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Friday, June 28, 2024

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Picture: Screaming sculpture on old garden wall.
At last
She has been left alone.

She walks slow

And free
And alert
Through the flowers.

There is a sleepy smell
Of butterflies
In the old garden,
And honey
And pollen
And the soft rustle
Of petals.

The girl,
Dressed in cornflower blue,
Sits down on the grass
Beside a tall,

Red-brick wall
And opens her book.

Around her feet
Freshly fallen fruit

Draws small visitors.

Picture: Fallen apples on orchard floor.
Alice Dreaming
A picture by Jasmine Becket-Griffith
Understanding the New Age Children

What matters in Jane Austen?

And a pair of ears listened
A new book offers advice to its reader


Butterfly meat

About netball

Another woman

Office separation

Unusual cloud-form over Launceston

More Norfolk koans

Index of blog contents

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