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Saturday, December 28, 2024

Is God an idealist?
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Pictures: YHWH by Mark Ryden & (clickthrough) The Piano Player by Mark Ryden


In the upscale ghettos of postmodern churchianity, perhaps in an attempt to make God more manageable for certain users, the following question is no longer being asked:

Is God a perfectionist?

Instead, the enquiry is: Is God an idealist?

What about that? Might God be an idealist?

If it is the case that an idealist is a person who strives for the ideal, and that idealism is the search for the best and the highest, then God cannot possibly be an idealist.

Someone who strives cannot be described as God. Someone who searches cannot be described as God.

If God was an idealist, it would mean that God has needs: a need to strive and a need to search. God has no such needs. Deity has no needs at all. God, Deity, All That Is, is exactly that: all that is. God wants nothing, lacks nothing and asks nothing.

God is without needs, and He requires nothing from anything or anybody. If He did require something from beyond Himself, He would not be the infinite God because there would be something outside Him; something that was not Him.

God is not an idealist. And because we humans are made in God's image, and are partakers of the divine nature, we are not idealists either.

And nor should we strive to be idealists, for this would be to deploy energy against the divine nature of our being. It would be a 'sin' against the Holy Spirit.

On this view, being an idealist sounds like a 'good' idea, but it is a mistaken and spiritually illiterate 'good' idea.

Rather than aspiring to being idealists, we should, perhaps, aspire to be God. In doing this we would aspire to achieve our eventual and inevitable evolutionary destiny: a return to the interior experience of Godhead.

The total population of the universe, we might recall, is One. There is nothing (no one) outside God.


The pictures at the top of this page are: "YHWH" by Mark Ryden, and (the clickthrough) "The Piano Player" by Mark Ryden.


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1 comment:

joy said...