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Sunday, July 28, 2024

An emerging spirituality for The New Age of Aquarius
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Picture: An emerging spirituality for The New Age of Aquarius.


As religion is left behind and more grown-up ways of being human are explored, a new spirituality is emerging on Planet Earth.

Transpersonal and transdimensional perspectives are becoming common. Human origins are being questioned. Establishment histories of human culture are being revised.
The influence of benevolent extraterrestrial teachers is becoming apparent. A new alertness to the return of the angels is manifesting.

People are having potent and positive experiences with prayer, invocation, affirmation, meditation, dream management, vocal toning, yoga, energy work and Kundalini. Sexuality is being affirmed.

Unusual children are being born. Signs and wonders abound.

Maps of the hidden spiritual anatomy of the human body are being constructed as its light sigils, power-points and portals are identified through study and spiritual practice.

People are learning to leave and re-enter their physical bodies at will, and to use their resurrection and ascension bodies for spiritual work during sleep.

New spiritual information is coming to light. Ordinary people are becoming clairsentient. The possibility of substantive communication with animals, plants, water, stone and celestial bodies is being proved in experience.

The recognition that there are animal and plant species on the surface of the planet which are more evolved, spiritually, than most humans is dawning.

Received theories about the geology of the planet are being discarded, as it becomes clear that Spaceship Earth has enormous internal chambers and tunnel systems miles down in its crust, many thousands of which are not aquifer cavities. These chambers interconnect. Many are illuminated, support plant growth and are inhabited by spiritually advanced civilisations, including ancient human populations.

These civilisations are transdimensionally connected with the civilisations of other planets in the Solar System and with those of other star systems. Visitors routinely travel in both directions. There are said to be about four hundred thousand active ET bases on Earth, most of which are invisible to physical human sight. These bases are distributed throughout what the surface human population thinks of as the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the lithosphere.

Earth did not originate in our Solar System. It was brought here from a solar system in Sirius about sixty-five million years ago. This was before the first humans arrived on the planet. The Sirius system (Canis Major and Canis Minor constellations; 8.6 light years away) has many hundreds of water planets, some of which are the home planets of the cetaceans we know in our own oceans. Earth was transited to the Solar System because there was a recently-vacated orbital space around the Sun. The previous planet in this orbit had been blown-up during a conflict between warring powergroups among its inhabitants. That planet was called Maldek (alternative names: Maldec, Sunata or Oodoo).

Certain of the Egyptian pyramids have internal structures precisely aligned with where Sirius appeared in the night sky when they were first constructed. It is possible that some of the benevolent ET bases now active on Earth came with the planet when it was transited from Sirius. In the oral traditions of at least one ancient and still shamanic African tribe, the Sirius connection lives on in their story cycles.

In the unfolding New Age, concepts of ecological love and economic sharing are gaining ground.

Books are being published, or uncovered, which are better written, better informed, more spiritual and more authoritative than any scripture of any Mediterranean religion yet invented.

A new respect for our spiritual seniors in the East is growing, particularly with regard to Sai Baba, Maitreya, Saint Germain, Sananda and Djwhal Khul. Two of these are known well by other names in traditional Christian and Islamic cultures: Maitreya (Christ, the Imam Mahdi) and Sananda (Yesua Ben Joseph, Jesus of Nazareth, the Prophet Jesus).

In the Nag Hammadi Library (discovered in 1945) and the Dead Sea Scrolls (discovered in 1947), Christ is referred to as the Teacher of Righteousness, and Jesus is referred to as the Pierced Messiah. Christ and Jesus are two separate people. They work together closely on the physical and spiritual planes.

Internet spiritual communities are freeing people from the tyranny of spiritual censure and spiritual censorship by establishment religiosities. And they are enabling and encouraging an individuated exploration of previously off-limit metaphysical ideas experienced, but not openly expressed, within the mystical traditions of all faiths and philosophies.

Down here in the Matrix, this kind of talk can be challenging. Human beings do not own Planet Earth. The surface population of human beings is a temporary visitor to the planet. It is part of the Explorer Race, attending a 3D Mystery School. The surface human civilisation is here briefly and will soon pass on to other planets, star systems and parallel realities. The rabbit hole goes a long way up.

The Alcuin and Flutterby blog offers some provisional and tentative ideas about the New Spirituality via the links below:

What is the New Spirituality?

Gospel for the New Age

A New Age prospectus

A Prayer for the New Age

An Invocation for the New Age

Understanding the New Age Children

Picture: The rabbit hole goes a long way up.


The resurrection of the shaman

Meditation - the direct encounter

The Art of the New Spirituality

The Share International revelations


In connection with emerging New Age ideas, three films may be worth noticing:

The Matrix (1999)
Reviews here, here and here.

Avatar (2009)
Reviews here, here and here.

Inception (2010)
Reviews here, here and here.

Picture: In a quantum multiverse, can everything be true?


A dream is a portal

A new scripture shortly to be published

Crop circles - mystery glyphs from the Higher Evolution

Picture: Hold the light.


Agenda for disclosure

Living through the pole shift and the global end-time tsunami

Index of blog contents


Anonymous said...

You omitted mention of the spirituality manifested in the exploration of ""Childhood""
- whether the re-awakening of one's own through Fate, or exposure to Spielberg movies; or a re-ignited appreciation through one's own children; or through the opportunity loss of non-parenting.

Much more pedestrian than the routes you have quoted, but equally meaningful nonetheless.....


Carlos Ramos said...

The New Age describes the resurgence of interest in traditional Spiritual disciplines seen from the latter part of the 20th century. A reaction against materialism and conventional religion, both of which leave many unfulfilled, The New Age and Spirituality seeks to address fundamental questions of the human condition, such as the very purpose of our existence.