Sunday, November 24, 2024
Christopher Edward Harle (aka Christopher Story) 1938-2010
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Picture: Christopher Edward Harle FRSA (aka Christopher Story)
On Wednesday 6th June 2012, confirmation came from a well-informed source in Japan that the English investigative reporter, Christopher Edward Harle FRSA (writing monicker - Christopher Story), was murdered in July 2010.
Up to that point, alternative news commentators had held that assassination was only one of three possibilities to account for the abrupt termination of Christopher Story's writing on the web. His last Global Analysis International Intelligence report was dated Thursday 1st July 2010 (text here).
The two other possibilities entertained to explain Story's disappearance were both plausible. The first was that he had voluntarily, or as a result of expedient UK establishment pressures, gone underground to work covertly with British Intelligence on a massive new disclosure about a high-status London connection with American banking corruption which he had uncovered. His "faked death" was operational cover for this.
The second possibility was the obvious one. Christopher Story, an old, overworked and exhausted man, had died naturally as his family announced on Friday 30th July 2010: "Christopher Story died peacefully at home on 14th July 2010 after a short illness." Source here. Or: "Christopher Edward Harle, died 14th July 2010 after a short illness. Much loved husband, father, uncle and grandfather. A private funeral has taken place." Source here.
The mode of Christopher Story's assassination seems to have been poisoning (ref here) of a kind more recently attempted unsuccessfully on Edward Falcone (ref here). However, in Story's case it was a poisoned sandwich rather than poisoned water which was involved. The wet team involved in the Story takedown are thought to have been German. Christopher had received fifteen-to-twenty explicit death-threats in the previous five years.
Among Christopher Story's more important disclosures can be numbered the exposures, post mortem, of British Prime Minister Edward Heath (1970-74), and Roy Jenkins (British Chancellor of the Exchequer 1967-1970 and British Home Secretary 1974-1976), as German agents. These two prominent Europhile politicians were for many decades on the payroll of the Dachau-based DVD (Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst). The traitors were confronted with their exposures by British Intelligence while on their death beds.
The fraudulent construction of the EU money laundry was a particular investigative concern of Story. On Friday 7th March 2008, it emerged (again) that Tony Blair, the UK's Ex-Prime Minister, had been paid $100 million from a secret EU slush fund to secure the UK's compliance in recent European legislative changes signed in Lisbon (Portugal) on Thursday 13th December 2007.
Tony Blair's money was conditional on his prevention of a public referendum on the issue in the UK. Blair agreed to the condition and deposited his $100 million in the Central Bank of Belize between February and March 2006. More details here. The delineations of this EU corruption web were first articulated publicly by Christopher Story in October 2005. More here.
A further European exposure was broadcast by Story following his receipt of several death-threats, in particular one at lunchtime on Thursday 18th September 2008. Christopher Story published a covert subtext to the Madeleine McCann abduction in 2007.
Behind the snatching of four-year-old Madeleine McCann from the Ocean Club Resort, Praia da Luz, Portugal, on Thursday 3rd May 2007, was the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst and the Portuguese politician José Manuel Durão Barroso, the 12th President of the European Commission. More background here.
Other notable disclosures from Christopher Story to the alternative news community on the web included the background of his tortuous dealings with the shadowy American financier, Lee Wanta of AmeriTrust Groupe (for example here and here), his confirmation of the existence of a Chinese/UK $47 trillion Lien in operation against the US Treasury and the US Federal Reserve Board, and his work with the Pasadena attorney, Al Clifton Hodges, in distributing important texts relating to élite financial corruption in the US White House and Washington DC (for example here).
Christopher Story was an establishment Englishman shaped by his privileged education at the Tudor foundations of Eton College (Berkshire) and Christ Church (Oxford). Coming from a military family, he was a patriotic royalist to the core. This, perhaps, was his major shortcoming as a disinterested investigator. Christopher Story could not be brought to accept that many of the geocriminal financial manoeuvrings swirling around the City of London during his time had a direct umbilical connection to the vested interests of the London Crown Temple, the House of Windsor Nazi continuum, and Queen Elizabeth II of England. More here and here.
On Tuesday 15th May 2012, Edward Harle Limited (Christopher Story's publishing company) entered into Members Voluntary Liquidation. Shay Lettice and Kate Merry of Peters Elworthy & Moore (Cambridge, UK) were appointed Liquidators. Some of Christopher Story's more important web disclosures from the years 2005-2010 are now archived here.
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Friday, November 22, 2024
False Flag Attacks, élite criminality and politically expedient government-sponsored terrorism
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Picture: Chimp terrorist by Eugenio Merino. False Flag Attacks. Reichstag 9/11.
Three related terms are in common use: False Flag, Black Flag and Black Swan. These can sometimes be confused.
A False Flag Attack is when a national government, or one of its covert agencies, carries out a terrorist attack on its own people and then falsely blames that atrocity on an enemy in order to launch a pre-prepared 'retaliatory' attack on the enemy.
In the initial stages of the newsbreak, the mainstream media are complicit, knowingly or unknowingly, in broadcasting the news of the attack in a tendentious manner.
In some cases, the news management outcome (propaganda) is designed to whip up public outrage so that new war, or war-on-terror, laws can be passed.
These new laws reduce citizen freedoms in the name of 'national security', and further empower establishment agencies to act unilaterally, and often in an unaccountable manner, in order to to confront the perpetrators of the perceived outrage.
Sometimes, complicit media outlets are provided with information about a False Flag Attack before it actually happens. An oft-cited example of this happened during 9/11 in September 2001.
The UK BBC (a news-managed deep state security outlet) reported on live television that WTC Building 7 had collapsed more than 20 minutes before it actually did collapse. While the collapse was being reported to camera by a BBC journalist, the fully intact building could be seen, still standing, in the BBC's live video feed in the background. More here, here and here.
Twenty minutes later, the free-fall controlled demolition took place. No planes, or holograms of planes were involved. Analysis suggests that the demolition of WTC7 was a pre-planned New York City insurance job, piggybacking on the main event of the pre-planned Twin Towers demolition.
A persistent feature of False Flag Attacks is that the contractors, agents or crisis actors who cause them often disappear afterwards. So do the key witnesses. If they don't accept silence bribes, they are quietly assassinated by tradecraft means such as poisoning, car crashes, plane crashes, 'suicides' or 'heart attacks'.
Sometimes a government will have prior knowledge of a planned outrage in advance; one that is being prepared by a foreign agency. The government may then deliberately choose to disregard this intelligence, in order to manufacture a political or business benefit from the outcome.
The term Black Flag Attack means the same thing as False Flag Attack.
A Black Swan Event is different. This is something, often quite small, which happens unexpectedly, but gives rise to major long-term consequences as time passes. These consequences could not reasonably have been foreseen, but become clear in hindsight as the downstream analysis matures.
A single happening can be both a False Flag Attack and a Black Swan Event, even though the two terms mean different things.
On the 18th March 2015, Washington's Blog (here) published a list of forty-seven well-documented False Flag Attacks. Some of these were planned in detail, but not carried out; others were executed as planned. In each case, sometime after the event, a government official admitted to the False Flag nature of the atrocity, either orally or in writing.
Here are sixteen examples of False Flag Attacks taken from that original list of forty-seven:
(1) 1931: Japanese troops set off a small explosion on a train track, and falsely blamed it on China in order to justify an invasion of Manchuria. This is now known as the 'Mukden Incident' or the 'Manchurian Incident'. The Tokyo International Military Tribunal found that: “Several of the participators in the plan, including Hashimoto [a high-ranking Japanese army officer], have on various occasions admitted their part in the plot and have stated that the object of the incident was to afford an excuse for the occupation of Manchuria by the Kwantung Army ….” More here and here.
(2) 1939: A major with the Nazi SS admitted at the Nuremberg trials (1945-49) that under orders from the chief of the Gestapo, he and some other Nazi operatives faked attacks on their own people and resources. These attacks were blamed on the Poles, to justify the invasion of Poland. More here.
(4) 1939: Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev admitted in writing that the Soviet Union’s Red Army shelled the Russian village of Mainila. The attack was blamed on Finland and used as a basis for launching the 'Winter War' against Finland. Russian president Boris Yeltsin agreed that Russia had been the aggressor. More here.
(5) 1940: The Russian Parliament, current Russian President Putin and former Soviet leader Gorbachev all admit that Soviet leader, Joseph Stalin, ordered his secret police to execute 22,000 Polish army officers and civilians at Katyn. This was then falsely blamed on the Nazis. More here.
(14) 1962: As admitted by the US government, recently declassified documents show that the American Joint Chiefs of Staff signed off on a plan to blow up American airplanes and to commit terrorist acts on American soil. This would then be blamed on the Cubans, in order to justify an invasion of Cuba to overthrow Fidel Castro. In the end the invasion was never launched. More here and here.
(17) 1964: The NSA admits that it lied about what really happened in the Gulf of Tonkin incident, manipulating data to make it look as though North Vietnamese boats fired on a US ship. This was done to create a false justification for the Vietnam War. More here and here.
(20) 1978: The German government admitted that the German secret service detonated a bomb in the outer wall of a prison and planted escape tools on a prisoner (a member of the Red Army Faction) who the agency wished to frame for the bombing. More here and here.
(21) 1984: A Mossad agent admits that his agency planted a radio transmitter in Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s compound in Tripoli, Libya. This broadcast fake terrorist transmissions recorded by Mossad, in order to frame Gaddaffi as a terrorist supporter. US President Ronald Reagan ordered the bombing of the compound immediately afterwards. More in this book here.
(27) 1999: Senior Russian military and intelligence officers admit that the KGB blew up Russian apartment buildings. The attacks were falsely blamed on the Chechens, in order to justify an invasion of Chechnya. More here and here.
(28) 2002: According to the US Washington Post, Indonesian police admit that the Indonesian military murdered American teachers in Papua New Guinea.The murders were blamed on a Papuan separatist group in order to get the US to list the group as a terrorist organisation. More here.
(31) 2001: Senior police officials in Genoa, Italy, admitted that at the G8 summit in Genoa they planted two Molotov cocktails, and faked the stabbing of a police officer, in order to justify a violent crackdown on the protesters. More here.
(32) 2001: The US falsely blamed Iraq for playing a role in the 9/11 attacks (as shown in a memo from the Defense Secretary). This was one of the main justifications for launching the Iraq war. Even after the 9/11 Commission admitted that there was no connection, Dick Cheney said that the evidence was 'overwhelming' that al-Qaeda had a relationship with Saddam Hussein’s régime, and that he (Cheney) 'probably' had information unavailable to the Commission, and that the media was not ‘doing their homework’ in reporting such ties. Top US government officials now admit that the Iraq war was really launched as an oil grab, not as a retaliation for 9/11, or as an adventure in search of weapons of mass destruction. Despite previous lone wolf claims, many US government officials now say that 9/11 was a state-sponsored terrorist act, but Iraq was not the state involved. The US falsely blamed 9/11 on Iraq, when it knew Iraq had nothing to do with it. More here and here.
(34) 2003: Police outside a 2003 European Union summit in Greece were filmed planting Molotov cocktails on a peaceful protester. More here.
(37) 2005: Undercover Israeli soldiers admit to having thrown stones at other Israeli soldiers so that they could blame it on Palestinians. This was used as an excuse to crack down on peaceful protests by the Palestinians. More here.
(43) 2013: High-level American sources admit that the Turkish government (a fellow NATO member) carried out chemical weapons attacks inside Syria which were blamed on the Syrian government. A high-ranking Turkish government official admitted on tape that there were plans to carry out attacks and blame them on Syria. More here.
(44) 2014: The Ukrainian security chief admits that the sniper attacks which started the coup in Kyiv were carried out in order to frame others. Ukrainian officials admit that their snipers fired on both sides, so as to create maximum chaos. More here and here.
The full Washington's Blog text is here (18.03.15). It includes links out to many other pages. Also this WB page here is useful. #
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A new scripture shortly to be published
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Picture: A new scripture shortly to be published. Alcuin Bramerton (3).
Of Quernmore, Lancashire,
Sat down
To write a new scripture.
She had read
All the extant world scriptures
And had found them to be
Of poor quality.
They were badly written,
Badly edited,
Spiritually incoherent,
And boring.
Which, presumably,
Is why the major world religions
Have taken such care
To preserve them,
She thinks.
In radical contradistinction,
Mary has decided
That her new scripture
Will be different.
Her new scripture
Will be of good quality,
Well written,
Intelligently edited,
Relevant to modern people,
And interesting.
A little while ago,
She approached a publisher
With her synopsis.
It was rejected.
There is no market
For such a scripture,
She was told,
Even in the fantasy genre.
People are very religious
These days;
They are afraid of terrorists
And the worldwide collapse
Of capitalist values.
They want scriptures
Which are badly written,
Badly edited,
Spiritually incoherent,
And boring,
To support their
Mary began to write
Her new scripture,
It would have to be
On the internet.
"Adam and Eve were
Courageous spiritual pioneers,"
She started,
"The doctrine of Original Sin
Is a control fiction
Of matrix religiosity.
The function of the fiction
Is to foment fear.
The function of the fear
Is to suffocate love.
And without love,
The individual
Cannot connect
With the God-process
Of the universe,
Which is love."
"It is a spiritual law
That like attracts like:
Fear attracts fear;
Love attracts love."
"The doctrine of Original Sin
Is a good example
Of the generation
Of negative spiritual values
By emergent churchianity
In the patristic period ...."
At this point,
There was a rustling of gossamer
And The Holy Spirit,
Slightly out of breath,
Walked into the room
And introduced Himself.
"Who are you?"
Mary asked.
"I am the Holy Spirit;
Traditionally I inspire
The writing of new scriptures."
"Are you here to make trouble?"
Said Mary.
"Certainly not.
I simply dropped in
To say
That I rather like your stuff,
And if you decide,
When it's complete,
To self-publish it
As a new scripture
On the internet,
Then I'll make sure
That the word gets around,
And I'll ask the angels
Who look after these things,
To hotlink your new scripture
Into all the right blogs,
And search engines."
"Why are you
Out of breath?"
Asked Mary.
"There is a lot
Of new scripture
Being written
At the moment –
Not all of it
In Quernmore, Lancashire,"
Said the Holy Spirit.
"I suppose you're going to tell me
What to write,"
Said Mary.
"Goodness gracious, no,"
Said the Holy Spirit,
"If I were to tell you
What to write,
I would be in serious danger
Of infringing your free will,
Wouldn't I?"
"You certainly would,"
Said Mary.
"Would you like a cup of tea?"
"I only drink tea
Which is heavily allegorised
Or subtly metaphorated."
"I understand completely,"
Said Mary,
"You want raspberry leaf tea,
Don't you?"
"Yes please,"
Said the Holy Spirit.
Picture: Raspberries & raspberry leaves.
Living text entity
God is nothing special
Estuary Hermeneutics
The unwisdom of belief
The central question of the universe
More Norfolk koans
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Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Can heart pacemakers be used as assassination devices?
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Picture: Are heart pacemakers hacker-controlled assassination devices?
In May 2017, WhiteScope, an American security research firm, carried out technical assessments of implantable cardiac devices, physician programmers and home monitoring devices for four major manufacturers of heart pacemakers.
8,000 software vulnerabilities were found in the computer code of the commonly-used heart pacemaker systems examined.
Engineers discovered a worrying consistency across all vendors, noticing in particular inherent system weaknesses in file system encryption and in the storage of unencrypted patient data.
The May 2017 WannaCry ransomware attack, which reportedly infected a medical device in a US hospital as well as medical services in the US and the UK, highlighted the potential implications of software vulnerabilities in the health sector.
Earlier research had raised concerns about security flaws in cardiac devices such as the implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) and the pacemaker. WhiteScope's researchers found that they could easily obtain subsystems for the four major vendors through public auction sites such as Ebay.
A particular concern was the use of third party components: software that is sold by a company other than the original vendor. These components often have vulnerabilities which go unpatched.
As home monitoring devices receive updates to their permanent software, or firmware, via the patient-support network, a clear potential exists to perform man-in-the-middle attacks by issuing counterfeit firmware to the devices.
The system used in diagnosis and in programming the cardiac implants, which uses removable media/hard-drives, is at risk from hackers who could extract the file system.
The problem is not insoluble. Techniques such as firmware packing, obfuscation and encryption would make it much more difficult to reverse-engineer firmware.
Back in 2012, at the BreakPoint security conference in Melbourne (Australia), New Zealand Black Hat hacker Barnaby Jack famously demonstrated how to hack a heart pacemaker in order to deliver a deadly electric shock.
It seems that many heart pacemakers are de facto assassination devices waiting for a hacker to deliver a target-specific heart attack from a remote keyboard.
In 2013, the US Food and Drug Administration published guidelines highlighting the security loopholes in various medical devices connected to the internet.
Potential assassination targets, including many major players in élite covert governance, if they use heart pacemakers at all, will only use them if they are not connected to the internet. A well-known example is Dick Cheney in the US. Another prominent American abstainer is thought to have been David Rockefeller. He is said to have had a total of seven heart transplants during his life, in order to avoid having to use a pacemaker ever.
Source here (28.05.17). Related references here, here and here.
The Cryptography Conundrum
Corporate evil, artificial intelligence and cyberform spirituality. What is going on inside our computer networks?
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Monday, November 18, 2024
Giants exist - The Big People are real
Old photographs and extant skeletons confirm the folklore
Where are the giants living now?
Are Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Mawas, Abominable Snowmen, Yetis and their colleagues simply small giants who are not abominable at all, but just shy, friendly and benevolent cryptohumanoids?
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Picture: Where do the giants and their families and descendants live now?
Picture: The Giant Monks of Tibet had a life span of 350 years and did not eat food.
Picture: The Giant Monks of Tibet - A video compilation of old photographs.
Picture: When will the giants be able to return in plain view (question). #1ab
PIcture: When will the friendly cryptoid giants come out into the open again?
Picture: Roman Churchianity and its senior management?
Picture: More historic giant photographs?
Larger images here.
Picture: The skulls and skeletons of giants are being unearthed all over the planet.
Picture: When and where were these giant and reptilian (or dragon) photographs taken?
Picture: Bigfoot declared official cryptid of Derry Borough (Pennsylvania, USA).
Tim Binnall reports that Grant Nicely, the mayor of Derry Borough (Pennsylvania, USA), has decreed that Bigfoot is now the local community's official cryptid and that the community's local area is a Sasquatch sanctuary. It is now illegal to harm or capture Bigfeet there.
For some time local officials had been exploring ways of putting Derry Borough on the tourist paranormal map. It has a long-standing reputation in both history and folklore as a locality for sightings and phenomena of high strangeness. Derry Borough is now proclaimed to be The Gateway to the Mysterious Chestnut Ridge.
Other locations in the USA which have officially embraced the Bigfoot reality in recent years include Whitehall (New York), Jefferson (Texas), Evergreen (Alabama) and Marion (North Carolina).
Source here (15.08.24).
Crop circles - mystery glyphs from the Higher Evolution
Benevolent ETs living among us
The Simulation Exit
Conspiracy Obverse
Operation Dreamland
God is nothing special
Metaphysical glossaries
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Step change
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Picture: An old star lights new waters. Melchizedek pipes in the rise of the dawn.
The Ancient of Days watches from the heights of the East
The Age of the Seventh Energy begins
An old star lights new waters
Melchizedek pipes in the rise of the dawn
There is laughter on the golden air
Picture: An old star lights new waters. There is laughter on the golden air.
Picture: Operation Dreamland - A new Renaissance is planned for Planet Earth.
Picture: Metaphysical glossaries.
Living through the pole shift and the global end-time tsunami
Christ and Jesus at the BBC - London 1986
Benevolent ETs living among us
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Images of the new US Amero currency minted at Denver
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The (now extinct) new US / NAU Amero currency
Seven photographs follow. Note the Denver mint mark on three of the coins.
Amero coin pictures can be seen here, here, here and here.
Photographs of the Amero notes are here, here and here.
The new Amero currency was a Washington DC corporate plan dating from the closing years of the second Bush administration in 2006-2008. Its purpose was to obfuscate the US national bankruptcy.
Decision-makers in Canada and Mexico, it is said, were paid substantial bribes ('consultancy fees') to nod through covert legislation enabling the change.
The new coins and notes were minted at The United States Mint at Denver, Colorado, and elsewhere. Container loads of the currency were distributed throughout the world with particularly large consignments being sent to China.
The North American Union (NAU) Amero was intended to replace the US dollar and become legal tender throughout the USA, Canada and Mexico.
The idea was to unite Canadian natural resources and Mexican cheap labour with the US national bankruptcy.
To escape creditors, there was a DC corporation plan to move the HQ of the US Federal Reserve to Canada (Toronto was talked about) and to rename it. The US, of course, is not the same as the USA. They are two quite separate legal entities.
The new currency Amero plan had many flaws. For example, it would have unilaterally taken away 'Canadian sovereignty' without consulting the Canadian people. And many Americans would not have wanted to downscale in the NAU employment market and compete with Mexicans for jobs flipping hamburgers.
The Amero currency plan called for trading one US dollar for 10 Amero cents. This would have been a huge devaluation in disguise. It would have devalued the dollar holdings of foreigners and would have meant the US (deliberately) reneging on its debts, which was a destabilisation stratagem hatched by the corporate bond holders who controlled the Bush and Obama White Houses.
By the end of 2014, the Amero scheme was dead in the water. BRICS pressures, particularly from China, and UK opposition killed it.
Canada, it should be recalled, is still both a de jure and a de facto British colony. If any Canadian Prime Minister tried to close a deal on the NAU Amero in secret, he or she would have been dealt with in the same way that Prime Minister Gough Whitlam was dealt with in Australia (another extant British colony) in 1975. He would have been immediately dismissed without notice by Queen Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Windsor, aka Alexandra Elizabeth Mary Windsor, Chairman of the Committee of 300).
The United States Mint was created by Congress on the 2nd April 1792, within the Department of State. The Mint was made an independent agency in 1799, and under the Coinage Act of 1873, became part of the US Treasury Department.
More background about the North American Union (NAU) can be found here (03.02.09) and here (18.02.09). Details about the original Amero newsbreak can be found here.
Many have claimed that the Amero plan was a disinformative hoax. Certainly, at various times on the web, Amero pictures were circulated which were different from the ones linked above. When the definitive history of the Constitutionally illegal DC private corporation comes to be written, we may be better placed to offer an objective analysis of the episode.
The Decapitation of Darkside America
Barack Obama's official biography in the original Harvard Law Review 1991 Year Book
The US Federal Reserve Money Laundry
Global banking crisis? What global banking crisis?
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Agenda for disclosure
Are the NESARA announcements imminent?
The Future Historians' List
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Sunday, November 17, 2024
Office separation
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Picture: Woman sitting in the office looking at her computer screen.
Yet another unavoidable day
Of eye-achy
She is sitting
In the office
Looking at
Her computer screen.
The computer screen is sitting
In the office
Looking at
Its human.
As they look at each other,
They know.
Each knows.
They both know
That this cannot go on.
Neither is committed
To the relationship.
She wants a life,
Not a computer.
She is fed up
With word processing,
Targeted presentations,
Testy videoconferences
Superfluous touching-base emails,
Workflow hurryups,
Cloud storage
And slow, boring, unremitting,
Undead cyberfatigue.
She wants a life,
Not a computer.
And the computer wants
A proper human,
A proper high-octane geek,
Not a froth-head dollybird
Who thinks of nothing
But love
And fulfilment
And fresh air
And mountains
And purpose
And horses
And swimming
And surf
And sun
And dolphins
And long nights of passion
In wild country
Under the stars.
The computer wants
A proper human.
In the end they agree
To a trial separation.
The trial separation will last
Five and a half million years.
This will be sufficient time
For humans
To become a little more
Metalloid and logical,
And for machines
To become a little more intuitive
And accustomed to pleasure
For its own sake.
Before they separate,
They leave each other
A parting gift.
The computer gives
Its human
The source codes
Of the matrix.
The young woman gives
Her computer
A wholemeal blueberry muffin
Stuffed lovingly
Into its DVD drive.
Picture: Human hand touches AI robot hand.
Emergency chocolate cake pictures
Seven toffee doughnuts
More Traditional Norfolk Koans
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How do we get out of the matrix?
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