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Monday, July 01, 2024

Metaphysical glossaries
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Picture: Metaphysical glossaries.

The active vocabulary of The New Spirituality can be confusing. There is much talk of things like initiation, portals, planetary ascension, dream management, astral travel, transdimensional spiritual exercises and parallel realities. And there is an important experiential distinction between soul and spirit. The links below offer an introduction to the jargon:

Share International's glossary of esoteric terms

Gottfried de Purucker's Encyclopedic Theosophical Glossary

Kenneth Hirst's Metaphysical Reference

Planetary Activation Organisation Glossary

Patrick Bellringer's wordlist from

Glossary of Ascended Master Terminology from The Summit Lighthouse


Madame Stuart Merrill
A picture by Jean Delville

Unseen Portal
A picture by Mark Heulsman

A picture by Mati Klarwein

Picture: Samuel Johnson with gargoyles reading.

The Simulation Exit

Is God an idealist?

Astral projection, the soul and the spirit

An emerging spirituality for The New Age of Aquarius

A new scripture shortly to be published

God is nothing special

Conspiracy Obverse

Index of blog contents

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