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Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Entire human knowledge - FAQs
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Picture: Entire human knowledge - FAQs.

Q: Hallo?
A: Yes.

Q: How much human knowledge is there?
A: A lot. More than enough for one human brain. Human knowledge is far more plentiful than most anoraks at the garden centre imagine.

Q: Is it OK to go to the garden centre but not wear an anorak?
A: Yes. You can go to the garden centre wearing an ill-fitting Christmas jumper your mother knitted for you five years ago, or a dinner jacket. But perhaps don't wear the jumper under the dinner jacket.

Q: Of course not. But if one wore the jumper over the dinner jacket, it would reduce the appeal of the dinner jacket, wouldn't it?
A: Yes. It would reduce the immediate visual appeal of the dinner jacket. But the theoretical appeal of the dinner jacket as a sartorial stratagem would remain undiminished. In a garden centre, no one would expect a man wearing a dinner jacket to be a professional shoplifter.

Q: I am interested in Entire Human Knowledge.
A: What is your question?

Q: Why am I am interested in Entire Human Knowledge?
A: Because you are deeply ignorant; transcendentally ignorant; so ignorant that almost every fragment of knowable human knowledge is unknown to you.

Q: So some human knowledge is unknowable then? I didn't know that.
A: Yes it is, and no you didn't.

Q: Which human knowledge is unknowable?
A: No one knows.

Q: I find that I have an unquenchable hunger and thirst for Entire Human Knowledge. What can I do?
A: Read Plato's Republic in the original Greek.

Q: I've tried that. It didn't help. Why didn't reading Plato in the original Greek work for me?
A: Are you fluent in Ancient Greek?

Q: No. I don't know any Ancient Greek at all. And I am not fluent in modern Greek, either.
A: If you don't have Greek, there is little to be gained from reading Plato in the original Greek. You won't understand it.

Q: What, then, can I do to address my unquenchable hunger and thirst for Entire Human Knowledge?
A: Read George Eliot's Middlemarch in the original English.

Q: Is George Eliot's Middlemarch equivalent in importance to Plato's Republic, as far as Entire Human Knowledge is concerned?
A: Yes. There are minor differences of context, style and authorial intent, but they have approximately the same canonical status within Entire Human Knowledge.

Q: What is that canonical status?
A: 7.

Q: What does that mean?
A: It means that within the canon of truly significant writing thus far produced by human civilisation on this planet, only six works, or clusters of works, are more important than Plato's Republic or George Eliot's Middlemarch.

Q: Does that suggest that there are flaws in the writing of Plato and George Eliot?
A: Serious flaws, yes.

Q: What are those flaws?
A: First, Plato makes no attempt to explain why Casaubon died only eighteen months after marrying Dorothea Brooke. Second, Eliot completely fails to notice Will Ladislaw's obsession with Socratic Dialogue.

Q: What are the reasons for those literary deficiencies?
A: There are two reasons. First, it is plain that Plato never bothered to engage in a close reading of George Eliot. Second, George Eliot was obviously so blinded by the intellectual gymnastics of Mr Bambridge that the steady cerebral rigour of Will Ladislaw escaped her attention.

Q: Do these howling deficiencies undermine the integrity of Entire Human Knowledge?
A: Only if they are allowed to do so by the gatekeepers of 21st Century cultural taste. It may not be too late.

Q: What can be done to prevent further decline?
A: More attention might be paid to items 1 to 6 in the canonical hierarchy of significant texts.

Q: What are those texts?
A: No one knows. They were all burned in the first fire at the Alexandrian Library in 391CE.

Q: That would appear to present an unsurmountable obstacle to my quest for Entire Human Knowledge.
A: Not necessarily.

Q: You mean there's hope for me?
A: Yes. You might consider developing personal omniscience.

Q: That's a good idea. If I was omniscient, I would know what was burned at the Alexandrian Library, before it actually was burned, and I could retrieve the unburned texts by an act of concentrated thought.
A: You could indeed.

Q: Why has no one done this before?
A: People have. Nazis, mostly.

Q: How do you mean?
A: Before the Nazis burn down a document store such as the Reichstag, they extract the documents first. Thus they retain a record of the textual content of the incinerated documents.

Q: That's useful.
A: Yes. And then, after the Second World War, they can take the documents to America and start work all over again.

Picture: Plato's Republic and George Eliot's Middlemarch.


More Traditional Norfolk Koans

An emerging spirituality for The New Age of Aquarius

Living through the pole shift and the global end-time tsunami

Index of blog contents #

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Cuba Crucifix - Pope and Patriarch

Establishment Churchianity bumps into itself at Havana airport

Symbolic or what?
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Picture: Tarot Card Number Thirteen. Death.

Picture: Skull and Crossbones plus Chi-Rho monograms.

Picture: Patriarch Kirill and Pope meet in Cuba. February 2016.

In February 2016, for the first time in nearly a thousand years, the Bishop of Rome and Pope of the Catholic Church (Jorge Mario Bergoglio ["Francis"]) met with the leader of the biggest Eastern Orthodox Church, the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia (Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyayev ["Kirill"]).

The Great Schism between Western and Eastern Churchianity began in 1054 CE. It ended in 2016 CE.

The two church leaders did not meet at a basilica in Rome (Italy), or in Constantinople / Istanbul (Turkey), or in Moscow (Russia). They chose to meet at Havana airport (Cuba), which they described as "the crossroads of North and South, East and West."

The meeting and its documents were prepared in minute detail, long in advance. Nothing in the arrangements was left to chance. The offices of Kurt Koch (a Vatican cardinal) and Grigoriy Valerievich Alfeyev (Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk) took the lead in coordinating the encounter and its public presentation to the world's media.

Francis and Kirill issued a thirty-point Joint Declaration: text here (15.02.16). Additional covert and geopolitically-significant documents were also signed.

There has been much comment about the photographs officially circulated to the media by the Vatican. One such picture is above. Another is here (EPA stands for European PressPhoto Agency). These photographs were planned with clear symbological intent. What the photographs show was intended to be seen.

Note the skull and crossbones which features prominently at eye level between the two men. What is that supposed to be about?

First of all, it is not a skull. It is a head. The head is skinned over and the nose is intact. There is even a hint of hair on the sides of the head. Images of traditional skulls and crossbones (as here) commonly consist of an empty human skull with two crossed human femurs (thigh bones); no skin; no protruding nose; no hair.

Second, it is not unusual to find such a symbol on the lower part of a Roman Catholic crucifix (other examples here).

The two men did not have to use this symbol as a background. They could have had a plain wall behind them, or a Russian Orthodox icon, or anything. This was a pre-planned photo-opportunity. The substantive talks themselves, said to have lasted two hours, took place elsewhere in Havana airport, in private.

So, what have we got? Two prominent ecclesiastical office-holders, both having had recent meetings with the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, engage in an historic, public reconciliation with a third head between them, centre picture, at eye level. The two men look at each other; the third head looks out at us, the watching global audience. Beneath the third head is a saltire (diagonal) cross (the "crossbones").

There is a portentous pack of equivocal, overlapping and shifting symbols to consider here: death; the number thirteen; skulls and crossbones; Chi-Rho monograms; the saltire cross.

Most modern people, attendant to popular Western culture, would assume that the skull and crossbones is a negative image of death, piracy or poison. And they might also assume that the number thirteeen is unlucky.

In the Tarot deck of cards, used in divination and fortune-telling, Card Number Thirteen is Death. If chance deals this to you, you shudder. Some images of the Death card are shown higher up on this page and in the clickthrough collage underneath.

Card Thirteen doesn't just feature a skull and skeletal bones; there is a sickle there as well; a scythe. Something which cuts; something which reaps; something which divides one thing from another. A symbol, perhaps, with allegorical links to The Sword of Cleavage which divides brother from brother at the end-time.

In the last thousand years or so in the West, the skull and crossbones has come to be associated with the tribal symbolism and inauguration ceremonies of quasi-secret societies: the Knights Templar, the Knights of Malta, the Jesuits, the Freemasons.

Because the Knights Templar were the bankers of Crusade-era Churchianity, and because their treasure ships flew that flag, the skull and crossbones has also become associated with piratical banking.

But is there an esoteric blind in play here? Might the number thirteen and the skull and crossbones have a different resonance? Could they, indeed, carry an exactly opposite energy?

Death, if it exists, need not be a bad thing. Those who have coherent memories of past, future and parallel lives sometimes comment how much easier, in their experience, they have found it to "die" than to be "born".

To die can be an ecstatic release; a return to the welcoming light of the mothership; an invigorating expansion back into the higher, less constrained, dimensions.

In contradistinction, to be born, to take a physical incarnation among the surface human population on Earth, is to leave the expansive freedoms of the higher dimensions (33 of them, probably, in this local universe of ours) and to be packed tight into a meat-and-bone capsule of a body which only offers you three dimensions of experience and wriggle-room when you are in normal waking consciousness. On this view, dying is easy; being born is not.

Death and the number thirteen can be thought of as having to do with positive transition, surrender to personal change, and benevolent recycling. Thirteen is the number of change; the number of transition; the number of necessary upheaval, enabling new ground to be broken and a fresh start to be made.

In the Tarot deck, the Death card is about endings, but not necessarily about the abrupt, discontinuous ending of a human life. Death can mean the end of anything: the end of an era; the end of a bad habit; the end of a controlling relationship; the end of a journey, the end of an illness; the end of an unfulfilling job; the end of a difficult time. Death can mean the change from that which is less to that which is more.

The number thirteen is also the number of the cross. In an upright Calvary cross such as is illustrated behind Kirill and Francis in Cuba, or on the visor of the Tarot card figure shown at the top of this piece, the patibulum (crosspiece) is near the top of the stipes (upright). The lower (longer) part of the upright is 1 and the three shorter sections at the top are 3; thus 13.

The Calvary cross is the Golgotha cross. Jesus of Nazareth is reported to have been crucified at a place just outside the city walls of Jerusalem called Golgotha; an Aramaic word meaning “the skull.” Calvary is a Latinised form of the word Golgotha.

With the diagonal cross, the saltire, which features in the skull and crossbones symbol, the numerology is similar, but Roman: XIII (13). The two femurs are crossed (X) and there are three components in the symbol: one skull and two bones (III).

The saltire cross of the skull and bones is also the saltire cross of St Andrew, the Patron Saint of Scotland. The modern-day Scottish flag has a white diagonal cross on a blue ground (as here). In another adventure, St Andrew is said to have founded Kirill's Russian Orthodox Church.

Long before Scotland's national flag first fluttered, the early Christian symbol called the Chi-Rho monogram was in wide visibility. Examples are pictured among the skull and crossbones images above. Like the skull and crossbones, the Chi-Rho monogram has a saltire cross incorporated in it.

There are twenty-four letters in the Greek alphabet. Rho (Ρ or ρ) is the seventeenth letter and Chi (Χ or χ) is the twenty-second. 17 + 22 = 39. Thirty-nine is a trinity of thirteens (3 x 13), or thirteen trinities (13 x 3).

Early Christians employed the Chi-Rho monogram as the symbol of Christ. Chi and Rho are the first two letters (ΧΡ) of Christ in Greek (ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ; Christos). Sometimes this symbol is called the Monogram of Christ, or Chrismon, or Labarum.

However, the symbol is also found elsewhen, thousands of years before Christianity arose. Chi-Rho was the emblem of the Egyptian god, Horus. There is a symbological link here, connecting Horus the saviour with Christ the saviour.

The Ptolemaic Greeks called their version of Horus, Heracles (or Hercules) and applied the Greek XPHΣ (Chres) to him. This gave the ancient Horus the title of Lord Chrestos and then, inevitably, Christ.

Chi also had another meaning: Great Fire, or Light, or Shining. And Rho stood for Pater or Patah (the Egyptian god, Ptah), which is Father. Together, therefore, they make Shining Father (Dyaus Pitar). Sky Father is another version.

So, it might be argued, the Skull and Crossbones and the Chi-Rho monogram, and the universal number thirteen, trace an esoteric trail back to the ancient Shining Ones who first incarnated on Earth. Osiris was the Egyptian version of the original Shining Father.

Sometimes, two other Greek letters were incorporated into the Chi-Rho monogram (as here). They were Alpha (Α or α) and Omega (Ω or ω); the first and last letters in that alphabet.

Their incorporation into the symbol had, for Christians, a scriptural resonance: "I am Alpha and Omega; the beginning and the end; the first and the last."

Thus has The Christ, The Shining Father, The World Teacher always spoken.

Not a scripture, but perhaps more widely read in recent decades, the opening line of George Orwell's dystopia, Nineteen Eighty-Four, reads: "It was a bright, cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen." An esoteric reversal is tempting here: The obverse of a dystopia is a utopia. Flip the coin and you have the potential for a new Golden Age.

So, armed with this Heath Robinson-like contraption of equivocal symbologies, can we say what Kirill and Francis were trying to signal with their skull and crossbones image in Cuba?

It might have been very simple: The current world order is finished. Separateness is finished. Capitalism is over. The Shining Father has returned. We have met him. Vladimir Putin and others have met him. The time has come to share the abundance of the planet equally among all.

Our task, together, is to bring Heaven (North), Earth (South), East and West together into an equipoise of transparent unity. Thus, together, we can initiate a new Golden Age of justice, peace and shared prosperity on the planet.

Picture: Saltire cross formed by Heaven, Earth, East and West in equipoise.

Picture: Falling it fell. And great was the fall thereof. (after Gustave Doré)
Picture: Falling it fell. And great was the fall thereof. (after Gustave Doré [Two])
Picture: Pope Francis - public physiognomies 2019 and 2020.
Picture: Is the old Project Bluebeam disinfo being cranked up again?
Picture: The Hosts of Heaven come to town.
Picture: Black falls. December 2022.
On Tuesday 20th December 2022, the day before the Northern Hemisphere's Winter Solstice, Joseph Ratzinger (German former Pope) was sent the following widely-circulated legal letter. Eleven days later on Saturday 31st December 2022, the Vatican (Rome, Italy) publicly issued a statement saying that he had died.

This letter has been sent directly to the email address of the Pope and the High Courts and the Bank of International Settlements, etc.

A follow-up signed in wet ink and bearing our unencumbered Great Seal will follow.

An Open Letter to His Holiness, the Pope Emeritus
In his Ministerial Office
20th December 2022

Most Beloved Benedict XVI,

Ecclesiastical Law makes you and the Roman Curia responsible for the creation of corporations of all kinds. This includes the proliferation of trusts, non-profits, NGOs, foundations, cooperatives, LLCs, S-Corps, B-Corps, C-Corps and so on. We are pleased that you honored your obligation to dissolve both the UNITED STATES, INC. and the USA, Inc., but also see that you stopped short of prohibiting those responsible from creating new corporations for the same purposes and guilty of the same sins against Mankind.

To be effective in disciplining these and other governmental services corporations around the world, it is necessary to permanently remove the privilege of incorporation from those responsible for dire acts of trespass and transgression. We note that corporations may be formed for any lawful purpose, but not merely legal purposes, a stipulation by which our ancestors have firmly established the limitations of corporations of all kinds and fixed the proper sphere of their activity.

By what stretch of the imagination is it "lawful" to inject foreign and undisclosed genetic materials into living flesh, in order to murder and maim for profit, and to alter the natural genome of innocent people--- in order to promote claims of owning them via Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) patent rights? These acts and similar acts promoted by the UN CORPORATION and its WHO (WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, INC.) and its franchises and subsidiaries, the NIH, INC., the CDC, INC., the FDA, INC, the DOJ, INC., MICROSOFT, INC., RAYTHEON, INC., MODERNA, INC., JOHNSON AND JOHNSON, INC., BILL AND MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION, PFIZER, INC., BAYER, INC., MONSANTO, INC, PIRBRIGHT INSTITUTE, INC., WELLCOME TRUST,  CIA, INC., DIA, INC., NSA, INC., FBI, INC., US PATENT OFFICE, INC., SERCO, INC., NATO, INC., and their affiliates ----are unlawful and every single named corporation must be dissolved for unlawful activity which has resulted in injury and injurious harm, both.

The Corporate Veil must be removed and their leadership must be punished and deprived of any further privilege to incorporate anything.

These actions cited above, both harm accruing directly from the undisclosed injections, and harm resulting from the obscene ownership claims, have been undertaken recklessly without regard for Law or Custom of any kind.

The participants in this conspiracy to murder, maim, defraud and enslave living people for the benefit of inanimate corporations were encouraged by members of the Municipal Congress of the United States who made false guarantees of protection to the pharmaceutical corporations engaged in the production of vaccines, promising to hold them harmless regardless of injuries sustained from vaccines they produced and marketed, and were also encouraged  by the actions of the US SUPREME COURT, INC. which allowed them to patent living organisms that had been altered by genetic engineering processes.

Additional unlawful acts and processes have been undertaken by the IMF, INC., and the FEDERAL RESERVE, INC., to create monopoly control over availability of commodities, including food, fuel, and currency; the WORLD BANK, INC., has been caught engaged in promoting rigged gambling and platform trading on private assets without any granted authority from the asset owners; the BANK OF INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS, INC., has sat on its rump for eighteen years and turned a deaf ear to the properly declared and evidenced owners of the world's physical gold reserves based on false claims made by the discredited UNITED STATES, INC., and the Trustees of the Department of the Federal Reserve have thus far failed to answer our demand that they come to the table and hammer out new agreements with the asset owners and their lawful Assigns, in line with the Public Good worldwide.

The Donors and Fiduciaries and Attorneys in Fact for the estate of Severino Sta Romano, the Witnesses of Giovanni Baptista Ricchello, the lawful Fiduciary for The United States of America, and the lawful and spiritual inheritors of the St. Germain Endowment are hereby fully informing you and the Vatican Chancery Court and the International Court of Justice and the Bank of International Settlements and the Trustees of the Department of the Federal Treasury within the Bank of International Settlements that the trust indentures owed to the D'Avila Family, the Urban Family, the Santiago Family, and many others are being breached and their private assets are being misused to generate credit without their consent, and without recognition of the fact that the credit generated from their assets also belongs to the asset owners.

The World Trust which is supposed to be opened on December 24th and used to adjust accounts and deliver the world economy from want and debt is instead being used to sop and reward the Perpetrators --- all Corporations ---- for their crimes against Humanity, and this is being done against the Will of the Donors, the actual members of St. Germain's Family, both physical and spiritual.

The St. Germain Endowment, intended for the support of The United States of America, has been commandeered and unlawfully incorporated by persons lacking any authority to do this, and they have proceeded to make venal "investments" of the capital in things like "Bad Dragon Dildoes".

My relative, St. Germain, and the current members of the Saint Germain Spiritual Family, would vomit if they could see the evil things that their sacrifices are being used to support by these Corporatists who have unlawfully and illegally mismanaged the organization and the assets.

The Seven Shining Ones had better rise up off their velvet tuffets and listen and obey, for I carry the Word of the Living God concerning these matters, and his Word has gone forth; it will not return unsatisfied, so yield to the Greater Will that grants your breath and is your breath.

Why have you allowed these corporations to continue this madness, when the lawful government of The United States of America --- our unincorporated Federation of States, has already outlawed any such patent claims made against living people?

Why have you stood silent while corporations --- that you and the Curia are responsible for creating --- have committed acts of fraud and forced conscription (press-ganging), inland piracy, and conspiracy in violation of your service contracts and trespass against our constitutional agreements and treaties? Do you propose an illegal Commercial Mercenary Conflict that occurred more than 150 years ago as your excuse for all of this?

Why have you allowed Joseph Biden to create the WHITE HOUSE OFFICE, INC. and offer to use that as a substitute and successor for the UNITED STATES, INC.? Is it not apparent that the same gang of hooligans cannot be trusted to do anything different or better? That a new round of unlawful acts under a different name is no better than the prior offer?

Why are you continuing the system of profiteering and bondage begun in 1937, and the perpetuation of mortgages against the innocent people of this country, and all the False Claims that have been made against our assets? Isn't the Ecclesiastical Law and the Roman Civl Law --- both--- clear enough?

What possible excuse is there for continuing to impersonate us and to impose Municipal Law on us, when we have placed our own lawful Government in Session and declared our birthright political status? There are no conscionable UCC Contract Trusts. There are virtually no conscionable Territorial Offices or Officers, either.

To the extent that these PERSONS/Persons exist, they are the ones who need to declare their political status and obey the Foreign Agents Registration Act; we have no such obligation in our own country.

We, however, are awake and aware and are here to tell you the Truth. Those who are doing these evils in the sight of the True God are doing so to their own ever-lasting condemnation; every Lie is being counted against them. And the assets of the World Trust may not be used to save these evil-doers who have besmirched the Good Name of our country and our Patrons. The assets of the Santiago Trust and seventeen other Family Trusts must be returned to the control of the man Anthony Santiago Martin also freely trusted, and granted his irrevocable General Power of Attorney to.

Although the existence of Municipal Corporations is not explicitly prohibited, unlawful activities undertaken by Municipal Corporations are prohibited and the sentence rendered is pre-ordained. All Municipal Corporations engaged in unlawful activities must be liquidated and the assets returned to the lawful owners and injured parties. We have taken the trouble to list numerous Municipal Corporations that need to be liquidated including the SAINT GERMAIN FOUNDATION of Schaumburg, Illinois.

This same pre-ordained fate does include Municipal Corporations owned by the British Crown.

Most sincerely,

Letter from and by: Anna Maria Riezinger
The United States of America

Text sources here (21.12.22) and here (21.12.22).
Picture: Update on the Vatican Trip. US government agencies are being defunded.
Picture: The D'Avila Family Trust - Friday 22nd April 2022.
Picture: Will the US Fed make a wise decision on Tuesday 20th September 2022?
Picture: The American and Russian Alliance of 1858.
Picture: The White Nobility in Europe begins to make itself visible. June 2024.
Picture: The White Nobility and The Black Nobility.
Picture: The Fairy Garden by Alcuin Bramerton.

The Fairy Garden

Step change

Benevolent ETs living among us

Living through the pole shift and the global end-time tsunami

Christ and Jesus at the BBC - London 1986

In Knights of Malta Land

Index of blog contents

Is God an idealist?
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Pictures: YHWH by Mark Ryden & (clickthrough) The Piano Player by Mark Ryden


In the upscale ghettos of postmodern churchianity, perhaps in an attempt to make God more manageable for certain users, the following question is no longer being asked:

Is God a perfectionist?

Instead, the enquiry is: Is God an idealist?

What about that? Might God be an idealist?

If it is the case that an idealist is a person who strives for the ideal, and that idealism is the search for the best and the highest, then God cannot possibly be an idealist.

Someone who strives cannot be described as God. Someone who searches cannot be described as God.

If God was an idealist, it would mean that God has needs: a need to strive and a need to search. God has no such needs. Deity has no needs at all. God, Deity, All That Is, is exactly that: all that is. God wants nothing, lacks nothing and asks nothing.

God is without needs, and He requires nothing from anything or anybody. If He did require something from beyond Himself, He would not be the infinite God because there would be something outside Him; something that was not Him.

God is not an idealist. And because we humans are made in God's image, and are partakers of the divine nature, we are not idealists either.

And nor should we strive to be idealists, for this would be to deploy energy against the divine nature of our being. It would be a 'sin' against the Holy Spirit.

On this view, being an idealist sounds like a 'good' idea, but it is a mistaken and spiritually illiterate 'good' idea.

Rather than aspiring to being idealists, we should, perhaps, aspire to be God. In doing this we would aspire to achieve our eventual and inevitable evolutionary destiny: a return to the interior experience of Godhead.

The total population of the universe, we might recall, is One. There is nothing (no one) outside God.


The pictures at the top of this page are: "YHWH" by Mark Ryden, and (the clickthrough) "The Piano Player" by Mark Ryden.


God is nothing special

What is the New Spirituality?

The Art of the New Spirituality

An emerging spirituality for The New Age of Aquarius

Living through the pole shift and the global end-time tsunami

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Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Astral projection, the soul and the spirit
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Picture: 'Astral body asleep' and 'Astral body awake' by Mati Klarwein (artist).

In astral projection (sometimes called astral travel) the conscious mind leaves the physical body and moves into the astral body.

The individual ceases to consciously experience things in the physical body and experiences them, instead, in the astral body - that is out of the physical body and in the fourth dimension. These experiences, therefore, are sometimes referred to as out-of-body experiences, or heightened states of consciousness.

During astral travel the individual is aware of things encountered on the astral plane and retains a coherent recall of those encounters in various degrees of detail and vividness/vagueness depending, to some extent, upon his personal state of spiritual evolution and training.

In astral projection the individual's astral body remains attached to his physical body by a long, thin, silver cord. Sometimes this cord, or astral umbilicus, can be seen during the out-of-body experience. It is reported that if this cord is severed permanently, the physical body dies.

Sometimes the astral body is described as one of our resurrection bodies. The mental body might be described as another.

Astral projection, out-of-body-experiences and lucid dreams complexly overlap each other in their essential characteristics. They may well represent different paradigms for conceptualising very similar, or even identical, experiences. In each case, the person is asleep, the person is conscious, and the person has the ability to compare his present heightened state of awareness with his "normal" waking state of awareness.

Understanding the nature of conscious experiences which occur during sleep, and learning how to manage and respond to them, is important for spiritual growth. Such understanding and learning is also necessary for engaging in active spiritual work during sleep.

Conscious sleep phenomena have discrete sensory, emotional and mental content which exist in direct subjective awareness while the physical body is "fast asleep" on the bed or in the chair.

It is worth repeating that the vehicle which leaves the physical body during astral projection is the astral body. The astral body is neither the soul nor the spirit.

From our point of view in physical plane waking consciousness, the human being can be thought of as having a tripartite constitution: it has three bits to its makeup. The three bits are the "incarnation module", the soul and the spirit. The incarnation module is itself made up of three components: the physical body, the astral body and the mental body.

Establishment western religiosities are in error in positing a bipartite constitution for the human being.

The physical body has seven levels of organisation within it, of which solid, liquid and gas are the three densest. The other four levels, not yet formally investigated, recognised or taught by western orthodox science, are sometimes referred to as the etheric levels.

The physical body is our vehicle of transport on the physical plane (sometimes called the third dimension); the astral body is our vehicle of transport on the astral plane (sometimes called the fourth dimension), and the mental body is our vehicle of transport on the mental plane (sometimes called the fifth dimension).

Within the incarnation module, the astral body and the mental body (together) are sometimes referred to as the personality. From our point of view in physical plane waking consciousness, it is the incarnation module which comes into being at conception or birth, and which later leaves the physical plane at "death".

The soul is quite different from the human physical, astral and mental bodies. The soul is an individuated expression of the spirit which provides animation for the incarnation module. The incarnation module is a temporary vehicle used by the soul to express itself in the world of matter.

Our spirit is our divine spark, our core star. It is the highest level of our being; it is that part of us which partakes of the divine nature; that part of us which is perfect and infinite; that part of us which has always been, is now, and will always be, one with the being of God.

Spiritual practice, among other things, seeks to align the energies of the incarnation module with those of the soul and the spirit so that the energies of light, love and abundance can be anchored on Earth.

Meditation is a spiritual exercise which seeks to align the physical brain with the soul.


Gottfried de Purucker's Encyclopedic Theosophical Glossary can be found

And a useful introductory book on all things astral is "The Astral Body and other astral phenomena" by Arthur Powell (1927). The full text of this work can be found online here.


Astral Body Asleep
A picture by Mati Klarwein

Astral Body Awake
A picture by Mati Klarwein

Picture: Kriya Yoga - An Introduction.


Meditation - the direct encounter

A dream is a portal

Metaphysical glossaries

The emergence of the transpersonal soul

The resurrection of the shaman

Jesus said: "You must be reincarnated"

Information about near-death experiences

Living through the pole shift and the global end-time tsunami

Index of blog contents

The resurrection of the shaman
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Picture: "Shaman" by Marjorie Davis.

It wasn't just Jesus of Nazareth, Apollonius of Tyana and St Francis of Assisi who were shamans. Shamanism is undergoing a revival today.

The emergence of the New Spirituality in the West has focussed educated attention on the healing and nature-working abilities which are inherent in all of us.
Dr Leslie Gray, executive director and founder of the Woodfish Institute, is a Native American shaman and a university lecturer in anthropology and research methodology. Based in San Francisco (USA), she has studied with medicine people and elders from various tribal backgrounds.

She advocates a new vision of health care: the integration of ancient healing and modern medicine. And she consults with individuals and organizations on the practice of ecopsychology.

Leslie Gray is a bridge person. She links two cultures, ancient and modern. And like all shamans, she links two dimensions. She travels in full waking consciousness from the physical world to the spiritual world and back. Her work in shamanic healing requires this.

Controlled transdimensional travelling enables the shaman to access powerful spirit-healing technologies and powerful spirit-healing people. Some of these may be highly evolved animal-people of a kind known as power animals in traditional cultures.

All human beings have the innate ability to develop safe, conscious, transdimensional travelling abilities. And all human beings have the innate ability to become spiritual healers. Children, in particular, find these shamanic processes natural and easy.
The shamanic journey involves entering an altered or non-ordinary state of consciousness, usually with the help of sonic driving: a repetitive, monotonous drumming, rattling or changing of body postures. These create what Gray calls "trance-portation."

The work of shamans is the business of travelling either to the upper world to bring back down power, information or healing, or to the lower world to bring back up personal empowerment for living here in the middle, physical world.

Most shamans view the universe as composed of these three realms. The upper world tends to be the land of the ancestors, the middle world that of ordinary consciousness, and the lower world the place of power animals.

The shamanic journey begins with the traveller finding an opening to another realm of consciousness. While in some cultures people literally dig a hole in the floor to provide this entrance, in others they regard the opening as a phenomenon within the shaman's consciousness.

The nature of this opening is highly individual. Leslie Gray invites people to think of an opening into the earth from ordinary reality, to enter that opening, go down a tunnel and come out the other side; and from there, to explore the lower world. As people become more proficient at doing this, they begin to encounter allies in that lower world. And they use information gained from communing with these allies to help themselves or others back up here in the physical, middle world.

Traveling to the upper world is similar. The only difference is that you choose an opening that will take you up rather than down, such as a whirlwind, a hollow tree trunk, or a fireplace and chimney. Whatever comes to you as your personal opening is what you use.

One thing which Leslie Gray refuses to do is to tell people what they can expect to find in their travels. "Part of what is empowering to them," she says, "is developing their own maps. For me to develop a map for them would be the very opposite of personal empowerment and would make them dependent on my worldview - not just of this world, but of all the worlds. At the core of the process of acquiring power in shamanism is the ability to find things out for yourself, to know what the upper and lower worlds are like."

Shamans always journey with a mission. The art of shamanism is mastering the ability to bring back important information to heal yourself or others. It is not just journeying to see pretty pictures. A person might do this in the beginning as a way of mastering the technique, but after that, he or she should visit the other worlds with a mission or purpose.

There is nothing to fear on a shamanic journey if it is done properly. A shamanic journey has two advantageous features. First, the beings in the other worlds won't tell the traveller more than she or he can handle at a given time. And second, a guardian spirit generally accompanies the journeyer as a protector. "I think you have more to fear crossing the street in a major city," comments Gray, "than you do going on a shamanic journey with a power animal."

Leslie Gray fosters and promotes what she calls "reciprocal transformation." The idea is to make the inevitable encounter between indigenous systems and technological systems mutually enhancing.

She argues that "conventional analyses have primarily acknowledged the manifest poverty of contemporary indigenous cultures in comparison with the obvious material wealth of industrial-technological societies. In the 21st century, however, the spectre of planetary destruction forces us to also see 'wealth' in wisdom about how to live sanely on the earth, in practices of sustainable land use and in evolved knowledge of community-building - all of which exist in the traditions of autochthonous peoples. Correspondingly, mounting evidence of imminent environmental catastrophe forces us to see 'poverty' in the underdeveloped ecopsychology of the technoculture."

Leslie Gray's Woodfish Institute can be found here and she has an introductory article entitled "Reading the Mind of Nature - Ecopsychology and Indigenous Wisdom" here.

Other articles on the Woodfish website worth noticing include: Altered States - An Interview on ShamanismUsing Shamanism for Personal Empowerment, and Shamanic Counseling and Ecopsychology.
The picture at the top of the page is "Shaman" by Marjorie Davis. #

Look until you see
Said the Owl

Listen until you hear
Said the Deer

Touch until you feel
Said the Mole

Lie upon my belly
Until you know my heartbeat
Said the Earth

(words from Faith Nolton)


A picture by Susan Eleanor Seddon-Boulet

A picture by Leonard Paul

The Shaman
A picture by Rod Millar and Dan Cummings

The Shaman at Work
A picture by Emily Fiegenschuh

Traditional Siberian shaman
A photograph

Modern Siberian shaman drum
A photograph

Yarn art from the Huichol Indians
A Mexican shaman is depicted blessing a crop field

Intergalactic shaman rebalancing the universe
A picture from Celestial-Art


The Woodfish Institute
Leslie Gray's shamanism site

The Foundation for Shamanic Studies
Michael Harner's site

An introduction on the Crystalinks site

Thoughts on modern urban shamanism
Mike King

Shamanic drumming - an ancient approach to healing
An essay by Michael Drake

Shamanism - working with animal spirits
Research links to examples of animal wisdom

Shamanism and peacemaking
An essay by Myron Eshowsky

Emily Dickinson and shamanism
Clifton Snider discusses the shaman-poet

Sacred Earth Network


An emerging spirituality for The New Age of Aquarius

An Invocation for the New Age

Meditation - the direct encounter

The emergence of the transpersonal soul

Astral projection, the soul and the spirit

Living through the pole shift and the global end-time tsunami

Index of blog contents

Global banking crisis? What global banking crisis?

Thousands of quadrillions of hidden monies revealed to be held in multiple off-ledger black screen accounts
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Picture: Thursday 8th December 2022. Concerning the UN, BIS and WB.
Picture: Blade Runner memoria 2022.
Picture: When the paradigm shifts. The current state of American banking.
Picture: The American and Russian Alliance of 1858.
Picture: Will the US Fed make a wise decision on Tuesday 20th September 2022?
Picture: Books will be opened. Jean Delville. Madame Stuart Merrill.

Picture: Binyamin Shalom Bernanke - Banking System cartoon
The Committee of 300's shadow government banking syndicate.

Is this a Nazi-continuum money laundry?

Documentary evidence of British Royal Family approval and signature?

Picture: HSBC - White Spiritual Boy shadow a/c - 1030 quadrillion US Dollars


The official audited text above is part of paragraph 132 on page 18 (here) of a Committee of 300 élite **Secret Government document signed on Wednesday 10th February 2010 on page 106 (here). Page 19 of this same document can be viewed here.

The three signatories on the document were H.E. President Robert Zoellick (President of The World Bank), H.E. Vice President Lars Thunell (Executive Vice President and CEO of the International Finance Corporation) and HM Queen Alexandra Elizabeth Mary Windsor II (Chairman of The Committee of 300, The British Royal Family).

The full text of Paragraph 132 flagged in the yellow panel above reads as follows: "The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (London, UK and Hong Kong, PROC) Account no. 0567105267802012 with account name of White Spiritual Boy and with standing balances per account worth US$ 1,030,000,000,000,000,000 with reconfirmed and reconsidered matured earnings audited by the Financial Institution of the Committee of 300 for the month of January to April 2010 worth of US$ 434,000,000,000,000,000 in the total of US$ 1,464,000,000,000,000,000 (US$ 464,000,000,000,000 had deducted automatically for bank charges and services for the first quarter of audit maturity) in the net balances of US$ 1,000,000,000,000,000,000."

The five sums of money detailed in this single auditing rubric can be expressed as one thousand and thirty quadrillion US Dollars, four hundred and thirty four quadrillion US Dollars, one thousand four hundred and sixty four quadrillion US Dollars, four hundred and sixty four trillion US Dollars, and one thousand quadrillion US Dollars.

The sum of money deducted automatically by the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) from this single White Spiritual Boy account for bank charges and services for one quarter of the year 2010 was four hundred and sixty four trillion US Dollars. This compares with the total publicly acknowledged Global Gross Domestic Product of about seventy eight trillion US Dollars per year. Of this $78 trillion sum, the European Union accounts for about $16 trillion, the US $15 trillion, and China $11 trillion of the global total.

The sum deducted by HSBC for bank charges and services in one quarter of 2010 from the single White Spiritual Boy account cited above, was more than five and a half times greater than the publicly stated Global Gross Domestic Product. (464 trillion divided by 78 trillion = 464 divided by 78 = 5.9). We invite comment and analysis.

The Committee of 300's shadow government world banking system, conducted across mainstream-media-invisible black and grey screens, is composed of thousands of such accounts, many of them named "White Spiritual Boy". The lead signatory for each of these accounts is Elizabeth Windsor (Queen Elizabeth II of England - HM Queen Alexandra Elizabeth Mary Windsor II).

Referring to the three document images linked above (this, this and this), the Japan-based financial journalist and White Dragon Society spokesman, Benjamin Fulford, commented on Saturday 14th January 2012: "Many people involved at the high end of the financial system and members of the committee of 300 are telling me the documents I posted with Queen Elizabeth's signature on them are forgeries by Wilfredo Sauren. Other sources also involved at a high level tell me they are genuine. I do not know, but even if they are forgeries, forgeries are usually copies of something real. Even if they are fake, there is still a huge gap between the amount of money that supposedly exists in the off-ledger financial system and the amount that is on the books. That means a lot of zeros will have to be erased before the off-ledger and on-ledger financial systems can be reconciled and reconnected with the real world." Source here (14.01.12).

** The term 'G7 Deep State' is sometimes used instead of the (older) term 'Secret Government'. Other terms for the same élite entity are 'Shadow Government' or 'Cabal.' At the time of writing, this negative power group is still just managing to operate out of sight of the Western mainstream media, and above and beyond the law.

AB comments: (1) Elsewhere, Benjamin Fulford has explained that Wilfredo Sauren was a forger who used to work with the US CIA. He made a lot of money cashing-in skilfully faked bonds and other high-status financial documentation. Over the years, Sauren has worked under a number of aliases. These are thought to include: Wilfredo Sarabia Saurin, Wilfred S. Sarurin, Yohannes Riyadi and James Riady.

(2) This is incidental, but the codename "White Spiritual Boy" for the shadow government's major off-ledger black screen accounts is suggestive. White Spiritual Boy = WSB = Wall Street Bankers. And in Washington, a hitherto invisible Spiritual Wonder Boy account, privately audited by The Committee of 300 in December 2008, reads as follows in the audit document:

"1. Special Federal Reserve Board Account no. 5525525424AM with account name of Spiritual Wonder Boy and with standing balance of US$ 2, 178, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 reconfirmed and reconsidered matured audit dated December 1, 2008 that guaranteed and reconfirmed earned worth of US$ 410, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 from the month of October up to this month in the total of US$ 2, 588, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000."

In plain language, in 2008, the US Federal Reserve Board had an invisible account on its off-ledger books holding 2,588 trillion trillion trillion quadrillion US Dollars. That is 2588 followed by fifty one noughts.

Spiritual Wonder Boy = SWB = Secret World Banking.

Raw data: For ease of reference, 142 pages (158,000 words) of raw data about the White Spiritual Boy off-ledger black screen accounts have been compiled on a separate blog page here. Included on that page are bank names, account names, account numbers and balances for the following shadow government conduits: White Spiritual Boy accounts, Spiritual Wonder Boy accounts, Spiritual Ally accounts, Spiritual Allied Forces accounts, Morning Star accounts, Spiritual Maria Cristina accounts, Unknown Man accounts, Falcon 1 to Falcon 21 accounts, Croplands account, Walnut account, Peter Stone account and King David account.

Question: If such huge sums of money are available to the élite banking bloodlines, why is crippling financial austerity being imposed by national governments on their populations?

And why are the elected politicians in the Western democracies keeping their electorates in the dark about these vast hidden riches, while, at the same time, they are raising taxes and cutting public expenditure on services and infrastructure?

The enquiry must be made: Is there really a global banking crisis at all? Or is the "financial crisis" just a set-up media event to provide cover for massive élite theft?
Picture: Notice & Information for the Bank of England & JPMorgan Chase. 3rd May 2022.
Picture: BRICS new gold-backed currency 2023?
Picture: Global banking crisis? What global banking crisis?


A list of significant geopolitical updates is now being maintained at the base of The Future Historians' page here. Some earlier and related background can be found here (31.12.13), here (30.12.13), here (28.12.13), here (23.12.13), here (16.12.13), here (13.12.13), here (13.12.13), here (11.12.13), here (10.12.13), here (02.12.13), here (25.11.13), here (23.11.13), here (22.11.13), here (22.11.13), here (18.11.13), here (11.11.13), here (07.11.13), here (06.11.13), here (28.10.13), here (21.10.13), here (21.10.13), here (18.10.13), here (15.10.13), here (09.10.13), here (07.10.13), here (05.10.13), here (03.10.13), here (01.10.13), here (23.09.13), here (23.09.13), here (22.09.13), here (19.09.13), here (18.09.13), here (18.09.13), here (17.09.13), here (17.09.13), here (17.09.13), here (15.09.13), here (12.09.13), here (11.09.13), here (10.09.13), here (09.09.13), here (08.09.13), here (07.09.13), here (05.09.13), here (05.09.13), here (05.09.13), here (04.09.13), here (04.09.13), here (03.09.13), here (01.09.13), here (27.08.13),  here (26.08.13), here (26.08.13), here (20.08.13), here (15.08.13), here (13.08.13), here (13.08.13), here (12.08.13), here (12.08.13), here (09.08.13), here (06.08.13), here (04.08.13), here (01.08.13), here (30.07.13), here (30.07.13),  here (26.07.13), here (25.07.13), here (23.07.13), here (22.07.13), here (22.07.13), here (21.07.13), here (21.07.13), here (19.07.13), here (18.07.13), here (17.07.13), here (09.07.13), here (09.07.13), here (08.07.13), here (05.07.13), here (03.07.13), here (03.07.13), here (03.07.13), here (01.07.13), here (30.06.13), here (25.06.13), here (22.06.13), here (18.06.13), here (17.06.13), here (17.06.13), here (10.06.13), here (08.06.13), here (07.06.13), here (04.06.13), here (03.06.13), here (31.05.13), here (28.05.13), here (27.05.13), here (25.05.13), here (21.05.13), here (20.05.13), here (20.05.13), here (14.05.13), here (13.05.13), here (13.05.13), here (06.05.13), here (04.05.13), here (01.05.13), here (30.04.13), here (30.04.13), here (22.04.13), here (19.04.13), here (17.04.13), here (16.04.13), here (15.04.13), here (12.04.13), here (10.04.13), here (08.04.13), here (07.04.13), here (06.04.13), here (03.04.13), here (01.04.13), here (31.03.13), here (29.03.13), here (26.03.13), here (25.03.13), here (19.03.13), here (18.03.13), here (11.03.13), here (05.03.13), here (02.03.13), here (27.02.13), here (26.02.13), here (25.02.13), here (18.02.13), here (16.02.13), here (13.02.13), here (12.02.13), here (11.02.13), here (06.02.13), here (05.02.13), here (30.01.13), here (30.01.13), here (28.01.13), here (21.01.13), here (20.01.13), here (15.01.13), here (14.01.13), here (08.01.13), here (08.01.13), here (07.01.13), here (03.01.13), here (02.01.13), here (01.01.13), here (30.12.12), here (27.12.12), here (24.12.12.), here (23.12.12), here (17.12.12), here (11.12.12), here (04.12.12), here (03.12.12), here (28.11.12), here (26.11.12), here (26.11.12), here (20.11.12), here (19.11.12), here (12.11.12), here (07.11.12), here (29.10.12), here (29.10.12), here (28.10.12), here (25.10.12), here (22.10.12), here (21.10.12), here (15.10.12), here (08.10.12), here (01.10.12), here (30.09.12), here (29.09.12), here (24.09.12), here (18.09.12), here (14.09.12), here (14.09.12), here (11.09.12), here (09.09.12), here (04.09.12), here (03.09.12), here (28.08.12), here (25.08.12), here (21.08.12), here (19.08.12), here (18.08.12), here (16.08.12), here (13.08.12), here (06.08.12), here (06.08.12), here (31.07.12), here (18.07.12), here (17.07.12), here (16.07.12), here (10.07.12), here (03.07.12), here (25.06.12), here (24.06.12), here (18.06.12), here (11.06.12), here (06.06.12), here (06.06.12), here (05.06.12), here (02.06.12), here (01.06.12), here (30.05.12), here (29.05.12), here (28.05.12), here (23.05,12), here (23.05.12), here (22.05.12), here (14.05.12), here (14.05.12), here (13.05.12), here (12.05.12), here (08.05.12), here (08.05.12), here (07.05.12), here (05.05.12), here (01.05.12), here (27.04.12), here (27.04.12), here (23.04.12), here (16.04.12), here (12.04.12), here (12.04.12), here (10.04.12), here (09.04.12), here (03.04.12), here (31.03.12), here (27.03.12), here (27.03.12), here (27.03.12), here (26.03.12), here (22.03.12), here (21.03.12), here (21.03.12), here (20.03.12), here (17.03.12), here (13.03.12), here (07.03.12), here (05.03.12), here (29.02.12), here (27.02.12), here (27.02.12), here (27.02.12), here (21.02.12), here (20.02.12), here (16.02.12), here (13.02.12), here (12.02.12), here (07.02.12), here (05.02.12), here (04.02.12), here (31.01.12), here (27.01.12), here (26.01.12), here (26.01.12), here (26.01.12), here (23.01.12), here (19.01.12), here (18.01.12), here (17.01.12), here (09.01.12), here (09.01.12), here (08.01.12), here (05.01.12 - sourced from a bilingual Japanese/English presentation here on 25.12.11), here (02.01.12) and here (29.12.11). And there is more about The Committee of 300 here and here.


The White Spiritual Boy off-ledger black screen accounts - raw data

The US Federal Reserve Money Laundry

The JP Morgan Blue Book. The Secret Book of Redemption.

Living through the pole shift and the global end-time tsunami

Q Channel Q Source Q Anon

The Fall of the Pentagram Five. Illuminati illusion dissolves in disarray.

Corporate evil, artificial intelligence and cyberform spirituality. What is going on inside our computer networks?

The World Global Settlement Funds

Universal debt forgiveness and the imminent global debt jubilee

The Monaco Colloquium - August 2011

The NESARA announcements

Agenda for Disclosure - The opening of Pandora's Suitcase

Dark Pool Gold. That which glisters returns to haunt the Fed.

The Future Historians' List

Index of blog contents