two Supreme Court Justices; historic tax and regulation cuts; the elimination of the individual mandate; the first decline in prescription drug prices in half a century; the first new branch of the United States Military since 1947, the Space Force; strong protection of the Second Amendment; criminal justice reform; a defeated ISIS caliphate and the killing of the world's number one terrorist leader, al-Baghdadi; the replacement of the disastrous NAFTA trade deal with the wonderful USMCA (Mexico and Canada); a breakthrough Phase One trade deal with China; massive new trade deals with Japan and South Korea; withdrawal from the terrible Iran Nuclear Deal; cancellation of the unfair and costly Paris Climate Accord; becoming the world's top energy producer; recognition of Israel's capital, opening the American Embassy in Jerusalem, and recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights; a colossal reduction in illegal border crossings, the ending of Catch-and-Release, and the building of the Southern Border Wall - and that is just the beginning, there is so much more. You cannot defend your extreme policies - open borders, mass migration, high crime, crippling taxes, socialized healthcare, destruction of American energy, late-term taxpayer-funded abortion, elimination of the Second Amendment, radical far-left theories of law and justice, and constant partisan obstruction of both common sense and common good.
There is nothing I would rather do than stop referring to your party as the Do-Nothing Democrats. Unfortunately, I don't know that you will ever give me a chance to do so.
After three years of unfair and unwarranted investigations, 45 million dollars spent, 18 angry Democrat prosecutors, the entire force of the FBI, headed by leadership now proven to be totally incompetent and corrupt, you have found NOTHING! Few people in high position could have endured or passed this test. You do not know, nor do you care, the great damage and hurt you have inflicted upon wonderful and loving members of my family. You conducted a fake investigation upon the democratically elected President of the United States, and you are doing it yet again.
There are not many people who could have taken the punishment inflicted during this period of time, and yet done so much for the success of America and its citizens. But instead of putting our country first, you have decided to disgrace our country still further. You completely failed with the Mueller report because there was nothing to find, so you decided to take the next hoax that came along, the phone call with Ukraine - even though it was a perfect call. And by the way, when I speak to foreign countries, there are many people, with permission, listening to the call on both sides of the conversation.
You are the ones interfering in America's elections. You are the ones subverting America's Democracy. You are the ones Obstructing Justice. You are the ones bringing pain and suffering to our Republic for your own selfish personal, political, and partisan gain.
Before the Impeachment Hoax, it was the Russian Witch Hunt. Against all evidence, and regardless of the truth, you and your deputies claimed that my campaign colluded with the Russians - a grave, malicious, and slanderous lie, a falsehood like no other. You forced our Nation through turmoil and torment over a wholly fabricated story, illegally purchased from a foreign spy by Hillary Clinton and the DNC in order to assault our democracy. Yet, when the monstrous lie was debunked and this Democrat conspiracy dissolved into dust, you did not apologize. You did not recant. You did not ask to be forgiven. You showed no remorse, no capacity for self-reflection. Instead, you pursued your next libelous and vicious crusade - you engineered an attempt to frame and defame an innocent person. All of this was motivated by personal political calculation. Your Speakership and your party are held hostage by your most deranged and radical representatives of the far left. Each one of your members lives in fear of a socialist primary challenger - this is what is driving impeachment. Look at Congressman Nadler's challenger. Look at yourself and others. Do not take our country down with your party.
If you truly cared about freedom and liberty for our Nation, then you would be devoting your vast investigative resources to exposing the full truth concerning the horrifying abuses of power before, during, and after the 2016 election - including the use of spies against my campaign, the submission of false evidence to a FISA court, and the concealment of exculpatory evidence in order to frame the innocent. The FBI has great and honorable people, but the leadership was inept and corrupt. I would think that you would personally be appalled by these revelations, because in your press conference the day you announced impeachment, you tied the impeachment effort directly to the completely discredited Russia Hoax, declaring twice that "all roads lead to Putin," when you know that is an abject lie. I have been far tougher on Russia than President Obama ever even thought to be.
Any member of Congress who votes in support of impeachment - against every shred of truth, fact, evidence, and legal principle - is showing how deeply they revile the voters and how truly they detest America's Constitutional order. Our Founders feared the tribalization of partisan politics, and you are bringing their worst fears to life.
Worse still, I have been deprived of basic Constitutional Due Process from the beginning of this impeachment scam right up until the present. I have been denied the most fundamental rights afforded by the Constitution, including the right to present evidence, to have my own counsel present, to confront accusers, and to call and cross-examine witnesses, like the so-called whistleblower who started this entire hoax with a false report of the phone call that bears no relationship to the actual phone call that was made. Once I presented the transcribed call, which surprised and shocked the fraudsters (they never thought that such evidence would be presented), the so-called whistleblower, and the second whistleblower, disappeared because they got caught, their report was a fraud, and they were no longer going to be made available to us. In other words, once the phone call was made public, your whole plot blew up, but that didn't stop you from continuing.
More due process was afforded to those accused in the Salem Witch Trials.
You and others on your committees have long said impeachment must be bipartisan - it is not. You said it was very divisive - it certainly is, even far more than you ever thought possible - and it will only get worse!
This is nothing more than an illegal, partisan attempted coup that will, based on recent sentiment, badly fail at the voting booth. You are not just after me, as President, you are after the entire Republican Party. But because of this colossal injustice, our party is more united than it has ever been before. History will judge you as you proceed with this impeachment Charade. Your legacy will be that of turning the House of Representatives from a revered legislative body into a Star Chamber of partisan persecution.
Perhaps most insulting of all is your false display of solemnity. You apparently have so little respect for the American People that you expect them to believe that you are approaching this impeachment somberly, reservedly, and reluctantly. No intelligent person believes what you are saying. Since the moment I won the election, the Democrat Party has been possessed by Impeachment Fever. There is no reticence. This is not a somber affair. You are making a mockery of impeachment and you are scarcely concealing your hatred of me, of the Republican Party, and tens of millions of patriotic Americans. The voters are wise, and they are seeing straight through this empty, hollow, and dangerous game you are playing.
I have no doubt the American people will hold you and the Democrats fully responsible in the upcoming 2020 election. They will not soon forgive your perversion of justice and abuse of power.
There is far too much that needs to be done to improve the lives of our citizens. It is time for you and the highly partisan Democrats in Congress to immediately cease this impeachment fantasy and get back to work for the American People. While I have no expectation that you will do so, I write this letter to you for the purpose of history and to put my thoughts on a permanent and indelible record.
One hundred years from now, when people look back at this affair, I want them to understand it, and learn from it, so that it can never happen to another President again.
Sincerely yours,
Donald J. Trump
President of the United States of America
cc: United States Senate
United States House of Representatives
Source here (17.12.19).
Picture: Is there a connection between Antarctica and the Secret Space Programs?
More about the hidden Antarctic can be found here, here, here, here and here. And more about covert space program activity here, here, here, here, here and here.
Picture: Ukraine, Russia and Donbass - Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Vladimir Putin.
Picture: European bloodlines: House of Windsor and Saxe-Coburg & Gotha.
Picture: Who is Gibbo? Social media meme. Monday 2nd December 2019.
Picture: Yury Ushakov and Vladimir Putin in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. November 2019.
Picture: Handheld Q posters in Hong Kong. November 2019.
Picture: Q Anon banner on overpass. Chicago USA. 21st November 2019.
Picture: USA - Hunter Biden and Joe Biden. The hunters become the hunted.
Picture: Is what is called 'schizophrenia' really an illness at all?
James, engaged in military training at Sandhurst, finds himself on parade in his pyjamas. Erica believes that the contraceptive coil she has had fitted is a camera planted by MI5. Brigid is obsessed with a photo of a statue of the Virgin Mary. Hillary has recurring delusions that Western neoliberal democracy is benevolent.
Once upon a time, schizophrenia was thought to be a severe mental disorder (or group of disorders) characterised by a disintegration of the process of thinking, of contact with reality, or of emotional responsiveness. Now we just call it politics.
So-called 'schizophrenia' used to be known as the heartland of psychiatry. But is it now becoming apparent that psychiatry itself is the disease?
After all, what is any mental illness diagnosis supposed to mean? Vote for me - I'm special? And who gets to decide the diagnosis? And what happens then? BigPharma makes a drug for it. The drug doesn't cure anything. It's not supposed to. It's suppose to make money and prepare the way for better drugs for the condition which don't work either but are more expensive. An industry insider once observed that psychopharmacological research is a dark art. An alternative view might be that it is not an art at all. It's cheap cover for a corporate con.
Erica, the MI5 contraceptive coil woman, describes the transient nature of her delusions as being like: “When you kind of sniff something in the air. Except it’s sniffing a thought.”
In the UK, at King's College London, Professor Graham Thornicroft comments that “Popular knowledge about mental illness is a potent cocktail of profound ignorance and pernicious information.” If this is the case, one wonders what unpopular knowledge about mental illness might entail.
It is curious that there is an over-representation of black people in the Western mental health system. Or, is it? Perhaps is it not curious at all. Perhaps institutional racism is to be expected when vested-interest corporate medicine goes mainstream.
Where do all schizophrenia's paranoid delusions come from apart from the mainstream media's fake news? It's a question worth asking. Some suggest that social media are now replacing religion as the second most frequent source.
Repeated allegations of the non-existence of so-called schizophrenia serve to stress that nothing in the world of mental health is uncontroversial. True or false? Or just MI5 again?
More here.
.............................................................................................................................................. Picture: A plastic teabag in water at 95°C releases 11.6B microplastic particles.
Picture: The British royal family and rumours of under-age sex trafficking.
In the UK in November 2019, Andrew Windsor ('Prince Andrew'), a son of Elizabeth Windsor ('The Queen'), once more became associated in the public mind with an Israel-linked international under-age sex-trafficking syndicate said to involve Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Ray Chandler, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, several 'Jane Does' and others.
On Wednesday 20th November 2019, Andrew Windsor issued the following statement:
It has become clear to me over the last few days that the circumstances relating to my former association with Jeffrey Epstein has become a major disruption to my family’s work and the valuable work going on in the many organisations and charities that I am proud to support.
Therefore, I have asked Her Majesty if I may step back from public duties for the foreseeable future, and she has given her permission.
I continue to unequivocally regret my ill-judged association with Jeffrey Epstein. His suicide has left many unanswered questions, particularly for his victims, and I deeply sympathise with everyone who has been affected and wants some form of closure. I can only hope that, in time, they will be able to rebuild their lives. Of course, I am willing to help any appropriate law enforcement agency with their investigations, if required.
Text source here (20.11.19). BBC England reportage here and here. Associated Florida (USA) legal text here.
Picture: Books - 'Don't Be Evil - The Case Against Big Tech' by Rana Foroohar.
Picture: Debunking MSM QAnon Conspiracy Theories
Picture: France 2019 - Emmanuel Macron and the Gilets Jaunes.
Picture: How Quantitative Easing works in practice.
Picture: The Self does not die. Consciousness is fundamental in the universe.
Picture: Iraq War Film - Keira Knightley as GCHQ whistleblower Katharine Gun.
One day in 2003, UK GCHQ's Katharine Gun received a memo from the US National Security Agency. The Americans wanted Britain’s help in collecting compromising information on United Nations Security Council members in order to blackmail them into voting in favour of an invasion of Iraq.
Gun leaked the memo to the UK press. She was sacked and charged with breaching the Official Secrets Act. At her trial KatharineGun was cleared of the charge when the prosecution offered no evidence. "I wanted to put the Iraq war on trial," she commented.
More here, here and here.
Picture: Donald Trump, the USA military, California and the tech giants.
Picture: Washing machine abuse. Delicate wash cycles v standard wash cycles.
Picture: History is a process, not a locked box. Hilary Mantel and Thomas Cromwell.
Picture: UK PM Boris Johnson and a local Queen.
On Tuesday 24th September 2019, in London, the UK's Supreme Court ruled that Prime Minister Boris Johnson had acted unlawfully when he advised the Queen to suspend Parliament in the run-up to Brexit.
Johnson's advice to the Queen was unlawful, void and of no effect. The prorogation of Parliament was also void and of no effect. This ruling was the unanimous judgment of a panel all eleven Supreme Court Justices.
The full text of the public statement which Lady Hale, the president of the the UK Supreme Court, gave follows:
We have before us two appeals, one from the High Court of England and Wales and one from the Inner House of the Court of Session in Scotland.
It is important, once again, to emphasise that these cases are not about when and on what terms the United Kingdom is to leave the European Union. They are only about whether the advice given by the Prime Minister to Her Majesty the Queen on 27th or 28th August, that Parliament should be prorogued from a date between 9th and 12th September until 14th October, was lawful and the legal consequences if it was not. The question arises in circumstances which have never arisen before and are unlikely to arise again. It is a "one-off".
Briefly, the Scottish case was brought by a cross party group of 75 members of Parliament and a QC on 30th July because of their concern that Parliament might be prorogued to avoid further debate in the lead up to exit day on 31st October. On 15th August, Nikki da Costa, Director of Legislative Affairs at No 10, sent a memorandum to the Prime Minister, copied to seven people, civil servants and special advisers, recommending that his Parliamentary Private Secretary approach the Palace with a request for prorogation to begin within 9th to 12th September and for a Queen's Speech on 14th October. The Prime Minister ticked 'yes' to that recommendation.
On 27th or 28th August, in a telephone call, he formally advised Her Majesty to prorogue Parliament between those dates. On 28th August, Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg, Leader of the House of Commons and Lord President of the Privy Council, Mr Mark Harper, chief whip, and Baroness Evans of Bowes Park, Leader of the House of Lords, attended a meeting of the Privy Council held by the Queen at Balmoral Castle.
An Order in Council was made that Parliament be prorogued between those dates and that the Lord Chancellor prepare and issue a commission for proroguing Parliament accordingly. A Cabinet meeting was held by conference call shortly after that in order to bring the rest of the Cabinet "up to speed" on the decisions which had been taken. That same day, the decision was made public and the Prime Minister sent a letter to all Members of Parliament explaining it. As soon as the decision was announced, Mrs Miller began the English proceedings challenging its lawfulness.
Parliament returned from the summer recess on 3rd September. The House of Commons voted to decide for themselves what business they would transact. The next day what became the European Union (Withdrawal) (No 2) Act passed all its stages in the Commons. It passed all its stages in the House of Lords on 6th September and received royal assent on 9th September. The object of that Act is to prevent the United Kingdom leaving the European Union without a withdrawal agreement on 31st October.
On 11th September, the High Court of England and Wales delivered judgment dismissing Mrs Miller's claim on the ground that the issue was not justiciable in a court of law. That same day, the Inner House of the Court of Session in Scotland announced its decision that the issue was justiciable, that it was motivated by the improper purpose of stymying Parliamentary scrutiny of the Government, and that it, and any prorogation which followed it, were unlawful and thus void and of no effect.
Mrs Miller's appeal against the English decision and the Advocate General's appeal against the Scottish decision were heard by this court from 17th to 19th September. Because of the importance of the case, we convened a panel of 11 Justices, the maximum number of serving Justices who are permitted to sit. This judgment is the unanimous judgment of all 11 Justices.
The first question is whether the lawfulness of the Prime Minister's advice to Her Majesty is justiciable. This Court holds that it is. The courts have exercised a supervisory jurisdiction over the lawfulness of acts of the Government for centuries. As long ago as 1611, the court held that "the King [who was then the government] hath no prerogative but that which the law of the land allows him".
However, in considering prerogative powers, it is necessary to distinguish between two different questions. The first is whether a prerogative power exists and if so its extent. The second is whether the exercise of that power, within its limits, is open to legal challenge. This second question may depend upon what the power is all about: some powers are not amenable to judicial review while others are. However, there is no doubt that the courts have jurisdiction to decide upon the existence and limits of a prerogative power. All the parties to this case accept that. This Court has concluded that this case is about the limits of the power to advise Her Majesty to prorogue Parliament.
The second question, therefore, is what are the limits to that power? Two fundamental principles of our Constitution are relevant to deciding that question. The first is Parliamentary sovereignty - that Parliament can make laws which everyone must obey: this would be undermined if the executive could, through the use of the prerogative, prevent Parliament from exercising its power to make laws for as long as it pleased.
The second fundamental principle is Parliamentary accountability: in the words of Lord Bingham, senior Law Lord, "the conduct of government by a Prime Minister and Cabinet collectively responsible and accountable to Parliament lies at the heart of Westminster democracy". The power to prorogue is limited by the constitutional principles with which it would otherwise conflict.
For present purposes, the relevant limit on the power to prorogue is this: that a decision to prorogue (or advise the monarch to prorogue) will be unlawful if the prorogation has the effect of frustrating or preventing, without reasonable justification, the ability of Parliament to carry out its constitutional functions as a legislature and as the body responsible for the supervision of the executive.
In judging any justification which might be put forward, the court must of course be sensitive to the responsibilities and experience of the Prime Minister and proceed with appropriate caution.
If the prorogation does have that effect, without reasonable justification, there is no need for the court to consider whether the Prime Minister's motive or purpose was unlawful.
The third question, therefore, is whether this prorogation did have the effect of frustrating or preventing the ability of Parliament to carry out its constitutional functions without reasonable justification. This was not a normal prorogation in the run-up to a Queen's Speech. It prevented Parliament from carrying out its constitutional role for five out of the possible eight weeks between the end of the summer recess and exit day on 31st October.
Proroguing Parliament is quite different from Parliament going into recess. While Parliament is prorogued, neither House can meet, debate or pass legislation. Neither House can debate Government policy. Nor may members ask written or oral questions of Ministers or meet and take evidence in committees.
In general, Bills which have not yet completed all their stages are lost and will have to start again from scratch after the Queen's Speech. During a recess, on the other hand, the House does not sit but Parliamentary business can otherwise continue as usual.
This prolonged suspension of Parliamentary democracy took place in quite exceptional circumstances: the fundamental change which was due to take place in the Constitution of the United Kingdom on 31st October. Parliament, and in particular the House of Commons as the elected representatives of the people, has a right to a voice in how that change comes about. The effect upon the fundamentals of our democracy was extreme.
No justification for taking action with such an extreme effect has been put before the court. The only evidence of why it was taken is the memorandum from Nikki da Costa of 15th August. This explains why holding the Queen's Speech to open a new session of Parliament on 14th October would be desirable. It does not explain why it was necessary to bring Parliamentary business to a halt for five weeks before that, when the normal period necessary to prepare for the Queen's Speech is four to six days. It does not discuss the difference between prorogation and recess. It does not discuss the impact of prorogation on the special procedures for scrutinising the delegated legislation necessary to achieve an orderly withdrawal from the European Union, with or without a withdrawal agreement, on 31st October. It does not discuss what Parliamentary time would be needed to secure Parliamentary approval for any new withdrawal agreement, as required by section 13 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018.
The Court is bound to conclude, therefore, that the decision to advise Her Majesty to prorogue Parliament was unlawful because it had the effect of frustrating or preventing the ability of Parliament to carry out its constitutional functions without reasonable justification.
The next and final question, therefore, is what the legal effect of that finding is and therefore what remedies the Court should grant. The Court can certainly declare that the advice was unlawful. The Inner House went further and declared that any prorogation resulting from it was null and of no effect.
The Government argues that the Inner House could not do that because the prorogation was a "proceeding in Parliament" which, under the Bill of Rights of 1688 cannot be impugned or questioned in any court. But it is quite clear that the prorogation is not a proceeding in Parliament.
It takes place in the House of Lords chamber in the presence of members of both Houses, but it is not their decision. It is something which has been imposed upon them from outside. It is not something on which members can speak or vote. It is not the core or essential business of Parliament which the Bill of Rights protects. Quite the reverse: it brings that core or essential business to an end.
This Court has already concluded that the Prime Minister's advice to Her Majesty was unlawful, void and of no effect. This means that the Order in Council to which it led was also unlawful, void and of no effect and should be quashed. This means that when the Royal Commissioners walked into the House of Lords it was as if they walked in with a blank sheet of paper. The prorogation was also void and of no effect. Parliament has not been prorogued. This is the unanimous judgment of all 11 Justices.
It is for Parliament, and in particular the Speaker and the Lord Speaker to decide what to do next. Unless there is some Parliamentary rule of which we are unaware, they can take immediate steps to enable each House to meet as soon as possible. It is not clear to us that any step is needed from the Prime Minister, but if it is, the court is pleased that his counsel have told the court that he will take all necessary steps to comply with the terms of any declaration made by this court.
It follows that the Advocate General's appeal in the case of Cherry is dismissed and Mrs Miller's appeal is allowed. The same declarations and orders should be made in each case.
Source here (24.09.19).
Picture: Greta Thunberg #climatestrike #klimatstrejk #FridaysForFuture
Picture: Black carbon particles inhaled by pregnant mothers can cross the placenta.
Picture: Silver and gold prices surged in the third quarter of 2019.
Picture: Demographics - Does the future of the planet belong to Africa and India?
Picture: 'Jutta and Gisela Getty' by Mati Klarwein (1993).
The picture above, entitled 'Jutta and Gisela Getty' (1993), and the clickthrough image underneath it ('Artist and Model' [1959 detail]) are by the German artist, Mati Klarwein. More examples of artwork by Mati Klarwein, and by seventy other artists and illustrators, are linked from this blog page here.
Picture: Mark Carney (BoE) and Jerome Powell (Fed). August 2019.
The dire debt maths of the USA's public finances, the bankruptcy of the US corporation rogue faction (UNITED STATES, INC.), and the knee-jerk protectionist trade wars being megaphoned from Washington DC can mean only one thing. The US dollar is about to become an ephemeral paper-based bathroom accessory.
Everyone in the upper echelon of global finance knows this. It's the let's-pretend-it-isn't-there heffalump in the vault.
One such heffalump-aware influencer is Mark Carney. He is the outgoing Governor of the Bank of England and oft-times chairman of various old capitalism committees at the privately-owned Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland. Carney also has a posing rôle on the G20’s Financial Stability Board and is an admirer of gold; particularly Asian gold.
Speaking recently at a bankers' conference at Jackson Hole, Wyoming (USA), Mark Carney said that it may soon be time to junk the US dollar as the global reserve currency and move to something better; something which is less obviously toxic to global financial well-being.
Sometimes, apparently, it is OK to applaud a banker for offering a blinding glimpse of the obvious to close friends.
As Carney put it, the US dollar is too 'dominant' and could be replaced by an international digital currency. Stockpiling dollars has become a barrier to global trade and a barrier to sustainable recovery in the West. The introduction of a new digital currency backed by a large group of nations would unlock dollar funds that governments currently hoard as an insurance policy in uncertain times.
One of the reasons that national governments stockpile dollars is to insure against swings in the US economy. This American volatility has intensified recently.
A digital currency could dampen the domineering influence of the US dollar on global trade. A new international financial architecture would develop around the new digital currency. This cryptocurrency would displace the dollar’s current dominance in credit markets. And reducing the influence of the US on the global financial cycle would help to reduce the volatility of capital flows to emerging market economies.
According to research conducted by the Bank of England in London, the USA now accounts for only 10% of world trade. Despite this, in 2019, over 70% of global GDP still uses the US dollar as an anchor currency (a reserve currency). This is an absurd state of affairs in both geopolitical and geofinancial terms. Root-and-branch reform is urgently needed.
It is said that new systems are ready to run. Gold will be an important factor in the coming international changes. So will asset-backed cryptocurrencies.
More here (23.08.19). Some related geopolitical background can be found here (26.08.19), with an extended version of the same article here. And the full text of Mark Carney's speech at the 2019 Jackson Hole symposium is here (pdf 23pp).
Picture: Corporate evil, artificial intelligence and cyberform spirituality.
Picture: 5G comms. Is there a negative intent behind the rapid rollout?
Is the new 5G communications system a directed-energy weapons system covertly backed by an élite Nazi-continuum Satanist faction? And is 5G designed to deliver both untraceable individual assassinations and genocide-level human depopulation events? Dr Katherine Horton and her associates think it may be.
Katherine Horton is an Oxford-trained particle physicist who has worked at DESY (Hamburg) and CERN (Geneva). She says there are indications that the rapid implementation of 5G currently underway may be related to its application as a Directed Energy Weapons system and as infrastructure to interface with non-consensually implanted human body chips.
In addition to chip implants, 5G also targets smart phones, smart refrigerators, smart speakers, smart utility meters, heart pacemakers, car satnavs, passenger plane autopilots, tablets, laptops, wireless routers and anything fitted with tracking devices such as secure keyrings and bank cards.
On this view, 5G appears to have the capacity to be a worldwide body control and instant kill weapons system. And it is being erected all around us right now. Already the 5G antennae are as dense as one every 50-100m in the neighbourhoods where the system is being deployed.
5G is presented to the public as a benevolent new technology which will bring rapid wireless data and internet connections to the whole world. It is also being presented as a natural technological evolution from 3G and 4G. It is not. 5G is a covert step-change category innovation.
Recent research indicates the obvious. There should be great cause for concern with regard to the likely risks of human exposure to high levels of deliberately unregulated electromagnetic radiation.
For example, exactly the same frequencies used by the US Department of Defense in crowd-control weapons form the foundation of the 5G network. Strong links are becoming apparent between 5G-type electromagnetic radiation, cancer activation and brain abnormalities. For this reason similar dangerous technologies are banned in hospital nurseries and elementary schools across several countries in Europe. Children are particularly vulnerable to fundamental deep damage by the 5G-style EMR ouput.
It is claimed that the 5G system is being used to kill and injure people right now. Katherine Horton reports that she is regularly targeted by the columnated pulses of this technology herself, often on a daily basis. Someone has decided that she knows too much and cannot be allowed to live.
Unlike 3G and 4G, 5G is a a pulsed columnated system. A remote computer can dial up or dial down both the energy-level of the 5G radiation being deployed and the pulse frequency with which it invisibly zaps its selected targets.
And the rabbit hole goes deeper. Some are suggesting that an old negative extraterrestrial AI system is controlling the human controllers of 5G. The puppet master is an out-of-control, sentient, terraforming AI infestation. It has been with us on the planet since before Babylonian times. Not all AI, it appears, needs physical computer systems. But it can easily merge with these physical artefacts in an undetectable manner when expedient. It is now expedient.
There is an end-time agenda. It is a Satanic, transhumanist, end-time agenda. The rogue AI needs a cool Planet Earth for the silicon-based physical systems through which it currently works to operate maximally. But there are too many humans around now. The population of slow-thinking meat robots is too large. Their primitive fossil fuel technologies are heating the planet up too much. There is an urgent need for fewer humans and more trees. Things must be cooled down. Hence the negative AI agenda. 90% of the human population must be removed. In the next six years (2019-2025), a major unexplained depopulation must begin. There can be no delay in the rollout of 5G to achieve this.
True or false? Conspiracy fact or conspiracy fake?
More background here, here, here, here, here and here.
.............................................................................................................................................. Picture: The Q symbol appears at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, in June 2018.
Picture: How fit are the sperms in your life?
Sperms aren't what they used to be. For the last forty years, all over the world as the global population has risen, male fertility has declined. More and more men are firing blanks.
In July 2019, the issue was ventilated again on the UK's BBC Radio 4 programme Inside Health. The coverage highlighted a piece of scientific research which first emerged five years ago and which communications executives have been fighting to ignore ever since. There is evidence that mobile phone usage can have an adverse effect on sperm quality.
On 17th April 2014, the Central European Journal of Urology reported a study which investigated the direct in vitro influence of mobile phone radiation on sperm DNA fragmentation and motility parameters in healthy human subjects with normozoospermia.
Normozoospermia is the presence of normal sperm in male seminal fluid. For a semen sample to be labeled as normozoospermic, there has to be an adequate concentration of sperm which is normal in appearance and function.
Thirty-two healthy men (aged 24-31) with normal semen parameters were selected for the study. With their assistance, sperm samples were taken from each of them. Each sperm sample was divided into two equal portions, labelled A and B.
Thirty-two portion As were placed in a thermostat at body temperature for five hours. Thirty-two portion Bs were placed in a second identical thermostat for the same period of time but in a location where there was a mobile phone in standby/talk mode close by.
After five hours of incubation the sperm samples from both thermostats were re-evaluated with regard to their basic motility parameters. In addition to this, the presence of DNA fragmentation in both A and B portions of each sample was determined each hour using a standard sperm chromatin dispersion test.
Results: (1) The number of spermatozoa with progressive movement in the B samples (influenced by mobile phone electromagnetic radiation) was found to be statistically lower than the number of spermatozoa with progressive movement in the A samples.
(2) The number of non-progressive movement spermatozoa was significantly higher in the group which was influenced by mobile phone electromagnetic radiation.
(3) The DNA fragmentation was also significantly higher in sperms of this group.
Conclusion: A correlation exists between mobile phone radiation exposure, DNA-fragmentation level and decreased sperm motility.
Notes: (1) For a period of two months before the thirty-two men studied were assessed to have normal semen parameters, they were instructed to avoid putting mobile phones in their trouser pockets.
(2) The portion B sperm samples were placed 5cm away from a mobile phone device turned on in the radiation frequency range 900/1800 MHz (GSM standard). For the sake of experimental authenticity, a telephone call was carried on the phone every 10 minutes to imitate a talk mode transmission.
(3) Mobile phone influences aside, an overall reduction in the basic normal semen analysis parameters which characterize sperm count, motility and morphology have been noted worldwide in recent decades.
(4) Researchers are unanimous about the negative impact of certain environmental factors on sperm quality. The most well-known are the harmful effects of smoking, the abuse of alcohol and the intake of spermicidal food products. The negative impact of increased local testicular temperature on spermatogenesis has also been demonstrated (tight trousers etc).
(5) Reproductive toxicants such as lead and cadmium are also considered to cause a decline in semen quality.
More here (17.04.14) and here (17.07.19). ..............................................................................................................................................
Picture: The Internet and the Great China Firewall.
In the West, China has long been regarded as the world’s worst abuser of internet freedoms. As long ago as 2013, Beijing had two million full-time workers employed solely to patrol internet traffic with a view to identifying, limiting and censoring public data throughputs for the purposes of élite political control.
The problem is that more than 40 million Chinese citizens live and work outside China. A lot of these are students. Most of them have access to a free internet in the countries in which they reside. They know how the world is and how the world works. They also know about Chinese issues, history and personalities which they are unable to learn about (officially) at home in China. For most of these permanent or temporary expats, the idea of life without Facebook, Instagram and Twitter has become difficult to imagine.
Chinese people who move overseas are unable to access any Chinese web content from home. The great digital firewall not only blocks Western content in China, but also works in reverse. This divided internet creates a disconnect for Chinese nationals living abroad.
Many patriotic, docile and obedient Chinese citizens find that when they go overseas and leave the firewall behind, they crave for a safe return to the heavily-censored content they're accustomed to consuming online at home.
And just as their more activist compatriots back home use Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to scale Xi Jinping's digital fortress and use Western social media platforms, millions of Chinese expats overseas reportedly use VPNs to get back inside it.
One of the most popular VPNs used by Chinese expats is Transocks. This is thought to have almost 10 million devices connected worldwide.
More here, here, here and here.
Picture: How do we save the planet from climate crisis life extinction. Simple.
For the first time in Western scientific history a coherent and quantitative evaluation has been made of how many new trees we need to plant in order to solve the planet's climate change crisis.
Across the world, 1.2 trillion trees would need to be planted on 1.7 billion hectares of treeless land at a cost of $300 billion. This land is available, suitable for tree growth and does not include areas used for human habitation or the growth of human food crops.
The 1.7 billion hectares (4.2 billion acres) of treeless land accounts for 11% of the Earth's total land area. This is equivalent to the size of the USA and China combined.
About two-thirds of all land on the planet (8.7 billion hectares) could support forest. At the moment, 5.5 billion hectares already have trees. Of the 3.2 billion hectares of treeless land, 1.5 billion is used for growing food. The 1.7 billion hectares of potential new forest land is in areas which were previously degraded by human activity or are sparsely vegetated.
Currently there are about 3 trillion trees in the world. This is half the number that existed before the rise of human civilisation. Even now we still have a net loss of about 10 billion trees a year.
Global heating (global warming) has several causes. A major one is the production of gaseous carbon dioxide by human industry and transportation. This gas enters the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. Some of it also dissolves into the oceans and fresh water systems (the hydrosphere). Carbon dioxide is an acid gas.
Trees and other terrestrial green plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere for photosynthesis. Photosynthesis also releases oxygen into the atmosphere as a by-product. This oxygen does not come from the carbon dioxide itself; it comes from water inside the plant in a closely-related biochemical process. Aquatic green plants such as phytoplankton, seaweeds and waterweeds likewise photosynthesise, absorbing carbon dioxide from the water in which they live and returning oxygen.
As trees grow, they absorb and store ('capture') the carbon dioxide. The carbon is locked into long-lasting carbohydrate-based structures in the trees, including wood. A worldwide tree-planting programme could remove two-thirds of all the carbon dioxide emissions that have been pumped into the atmosphere by human activities.
Such a forest restoration programme would take between fifty and one hundred years to have its full effect. In this time it would remove 200 billion tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere. Tree planting on this scale is by far the cheapest single option currently available for successfully tackling the global climate crisis.
The scientific study cited was published in the journal Science on 5th July 2019. Its title is The global tree restoration potential. The authors are Jean-Francois Bastin, Yelena Finegold, Claude Garcia, Danilo Mollicone, Marcelo Rezende, Devin Routh, Constantin M. Zohner and Thomas W. Crowther. Of these, Bastin, Routh, Zohner and Crowther are based at the Crowther Laboratory of the Institute of Integrative Biology at the ETH-Zürich university, Switzerland.
More here, here and here.
.............................................................................................................................................. Picture: Top left - 'Detaching from the Jesuphrenic' by Chris Mars.
Picture: USA CENTCOM and the Iranian Navy stay in touch to avoid war.
Picture: By the middle of 2019 things had a 2008 Lehman shock look about them.
Picture: - In plain sight The Hammer begins to fall.
HAMR, pronounced hammer, was the code name of a US CIA project. The purpose of the project was to conduct mobile phone hacking of a kind which turned a target’s mobile phone into a surveillance tool. The software which enabled this was designed for the CIA by the defense contractor Dennis Montgomery.
The Hammer (HAMR) could breach secure computer systems and collect massive amounts of data. It was designed to be used for foreign surveillance operations which were conducted to defend the United States from foreign threats. Military sources have confirmed that Montgomery’s foreign surveillance software not only worked, but also saved American lives in the field abroad.
The Hammer was not designed, intended or lawfully authorised for use against American citizens at home in the USA. Evidence, however, is emerging that from 2009 the Hammer was actually used against hundreds of Americans at home. The targets included Donald Trump, Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance court (FISA), members of Congress and 156 judges. According to whistleblower Dennis Montgomery, his software was used to unlawfully collect domestic surveillance data for the purposes of blackmail and leverage.
The allegations circulating suggest that President Barack Obama, CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, among others, were knowingly complicit in the misapplication of the Hammer system. If true, this covert operation appears to amount to a far greater scandal in terms of illegal espionage than Watergate did in 1972. Two years later, in 1974, that case led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon while still in office.
More here (05.06.19), here (12.01.19) and here (11.11.18).
Picture: And a pair of ears listened. A new book offers advice to its reader.
Picture: Small visitors. Screaming sculpture on old garden wall.
Picture: UFO-shaped cloudship. Mount Fuji (Japan). Sunday 10 March 2019.
A UFO-shaped cloudship estimated to be three to four miles across was filmed hovering close to Mount Fuji in Japan, on Sunday 10 March 2019. It was visible in daylight from dawn to midday. During most of that time, the UFO-cloud remained in the same position, while other clouds nearby were seen to move across the sky.
Original source page here. And more photographs of UFO-shaped cloudships can be found at the bottom of this page here.
Picture: The conscious universe.
Is the whole universe conscious? Some scientists are beginning to think that way.
Two things are obvious: (1) Most scientists on this planet are human beings. (2) Individual human beings are conscious, or feel that they are. In this regard, scientists are like Mrs Green or Mr Brown.
Mrs Green is aware that she is awake. She feels awake. She is conscious of not being asleep. She gets up, goes down to the kitchen and has a cup of tea. That's better.
Mr Brown is conscious in a different way. He has been awake for several hours. He is conscious of feeling unhappy about something today which he did not feel unhappy about yesterday. Two things, in fact. In the last twenty-four hours, his lawn mower has broken down and his football team has lost a match which it was expected to win easily. Mr Brown is conscious of feeling upset about these things. He discusses them with Mrs Green. Mrs Green becomes conscious of Mr Brown's distress. She makes him a cup of tea.
At the outer rim of modern science, a question is being asked. Are human beings special with regards to consciousness? Or is consciousness the default state of being for everything that exists?
The theory of panpsychism posits that mind is a fundamental property of the physical universe and is imbued into all states of matter. The cosmos has a mind. Cosmic mind.
Minds are conscious. Minds are conscious even when they appear to an external observer to be unconscious. You look at someone. He is asleep and snoring. Where has his mind gone? His mind hasn't gone anywhere. The man has still got a mind. His mind is just conscious in a different kind of way when he's asleep than it is when he's awake.
The physicist Gregory Matloff thinks that it is possible to design experimental tests which could validate or falsify the idea that there is a ubiquitous proto-consciousness field in the universe. Matloff also suggests that stars may be volitional. There is evidence that they control their own paths of movement through space.
Absurd as the theory of panpsychism sounds to many, it has several prominent adherents. The British theoretical physicist Roger Penrose introduced the idea three decades ago. Penrose thought that consciousness arises from the properties of quantum entanglement. He and anaesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff came up with the Orchestrated Objective Reduction (Orch-OR) hypothesis. This suggests, among other things, that consciousness results from quantum vibrations inside microtubules.
In 2006, the German astrophysicist Bernard Haisch took the idea further. He proposed that consciousness arises within a quantum vacuum any time there is a significantly advanced system through which energy flows.
The neuroscientist Christof Koch is another proponent of panpsychism. He approaches it from a different angle, using integrated information theory to argue that consciousness is not unique to biological organisms.
“The only dominant theory we have of consciousness says that it is associated with complexity; with a system’s ability to act upon its own state and determine its own fate,” Koch says. “Theory states that it could go down to very simple systems. In principle, some purely physical systems that are not biological or organic may also be conscious.”
Matloff and others are now moving the argument into a new phase: experimentation. Matloff is planning to study the behaviour of stars. In particular, he wants to analyse an anomaly in stellar motion known as Paranego’s Discontinuity.
Gregory Matloff wants to know why certain cooler stars appear to emit jets of energy pointed in one direction. This is a phenomenon which seems oddly and inexplicably ubiquitous in the galaxy. He plans to use results from the Gaia star-mapping space telescope to show that the apparent anomaly may in fact be a deliberate (wilful) stellar action.
As Matloff studies cosmic activity on the grandest scale, Christof Koch is approaching the experimental phase of the theory by using brain-impaired patients. He wants to know if these people's information responses match underlying neurochemical foundations of consciousness. Koch plans to test this by wiring the brains of mice together to see if their minds merge into a larger information system.
But the theory of panpsychism has critics. In an article for The Atlantic entitled 'Why Panpsychism Is Probably Wrong,' Keith Frankish writes:
“Panpsychism gives consciousness a curious status. It places it at the very heart of every physical entity yet threatens to render it explanatorily idle. For the behaviour of subatomic particles and the systems they constitute promises to be fully explained by physics and the other physical sciences. Panpsychism offers no distinctive predictions or explanations. It finds a place for consciousness in the physical world, but that place is a sort of limbo.”
Frankish's main problem is that he can't write clearly. Whether he can think clearly is another matter. But he does seem to be expressing a generally-held view. People are confused about the appropriateness of the panpsychic idea in modern scientific theory. To many it has the feel of a slightly batty oversimplification.
Meanwhile, however, Gregory Matloff, Roger Penrose and other associated free-thinkers continue to venture outside the margins of accepted science in their efforts to reconcile the intractable contradictions and anomalies increasingly being exposed by quantum theory.
Original source article by Jake Anderson here.
Picture: Korean Reunification. Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong-un.
Picture: Donald Trump, Thomas Jefferson, Social Media and Freedom of Speech.
Picture: Hepatitis B Vaccine at Birth and Infant Mortality (worldwide stats).
The worldwide public debate over the legitimacy of vaccination as a universally appropriate medical procedure continues.
BigPharma, hungry for profits for its controlling shareholders, wants more and more vaccination everywhere for everything possible.
Anti-vaxxers say that vaccination is killing babies unnecessarily and that covert élites are slipping bioweapons into the vaccination production lines in order to weaken Africa, Asia and South America by depopulation.
Mass vaccinations in Third World areas rich in mineral wealth are intended to render girls infertile and to distribute newly-engineered diseases such as Ebola, AIDS, SARS, MERS and H5N1 into these regions, the anti-vaxxers argue.
From BigPharma's point of view, the more diseases there are, the more faux remedies they can huckster to credulous (or complicit) international quangos to 'treat' those diseases.
The fact that there is now an élite attempt to stifle anti-vaccination voices on social media suggests, some say, that the medical-industrial cartel has lost the argument. No-one believes the fake science any more. BigPharma's scam is outed.
Western doctors have been coy, so far, to say publicly what they know about vaccination. It was interesting, therefore, to see a recent letter in the New Statesman (London, UK) edition of 3-9 May 2019. Noel Thomas, a retired doctor from Maesteg, Mid Glamorgan, Wales, wrote as follows:
Four decades in (UK) general practice, reassuring parents at baby clinics that NHS advice to vaccinate their children was a safe and effective choice, makes me sympathetic to the errors and omissions of Sophie McBain (Observations, 18 April).
A decade on, with time to read and consider, as the vaccine load on children increases, the situation is less clear. The US, with the biggest mandatory vaccine schedule, has very poor child health by developed country standards.
The safety and testing of vaccines is easily researched, and not reassuring. The immunity from vaccination is often poor, and usually brief. Most measles outbreaks in the West affect the vaccinated.
Surprised? The vaccine industry is a huge earner for big pharma. They are profit-driven, with a vast advertising budget that ensures the media play ball.
Vaccines’ ambivalent safety record should be made clear in the process of gaining informed consent to every vaccination, as the law dictates. It rarely happens. The anti-vaxx smokescreen may be intended to obscure that regular professional illegality.
Source here (01.05.19).
AB note: The Sophie McBain article to which Noel Thomas refers was entitled What’s driving the rise of the anti-vaxxers? It can be found here (17.04.19).
Picture: US versus USA - Russian collusion hoax 2016-2019.
Summary of the American Russian Collusion Hoax (2016-2019)
On 8th May 2019, SerialBrain2 wrote a concise summary of the USA v US Russian Collusion Hoax.
This was the faked-up media story which agents and minions of the old US private corporation (aka US Deep State or UNITED STATES, INC.) tried to use against USA President Donald Trump in the years 2016-2019. Trump mentioned it repeatedly at his rallies, in the media and, particularly, on Twitter.
SerialBrain2 published the summary on Reddit. It drew on information from the publicly-available Q source conduit.
In SerialBrain2's view, this is what happened:
(1) The Russian Hoax was an operation conducted by President Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton, working hand-in-hand with the UK Government, to sabotage the US 2016 presidential elections.
(2) With the help of Attorney General Loretta Lynch, National Security Adviser Rice, Director of National Intelligence Clapper, Director of CIA Brennan and other identified accomplices, illegal spying targeted Trump and his campaign in an effort to gain leverage and stop him.
(3) When they realized that their spying was unsuccessful and they were unable to collect compromising evidence, this group of bad actors decided to create that evidence.
(4) Hillary Clinton financed the creation and dissemination/injection of a fake intel dossier. Ex-UK MI6 operative Christopher Steele created the dossier and No Name [John McCain] injected it into the US legal system.
(5) Once in the American legal system, this 'insurance policy' allowed other bad actors in the US Department of Justice (Strzok, Page, Comey etc) to continue their sabotage operation, hoping it would stop Trump in the event that he was elected.
(6) To cover her tracks, Hillary Clinton paid for the Steele Dossier through the law firm Perkins Coie which was the DNC's Legal Counsel. [The DNC is the Democratic National Committee, the governing body of the United States Democratic Party]
(7) Using the pretext of opposition research, Perkins Coie hired Fusion GPS whose founder, Glenn Simpson, hired his longtime friend Christopher Steele [to compile the dossier].
(8) Thanks to his IT work for the DNC, Seth Rich got access to all the information in the DNC servers about the Christopher Steele Dossier and other matters. He copied it on to a thumb drive and sent the information to Julian Assange [WikiLeaks].
(9) This is the reason that the DNC servers were never given to the FBI and that Crowdstrike was hired to validate the lie that the DNC servers were hacked by Russia.
(10) This is also the reason why the UK Government desperately wants Julian Assange. If Assange shows what he has, their complicity with Obama and his administration in the sabotage of the 2016 election will be established.
(11) With Rod Rosenstein “The Blocker” out [at the USA DoJ] and William Barr “Spying Did Occur” in, the Democrats in Congress are now very nervous.
Original Reddit text here (08.05.19). More about the Q source here (passim).
Picture: USA children's intellectual Ben Shapiro self-aborts live on UK TV.
Picture: 'Time Travel' by Tom Gauld (artist). #1ab
Picture: Ilhan Omar - Somali-born Congesswoman for Minnesota USA.
Ilhan Omar, a Somali-born USA Congesswoman for Minnesota, is a new rising star in the Democratic Party. She is a courageous modern Muslim who has energised positive ripples in public opinion with her robust views on Palestine, Islamophobia, racism, the Zionist problem in America, detrimental US foreign policy in Latin America, and women's rights. Donald Trump has attempted to rubbish her publicly on Twitter. As a consequence, she has received many death threats.
Ilhan Omar's views were well known before she took her seat in Congress in 2019. For example, in an opinion piece in the Minnesota Star Tribune in on the 26th November 2018 she said:
"Hate crimes in this country are continuing to increase at an alarming rate. According to the FBI's annual report released this month, the number of incidents increased about 17 percent compared with last year. That is the largest increase in these types of cowardly acts since 2001. The culture of intolerance spread by President Donald Trump has clearly emboldened racist individuals to acts of violence."
"One statistic from the report stands out: Attacks against Jewish people accounted for an astonishing 58.1 percent of anti-religious bias crimes, a drastic 37 percent jump. In fact, anti-Jewish crimes have composed the majority of religion-based acts ever since the FBI began publishing national figures."
"Acts of hate have no place in America. We cannot allow those who seek to divide us to intimidate or demoralize our society. I believe that, as the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. said, the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice. I know that with action and effort, love will prevail and hate will be defeated."
"Like members of the Jewish community, I know how it feels to be hated because of my religious beliefs. Almost one in five hate crimes committed last year was motivated by religious bias, with 18.1 percent committed against Muslims - well above the historical averages before President Trump's election."
"Islamophobia and anti-Semitism are two sides of the same bigoted coin. But we know that we are stronger when we stand united against bigotry and hate. My grandfather taught me that when you see injustice, you fight back. You do not give in to hate or vengeance. You organize and you help your fellow human."
"We cannot let racism and white supremacy threaten our very existence. I am proof that we, as Americans, can embrace our differences. At a time when my status as an immigrant, black, Muslim woman means that the current administration doesn't see me as fully American, not only have the people of Minnesota's Fifth Congressional District embraced me, they have sent me to Washington, D.C."
"As a new representative in Congress, I will not bow down to hate or bigotry. I will not back down in fear. I will stand strong with you, as we fight to protect all Americans, in every community, no matter what your religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity."
Full text here (26.11.19).
Picture: The New York Times begins the public takedown of Netanyahu.
Picture: Robert Orel Dean. Secret Space Programme whistleblower.
Picture: Ukraine - Volodymyr Aleksandrovich Zelensky.
On Sunday 21st April 2019, voters in what remains of the failed and massively indebted state of Ukraine, elected Vladimir Zelensky (Volodymyr Aleksandrovich Zelensky; Володимир Олександрович Зеленський) to be their new president.
Zelensky (41) was born close to Russian Crimea, in the Ukrainian city of Kryvyi Rih (Krivoy Rog), in January 1978. He is a successful screenwriter, actor and comedian, and continued to do professional stand-up comedy gigs during the presidential election campaign. This was an astute move. Ukraine is a self-inflicted basket-case. One serious response is to laugh at it knowingly.
Zelensky appears to bring three main advantages to his new post. First, he has no poltical experience of any kind. Second, he was not installed as a G7 puppet following a bloody sniper and arson coup fomented by US and EU rogue factions. Third, he got 73% of the popular vote during an orderly and clean election which was monitored as legitimate by experienced international observers.
Zelensky's opponent in the presidential runoff was the sitting president, Petro Poroshenko, a local chocolate oligarch and NATO intelligence asset. Poroshenko lost the election spectacularly, managing to win in only one region in the west, Lviv, with just over half the vote in that locality. In the country as a whole, there was a healthy interest in the presidential contest. Twenty million voters took part and the turnout was 63%. Ukraine wanted change.
It remains to be seen whether Volodymyr Zelensky has the intelligence, the courage and the local support to ease Ukraine successfully into the new emerging polycentric world order led by China, Russia and India. Doubts have been expressed about the possible influence of the Jewish-Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi on Zelensky's future policies.
If Kolomoyskyi's private agenda turns out to have an opportunistic overlap with that of the Nazi-continuum faction in Ukraine (Odessa Group etc) and further afield, things could be problematic. But on the credit side, Kolomoyskyi is not a Poroshenko fan. Poroshenko fired Kolomoyskyi from his position as governor of Dnipropetrovsk in March 2015. In that contest, between chocolate and money-laundering, chocolate won. It may not win again. Oligarchic faux democracy in the post-Soviet space can be a bitch.
At the moment, understandably, Zelensky appears to be attitude without content. But hopeful indicators are there. In public, he has spoken in benign generalities. "I am not a politician. I am just a simple person who has come to break down the system." “As a citizen of Ukraine, I can say to all post-Soviet countries: ‘Look at us. Everything is possible.’”
But with regard to the West, Zelensky appears to have nailed his colours to the mast. He has said that he would like Ukraine to become a member of the European Union and NATO, but that he wants Ukrainian voters to decide on the country's membership of these two organisations in referendums. Note that. Referendums. It is referendums that are bringing down the fading Nazi-continuum money laundries in Brussels and Frankfurt. Might Volodymyr Zelensky be the one, chosen by history, to slip in the final dagger?
Picture: USA Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
Picture: USA Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein and the Mueller report (2019).
Picture: Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, benevolent ETs & Voronezh.
Why was the hoax Russia collusion narrative contrived by the US rogue faction? Several reasons have been suggested. One involves issues of deep space and its occupants. On this view, the Russia collusion hoax was designed to keep Trump and Putin apart. The two leaders were about to collaborate in publicly disclosing the truth about our benevolent extraterrestrial visitors and the existence of many available, but élite-suppressed, ET technologies. True or False?
More here (26.03.19).
Picture: The Q symbol and USA Trump rallies 2018-2019.
Picture: USA - CNN and the US Democratic Party.
Picture: Mueller Report on Russian Interference in 2016 US Presidential Election.
Picture: Office separation. AI v Human.
Picture: St Theresa and the serpent. Perhaps pleasure is holiness.
Picture: Australia - The Vatican's Cardinal George Pell.
Picture: Stopping the women running away. Absher. Saudi Arabia.
Picture: USA - Are there deep mysteries in Silicon Valley?
Picture: The Yellow Fever vaccine, YEL-AVD & Professor Martin Gore.
Picture: 'Spirit Guides' by Ragen Mendenhall (artist).
The picture above, entitled 'Spirit Guides', and the clickthrough image underneath it ('Sekhmet') are by the American artist, Ragen Mendenhall. More examples of artwork by Ragen Mendenhall, and by seventy other artists and illustrators, are linked from this blog page here.
Picture: Mohammad Javad Zarif, Foreign Minister of Iran.
On Sunday 17th February 2019, the Iranian Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, gave a speech at the Munich Security Conference in Germany:
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Ladies and Gentlemen,
This past Monday, millions of Iranians gathered for mass rallies to mark the 40th anniversary of the Islamic revolution; an earthquake that collapsed a pillar of US domination in West Asia.
We have never been forgiven by the United States for having exercised our right to self-determination. As a result, we have long been the target of an unhealthy fixation - an obsession - which continues to this very day.
The demonisation of Iran has been a convenient cross for seven consecutive American presidents to bear, and a smokescreen for America's regional clients to hide behind.
It is long overdue for the United States to dismantle this malign institution, for it has today morphed into one of the greatest threats to even its own interests and, of course, to international peace and security.
In the past two years, the US has taken its animus towards Iran to a new extreme, as epitomised by its unlawful and unilateral abrogation of its commitments under the painstakingly-negotiated Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, which was unanimously endorsed by the UN Security Council.
To gain accomplices in its lawlessness, the US is now even labouring to force others to violate that Resolution, which explicitly calls for normalization of economic relations with Iran.
At the recent meeting of 'the unwilling' and 'the openly-coerced' in Warsaw, the US Vice President and the Secretary of State both blasted Europe for even attempting - albeit without much practical success - to abide by its obligations under the JCPOA and Security Council Resolution 2231.
Yesterday - right here in Munich - Vice President Pence repeated this farce when he arrogantly demanded that Europe must join the US in breaking its commitments while undermining its own security. His hateful accusations against Iran - including his ignorant allegation of anti-Semitism against the heirs of a man described as ‘Messiah' in the Torah for saving Jews - is both ridiculous and dangerous.
This malign obsession with Iran is imposing costs on others, especially in our region, which has for 40 years suffered the consequences of US insistence on making wrong choices.
Driven by its pathological obsession with Iran, America has long encouraged reckless and destructive adventurism on the part of its clients: from arming Saddam Hussein in his attack against Iran to supporting the propagation of extremism; from aiding and abetting the ruining of Syria and bombing of innocents in Yemen to whitewashing the incarceration of a Prime Minister and dismemberment of a journalist. In parallel, the US has systematically shielded Israel's constant aggression against Palestinians, while insulating its severe violations of the sovereignty of Lebanon and Syria. And all in the name of 'containing' Iran.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the US claims - and some blindly parrot its accusation - that it is Iran which is interfering in the region. But has it ever been asked whose region? Just glimpse at a map. The US military has traveled 10,000 kilometers to dot all our borders with bases. Meanwhile, it has milked the region of its resources through vast arms sales.
According to the most conservative estimate, the GCC's military spending alone will reach a record high of $100 billion this year - almost seven times that of Iran. So, who is really exporting insecurity to our region? What is it that threatens the region more?The unfathomable arsenals used to terrorise the people of Yemen? Or Iran's defensive missiles, which have only ever been used against ISIS terror in self-defense?
Is it Iran that threatens the annihilation of others? Or is it Mr. Netanyahu - Israel's wolf-crier-in-chief - who openly threatens my country's obliteration while standing next to his own nuclear bomb factory?
No theatrics here - including the show put on by Vice President Pence - can obscure these realities. Indeed, more and more nations are becoming explicit about the fact that the United States is now the single biggest source of destabilization in our neighborhood.
As we speak, Iraqi lawmakers are demanding the withdrawal of US forces from their land. And after more than 17 years of failure in Afghanistan, the US is now negotiating with the Taliban to withdraw the American military.
In contrast, our standing with the peoples of Iraq and Syria to counter terrorism has put ISIS on the verge of extinction, with both countries enjoying levels of peace and stability not seen in years.
I arrived here in Munich from Sochi, where President Rouhani continued his dialogue with his Russian and Turkish counterparts on how to further promote peace in Syria. Prior to that, I visited Lebanon and Iraq for 7 days of discussions with government officials, as well as with political, community and business leaders on how to work together to strengthen stability and advance mutual economic opportunity in our region. But the reckless US obsession with Iran is threatening these hard-won victories.
On another front, Iran's continued full implementation of the JCPOA - despite the US' abrogation - has played a major role in decreasing tension and promoting regional and global stability. But Iran cannot foot the entire bill for vital global security achievements - whether it is the nuclear accord, or the combatting of drug and human trafficking to Europe. Europe needs to invest too.
Many around the world speak eloquently about multilateralism. But they also need to walk the walk. For instance, INSTEX falls short of the commitments by the E3 to 'save' the JCPOA. Europe needs to be willing to get wet if it wants to swim against the dangerous tide of US unilateralism.
While we have shown our desire for engagement, we don't depend on others for our security, stability, prosperity and progress. We solely depend on our own people. That is why 40 years of so-called 'maximum pressure' - namely demonisation, war, sanctions and terror - including the heinous foreign-sponsored terrorist bombing in my country on Wednesday - has failed to 'bring Iran to its knees'. Nor has it affected our people's decision-making calculus.
Distinguished Friends, Iran's foreign policy is designed to further the goal of creating a strong region that precludes the emergence of hegemonic aspirations by any power, regional or global.
A strong region simply means more confidence, more trade and more interaction between and among the countries in the region, than with external powers. It requires homegrown political and territorial stability; reliance on the populace as the source of legitimacy, security and prosperity; harmonisation of national identities and regional citizenship; participation of all in ensuring peace; and the exercising of strategic self-restraint.
Ladies and Gentlemen, in spite of all the ignorant hate-speech by American officials, let me remind you that we Iranians are proud to be the inheritors of a great civilization.
The entirety of humanity is today riding in the same boat, and we either sail together or we sink together. Our renowned poet, Sa'adi, testified to this truth over 900 years ago:
All human beings are members of one frame
Since all, at first, from the same essence came.
When time afflicts one limb with pain
The other limbs cannot at rest remain.
I thank you for your attention.
Source here (17.02.19).
.............................................................................................................................................. Picture: NEXUS Newsfeed.
Picture: Is God an idealist? "Lilitu" by Tara McPherson.
Picture: Q Channel Q Source Q Anon. Information wars in America.
Picture: Leonid Leonidovich Vasiliev and Russian parapsychology.
Picture: Book - 'The Age of Surveillance Capitalism' by Shoshana Zuboff.
NDEs - The power of the near-death experience.
Picture: USA. Pelosi letter to Trump dated 23rd January 2019.
Picture: USA Trump letter to Pelosi dated 17th January 2019.
Picture: Venezuela, Maduro, Orinoco estuary & Exxon Mobil intrusion.
Picture: UK Brexit. 8th January 2019 letter from Dearlove and Guthrie.
Picture: The Quantum Internet approaches.
An entanglement-based wavelength-multiplexed quantum communication network has been demonstrated. It can operate alongside classical communications in the same telecommunication fibre.
Sören Wengerowsky's team at the University of Vienna has come up with a fully-connected quantum network architecture in which a single entangled photon source distributes quantum states to many users while minimizing the resources required for each. And it does this without sacrificing security or functionality relative to two-party communication schemes.
The Vienna team used a single source of bipartite polarization entanglement, which was multiplexed into 12 wavelength channels. Six states were then distributed between four users in a fully-connected graph using only one fibre and one polarization analysis module per user.
Because no adaptations of the entanglement source are required to add users, the network can readily be scaled to a large number of users without requiring trust in the provider of the source.
This is new. Unlike previous attempts at multi-user networks, which have been based on active optical switches and are therefore limited to some duty cycle, the Vienna team's implementation is fully passive and thus has the potential for unprecedented quantum communication speeds.
This quantum network architecture is secure from eavesdropping or surveillance intrusion. Any attempt at hacking would disturb the fragile quantum state of the network and thus reveal the hacker's presence to the network's users. The users could then abandon the channel and use another one. The users in Wengerowsky's network prototype had three channels each. The private lines used eliminated the need for communications to pass through trusted nodes or a central hub. And the whole network is passive optics. It can be operated through standard telecomms equipment.
Original paper here (12.12.18). ..............................................................................................................................................
Picture: 2019 - Agenda for disclosure.
Picture: Q note 20th Dec 2018 - The [D] party will cease to exist ....
Picture: Q note dated 12th December 2018. Gold shall destroy FED.
Picture: Paris, France. December 2018.
Picture: Q symbol seen among Gilets Jaunes. Paris, France (Winter 2018).
Picture: Book - 'The Assembly of the Severed Head' by Hugh Lupton.
It was Dafydd who found the first head .... It was lying on its cheek. The eye sockets had been pecked hollow. The tongue, lolling out of the open mouth, was mostly eaten away ....
Rowan Williams comments that Hugh Lupton's novel The Assembly of the Severed Head "is an arresting recreation not only of the medieval Welsh tales of the Mabinogion but of the world in which they were written down. This is the best retelling of these stories I've come across, framed in a historical narrative that conveys very persuasively the physical and social texture of 13th-century life."
Kevin Crossley-Holland says that "here is a truly memorable novel, possibly a great one, standing at the intersection of the oral and the written. It's underpinned by a long and wise understanding of the oral tradition and of the Mabinogion; is by turns spiritual, magical, passionate, tender, visceral and gory. It is beautifully crafted. And its backbone is a humane engagement with the power and function of story."
Picture: Academic hoaxes. Fake academic papers.
In 2017, three American scientists shared the Nobel Prize in Physics for decisive contributions to the LIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves. They were Rainer Weiss (MIT), Barry Barish (CalTech) and Kip Thorne (CalTech).
But did these three physicists and their teams really observe any gravitational waves at all? Opinion in the astrophysical community is divided. Some think that the work for which they received their Nobel Prizes was a scientifically brilliant cutting-edge triumph. Others suspect that it was based either on a flawed analysis of half-understood experimental data or, worse, on derived data secretly faked up for funding purposes.
LIGO stands for Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory. It's an expensive bunch of kit. The claim is that on the 14th September 2015, the universe’s gravitational waves were observed for the very first time by this observatory. The waves, which were predicted by Albert Einstein a hundred years ago, came from a collision between two black holes a long way away. It took 1.3 billion years for the waves to make their way to the LIGO detector in the USA.
But looking at the flux of data which took 1.3 billion years to arrive, did the LIGO team have any coherent idea about what it was that they were actually observing? Could they tell the difference between a couple of interesting chunks of background noise detected milliseconds apart from each other and real gravitational waves? Separating signal from noise is very difficult in this kind of astrophysical analysis, especially if you are intellectually invested in arriving at a particular interpretation.
The jury is out. But there seem to be two main problems with the LIGO data claims. The first is a cultural one. Over the years, the LIGO team has developed a reputation for obsessive secrecy about its data and its methods. Why might this be? And the second is that by the end of October 2018, no independent confirmation of LIGO's published data analysis had been offered by any other astrophysics or experimental physics team anywhere in the world. Perhaps this will soon change.
More background here, here, here, here and here.
Late note: In response to a critical article headed Grave doubts over LIGO’s discovery of gravitational waves in the New Scientist magazine (London) on 3rd November 2018 (pp 28-32; full text here), LIGO have now written a letter to the magazine. It can be found on pp 52-53 of the 24th November 2018 issue of New Scientist.
In this letter, David Shoemaker (LIGO) and Jo van den Brand (Virgo) say:
"The LIGO and Virgo collaborations wish to give our perspective on what we see as inaccurate claims about the robustness and transparency of our research in a recent article by Michael Brooks (3 November, p 28)."
"We did contact Andrew Jackson's team both before and after the posting of their article on the event labelled 'GW150914', and had extensive email and in-person exchanges with them. LIGO signal data are in fact available to all. The time series from all LIGO's signals are posted on the Gravitational Wave Open Science Center; also software and tutorial links are found there."
"In our article in Physical Review Letters on GW150914, Figure 1 demonstrated the clear presence of a signal compatible with general relativity in LIGO data. Small correlations in 'residuals' are not indicative of a lack of signal."
"A wealth of peer-reviewed papers cited in that article provide many answers to questions raised in your article. Those interested in how the 'glitch' was removed from the data for event GW170817 can read our Science Summary for the paper on it."
"We are preparing a paper for peer review that explains the approaches the LIGO/Virgo collaboration uses."
"Science thrives on scepticism and a desire to understand deeply how a result has been obtained. We welcome efforts to further replicate and extend the work we have done in interpreting the gravitational-wave data, and are continually working to make our data and tools even more accessible."
"The Virgo and LIGO laboratory and collaboration leaders endorse this letter."
In the following issue of New Scientist on 1st December 2018 (pp 52-53) there were two letters of response to these LIGO/Virgo comments and Brooks's original article. The first was from Andrew Jackson of the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, Denmark:
"Michael Brooks's recent article on reports of gravity wave detection and a response from the LIGO and Virgo teams raise a number of interesting questions."
"If, as Brooks reports, the 'residuals' for the event labelled GW150914 were published for the sole purpose of illustration, what are the correct data sets and why has LIGO not made them public? If LIGO believes that our analysis of correlations between residual noise at different detectors is incorrect, why have they not stated clearly where we have made a mistake? And if our calculations are correct, why does LIGO consider this statistically significant 80% correlation irrelevant for the interpretation of the observed signal?"
"Despite LIGO's claims of openness, we have been unable to identify members of the collaboration who can speak authoritatively and officially on LIGO's behalf on matters of data analysis. We believe it would be useful for LIGO to identify some individual or a group of scientists to represent it with the aim of resolving these differences of interpretation in an appropriately professional manner."
The second letter in the same issue of New Scientist was from Bryn Glover:
"I remember marvelling at the ability of the gravity wave analysts to tell us not only that a squiggle represented the collision of two black holes, but also their respective solar masses, from half a dozen wobbly peaks standing out from a mushy background. I thought that was wonderful."
"Now Michael Brooks informs us that the experimenters first calculated what they might expect to see, then subtracted that from what they actually saw, and made profound assumptions from that. I remain very confused and not a little disillusioned." ..............................................................................................................................................
Picture: The 'Twilight' film ten years on. Vampire franchise.
Picture: Non-player characters - The NPC meme (2018).
Picture: YouTube down globally. 16th October 2018.
Picture: Sergey Lavrov. Russian Foreign Minister.
On Friday 28th September 2018, the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, addressed the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly in New York, USA.
This particular UN General Assembly took place at a time of schismatic geopolitical change. An old and diminishing Western banking cartel, sometimes thought of as the G7 Nazi-continuum rogue faction, was in the process of being deconstructed by inevitable and benevolent global developments.
The G7 rogue faction's system of debt-slavery capitalism, imposed by economic force and state-sponsored military terrorism, was crumbling. A newly-confident, free and multilateral world polity was emerging.
The full text of Lavrov's address follows:
Madam President, ladies and gentlemen,
The speeches delivered during the general discussion at this session of the UN General Assembly confirm the fact that international relations are going through a very complex and contradictory historical stage.
Today, we are witnesses to a collision of two opposing trends. On the one hand, the polycentric principles of the world order are growing stronger and new economic growth centres are taking shape. We can see nations striving to preserve their sovereignty and to choose the development models that are consistent with their ethnic, cultural and religious identity. On the other hand, we see the desire of a number of Western states to retain their self-proclaimed status as 'world leaders' and to slow down the irreversible move toward multipolarity that is objectively taking place. To this end, anything goes, up to and including political blackmail, economic pressure and brute force.
Such illegal actions devalue international law, which lies at the foundation of the postwar world order. We hear loud statements not only calling into question the legal force of international treaties, but asserting the priority of self-serving unilateral approaches over resolutions adopted by the UN.
We are witnessing the rise of militant revisionism with regard to the modern international legal system. The basic principles of the Middle East settlement process, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on the Iranian nuclear programme, commitments under the World Trade Organisation, the multilateral climate agreement, and much more are under attack.
Our Western colleagues seek to replace the rule of law in international affairs with some 'rules-based order'. These rules, which are made up as political expediency dictates, are a clear case of double standards.
Unjustified accusations of interference in the domestic affairs of particular countries are made while simultaneously engaging in an open campaign to undermine and topple democratically elected governments. They seek to draw certain countries into military alliances built to suit their own needs, against the will of the people of those countries, while threatening other states with punishment for exercising freedom of choice in their partners and allies.
The aggressive attacks on international institutions are accompanied by attempts to 'privatise' their secretarial structures and grant them the rights of intergovernmental bodies so that they can be manipulated.
The shrinking space for constructive international cooperation, the escalation of confrontation, the rise in general unpredictability, and the significant increase in the risk of spontaneous conflicts - all have an impact on the activities of this world organisation.
The international community has to pay a high price for the selfish ambitions of a narrow group of countries. Collective mechanisms of responding to common security challenges are faltering. Diplomacy, negotiation and compromise are being replaced with dictates and unilateral exterritorial sanctions enacted without the consent of the UN Security Council. Such measures that already affect dozens of countries are not only illegal but also ineffective, as demonstrated by the more than half-century US embargo of Cuba that is denounced by the entire international community.
But history does not teach the same lesson twice. Attempts to pass verdicts without trial or investigation continue unabated. Some of our Western colleagues who want to assign blame are content to rely on assertions in the vein of the notorious 'highly likely'. We have already been through this. We remember well how many times false pretexts were used to justify interventions and wars, like in Yugoslavia in 1999, Iraq in 2003 and Libya in 2011.
Now the same methods are being used against Syria. On April 14 (2018), it was subjected to missile strikes carried out under an absolutely falsified pretext, several hours before international inspectors were supposed to arrive at the site of the staged incident. Let the terrorists and their patrons be warned that any further provocations involving the use of chemical weapons would be unacceptable.
The conflict in Syria has already lasted for seven years. The failed attempt to use extremists to change the régime from the outside nearly led to the country’s collapse and the emergence of a terrorist caliphate in its place.
Russia’s bold action in response to the request of the Syrian Government, backed diplomatically by the Astana process, helped prevent this destructive scenario. The Syrian National Dialogue Congress in Sochi, initiated by Russia, Iran and Turkey last January, created the conditions for a political settlement in line with UN Security Council Resolution 2254. The intra-Syrian Constitutional Committee is being established in Geneva on precisely this basis.
Rebuilding ruined infrastructure to enable millions of refugees to return home as soon as possible is on the agenda. Assistance in resolving these challenges for the benefit of all Syrians, without any double standards, should become a priority for international efforts and the activities of UN agencies.
For all the challenges posed by Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya, it would be unacceptable to ignore the protracted Palestinian problem. Its fair resolution is critical to improving the situation in the entire Middle East. I would like to warn politicians against unilateral approaches and attempts to monopolise the peace process.
Today, the consolidation of international efforts in the interests of resuming talks on the basis of UN resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative is more in demand than ever before. We are doing everything to facilitate this, including in the format of the Middle East Quartet and in cooperation with the Arab League and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. Mutually acceptable agreements should ensure the peaceful and safe co-existence of the two states - Israel and Palestine.
Here in the UN that was built on the lessons of World War II we are all obliged to think about the future and not repeating the mistakes of the past. This year is the 80th anniversary of the Munich conspiracy that crowned the criminal appeasement of the Third Reich and serves as a sad example of the disastrous consequences that can result from national egotism, disregard for international law and seeking solutions at the expense of others.
Regrettably, today in many countries the anti-Nazi vaccine has not only weakened, there is a growing campaign to rewrite history and whitewash war criminals and their accomplices. We consider sacrilegious the struggle against monuments to the liberators of Europe, which is going on in some countries. We are calling on UN members to support a draft resolution of the UN General Assembly denouncing the glorification of Nazis.
The growth of radical nationalism and neo-Nazism in Ukraine, where criminals who fought under SS banners are glorified as heroes, is one of the main factors of the protracted domestic conflict in Ukraine. The only way to end it is consistent and faithful implementation of the Minsk Package of Measures that was unanimously approved by the UN Security Council.
We support the activities of the OSCE mission in Ukraine and are ready to provide UN protection for its members. However, instead of fulfilling the Minsk agreements and engaging in dialogue with Donetsk and Lugansk, Kiev still entertains the illusion of introducing an occupying force in Donbass, with the support from the West, and increasingly threatens its opponents with scenarios based on force. The patrons of the current Ukrainian authorities should compel them to think straight and end the blockade of Donbass and discrimination against national minorities throughout Ukraine.
In Kosovo, the international military presence under UN Security Council mandate is morphing into a US base. Kosovo armed forces are being created, while agreements reached by Belgrade and Pristina with EU mediation are being disregarded. Russia calls on the sides to engage in dialogue in accordance with UNSC Resolution 1244 and will support any solution which is acceptable to Serbia.
In general, we are against turning the Balkans once again into an arena of confrontation or anyone claiming it as a foothold, against forcing the people of the Balkan nations to make a false choice or creating new dividing lines in the region.
An equal and undivided security architecture also needs to be created in other parts of the world, including the Asia Pacific Region. We welcome the positive developments around the Korean Peninsula, which are following the logic of the Russian-Chinese roadmap.
It is important to encourage the process with further steps by both sides toward a middle ground and incentivise the practical realisation of important agreements between Pyongyang and Seoul through the Security Council. We will keep working to put in place a multilateral process as soon as possible, so that we can build a durable mechanism of peace and security in Northeast Asia.
Denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula is among the challenges facing the world community in the key area of international security - the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Unfortunately, serious obstacles continue to pile up on that road. Lack of progress in ratifying the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and in establishing a WMD-free zone in the Middle East has been compounded by the unilateral US withdrawal from the JCPOA in violation of Resolution 2231, despite the fact that Iran is fully in compliance. We will do everything to preserve the UNSC-approved deal.
The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons is being pushed in an increasingly negative direction as the West attempts to turn its Technical Secretariat into a tool for punishing undesirable governments. This threatens to undermine the independent professional status of that organisation and the universal nature of the CWC, as well as the exclusive prerogative of the UN Security Council.
These and other issues related to non-proliferation were discussed in detail at the September 26 Security Council meeting, convened by the US chair not a moment too soon.
We are convinced that any problems and concerns in international affairs should be addressed through substantive dialogue. If there are questions or criticisms, what is needed is to sit down and talk, produce facts, listen to opposing arguments, and seek to find a balance of interests.
The debate on abuses in cyberspace has sharply escalated in recent years. I would like to remind you that as far back as twenty years ago Russia initiated the discussion on international information security at the UN. In view of recent developments it is becoming increasingly relevant to work out under the UN auspices global rules of responsible behaviour of states in information space, including the principles of non-use of force, non-interference in domestic affairs and respect for state sovereignty. We intend to submit a draft of such resolution to the First Committee of the UN General Assembly.
We also think it important to start developing a convention of fighting cybercrime, making provisions for respective discussions in the Third Committee.
Searching for commonly acceptable agreements and respect for each other’s interests are needed more than ever in the area of world trade and economic relations, which today tend to be the subjects of unprecedented politicisation. The values of free trade have become hostages to trade wars and other forms of unfair competition.
Russia has been consistently advocating the philosophy of indivisible economic development, which is enshrined in the Greater Eurasian Partnership concept put forward by President of Russia Vladimir Putin. This large-scale project is open to all nations in Europe and Asia, regardless of their membership in various integration associations. Its steady implementation could contribute to the establishment of a space for broad economic cooperation in Eurasia and in the long term it could become the foundation for a reformed architecture of the continent’s security corresponding to the realities of the 21st century.
Russia continues to do its utmost to build a world based on the principles of law, truth and justice. We are not alone in this aspiration. Our allies and partners in the CSTO, EAEU, CIS, BRICS and SCO, and the overwhelming majority of countries in the world stand for democratisation of international life in all of its manifestations and in the interests of all nations without exception. The West is also compelled to heed their voice, which is increasingly reflected in the G20 activities.
Under the current turbulent conditions the role of the UN, an indispensable venue for overcoming disagreements and coordinating the international community’s actions, is objectively increasing. The priority of collective work in the interest of coordinating solutions acceptable for everyone was enshrined in the foundations of the UN. This potential was left unrealised due to the bipolar confrontation of the Cold War era. At the current stage, we must not fail to reach the high goals and principles of the UN Charter and the commitments of the founding fathers to the future generations.
To be worthy of their legacy, we should recall the art of negotiating. Numerous modern challenges can only be resolved on the basis of equality and mutual respect. Diktat and coercion typical of the colonial era should be relegated to the archives once and for all, or better yet to the ash heap of history.
Statesmen of the past left plenty of enlightening messages for us that have become maxims. Let me quote one by President Harry Truman: “Great nations lead by the force of example rather than domination.”
I hope the culture of mutually respectful dialogue will ultimately prevail. Russia will do its best to promote it.
Source here (28.09.18). More geopolitical background here (02.10.18). ..............................................................................................................................................
Picture: USA Greenwich Village NYC. The Village Voice 1955-2018.
Picture: Tokyo scientists generate an indoor magnetic field of 1,200 T.
Picture: US Secret Space Program. How many ET races have been spoken to?
Picture: Book - 'The Power of Women's Anger' by Soraya Chemaly.
Picture: Neil Keenan. M1 and Amanah of Indonesia.
Picture: US Senate letter to Julian Assange dated 1st August 2018.
Picture: The Q symbol and Donald Trump.
Picture: The Q symbol appears at Donald Trump rallies in the Summer of 2018.
Picture: USA's Mike Pence with Sheriff wearing a Q badge.
Picture: Q symbol seen among Gilets Jaunes. Paris, France (Winter 2018).
Picture: Q note dated 12th December 2018. Gold shall destroy FED.
Picture: Q note 20th Dec 2018 - The [D] party will cease to exist ....
Picture: Monsanto's Roundup weedkiller and DeWayne Johnson.
Picture: Johnson's Baby Powder.
Picture: The CIA and America's secret wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Picture: USA and Russia. John Bolton and Vladimir Putin. Moscow, June 2018.
Picture: Uninstalling Deep State. Please be patient.
Picture: Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Summit. Qingdao, China. June 2018.
Picture: G7 summit. Quebec, Canada. Saturday 9th June 2018.
Picture: Dunford (USA) & Gerasimov (Russia). Helsinki, Finland. 8th June 2018.
Picture: Modi (India) and Putin (Russia) in Sochi, Russia. 21st May 2018.
On Monday 21st May 2018, at unusually short notice, the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, paid a working visit to Sochi, Russia, to meet with the Russian President, Vladimir Putin.
There were pressing geopolitical issues to discuss, as well as the detail of several bilateral matters. In his introductory comments to the media, Narendra Modi spoke as follows:
Your Excellency, President Vladimir Putin,
Russia is India’s old-time friend. We share long-standing historical ties, and Mr President is my personal friend, and a friend of India.
I am very glad to meet with Mr President in Sochi. I am the first Prime Minister of India to visit this city.
We share long-standing ties; we hold bilateral meetings. I would like to thank President Putin for organising this informal meeting and inviting me. This initiative is yet another step in developing our relations.
Mr Putin, you have been elected President of the Russian Federation for your fourth term. I want to congratulate you on that. My best wishes. We have already discussed it by telephone, but I wanted to congratulate you in person, and we were able to arrange this meeting at very short notice. Let me congratulate you on my own behalf, as well as on behalf of 1.3 billion people of India.
Mr President, you were elected President for the first time back in 2000, and made a major contribution to developing relations with India. In 2000, you made your first visit to India when Atal Bihari Vajpayee was Prime Minister. You said very eloquently back then that India and Russia were ancient civilisations and vibrant democracies. People remember your words very well and highly appreciate what you said.
Russia, and you specifically, always played a very important role in my political career. In 2001, when I served as Chief Minister of Gujarat, I made my first visit to Russia with Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. And you were the first international leader I met as Chief Minister. Moscow and you yourself marked the beginning of my career.
Over the past 18 years I have had many chances to sit down with you and discuss important bilateral matters with a view of further developing our relations.
Eighteen years ago, you and Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee planted the seeds of a strategic Russian-Indian partnership. We can now proudly say that this partnership, the seeds of which you planted, has grown into a huge tree of privileged strategic partnership. This is a major achievement in itself.
We have held annual bilateral summit meetings for the past 18 years. You also used informal meetings to add an innovative element to our ties. This is a very good opportunity to discuss our relations.
For the past four years, you and I have stood side by side in the bilateral format and on the international stage. We openly talked about all aspects of our relations and chose the path for our onward movement. I am very glad that it was so.
When you visited India for the first time in 2000, Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee said that India as a friend of Russia wants Russia to be a strong and confident country holding an important place in a multipolar world. This dream of Mr Vajpayee is leading us towards success, and I am glad that we have been part of this plan.
Mr President, we work together at international organisations, such as the SCO. You played a key role in granting India full membership in the SCO and BRICS, the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA), as well as in such mechanisms as the North-South International Transport Corridor. We are working together within these organisations and mechanisms.
Being a real friend, you never forget about me. Last year you invited me to the St Petersburg International Economic Forum. It was a great privilege to be invited by you as a guest of honour. I am grateful to you for this. This year’s forum will be held in St Petersburg this week. My very best wishes.
Mr President, the world is looking forward to the FIFA World Cup, for which you have prepared so carefully. The world will be looking at Russia. I wish you every success.
I would like to thank you once again for inviting me to this unofficial meeting. Spasibo.
Source here (21.05.18).
Picture: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (Turkey). London, UK. 14th May 2018.
Picture: Books: 'The Order of Time' by Carlo Rovelli (978-0-241-29252-5).
Picture: How illegal is the current French governing régime in Paris?
Picture: Trump and Macron. Tuesday 24th April 2018. Washington DC.
Picture: William McRaven resigns from the US Defence Innovation Board.
Picture: America begins the return to sound money. The new gold-backed dollar.
America begins the return to sound money
The problem of the American national bankruptcy will not go away by trying to start World War Three. China and Russia will stop that. Indeed, they will win it before it even starts. Some say they already have.
The problem of the American national bankruptcy will be moved closer to a benevolent and lasting solution when Washington determines to return to sound money.
The current unsound fiat money laundry at the US Federal Reserve is manifestly unfit for purpose. It only benefits bankers, corporate oligarchs, market insiders and a few nouveau riche techies. In modern-day America, capitalism isn't even working for the middle class. Nor can it pay for the military, prevent the infrastructure from crumbling, return American manufacturing to global competitiveness, or sustain a non-criminal political class.
At the moment, the US dollar is made of paper and is backed by paper. It is a fiat currency. The problem is that no one important outside the US believes in American paper any more, or trusts the syndicate which writes it. A change is needed. The US dollar needs to be made of gold.
Asia and Africa have the necessary gold and are willing to use it to support the emergence of a new, transparent and fully Constitutional USA. The USA is not the US. These are two completely different legal entities.
On Thursday 22nd March 2018, there was a sign that moves towards a return to sound money in America might be imminent. Congressman Alex Mooney of West Virginia (Republican) introduced a bill (HR5404) to define the dollar as a fixed weight of gold. The full text of that bill follows:
H. R. 5404
To define the dollar as a fixed weight of gold.
MARCH 22, 2018
Mr. MOONEY of West Virginia introduced the following bill; which was
referred to the Committee on Financial Services.
To define the dollar as a fixed weight of gold.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled.
Congress finds the following:
(1) The United States dollar has lost 30% of its purchasing power since 2000, and 96% of its purchasing power since the end of the gold standard in 1913.
(2) Under the Federal Reserve's 2% inflation objective, the dollar loses half of its purchasing power every generation, or 35 years.
(3) American families need long-term price stability to meet their household spending needs, save money, and plan for retirement.
(4) The Federal Reserve policy of long-term inflation has made American manufacturing uncompetitive, raising the cost of United States manufactured goods by more than 40% since 2000, compared to less than 20% in Germany and France.
(5) Between 2000 and 2010, United States manufacturing employment shrunk by one third after holding steady for 30 years at nearly 20,000,000 jobs.
(6) The American economy needs a stable dollar, fixed exchange rates, and money supply controlled by the market not the government.
(7) The gold standard puts control of the money supply with the market instead of the Federal Reserve.
(8) The gold standard means legal tender defined by and convertible into a certain quantity of gold.
(9) Under the gold standard through 1913 the United States economy grew at an annual average of 4%, one third larger than the growth rate since then and twice the level since 2000.
(10) The international gold exchange standard from 1914 to 1971 did not provide for a United States dollar convertible into gold, and therefore helped cause the Great Depression and stagflation.
(11) The Federal Reserve's trickle down policy of expanding the money supply with no demand for it has enriched the owners of financial assets but endangered the jobs, wages and savings of blue collar workers.
(12) Restoring American middle-class prosperity requires change in monetary policy authorized to Congress in Article I, Section 8, Clause 5 of the Constitution.
Effective 30 months after the date of enactment of this Act -
(1) The Secretary of the Treasury (in this Act referred to as the ''Secretary'') shall define the dollar in terms of a fixed weight of gold, based on that day's closing market price of gold; and
(2) Federal Reserve Banks shall make Federal Reserve notes exchangeable with gold at the statutory gold definition of the dollar.
During the 30-month period following the date of enactment of this Act, the United States Government shall take timely and reasonable steps to disclose all of its holdings of gold, together with a contemporaneous report of any United States governmental purchases or sales, thus enhancing the ability of the market and of market participants to arrive at the fixed dollar-gold parity in an orderly fashion.
Source here (22.03.18). Political background here (25.03.18). Geopolitical background here (09.04.18).
Picture: Queen Victoria first saw an orangutan at London Zoo in 1842.
Picture: Franciscan University of Steubenville (Ohio, USA) and Facebook.
Picture: BigData BigPsyOps. Facebook and Cambridge Analytica.
Picture: New book: Science Unlimited? The challenges of Scientism.
Picture: Is the entire USA population now under de facto Martial Law?
Picture - Dementia. Is Alzheimer's disease spread by brain surgeons?
What causes dementia? There have been important scientific advances recently. One finding suggests that Alzheimer's disease may be spread by brain surgeons.
The reused surgical instruments routinely employed in brain operations may be transferring the proteins linked to Alzheimer's from brain to brain. Standard sterilisation procedures seem ineffective in removing all of these these proteins from such instruments.
People suffering from Alzheimer's typically have plaques of sticky amyloid proteins accumulated on the walls, or in the walls, of certain of their brain blood vessels. A greyscale electron micrograph of amyloid filaments is shown at the top left of the image above. A larger (coloured) version of a single amyloid filament can be seen in the middle of this image here.
Such amyloid deposits sometimes make the blood vessels so brittle that they leak or burst. This condition is called cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA).
A study at UCL (London) investigated the cases of eight people who developed CAA at a younger than usual age. Normally, CAA doesn't develop until the age of 60 or more. The eight patients in the study group had neurosurgical interventions (brain operations) during childhood or teenage years. About three decades later they all developed intracerebral haemorrhages caused by severe CAA.
More here and here.
Picture: End-Time Tango? Knights of Malta to merge with Knights Templar?
Picture: The Reunification of North Korea & South Korea.
Picture: Canada PM Justin Trudeau.
Picture: In India, falling in love with the wrong person can be deadly.
Picture: Is a Fake History project being launched at Oxford University?
Picture: The Q source (Q Anon) - Veridical? Or disinformative PsyOp?
In the last quarter of 2017, the Q source (Q Anon) began to made itself audible to the anglophone AltNews community. It purported to offer high-status information from a position within the ongoing Deep State régime-change battles in America (USA v US) and elsewhere.
By the USA private corporation, we refer to the new American pro-Constitution patriotic powergroup fronted publicly by Donald John Trump and headed covertly by Joseph Francis Dunford. It has been observed that this powergoup seems to be a Washington DC-based soft-coup military government. By the US private corporation, we mean the old Nazi-continuum warmongering globalist syndicate which used to pretend to American governance in the Obama, Clinton and Bush years.
Neither the USA or the US private corporations are Constitutionally-lawful governing entities yet, but the USA powergroup has the energy and the benevolent potential to morph into proper legality when it makes the appropriate public disclosures and allows a transparent due process of Constitutional law to begin. The task of the USA powergroup is to legalise the Constitution, restore the republic, abolish the privately-owned Federal Reserve money laundry, and explain publicly to the American people why these measures are necessary.
The Q source appears to be articulating developments or actioned processes from inside the USA v US struggle. Whether Q's information constitutes a negative, disinformative, or distractive PsyOp, or is veridical in every detail, remains to be determined. Opinions are divided. By the middle of January 2018, the view was being expressed that the identity of Q had changed, a different team was running its output and its reliability had been subverted. If this is accurate, it does not mean that the original Q was fake. That Q did, it seems, predict the Hawaii nuke shootdown in advance (more here).
By the middle of April 2018, a widely-held idea being circulated was that the Q Anon team was an active White Hat patriotic unit working from within US military intelligence. This team had originally been formed to recruit Donald Trump to run in the 2016 US Presidential election (Plan B), in preference to executing a long-planned and visible anti-Obama, Pentagon-led, military coup in 2014/15 (Plan A).
More Q background can be found here (17.09.18), here (13.09.18), here (03.09.18), here (12.08.18), here (07.08.18), here (07.08.18), here (24.07.18), here (11.07.18), here (25.06.18), here (24.06.18), here (20.05.18), here (09.05.18), here (30.04.18), here (22.04.18), here (22.04.18), here (18.04.18), here (13.04.18), here (12.04.18), here (06.04.18), here (21.03.18), here (26.02.18), here (passim), here (23.02.18), here (12.02.18), here (31.01.18), here (17.01.18), here (25.12.17), here (23.12.17), here (23.12.17), here (23.12.17), here (19.12.17), here (28.11.17), here (28.11.17), here (25.11.17) and here (24.11.17).
AB note: This Q (Q Anon) story is now being expanded and updated on a separate blog page here: Q Channel Q Source Q Anon.
Picture: USA v US. Are the Rogue Factions' assets now frozen by a DJT EO?
Picture: In 2018 will the Western central banks rush to buy CryptoCurrencies?
Picture: Any élite establishment effort to suppress CryptoCurrencies will fail.
Picture: Emergency chocolate cake pictures.
Picture: Were some of the California wildfires in late 2017 deliberately directed?
Picture: The subversive mission of the G7 West's mainstream media.
Picture: JPMorgan Blue Book. The Secret Book of Redemption.
Picture: USA v US. No political asylum in China for Barack Obama says Xi Jinping?
Picture: Assad (Syria) in Sochi (Russia) with Putin (Russia). 20th Nov 2017.
Picture: President of Iran, Hassan Rouhani, in Sochi (Russia). November 2017.
Towards the end of November 2017, there was activity in Sochi (Russia) as top-level talks to shape the post-war political settlement in Syria produced a consensus between Syria, Iran, Turkey and Russia.
The various meetings involving the presidents, foreign ministers and military chiefs of staff of the four nations established the groundwork for what would become the Syrian National Dialogue Congress. The G7 West was not involved.
The Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his team were present for talks with Vladimir Putin on Monday 20th November. Two days later, on Wednesday 22nd November, President Hassan Rouhani (Iran) and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (Turkey) and their teams arrived for trilateral talks with the Russians.
The Russian President, Vladimir Putin, summarised the executive consensus reached: The Syrian people are to decide their future themselves & determine the principles underlying the structure of their government (context here; 22.11.17).
President Hassan Rouhani (Iran) spoke as follows:
In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
Mr Putin, President of the Russian Federation, Mr Erdogan, President of Turkey,
I would like to thank Mr Putin, the President of Russia, for organising this important and frank meeting in the beautiful city of Sochi. I sincerely thank you for that.
It is gratifying that in the course of less than one year since the beginning of the Astana process, our three countries - the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Turkey - have made extensive efforts to combat terrorism and extremism, and paved the way for a political settlement of the crisis in Syria.
Today, new prospects for ending the crisis in Syria are opening up. I am very happy that our three countries, while emphasising the territorial integrity, national sovereignty, independence and unity of Syria, have pledged to closely cooperate in order to create peace and stability in Syria.
From the very beginning, the crisis in Syria was accompanied by direct foreign intervention, including comprehensive, all-round support and equipment and weapon supplies for the militant groups that later formed the backbone of ISIS and al-Nusra, and which were used to further fan the flames of terrorism in this country. This has been an important factor in prolonging the crisis.
Fortunately, today the main pillars of ISIS have been destroyed. The remaining terrorist groups are on the verge of collapse. We owe this victory, without a doubt, to the brave people of Syria, and to the volunteers, soldiers and brave young people who destroyed the devilish fortresses of terrorism and extinguished the flame of evil.
These people are the vanguard of the international community in combating the abominable barbarism that threatens the entire human race. We need to continue our fight against terrorism to eradicate the last terrorist cells and all the con men in Syria, so that the Syrian people no longer suffer under the yoke of terrorism and terrorist acts.
If other peoples and countries in the region learn something from this artificial crisis of Syria, let it be this: some powers that claim to pursue democracy and human rights will not hesitate to make extensive use of the tools of terrorism and violence in order to achieve their short-sighted objectives in the region. The lesson, which these powers have not learned yet, is that the aftermath of supporting terrorism and extremism will not be confined to just one region; this evil will spread to all regions in the world.
Today the region is on the threshold of new conditions for eliminating violence. Those who bred terrorism are attempting to bring about a new crisis as they are concerned that terrorism has been defeated and that violent Salafism might spread to their own countries. They are putting at risk the stability that has been created and the efforts that have been made by regional nations, including Iran.
For six years, the Syrian people fought terrorism that was funded and supplied with weapons and intelligence by foreign nations, and it needed friendly nations and governments to aid it in this unequal struggle. In that respect, the Islamic Republic of Iran was the first nation, the first government to answer the call of the government and the people of Syria to help them fight terrorism. We answered this call and lent our support to the unified Syrian government. We provided support to the people of Syria to restore peace and safety, to fight and eliminate terrorists, and to prevent a repeat of the pattern of destabilisation of Muslim countries like the one we have seen in Afghanistan and Iraq.
In both Afghanistan and Iraq, Iran has used all the means at its disposal to provide security, to restore these two countries and to fight terrorism. We have cooperated with the legitimate governments of these countries on this. We take a very serious stance with regard to fighting terrorism and we are ready to provide other countries with our assistance in this field at their request.
Unfortunately, some countries active in our region are following the examples of the United States and the Zionist regime to sow discord and hatred between the peoples of the region and to shift the responsibility for the outcomes of their hostile policy that seeks to tear the region apart.
The struggle against strife and unrest is one of the manifestations of the practical policy of Iran, which is taking an active part in the Astana format. Our strategy lies in joint actions and competition, coordination and oversight, cooperation with nations, and friendship rather than hostility.
All efforts of the Islamic Republic of Iran are based on the principles and norms of international law and the UN Charter, legitimate cooperation and support for regional stability. By pooling our efforts, we have destroyed the decaying body of terror in Syria and dispersed the dark shadow of ISIS in that country. We have outlined a clear future for the region.
In our conditions, our noble mission is not only to combat terrorism but also to root out various forms of discrimination and poverty by force. This is why we must expand and deepen contacts and regional institutions. Using this approach we may develop a more powerful region and use all its advantages together.
Now that we are on the eve of the Syrian National Dialogue Conference, I consider it necessary to make some points on achieving results.
First. The struggle against terrorism is not yet over and we must by no means give up our efforts to counter the spread of terrorism in the region in the light of recent victories over ISIS. We must help the people of Syria to continue their struggle until terrorism in their country is fully defeated.
Respect for the national sovereignty of Syria is an inalienable part of this struggle. There is no excuse for the presence of foreign troops on the territory of Syria without the permission of its legitimate Government.
After many years of struggle against terrorism and its patrons, Syrians are now in a position to use the new conditions to build a future where their needs are met and there is national and ethnic diversity, and stable popular democracy based on the power of the people.
The people of Syria will not allow foreigners to interfere in their domestic affairs. Naturally, they will resist any attempts to encroach on their national sovereignty, territorial integrity, unity and independence.
Third. The role of the international community in the future of Syria should, of course, be focused on providing assistance to the people of that country in order for them to be able to achieve stability, to put an end to the suffering of this nation, to foreign interference and the imposition of the views of others on the people of Syria.
The provision of comprehensive humanitarian aid is an important part of the political agenda. In order to alleviate the suffering of the people of Syria, it is necessary to include this in the agenda, and to create the necessary conditions for the voluntary return of refugees to their native lands. Countries and international organisations must cooperate here.
The recovery of Syria, as well as economic development in that country, requires the full support of the international community with an emphasis on rebuilding damaged and destroyed infrastructure, as well as creating production opportunities in that country, including the participation of the countries of the region. Our meeting today opens this new stage. Our joint efforts over the past 11 months have shown that, only with political coordination of cooperation and proper implementation of agreements, were we able to be successful in stopping terrorism and violence.
With regard to the National Congress, for it to succeed, it is imperative to coordinate the positions of all three countries at all levels.
In closing, I would like to thank the people and the government of Kazakhstan for making the Astana meeting possible; the people and the government of Turkey, Mr Erdogan, the government and the people of Russia, and Mr Putin for coordinating and holding the Astana meetings. I sincerely thank you all.
I hope that the continuation of this trilateral cooperation will provide fertile ground for the speedy settlement of the crisis in Syria and the resolution of this debilitating conflict.
Thank you for your attention.
Sources and related background references can be found here (22.11.17), here (22.11.17) and here (22.11.17). And the full text of the UN Security Council Resolution 2254 on Syria is here (18.12.15; pdf 4pp).
Picture: Israel and Saudi Arabia versus Iran.
Picture: Palestine. MahmoudAbbas. Donald Trump. ICC v Israel.
Picture: Angela Merkel election & coalition paralysis in Germany. Grundgesetz.
Picture: John McCain and Hillary Clinton wearing concealed GPS ankle bracelets?
Picture: John McCain. Nov 2017. Orthopaedic boot now on left foot.
Picture: Muammar Gaddafi, Robert Mugabe, Jacob Zuma and Xi Jinping.
Picture: Xi Jinping, President of China.
The President of China, Xi Jinping, addressed the 25th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting in Da Nang (Danang), Vietnam, on Saturday 11th November 2017. The full text of his remarks follows:
Working Together for a New Chapter of Win-Win Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific
Dear Colleagues, I wish to thank President Tran Dai Quang and the Vietnamese government for their thoughtful arrangements. Vietnam was hit by Typhoon Damrey a few days ago, resulting in heavy casualties and economic losses. On behalf of the Chinese government and people, let me express my deep sympathy to those affected by the typhoon.
Three years ago on this day, we discussed in Beijing the blueprint for Asia-Pacific cooperation. The Chinese people believe that three years is a good time to take stock of what one has achieved. In the past three years, the world economy has gradually rebounded, showing strong momentum of recovery since the outbreak of the international financial crisis. People in all sectors are gaining more confidence.
Those who recognize the trend are wise and those who ride the trend will win. We need to take note of the profound changes taking place in the world economy. At yesterday's CEO Summit, I shared my thoughts on this subject. If Asia-Pacific economies seize the trend and take action, we can usher in a new round of development and prosperity for the world.
First, we need to promote innovation as a strong growth driver. Innovation is the most powerful lever for development. As new technologies emerge and the new industrial revolution gains momentum, we face a rare historic opportunity for innovation-driven development.
We need to strive for both scientific and technological innovation and institutional innovation, build synergy between market and technology, and help bring to fruition new technologies, new business forms and models to fully unlock our development potential. This is why, in the context of APEC, we need to implement in real earnest the Roadmap on the Internet and Digital Economy we have drawn this year.
Innovation has proven to be essential to the emergence of new drivers for the Chinese economy in recent years. Thirty years ago, China's first email was sent from Beijing. Today, China has 750 million Internet users, our on-line retail sales are growing by 30 percent a year, our "sharing economy" has reached 3.5 trillion yuan in size, and China's mobile payment transactions have exceeded 158 trillion yuan. This example shows that as long as we keep exploring, we will see more opportunities and successes of innovation-driven development.
Second, we need to open up our economies to create more space for development. History has taught us that closed-door development will get nowhere, while open development is the only right choice. We need to remain true to APEC's founding purpose: advance trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, build an open economy, uphold and strengthen the multilateral trading regime, and help rebalance economic globalization. We need to take determined steps toward a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific in line with the agreed roadmap, and herald a new round of development in the Asia-Pacific in the course of opening up.
Next year will mark the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening-up. In nearly four decades, China has opened its arms to embrace the world and achieved "leapfrog development" of itself in this process. Looking ahead, China will open still wider and its development will deliver even greater benefits to the rest of the world. Starting from next year, China will hold an International Import Expo. I am sure this new platform of mutually beneficial cooperation will help all parties to better share the opportunities of China's development.
Third, we need to pursue inclusive development to enhance our people's sense of fulfillment. Lack of inclusiveness in development is a problem facing many economies. We should redouble efforts to address this problem. To enable more people to share the benefits of development, efforts must be made to strike a better balance between fairness and efficiency, capital and labor, technology and employment. Greater attention must be paid to the impact of artificial intelligence and other technological advances on jobs.
APEC members need to do a good job of implementing the Action Agenda on Inclusion formulated this year, and deepen cooperation on poverty reduction, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), education, fighting corruption, urbanization and women's empowerment. All this will contribute to the well-being of the 2.8 billion people in the Asia-Pacific region.
China gives high priority to employment. We have worked to ensure that economic development is pursued in a way that supports job creation, encouraged business start-ups as a means to create more jobs, and paid particular attention to the employment of college graduates and other key groups.
We have also provided the labor force with better education and training to tackle structural unemployment. In each of the past few years, we have created over 13 million new jobs in cities and towns. An important thing we have learnt from all this is that with better coordination and the right measures, economic restructuring does not have to come at the expense of employment. On the contrary, stable employment would allow greater leeway for reform and development.
Fourth, we need to enrich our partnerships and deliver benefits to all involved. As APEC economies, we have a stake in each other's success and our future is closely connected. With a shared future in mind, we need to develop a stronger sense of community, harmonize our policies and create synergy. We need to foster a spirit of harmony in diversity, draw on each other's strength, pursue mutually beneficial cooperation and draw on each other's best practice in development.
We should consider the interests of others while pursuing those of our own, and reduce the adverse spillovers of our domestic policies. As we have agreed on the direction and framework of an Asia-Pacific partnership, it is time to take solid steps toward this goal.
China has put forward the Belt and Road Initiative and is pursuing it in a spirit of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits. This initiative is well received and supported by various parties. The successful and fruitful Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation held in Beijing in May marked a new stage of full implementation.
Going forward, China will deepen policy, infrastructure, trade, financial and people-to-people connectivity with our Asia-Pacific partners, seek interconnected development and move toward a community of shared future.
Dear Colleagues, you may all have an interest in China's future development. Last month's 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was a great success. We laid out our development strategy and blueprint for the coming decades, keeping in mind that socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era whose overriding goal is socialist modernization and national rejuvenation.
We will continue to be guided by a philosophy of people-oriented development, resolve the issue of unbalanced and inadequate development and raise the quality and efficiency of growth to better meet our people's ever-growing needs for economic, political, cultural, social and ecological progress, promote all-round development of our people and facilitate social progress across the board.
We will act on the new vision of development, comprehensively deepen reform, turn China into an innovation-driven country at a faster pace, break new ground in pursuing opening-up on all fronts and build a modern economic system.
I am convinced that a China that enjoys stronger growth and interacts more with the world and whose people have a greater sense of fulfillment will surely bring more opportunities and make greater contributions to the Asia-Pacific and the world at large.
Thank you.
Source here (11.11.17).
Picture: Putin & Trump. APEC summit, Danang, Vietnam. 10th Nov 2017.
On Friday 10th November 2017, the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, and President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, had a conversation before the group photo ceremony of the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in Danang, Vietnam.
Following this conversation on the sidelines of the summit, Putin and Trump approved and published a joint statement on Syria.
The full text of that statement follows. The document was drafted by Russia's and the USA's regional experts. The consultations which led to the agreed text were coordinated by the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, and USA Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson.
Statement by the Presidents of the Russian Federation and the United States of America
President Trump and President Putin today, meeting on the margins of the APEC conference in Danang, Vietnam, confirmed their determination to defeat ISIS in Syria.
They expressed their satisfaction with successful US-Russia enhanced de-confliction efforts between US and Russian military professionals that have dramatically accelerated ISIS’s losses on the battlefield in recent months.
The Presidents agreed to maintain open military channels of communication between military professionals to help ensure the safety of both US and Russian forces and de-confliction of partnered forces engaged in the fight against ISIS. They confirmed that these efforts will be continued until the final defeat of ISIS is achieved.
The Presidents agreed that there is no military solution to the conflict in Syria. They confirmed that the ultimate political solution to the conflict must be forged through the Geneva process pursuant to UNSCR 2254. They also took note of President Assad’s recent commitment to the Geneva process and constitutional reform and elections as called for under UNSCR 2254.
The two Presidents affirmed that these steps must include full implementation of UNSCR 2254, including constitutional reform and free and fair elections under UN supervision, held to the highest international standards of transparency, with all Syrians, including members of the diaspora, eligible to participate.
The Presidents affirmed their commitment to Syria’s sovereignty, unity, independence, territorial integrity, and non-sectarian character, as defined in UNSCR 2254, and urged all Syrian parties to participate actively in the Geneva political process and to support efforts to ensure its success.
Finally President Trump and President Putin confirmed the importance of de-escalation areas as an interim step to reduce violence in Syria, enforce ceasefire agreements, facilitate unhindered humanitarian access, and set the conditions for the ultimate political solution to the conflict.
They reviewed progress on the ceasefire in southwest Syria that was finalized the last time the two Presidents met in Hamburg, Germany on July 7, 2017.
The two presidents, today, welcomed the Memorandum of Principles concluded in Amman, Jordan, on November 8, 2017, between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Russian Federation, and the United States of America.
This Memorandum reinforces the success of the ceasefire initiative, to include the reduction, and ultimate elimination of foreign forces and foreign fighters from the area to ensure a more sustainable peace.
Monitoring this ceasefire arrangement will continue to take place through the Amman Monitoring Center, with participation by expert teams from the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Russian Federation, and the United States of America.
The two Presidents discussed the ongoing need to reduce human suffering in Syria and called on all UN member states to increase their contributions to address these humanitarian needs over the coming months.
Vietnam, Danang, November 10, 2017.
Sources: here (11.11.17) and here (11.11.17).
Picture: Russia and KSA. Medvedev, Putin and Al Saud (October 2017).
Picture: KSA, Saudi Aramco, China and Russia.
The future of the world quietly changed in the 1st week of October 2017. It was hardly noticed in the West.
In Moscow and St Petersburg, Vladimir Putin and his team led a Russia Energy Week Forum. It lasted five days and was attended by representatives of 400 energy-related companies from around the world. Of these, 70 were active business partners working closely with Russia's energy sector.
During that week, on Wednesday 4th October 2017, Putin met with the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, in the Kremlin. And then, the following day, an event of signal geopolitical importance occurred. For the first time in human history, the King of Saudi Arabia visited Russia.
Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and a large delegation of top KSA government people met with Vladimir Putin and Russian officials in Moscow. It was a day for future historians to note with especial care: Thursday 5th October 2017.
With regard to Venezuela, Moscow and Caracas had been keeping in close contact for months. During the Moscow meeting, while speaking to Putin, Maduro put the following comment on record:
It is very important for us that we are continuously in contact and analysing what is taking place in our bilateral relations. We are very grateful to you for the political and diplomatic support that you have given us in these difficult times with which we are gradually coping.
Attempts were made to impose on Venezuela a model that would shackle us and not allow us to use the resources that we have. The only way to deal with this is by actively working to resolve this issue and sincerely believing that our homeland will be able to take command.
I believe this visit is taking place at a very good time because Venezuela is in for an upswing: we are coping with our problems and starting to make forward progress. And now is the time when we can coordinate our plans for cooperation in the energy industry, agriculture and trade. We are very grateful to you for the agreement on wheat supplies that was signed. It helped us a lot, first of all in social terms.
The difficult times Maduro referred to had to do with the attempted demonisation and isolation of Venezuela by the US Rogue Faction and the Western mainstream media. This demonisation was intended to pave the way for entirely unnecessary US-led sanctions against Caracas.
For months, local South American agents of the Nazi-continuum element within the G7 banking cartel had been attempting to incite violent political change in Venezuela to get rid of Maduro and his democratic political party, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).
All manner of interference and agitation, including bought-and-paid-for street protests and terrorist incidents had been used in an attempt to interfere with lawful Venezuelan democracy.
Putin himself has had long experience of dealing with these kinds of external destabilisation projects. He had seen US & Western agencies try them on him and Russia in Yugoslavia (1990-92), Chechnya (1994-2009), Georgia (2008) and Ukraine (2014-present). He had also seen Western warmongers deliberately trying to destroy sovereign nation states in Afghanistan (successful), Iraq (successful), Libya (successful), Syria (unsuccessful), Iran (unsuccessful) and North Korea (unsuccessful).
The "democratic" model which the West's covert agitators were trying to impose on Venezuela by fomenting political unrest was not democracy at all. It was a form of media-supported corporate oligarchy which enriches a controlled leadership clique, loots the nation for the benefit of international corporations, and leaves the general population impoverished in debt-driven wage slavery. It was also designed, as in Afghanistan, to protect the illegal drug trading revenues which were needed to keep the US Rogue Faction and its private armies solvent.
When Maduro said to Putin that Venezuela was in for an upswing, he wasn't just referring to the anticipated results of Chinese and Russian support in agriculture, infrastructure, energy trading, currency management and military advice. He also had in mind visible and positive trends in Venezuela's internal political situation.
These trends became manifest on Sunday 15th October 2017. Maduro's United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) had a huge victory in regional elections. They won 18 out of 23 governorships. International observers praised the electoral process. Opposition claims of voting fraud, uncritically broadcast by the corporate mainstream media, were groundless.
The reason for the Saudi Arabian king's visit to Moscow was far more urgent than the Venezuelan visit. In the end-time geopolitical ferment of 2017, Saudi Arabia was in much greater danger.
Venezuela was a powerfully-led nation with only one enemy (the US). Saudi Arabia's leadership, in contrast, was lazy, frightened, confused, and unfit for purpose. And it had many enemies inside and outside the country. Everyone hated the Al Saud cartel and its rampant corruption.
Up to about 2012, the Al Sauds could maintain their desert tribal royal pretensions, their death-cult, ISIS-like, Wahhabi fake Islam and their pan-total suppression and abuse of women and foreign labourers because of unconditional US military protection and the kingdom's vast petrodollar oil wealth.
Almost all civilised Western nations held their noses against the Riyadh stench and guiltily accepted the Saudi money in arms sales, military training, financial services and banking support. The manifest human rights abuses and spiritual fascism of the top-down forced culture of the kingdom could not be allowed to sully the opportunities for corporate trading in warmongering accessories and old-energy hydrocarbons.
In just a few years, all this changed. The US became unstable, unreliable in international affairs, expensive and dangerous to know. The new 180-strong international alliance of nations led by China and Russia began the incremental takedown of the petrodollar. The new-generation Russian military equipment became better and cheaper than the equivalent American offerings. China's new money and rapid infrastructure-generating capabilities became dominant globally.
For the US, the Ukraine and Syrian conflicts they fomented were disastrous for Washington. Russia outplayed them in Ukraine and gained Crimea. The US attempt to force régime change in Syria by using private terrorist armies failed abjectly as soon as Russia and Iran coordinated in support of Damascus.
Watching all this, the Saudis learned that money could no longer buy sufficient terrorists to destroy sovereign nation states like Syria or Yemen in an orderly and manageable way. It had worked once in Iraq and Libya, but as soon as Russia and Iran stepped in, it would never be allowed to work again.
Just as Turkey, during the Syrian crisis, turned away from the US towards the stronger, more reliable and more honest Russia, so Saudi Arabia started to pivot away from the visibly weakening US and began to develop strategic ties with Russia and China.
The hope in Riyadh was that if the US corporation went down the pan in economic and geopolitical reach, as every indicator seemed to suggest that it would, Saudi Arabia might be able to survive if it took out a few insurance policies with Moscow and Beijing.
This was the background to the first visit of a Saudi king to Russia in human history. The full details of what was agreed between Riyadh and Moscow in early October 2017, however, did not immediately become clear, apart from some long-term strategic agreements in the energy field and the purchase by Riyadh of Russian S-400 Triumf air defense missile systems of the kind which had been so successful in Syria.
NATO member Turkey also purchased S-400 missile systems from Russia. So did Iran. They were better in price and performance than anything the West could produce, and were being quietly installed across a number of Middle East nations, keen to limit the risks from Israel's attempts to keep the region unstable and mired in perpetual manufactured sectarian wars.
In the closing months of 2017, the potential game-changer, said to have been discussed at the UN, the EU and in Beijing, of asking Russia to supply S-400 systems to Palestine, Lebanon and the Golan, was still an unplayed card.
Sources and background: here (04.10.17), here (04.10.17), here (05.10.17), here (05.10.17), here (20.10.17) and here (24.10.17).
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Picture: Government of Catalonia - Declaration - Tues 10th October 2017.
Picture: Catalonia (Spain). September / October 2017.
Picture: Catalonia (Spain). September / October 2017.
Picture: Catalonia (Spain). September / October 2017.
Catalonia is an autonomous region in the north-east of Spain with its own language (Catalan). It has a substantial Mediterranean coastline. Its capital is Barcelona. One of the three or four best Association Football clubs in the world, also called Barcelona, is based there.
The population of Catalonia is 7.45 million, which is about 16% of Spain's total. The region accounts for 19% of Spain's GDP. Its economy is worth €215.6 billion a year.
On Sunday 1st October 2017, the Catalan people held a secessionist referendum in which 90% of those participating expressed their wish for Catalonia to secede from Spain and become a separate independent nation. The turnout for the referendum was 43%. Madrid-ordered police violence against those trying to vote in the referendum led to 770,000 votes being lost.
According to Spain's national constitutional court (based in Madrid), the Catalan government was not entitled to organise such a referendum. This being the case, the referendum vote was unlawful and the result would be ignored by Madrid. The European Commission & the governments of the EU states agreed and sided with the Spanish government.
Writing on the DiEM25 website, Thomas Seibert commented:
The attitude of the European Commission and its governments follows the calculation that politics must be reduced to the unconditional securing of one’s own power.
Madrid, Brussels, Paris and Berlin also agree among themselves that they will base this calculation primarily on the use of a paramilitarily-reinforced police force. With the violent attack on the mass protests against the Hamburg G20 summit, Berlin has once again set the line of march, a violence seconded by Paris when it made the French state of emergency permanent.
From the perspective of over 900 people who have been brutally injured by (Spanish Prime Minister) Rajoy's uniformed squad groups, the only legitimate judgement on the Spanish situation is summed up in the sentence "Spain is dead", deployed by the author Albert Sanchéz Piñol in his commentary on these events.
In view of the complicity of the EU and its governments with the police riots and the millionfold robbery of the right to the freedom of political choice and the right to free political expression, we add: “This EU is dead.”
It is not only the Spanish State, which once again has impressively confirmed its Francoist origins, that calls for our condemnation. And not only the complicity of the EU and its governments to the post-Francoist regime. What also deserves our condemnation in no small part is the subjective loyalty of the Spanish majority to its régime.
In this lies the essentially political problem of this crisis, as well as many another crisis, which therefore are the most difficult to solve: the problem of the voluntary servitude of the majority, and the problem of the violence used by these servants against those who no longer want to be servants.
The Catalan question for us is not a national question, nor a question of a nation state, but a question of democracy. It poses itself not only in every actually existing, but also in every possible democracy. It is the inevitable self-questioning of every democracy. It stands as long as democracy is constituted by the state, and it is set up as long as democracy is in a majority ratio. It articulates the right of the self-defence of minorities, and it defines this right as a right to separation and secession.
Thomas Seibert's full text is here (04.10.17).
On Tuesday 10th October 2017, nine days after the referendum was held, the President of Catalonia, Carles Puigdemont Casamajó (55), addressed the Catalan parliament in Barcelona. The English translation of his delivered text follows:
Official Statement by the President on the political situation in Catalonia
Declaration of independence by the President of the Catalan Government
I stand here before Parliament to present to you the results of the referendum held on October 1 and to explain the political consequences derived from it. I am conscious, as I’m sure are many of you, that today I also stand before the people of Catalonia and before many others, who have focused their attention on what happens today in this chamber.
We are living in an exceptional time, of historical dimension. The consequences and effects run beyond our country and it’s evident that, far from being an internal and domestic affair, as we have often had to hear from those who neglected their responsibility by not wanting to know about what’s happening, Catalonia is a European issue.
Do not expect, from my speech, threats, blackmail nor insults. The current moment is serious enough for everyone to assume their corresponding responsibility and for the necessity to de-escalate tension and not to contribute to it, neither through word nor gesture.
On the other hand, I wish to address the people; those who came out on the 1st and the 3rd of October, those who went to the demonstration on Saturday to advocate for dialogue, and those who came out massively on Sunday in defence of the unity of Spain. And to those who haven’t come out in any of those gatherings. All of us, with all of our differences, with all our points of understanding and divergence, all form part of the same people, and we must continue to work together, whatever happens, because that is how the history of a people who want to build a future is made.
Obviously, we will never agree on everything. But we do understand, because we’ve already demonstrated it, that the way forward can be none other than through democracy and peace. That means respecting those who think differently, and finding a way to make possible collective aspirations, with the realisation that that requires a large dose of dialogue and empathy.
As you may well imagine, in these recent days and hours many have spoken with me, suggesting both what needs to be done and what needs not be done. All of those suggestions are valid, respectable and appropriate for a moment like this. In all cases where I could I appreciated receiving them, because in each one I’ve heard good reasons which are worth listening to. I have also asked the opinion of many people, which has helped me and enriched the analysis of this moment in time and the perspective for the future, and I want to give them my heartfelt thanks.
But what I’m presenting to you today is not a personal decision, nor is it the obsession of any one person: it’s the result of the 1st of October, of the will of the government which I preside over having maintained its commitment to call, organise and hold a referendum of self-determination, and naturally of the analysis of the following facts which we have shared at the core of Government. Today is the time to talk about the results in the Parliament and that’s what we’re going to do.
We are here because on the 1st of October Catalonia held a referendum of self-determination. It was done in conditions, which were, rather than difficult, extreme. It’s the first time in the history of European democracies that an election day was held in the midst of violent police attacks against voters who were queueing to post their vote. From 8 in the morning until the close of polling stations, the Police and Guardia Civil beat defenceless people and obliged the emergency services to attend to more than 800 people. We all saw it, as did the world, which was horrified as the images came through.
The objective was not only to confiscate ballot boxes and voting papers. The objective was to cause panic and make people, as they saw the images of indiscriminate police violence, stay at home and renounce their right to vote.
But those politically responsible for these ignominious acts shot themselves in the foot. 2, 286, 217 citizens overcame their fear, left their homes and voted. We don’t know how many were unsuccessful in doing so, but we do know that the polling stations which were closed down violently represented the votes of 770,000 more people.
More than two million two hundred thousand Catalans were able to vote because they overcame their fear, and because when they arrived at their polling station they found ballot boxes, envelopes, voting slips, constituted voting tables and an operative and reliable electoral list.
The operations and police searches of the previous weeks in seeking ballot boxes and voting slips did not prevent the referendum. Phone taps, following people, cyber-attacks, the closure of 140 websites, interference in correspondence, none of these things could stop the referendum.
I repeat: in spite of the efforts and resources dedicated to prevent it happening, when the citizens arrived at the polling stations, they found ballot boxes, envelopes, voting slips, constituted voting tables and an operative and reliable electoral list.
I wish, therefore, to recognise and appreciate all of the people who made possible this logistical and political success. To the volunteers who slept in the polling stations. To the citizens who kept the ballot boxes in their homes. To those who printed the voting slips. To the computer technicians who came up with and developed the universal electoral list. To the workers in the Government. To those who voted yes or no, and those who voted blank. To so many anonymous people who did their part to make it all possible. And above all, I send my best wishes and solidarity to all those injured and mistreated in the police operation. Those images will remain in our memories forever. We will never forget.
We must recognise and denounce that the actions of the state have caused tension and worry in Catalan society. As President of Catalonia, I’m very conscious that at this time there are many people who are worried, anxious and even scared about what is happening and what may come to pass. People of all ideas and political leanings.
Gratuitous violence and the decision of some companies to transfer their headquarters, in a decision, allow me to say, more related to their markets than to real effects in our economy (what does have real effect on our economy is the 16 billion Catalan euros which are obliged to leave each year), are facts which without doubt have clouded the picture.
To all those people who are afraid, I wish to send them a message of comprehension and empathy, and also of serenity and tranquillity: the Government of Catalonia will not deviate one millimetre from its commitment to social and economic progress, democracy, dialogue, tolerance, respect for difference and a willingness to negotiate. As President I will always act with responsibility and keeping in mind the seven and a half million citizens of the country.
I would like to explain where we are, and especially why we are where we are. Today as the world is watching us, and indeed, today as the world is listening to us, I think it’s worth going back and explaining ourselves.
Since the death of the military dictator Francisco Franco, Catalonia has contributed at least as much as anyone else to the consolidation of Spanish democracy. Catalonia has been not only the economic engine of Spain, but also a modernising and stabling influence. Catalonia believed that the Spanish Constitution of 1978 could be a good starting point to guarantee its self-government and its material progress. Catalonia was deeply involved in the process of returning the Spanish state to European and international institutions after 40 years of isolation.
The passing of the years, however, began to show that the new institutional structure which came out of the Transition, which Catalonia saw as a good starting point towards evolving to new heights of democracy and self-governance, was seen by the hegemonic élite of the state not as a point of departure, but in fact as a point of arrival. With the passing of the years, the system not only stopped evolving in the desired direction for the people of Catalonia, but began to devolve.
Consistent with this finding, in the year 2005, a large majority, 88% of this Parliament, I repeat an 88% majority in this Parliament, following the steps marked out by the Constitution, I repeat, following the steps marked out by the Constitution, approved a proposal for a new Statute of Autonomy, and sent it to the Spanish Congress of Deputies. The Catalan proposal unleashed an authentic campaign of Catalanophobia, tied to an irresponsible manner by those who wanted to govern Spain at any price.
The text which was finally submitted for referendum in 2006 was already very different from the initial proposal from the Catalan Parliament, but despite that was approved by the citizens who voted on it. Turnout was 47%, and the votes in favour of the Statute were 1,899,897. I’d like to point out that that’s 145,000 votes fewer than the yes vote for independence on the 1st of October.
The state, however, hadn’t had enough with the first reduction. In 2010, four years after the entry in law of the watered down Statute, a Constitutional Court made up of magistrates hand-picked by the two main Spanish political parties, emitted an disgraceful sentence which watered down the Statute for a second time, modifying the content which had been voted on by the people in a referendum.
It’s worth remembering this, and underlining it. Despite having followed all the procedures of the constitution, despite being backed by 88% of the Parliament of Catalonia, and despite popular approval in a referendum, the combined action by the Congress of Deputies and the Constitutional Court converted the Catalan proposal into an unrecognisable text. And it’s worth remembering and underlining also: this unrecognisable text, doubly edited and not voted upon by Catalans, this is the current law in force. This has been the result of Catalonia trying to modify its Juridical Statute by constitutional means: a humiliation.
But that’s not everything. Since the sentence of the Constitutional Court against the Statute voted upon by the people, the Spanish political system not only has not moved a finger to try to go back and repair this break, but rather it has activated an aggressive and systematic program of recentralisation.
From the point of view of self-government, the last seven years have been the worst of the last forty: continual degradation of competencies through a series of decrees, laws and sentences; inattention and lack of investment in the basic system of infrastructure in Catalonia, a key part of a country’s economic progress; and hurtful disrespect towards our language, culture and the way of life in our country.
Everything that I explain in these short lines has had a profound impact in Catalan society. It’s got to the point that during this period many Catalans, millions of Catalans, have come to the rational conclusion that the only way to guarantee survival, not only of self-government, but of our values as a society, is the foundation of Catalonia as a state. The results of the last elections to the Parliament of Catalonia are a testament to this.
Furthermore, something even more relevant has happened: in parallel with the formation of a pro-independence absolute majority in the Parliament, a broad consensus has been forged that the future of Catalonia, whatever it may be, had to be decided by the Catalan people, democratically and pacifically, through a referendum. In the most recent poll by an important newspaper in Madrid, not from here, from Madrid, 82% of Catalans expressed this idea.
With the objective of making possible this referendum, in the last few years the Catalan institutions and civil societies have generated many initiatives before the Spanish government and its institutions. It’s all documented: up to 18 times, and in all possible formats, opening a dialogue has been proposed to agree a referendum similar to the one held in Scotland on 18 September 2014. A referendum with the date and a question agreed between the two sides, in which both sides could campaign and present their arguments, and in which both sides commit to accepting and applying the result through a negotiation which protects their respective interests. If that has been possible in one of the oldest, most consolidated and exemplary democracies in the world, as the United Kingdom is, why could it not also be done in Spain?
The answer to all of those initiatives has been a radical and absolute no, combined with police and judicial persecution of Catalan authorities. Ex-President Artur Mas and ex-ministers Joana Ortega and Irene Rigau, as with the ex-minister of Presidency Francesc Homs, have been banned from holding office for having promoted a non-binding participative process without juridical effect on the 9 of November 2014. And not only banned from public office, but also fined in an arbitrary and abusive way: if they do not deposit more than 5 million euros to the Spanish Court of Accounts, all of their assets will be embargoed and their families may be affected.
Apart from them, the bureau of this Parliament and dozens of municipal elected officials have been charged for expressing support for the right to decide and permit debates on the referendum. Charges have been brought against the President of the Parliament and its bureau to prevent them permitting the debate to take place.
The last wave of repression against Catalan institutions has resulted in the detainment and arrest of 16 officials and public servants in the Government of Catalonia, who had to appear in court handcuffed and without being informed of the accusation against them.
The world needs to know too that the leaders of the entities which have led the biggest peaceful demonstrations in Europe’s history are charged with the crime of sedition, which carries a sentence of up to 15 years in prison. These are people responsible for having organised demonstrations which amazed the world for their civility and lack of incident.
This has been the answer of the Spanish State to Catalan demands, which have always been expressed in a peaceful way and through the majorities obtained at the polls. The people of Catalonia have demanded the freedom to be able to decide for years. It’s very simple. We have not found anyone to dialogue with in the past nor are we finding one in the present. There is no State institution that is open to talking about the claim of the majority of this Parliament and of Catalan society. The last hope we could have left was for the monarchy to exercise the arbitration and moderating role that the constitution attaches to it, but the last week's speech confirmed our worst assumptions.
I now turn to the citizens of the whole of the Spanish state who are following with concern what is happening in Catalonia. I want to convey a message of serenity and respect, a willingness to dialogue and of political accord, as has always been our desire and our priority. I am aware of the information that is conveyed to them by most media and the narrative that has been established. But I dare to ask them to make an effort, for the good of all; an effort to know and recognise what has led us here and the reasons that have driven us.
We are not delinquents, nor are we crazy, nor are we attempting a coup, nor just some bad people: we are normal people who ask to be able to vote and who have been willing to undertake all necessary dialogue to carry it out in an agreed manner.
We have nothing against Spain and the Spanish. Quite the opposite. We want to understand each other better, and that is the desire of the majority in Catalonia. Because today, for many years now, the relationship isn’t working and nothing has been done to reverse a situation that has become unsustainable. And a people can not be compelled, against its will, to accept a status quo that it did not vote for and does not want. The Constitution is a democratic framework, but it is equally true that there is democracy beyond the Constitution.
Ladies and gentlemen, with the results of the referendum on October 1st, Catalonia has earned the right to be an independent state, and has earned the right to be heard and respected.
I must recognise that today Catalonia is being listened to and respected beyond our frontiers. The yes to independence won an absolute majority in the elections, and two years later it has won a referendum under the attacks of batons. The ballot boxes, the only language we understand, say yes to independence. And this is the route I am committed to traveling.
As is known, the Referendum Law establishes that, two days after the official proclamation of the results, and in the case where the number of Yes votes is superior to the number of No votes, the Parliament (and I cite the wording of the law) “will hold an ordinary session to put into effect a formal declaration of the independence of Catalonia, its effects and agree the beginning of the constituent process”.
There’s a before and after the 1st of October, and we have achieved what we committed ourselves to at the beginning of this legislature.
Arriving at this historic moment, and as President of the Generalitat I take it upon myself to say, in presenting to you the results of the referendum before Parliament and our co-citizens, that the people have determined that Catalonia should become an independent state in the form of a republic.
That is what needs to be done today, responsibly and with respect.
In with the same solemnity, the Government and I myself propose that the Parliament suspends the effects of the declaration of independence so that in the coming weeks we may begin a dialogue without which it is impossible to arrive at an agreed solution.
We firmly believe that this moment needs not only a de-escalation of tension but also a clear and committed willingness to advance the claims of the people of Catalonia from the results of the 1st of October. We must keep these results in mind during the period of dialogue which we are willing to open.
It is well-known that since the referendum different mediation initiatives have been put in place, regarding dialogue and negotiation and at national, state and international level. Some of these are publicly known, while others are not known yet. All are serious attempts, and were difficult to imagine happening just a short time ago.
The cries for dialogue and for no violence have been heard from all corners of the globe; yesterday’s declaration by a group of eight Nobel Peace Prize winners; the declaration the group The Elders led by the ex-secretary general of the United Nations Kofi Annan and made up of people of great world relevance; the positions of Presidents and Prime Ministers of European countries, European political leaders…
There’s a prayer for dialogue which runs through Europe, because Europe already feels interrupted by the effects of what could happen with a bad resolution of this conflict. All of these voices deserve to be listened to. And all, without exception, have asked that we open a time to give dialogue with the Spanish state a chance.
That is also what needs to be done today, responsibly and with respect.
In finishing, I call on the responsibility of everyone. To the citizens of Catalonia, I ask that we continue to express ourselves as we have done up to now, with freedom and with respect for those who think differently. To companies and economic stakeholders, I ask that they continue to generate wealth and not fall into the temptation to use their power to influence the population. To the political parties, I ask that they contribute with their words and actions to lower the tension. I also ask this of the media. To the Spanish government, I ask that they listen, not to us if they don’t want, but to those who advocate for mediation and to the international community, and to the millions of citizens around Spain who ask that they renounce repression and imposition. To the European Union, I ask that they get deeply involved and hold up the fundamental values of the Union.
Today the Government of Catalonia makes a gesture of responsibility and generosity, and again reaches out its hand in dialogue. I’m convinced that, if in the coming days everyone acts with the same responsibility and fulfils their obligations, the conflict between Catalonia and the Spanish state can be resolved in a manner that is serene and with accord, respecting the will of the people. For us, this will not stop here. Because we want to be true to our long history, to all who suffered and made sacrifices, and because we want a future of dignity for our children, for all those people who want to make Catalonia their land of welcome and hope.
Thank you very much.
Carles Puigdemont Casamajó
President of the Catalan Government
Source: here (10.10.17) or here (10.10.17 - pdf 7pp).
Two weeks of long-distance media sparring between the Catalonian separists and Madrid took place after this, but there was no substantive dialogue. Catalonia wanted dialogue; Madrid refused it. Fixed Position spoke to Fixed Position through megaphones.
The Neo-Francoist régime of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy gave the world an object lesson in how not to conduct practical domestic politics. Rajoy showed himself to be the most inept and politically illiterate of all current European Heads of Government with the (rather obvious) exception of Theresa May in the UK.
Then, on Friday 27th October 2017, two things happened which, together, radically threatened the chances of the future survival of Spain as a political entity, of the Borbón (Bourbon) monarchy as credible royalty, of the European Union as a coherent political entity, and of the European Central Bank as a solvent money laundry.
First, Catalonia's regional parliament in Barcelona voted to declare independence from Spain. Second, less than an hour later in Madrid, Spain's national senate voted to approve the use of Constitution article 155 powers by the national government against the Catalan authorities. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy sacked the Catalan government of Carles Puigdemont and ordered new regional elections to be held on Thursday 21st December 2017. He also removed the head of the Catalan police force (the Mossos d'Esquadra).
As the UK's most successful politician of the decade, Nigel Farage MEP (UKIP Brexit), commented on Twitter: "The situation in Catalonia today is (EU/EC) Juncker’s worst nightmare. The Spanish pushed the Catalan people too far."
Spain's National Debt currently stands at $1.19 trillion. This debt is rising by $1,760 per second. Spain's total debt as a percentage of its GDP is 100.99% (processed data here).
For Spain to survive financially it needs the Catalan economic input of €215.6 billion a year. For the European Union, the European Central Bank and the EuroZone currency to survive, they all badly need Spain not to collapse in an accelerating and visible financial default. The events of October 2017 make that outcome much more likely. Don't just watch the stock markets; watch the bond markets.
.............................................................................................................................................. Picture: In Japan & South Korea who is smuggling stolen GCA gold?
Picture: UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson on Sirte (Libya) & the next Dubai.
Picture: Binyamin Netanyahu. Golan Heights, Syria. Penguins seen in distance.
Picture: Binyamin Netanyahu. Paris, France. Penguins approaching.
Picture: Raqqa 2017; Nineveh 2,500 years ago; Kurds = Medes?
Western Geopolitics: Is G7 covert governance still in the hands of a Satanic, war-mongering, Nazi-continuum élite?
In the summer of 2017, Benjamin Fulford, a Japan-based spokesman for the international White Dragon Society, gave two interviews about his work uncovering élite corruption in current geopolitics. Many of the issues he addressed are being ignored or suppressed by the Western mainstream media.
Q: What is your education and journalistic background, Benjamin?
Fulford: My educational background is varied. I went to grade school in Mexico and Canada and studied in Spanish and English. My high school was in French. When I was 17, I went to the Amazon and studied under a Shipibo shaman on the banks of the Ucuyali river in Northern Peru.
My university education was Sophia University in Tokyo and the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. My degree is in Asian studies with a China area speciality. However, since I took about 10 years' worth of undergraduate courses, I think of myself as a generalist.
Q: You also speak multiple languages, yes?
Fulford: Yes. Native or near-native in English, Japanese, French and Spanish. Conversational ability in Mandarin and the various romance languages.
Q: Being with such a well known media company (Forbes), what caused you to leave your job?
Fulford: There were many reasons but mainly it had to do with censorship. When Citibank was kicked out of Japan because they were caught money laundering for crime gangs, Forbes would not run the story even though my sources were Finance Ministry officials speaking on the record.
The final straw was when they asked me to do a story about a computer virus software company. I went to the Philippines to visit their laboratories and while there I went to visit the creator of the “I love you” virus that caused billions of dollars worth of damage. He claimed the anti-virus company paid him to make the virus.
I thought I had a big scoop but my editors refused to run the story because they thought I was becoming “unreliable.” Then Mr. Nakagawa, the business manager in Japan told me the real reason the story was cancelled was because the head of the anti-virus company paid Steve Forbes $500,000 to kill my story. That was the last straw for me.
However, it was a very scary thing to give up that regular fat monthly paycheck and the prestigious name card that opened so many doors. I can understand why many corporate journalists put up with censorship and control just so they can keep up their lifestyles.
Q: You’ve stated that the Japanese royal family showed you evidence that 9/11 was an inside job and that this was sort of your big “wake up call.” Can you elaborate on that?
Fulford: I was planning to publish a book exposing the corruption in Japan. The day after I sent the first two chapters to my agent, I got a call from Kaoru Nakamaru, a cousin of Emperor Hirohito who told me: “I know a lot about the dark side of Japan but I understand nothing about the dark side of the West.” We met and she asked me not to publish the book because that is not what I really wanted to do in my heart. Then she gave me a 911 video.
My thought at the time was “this is one of those anti-semitic conspiracy videos I read about in the New York Times.” I was thus reluctant to even look at it. However, when I did, it really opened my eyes and set me on a path of intensive research into the historical truth of false flags over the ages.
Q: You wrote a book about 9/11, correct?
Fulford: Yes I did and it was a best seller in Japan. Here is the link.
Q: You’ve also been very vocal about Fukishima being an intentional crime against humanity . Can you please elaborate on that?
Fulford: First of all the Japanese authorities were warned in advance of March 11, 2011 by an Australian government agent going by the code name Richard Sorge (now Alexander Romanov) that a 500 kiloton nuclear weapon stolen from the Russian submarine Kursk in 2000 had been smuggled into Japan for the purpose of nuclear terror against that country. Sorge also told me and I wrote about it.
Sorge was a drug smuggler into Japan for over 20 years and went to the authorities when a nuclear weapon was sent together with his usual drug shipment.
The bomb was first taken to former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone’s property in Hinodecho in Western Tokyo. It was then taken to the North Korean citizens' association building.
Later, according to Takamasa Kawase of Japanese military intelligence, the bomb was taken aboard the deep sea drilling ship Chikyu. Local news reports confirm the Chikyu was drilling deep into the seabed at the exact epicenters of the Fukushima earthquake prior to March 11, 2011 (or 311 as they call it in Japan).
After the Tsunami and nuclear attack on Japan, a Christian Pastor by the name of Paolo Izumi was approached by a member of the Japanese self-defence forces who said he was part of a 15-member crew that dismantled the bomb into 5 smaller nuclear devices and that these were drilled into the seabed by the Chikyu prior to 311. He thought at the time that he was participating in earthquake research.
After the terrorist attack, his colleagues were all murdered so he sought shelter from his Pastor. The person is now being protected under the witness protection program and is willing to testify in public about what happened.
There is a lot more to this so please do a news search to see my previous articles on the subject.
Q: So this is some sort of global élite that have helped to orchestrate 9/11 and Fukushima?
Fulford: The forensic trail of evidence led to Peter Hanz Kolvenbach, the former head of the Jesuits and the P2 Freemason lodge in Italy. These people are aiming for a fascist world government under their control.
Q: You were the first journalist (to my knowledge) to publicly write about what is known as the global collateral accounts. Can you explain what these accounts are and some of their history, as well as their intended purpose?
Fulford: Again that would require a book on its own. The short version is that since Roman times the West sent gold and silver to Asia in exchange for silk, ceramics and spices. This meant that about 85% of the world’s precious metals ended up in Asia, mostly under the control of various Asian royal dynasties.
This gold was used to back up the Bretton Woods system. However, when the West broke its promises to have a Marshal plan for the whole world and only applied it to the G7 countries under their control, the gold was cut off.
The US thus ran out of gold in the early 1970s which led to the Nixon shock when the US dollar was taken off the gold standard and put on the oil standard.
The petrodollar standard is now being replaced once again with a gold standard, but the process is not complete and there is a continuing stand off between the West, who have the Euro, US Dollar and Yen printing presses and the Asians, who have the gold.
Q: In August of 2011, you wrote about a meeting that took place off the coast of Monaco between a man named Neil Keenan and 57 financial representatives from various countries around the world. What was that meeting about and why was it so important?
Fulford: Basically an alliance was formed with backing from US military white hats to try to take control of the global financial system away from the élite Western bloodline families I refer to as the Khazarian mafia.
Q: So essentially, there is a large international alliance that is opposing a one world order?
Fulford: They are not opposed to a world united by friendship and the rule of law. They are opposed to a world fascist dictatorship controlled by Satan-worshiping élite bloodlines.
The anti-Russian hysteria on the part of the Khazarians is due to the fact they were kicked out of Russia, and Russia is now undergoing a big Christian revival.
Q: What are some sources that you receive your intelligence from?
Fulford: My sources are many and varied but include people in the P2 Freemason lodge, the FSB, the NSA, the Gnostic Illuminati, the CIA, US military Intelligence, the various Japanese crime gangs, Asian secret societies, Japanese military intelligence, the North Koreans, etc.
I have been a reporter here for 30 years which means I have developed a comprehensive set of contacts.
Q: So there are many people within the intelligence community around the world who are working quietly and are also part of this international alliance seeking to end the corruptive power systems of our world?
Fulford: Yes, indeed.
Q: You’ve stated that you’ve had 5 attempts at your life. Clearly, “they” don’t like that you’re putting out such revealing information on a weekly basis.
Fulford: The five murder attempts include:
Being poisoned in Italy by Vincenzo Mazzara, a cavalier of the teutonic knights and a senior member of the P2 freemason lodge.
An attempt to shoot me by Japanese gangsters in Sakhalin, Russia.
Multiple attempts to murder me in Osaka by Japanese gangsters paid to do so by Rothschild agent Michael Greenberg.
An attempted attack with a heart attack inducing electronic device on a subway in Tokyo.
Being stabbed with a poison needle by Mutsuaki Okubo, a North Korean agent.
Q: Some people say that you’re disinformation because certain things have not come to pass that you’ve written about. However, many things have. Can you talk about some of those big events that have?
Fulford: When people accuse me of being a disinformation agent they are basically calling me a liar, which is slander.
What has happened is that my sources have told me certain things are going to happen and they do not always happen as my sources told me they would. In such cases, I was quoting my sources and they were wrong. For example, senior CIA sources kept insisting to me that Joe Biden would be President but it turned out to be Donald Trump.
However, some of my sources accurately predicted events like the Lehman Shock, the overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood government in Egypt, the Fukushima nuclear terror attack on Japan, etc.
Q: So essentially, good things are happening despite a lack of media attention on it?
Fulford: Good things are definitely happening and that is obvious for all to see. Only 6% of Americans trust the mainstream media which means they have killed themselves with their constant lies and cover ups.
Q: Any other messages you’d like to share with the world or anyone in particular?
Fulford: Yes, the process of creating and distributing money is the process of deciding what humanity does in the future. This process should be a transparently run public utility not a private monopoly in the hands of gangsters. We are fighting to free humanity from a horrific régime of Babylonian debt slavery and we are winning.
Source here (20.07.17).
Five weeks later, Benjamin Fulford took part in another Q&A.
Q: Were papers filed in The Hague authorizing the US military to intervene on behalf of its people against elements of its own government? Would an alt-news campaign encourage the US military?
Fulford: None of my sources have told me about papers filed in the Hague, but I can assert for sure the Trump régime is a de facto military junta and the US military has already taken action.
Q: Is it possible that the cabal used HAARP technology to create the Houston storm to bring up the oil price to support their banks?
Fulford: Yes it is possible. When studying events it is always important to ask Qui bono? (Who benefits?)
Q: Is an increase of troops in Afghanistan actually going to occur because these troops will destroy the poppy fields/drugs traffic?
Fulford: No, the troops are there to protect the poppy fields because they generate about $1.6 trillion a year of revenue.
Q: What is keeping George Soros from being arrested?
Fulford: George Soros has not been arrested because he has been killed. The cabalists are trying to maintain the illusion he is alive because they need a front man like him to act as a cover for the real actors like the Rothschilds.
Q: Why aren’t Antifa and BLM identified as terrorist organizations?
Fulford: They have been and they are being rounded up.
Q: When will China and Russia assert their authority for pricing physical precious metals?
Fulford: It is an ongoing process. The real debate going on under the surface is about when, how, or if off-ledger gold is to be monetised. It is a complex issue.
Q: Are mass arrests being deterred by terrorist nuclear/biological/other threats, and is this temporary?
Fulford: There have been a lot of arrests but yes, some powerful actors are still around because they have armies protecting them and have access to weapons of mass destruction.
Q: Are the CIA and FBI now under Trump’s control or do they work for the Cabal?
Fulford: They are split into both factions but the Trump faction is now prevailing.
Q: Is there any imminent significant action, or is all the impetus on a gradual (e.g. two year) transition?
Fulford: There is a gradual transition underway. The main problem is that if you just collapse the system into a hard landing without a viable replacement ready, there will be chaos, bloodshed, and suffering on a massive scale.
Q: What about the Antifa armed revolt training we are hearing about?
Fulford: Antifa activists are being rounded up.
Q: What do you currently see as the most hopeful course of action? Would you consider giving interviews in alt media?
Fulford: The White Dragon Society is pushing for, and participating in, top level negotiations to revamp and, at times replace, the international architecture that was put in place after World War 2. And yes, I am happy to give interviews.
Source here (29.08.17).
AB note: The White Dragon Society grew out of the Black Dragon Society in May 2010. More about the White Dragon Society can be found here, here, here and here. And there is more about the Global Collateral Accounts here and here (pdf 120pp).
Picture: What is the Western World's end-time conflict really all about?
Picture: Abuse heard in Roman Catholic confessions?
Picture: Why do we have wars, Mummy?
Picture: America loses at Global Chess again. US and Russia.
Since the Nixon gold shock of 1971, the United States of America (US Inc / USA Inc) has allowed itself to become the most immature, short-sighted and self-injurious democracy in the world. Nowhere is this more evident than in Washington's foreign policy dealings with Russia, South America, the Middle East, the Korean peninsula and China.
With regard to dealings with Russia, the American political class is now corrupt, deskilled and blustering. Fortunately, the top military people in both countries continue to get along well, despite media and political comment to the contrary.
It is a de facto feature of American corporate governance (Washington DC) that the mainstream media managers are senior in rank to the elected politicians. And there are thirty-nine levels of security clearance above the level of the US President. During the Bush, Clinton and Obama presidencies, this fact helped to prevent several attempts to start World War Three.
Also influential in the global peace-keeping effort has been the very evident fact that the Russians have kept years ahead of the Americans in terms of scalar and electronic nuke suppression capabilities. The term cosmospheres is sometimes mentioned in this context. Russia is thought to have high-status spiritual and (or) benevolent off-planet assistance with this technology.
On the issue of the recent attempts by the American media and political class to demonise Russia for propaganda and distraction purposes, Dr Paul Craig Roberts has offered some pertinent comments. On Friday 28th July 2017 he wrote:
The Congress of the United States by almost unanimous votes in both House and Senate has made it clear that Congress had rather destroy the President of the United States and to increase the risk of nuclear war than to avoid conflict with Russia by normalizing relations.
The vote on the new sanctions makes it pointless for President Trump to veto the bill, because it passed both houses by far more than the two-thirds vote required to over-ride the president’s veto. The only thing Trump can achieve with a veto is to prove the false charge that he is in league with Vladimir Putin
The new sanctions bill forecloses the possibility of reducing the rising tensions between the two major nuclear powers. It also shows that whatever interest Congress has, if any, in reducing the threat of war and in avoiding a break with Europe over the sanctions, Congress has a much greater interest in continuing to collect campaign contributions from the powerful and rich military/security complex and in playing to the growing hatred of Russia that is encouraged by the US media.
This reckless and irresponsible action by the US Congress makes completely clear that Washington has intentionally chosen conflict with Russia as the main element of US foreign policy. Perhaps now the Russian government will abandon its cherished illusion that an accommodition with Washington can be reached.
As I have written on many occasions, the only way Russia can achieve accommodation with Washington is to surrender and accept American hegemony. Any further resistance of the Russian government to this obvious fact would indicate dangerous delusion on the part of the Russian leadership.
The fig leaf Congress chose for its violation of diplomatic protocols and international law is the disproven allegation of Russian interference in behalf of Trump in the US presidential election.
An organisation of former US intelligence officers recently announced that forensic investigation has been made of the alleged Russian computer hacking, and the conclusion is that there was no hack; there was an internal leak, and the leak was copied on to a device and Russian “fingerprints” were added. There is no forensic evidence whatsoever that shows any indication of Russian hacking.
It is all made up, and everyone alleging Russian hacking knows it. There is no difference between the allegation of Russian hacking and Hitler’s allegation in 1939 that “last night Polish forces crossed our frontier,” Hitler’s fig leaf for his invasion of Poland.
That Congress uses a blatantly transparent lie to justify its violation of international law and intentionally worsens US relations with both Russia and the EU proves how determined Washington is to intensify conflict with Russia. Expect more false allegations, more demonization, more threats.
War is in the cards.
Source here (28.07.17).
Three days later, on Monday 31st July 2017, Paul Craig Roberts returned to the subject of war:
Some historians believe that the cause of WW2 was UK prime minister Chamberlain’s appeasement of Hitler’s recovery of German territory given to other countries via the Versailles Treaty in contravention of US President Woodrow Wilson’s promise to Germany that there would be no reparations and no loss of territory if Germany agreed to an armistice ending WW1.
I do not agree. The facts seem clear. The cause of WW2 was the gratuitous and unenforceable guarantee to the Polish military government given by Chamberlain that if Poland refused to hand German lands and populations back to Germany, Great Britain would be there to support Poland.
When Germany and the Soviet Union made the deal to split Poland between them and attacked, Britain due to its stupid “guarantee” declared war on Germany, but not on the Soviet Union. As France was aligned by treaty with Britain, France, too, had to declare war.
Because of the reign of propaganda in the West, hardly anyone knows this, but WW2 was started by the British and French declaration of war on Germany. Yet, it was the surviving members of the German régime who were put on trial by the US, UK, France, and the Soviet Union in Nuremberg for initiating aggressive war.
Nevertheless, as the general opinion is that Chamberlain encouraged Hitler to ever more aggressive actions by the British failure to respond, why has no one pointed out that the Russian government’s lack of response to Washington’s aggressive actions toward Russia encourages Washington to become more aggressive. This also is leading to war.
The Russian government, like Chamberlain’s, has not responded to provocations far more dangerous than Chamberlain faced, because, like Chamberlain, the Russian government prefers peace to war.
The question is whether the Russian government is avoiding or encouraging war by its non-response to illegal sanctions and propagandistic accusations and demonizations. Russia has even allowed Washington to put ABM bases on its borders with Poland and Romania. This is like the US permitting Russia to put missile bases in Cuba.
Russia is disadvantaged because, unlike the United States, Russia is an open society, not a police state like the US where dissent is controlled and suppressed.
The Russian government is handicapped by its decision to permit foreign ownership of some of its media. It is disadvantaged by its decision to accept hundreds of American and European financed NGOs that organize protests and constantly level false charges at the Russian government. The Russian government permits this because it mistakenly believes Washington and its vassals will see Russia as a tolerant democracy and welcome it into the Western Family of Nations.
Russia is also disadvantaged by its educated upper class, professors and businessmen who are Western oriented. The professors want to be invited to conferences at Harvard University. The businessmen want to be integrated into the Western business community.
These people are known as “Atlanticist Integrationists.” They believe Russia’s future depends on acceptance by the West and are willing to sell out Russia in order to gain this acceptance. Even some of Russian youth think everything is great in America where the streets are paved with gold, and some of the Russian media take their cue from the Western presstitutes.
It is a difficult situation for the Russian government. The Russians mistakenly believed that the demise of the Soviet Union made us all friends. It seems only Gorbachev understands that the Soviet collapse removed all constraint on Washington’s hegemonic behavior.
Few in Russia seem to understand that the enormous budget and power of the US military/security complex, about which President Eisenhower, warned in 1961, needs an enemy for its justification, and that the Soviet collapse had removed the enemy. The very minute that Russia stood up for its national interest, Washington filled the desperately needed category of “The Enemy” with Putin’s Russia.
The Russian government and upper class have been extremely slow in realizing this. Indeed, only a few are beginning to see the light.
Despite the writing on the wall, Russia’s new UN envoy, Vasily Nabenzya declared on July 29 that Russia has no alternative to “building bridges under any circumstances. We will cooperate. Americans cannot go without us, and us without them. This is an objective reality.”
This is a statement of Russian surrender.
Russia’s deputy foreign minister, Sergei Ryabkov also refuses to read the writing on the wall. He thinks Washington and Moscow must “break the vicious circle of retaliation and start anew.”
On July 30 Russian President Putin finally responded to the Obama regime’s orchestrated expulsion of Russian diplomats from Washington last Christmas and illegal seizure of Russian government properties in the Washington area by evicting 750 “American diplomats,” in reality agents working to undermine the Russian government. Putin could just as well have arrested them. It only took 7 months for Russia to respond to Washington’s hostile actions against Russian diplomats.
Sometimes the Russian government shows some awareness that it is permanently designated as Washington’s Number One Enemy. Putin explained the belated expulsion of US “diplomats” as follows: “We’ve been waiting for quite a long time that maybe something would change for the better, we had hopes that the situation would change. But it looks like, it’s not going to change in the near future .… I decided that it is time for us to show that we will not leave anything unanswered.”
After saying this, Putin took it all back: “The main thing is, that we have a multi-faceted cooperation in many fields. Of course, Moscow has a lot to say and there is a number of spheres of cooperation that we could potentially cut and it would be sensitive for the US side. But I think we shouldn’t do it. It would harm development of international relations. I hope it won’t get to that point. As of today, I’m against it.”
A more realistic response than President Putin’s comes from Dmitry Suslov, deputy director of the Russian Council on Foreign and Defense Policy and program director of Putin’s Valdai Discussion Club. Suslov understands that the new illegal sanctions against Russia, in addition to their advantage for US energy corporations, are an act of aggression toward Russia, the purpose of which is to make impossible the improvement of bilateral relations between the US and Russia.
“Today,” Suslov said, “it is already clear that the US is our enemy, and will remain our enemy for a long time. Russia needs to adjust its state arms program, reflecting the inevitable military-political confrontation with the US. There must be investments in stratgic deterrence, in maintaining the system of guaranteed mutual destruction.”
Suslov adds: “Perhaps, it is worthwhile to turn off cooperation with the United States on those issues which are necessary first of all for the US itself. For example, the US depends on Russia in the field of space cooperation. Perhaps there is a need to make adjustments and give up part of the programs of cooperation. It is worthwhile to think about increasing military cooperation between Russia on the American continent - I mean primarily to build up cooperation with Venezuela,” Suslov said.
In Washington, anyone who departed as far as Suslov has from the delusions that hinder Russian decision-making would be fired. It will be interesting to see if Suslov has introduced more reality than is acceptable into Russian awareness of the threat that Russia faces from Washington.
Is Russia a country so desperate to be part of the West that it is ruled by delusions and illusions? If so, war is a certainty.
Source here (31.07.17).
Paul Craig Roberts was President Ronald Reagan's Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy. Reagan thought very well of him as the text of this letter indicates.
Picture: UK. Everyone is AntiSemitic until further notice.
Picture: Jeremy Corbyn (UK). We must reclaim our public spaces.
Picture: End-time geopolitics? Kandinsky - Contrasting Sounds.
Picture: What matters in Jane Austen?
Picture: Should fake white middle-class feminists be banned?
Picture: Which rogue faction is supplying North Korea with missiles and nukes?
Picture: USA inc - Donald Trump. US Inc - Henry Kissinger.
Picture: Vladimir Putin & Donald Trump. G20 Hamburg, July 2017.
On Saturday 8th July 2017, following the conclusion of a G20 summit meeting in Hamburg (Germany), the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, took questions from the media.
Q: Mr President, both experts and ordinary people, some of whom are rampaging near this building now, are known to have different opinions on the usefulness of G20 summits. At this summit, for example, there was more talk about your meeting with Mr Trump. Which of the issues discussed by the G20 is most relevant for Russia?
Putin: G20 is primarily an economic forum, even though many political and similar issues emerge. Nevertheless, the main issue is the development of the global economy, and this is what received the greatest attention.
We agreed on determining global economy sustainability principles, and this is vitally important for working along the same standards.
Then we continued with the issue which in fact had been launched in St Petersburg: money laundering and everything connected with tax havens and tax evasion. It is a crucial matter with practical implications.
Next, no less important and also connected with the economy, a related but very important issue – the fight against terror, tracking money flows to prevent the funding of terrorism.
Finally, a very big and very sensitive issue is climate change. I think in this respect the Federal Republic of Germany chairing the G20 has managed to reach the best compromise in a difficult situation the chairing nation has found itself in, namely due to the US quitting the Paris Climate Agreement.
An agreement was reached, a compromise, when all the countries have recorded that the United States pulled out of the agreement but they are ready to continue cooperating in certain areas and with certain countries on addressing climate change challenges. I think this is a positive result in itself, which can be credited to Chancellor Merkel.
There are other issues we looked into. For example, digital economy. Here we proposed adopting common rules in the area of digital economy, defining cyber security and designing a comprehensive system of behaviour rules in this sphere.
We said today – the President of the South African Republic spoke very convincingly about it; in fact, this issue was touched upon in practically everyone’s speech and in some way it is reflected in the final documents – that we must be ready for the release of the labour force, we must make joint efforts, we must figure out what should be done with the workers who have lost their jobs, how to arrange retraining, what the deadlines are and what rules should be put in place.
Among other things, I drew attention to the fact that trade unions will have to be engaged because they will protect not only the workers but also the self-employed individuals operating in the digital economy, and the number of such jobs is increasing. This is connected in one way or another with women’s rights and education for girls. This is being discussed at many forums but we talked about it today in the context of digital economy.
Q: Mr President, many speakers, ministers from different countries responsible for the economy, said that 2017 could become the year of global economic growth. How feasible is that and will this growth be seen in Russia in view of the current unfavourable trends – sanctions, restrictions and other factors?
Putin: We have not seen any unfavourable trends so far, or they have almost disappeared at any rate. Certain factors are having a negative impact on economic development, including in the global economy, the economy in the Euro zone and in Russia, those same illegitimate restrictions you have mentioned.
We call for lifting any restrictions, for free trade, for working within the World Trade Organisation, in line the WTO rules. By the way, one of the topics discussed here was free trade and countering protectionism. This is also one of the crucial areas that should be mentioned.
On the whole, there is some progress. However, the initial optimistic growth forecasts have been downgraded. Nevertheless, there is growth, and it is apparent, including in Russia.
I said recently and repeated it here that Russian economic growth is tangible, the Russian economy, and we can say this with certainty, has recovered from the recession. We have been growing for the third quarter in a row, and soon it will be the fourth quarter in a row. Growth exceeded 3 percent in May: it was 3.1 percent. I think we will have an average of 2 percent in 2017. This is also a significant contribution to the global economic growth.
Let me remind you that we also have low unemployment of 5.2 percent, our reserves are growing, including the reserves of the Central Bank and the Government. The Central Bank reserves have already reached $412 billion. The federal budget revenues grew by 40 percent, and all this is happening against the background of fairly low inflation of 4.4 percent. All this taken together certainly gives us optimism; however, one cannot say with certainty that this is a long-term trend. We must take care to sustain this growth trend. I have every reason to believe that we will manage to do it.
Q: Mr President, your meeting with President Trump was the focus of everyone's attention at the summit. How do you access the results of this meeting? It is no secret that US President had voiced a rather tough rhetoric in Poland, and there had even been unfriendly statements from US media in the run-up to the summit. Did Mr Trump ask you directly about Russia's interference in the US [presidential] election? Did you like him personally? Do you think you will get along?
Putin: The US President asked me this question directly, and we discussed it. And this was not a single question, there were many, and he gave much attention to this issue. Russia's stance is well-known and I reiterated it. There is no reason to believe that Russia interfered in the US election process.
But what is important is that we have agreed that there should not be any uncertainty in this sphere, especially in the future. By the way, I mentioned at the latest summit session that this directly concerns cyberspace, web resources and so on.
The US President and I have agreed to establish a working group and make joint efforts to monitor security in the cyberspace, ensure full compliance with international laws in this area, and to prevent interference in countries' internal affairs. Primarily this concerns Russia and the United States. We believe that if we succeed in organising this work – and I have no doubt that we will – there will be no more speculation over this matter.
As regards personal relations, I believe that they have been established. This is how I see it: Mr Trump's television image is very different from the real person; he is a very down to earth and direct person, and he has an absolutely adequate attitude towards the person he is talking with; he analyses things pretty fast and answers the questions he is asked or new ones that arise in the course of the discussion. So I think that if we build our relations in the vein of our yesterday's meeting, there are good reasons to believe that we will be able to revive, at least partially, the level of interaction that we need.
Q: Could you please say if President Trump has accepted your denial of Russia’s involvement, Russia’s interference in the US election?
Putin: I repeat, he asked many question on this matter. I answered all of his questions as far as I could. I think he took note and agreed. But it would be better if you asked him about what he thinks about it.
Q: I would like to ask what you think of Alexei Navalny and his activities. And why you do not say his name and surname when you answer questions about him.
Putin: I think we can engage in dialogue, especially at the level of the President or the Government, with the people who propose a constructive agenda, even if they voice criticism. But if the point is to attract publicity, this does not encourage dialogue.
Q: Is there any hope that Donbass (East Ukraine) will come out of the ordeal gripping it right now? Can the discussion of the issue launched with the US President play its rôle? Do the interests of Russia and the United States still diverge in Ukraine, or maybe even oppose each other in some matters?
Putin: The interests of Russia and Ukraine, the interests of the Russian and Ukraine people – and I am fully and profoundly confident of this – coincide. Our interests fully coincide. The only thing that does not coincide is the interests of the current Ukrainian authorities and some of Ukraine's political circles.
If we are to be objective, of course, both Ukraine and Russia are interested in cooperating with each other, joining their competitive advantages and developing their economies just because we have inherited much from the Soviet era – I am speaking about cooperation, the unified infrastructure and the energy industry, transport, and so on.
But regrettably, today our Ukrainian colleagues believe this can be neglected. They have only one ”product“ left – Russophobia, and they are selling it successfully. Another thing they are selling is the policy of dividing Russia and Ukraine and pulling the two peoples and two nations apart. Some in the West like this; they believe that Russia and Ukraine must not be allowed to get closer in any areas. That is why the current Ukrainian authorities are making active and successful efforts to sell this ”product.“
But I think this will eventually come to an end. Russia, at any rate, wants for this situation to be over as soon as possible.
As regards the United States' involvement in settling the situation in Ukraine, President Trump and I have talked about this and we agreed – and actually, this has already been done – that a special representative of the administration would be appointed to handle this issue on a permanent basis and to be in constant contact both with Russia and Ukraine, with all the parties interested in settling this conflict.
Q: Mr President, I have a question about the Middle East, which is seething at the moment: Syria, Qatar and other countries. How do you assess the prospects for the Syrian settlement after the recent meeting in Astana? Has the stance of the new US Administration on this issue changed or become more constructive, especially in view of yesterday’s agreements? And also about Qatar, if I may. How do you assess the situation? Was it discussed at the G20 Summit? And one more question, if I may…
Putin: I will have to make a full report to you. (Laughter)
Q: On the terrorism issue: as far as I know, agreeing on the Statement on Countering Terrorism was a difficult process. If it is not a secret, what were the major contradictions?
Putin: To be honest, I am not aware of the difficulties, you had better ask the Sherpa. In my view, there were no basic objections from anyone. Maybe some of the wording. But, to be honest, I am not aware of that. I know that the text was agreed on. At any rate, at the level of delegation heads, heads of state, there were no problems or tensions. Everyone admits that this is a common threat and everyone states their readiness to fight this threat.
As for Qatar, the problem was not discussed. It is a fairly burning regional issue, and can impact certain processes, by the way, including in the economy, in the energy area and in terms of security in the region, but I did not discuss this issue with anybody during the summit.
We discussed Syria with almost all of my interlocutors. As for whether the US stance has changed or not – I would say it has become more pragmatic. It does not seem to have changed in general, but there is an understanding now that by combining efforts, we can achieve a lot. Yesterday's deal on the southern de-escalation zone is clearly the result of this change.
You know, others may react as they like, but I can tell you, this is one of the breakthroughs we have made in our work with President Trump. This is a real result of cooperation, including with the United States. Jordan has joined in the effort, and so have several other countries in the region. We have held consultations with Israel and will continue them in the near future. Still, this is a very good result, a breakthrough of a kind.
We have discussed the de-escalation zone issue very thoroughly with the President of Turkey today. This does not entirely depend on us, of course, as much has to do with the controversy between the countries in the region. Everyone has their own concerns, everyone has their own preferences, their own interests, I mean legitimate interests, so this is the way we must treat these – as their legitimate interests; we need to look for compromises.
You know, sometimes we find them. In any case, the fact that active military operations have ceased, the fact that we are now discussing de-escalation zones is a huge step forward.
Now we need to agree on the exact boundaries of these zones, and how security will be ensured there. This is a painstaking, even tedious effort, and it is extremely important and responsible work. Based on the recent positive experience, relying on the good will of Iran, Turkey, and of course, the Syrian Government and President al-Assad, we can take further steps.
The most important thing is – we have actually reaffirmed this, also in the documents establishing this zone in the south on the border with Jordan, and the area that borders on the Golan Heights – the most important thing is to ensure Syria’s territorial integrity, eventually, so that these de-escalation zones become the prototype of regions that could cooperate with each other and with the official Damascus. If we manage to do this, we will lay the groundwork, create the prerequisites for resolving the entire Syrian problem by political means.
Q: These days we say “we have elections in Germany” in September. Is Russia planning to interfere in them? Did you notify Angela Merkel about how we are going to do it? Maybe you will give me a hunch as well? (Laughter in the audience.)
Putin: You are asking rather provocative questions. But I told you that we had not interfered in the United States either. Why should we make trouble here as well? We have very good relations with the Federal Republic. It is our largest trade and economic partner in Europe country-wise; one of our leading trade partners in the world. We have large joint projects on the agenda that we support, for example, Nord Stream 2.
There are a lot of tales being told about it, arguments and even resistance but it is absolutely evident that it is in the interests of the European economy and in the interests of the German economy, which wants to abandon nuclear power.
Why would we do it? Interfering in domestic political processes is the last thing we would wish to do.
If you look at the press, the German press or the European press in general, the French press, it is they who keep on interfering in our domestic affairs. But we are not concerned about it because we feel confident.
Q: You said we should ask President Trump about what had happened.
Putin: No, I did not. You should ask him about how he sees it, what he thinks about my answers. As to what happened – nothing happened; we did not interfere.
Q: Could you just share what President Trump said during your meeting when you told him that Russia had not interfered in the political process?
Putin: He started asking probing questions, he was really interested in some details. I gave him fairly detailed answers as much as I could. I told him about my dialogues with the previous administration, including with President Obama. But I do not feel that I have the right to give details of my conversations, say, with President Obama; it is not an accepted practice at this level. I think it would not be quite appropriate of me to give details of our conversation with President Trump. He asked me and I answered him. He asked probing questions, and I offered explanations. I think he was satisfied with those answers.
Q: Going back to the issue of boosting economic growth, to the measures that could be taken, the Government has already drafted a plan, and as far as we know, you have read it but for some reason the plan is classified. We know some parts of it from what you said about them.
Putin: Let me explain. As you must know, we have several groups working on this issue: a group headed by Mr Titov with the involvement of the business community, and a group headed by Mr Kudrin, who has gathered a large number of respected experts. The Government is also working. But we should make a plan that will be acceptable, optimal for the next steps to be taken in the economy starting in 2018. And we must review all the proposals, assess them and in the end, make the final decision.
It may not be one of the proposals submitted; it may be something based on all three proposals. But work is currently underway, and we do not talk about it in advance.
But the Government has certainly done a great deal in this area, and we will rely largely on the Government’s proposals. We cannot ignore the results of Mr Kudrin’s work, and Mr Titov also has some sensible suggestions. This is why we are working at present to decide what the final variant will be out of the proposals for the development of the Russian economy from 2018 onward.
That is all. There are no secrets. What is the point? The point is that it is wrong to announce what has not been adopted yet. We could just send the wrong signals to the economy, and that is it. It all comes down to that.
Q: I have learned that you have been briefed on the [limo] car of the Cortege project, which is to be used at the 2018 presidential inauguration.
Putin: You seem to know this better than me: this is the first time I have heard about it.
Q: Have you thought of going for a drive in this car at the official event, that is, at the inauguration?
Putin: No, I have not, because the car is not ready yet. You can go for a drive in it yourself, I will see how it goes, and later we can test it out together.
Q: You have spoken about the meeting with Mr Erdoğan. Could you please elaborate – when you touched upon the issue of the first zone, the northern one, did you discuss the issue of the Kurds and particularly the territory of Afrin, where representatives of the Russian Centre for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides are present? The Turkish media are already preparing the ground for the Turkish army's intervention to this area. Also, did you discuss the future of [Syrian President] Bashar al-Assad with Mr Trump and Mr Erdoğan? For instance, Mr Tillerson said yesterday that this person has no future in the Syrian politics. He did not say how and when, but that was what he said.
Putin: Let me answer the second question first. Mr Tillerson is a well-regarded man, he received the Russian Order of Friendship, and we feel great respect for him and we like him. But he is not a Syrian citizen, and the future of Syria and President al-Assad as a political figure has to be determined by the Syrian people.
As regards the Kurdish issue, this is a very big and complicated problem. We keep in contact with many Kurdish groups and make no secret of this. But with regard to military support of their activities, here our US colleagues are far ahead of the game; they are making much greater efforts in this regard.
Our servicemen – not advisers – who are monitoring the ceasefire are indeed present in many regions of Syria, where the truce agreement has been reached. But speaking of the regions you have mentioned, there are one or two of them there, they are not military units. They are performing the task that everyone is interested in fulfilling.
But so far, we are not witnessing any preparations for military action; quite the opposite, we expect that our preliminary developments on establishing the de-escalation zones in several regions – in the Idlib area, in the north – will be accomplished. And this cannot be done without Turkey's support.
Q: My colleagues here have already recalled the words President Trump said in Warsaw. He made yet another statement about the United States being ready to begin direct supplies of liquefied natural gas to Poland and Central Europe. What do you think of these plans, especially in the context of our plans for the Nord Stream? What if gas becomes a new cause of tension in US-Russian relations?
Putin: I view these plans highly positively because healthy competition is good for everyone. We support an open market and healthy competition. The US President said yesterday during the discussion that the United States stands for open, fair competition. And, by the way, when I spoke, I supported his point.
So, we are absolutely all right with this; if it is so, if there is open and fair competition, no political motives or political resources involved, it would be quite acceptable for us. Because to date, it is an obvious fact that any specialist would tell you: the cost of production and delivery of liquefied natural gas from the United States is much higher than our LNG – even LNG – and is not even comparable to Russian pipeline gas. So, there is no doubt that we have an absolute competitive advantage. But to keep it, our market participants must work hard. They need to retain these competitive advantages.
Q: After the first meeting with President Trump, do you think it would be possible to gradually pull Russian-US relations out of deep crisis they are in, or is it difficult to say anything at all yet?
Putin: I very much hope so, and it seems to me that we have built certain prerequisites for this.
Source here (08.07.17).
Picture: Antarctic Ice World. AJE.
Picture: Global warming - Science, Scam or both? [One]
Picture: Global warming - Science, Scam or both? [Three]
Picture: Theresa May. Grenfell Tower, Kensington, London, UK. June 2017.
Picture: The Global Collateral Accounts Indonesian Gold.
With the Western Nazi-Continuum banking syndicate (aka 'the cabal' or 'Khazarian mafia') now operationally shrunk down to its last centres of influence in Germany, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia and the US Rogue Faction (Fed / Kissinger / Bush / Clinton / Obama), it is reported to be making major attempts to steal gold in Asia to stay afloat financially.
The gold being targeted is said to be held in secure bunkers in places such as Indonesia, South Korea, the Philippines, Japan and Thailand.
Eighty-five per cent of this gold is owned by benevolent Asian groups and forms part of the holdings listed in the Global Collateral Accounts.
The USA Inc syndicate (headed by Joseph Francis Dunford and publicly fronted by Donald Trump) is not aligned with the Western Nazi-Continuum or with the US Rogue Faction. It is a new, separate and quite different military-backed American corporation.
Some introductory historical background about the Global Collateral Accounts can be found here, here (pdf 120pp) and here. And some related ongoing geopolitical commentary can be found here (02.06.17), here (05.06.17), here (08.06.17) and here (12.06.17).
Picture: Are heart pacemakers hacker-controlled assassination devices?
In May 2017, WhiteScope, an American security research firm, carried out technical assessments of implantable cardiac devices, physician programmers and home monitoring devices for four major manufacturers of heart pacemakers.
8,000 software vulnerabilities were found in the computer code of the commonly-used heart pacemaker systems examined.
There was a worrying consistency across all vendors, highlighting inherent system weaknesses in file system encryption and in the storage of unencrypted patient data.
The May 2017 WannaCry ransomware attack, which reportedly infected a medical device in a US hospital as well as medical services in the US and the UK, highlighted the potential implications of software vulnerabilities for the health sector.
Earlier research had raised concerns about security flaws in cardiac devices such as the implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) and the pacemaker. WhiteScope's researchers were easily able to obtain subsystems for the four major vendors through public auction sites such as Ebay.
A particular concern is the use of third party components: software that is sold by a company other than the original vendor. These components often have vulnerabilities which go unpatched.
As home monitoring devices receive updates to their permanent software, or firmware, via the patient support network, the potential exists to perform a man-in-the-middle attack and issue counterfeit firmware to the devices.
The system used in diagnosis and programming the cardiac implants, which uses removable media/hard-drives, is at risk from hackers who could extract the file system.
The problem is not insoluble. Techniques such as firmware packing, obfuscation and encryption would make it much more difficult to reverse engineer firmware.
Back in 2012, at the BreakPoint security conference in Melbourne (Australia), New Zealand Black Hat hacker Barnaby Jack famously demonstrated hacking a pacemaker to deliver a deadly electric shock
It seems that many heart pacemakers are de facto assassination devices waiting for a hacker to deliver a target-specific heart attack from a remote keyboard.
In 2013, the US Food and Drug Administration published guidelines highlighting the security loopholes in various medical devices connected to the internet.
Potential assassination targets, including many major players in élite covert governance, if they use pacemakers at all, will only use them if they are not connected to the internet. A well-known example is Dick Cheney in the USA. Another prominent American abstainer is thought to have been David Rockefeller. He is said to have had a total of seven heart transplants during his life, in order to avoid having to use a pacemaker at all.
Source here (28.05.17). Related references here, here and here.
Picture: Vladimir Putin at the Sretensky Monastery, Moscow. May 2017.
On Thursday 25th May 2017, the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, visited the Sretensky Monastery on Bolshaya Lubyanka Street in the centre of Moscow. The monastery was founded in 1397.
He was there to take part in a ceremony consecrating a new church building, The Church of the Resurrection of Christ and the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church, in the monastery grounds.
Putin: Your Holiness, Your Eminence, friends, this ceremony consecrating the new church at the Sretensky Monastery is an important and significant event not only for Orthodox believers, but for our society as a whole.
This is because this church is dedicated to the Resurrection of Christ, and to the new martyrs, in other words, to the memory of those who suffered during the years of anti-religious persecution and who died during this time of repression. At the same time, it embodies the spirit of reconciliation.
It is deeply symbolic that this new church is opening on the year which marks the 100th anniversary of the February and October revolutions that were the departure point for many of the serious trials our country had gone through during the twentieth century.
We need to remember both the uplifting and the tragic pages in our history and learn to accept our past in full, objectively, passing nothing over in silence. Only then will it be possible to fully understand and digest the lessons our past offers.
We know how fragile civic peace is. We know this now and must never forget it. We must never forget how difficult it is to heal the scars of division.
This is why it is our common duty to do everything we can to preserve our nation’s unity, maintain social and political concord through ongoing dialogue, and draw on the values of our traditional religions - Christian Orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism - to prevent hostility and division from taking hold.
Awareness of common goals, chief among which is the wellbeing of each of our citizens and of our homeland in general, is the key that can help us to overcome our differences. The restoration of the unity of the Russian Orthodox Church, the 10th anniversary of which we are celebrating, serves as the most vivid evidence of this.
The road to restoring the unity of the Church and reuniting the Russian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate and the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad was not an easy one.
It could not have been otherwise, for the long years of separation, which had their roots in the drama of a fratricidal civil war, created many differences and great mutual distrust. However, both churches, desiring to strengthen Christian Orthodoxy and strengthen our common homeland, travelled this road with success.
Here, in Russia, the Russian Orthodox Church went through trials and suffered great losses, but it always stood side by side with the people. And the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad always helped our compatriots who were far from their Motherland to not only preserve their faith, but also to build close ties with Russia, their homeland, its traditions, language and culture.
The restoration of unity has strengthened these ties. This was an event of great moral significance, a symbol and an example of how our history and the past can and should unite rather than divide us.
Our country and statehood are impossible to imagine without the Russian Orthodox Church’s spiritual and historical experience, which has been passed down through the pastoral word from one generation to the next.
I am sure that this new church at the Sretensky Monastery will become a bright centre of gravity for religious and educational activity and will help to embed deeper in our society the ideas of goodness, mutual respect, and reconciliation.
Source here (25.05.17).
Picture: Book cover. How I lost by Hillary Clinton. Forward by Julian Assange.
Picture: UK. Jeremy Corbyn. The war on terror is simply not working.
Picture: Pope has doubts about the ongoing Medjugorje Apparitions.
Picture: The Secrets of Fatima. Pietro Parolin.
Picture: ET UFO cloudships over Nerja, Malaga, Spain; 10th Jan 2017.
The photograph above was taken on Tuesday 10th January 2017 in Nerja, Málaga, Spain. It is understood to show two identical screened UFOs next to each other. Human meteorologists sometimes describe screened UFOs as lenticular clouds.
It is thought that there has been a major UFO base deep underneath the ancient Nerja caves for many years, possibly antedating the arrival of modern humans (Homo sapiens) in the area.
The UFOs shown are probably Martian. An amateur video of a different, much smaller, kind of Martian UFO seen in Nerja in the summer of 2013 can be found here (YouTube; 1.04 mins).
Picture: Putin to Erdoğan: Our relations are developing just as we planned.
Picture: Erdoğan to Putin: Our countries bear great responsibilities & carry a heavy burden.
Picture: Erdoğan to Putin: The steps we take together can change the entire region’s destiny.
Picture: Knights of Malta. Is Matthew Festing back in Rome, working the darkrooms?
Picture: Knights of Malta. Becciu letter to Festing. 15th April 2017. Stay away from Rome.
The Knights of Malta crisis sharpened during the Easter weekend of 2017. On Saturday 15th April, Archbishop Angelo Becciu wrote to the recently-deposed Grand Master, Matthew Festing. He said that the Vatican wanted Festing to stay away from Rome on Saturday 29th April 2017. On this second date, the Knights of Malta were holding a Complete Council of State to initiate a review of the Constitutions of the Order and to take some important votes.
The Vatican didn't want Festing anywhere near the Council or its voting sessions. The problems of the Order were complex. The Knights of Malta were disoriented by the crisis. Matthew Festing's presence would reopen wounds only recently healed. Having him around the Council on that day would prevent the event taking place in an atmosphere of peace and regained harmony.
This was an unusually strong letter from the Vatican. It followed an equivocal and rambling interview which Festing had given to the Catholic Herald three weeks earlier here (23.03.17). The full text of Angelo Becciu's letter to Matthew Festing can be seen in the image above and its clickthrough, or here and here. Some recent developments are reported here (26.04.17), here (26.04.17), here (26.04.17), here (28.04.17), here (29.04.17), here (29.04.17) and here (29.04.17). And our continuously updated Knights of Malta situation page can be found here.
Picture: If women ran the world. Donald Trump & Kim Jong-un.
Picture: Donald Trump. 59 Tomahawk missiles fired at Shayrat, Syria. April 2017.
Picture: Donald Trump considers Syria chemical weapons. April 2017.
Picture: Bashar al-Assad, President of Syria. April 2017.
Syria: Assad: American policy is based on creating chaos in different parts of the world and creating conflicts among states
On Thursday 6th April 2017, in Damascus, Bashar al-Assad, the President of Syria, gave an interview to the Croatian newspaper Večernji List (Zagreb).
The following day, on Friday 7th April 2017, based on visually-obvious fake news about a False Flag chemical weapons attack in Khan Sheikhoun (Idlib province), the US Rogue Faction attacked a key Syrian military airbase at Shayrat, near Homs, with fifty-nine Raytheon Tomahawk cruise missiles. Thirty-four of these missiles were shot down by Syrian air defences. The airbase was up-and-running again within twenty-four hours.
The US airstrike on Shayrat was an unlawful, unilateral attack on a sovereign nation which had not attacked the US and had no border with the US. The American aggression was not endorsed by the United Nations; civilians were killed in a local village; there was clear evidence of an explicit war crime. More backgound here (07.04.17), here (09.04.17), here (09.04.17) and here (10.04.17).
Q: Mr. President, we are already into the sixth year of the Syrian war. After the recent victories achieved by the Syrian Army in Aleppo and Palmyra, and the ongoing reconciliations, is there a glimmer of hope of an end to the Syrian war?
Assad: Of course, for without hope neither the country, nor the people, nor the state could withstand six years of an extremely ferocious war supported by tens of regional and Western countries, some of the wealthiest and most powerful countries in the world. Without hope, there wouldn’t have been a will.
But the question is: how to turn this hope into reality? This has been possible so far through two practical approaches. The first is fighting terrorism, regardless of the different names and categories given to terrorist organizations, and the second is through achieving reconciliations with all those who want to lay down their weapons, return to their normal life, and to the embrace of their country. There has been progress on both fronts: in fighting terrorism and achieving reconciliations. That’s why I say there is more hope now than in the past years.
Q: In the negotiations conducted previously in Astana and now in Geneva, most negotiators on the other side belonged to the opposition which upholds Wahhabi, Salafi, and Jihadi thought. Why are you negotiating with these people in the first place? And is there in reality a moderate opposition as described by the media?
Assad: This is a very important question, because Western officials, most prominently former US President Obama, said that the moderate opposition was an illusion or a fantasy. This is by their admission, they, who supported that opposition and gave it a false moderate cover. So, this moderate opposition does not exist.
The opposition which exists is a Jihadi opposition in the perverted sense of Jihad of course. It is also indoctrinated in the perverted sense that does not accept either dialogue or a solution except through terrorism.
That is why we cannot, practically, reach any actual result with this part of the opposition. The evidence is that during the Astana negotiations they started their attack on the cities of Damascus and Hama and other parts of Syria, repeating the cycle of terrorism and the killing of innocents.
This opposition, between brackets, because it cannot be called opposition, these terrorists cannot be an opposition and cannot help reach a solution. Apart from that, these terrorist groups are themselves linked to the agendas of foreign countries.
They do not belong to a certain current or movement among the Syrian people that seeks political reform or a certain solution, neither before nor during the war. Another part of these groups might look political in the sense that they do not carry arms, but they support terrorism. A third part is linked to the Saudi, Turkish, and Western agenda.
Q: Why are you negotiating with them?
Assad: We do that because, in the beginning, many people did not believe that these groups do not want to lay down their weapons and move towards political action. We went in order to prove to all those who have doubts about this that these groups cannot engage in politics, and that they are terrorist groups at heart and will remain so to the end.
Q: The world has declared war on terrorism. Do you believe that declaration and in what they are doing today, and can we say that it’s only Syria that is fighting terrorism today?
Assad: The world that declared war (on terrorism) consists practically of Western countries which themselves support terrorism. Most countries of the world are against terrorism. They do not declare that, but they have been practically cooperating with us in one way or another during the war, and before the war, because terrorism did not start only with the war on Syria.
Terrorism has always existed in the world and has become more widespread as a result of the different wars in the Middle East. But the Western countries which declared war on terrorism still support it up till now. They do not fight it. It is used only in name for domestic consumption. The fact of the matter is that they use terrorism as a card to achieve different political agendas, even when this terrorism backfires and claims victims in their own countries. But they do not acknowledge this fact.
As to who is fighting terrorism in Syria, it is basically the Syrian Arab Army. This is not only a claim because there are facts on the ground which prove it. The Syrian Arab Army has been able to make these achievements in fighting terrorists thanks, in the first place, to the Syrian fighters’ will, and thanks to popular support. Without popular support, it is not possible to achieve such victories. However, there has been verystrong support from our allies, whether it was Iran, Russia, or Hezbollah from Lebanon.
Q: Does the Syrian Army represent all sects, ethnicities and minorities in Syria?
Assad: Of course, that is self-evident. An army that represents part of the Syrian people cannot win in a war taking place throughout Syria. That is self-evident, regardless of how it is portrayed in the West. At the beginning of the war, the terms used by the terrorists themselves or in the media hostile to Syria in the West and in our region, wanted to portray the war as taking place between sects. This image was widespread in the West.
Had this been real, Syria would have been partitioned from the first months of the war. It wouldn’t have withstood for six years as a unified people. It is true that the terrorists control some areas, but the parts controlled by the Syrian state include all parts of the spectrum of the Syrian people. More importantly, they have some of the terrorists’ families and people who fled from terrorist-controlled areas to state-controlled areas. If this Syrian Army, and behind it the Syrian government, do not represent all the Syrian people, it wouldn’t have been possible to see this unified picture of the Syrian people.
Q: Mr. President, there is a question I have to ask: if there has been security cooperation between the Syrian government and the European states, would we have avoided the terrorist operations which have reached France, Belgium, etc.? I ask this question because after the terrorist operations in Paris, the former head of French intelligence said that you have provided them with names and documents about terrorists, and they refused to accept them. Did they really refuse to accept them? And had there been cooperation, would have we been able to avoid these terrorist operations?
Assad: No, he was probably speaking about cooperation before the war, because after the beginning of the war and the French position in support of the terrorists, Syria stopped security cooperation with those countries, because there cannot be security cooperation and political hostility at the same time. There should be political agreement, on the one hand, and agreement in other areas, including security, on the other.
As to whether it would have been possible to prevent such attacks in Europe through this security cooperation, in normal circumstances, the answer would be yes. But under current circumstances, the answer is no, because Europe, or a number of European countries, support terrorists on a large scale, send to Syria tens of thousands of terrorists, or support them directly and indirectly, logistically, with arms, money, political cover, and everything.
When you reach this stage of supporting terrorists - and here we are talking about tens of thousands and maybe hundreds of thousands in Syria and neighboring areas - security cooperation becomes of limited effectiveness in such a case. Security cooperation focuses on tens or hundreds of individuals, but cannot be effective when there are tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of terrorists.
If Europe wants to protect itself at this stage, it should first stop supporting terrorists in Syria. Assuming that we wanted to cooperate with them, no results can be achieved in these circumstances. We will not do that, of course, when they support terrorism. They should stop supporting terrorists immediately in any shape or form.
Q: Mr. President, I would like to go back to Croatia. In 2009, you visited the Croatian capital Zagreb and met Croatian officials. At that time, I read a statement by Your Excellency in which you said that Croatia is a friendly country and the Croatian people is a brotherly people, etc. Do you still consider the Croatian people a friend of Syria, particularly after the scandal related to arms shipments from Croatia to Washington, and then to Saudi Arabia and Jordan, which ultimately fell in the hands of the terrorists?
Assad: Certainly. The Croatian people is friendly people, and our relations are decades old. We are talking about a relationship which has lasted for generations and is still going on. We do not hold the Croatian people responsible for errors made by their governments.
More importantly, if we try to monitor the public opinion in Croatia in relation to what’s going on in Syria, we’ll find that in comparison with other countries, this public opinion has been, throughout the war in general, closer to understanding what is going on in Syria than many other European peoples. Had this relationship and this friendship not been a genuine one, it would have been difficult for the Croatian people to understand what’s going on in Syria.
That’s why I would like to stress that what happened concerning the arms shipment that reached the terrorists was one of the ‘achievements’ of the former Croatian government, perhaps for financial interests, or maybe for political interests in the form of giving in to pressure exerted by other big Western powers. But, in any way, they sold the interests and principles of the Croatian people in return for petrodollars, or in the service of the narrow political interests of those officials.
Q: Is it possible to restore political and diplomatic relations, and probably economic relations, for Croatia has many interests in Syria?
Assad: Of course, this is certainly possible, but this depends on the political orientations of the existing governments. If there have been policy mistakes, particularly those made by previous governments, it is very easy for future governments, or the existing one, to repair these policies.
We ask these governments for nothing except thinking first of their peoples’ interests, and second of the international law which is based primarily on the sovereignty of other countries and non-intervention in their internal affairs. We have never, throughout our history and since relations started between us and Croatia now and former Yugoslavia in the past, carried out any hostile act against these countries. We have always considered them friends. What is the justification for a government to send weapons to terrorists in Syria to be used in killing innocent Syrians. I don’t think there is a justification for this; and we hope that the present government does not accept this.
Q: There is a large number of Jihadis or terrorists who came from the Balkans. Do you have information about their numbers?
Assad: There is no accurate information, because of the existence of our Turkish neighbor led by the criminal Erdoğan who creates all the circumstances necessary to support and strengthen the presence of those terrorists in Syria. This does not allow us to control the borders, and consequently does not allow for accurate statistics about the number of terrorists who go in and out.
But the issue is not about the nationalities of these terrorists, because you know that terrorists look at the whole world as a single arena. They care neither about the national dimension nor about political borders. So, the danger to your country, or to Europe in general, does not come only from European terrorists.
It is true that a European can be more dangerous because he knows the region in detail; but he will come accompanied by other terrorists from other countries, terrorists who share the same doctrine, aspirations, and ideas, in order to carry out terrorist acts in those countries.
So, when we talk about the number of terrorists in Syria, we are certainly talking about hundreds of thousands, at least more than a hundred thousand. Of course, they come and go, and some of them are killed in battle; but this is our estimate of the numbers.
Q: Mr. President, average people in Europe or the world ask about the causes of this attack on Syria and the attempts to bring Your Excellency down. And everybody talks about the reform which you have introduced. What’s the reason behind the calls for bringing you down?
Assad: The reason is old, simple, and clear. Those Western countries, led by the United States, in partnership mainly with Britain and France, and unfortunately some European countries which did not have a colonial history, do not accept independent states and do not accept peer relations. They want satellite states which implement their policies.
Of course, we are not against common interests with other states, with any state. Big states have interests around the world and we, as a state, have interests in our region. We are not a superpower, but when we work, based on interests, with those states, the interests should be joint interests. They want us to act for their interests against ours. That’s why we have always been in a state of struggle with these states over our interests.
For instance, we want the peace process, while they want submission instead of peace. They want us to have peace without rights, which is not reasonable. They want us to give up our sovereignty, to abandon our rights which are acknowledged by international law, Security Council resolutions, and the numerous votes at United Nations for the return of our lands.
These are mere examples. There are many similar issues over which they consider Syria too independent a state. That’s why they thought that waging war on Syria and replacing the current government with a client government would make it easier and better to achieve their narrow interests.
Q: Had you accepted peace, or submission as you put it, would what is happening to Syria today had happened?
Assad: In order to talk about something realistic, I would give you an example. We were asked to side with the West, with the United States in particular, in 2003, in its war against Iraq. We knew that the Iraq war was a series of events aiming at partitioning the region, and we knew very well that the conferences which were held before the war in order to define the future of post-war Iraq, all discussed a future sectarian Iraq, and not a unified Iraq.
So, we knew that what was happening in Iraq will be carried over to Syria and to the whole region. Had we taken part in such a project at that time, the situation in Syria would have been much worse than if we had refused to do so. That’s why I used to say that the price for rejection or resistance is much less than the price of submission and surrender.
I said this many times in the past, and the events in Syria came to prove this argument. What helped Syria to stand fast today is that it is unified. Had we gone along with the sectarian project, following the Iraqi or Lebanese model, as the Americans wanted us to do then, we would have been a country torn by a real civil war. Civil war would have been a reality, not merely a term used to describe what’s going on.
Q: Why do the Gulf states pay money and support terrorists to bring the government down in Syria?
Assad: Most Gulf states are satellite states which do not dare say no. Some of them say: “We support you but cannot say so publicly. We wish you victory in your war and hope you’ll be able to preserve a united Syria and to defeat terrorists,” but in public they say something different, because they are submissive to the Western will. Most Gulf states, if not all of them, were created by the British at a certain stage and handed over to the Americans at a later stage. That’s why we cannot make a judgment on why they say something or why they say the opposite.
Q: They talk about creating federalism in Syria. Is that possible? And do you accept the creation of federalism in Syria?
Assad: Federalism is a national issue; and whether it should or should not happen depends on the constitution. And the constitution needs a popular vote. That’s why we cannot, as a government, say that we accept or not accept federalism.
The government and the executive authority express the will of the people. However, I can give you the general view in Syria. The majority of Syrians do not accept federalism because it is an introduction to partition. There is no justification for federalism, for the Syrians have been living together, in the same structure, without any problems for decades and centuries, even before the existence of the Syrian state, even during and before the Ottoman state.
There are no historical wars between the components of the Syrian people to justify the assertion that these sects or religions or ethnicities cannot live with each other. So, the issue of federalism is made-up with the objective of reaching a situation similar to that of Iraq. In that case they use this or that part of the state, which is supposed to be a strong state, in order to produce a weak state, a weak government, a weak people, and a weak homeland.
Q: Turkey sent troops and has a military existence in Syria. Why do you think?
Assad: Because Erdoğan had pinned all his hopes on the terrorists achieving victories until the battle of Aleppo happened. For him, it was a decisive battle considering the political, economic, geographical, and logistical importance of Aleppo.
The terrorists’ failure to keep their positions in the city of Aleppo as a result of popular rejection on the part of the population of the city and the governorate, and as a result of the achievements made by the Syrian army, caused Erdoğan to interfere directly at least to secure a place at the political table when the time comes for talking about the future of Syria.
He also wanted to give al-Nusra and Al Qaeda terrorists a facelift after he was exposed worldwide as being very close to them, in every sense of the word. He wanted to give them other names, to make them shave their beards and assume the appearance of moderates, to return things to the way they were at the beginning of the crisis, and as I said to secure a role for Turkey in finding a solution in Syria through the terrorists in their new form.
Q: There is the same issue with American troops which are in the country and help the Kurds now. Do you consider them occupation forces?
Assad: Of course. Any intervention, even the existence of any individual soldier, without the permission of the Syrian government, is an invasion in every sense of the word. And any intervention, from the air or otherwise, is also an illegitimate intervention and an aggression on Syria.
Q: Why is America here? What are the reasons in your opinion, Mr. President?
Assad: In general terms, the American policy is based on creating chaos in different parts of the world and creating conflicts among states. This is not new. It has been going on for decades, but in different forms. Through these conflicts, it secures a foothold through the contradictions and through its proxies who are already there but were able to become prominent because of the new circumstances. And then it takes part in bargaining in order to secure its interests in that region. This is an old American policy.
Q: How do you see the election of Trump as President of the United States? And can you cooperate with him, particularly after recent statements on the part of the new American administration which said that the Syrian people determine the fate of the President. Do you think there is a change in the American policy?
Assad: First, concerning the different statements about whether the President should remain or leave, and since the first statement made during the Obama administration, which has been repeated by the political parrots in Europe, we have never paid any attention to it and never commented on it because it does not concern us. This is a Syrian issue related to the Syrian people. That’s why all that has been said on the subject is simply thrown in the rubbish bin.
So, any similar statement, with or against, made now by any state, is not acceptable now, because this is not an American or a European issue, nor is it the concern of any other individual outside Syria.
As to our evaluation of the new American administration, and despite the fact that it is still in its early days, we have learned something important since relations were resumed between Syria and the United States in 1974, when former American President Richard Nixon visited us. We learned not to bet on a good administration. We always say which is a bad administration and which is worse. We do not say which is good and which is better or which is bad and which is good.
What we see in America now are endless conflicts: conflicts inside the administration and conflicts outside the administration with the administration. That’s why we see only one thing in this administration, regardless of the statements which seem to be better than those of other administrations. Since they sent troops to Syria without coordination and without a request from the legitimate Syrian government, it means that this administration, like other administrations, does not want stability to be restored in Syria.
Q: Mr. President, Syria has been subject recently to continuing Israeli aggression. What is the objective behind that? And are you concerned about the possibility of a Syrian-Israeli war?
Assad: Concern about a war is unrealistic, because the reality is that we are living this war. But as for calling it a Syrian-Israeli war, you can assume in any case that these terrorists are fighting for Israel. Even if they are not a regular Israeli army, they are still fighting for Israel. And Israel shares the objectives with Turkey, the United States, France, Britain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other states. They all share the same objective. It is a war that has taken a new form and uses new instruments. Practically, our victory over the terrorists is a victory over all those states put together. That’s why Israel is doing its best to support these terrorists in every place the Syrian Army advances. They attack in one way or another in order to provide support to the terrorists and in order to stall the momentum of the Syrian Arab Army in facing them.
Q: Recently, many European parliamentarians started to flock on Syria, some publicly and some secretly. Does this mean that something has happened or does this imply a change in the European policy towards Syria? Have they understood that you were right?
Assad: The European policy has not actually changed, because the European officials have gone too far with their lies; and now if they want to make a U-turn, the European public opinion will tell them: you were lying to us. All of what you said was not true. That’s why they have persisted in their lies but with a few modifications from time to time.
They have reproduced the same product using different packaging in order to deceive their customers, i.e. the European public opinion. The Western public opinion has changed, first because those lies cannot go on for six years while belied by the facts.
Second, thanks to the social media, it has become difficult for the corporate media linked to the political machines in the West to control the ins and outs of information and data throughout the world.
Third, this happened as a result of the huge migration waves towards Europe and the terrorist acts which hit a number of European states, particularly France. These different events have made the Western citizen ask questions about the reality of what’s going on.
What has changed in Europe today is that the public opinion knows very well that the corporate media and the politicians are lying. But the public opinion does not know the full truth, it knows only part of the truth and is seeking out the truth of what is happening in Syria, what happened in Libya, and what’s happening in Yemen today, and is asking questions about the relationship between the officials in their countries and the petrodollars in the Gulf states, and other questions.
Q: You said recently that 2017 will see the end of the war in Syria. Do you still believe that the war in Syria will end this year?
Assad: No, I did not say this literally. I said several times that without Western intervention, we can end this war and all its ramifications in a few months, i.e. in less than a year. That was in 2016, and was interpreted that the war was at an end and that the next year will see the end of the war.
Of course, things are moving in a better direction, as I said, not in the interest of the terrorists but in the interest of the Syrian people, but war is unpredictable, especially that the countries which have supported the terrorists are doing their absolute best to protect them, first because the defeat of the terrorists means a political defeat for them in their countries, and second because exhausting Syria is one of the major tasks they have been trying to accomplish through the terrorists and through war.
So, even if Syria was able to come out of this war, they want the bottom line price to be Syria’s exhaustion and fatigue so that Syria will have energy only to feed and rebuild itself and forget all the other issues surrounding it in terms of its rights and duties in relation to the different countries in our region. In other words, they want Syria to be unable to play any active, valuable, or weighty role in the region.
Q: Are you confident of the victory of the Syrian-Russian-Iranian alliance?
Assad: As I said a while ago, we have a great hope which is becoming greater; and this hope is built on confidence, for without confidence there wouldn’t be any hope. In any case, we do not have any other option except victory. If we do not win this war, it means that Syria will be deleted from the map. We have no choice in facing this war, and that’s why we are confident, we are persistent and we are determined.
Interview source here (06.04.17). A week later, Assad gave another interview extending his commentary on the US aggression against Syria. The full text of that interview can be found here (13.04.17).
Picture: All the important news is good. A New Age Prospectus.
Picture: Marine Le Pen (France) and Vladimir Putin (Russia).
Putin: Russia reserves the right to communicate with all representatives of all political forces in France, just like our partners in Europe and the United States are doing.
On Friday 24th March 2017, Marine Le Pen, the leader of France's National Front Party (Front National; FN), went to Moscow to talk to officials within the Russian government. While there, she had a meeting with the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, in the Kremlin.
Vladimir Putin: Ms Le Pen, this is not your first time in Moscow. I am pleased to welcome you here. I am aware that you came at the invitation of the State Duma - the parliament of the Russian Federation.
We value highly our relations with France and try to maintain good relations with the incumbent government and the opposition.
I am, of course, aware of the ongoing election campaign in France. In no case do we want to influence the events as they unfold, but we reserve the right to communicate with all representatives of all political forces in France, just like our partners in Europe and the United States are doing.
Of course, it would be very interesting to exchange opinions with you on our bilateral relations and the situation in Europe. I know that you represent a European political force that is growing quickly.
I am very pleased to see you.
Marine Le Pen: Thank you, Mr President. As you know, I have long been urging the restoration of cultural, economic and strategic ties between Russia and France, which is especially important now when we face a serious terrorist threat.
The fight against terrorism can only be truly effective if the largest nations stand side by side and join forces. Russia is fighting in Syria. France has contributed by waging Operation Barkhane in Chad and by fighting terrorism in Mali. I believe that our countries are taking a very active part in this struggle, including by providing assistance to the countries that had to fight the rise of terrorism in the past and are still fighting this threat.
Mr President, you know that terrorist blows have been delivered to France. Yesterday terrorists delivered a terrible blow with many casualties. They continue their attacks every day, using new forms of terrorism, including so-called economy-class terrorism, when the blows are delivered by individuals some of whom enter our countries together with migrants to strike at the population on orders from terrorist organisations, such as ISIS.
I believe that in this situation we must do everything in our power to create conditions for an effective exchange of intelligence information in order to protect our nations from the threat that has hit France and has recently delivered a blow to our British friends.
I would like to say that I see it as a big problem that Russian MPs cannot meet with their colleagues from the EU countries. I believe that meetings between representatives of our democratic forces can help all of us find an effective solution to the ongoing terrorist crisis, which, apart from the military aspect, has many other components, as I could see during a meeting with President of Chad Idriss Deby.
As we have said at the meeting with the State Duma Speaker, I believe that all countries should also think about human trafficking, that is trade in people for the purposes of financing terrorism.
VP: As you know, there have been many terrorist attacks in Russia. France, Belgium, the United States and many other countries have also suffered. Unfortunately, the erosion of traditional values in many Middle Eastern countries has intensified violence and migration flows.
Tragic events are taking place in Syria and in Iraq’s Mosul, where hundreds of thousands of refugees were forced to flee from their homes. I fully agree with you that we can effectively fight terrorism only by pooling our efforts.
Today, so soon after the tragedy in London, a tragic event happened in Chechnya in the North Caucasus, where terrorists attacked a National Guard unit. We all live in difficult conditions. We must open our eyes to this threat and join forces to fight terrorism.
MLP: Mr President, I would like to begin by saying that in addition to solidarity and joint actions, which we definitely need, such countries as Russia should consider ways to promote the development of African countries, in particular, in Saharan and Sub-Saharan Africa. The African countries that are fighting terrorism say this struggle requires significant financial resources. As a result, they have to reduce spending on healthcare, education and agriculture.
Besides, many young people face the temptation of escaping economic problems by joining armed terrorist groups. In other words, I believe that we need a truly global strategy that will bring together all the countries that want to preserve or restore security around the world.
In my opinion, this strategy should include attention to the economic development of the countries that have become the object of the terrorist threat and have to defend themselves against it.
VP: I fully agree with you. You are quite right.
Source: The Kremlin here (24.03.17).
Picture: Surveillance and Privacy. WhatsApp and E2EE.
Picture: In a quantum multiverse, can everything be true?
Picture: Donald Trump. Constitution. Régime change? US or USA?
The Constitutional united States of America was never formally abolished. Is it now being revived? Are we looking at the outside of a churning Deep State régime change?
It is difficult to know what to call the country which lies between Canada and Mexico on the North American continent.
Some think of it as America; others as the United States; others as the United States of America. Unconstitutional lawyers, playing games with capital letters and lower case, call it other things.
One thing, however, is emerging with new clarity. Since Thursday 28th March 1861, the de facto government understood to be running America has been illegal.
28th March 1861 was the day the Congress of the united States of America adjourned for lack of a quorum and was never reconvened.
The Constitutional united States of America was never formally abolished. The governance of the country to which the Constitution applied was simply taken over by prancing actors working for élite financial interests in Europe. With the exception of a few patriots, the American people didn't seem to notice or care. This is still the situation today. The actors have changed; the illegality of their perceived governance has not.
America / United States / US / United States Of America / USA is not a sovereign and free nation; it is a privately-owned corporation whose beneficial owners are old bloodline families and their supporting syndicates.
Since the 28th March 1861, what is publicly known as “Congress” has functioned in one of three different ways:
(1) Either as a corporate Board of Directors for private, mostly foreign-owned and deceptively-named governmental services corporations, operated by banking cartels. One of these banking cartels is called the Federal Reserve. This is the cartel running a corporation called the “United States of America, Inc.” Another banking cartel is called the IMF (International Monetary Fund). This runs a corporation called the “UNITED STATES”.
(2) Or as the government of a legislative democracy calling itself the United States of America (Minor): American “states” more often thought of as federal territories and possessions, for example Guam, Puerto Rico, etc.
(3) Or as a plenary oligarchy ruling the Washington DC Municipal Government (only).
The President of the variously-named large North American country thought of as America is the just the CEO of the federal corporation(s). There are about 39 levels of security clearance above this President, depending on how the counting of covert black budget agencies is conducted. This means that there are 39 sets of projects, facilities, meetings, papers and accounts which the President knows nothing about and has no access to by right.
There are, however, such things as "free sovereign and independent people of the United States"; millions of them, indeed, living on the North Americal landmass between Canada and Mexico.
A question is being put. Are these people now beginning to wake up, restore their lawful government on the land, and enforce the Organic and Public Law of the country?
There are signs that the Trump presidency may be forcing the first step of a benevolent and lawful governing outcome for the American people. This is happening with the support of the military, and could not (bloodlessly) be achieved without it.
On Shrove Tuesday, 28th February 2017, President Donald Trump delivered his first address to a joint session of Congress. That speech ended with the following words:
"From now on, America will be empowered by our aspirations, not burdened by our fears; inspired by the future, not bound by the failures of the past; and guided by our vision, not blinded by our doubts."
"I am asking all citizens to embrace this Renewal of the American Spirit. I am asking all members of Congress to join me in dreaming big and bold and daring things for our country. And I am asking everyone watching tonight to seize this moment and believe in yourselves. Believe in your future. And believe, once more, in America. Thank you, God bless you, and God Bless these United States."
Odd ending. These United States. As opposed to those United States? Significant? Or just more expedient thespian prancing?
More background here, here (pdf 1p) and here (pdf 4pp).
Picture: Malaysia. Fraud problems? Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. Najib Razak.
Malaysia: How are Najib Rasak and Ahmad Zahid Hamidi getting on with UBS these days?
At the beginning of March 2017, it emerged that Najib Razak, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, had used his privileged access to unlawfully empty the bank accounts of a wealthy Malaysian citizen. For ease of reference we will refer to this citizen as Mr M. He is a prominent billionaire in Asia.
Mr M's Collateral Security Instruments were held at the Malaysian Central Bank in Kuala Lumpur (Bank Negara Malaysia). It is said that Razak transferred these instruments to a local Malaysian commercial bank account in the name of his wife, Rosmah Mansor.
Razak then contacted UBS in Switzerland and told them that Mr M was dead and that as the Malaysian Minister of Finance, Razak himself was the Executor of Mr M's estate. Razak then claimed Mr M's entire funds, including his Trust Accounts.
UBS asked Razak to produce Mr M's official Death Certificate. Papers were assembled in Malaysia and sent to UBS in Switzerland.
At this point problems arose. First, the papers submitted by Najib Razak were fraudulent. Second, Mr M was not dead. Third, UBS knew that Mr M was not dead. Fourth, UBS and Mr M had been in close contact with each other for the duration of the attempted heist by Razak.
UBS and others are understood to hold transcripts and recordings of the pertinent telephone conversations involving Razak and his agents in Malaysia. They also hold detailed depositions related to their own exchanges with Mr M.
UBS has filed a legal case about Razak's machinations with the International Court of Justice in The Hague.
Learning this, Najib Razak is said to have used his position to try to stop Mr M leaving Malaysia. This was abruptly prevented by the intervention of the UN, the IMF, the US Fed and the Swiss government.
Mr M is now living in Europe. He will testify before the ICJ in The Hague in due course.
The people of Malaysia might be unwise to assume that Najib Razak was the sole driver behind in this élite plot. There are indications that Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, may also have been a close co-conspirator.
The case of Mr M and Najib Razak has got nothing to do with the earlier 1MDB scandal which emerged in Malaysia in June 2015.
Source downpage here (03.03.17). And more on the history of the Global Collateral Accounts can be found here (pdf 120pp).
Picture: Western MSM guide to Fake News. MSM False World Narrative.
Picture: Has Shinzo Abe looted the Japan national pension fund?
Picture: Will Trump stop the US Fed's Liquidity Swaps with the EU?
Picture: What is the real reason US Fed Governor Daniel Tarullo has resigned early?
Picture: Did Hillary Clinton try to flee to Bahrain before Jeff Sessions became US AG?
Picture: Marine Le Pen. France. EU. Islam.
Picture: Who owns & controls Antarctica's end-time underground bases?
Who owns and controls Antarctica's end-time underground bases?
This question is being put with new urgency in the light of so many significant individuals among the global élite paying visits in 2016 and 2017, including (visibly) Patriarch Kirill (Russia) and John Kerry (US). Airports in New Zealand and military airstrips in Patagonia (Argentina/Chile) have been busy with private jets on their way to places unknown even further south.
What is going on? And what exactly is underneath the snow and the ice and the black volcanic mountains of Antarctica that is not being disclosed to the public?
It is said that from 1945 up until the US Clinton administration (1993-2001), whenever the text of a new agreement or treaty to do with nuclear relations between the West and Russia/USSR was signed, three primary sets of papers were generated. One of these sets of papers was always sent to Antarctica.
Are those papers still there? If so, where are they kept, and who were they addressed to?
There are further curiosities. Antarctica is twice the size of Europe. No country or countries own it; no country or countries exercise territorial sovereignty over it. Why?
One answer to this has to do with the rubric of the 1959 Antarctic Treaty which now has 53 nations as participants. This stresses that any human presence in Antarctica must be for peaceful purposes, such as scientific research. The Antarctic must not become the scene of international discord or conflict.
A strange thing has just happened. For the first time in history, the British Antarctic Survey has decided not to overwinter at its Halley VI Research Station for safety reasons. This facility is located on the floating Brunt Ice Shelf. It will be shut down completely between March and November 2017.
It is said that the growth of a new ice crack is making the location hazardous. The laboratory and living modules are being moved to a safer location 23 km from its present site.
That is the story being told by the managing science team at the British Antarctic Survey HQ in Cambridge, UK. From their perspective, it may be a true story. But there is a damaging consequence of their management decision to evacuate the base.
Between March and November 2017 a lot of very sensitive scientific detection equipment will have to be turned off. There will be a 100% irretrievable data loss in the middle of several long-running technical surveys of conditions in the region.
Might something big be planned for Antartica in the middle of 2017 which someone does not want to be detected by the British Antarctic Survey's leading-edge instrumentation?
A series of nuclear strikes, for example? The demolition of an inconvenient ancient city or pyramid complex now appearing out of the melting ice? The opening or closing of a major transdimensional portal? The departure from the planet of certain beings/personages by supposedly non-existent transportation technologies?
Or is something waking up, Warminster-style, in a deep underground base which cannot wake up undetected if the BAS leaves its sensors running? Something, perhaps, which might embarrass certain élite syndicates which were once German?
More about the goings-on in Antarctica can be found downpage here (23.01.17), here (22.01.17), here (01.01.17), here (13.12.16), here (07.12.16), here (24.03.16) and here (passim).
Picture: History is created by the brave. Xi Jinping. Davos. Jan 2017.
On Tuesday 17th January 2017, the Chinese President, Xi Jinping, gave a keynote speech at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
Xi: I’m delighted to come to beautiful Davos. Though just a small town in the Alps, Davos is an important window for taking the pulse of the global economy.
People from around the world come here to exchange ideas and insights, which broaden their vision. This makes the WEF annual meeting a cost-effective brainstorming event, which I would call “Schwab economics”.
“It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” These are the words used by the English writer Charles Dickens to describe the world after the Industrial Revolution. Today, we also live in a world of contradictions.
On the one hand, with growing material wealth and advances in science and technology, human civilization has developed as never before. On the other hand, frequent regional conflicts, global challenges like terrorism and refugees, as well as poverty, unemployment and a widening income gap have all added to the uncertainties of the world.
Many people feel bewildered and wonder: What has gone wrong with the world?
To answer this question, one must first track the source of the problem. Some blame economic globalisation for the chaos in the world. Economic globalisation was once viewed as the treasure cave found by Ali Baba in The Arabian Nights, but it has now become the Pandora’s box in the eyes of many. The international community finds itself in a heated debate on economic globalisation.
The point I want to make is that many of the problems troubling the world are not caused by economic globalisation.
For instance, the refugee waves from the Middle East and North Africa in recent years have become a global concern. Several million people have been displaced, and some small children lost their lives while crossing the rough seas. This is indeed heartbreaking. It is war, conflict and regional turbulence that have created this problem, and its solution lies in making peace, promoting reconciliation and restoring stability.
The international financial crisis is another example. It is not an inevitable outcome of economic globalisation; rather, it is the consequence of an excessive chase of profit by financial capital and a grave failure of financial regulation.
Just blaming economic globalisation for the world’s problems is inconsistent with reality, and it will not help solve the problems.
From the historical perspective, economic globalisation resulted from growing social productivity, and is a natural outcome of scientific and technological progress, not something created by any individuals or countries.
Economic globalisation has powered global growth and facilitated the movement of goods and capital, advances in science, technology and civilization, and interactions among peoples.
But we should also recognise that economic globalisation is a double-edged sword. When the global economy is under downward pressure, it is hard to make the cake of the global economy bigger. It may even shrink, which will strain the relations between growth and distribution, between capital and labor, and between efficiency and equity.
Both developed and developing countries have felt the pinch. Voices against globalisation have laid bare pitfalls in the process of economic globalisation that we need to take seriously.
As a line in an old Chinese poem goes, “Honey melons hang on bitter vines; sweet dates grow on thistles and thorns.” In a philosophical sense, nothing is perfect in the world.
We fail to see the full picture if we claim that something is perfect because of its merits, or view something as useless just because of its defects. It is true that economic globalisation has created new problems, but this is no justification to write economic globalisation off completely. Rather, we should adapt to and guide economic globalisation, cushion its negative impact, and deliver its benefits to all countries and all nations.
There was a time when China also had doubts about economic globalisation, and was not sure whether it should join the World Trade Organization. But we came to the conclusion that integration into the global economy was a historical trend.
To grow its economy, China must have the courage to swim in the vast ocean of the global market. If one is always afraid of bracing the storm and exploring the new world, one will sooner or later get drowned in the ocean. Therefore, China took a brave step to embrace the global market. We have had our fair share of choking in the water and encountered whirlpools and choppy waves, but we have learned how to swim in this process. It has proved to be a right strategic choice.
Whether you like it or not, the global economy is the big ocean that you cannot escape from. Any attempt to cut off the flow of capital, technologies, products, industries and people between economies, and channel the waters in the ocean back into isolated lakes and creeks is simply not possible. Indeed, it runs counter to the historical trend.
The history of mankind tells us that problems are not to be feared. What should concern us is refusing to face up to problems and not knowing what to do about them. In the face of both opportunities and challenges of economic globalisation, the right thing to do is to seize every opportunity, jointly meet challenges and chart the right course for economic globalisation.
At the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in late 2016, I spoke about the necessity to make the process of economic globalisation more invigorated, more inclusive and more sustainable.
We should be pro-active and manage economic globalisation so as to release its positive impact and rebalance the process of economic globalisation. We should follow the general trend, proceed from our respective national conditions and embark on the right pathway of integrating into economic globalisation at the right pace.
We should strike a balance between efficiency and equity to ensure that different countries, different social strata and different groups of people all share in the benefits of economic globalisation. The people of all countries expect nothing less from us, and this is our unshirkable responsibility as leaders of our times.
At present, the most pressing task before us is to steer the global economy out of difficulty. The global economy has remained sluggish for quite some time. The gap between the poor and the rich and between the South and the North is widening. The root cause is that the three critical issues in the economic sphere have not been effectively addressed.
First, lack of robust driving forces for global growth makes it difficult to sustain the steady growth of the global economy.
The growth of the global economy is now at its slowest pace in seven years. Growth of global trade has been slower than global GDP growth. Short-term policy stimuli are ineffective.
Fundamental structural reform is just unfolding. The global economy is now in a period of moving toward new growth drivers, and the rôle of traditional engines to drive growth has weakened. Despite the emergence of new technologies such as artificial intelligence and 3D printing, new sources of growth are yet to emerge. A new path for the global economy remains elusive.
Second, inadequate global economic governance makes it difficult to adapt to new developments in the global economy.
Madame Christine Lagarde recently told me that emerging markets and developing countries already contribute to 80% of the growth of the global economy. The global economic landscape has changed profoundly in the past few decades. However, the global governance system has not embraced those new changes and is therefore inadequate in terms of representation and inclusiveness.
The global industrial landscape is changing and new industrial chains, value chains and supply chains are taking shape. However, trade and investment rules have not kept pace with these developments, resulting in acute problems such as closed mechanisms and fragmentation of rules.
The global financial market needs to be more resilient against risks, but the global financial governance mechanism fails to meet the new requirement and is thus unable to effectively resolve problems such as frequent international financial market volatility and the build-up of asset bubbles.
Third, uneven global development makes it difficult to meet people’s expectations for better lives.
Dr Schwab has observed in his book The Fourth Industrial Revolution that this round of industrial revolution will produce extensive and far-reaching impacts such as growing inequality, particularly the possible widening gap between return on capital and return on labor.
The richest one percent of the world’s population own more wealth than the remaining 99 percent. Inequality in income distribution and uneven development space are worrying. Over 700 million people in the world are still living in extreme poverty. For many families, to have warm houses, enough food and secure jobs is still a distant dream. This is the biggest challenge facing the world today. It is also what is behind the social turmoil in some countries.
All this shows that there are indeed problems with world economic growth, governance and development models, and they must be resolved. The founder of the Red Cross, Henry Dunant, once said, “Our real enemy is not the neighboring country; it is hunger, poverty, ignorance, superstition and prejudice.” We need to have the vision to dissect these problems; more importantly, we need to have the courage to take action to address them.
First, we should develop a dynamic, innovation-driven growth model. The fundamental issue plaguing the global economy is the lack of driving force for growth. Innovation is the primary force guiding development. Unlike the previous industrial revolutions, the fourth industrial revolution is unfolding at an exponential rather than linear pace. We need to relentlessly pursue innovation. Only with the courage to innovate and reform can we remove bottlenecks blocking global growth and development.
With this in mind, G20 leaders reached an important consensus at the Hangzhou Summit, which is to take innovation as a key driver and foster a new driving force of growth for both individual countries and the global economy.
We should develop a new development philosophy and rise above the debate about whether there should be more fiscal stimulus or more monetary easing. We should adopt a multipronged approach to address both the symptoms and the underlying problems.
We should adopt new policy instruments and advance structural reform to create more space for growth and sustain its momentum.
We should develop new growth models and seize the opportunities presented by the new round of industrial revolution and the digital economy. We should meet the challenges of climate change and aging population.
We should address the negative impact of IT application and automation on jobs. When cultivating new industries and new forms models of business models, we should create new jobs and restore confidence and hope to our peoples.
Second, we should pursue a well-coordinated and inter-connected approach to develop a model of open and win-win cooperation. Today, mankind has become a close-knit community of shared future. Countries have extensive converging interests and are mutually dependent. All countries enjoy the right to development. At the same time, they should view their own interests in a broader context and refrain from pursuing them at the expense of others.
We should commit ourselves to growing an open global economy to share opportunities and interests through opening-up and achieving win-win outcomes.
One should not just retreat to the harbour when encountering a storm, for this will never get us to the other shore of the ocean. We must redouble efforts to develop global connectivity to enable all countries to achieve inter-connected growth and share prosperity.
We must remain committed to developing global free trade and investment, promote trade and investment liberalisation and facilitation through opening-up and saying no to protectionism. Pursuing protectionism is like locking oneself in a dark room. While wind and rain may be kept outside, that dark room will also block light and air. No one will emerge as a winner in a trade war.
Third, we should develop a model of fair and equitable governance in keeping with the trend of the times. As the Chinese saying goes, people with petty shrewdness attend to trivial matters, while people with vision attend to governance of institutions.
There is a growing call from the international community for reforming the global economic governance system, which is a pressing task for us. Only when it adapts to new dynamics in the international economic architecture can the global governance system sustain global growth.
Countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are all equal members of the international community. As such, they are entitled to participate in decision-making, enjoy rights and fulfill obligations on an equal basis. Emerging markets and developing countries deserve greater representation and voice.
The 2010 IMF quota reform has entered into force, and its momentum should be sustained. We should adhere to multilateralism to uphold the authority and efficacy of multilateral institutions. We should honor promises and abide by rules. No one should select or bend rules just to suit themselves.
The Paris Agreement is a hard-won achievement which is in keeping with the underlying trend of global development. All signatories should stick to it instead of walking away from it as this is a responsibility we must assume for future generations.
Fourth, we should develop a balanced, equitable and inclusive development model. As the Chinese saying goes, “A just cause should be pursued for the common good.” Development is ultimately for the people.
To achieve more balanced development and ensure that the people have equal access to opportunities and share in the benefits of development, it is crucial to have a sound development philosophy and model and make development equitable, effective and balanced.
We should foster a culture that values diligence, frugality and enterprise and respects the fruits of hard work of all.
Priority should be given to addressing poverty, unemployment, the widening income gap and the concerns of the disadvantaged to promote social equity and justice.
It is important to protect the environment while pursuing economic and social progress so as to achieve harmony between man and nature and between man and society. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development should be implemented to realize balanced development across the world.
A Chinese adage reads, “Victory is ensured when people pool their strength; success is secured when people put their heads together.” As long as we keep to the goal of building a community of shared future for mankind and work hand in hand to fulfill our responsibilities and overcome difficulties, we will be able to create a better world and deliver better lives for our peoples.
China has become the world’s second largest economy thanks to 38 years of reform and opening-up. A right path leads to a bright future. China has come this far because the Chinese people have, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, blazed a development path that suits China’s actual conditions.
This is a path based on China’s realities. China has in the past years succeeded in embarking on a development path that suits itself by drawing on both the wisdom of its civilization and the practices of other countries in both East and West. In exploring this path, China refuses to stay insensitive to the changing times or to blindly follow in others’ footsteps. All roads lead to Rome. No country should view its own development path as the only viable one, still less should it impose its own development path on others.
This is a path that puts people’s interests first. China follows a people-oriented development philosophy and is committed to bettering the lives of its people. Development is of the people, by the people and for the people. China pursues the goal of common prosperity. We have taken major steps to alleviate poverty and lifted over 700 million people out of poverty, and good progress is being made in our efforts to finish building a society of initial prosperity in all respects.
This is a path of pursuing reform and innovation. China has tackled difficulties and met challenges on its way forward through reform. China has demonstrated its courage to take on difficult issues, navigate treacherous rapids and remove institutional hurdles standing in the way of development. These efforts have enabled us to unleash productivity and social vitality. Building on progress of 30-odd years of reform, we have introduced more than 1,200 reform measures over the past four years, injecting powerful impetus into China’s development.
This is a path of pursuing common development through opening-up. China is committed to a fundamental policy of opening-up and pursues a win-win opening-up strategy. China’s development is both domestic and externally oriented; while developing itself, China also shares more of its development outcomes with other countries and peoples.
China’s outstanding development achievements and the vastly improved living standards of the Chinese people are a blessing to both China and the world. Such achievements in development over the past decades owe themselves to the hard work and perseverance of the Chinese people, a quality that has defined the Chinese nation for several thousand years. We Chinese know only too well that there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world.
For a big country with over 1.3 billion people, development can be achieved only with the dedication and tireless efforts of its own people. We cannot expect others to deliver development to China, and no one is in a position to do so. When assessing China’s development, one should not only see what benefits the Chinese people have gained, but also how much hard effort they have put in, not just what achievements China has made, but also what contribution China has made to the world. Then one will reach a balanced conclusion about China’s development.
Between 1950 and 2016, despite its modest level of development and living standards, China provided more than 400 billion yuan of foreign assistance, undertook over 5,000 foreign assistance projects, including nearly 3,000 complete projects, and held over 11,000 training workshops in China for over 260,000 personnel from other developing countries.
Since it launched reform and opening-up, China has attracted over 1.7 trillion US dollars of foreign investment and made over 1.2 trillion US dollars of direct outbound investment, making a huge contribution to global economic development. In the years following the outbreak of the international financial crisis, China contributed to over 30% of global growth every year on average. All these figures are among the highest in the world.
The figures speak for themselves. China’s development is an opportunity for the world; China has not only benefited from economic globalisation but also contributed to it.
Rapid growth in China has been a sustained, powerful engine for global economic stability and expansion. The inter-connected development of China and a large number of other countries has made the world economy more balanced. China’s remarkable achievement in poverty reduction has contributed to more inclusive global growth. And China’s continuous progress in reform and opening-up has lent much momentum to an open world economy.
We Chinese know only too well what it takes to achieve prosperity, so we applaud the achievements made by others and wish them a better future. We are not jealous of others’ success; and we will not complain about others who have benefited so much from the great opportunities presented by China’s development. We will open our arms to the people of other countries and welcome them aboard the express train of China’s development.
I know you are all closely following China’s economic development. Let me give you an update on the state of China’s economy. China’s economy has entered what we call a new normal, in which major changes are taking place in terms of growth rate, development model, economic structure and drivers of growth. But the economic fundamentals sustaining sound development remain unchanged.
Despite a sluggish global economy, China’s economy is expected to grow by 6.7% in 2016, still one of the highest in the world. China’s economy is far bigger in size than in the past, and it now generates more output than it did with double-digit growth in the past.
Household consumption and the services sector have become the main drivers of growth. In the first three quarters of 2016, added value of the tertiary industry took up 52.8% of the GDP and domestic consumption contributed to 71% of economic growth. Household income and employment have steadily risen, while per unit GDP energy consumption continues to drop. Our efforts to pursue green development are paying off.
The Chinese economy faces downward pressure and many difficulties, including an acute mismatch between excess capacity and an upgrading demand structure, lack of internal driving force for growth, accumulation of financial risks, and growing challenges in certain regions. We see these as temporary hardships that occur on the way forward. And the measures we have taken to address these problems are producing good results. We are firm in our resolve to forge ahead.
China is the world’s largest developing country with over 1.3 billion people, and their living standards are not yet high. But this reality also means China has enormous potential and space for development. Guided by the vision of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development, we will adapt to the new normal, stay ahead of the curve, and make coordinated efforts to maintain steady growth, accelerate reform, adjust economic structure, improve people’s living standards and fend off risks. With these efforts, we aim to achieve medium-high rate of growth and upgrade the economy to higher end of the value chain.
China will strive to enhance the performance of economic growth. We will pursue supply-side structural reform as the general goal, shift the growth model and upgrade the economic structure. We will continue to cut overcapacity, reduce inventory, deleverage financing, reduce cost and strengthen weak links.
We will foster new drivers of growth, develop an advanced manufacturing sector and upgrade the real economy. We will implement the Internet Plus action plan to boost effective demand and better meet the individualised and diverse needs of consumers. And we will do more to protect the ecosystem.
China will boost market vitality to add new impetus to growth. We will intensify reform efforts in priority areas and key links and enable the market to play a decisive role in resources allocation.
Innovation will continue to feature prominently on our growth agenda. In pursuing the strategy of innovation-driven development, we will bolster the strategic emerging industries, apply new technologies and foster new business models to upgrade traditional industries; and we will boost new drivers of growth and revitalize traditional ones.
China will foster an enabling and orderly environment for investment. We will expand market access for foreign investors, build high-standard pilot free trade zones, strengthen protection of property rights, and level the playing field to make China’s market more transparent and better regulated.
In the coming five years, China is expected to import eight trillion US dollars of goods, attract 600 billion US dollars of foreign investment and make 750 billion US dollars of outbound investment. Chinese tourists will make 700 million overseas visits.
All this will create a bigger market, more capital, more products and more business opportunities for other countries. China’s development will continue to offer opportunities to business communities in other countries. China will keep its door wide open and not close it. An open door allows both other countries to access the Chinese market and China itself to integrate with the world. And we hope that other countries will also keep their door open to Chinese investors and keep the playing field level for us.
China will vigorously foster an external environment of opening-up for common development. We will advance the building of the Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific and negotiations of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership to form a global network of free trade arrangements.
China stands for concluding open, transparent and win-win regional free trade arrangements and opposes forming exclusive groups that are fragmented in nature. China has no intention to boost its trade competitiveness by devaluing the RMB, still less will it launch a currency war.
Over three years ago, I put forward the “Belt and Road” initiative. Since then, over 100 countries and international organizations have given warm responses and support to the initiative. More than 40 countries and international organizations have signed cooperation agreements with China, and our circle of friends along the “Belt and Road” is growing bigger. Chinese companies have made over 50 billion US dollars of investment and launched a number of major projects in the countries along the routes, spurring the economic development of these countries and creating many local jobs. The “Belt and Road” initiative originated in China, but it has delivered benefits well beyond its borders.
In May this year, China will host in Beijing the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, which aims to discuss ways to boost cooperation, build cooperation platforms and share cooperation outcomes. The forum will also explore ways to address problems facing global and regional economy, create fresh energy for pursuing inter-connected development and make the “Belt and Road” initiative deliver greater benefits to people of countries involved.
World history shows that the road of human civilization has never been a smooth one, and that mankind has made progress by surmounting difficulties. No difficulty, however daunting, will stop mankind from advancing. When encountering difficulties, we should not complain about ourselves, blame others, lose confidence or run away from responsibilities. We should join hands and rise to the challenge. History is created by the brave. Let us boost confidence, take actions and march arm-in-arm toward a bright future.
The full, original, English text of Xi Jinping's speech at Davos 2017 can be found here (17.01.17).
Picture: Knights Of Malta. Matthew Festing. Albrecht von Boeselager. Pope Francis.
On Tuesday 6th December 2016, Albrecht von Boeselager (Germany) was sacked from his position as Grand Chancellor of the Knights of Malta. This was in direct defiance of the clearly-stated wishes of the Pope and the Vatican.
The Knights of Malta are Roman Catholicism's oldest military and chivalric Order, dating from the eleventh century CE. The full name they give themselves is The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta.
Boeselager's dismissal was the result of a conspiracy between the Grand Master of the Order, Matthew Festing (England), and Cardinal Raymond Burke (USA).
The row was presented as having something to do with the distribution of condoms in Africa and Myanmar. It was nothing of the sort. It was an engineered end-time row about conservative spiritual fascism (Festing and Burke) versus liberal and compassionate pastoral policy (the Pope) within Roman Churchianity.
Festing and Burke pretended that Boeselager's sacking was in accordance with the wishes of the Holy See (Pope + Vatican). Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican's Secretary of State, wrote to Festing clarifying that the Pope did not want Boeselager sacked.
Because the Pope's wishes were countermanded, the Vatican set up a formal investigation into the Knights of Malta. This investigation was led by Archbishop Silvano Tomasi who had a team of four people to assist him with his enquiries: Gianfranco Ghirlanda (former rector of the Pontifical Gregorian University), Marc Odendall (investment banker), Jacques de Liedekerke (lawyer) and Marwan Sehnaoui (President of the Order of Malta in Lebanon).
Matthew Festing told the Pope that the sacking of Boeselager was an internal matter for the Knights of Malta. The Vatican had no right to interfere because the Knights of Malta were a sovereign entity.
Festing was talking nonsense. The Knights of Malta is a Catholic religious Order. The leaders of that Order had each taken solemn religious vows to obey the Pope. The sacking of Boeselager was a naked act of disobedience. The Vatican had every right, after an investigation, to issue a ruling and define a remedy.
For the first three weeks of January 2017, Festing persisted in his view that a papal investigation into the matter was unwarranted. A new compliant placeman, John Critien, was installed as Grand Chancellor by Festing and Burke. Critien wrote to the Order's membership telling them that they could not collaborate with the Pope's investigation because it was judicially irrelevant. No member of the Order could give evidence which contradicted Festing's decision to sack Boeselager.
Critien, like Festing, was talking nonsense. The issue of Boeselager's sacking and the Vatican's consequent investigation into that act was not about the sovereignty of the Knights of Malta; it was about disobeying the Pope and the Holy See.
At that time, exactly what the Vatican would decide to do was not immediately clear. There seemed to be five main possibilities:
(1) Do nothing. Sweep the whole thing under the carpet. Justify this on pastoral grounds by talking about a need to move on and allowing proper time for the healing of wounds. Forgive Boeselager and offer him a spectacular promotion elsewhere.
(2) Sack and/or excommunicate Festing and Critien. Move Burke to a sinecure elsewhere. Reinstate Boeselager.
(3) Sack and/or excommunicate Festing, Critien and every senior First Class Knight who supported them. Move Burke. Reinstate Boeselager.
(4) Dispense Festing, Critien and all their First Class allies from their religious vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. As many as thirty individuals might be involved. According to the Order's rules, these thirty could not then continue in leadership placements because in Canon Law they would no longer be solemnly professed religious. Move Burke. Reinstate Boeselager.
(5) Appoint an external commissioner over the heads of Festing and Burke. Vatican takes control of every aspect of the Order's administration, including appointments, management, documents, website, buildings, lands, treasure, finance and Constitution. Reinstate Boeselager. Express disappointment at the mass resignations from the Order which would follow this course. If Burke doesn't resign, move him.
In the event, on Tuesday 24th January 2017, Matthew Festing had a meeting with the Pope. After this meeting he was asked to resign. Burke spent nearly an hour trying to dissuade him. Festing, however, did resign. There was deep dissatisfaction inside the Order with his leadership.
His resignation was formally accepted by the Sovereign Council of the Knights of Malta on Saturday 28th January 2017. During that meeting, Matthew Festing was heard to describe the Pope as his enemy.
In the view of many in the Order, Festing had become an anachronistic anti-Papal nuisance, hankering after a quaint return to 1950s-style Catholicism, the old rite Latin Mass and top-down autocratic leadership.
Matthew Festing's interim replacement as Grand Master of the Knights of Malta was Ludwig Hoffmann-Rumerstein (Austria). Albrecht von Boeselager was reinstated as Grand Chancellor.
At the time of Festing's resignation, the Pope also appointed a pontifical delegate for the Knights of Malta, who would act above and over the head of Raymond Burke as the Order's chief liaison with the Holy See. Burke was still technically in office as patron of the Order, but was out of power.
The name of the pontifical delegate was not made public until Saturday 4th February 2017, when it became clear that Archbishop Giovanni Becciu had been designated. He was to be the Pope's sole spokesman on all matters to do with the Knights of Malta. Beccui was also charged with the task of overseeing a moral and spiritual renewal of the Order with a special focus on the fully-professed knights such as Festing and Critien.
Within the Knights of Malta, there are only 55 fully-professed knights out of a total worldwide membership of 13,500. In recent times the impression has been given that this élite group has been using the charitable work of the Order as an expedient cover for geopolitical machinations and forced influence. Such behaviour seems to be signally at odds with the spiritual emphases of the group's religious vows to obey the Pope. It also appears to be manifestly out of harmony with the culture of the lay majority in the organisation who do the visible public work.
A senior Knights of Malta insider, Erich Lobkowicz (Germany), said that the row had been a battle between all that Pope Francis stood for and a tiny clique of ultraconservative frilly old diehards in the Church; diehards who had missed the train in every conceivable respect.
The Pope himself was known to be wary of Catholic chivalric orders, which he worried could show signs of profligacy and spiritual worldliness. And the Knights of Malta, in particular, badly mishandled a child sex abuse scandal when Matthew Festing was in charge of the Order.
The Pope-given task of the newly-imposed pontifical delegate was to work closely with Ludwig Hoffmann-Rumerstein to ensure a spiritual and moral renewal of the Knights of Malta. Under Burke and Festing, spiritual formation processes for the fully-professed Knights had been insufficiently robust.
More Knights of Malta news background can be found here (04.01.17), here (05.01.17), here (09.01.17), here (10.01.17), here (12.01.17), here (13.01.17), here (16.01.17), here (17.01.17), here (25.01.17), here (30.01.17), here (03.02.17), here (04.02.17) and here (06.02.17).
There is, of course, a bigger picture on the reverse of this élite public portrait. It is an occult image. In attempting to block the gold-backed benevolence of the Asia-led global currency resets and their associated humanitarian and prosperity funds, the Order has hazarded its own survival.
At this fast-moving end-time moment, the Knights of Malta find themselves frozen on the wrong side of history, slow-cursed by ancient documents they can't control. The more percipient among them will be aware of two geopolitical certainties: (1) Books will be opened; (2) The old centre cannot hold.
Picture: Madame Stuart Merrill by Jean Delville.
Picture: Books will be opened.
More Knights of Malta occult background can be found here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here. And more about the equivocal symbology of Western Churchianity can be found on our Cuba Crucifix page here.
Picture: In Knights of Malta Land. Matthew Festing. Raymond Burke.
This Knights of Malta feature has now been updated with additional links and archived on a separate blog page here. ...........................................................................
Picture: Poland. Is PiS setting up a constitutional crisis in Warsaw?
More on the Poland problem here (26.02.17), here (16.02.17), here (17.12.16) and here (12.01.17).
Picture: Japan. Akihito & Yoshiaki Kobayashi. South Korea's gold bunkers.
Picture: Japan. Hisashi Owada. Princess Masako. House of Habsburg. BIS.
It is reported that there is considerable legal confusion and financial panic in and around the Japanese Royal Family in Tokyo.
At the end of December 2016, Hisashi Owada was arrested in Switzerland. It is said that he was unlawfully attempting to cash in some Sino-Japanese war reparations bonds at the Bank for International Setllements in Basel. Only the Emperor of Japan can do that. Hisashi Owada is not the Emperor of Japan; he is the father of Crown Princess Masako.
Hisashi Owada is a judge and a former President of the International Court of Justice in The Hague. He is an international legal scholar with connections at the United Nations and the OECD. Owada is also said to be a bought-and-paid-for agent of the US Rogue Faction.
This covert American grouping has just lost the US presidential election to Donald Trump and is fast losing influence not just in America, but all over the world in its former slave states. Japan is one of those. Others in the region are South Korea and Taiwan.
The talk in Tokyo is that Hisashi Owada has no Japanese royal blood in him, and nor does his daughter, Masako. She was secretly infiltrated into the Imperial Family at the insistence of the Americans.
A further complication for bloodline purists in Tokyo concerns the Japanese bona fides of the Meiji Emperor (1867-1912). His mother, it has been discovered, was a European princess from the House of Habsburg.
The present Emperor of Japan, Akihito, is expected to formalise his abdication in April 2017. He too is rumoured to be a US-inserted impostor without legitimate royal blood.
More background here (05.01.17).
........................................................................... Picture: US Rogue Faction. Getty Center (CA). DIA (CO).
More here (05.01.17) and here (09.01.17).
Picture: Russia and Ukraine. Vladimir Putin and Petro Poroshenko.
Picture: Nexus Newsfeed.
NEXUSNewsfeed is a free, 24/7, digital, Alternative News site viewable on computers and devices via a free app. It can be accessed anonymously. Its content is curated: no ClickBait; no fake news; no gossip. The editor is Lynelle Roads.
NEXUSNewsfeed has been formed by the incorporation of the former Alternative News Project (ANP) into NEXUS Magazine.
NEXUS Magazine is a commercial publication edited by Duncan Roads from an office in Maleny, Queensland, Australia. This paid-for magazine does, however, offer a selection of 98 free articles from its back catalogue. These include:
Simon Parkes on Aliens and the Illuminati
(22.05.15 - pdf 7pp)
How the Mind Changes Genes Through Meditation
(21.10.14 - pdf 5pp)
Power Struggles and Murders in the Vatican
(30.11.11 - pdf 6pp)
Picture: Opus Dei and the US CIA.
On Monday 12th December 2016, Javier Echevarría Rodríguez (84), the Prelate of Opus Dei, died in Rome (Italy). There has been some discussion on the web about whether or not his was a natural death. The official line is that it was.
Opus Dei is an influential Roman Catholic grouping with close ties to the Knights of Malta. It has senior traction within the Vatican.
A geopolitical question is being put: Was there a demonstrable and documented operational connection between Opus Dei's Javier Echevarría Rodríguez & the US CIA Rogue Faction? This (now diminishing) Nazi continuum faction is understood to have been energised until quite recently by the US Bush syndicate.
More here and here. And more about Opus Dei here and downpage here.
Picture: Beatrix Wilhelmina Armgard + bloodline. Netherlands.
Picture: Beatrix Wilhelmina Armgard. Netherlands. Mitsubishi. Indonesia.
In 2012, Beatrix Wilhelmina Armgard (the Queen of The Netherlands at that time; now abdicated) screwed up on a financial transaction which would have brought her family 3% of a $2.13 Trillion deposit in Asia, and the rest of The Netherlands people 2% of that $2.13 Trillion.
3% of $2,130,000,000,000 = $63,900,000 before tax.
2% of $2,130,000,000,000 = $42,600,000 before tax.
These are useful sums. But it is reported that Beatrix wanted the whole $2.13 Trillion for herself and her family, and nothing at all for the other people of The Netherlands.
She, her family, and the people of The Netherlands ended up getting nothing at all because of Beatrix's maladministration of the financial instrument involved.
The financial instrument concerned was (and still is) a Certificate of Deposit held at the Bank of Toyko Mitsubishi (Japan). The $2.13 Trillion deposited is owned by the depositor: the Asian Dragon Family. The lead signatory is Akihiko Yamaguchi. Unlimited Power of Attorney is held by Neil Keenan.
More detail, including pertinent documents, can be found downpage here (30.11.16). The document images, widely distributed on the web, are linked separately here, here and here.
Since November 2015, Neil Keenan has also been M1 Monetary Controller of the Global Collateral Accounts.
Beatrix is now said to be attempting, covertly, to extort big money out of Indonesia, which was formally a Netherlands colony called the Dutch East Indies. A new financial instrument has been unlawfully magicked into existence to help Beatrix to do this. It is being called a “Debt Repayment.”
The idea here is that for some reason Indonesia, having been despoiled, raped and looted by the Dutch in colonial days, should now retrospectively pay The Netherlands for that service.
In contradistinction, others are suggesting that substantial colonial reparations should, in fact, be paid by The Netherlands to Indonesia to atone for their unilateral imperial pillage.
Whether the President of Indonesia, Joko (Jokowi) Widodo, and his government and advisors, are taken in by Beatrix Wilhelmina Armgard's end-time machinations remains to be seen.
Picture: The last goodbye. Vladimir Putin (Russia) & Barack Obama (US). APEC2016.
Picture: Chemtrails. Aluminium Oxide. Barium. Strontium. Bioweapons. Morgellons.
Picture: HAARP. Weather warfare (droughts, tornadoes). Geoweaponry.
In Asia, at full moon on Wednesday 25th November 2015, Neil Keenan was elected M1 Monetary Controller of The Global Collateral Accounts. These accounts contain many quadrillions of gold and asset-backed securities ($93Q are said to have been audited). Most are owned by Asian depositors.
Keenan was the first person to be legitimately elected M1 since President Sukharno of Indonesia, who died in 1970. Since then there have been many impostors promoted as M1 by agents of the US Rogue Faction. In recent years there have been many unsuccessful attempts by agents of the US Rogue Faction to assassinate Neil Keenan.
In November 2016, after Donald Trump had won the US Presidential Election against the US Rogue Faction's Hillary Clinton, he and his transition team sought Neil Keenan's recommendations for executive consideration.
Keenan advised that immediate actions should include: (1) Cessation of Chemtrail spraying; (2) Cessation of the HAARP programs; (3) Curtailing of GMO/weaponised foods; (4) Curtailing of vaccination bioweapons; (5) Halting UN Agendas 21 & 30; (6) Stopping the administration of toxic agrichemicals; (7) Stopping the privatisation of water supplies; (8) Gold-backing the US Dollar directly through the US Treasury; (9) Taking legal action against the US Federal Reserve System (a private corporation); (10) Taking legal action against the US Inland Revenue Service (a constitutionally illegal foreign entity).
Much else of a technical nature to do with attempted élite heists of Asian gold and large denomination (trillion/quadrillion) bonds was also advised.
More detail of the Keenan ► Trump document and its background can be found here (19.11.16).
Picture: Under Donald Trump, will the US pivot to Asia & join the AIIB?
Under Donald Trump, will the US pivot to Asia economically and, with a post-Abe Japan, become a member of the China-based Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)?
Geopolitically, what is needed is not the UN 2030 Agenda (details here and here), benevolent though much of that élite PsyOp may appear on the surface.
Rather, a much bigger political, humanitarian, environmental and financial global reset is required, coordinated by a new, reformed, international body, with non-fiat, gold-backed funding. More than enough gold is ready in Asia and elsewhere to resource this.
The problem is that at the moment, the UN is known to be a corrupt US private corporation, serving as a money laundry for the global élite. This also goes for the 1944 Bretton Woods Institutions, such as the World Bank, the IMF, and the World Trade Organisation. These, like the UN, are said to be puppeteered for the benefit of the (now bankrupt) G7 fiat banking syndicate and its controlling bloodline oligarchs.
A new UN HQ is reported to have been built in China to receive a new, benevolent global organisation. This could be called the United Nations, once the old US UN corporation has been dissolved, or it could be called something else completely. Every sovereign nation on the planet would be a member by right, providing that it was not a creature of corrupt oligarchic or corporate governance.
The AIIB has a very clear and firm policy on Prohibited Practices. These include Coercive Practice, Collusive Practice, Corrupt Practice, Fraudulent Practice, Obstructive Practice, Misuse of Resources and Theft. More details here (pdf 17pp).
As a conduit, the AIIB and its BRICS associate organisations are considered to be better-fitted to take over the global management of large, benevolent, gold-backed fund flows than the outdated UN or Bretton Woods Institutions.
More current and ongoing geopolitical background can be found here (17.11.16) and here (19.11.16).
Picture: By the end of 2016, 1.6B Muslims will have a new Islamic Gold Standard.
By the end of 2016, 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide will have a new Islamic Gold Standard for the first time in modern history.
The new standard is expected to act as an internationally-recognised consensus on regular gold savings plans (gold accumulation plans), allocated and segregated gold bullion storage, gold certificates, physically-backed gold Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), some gold futures and gold mining equities.
The World Gold Council has stated that we can expect to see an additional demand for hundreds of tonnes of gold, once the Sharia gold standard has been approved. The requisite approval for this was announced on Monday 5th December 2016, at the 23rd annual World Islamic Banking Conference in the Amwaj Islands, Bahrain.
If just 2% of the assets currently managed by Islamic financial institutions are invested into Sharia-compliant gold products, then we should expect to see over 1,000 tonnes of additional gold demand.
What will this Islamic financial reform do to the price of physical gold in the existing global markets after 5th December?
More here (17.11.16).
Picture: EU - Why does the ECB refuse to physically audit its gold?
The European Central Bank (ECB), creator of the EuroZone's new-fangled fiat Euro currency, currently claims to hold 504.8 tonnes of gold reserves.
These gold holdings arose from transfers made to the ECB by Euro member national central banks, mainly in January 1999, when the Euro was born.
At the end of December 2015, these ECB gold reserves were valued at €15.79 billion on the ECB balance sheet.
The ECB says that its gold reserves are stored across five international locations. It also says that it does not physically audit its gold, nor does it divulge a bar list or weight list of these gold bar holdings.
Why is the ECB being so coy? Are its gold holdings illusory? Are they based on fake certificates? Are they predicated on Asian-owned gold in the Global Collateral Accounts to which the ECB has no legitimate title? Exactly how fake is the financial underpinning of Europe's EuroZone currency?
More here (15.11.16).
Picture: Asia. M1. Gold. Global humanitarian and currency resets.
Agenda for disclosure
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