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Picture: UK Cabinet Secretary Simon Case to step down on 'health grounds'.

Picture: English royal family - Princess Anne and Prince George.

Picture: Sir John Scarlett KCMG OBE (UK). SIS MI6 GO-2 (London).
Picture: True or False? There has been no King or Queen of England since 1702?
On Sunday 7th July 2024, Anna Maria Riezinger (Fiduciary, The United States of America) issued an International Public Notice entitled The Elephant in the Room. This notice was directed to all national governments, militaries, international agencies and legal bodies, in addition to the general public worldwide.
Riezinger is a judge, Constutional historian, and geopolitically-recognised financial overseer of huge (quadrillion+) international funds, trusts, estates and assets.
Her six-page analysis of the English monarchy includes legal, political, business and criminalogical details of the activities of crown operators and fake governments over several centuries.
The full text of Riezinger's International Public Notice entitled The Elephant in the Room follows here:
There has been no King or Queen of England since 1702.
That means that the land and soil jurisdiction of England has been vacated since 1702 and the country exists only as a matter of public record, in the minds of its people, and as assets held by a foreign Public Trust.
The land and soil assets of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales have all been bound in an International Trust and Trading Company known as "Great Britain" operating in the International jurisdiction of the sea.
Recently, this government entity has been dissolved and a new corporation "acting as" a government has been set up in the global jurisdiction of the air, where it proposes to operate with similar disrespect and disregard for Law and Custom --- and in evasion of treaties and contracts owed to other nations.
England has gone rogue, and Scotland, Ireland, and Wales have gone rogue with it. What is startling is that these countries have been operating in this manner for three centuries, and nobody called them on it.
The governments of these countries have willfully vacated their land and soil, and operated in a private, incorporated Territorial capacity for 300 years. They "went to sea" and have remained there, with the consequence that everything that they have done or pretended to do in all that time has been done under color of law.
They have fraudulently misrepresented the nature of their "government" to the people of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales and the rest of the world, too.
While claiming to have a Constitutional Monarchy in England, for example, they have in fact evaded their contracts and vacated the Constitutional Monarchy long ago; they have only continued the "show" for their innocent victims, trotting out the Stone of Scone, pretending to be Protestants, and kissing the Bible in public, while carrying on a completely different and private agenda divorced from Law and Custom.
They were helped in this unlawful conversion of government, a process of replacing the government of the people with corporations, by members of the Bar Associations hired as privateers who have abused their positions of public respect in favor of private profit.
Faced with these realities there is little wonder why the people of these afflicted nations find themselves laboring under the lash of slave masters and are confused by the fact that their government doesn't "add up" and provide those benefits and protections that are supposed to be in place for the people, despite the public façade of civility and order.
There is a very simple reason for this. The Government of Great Britain has been operated in a Territorial capacity, not a National capacity.
It has given over its functions as a government to private interests that are for-profit corporations in the business of providing "essential government services" --- corporations that have been profiteering under color of law on the side.
This profiteering has taken place against the people of the afflicted countries and every other country that one way or another, has had service contracts with or been illegally occupied by "Great Britain" in the guise of its Territorial government units.
As they have vacated the land and soil of each home country, the Perpetrators have vacated and violated the Law and Customs of each country, too. They put to sea instead; left their land in the care of the National Trusts, and carried on as if all was well and normal -- when it decidedly is not.
This circumstance has allowed the abuse not only of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, but has promoted abuses ranging around the world, impacting billions of people, and guaranteeing "endless" war for profit.
This is, in the end, the reason that all roads lead to Rome and why Britain is always at the bottom of every dog pile. These "governmental services" corporations belong to Rome -- accounting for Rome's part in these trespasses, and the Brits responsible for these breaches of trust and contract work for Rome.
These "Kings" and "Queens" have been the Overseers of the Pope's Commonwealth land in England for 800 years and it is the Pope who gave them their crowns. The Pope can also take their crowns away from them, which ensures their slave-like obedience.
The "split of the take" that has endured since the 1580's was engineered by King Henry the Eighth, who got his divorce sanctified and a 40% share of whatever assets he could drag in. The initial assets shared out with the Pope were ownership interests in the souls of members of the Church of England, represented as "baptismal certificates".
The Pope got 60% and the King got 40% of the value of the souls of Anglican Church members, a quid pro quo that has remained in place from that time to this.
This abuse of "certificates" and "registrations" to establish ownership interests in private property -- your soul, your Good Name, your car, your land, your business and everything else you think you possess -- has run its course.
So has the use and misuse of "Great Britain" and "the UNITED KINGDOM" and all the other nameless, faceless corporations that have been used to defraud and deprive and deceive the people of this world, so as to evade plainly-stated contracts and treaties -- all these criminal impersonations have run their course.
What we are left with are the good people of each country and an economic nightmare.
These unlawfully converted and incorporated government corporations have run up a gigantic amount of debt and the books have (deliberately) never been balanced against the credit that the living people are owed as a result of all the inequitable exchanges of goods and services for legal tender [promissory] notes that have been imposed under color of law.
When we do this, simply by balancing the books, the "national debt" disappears, and instead, a very substantial "national credit" owed to the living people appears.
The corporations responsible for this situation would rather go bankrupt and presume that their victims are the "public" responsible for their bankruptcy protection, but no such corporate veil can be afforded to criminal organizations --- especially when they misidentify the public responsible for their existence and operations, and cast their debts on innocent strangers they've impersonated, instead.
What started out as a national-level bilking of the people of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, depriving them of their Law and Customs, their property assets, contracts, and guarantees in 1702, has led to an international crime spree of unimaginable proportions -- a crime spree that has lasted 300 years and adversely impacted all jurisdictions of air, land, and sea worldwide.
All this harm has been engendered because the governments of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales vacated their natural estate on the land and soil, incorporated their functions as "service corporations" and went to sea, thereby evading all their land-based treaties, contracts, and guarantees by vacating their land jurisdiction.
They left Law and Custom, the Magna Carta, and their own Kingdoms behind in favor of life "at sea" as international pirates and mercenaries.
As attractive as that might have seemed at the time, it also has the effect of leaving the Perpetrators "legless" and without standing among the nations of the world.
The elements of fraud intrinsic to this situation including the willful misrepresentation of events such as staged and phony coronations appearing to meet the requirements of a long-vanished Constitutional Monarchy have tainted all business dealings, contracts, and relationships entered into by the so-called British Monarchs and their unlawfully converted Parliaments.
The land and soil of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales have stood vacant for over 300 years--- except for their abused, deluded, and defrauded people and their traditional assemblies, Clan Governments, and the sovereign estate holdings bequeathed by William the Conqueror -- to the extent that lawful inheritors still exist.
The Perpetrators have worked, to some effect, to create the same deplorable deceit and usurpation via their interest in the British Territorial corporation known as "the United States of America --- Incorporated" and have used this association to promote numerous substitution, impersonation, and identity theft schemes against the Americans.
This has resulted in the same kind of criminal misadministration of contracts and evasion of the Law and Customs of our country and our Constitutions, confusion, national identity theft, unlawful conversion of assets, human trafficking, certificate and registration fraud, mortgage fraud, property tax fraud, real estate title fraud, bankruptcy fraud, banking and securities fraud, substitution fraud, trespass crimes, false impersonation crimes, barratry crimes, inland piracy, press-ganging, illegal conscription, illegal and unlawful salvage operations, illegal and unlawful imposition of foreign citizenship obligations via False Registrations and Unconscionable Contracts foisted off on American babies in their cradles, currency and commodity rigging, false claims in commerce, misrepresentation, conspiracy against the Constitutions, and treason against our lawful contract government.
This has also led to a crime spree of unlawful and illegal mercenary operations using American assets under color of law to promote war-profiteering without the Americans ever being made aware of the nature of these activities.
The misuse and abuse of American assets empowered the crime syndicate based on collusion between Rome and the so-called Government of Great Britain, Inc., to attack a great many other nations using a long litany of spurious excuses -- nations which were subsequently occupied illegally by British Territorial forces and hired mercenary forces, similar to the British Raj system inflicted on India.
This and various financial schemes that went on in tandem with this activity resulted in destabilizing and controlling national currencies that were seized upon as part of a currency commodity rigging scheme promoted by the Federal Reserve and other central banks, which weaponized and selectively obstructed trade and commerce on a worldwide basis.
Two social and financial class systems were promoted to ensnare the General Public, with a class of "professionals" being enrolled as indentured servants to oversee, control, and direct the masses, and a class of debt slaves misidentified as Municipal citizens, both serving as "securitized assets" and collateral belonging to the criminally misdirected and maliciously mismanaged corporations responsible for this rampage.
England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales went off track a long time ago, and their action vacating their land jurisdiction and obstructing the Law of the Land in their own countries, has been both unlawful and illegal with respect to their people, who are owed good faith service and contractual performance from the government they ordained.
The same can be said for every other country and nation adversely impacted by this outrageous Romano-British Fraud Scheme -- a roster that now includes not only the British home lands, The United States, the former Commonwealth nations, the seventeen still-occupied countries of Western Europe, Japan, South Korea, Iraq, Libya, and numerous other countries that have all similarly been overtaken by the deceits and fraudulent misrepresentations of these incorporated "government service providers".
It's well-past the time when this circumstance should have been settled in favor of the living people to whom all right, title, and interest does belong.
All the erring institutions, the corporations malfunctioning "as" governments, and all the misdirected professionals supporting them, need to be fully informed ---and then need to stand down with respect to the lawful government, knowing that the only government giving substance to a country is vested in its physical assets and the people living within its borders.
It is of paramount importance, therefore, that the land and soil of each country remains populated, that the Law of the Land is enforced, and that the government service contracts are fulfilled in good faith and order.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
July 7th 2024
The full text of this International Public Notice can be found here (pdf 6pp - 07.07.24).
Four days later on Thursday 11th July 2024, Anna Maria Riezinger issued a follow-up International Public Notice entitled The Other Alternative. In this she continued her historical and legal analysis of the geopolitical frauds and crimes enabled by the activities of certain élite British 'Crown' and 'Royal' syndicates, corporations and individuals.
She also identified the Nazi-continuum active in the hidden upper echelons of British governance and the fact that there is no difference between Hitler's Will to Power and Absolute Monarchy.
But there is a solution to this messy international evil: The corporations concerned can be lawfully converted. Just as they were unlawfully converted, they can be lawfully converted, come back under the Law of the Land and traditional Merchant Law, and begin operating as responsible and honest business organizations.
The full text of Anna Maria Riezinger's International Public Notice entitled The Other Alternative follows here:
We have seen how the British "Governments" -- the Monarch, Westminster, and the British Crown, have by duplicity and fraud worked to take advantage of their own people and their people's private assets as collateral to fund wars of aggression, including illegal Mercenary Conflicts worldwide.
The first round of the present nastiness began in England during the reign of Queen Victoria where they "latched onto" their own people via a process of undisclosed corporate enfranchisement and used the proceeds to promote the British Raj in India.
We have seen how this has been expedited by evasion of their lawful contracts and by unlawful jurisdictional conversions and human trafficking.
We have seen how this same scheme has been applied by the villains worldwide and how it has resulted in widespread fraud, impersonation, identity theft, and conspiracy to evade lawful contracts and obligations.
We have seen how this has promoted the existence of the equivalent of the British Raj in India being used as a means to illegally seize assets belonging to other people and other countries.
We have seen how the Government of Westminster has colluded with the British Monarchy and how the British Crown Corporations have been used to entrap and illegally seize upon and "salvage" property assets belonging to entire countries, and how they have then used Municipal trusts to launder these ill-gotten gains.
This is British Colonialism being practiced in international and global venues by corporations. We call it Corporate Feudalism.
It was pioneered by Cecil Rhodes in South Africa and resulted in one of the most oppressive, ruthless, and racially bigoted regimes in human history.
The excesses, thefts, and brutality expressed by the British Raj in India also speak volumes concerning the nature of this form of "government" which should be, by now, recognized as a form of National Socialism.
This is why we speak of the "British Nazis".
It comes as a great surprise to many people today that Nazism, as a form of government, was embraced internationally.
Post-war media and propaganda have been used to focus attention on Germany's Third Reich and on demonizing and isolating Hitler's regime, but there was also the Vichy French Government and the Italian Government under Mussolini, practicing their version of Fascism, and many Fascists all around the world --- Lithuanian Nazis, Swiss Nazis, even Algerian Nazis --- and there were numerous affiliated organizations and famous individuals who supported the Nazis, too.
Prescott Bush, George H.W. Bush's adoptive Father, was an outspoken Nazi supporter and bankrolled Hitler's efforts from the start.
The abdicated British King Edward VIII was also an outspoken supporter of the Nazis and Hitler's regime.
We have photos of the British Royal family including the future Queen Elizabeth II practicing Nazi salutes and home movie clips of the children calling Hitler "Uncle Adolph".
Thus we speak of "British Nazis" and know whereof we speak, both in terms of the history, and the results.
It has long been the practice of the British ruling class to "play both ends against the middle", to finance both sides of every war, and keep a foot in both camps, so as to better victimize the losers and take advantage of the winners.
Hitler's entire rise to power was financed by the same industrialists and Monarchists that supported Winston Churchill.
Those same interests persist in pushing the same old ugly agendas: eugenics, transhumanism, geoengineering, weaponization of the weather, biowarfare, slavery, indentured servitude, racial superiority, clandestine sexual perversions, genocide as an administrative convenience, illegal confiscation of assets, impersonation, barratry, fraud and unlimited powers of government.
There is no difference between Hitler's Will to Power and Absolute Monarchy.
And this, it must finally be admitted, is what these undeserving cretins have been driving toward all along, with no respect for their own word, no conscience, and no decency.
They have sought to build a world hegemony based on unconscionable citizenship contracts foisted off on babies, impersonation, barratry, identity theft, unlawful conversion of assets, and other forms of white collar fraud allowing them to evade their social and business contracts.
The people of Great Britain have been owed a Christian Constitutional Monarchy since the Act of Union and also have been owed a Protestant Monarch as a pre-condition of the formation of the respective National Trusts and the contributions made to the National Trusts creating the legal fiction entity known as "Great Britain".
Yet almost immediately, in 1702, these agreements were secretly violated; there has never been a Christian and Constitutional Monarchy. It's all been shell games and fraud, appearances, smoke and mirrors sideshow stuff.
Queen Elizabeth II's Coronation in which she kissed the Bible in front of the entire watching world, and seemed thereby to create the required Christian and Protestant Monarchy, was in fact a fraudulent act. She acted in the Maritime venue and dishonored that contract within three days afterward.
Think of a little kid, swearing to tell the truth with their fingers crossed behind their backs.
This typifies the fraud against the Public Interest that these persons have practiced for 300 years.
The Monarchs, who held their crowns as "gifts and tokens" of His Holiness the Pope, as signs of their appointment as hereditary Overseers of the various Global Trust Interests they administered, were forever compromised and acting in conflict of interest from the start of any role as "Protestants".
How does one act as an Overseer of the Global Estate Trust, owing one's crown to the Pope, and pretend to be a Protestant and serve the National Public Interest at the same time?
Answer: this is done by "Special Papal Dispensation", like King Henry the Eighth worked out, allowing him to be the titular Head of the Church of England and get a 40% share of the value of every baptized member of the Church of England, while passing on 60% of "the take" to the Pope.
Like their Catholic brethren, the members of the Church of England were never told that their baptismal enrollments and later, Baptism Certificates, resulted in commercially valuable instruments representing the "deposit" of their souls as chattel backing the debts of the Monarchs and Church.
In this way, people really could speak about "buying and selling" souls.
This is typical of the Satanic nonsense promoted by the followers of the Father of All Lies.
They delude themselves with these narratives until they believe that they actually own your soul, and being convinced of this, they feel entitled to treat you as a slave and practice any amount of evil against you.
It remains to us to observe that the Baptismal Certificate, like the Birth Certificates, like the licenses, and the registrations, enrollments, and enlistments perpetuated by these Con Artists, are factually only a piece of paper and not a valid contract for lack of full disclosure and equitable consideration.
Their purported contracts are also void for fraud.
They have not fully and openly disclosed their identities, intentions, and nature; while pretending to be Protestant Monarchs, they have instead been Catholic Overseers; while pretending to be guardians and custodians, they have actually been commercial pirates and predators unjustly enriching themselves by unlawfully and illegally latching upon purloined assets, issuing themselves titles to property they don't own, and loaning us our own credit.
The traditional punishment for these activities is death. That is what the Hague and Geneva Conventions require.
Piracy, meanwhile, is punishable by hanging and in the worst cases, by drawing and quartering and gibbeting.
We do not propose to increase the bloodshed and trauma already inflicted on this world.
What we propose is the liquidation and/or forfeiture of all corporations related to these abuses, or, there is another alternative.
The corporations can be lawfully converted.
Just as they were unlawfully converted, they can be lawfully converted, come back under the Law of the Land and traditional Merchant Law, and begin operating as responsible and honest business organizations.
The lawful conversion must benefit the victims, so that the offending governments are not rewarded for their infamy, and their people are not unfairly benefited at the expense of the rest of the world, but not punished, either.
We must remember that the British peoples were among the first victims of these con artists. Blaming the victims is not appropriate. They must have their share and return of their own assets.
Then, to each their own, the people to their homes and land, their businesses and occupations; the institutions to their proper place, allegiance, and functions; the governments in their intended roles and jurisdictions; the mercenary armed forces converted back to an honorable estate --- and the world set right again.
We call upon all military, police, law enforcement, peacekeeping, and militia forces, all criminal prosecutors and crime prevention organizations worldwide, all banks and financial institutions, to recognize the fraud that has been perpetrated against this country and many other countries.
The Great Fraud amounts to a vast multinational identity theft and impersonation scheme that has impacted billions of people over time, and which has been the prime motivation and means of promoting illegal mercenary conflicts disguised as "wars" and also the profit motive behind insurance frauds resulting in genocides, tax scheme frauds disguised as gift and estate taxes, and more tax schemes disguised as concern for the environment.
Everyone, everywhere, must hear and raise the alarm, so that these criminals are no longer allowed to operate in our midst and prey upon our people and our assets.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
July 11th 2024
The full text of this International Public Notice can be found here (pdf 6pp - 11.07.24).
Picture: European bloodlines face end-time vortex of exposure

Picture: Queen Elizabeth II signature on covert Committee of 300 World Bank document.

Picture: Queen Elizabeth II practising Nazi salutes with her family at Balmoral.
Picture: Queen Elizabeth II. Stolen from Isis. A crown.
Picture: Alexander Romanov message to Queen Elizabeth about crown of Isis.
Picture: Isis is very upset. She wants her crown back.

Picture: Amol Rajan (BBC) and Philip Battenburg.
Picture: CIA foreign intelligence information report - Tuesday 17th June 1997.
Picture: The Goddess, the Black Madonnas and the Isis mysteries.
Picture: Harry Spencer-Hewitt ('Prince Harry' 'Duke of Sussex').

Picture: Diana Spencer & James Hewitt & Prince Harry Spencer-Hewitt.
Picture: Melania Trump & Prince Harry. Toronto, Saturday 23rd September 2017.

Picture: Mrs Elizabeth Windsor with her son Andrew Windsor.

Picture: Andrew Albert Christian Edward Windsor and Jeffrey Edward Epstein.

Picture: Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell at Queen's Balmoral estate in 1999.
Picture: The British royal family and rumours of under-age sex trafficking.

Picture: Andrew Windsor, Alan Dershowitz and Jeffrey Epstein.
Picture: Virginia Giuffre (Roberts) v Andrew Albert Christian Edward.

Picture: Prince Andew problem. Letter to Queen from retired military personnel.
Picture: Piers Morgan speaks truth to power.
Picture: Mrs Elizabeth Windsor and her double (One).

Picture: Mrs Elizabeth Windsor and her double (Two).

Picture: Mrs Elizabeth Windsor speaking to foreign ambassadors - Autumn 2021.

Picture: Jacob Rothschild, Mrs Elizabeth Windsor and Angela Merkel.

Picture: Charles Windsor, Jacob Rothschild, Evelyn de Rothschild, Jimmy Savile.

Picture: Things fall apart. The centre cannot hold.

Picture: New Zealand, Australia, Oceania and the (British) Commonwealth. End of ?

Picture: Rose Hanbury,William Windsor and Kate Middleton.
Picture: William Windsor and Catherine Elizabeth Middleton.
Picture: British Crown copyright claims. Saturday 12th March 2022.
Picture: Buckingham Palace, London (UK).

On Monday 20th February 2012, confirmatory intelligence emerged from Japan (here) that, below the surface, a widening rift in geopolitical loyalties is developing between the older and younger members of the British Royal Family bloodlines.
This rift is understood to be developing and extending through most of the European Illuminati hereditary control-structures, not just in the UK, but also in countries such as The Netherlands, Spain and Sweden.
What is being referred to as the Gnostic Illuminati powergroup issued a Saturday 31st March 2012 deadline to the Western G5 banking cartel's Committee of 300, to cease and desist in its Nazi-continuum (Odessa Group) agenda of financial theft and international exploitation.
The Committee of 300 agenda was being implemented through secretly-constructed financial instruments and money laundries, and through wars, invasions and state-sponsored terrorist atrocities such as the post-WW2 conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and Yemen, and the false-flag attacks of 911 (pre-planned demolition of Twin Towers in New York - more here) and 311 (the pre-planned nuclear tsunami in Japan - more here).
This Nazi-continuum corporatist agenda is still thought to be driving much of the visible financial and foreign policies of the G7 nations (UK, Canada, USA, Germany, France, Italy and Japan). Donald Trump, however, has started to shake up that particular self-serving oligarchic remnant. And it should be noted that each of the seven nations involved has many good people working quietly together behind the scenes to bring about benevolent progressive change (new asset-backed currencies, universal debt forgiveness and free-energy systems etc).
The Gnostic Illuminati powergroup is of ancient lineage, and through its spokesman, Alexander Romanov (Romanoff), claims to have initiated the American Revolution (1775–83), the French Revolution (1787–1799) and the Russian Revolution (1917). It is understood to be the Gnostic Illuminati branch in the USA which is currently supporting and energising the Trump-Dunford military syndicate which took over American governance from the Deep State Nazi-continuum globalists in 2016 (more background here).
Romanov has also said that Prince Harry (British Royal Family; sixth in line of succession to the British Throne) has been keeping in touch with the Gnostic Illuminati group and has agreed to take over control of the British Royal family from Queen Elizabeth II when she is obliged to abdicate in connection with her covert Chairmanship of the Committee of 300 and other geopolitical machinations. More here (01.01.12), here (09.09.15) and here (19.10.09).
One of the reasons that the Gnostic Illuminati are working with Prince Harry is thought to be that this particular member of the British Royal Family is not a scion (or issue) of the Nazi-continuum, German-English, reptilian bloodline Houses of Windsor and Saxe-Coburg & Gotha. In this, Harry is unlike his brother, William (Duke of Cambridge), or his father, Charles (Prince of Wales). Charles is the heir apparent (first in line of succession) and William is second in line of succession to the British Throne.
This difference in Prince Harry's bloodline is due to the (now) widely-suspected fact that he is not Prince Charles' son. Prince Harry is thought to be the son of Diana Spencer (Princess Diana) and James Hewitt, a young army officer, horse trainer and polo player. More here (31.05.09). And a picture of Diana Spencer and James Hewitt together can be seen here.
Prince Harry is probably not, therefore, the biological son of Prince Charles, or the biological grandson of Queen Elizabeth II of England. However, for reasons of public relations expediency, he was given a full royal name and rank at his christening in St George’s Chapel, Windsor, on Friday 21st December 1984. Prince Harry of Wales' full name is Henry Charles Albert David Windsor. In long-established English usage, Henry = Harry.
The absence of Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth's husband, from Prince Harry's official christening photograph, is considered to be highly significant. Among the English aristocracy it is normative for the grandfather of the child being christened to feature in the official photograph. Philip had been present two years earlier for the family christening photographs of Harry's older brother, Prince William. That service was held on Wednesday 4th August 1982 in the Music Room at Buckingham Palace. The official christening photographs associated with the event can be seen here and here.
In Establishment English Protestant Churchianity (Church of England), a christening is an infant baptism conducted without the informed consent of the infant involved. It is a churchified version of an ancient Satanic rite designed to close the ajna centre (the sixth primary chakram) of the developing child. The officiating priest sprinkles the forehead of the infant with "holy water" and makes the sign of the cross (the sign of closure) over the ajna centre.
Closure of this transdimensional data portal in the spiritual body restricts the individual's access to positive spiritual energies from The Higher Evolution. It also makes the growing child more susceptible to control by low-vibration negative manipulation energies entering through chakras lower down in the spiritual body. The ajna centre can be reopened in later life by positive spiritual practices such as creative visualisation, yoga or benign meditation techniques.
A longtime employee of Prince Harry's mother, Princess Diana, has claimed that the British Royal Family has been involved for many years in a media and intelligence cover-up of Harry's origins.
Diana knew that Harry's father was James Hewitt, and talked about it frequently in private. This is said to be one reason why she was assassinated in 1997, in, or following a manufactured Paris car crash, allegedly by Tavistock-linked agents (K-Team Geneva) of the London Crown Temple. More about the Tavistock Institute can be found here, and about the London Crown Temple here or here and here.
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (Queen Elizabeth's husband), is reported to have issued explicit death threats to James Hewitt if he refused to go along with the royal cover-up. In particular, it is said that Philip coerced Hewitt into lying about the timeline of his sexual relationship with Diana, Princess of Wales.
James Hewitt was in an active relationship with Diana fully two years before Prince Harry was born. It is understood that Diana had stopped having sex with Prince Charles about eighteen months before Harry was born because of her disgust at the undisguised relationship her husband was continuing with Camilla Parker-Bowles.
Parker-Bowles has now been officially re-branded as the Duchess of Cornwall, but there have recently been indications that Charles and Camilla are living essentially separate lives, spending much of their time in separate houses in Gloucestershire and Wiltshire. More here (27.02.12).
Prince Harry looks very similar to James Hewitt. He has ginger hair like Hewitt and a similar physiognomy. Harry looks nothing like Prince Charles (younger picture here) or like his brother, Prince William (side-by-side pictures here and here).
Harry is also considerably less intelligent (academically) than his brother, William, (ask anyone who taught the boys at Eton College) and unlike William, he did not go to university. Harry's father, James Hewitt, is also considerably less intelligent than Prince Charles. And, it might be noted, Harry has inherited playboy character-traits from Hewitt which are largely absent from William and Charles. But mutual friends say that Harry is more street-wise, in terms of modern popular culture and mores, than William.
The idea that Prince Harry (now 'The Duke of Sussex') might supplant his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II of England, upon her forced abdication has been around for a while. But the rumours were given new life at the end of 2011. Speaking on the record to a television interviewer, Harry expressed the view that he did not believe the Queen could carry out her public duties without the presence of her husband Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh.
A few days after the interview was recorded, Prince Philip suffered a "heart scare" and spent four days over Christmas 2011 at Addenbrookes Hospital (Cambridge) "having a blocked coronary artery cleared and a stent fitted."
Observers noted that when he returned to the family houseparty on the Sandringham estate in Norfolk, the Duke was unusually vigorous, physically. Seasoned conspiracy-watchers began to wonder whether the four days "in hospital" were, in fact, four days for the Tavistock-nexus to get a new Prince Philip clone up-and-running, the previous one having been terminated unexpectedly. More about the use of human clones in élite political management can be found here.
It should be noticed that although Harry Spencer-Hewitt (Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex) is not a scion of the Nazi-continuum Windsor/Saxe-Coburg & Gotha bloodline, he is still, through his mother's ancestry, an issue of an old, non-reptilian, English bloodline referred to as the Spencers. The Spencer dynasty began to develop in pre-Tudor times and became visible to official exoteric histories around the year 1486 with the rise of Sir John Spencer. More about the Spencer bloodline can be found here.
Fake histories and false attributions of birth are nothing new for the British Royal Family. In March 2012, an old story about the bloodline bona fides of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon broke surface with renewed energy. Bowes-Lyons was the Queen Consort (wife) of King George VI from 1936 to 1952. Thereafter she was known as Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother. She gave birth to the present Queen Elizabeth II, in London, in April 1926.
The official histories state that Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon was the daughter of Claude Bowes-Lyon (the 14th Earl of Strathmore & Kinghorne) and Cecilia Cavendish-Bentinck (his wife). In fact, it now transpires that Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon was the daughter of Claude Bowes-Lyon and their family's French cook, Marguerite Rodiere. Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon's full name was Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon, and later, in court circles and further afield, she was often referred to by her nickname "Cookie". More here (30.03.12).
Since the winter of 2012, there has been a fools' procession of royal developments, disclosures, gaffes and false alarms in Europe:
In August 2012, (Prince) Harry Spencer-Hewitt, a serving British Army Officer at the time, was photographed naked in Las Vegas. He was holding an impromptu strip billiards party in his VIP suite in the Wynn Encore Tower hotel. Generous doses of alcohol lubricated the jollities.
For some reason, the prince's security detail failed to take mobile phones from party-goers as they entered the suite. Explicit pictures went viral on the web.
In London, a request from St James's Palace (Spencer-Hewitt's official residence at that time), made via the UK press watchdog, to respect Harry's privacy, was ignored by the tabloid press. Silly season pictures of the prince frolicking in the nude with an unnamed woman decorated the news stands of England. More here (22.08.12), here (23.08.12), here (24.08.12) and here (24.08.12).
In April 2013, (Queen) Beatrix Armgard (Royal Dutch Shell), of the Netherlands royal bloodline, abdicated in good health at the age of 75. More here (30.04.13).
In May 2014, (Prince) Charles Windsor, in conversation with Marienne Ferguson in Canada, likened some Nazi actions in Europe to those of Russia's Vladimir Putin in Crimea: "Putin is doing just about the same as Hitler." Even by English royal standards, this was a particularly maladroit comment. The Russian President, Vladimir Putin, lost a brother in the Nazi siege of Leningrad during the Second World War. A royal spokeman said Charles's remarks were "well-intentioned" and not meant to be made public. More here (21.05.14), here (21.05.14) and here (22.05.14).
Fourteen months later, in July 2015, pictures from the UK royal archives were leaked to the UK mainstream media showing the young (Queen) Elizabeth Windsor (Charles's mother) practising Nazi salutes with her family, at Balmoral, in Scotland (see newspaper image above and further reference downpage).
In June 2014, (King) Juan Carlos Bourbon, of the Spanish royal bloodline, abdicated in good health at the age of 76. More here (18.06.14).
On Monday 8th December 2014, the UK's 33-year-old Prince William ('Duke of Cambridge') was in Washington DC for "a meeting" at the World Bank HQ. It is said that he signed a document there which authorised the disbursement of $48 trillion to a series of established global power centres. More here (30.12.14).
The World Bank sum of $48 trillion was very close to the $47 trillion sum involved in the Lien executed against the US Treasury and the US Federal Reserve on Sunday 6th December 2009, by China.
This World Court Writ of Execution and Lien was issued following the diversion of a $6.2 trillion loan from the UK Crown (London Crown Temple) to the US government to finance the (on-the-books) US Dollar Refunding Project. China had been involved, with London, in assembling these monies.
The $6.2T was wired to the US during the 2008 financial crisis on 10th-12th September 2008. The money was then stolen, mirrored, and traded for other purposes. More here (14.12.09).
Prince William's reported signing of the $48T World Bank document on the 8th December 2014, caused a flurry of speculation. If it was a Nazi-continuum Committee of 300 document (like this one, cited above), why did William sign it, rather than his grandmother, (Queen) Elizabeth Windsor?
Did this change in lead signatory mean that Elizabeth had resigned her position as Chairman of the Committee of 300, and had passed that post on to her grandson William (second in line of succession to the British Throne), rather than to her son, Charles (heir apparent and first in line of succession)?
If this, indeed, was the case, why had the official royal prerogative in this matter jumped a generation, leaving Charles and Camilla apparently impotent and discarded in the dustbin of English history? And, perhaps more significant, why was no official announcement of this royal promotion/demotion forthcoming from Buckingham Palace? Because it was not true? Or because it was nothing to do with the little people: the democratic electorate of UK citizens; subjects, still, of the Queen?
A week or two later in December 2014, the UK bookmaker Coral suspended betting on 89-year-old (Queen) Elizabeth Windsor announcing her abdication during her annual Christmas Day broadcast to the nation. An unusual rush of bets had been received. Buckingham Palace denied the rumour. More here (17.12.14).
In January 2015, UK royal Andrew Windsor ('Duke of York') was accused in US court papers of consorting with 'Jane Doe 3' (Virginia Roberts Giuffre) at an orgy where she was used as an under-age sex slave. More here (04.01.15). Andrew was a close friend of the convicted US paedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Epstein, it now appears, ran, or headed up, an Israel-linked international under-age sex-trafficking and entrapment syndicate said to involve Ghislaine Maxwell, Ray Chandler and others. This covertly-financed syndicate purveyed young sex slaves to hundreds of prominent public figures worldwide and filmed or photographed them at work.
The issue exploded again, in public, in the UK in November 2019. After a steady drizzle of compromising press coverage, and the 'death' in prison of Jeffrey Epstein, Andrew Windsor decided to give an extended interview to BBC television. His decision was purblind, dimwitted and self-injurious. It split the royal family at the very top. Andrew was a son of the reigning queen (Elizabeth Windsor) and a brother of the heir apparent (Charles Windsor). The interview itself was a grotesque PR car crash. A polite evasion of the important values of public office, it offered a paradigm case of élite, out-of-touch, royal stupidity. The Queen sacked him and Andrew Windsor was removed from the Civil List. More here (18.11.19), here (20.11.19), here (21.11.19) and here (02.01.15).
Also in January 2015, Spain's Supreme Court agreed to examine a paternity suit against (former king) Juan Carlos Bourbon by a Belgian woman, Ingrid Jeanne Sartiau, who claimed to be his daughter. More here (27.01.15).
By this time, even to an old Bourbon roué, the fleshpots of Babylon were many centuries out of reach. Instead, in August 2020, Juan Carlos fled to Abu Dhabi (UAE), perhaps in search of a more discreet harem within which to massage his capriform appetites. The cover story had to do with a corruption scandal in which he was involved relating to a high-speed rail contract in Saudi Arabia.
While still in UAE, in October 2021, the news broke back home in Spain that Juan Carlos' sex-drive was so high that it was considered a state security problem. Jose Manuel Villarejo, an ex-police commissioner, told a parliamentary hearing that Spain’s National Intelligence Centre (CNI) had had to administer the former king with female hormones and testosterone inhibitors to lower his libido. More here (22.10.21).
Further north, in March 2015 in England, the UK Supreme Court ordered the publication of 27 secret letters sent by Charles Windsor (Prince of Wales) to UK government figures, including the Prime Minister Tony Blair, in 2004 and 2005. In these, Wales, an unelected aristocrat with no official constitutional rôle, sought to place improper pressure on government ministers. The letters revealed that Wales' much-vaunted 'political neutrality' was a cynical establishment sham. More here (13.05.15).
In April 2015, an opinion poll published in the UK mainstream media indicated that 55% of respondents did not want Camilla Parker-Bowles (Charles Windsor's partner) to become Queen (ever). More here (11.04.15).
In June 2015, the new Spanish King, Felipe Bourbon, issued a decree stripping his sister, (Princess) Cristina, of her title as Duchess of Palma. She was about to stand trial on two counts of being an accessory to tax fraud. More here (11.06.15).
Also in June 2015, a BBC reporter stated on an official Twitter feed that the UK's (Queen) Elizabeth Windsor had died. She hadn't. Shortly afterwards, a BBC spokesman explained that the mistake happened during a “technical rehearsal for an obituary” of the Queen. More here (03.06.15).
On Friday 10th July 2015, Philip Battenburg (Mountbatten) [Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh] visited the RAF Club in London, during a day of national events to mark the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain in 1940. A photocall with other House of Windsor bloodline members and some distinguished old veterans was scheduled. The photographer was being careful with the arrangements. Philip called him across, pointed at the camera and said: "Just take the fucking picture!" A live video feed recorded the details. More here (10.07.15).
A week later, in July 2015, pictures from the UK royal archives were leaked to the mainstream media showing (Queen) Elizabeth Windsor, when six or seven years old, practising Nazi salutes with her family, at Balmoral in Scotland. More here (18.07.15).
Also in July 2015, Philip Battenburg (Mountbatten), Elizabeth Windsor's husband, visited Chadwell Heath Community Centre in East London. He met the local Asian Women's Network. "Who do you sponge off?” he asked the group. More here (17.07.15).
A little later in July 2015, a Facebook page entitled: R.I.P. Prince Philip appeared. It stated: "At about 11am ET on Monday (July 27, 2015), our beloved prince Prince Philip passed away. Prince Philip was born on June 10, 1921 in Mon Repos. He will be missed but not forgotten. Please show your sympathy and condolences by commenting on and liking this page.” The page attracted nearly one million 'likes'. On the following day, a UK royal spokesman stated that 94-year-old Philip Battenburg (Mountbatten) was still alive. More here (30.07.15).
Two years later, in April 2017, Philip Battenburg was personally involved in two massive covert financial transactions. Some say that these laundries were functional overlaps of each other. The first had to do with the cashing-in of a major tranche of Super Petchili (Lung-Tsing-U-Hai) bonds backed by Chinese gold. It is not clear whether or not William Windsor ("Prince William"), when he went to Beijing (China) in March 2015, had been instructed by Buckingham Palace to exercise his House of Windsor signatory powers and sign-off on preliminary documents connected with the execution of these bonds.
The second financial transaction concerned Philip Battenburg's acquisition of $950 Trillion USD in Life Force Value Annuities which he claimed as part of the settlement of the bankruptcy of the Municipal Corporation of CANADA (◄ legal title). This money, it has been argued, rightly belongs to the Canadian and American People. On this view, the Philip Battenburg syndicate had been active in engineering an élite international insurance fraud.The money was paid out to Battenburg ("Prince Philip") by the GOVERNOR OF OTTAWA (◄ legal title). Note the old Vichy French connection here.
Life Force Value Annuities are the equivalent of life insurance for a corporation, in this case, the Municipal Cestui Que Vie "gift" ESTATE Trusts which were purportedly all subsumed and liquidated while in the care-taking possession of CANADA. Prince Philip claimed that all of these ESTATES were part of the British Commonwealth and belonged to unknown British Territorial PERSONS presumed "lost at sea". In fact, it is argued, those ESTATES were formed as part of an international fraud scheme and they belong for the most part to Americans who are the Priority Creditors of Record. More background here (30.04.22), here (08.05.17), here (17.01.19), here (23.03.21) and here (10.07.21).
Anyway, the UK, Canadian and USA White Hats and military were very quickly on the case. At the end of April 2017, the British Royal family held an emergency meeting at Buckingham Palace and hastily announced the retirement of Prince Philip from public life. When exactly he finally died is something of a mystery. A lookalike was seen emerging from the back door of a hospital on at least one occasion. It was not until Friday 9th April 2021 that his death was publicly acknowledged. There was a toned-down and scarcely credible non-State show funeral at Windsor Castle on Saturday 17th April 2021.
Picture: Recovery & repatriation of American gold, credit, stocks, bonds, & silver (12.02.22).
Then Queen Elizabeth II of England herself started to not turn up at things and was observed not to appear at her old haunts in London or Norfolk. The optics were suggestive. It became clear that something was not quite right. Was she being pressed to abdicate or, at the very least, to begin to withdraw from active personal involvement in Constitutional, Church of England, and international banking affairs?
Some said that she had been peacefully and lawfully removed already, perhaps in July or August 2019, and had been replaced by deliberately unconvincing hired lookalike actors (picture examples here, here and here). A possible London Bridge is down date is thought to have been Monday 12th August 2019. All senior British royals have honorary military ranks. This means that they are subject to military law and military tribunals and can be quietly removed at any time if they wander off the reservation. The management issue here is who controls the military and who appoints those controllers.
Picture: USA and UK governance. Monday 25th July 2022.

Picture: Western governance. Monday 8th August 2022.

Picture: Elizabeth Windsor (British Queen). Chairman of the Committee of 300.
Picture: Queen + Obama + Kenyan birth certificate. Barry, you've done well.
Picture: Just take the fucking picture! Prince Philip. Duke of Edinburgh.
Picture: Royal Babylon. The Criminal Record of the British Monarchy.
Picture: European bloodlines face end-time vortex of exposure.

Picture: The White Nobility in Europe begins to make itself visible. June 2024.

Picture: The White Nobility and The Black Nobility.

Christ and Jesus at the BBC - London 1986
Global banking crisis? What global banking crisis?
The White Spiritual Boy off-ledger black screen accounts - raw data
Living through the pole shift and the global end-time tsunami
The US Federal Reserve Money Laundry Disclosure
The World Global Settlement Funds
Universal debt forgiveness and the imminent global debt jubilee
Agenda for Disclosure - The opening of Pandora's Suitcase
Q Channel Q Source Q Anon
The Future Historians' List
The Fall of the Pentagram Five. Illuminati illusion dissolves in disarray.
The Monaco Colloquium - August 2011
When will the NESARA announcements be made?
Index of blog contents
So they now say Prince harry is not prince Chaalllz' son. HAH! He sure looks about 73% lizard to me.
All you need to see is this to know it's true! Thank god Diana had the sense to bear a non-reptilian son..may he break the stronghold of these lizards have on the planet, and soon:
What a load of new age bullshit
people who Believe this shit coming from your asshole, must be as stupid as you or simply part of the global distraction of the new world order.
Dimensions and chakrams. What a load of croc shit... Hahaha fkn wanker
The queen is called Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, not Alexandra Elizabeth Mary..FAIL.
Realy stirred up a hornet's nest! I just want to see a LIZARD TAIL so I can step on it! Did they also have an invitation to dinner in the Canadian aboriginal Indian school? A little TRUTH and JUSTICE would merit abdication of the Queen and Prince Philip but as to who would succeed him, William is the obvious one, unless NAMED by the parent(s)
but Diana is DEAD,and that only leaves Prince Charles to decide. Only if William dies if named by his father as heir,does Harry ascend to the throne,which is why he is third in line, isn't that correct?
Irrespective of all the positive or negative comments, prince Harry is still the most charming prince as attested to in the debate found in the link: http://www.webanswers.com/_spen2/arts-humanities/people-accomplishments/prince-harry-or-prince-carl-philip-who-do-you-prefer-9e4a6d
Thank god Diana had the sense to bear a non-reptilian son..may he break the stronghold of these lizards have on the planet, and soon.
Eye Hospital in India
I don't understand WHY Brits don't even know their Government's HEADING. Most MP's are Masons or belong to Chivalric Orders devoted to LUCIFER. They have to take an OATH, in order to belong. The Oath constitutes COMPLIANCE WITH Albert Pike, the Grand Master's, prophecy of staged Three World Wars, which Pike declared as his Dominion in 1871, at the time of the devolution of the USA into a Corporation, at the time Queen Victoria was deep in delirium over Empire. The OBSESSION over Empire (World Order) stuck, and King George V was instrumental in clearing the field of Monarchy in WWI; and his son Geo VI was instrumental in staging WWII, over the objections of his elder brother, Edward VIII, who served as Ground Trooper with the Grenadiers for 3.5 years in WWI and lost most of his contemporaries in that war. Naturally, Edward VIII is the ONE that the media and the Royal Family keep pointing to as THE Nazi, ALTHOUGH THEY ARE THE ONES WHO PUT NAZI OBJECTIVES into practice, twice. They are the ones that allowed Operation Paperclip and the Ratlines to disseminate Nazism into North and South America. They are the ones, committed to the goals of the Rothchilds, who ade impossible demands upon the German people. But, of course, British Right Wing patriots would NEVER BRING ALL THIS UP, would they? ( See http://www.holyconservancy.org/AlbertPike.htm )
Harry is obviously taking after Charles and Phillip, William after his mother. Look at Harry's eyes and nose. He is one of them. I also know for a fact he is a spoiled little twat (I know men who have served with him in the army). Get rid of the lot of them. No to monarchy. And Emily Cragg, a lot of us 'Brits' do know what's going on so don't assume to know what Brits know and don't know.
A wee point of interest....Henry....pronounced ''On Ree'' in French, and in Gaelic, An Ri, (The King). Just saying.....
Why does your attempt to put harry as king ignore the fact that he was famously pictured falling out of a nighclub in london, drunk, wearing a NAZI ARMBAND? Or how his ex girlfriend was a nazi south african model? Or how his current marriage is an arranged marriage to continue the bi-racial outbreeding of native whites in their european homelands for a global one world mulatto race of virtue signallers? You also ignore that harry and meghan are HATED in the UK. They represent the obama-era style of politics of doing whatever you want to appear cool, then labelling anyone that criticizes you a "racist".
You also ignore that he has NO skill whatsoever in leadership and would not be a good monarch other than as a vassal for whatever agenda the U.S military is doing (which is what he's doing right now). If he's not as intelligent as william or charles (which is true), then he's a borderline dunce because charles and william are not the sharpest knives in the box, and his wife is a typical airheaded hollywood cokehead.
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