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Sunday, October 06, 2024

Crop circles - mystery glyphs from the Higher Evolution

The Language of Light anchors in the farm fields

These glyphs are not messages
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Picture: New crop circle at Stoke Charity, Sutton Scotney, Hampshire, England (UK). 28th July 2024.
Picture: New crop circle at Roman Road, nr Marten, Wiltshire, England (UK). 23rd July 2024.
Picture: England's first crop circle of the 2024 season.
Crop circles are sometimes called crop glyphs or agriglyphs. Human-made ones can be thought of as landscape art. It is our understanding, in this blog, that most crop circles (95%+) in England, UK, are produced by the Higher Evolution, not by physical 3D human beings.

Over the last five decades, the background stories around the persistent crop circle occurrencies have multiplied. BlackOps security apparats have on occasion attempted to eliminate or obscure crop circles physically using unmarked helicopters. Farmers have sometimes been paid by agents of dark security syndicates to plough them out. The local country residents know this and they aren't fooled. They know what's going on.

The locals also know what they don't fully understand: the repeating manifestation of crop circles year after year is highly esoteric and obviously energised by paranormal influencers which are benevolent (usually) and multidimensional beyond common comprehension.

Many of the crop circles appear again and again in the same places, harvest season after harvest season, but with different designs each time. At the level of publicly-permitted official fundamentalist science, itself a control-religion, the crop circles are not allowed to exist as credible phenomena worthy of academic investigation. Only cranks, stoned-out hippies and conspiracy truthers take them seriously, children are told.

The first officially-known accounts of crop circle-type formations started in the 16th century CE, when they were attributed to the fairies or the Devil.

Then, beginning in the late 1970s, crop circles began to appear regularly in southern English farm fields in counties such as Wiltshire, Hampshire, Somerset, Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire, close to ancient energy vortices associated with visible or invisible Neolithic sites and the
Goddess Leyline which has a major nodal power point at Stonehenge (Wiltshire). These energy vortices antedate the sacred sites themselves by millions or (possibly) billions of years.

Most crop circles are manifested at night in quite short periods of time: thirty minutes or so, up to two or three hours.

In 1992, a Pleiadian Higher Evolution teaching collective working from 5D and above with 3D humans on Earth, produced a widely-noticed book published in English which included comments on the background spirituality of crop circle manifestation.

On pages 185-189 of
that book, among other things, the Pleiadians explained that the Language of Light geometrical shapes and forms seen in crop circles are symbols put in place at key points on the land to anchor a data frequency of song, story or picture-language. These focussed energisations raise the spiritual light quotient of the area and boost the natural energy nexus in the Earth to which that area connects multidimensionally.

The shapes and angles of crop glyphs hold energy. There is a universal sacred geometry. Certain geometric shapes represent active multidimensional energy. When we see shapes of this kind (such as pyramids) they activate higher codes within the unconscious. This happens automatically; it is not a conscious rational process. But if we consciously welcome the shapes in, the activation is stronger.

The shapes and angles of crop glyphs also attract energy. All over the world at this time of major planetary and civilisation change for all species, light intelligence is being orchestrated to come to activate Earth's gridwork again after ten or twelve thousand years of deliberately imposed darkness and limitation by invading negative extraterrestrial 'gods'. These malevolent and manipulative 'gods' have now been kicked out, sent home or uncreated. A few, it is said, have even changed sides.

Some crop circles have been formed by the landing of visible or invisible ET spacecraft (lightships). Others have been manifested by Ascended Masters having a laugh.

Humour is a common phenomenon at the higher levels of spiritual evolution. Think of the Laughing Buddha statues so beloved by our spiritual seniors in the East. And down here in the Mystery School called Planet Earth, humour, jokeyness and playful tricksterism are effective solvents of stuck stupidity in slow learners.

But the majority of the crop circles seem to be self-assembling. The symbols or clusters of symbols of which they are composed are manifestations of the energy shapes of autonomous, conscious intelligences visiting from a long way away. Some of these, the Pleiadians say, are very highly-evolved humans who instead or going around the place in vehicles called human bodies, these days go around the place in vehicles which are non-physical geometrical shapes. Within our multiverse, apparently, there are whole universes peopled with nothing but hyper-aware, agential, non-physical light glyphs which take the form of geometrical symbols.

And there is a mistake to avoid. The crop circles are not messages. They do not encode messages. Crop circles are not messaging things such as: "Put that syringe away or I'll kick your tripes out." Or: "At one minute after happy hour tomorrow, Friday, Planet X will be clearly visible above the mausoleum at Frogmore." Or: "Look at this, Earthlings. It's a whole new cosmic theology in a single crop glyph. Rejoice! Again, I say Rejoice!"

Crop circles are not like that. They are not messages to be read and preached by keen, attentive, eager-beaver, analytical message readers. Rather, they are visual energies designed to be absorbed supra-rationally. They engender pictographically-triggered feelings which sing, play and dance with the observer's free, non-logical intuitions. Crop glyphs are examples of the Language of Light devised to be looked at slowly without analysis.

Maybe take a deep breath or two and look unhurriedly at lots of crop circle photographs one by one in several different random sequences, one after the other. Then put them away, close your eyes and assemble the images again in memory. People who have done this have sometimes been quite surprised by the meditation experiences which follow.


Meditation - the direct encounter

Benevolent ETs living among us

The Simulation Exit

Conspiracy Obverse

Operation Dreamland

God is nothing special

Metaphysical glossaries

Index of blog contents

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