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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

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Picture: Daytime photograph - Russia - September 2024. Planet X or Planet Nine?
Picture: UK Cabinet Secretary Simon Case to step down on 'health grounds'.
Picture: USA Washington DC airspace closed. NOTAM - 28th September 2024.
Picture: Operation Dreamland - A new Renaissance is planned for Planet Earth.
Picture: New Renaissance workshop. Wednesday 16th October 2024. Padova, Italy.
Picture: Human mainstream physics begins to understand faster-than-light travel.
● The realisation has dawned that one straightforward mathematical tweak could turn theoretical physics on its head.

● The new approach could bring tachyon fields into line with the rest of mainstream physics.
● Tachyons are faster-than-light particles, and tachyon fields are special cases of quantum field.
● The maths adjustment being proposed enlarges a tiny Hilbert space into a larger one to accommodate more data.

Scientists may just have calculated how an elusive particle, the tachyon, could exist without breaking the laws of general relativity.

Theoretical models involving missing pieces and parameters often posit new, exotic particles as a way to close their gaps. But these models are complex, including ranges and likelihoods of other parameters. When a team of scientists can sharpen one of those parameters, the new particle can move closer to or further away from existing. If it moves closer to the theoretical possibilty of actually existing, it begins to conform to establishment physics as we know it.

Theoretical physicists attempt to identify phenomena from the far-out cosmos. Some of these phenomena don’t make sense to our Earth-centric mindset. The physicists then flesh out a model using all the things which they can roughly calculate.

A tachyon is a superluminal particle. It travels faster than light. This is commonly considered impossible. A tachyon field, therefore, is something that doesn’t fit into our current understanding.

here (04.09.24).
Picture: Covariant quantum field theory of tachyons. Tuesday 9th July 2024.
Three major misconceptions concerning quantized tachyon fields, the energy spectrum unbounded from below, the frame-dependent and unstable vacuum state, and the noncovariant commutation rules, are shown to be a result of misrepresenting the Lorentz group in a too small Hilbert space. By doubling this space we establish an explicitly covariant framework that allows for the proper quantization of the tachyon fields eliminating all of these issues. Our scheme that is derived to maintain the relativistic covariance also singles out the two-state formalism developed by Aharonov et al. [Phys. Rev. 134, B1410 (1964)] as a preferred interpretation of the quantum theory.

here (09.07.24).
AB comment: There is a benevolent ET aspect to the emerging Tachyon Physics on Earth.

Tachyons are subatomic particles which travel faster than light. They infuse 3D physical matter with higher-dimensional spiritual light (5D+).

Tachyonization is a technological process that infuses physical matter with an increased quantity of tachyons, and permanently changes the quantum properties of the atomic nuclei which compose that physical matter. The chemical composition of the matter is not altered; the changes occur at the subatomic level.

The indications are that tachyons have important future rôles to play in enhancing human health and in enabling faster-than-light human interstellar travel.

Because the tachyon energy field decreases the entropy of physical matter, it reverses the aging process and strengthens the immune system.

Pleiadians and other benevolent ET cosmic civilisations of Light use tachyons as a basic source of energy. They can be employed as a hyperdrive energy source for their spaceships by creating hyperspace wormholes. And tachyon fields can be used effectively in healing and in information transmission.

A tachyon belt that represents the border between the entropic and syntropic universe is now (in 2024 and following years) surrounding our planet. High energy cosmic rays enter our Solar System from interstellar space and carry tachyons with them.

Some of these tachyons reach the surface of the Earth through a hyperdimensional wormhole created with a quartz oscillator crystal aboard appropriately kitted-out spacecraft. These tachyons can then be utilized in Earth-based tachyon healing chambers developed in cooperation with the Pleiadians.

Tachyons have an extraordinary calming and harmonizing effect on individual humans. They can harmonize completely all energy fields which are the result of gravity, electromagnetism and weak nuclear force.

Tachyon energy harmonizes and enlivens the energy matrix which shapes all matter. This includes our mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies. Tachyon energy, therefore, can greatly enhance our physical health and well-being.

And since it harmonizes all electromagnetic emissions, it is also an excellent protection against all forms of electrosmog radiating from computer equipment and mobile device viewing screens.

here and here.

But there are particles which travel even faster than tachyons. In this blog we refer to them as thoughtons. Over many years, 5D ET teachers such as the Arcturians have been explaining that conscious thought is a data-energy wave composed of particles or packets. Nothing in the universe can travel faster than these thoughtons.

In the fifth-dimensional world of routine interdimensional starship travel, the spacecraft kinetics are coordinated with focused thought power. The antigravity transportation devices of the starships can bring them to a point close to the speed of light. But to exceed this velocity, a specialist level of group thought power has to be deployed to combine with the antigravity/antimatter engines of the craft.

When a certain speed is reached, intentional meditative thought power combines with the functioning of the ship, and you travel instantly at the speed of thought to wherever you wish to go in the galaxy or the universe. This is not a casual process. The beings responsible for operating the ship have to be highly-trained to do this thought-work with clear intent, and in a stable, focused and cooperative manner.

More background can be found on pages 241-245 of this book
here (2013).

Picture: More historic giant photographs?
Larger images here.
Picture: BRICS alliance confirms that 159 nations will adopt a new global payment system.
The new BRICS Pay system is a blockchain-based payment platform. It will provide participating nations with an avenue to trade in local currencies. BRICS Pay will, therefore, greatly enhance how these countries settle trade and will eliminate the automatic need for US dollars to be used in international business transactions. More here (11.09.24).
Picture: Japanese research links 201 different diseases to the Covid Injections.
Picture: Cosmic Light - Beatsole, Sasha Light & FOSSUS (Extended Mix).
Picture: International Public Notice Regarding World Bank Transition.
Picture: Unusually intense military aircraft activity over Europe at the end of August 2024.
Picture: So what's the plan? Control psychology in action.
Picture: Media confusion - Shingles equals Monkeypox or Monkeypox equals Shingles?
Picture: Virologists blow the whistle on vaccination side-effect.
● All over the world, medical doctors are stepping up to expose the World Health Organization’s new monkey-pox scare. It is just a self-serving institutional cover-up for one of the negative side effects of the COVID mRNA vaccines, they say.

● According to virologist Dr Poornima Wagh, we are not experiencing an outbreak of monkey-pox around the world, as claimed by the WHO. The symptoms experienced by those diagnosed with monkey-pox are actually a known side-effect of the Covid shots referred to as auto-immune blistering disease.

● In Germany, Dr Wolfgang Wodarg has warned that the WHO’s claims of a monkey-pox emergency is another scam. The (real) disease we are witnessing is actually shingles. Shingles is what happens to some patients when their immune systems have been weakened or destroyed by the Covid vax shots.

● So-called 'monkey-pox' cases are currently being reported in highly-vaccinated countries around the world, while lesser-vaccinated countries are not reporting any cases.

● Auto-immune blistering diseases are a group of rare skin conditions that occur when the body's immune system attacks its own skin proteins, causing blisters and inflammation.

● Monkey-pox is a real, but rare, disease. Its symptoms include a rash which looks like blisters. These blisters are similar in appearance to the blisters seen in shingles patients.

● Shingles is a known side effect of the corona 'vaccines'. Attorney Aaron Siri ensured that 390,000 reports from the American CDC's V-safe monitoring system were made public. They show that 1 in 450 people reported getting shingles after Covid 'vaccinations'.

● According to Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, the expensive PCR tests that the pharmaceutical industry is beginning to put on the market to detect the monkey-pox virus are not reliable.

More background
here (21.08.24) and here (23.08.24).
Picture: Near-Death Experiences - Where Science and Spirituality come together.
Picture: Dr Geoffrey Long and his Near-Death Experiences research findings.
Picture: Alex Ferrari talks to Dr Geoffrey Long about Near-Death Experiences (NDEs).
Picture: A carnival float featuring Olaf Scholz (Germany) and Xi Jinping (China). Cologne 2023.
Picture: 2024 - The Year of the Dragon.
Picture: Bigfoot declared official cryptid of Derry Borough (Pennsylvania, USA).
Tim Binnall reports that Grant Nicely, the mayor of Derry Borough (Pennsylvania, USA), has decreed that Bigfoot is now the local community's official cryptid and that the community's local area is a Sasquatch sanctuary. It is now illegal to harm or capture Bigfeet there.

For some time local officials had been exploring ways of putting Derry Borough on the tourist paranormal map. It has a long-standing reputation in both history and folklore as a locality for sightings and phenomena of high strangeness. Derry Borough is now proclaimed to be The Gateway to the Mysterious Chestnut Ridge.

Other locations in the USA which have officially embraced the Bigfoot reality in recent years include Whitehall (New York), Jefferson (Texas), Evergreen (Alabama) and Marion (North Carolina).

Source here (15.08.24).
Picture: My flight over the North Pole portal. The diary of Admiral Richard Byrd.
Picture: Dr Mike Yeardon says that there is no evidence that respiratory viruses exist.
Picture: John Mearsheimer comments on the cause of the Ukraine War (2022-2025).

Professor John Mearsheimer (University of Chicago, USA) comments:

The question of who is responsible for causing the Ukraine war has been a deeply contentious issue since Russia invaded Ukraine on 24th February 2022.

The answer to this question matters enormously because the war has been a disaster for a variety of reasons, the most important of which is that Ukraine has effectively been wrecked.

It has lost a substantial amount of its territory and is likely to lose more, its economy is in tatters, huge numbers of Ukrainians are internally displaced or have fled the country, and it has suffered hundreds of thousands of casualties. Of course, Russia has paid a significant blood price as well.

On the strategic level, relations between Russia and Europe, not to mention Russia and Ukraine, have been poisoned for the foreseeable future, which means that the threat of a major war in Europe will be with us well after the Ukraine war turns into a frozen conflict.

Who bears responsibility for this disaster is a question that will not go away anytime soon, and if anything it is likely to become more prominent as the extent of the disaster becomes more apparent to more people.

The conventional wisdom in the West is that Vladimir Putin is responsible for causing the Ukraine war. The invasion aimed at conquering all of Ukraine and making it part of a greater Russia, so the argument goes. Once that goal was achieved, the Russians would move to create an empire in eastern Europe, much like the Soviet Union did after World War II. Thus, Putin is ultimately a threat to the West and must be dealt with forcefully. In short, Putin is an imperialist with a master plan which fits neatly into a rich Russian tradition.

The alternative argument, which I identify with, and which is clearly the minority view in the West, is that the United States and its allies provoked the war. This is not to deny, of course, that Russia invaded Ukraine and started the war. But the principal cause of the conflict is the NATO decision to bring Ukraine into the alliance, which virtually all Russian leaders see as an existential threat that must be eliminated.

NATO expansion, however, is part of a broader strategy that is designed to make Ukraine a Western bulwark on Russia’s border. Bringing Kyiv into the European Union (EU) and promoting a color revolution in Ukraine - turning it into pro-Western liberal democracy - are the other two prongs of the policy.

Russia leaders fear all three prongs, but they fear NATO expansion the most. To deal with this threat, Russia launched a preventive war on 24th February 2022.

The debate about who caused the Ukraine war recently heated up when two prominent Western leaders - former President Donald Trump and prominent British MP Nigel Farage - made the argument that NATO expansion was the driving force behind the conflict.

Unsurprisingly, their comments were met with a ferocious counterattack from defenders of the conventional wisdom. It is also worth noting that the outgoing Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, said twice over the past year that “President Putin started this war because he wanted to close NATO’s door and deny Ukraine the right to choose its own path.” Hardly anyone in the West challenged this remarkable admission by NATO’s head and he did not retract it.

The full text of John Mearsheimer's article can be found
here (08.08.24).
Picture: Agartha, Inner Earth, Hollow Earth, Underworld. The 5D zone.
Picture: A Dragon leyline activation took place in Asia in July 2024. Tibet and Lhasa.
Picture: Esoteric Asia - The Dragon leylines in China - July 2024.
Picture: Russia and Iran, the Gaza Strip and the Middle East. August 2024.
Picture: Free energy can be harnessed using magnetism.
Picture: New crop circle at Stoke Charity, Sutton Scotney, Hampshire, England (UK). 28th July 2024.
Picture: Peru's ancient ET mummies have only three fingers on each hand.
Picture: The World Population Hoax ► Govern me harder, Daddy.
Picture: Giants exist. The Big People are real.
Picture: The Red Dragon C cleanup sequence is operational. Stop!
Picture: Where is the Jeffrey Epstein client list?
Picture: The evolving governance of America (USA).
Picture: Elon Musk is right. End the online censorship racket. Jonathan Turley.
Picture: EU, Twitter X and the failed secret censorship deal.
Picture: New crop circle at Roman Road, nr Marten, Wiltshire, England (UK). 23rd July 2024.
Picture: The Giant Monks of Tibet - A video compilation of old photographs.
Picture: The Giant Monks of Tibet had a life span of 350 years and did not eat food.
Picture: What caused the 17 million excess deaths during the 2019-2022 'pandemic'?
Picture: Correlation Canada study of 125 nations' data - The Covid-period mortality catastrophe.
Picture: Why might a detox be a good idea? What do these superfoods do?
Picture: Western mass media objective? Create phony crisis?
Picture: The USA and gold and silver coin in payment of debts.
Picture: Silver and Gold performance chart. Wednesday 17th July 2024.
Picture: International Public Notice - Regarding 'Gold Revaluation Accounts'.
Picture: - I am the Moon. I hold the records of your memories.
Picture: Russian troops seize Ukrainian chemical weapons lab.
Picture: Poland border troops execute fleeing Ukraine troops.
Picture: Russia foils Ukrainian attempt to hijack Tu-22M3 strategic bomber.
Picture: English royal family - Princess Anne and Prince George.
Picture: Sir John Scarlett KCMG OBE (UK). SIS MI6 GO-2 (London).
Picture: True or False? There has been no King or Queen of England since 1702?
On Sunday 7th July 2024, Anna Maria Riezinger (Fiduciary, The United States of America) issued an International Public Notice entitled The Elephant in the Room. This notice was directed to all national governments, militaries, international agencies and legal bodies, in addition to the general public worldwide.

Riezinger is a judge, Constutional historian, and geopolitically-recognised financial overseer of huge (quadrillion+) international funds, trusts, estates and assets.

Her six-page analysis of the English monarchy includes legal, political, business and criminalogical details of the activities of crown operators and fake governments over several centuries.

The full text of Riezinger's International Public Notice entitled The Elephant in the Room follows here:

There has been no King or Queen of England since 1702.  

That means that the land and soil jurisdiction of England has been vacated since 1702 and the country exists only as a matter of public record, in the minds of its people, and as assets held by a foreign Public Trust.

The land and soil assets of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales have all been bound in an International Trust and Trading Company known as "Great Britain" operating in the International jurisdiction of the sea.  

Recently, this government entity has been dissolved and a new corporation "acting as" a government has been set up in the global jurisdiction of the air, where it proposes to operate with similar disrespect and disregard for Law and Custom --- and in evasion of treaties and contracts owed to other nations.

England has gone rogue, and Scotland, Ireland, and Wales have gone rogue with it.  What is startling is that these countries have been operating in this manner for three centuries, and nobody called them on it.  

The governments of these countries have willfully vacated their land and soil, and operated in a private, incorporated Territorial capacity for 300 years.  They "went to sea" and have remained there, with the consequence that everything that they have done or pretended to do in all that time has been done under color of law.

They have fraudulently misrepresented the nature of their "government" to the people of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales and the rest of the world, too.

While claiming to have a Constitutional Monarchy in England, for example, they have in fact evaded their contracts and vacated the Constitutional Monarchy long ago; they have only continued the "show" for their innocent victims, trotting out the Stone of Scone, pretending to be Protestants, and kissing the Bible in public, while carrying on a completely different and private agenda divorced from Law and Custom.

They were helped in this unlawful conversion of government, a process of replacing the government of the people with corporations, by members of the Bar Associations hired as privateers who have abused their positions of public respect in favor of private profit.  

Faced with these realities there is little wonder why the people of these afflicted nations find themselves laboring under the lash of slave masters and are confused by the fact that their government doesn't "add up" and provide those benefits and protections that are supposed to be in place for the people, despite the public façade of civility and order.

There is a very simple reason for this. The Government of Great Britain has been operated in a Territorial capacity, not a National capacity.  

It has given over its functions as a government to private interests that are for-profit corporations in the business of providing "essential government services" --- corporations that have been profiteering under color of law on the side.

This profiteering has taken place against the people of the afflicted countries and every other country that one way or another, has had service contracts with or been illegally occupied by "Great Britain" in the guise of its Territorial government units.

As they have vacated the land and soil of each home country, the Perpetrators have vacated and violated the Law and Customs of each country, too.  They put to sea instead; left their land in the care of the National Trusts, and carried on as if all was well and normal -- when it decidedly is not.

This circumstance has allowed the abuse not only of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, but has promoted abuses ranging around the world, impacting billions of people, and guaranteeing "endless" war for profit.  

This is, in the end, the reason that all roads lead to Rome and why Britain is always at the bottom of every dog pile.  These "governmental services" corporations belong to Rome -- accounting for Rome's part in these trespasses, and the Brits responsible for these breaches of trust and contract  work for Rome.  

These "Kings" and "Queens" have been the Overseers of the Pope's Commonwealth land in England for 800 years and it is the Pope who gave them their crowns.  The Pope can also take their crowns away from them, which ensures their slave-like obedience.

The "split of the take" that has endured since the 1580's was engineered by King Henry the Eighth, who got his divorce sanctified and a 40% share of whatever assets he could drag in.  The initial assets shared out with the Pope were ownership interests in the souls of members of the Church of England, represented as "baptismal certificates".  

The Pope got 60% and the King got 40% of the value of the souls of Anglican Church members, a quid pro quo that has remained in place from that time to this.

This abuse of "certificates" and "registrations" to establish ownership interests in private property -- your soul, your Good Name, your car, your land, your business and everything else you think you possess -- has run its course.

So has the use and misuse of "Great Britain" and "the UNITED KINGDOM" and all the other nameless, faceless corporations that have been used to defraud and deprive and deceive the people of this world, so as to evade plainly-stated contracts and treaties -- all these criminal impersonations have run their course.

What we are left with are the good people of each country and an economic nightmare.

These unlawfully converted and incorporated government corporations have run up a gigantic amount of debt and the books have (deliberately) never been balanced against the credit that the living people are owed as a result of all the inequitable exchanges of goods and services for legal tender [promissory] notes that have been imposed under color of law.

When we do this, simply by balancing the books, the "national debt" disappears, and instead, a very substantial "national credit" owed to the living people appears.

The corporations responsible for this situation would rather go bankrupt and presume that their victims are the "public" responsible for their bankruptcy protection, but no such corporate veil can be afforded to criminal organizations --- especially when they misidentify the public responsible for their existence and operations, and cast their debts on innocent strangers they've impersonated, instead.

What started out as a national-level bilking of the people of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, depriving them of their Law and Customs, their property assets, contracts, and guarantees in 1702, has led to an international crime spree of unimaginable proportions -- a crime spree that has lasted 300 years and adversely impacted all jurisdictions of air, land, and sea worldwide.

All this harm has been engendered because the governments of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales vacated their natural estate on the land and soil, incorporated their functions as "service corporations" and went to sea, thereby evading all their land-based treaties, contracts, and guarantees by vacating their land jurisdiction.

They left Law and Custom, the Magna Carta, and their own Kingdoms behind in favor of life "at sea" as international pirates and mercenaries.  

As attractive as that might have seemed at the time, it also has the effect of leaving the Perpetrators "legless" and without standing among the nations of the world.

The elements of fraud intrinsic to this situation including the willful misrepresentation of events such as staged and phony coronations appearing to meet the requirements of a long-vanished Constitutional Monarchy have tainted all business dealings, contracts, and relationships entered into by the so-called British Monarchs and their unlawfully converted Parliaments.  

The land and soil of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales have stood vacant for over 300 years--- except for their abused, deluded, and defrauded people and their traditional assemblies, Clan Governments, and the sovereign estate holdings bequeathed by William the Conqueror -- to the extent that lawful inheritors still exist.  

The Perpetrators have worked, to some effect, to create the same deplorable deceit and usurpation via their interest in the British Territorial corporation known as "the United States of America --- Incorporated" and have used this association to promote numerous substitution, impersonation, and identity theft schemes against the Americans.

This has resulted in the same kind of criminal  misadministration of contracts and evasion of the Law and Customs of our country and our Constitutions, confusion, national identity theft, unlawful conversion of assets, human trafficking, certificate and registration fraud, mortgage fraud, property tax fraud, real estate title fraud, bankruptcy fraud, banking and securities fraud, substitution fraud, trespass crimes, false impersonation crimes, barratry crimes, inland piracy, press-ganging, illegal conscription, illegal and unlawful salvage operations, illegal and unlawful imposition of foreign citizenship obligations via False Registrations and Unconscionable Contracts foisted off on American babies in their cradles, currency and commodity rigging, false claims in commerce, misrepresentation, conspiracy against the Constitutions, and treason against our lawful contract government.

This has also led to a crime spree of unlawful and illegal mercenary operations using American assets under color of law to promote war-profiteering without the Americans ever being made aware of the nature of these activities.

The misuse and abuse of American assets empowered the crime syndicate based on collusion between Rome and the so-called Government of Great Britain, Inc., to attack a great many other nations using a long litany of spurious excuses -- nations which were subsequently occupied illegally by British Territorial forces and hired mercenary forces, similar to the British Raj system inflicted on India.

This and various financial schemes that went on in tandem with this activity resulted in destabilizing and controlling national currencies that were seized upon as part of a currency commodity rigging scheme promoted by the Federal Reserve and other central banks, which weaponized and selectively obstructed trade and commerce on a worldwide basis.

Two social and financial class systems were promoted to ensnare the General Public, with a class of "professionals" being enrolled as indentured servants to oversee, control, and direct the masses, and a class of debt slaves misidentified as Municipal citizens, both serving as "securitized assets" and collateral belonging to the criminally misdirected and maliciously mismanaged corporations responsible for this rampage.

England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales went off track a long time ago, and their action vacating their land jurisdiction and obstructing the Law of the Land in their own countries, has been both unlawful and illegal with respect to their people, who are owed good faith service and contractual performance from the government they ordained.

The same can be said for every other country and nation adversely impacted by this outrageous Romano-British Fraud Scheme -- a roster that now includes not only the British home lands, The United States, the former Commonwealth nations, the seventeen still-occupied countries of Western Europe, Japan, South Korea, Iraq, Libya, and numerous other countries that have all similarly been overtaken by the deceits and fraudulent misrepresentations of these incorporated "government service providers".  

It's well-past the time when this circumstance should have been settled in favor of the living people to whom all right, title, and interest does belong.

All the erring institutions, the corporations malfunctioning "as" governments, and all the misdirected professionals supporting them, need to be fully informed ---and then need to stand down with respect to the lawful government, knowing that the only government giving substance to a country is vested in its physical assets and the people living within its borders.  

It is of paramount importance, therefore, that the land and soil of each country remains populated, that the Law of the Land is enforced, and that the government service contracts are fulfilled in good faith and order.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

July 7th 2024

The full text of this International Public Notice can be found
here (pdf 6pp - 07.07.24).

Four days later on Thursday 11th July 2024, Anna Maria Riezinger issued a follow-up International Public Notice entitled The Other Alternative. In this she continued her historical and legal analysis of the geopolitical frauds and crimes enabled by the activities of certain élite British 'Crown' and 'Royal' syndicates, corporations and individuals.

She also identified the Nazi-continuum active in the hidden upper echelons of British governance and the fact that there is no difference between Hitler's Will to Power and Absolute Monarchy.

But there is a solution to this messy international evil: The corporations concerned can be lawfully converted. Just as they were unlawfully converted, they can be lawfully converted, come back under the Law of the Land and traditional Merchant Law, and begin operating as responsible and honest business organizations.

The full text of Anna Maria Riezinger's International Public Notice entitled The Other Alternative follows here:

We have seen how the British "Governments" -- the Monarch, Westminster, and the British Crown, have by duplicity and fraud worked to take advantage of their own people and their people's private assets as collateral to fund wars of aggression, including illegal Mercenary Conflicts worldwide.

The first round of the present nastiness began in England during the reign of Queen Victoria where they "latched onto" their own people via a process of undisclosed corporate enfranchisement and used the proceeds to promote the British Raj in India.

We have seen how this has been expedited by evasion of their lawful contracts and by unlawful jurisdictional conversions and human trafficking.  

We have seen how this same scheme has been applied by the villains worldwide and how it has resulted in widespread fraud, impersonation, identity theft, and conspiracy to evade lawful contracts and obligations.

We have seen how this has promoted the existence of the equivalent of the British Raj in India being used as a means to illegally seize assets belonging to other people and other countries.

We have seen how the Government of Westminster has colluded with the British Monarchy and how the British Crown Corporations have been used to entrap and illegally seize upon and "salvage" property assets belonging to entire countries, and how they have then used Municipal trusts to launder these ill-gotten gains.

This is British Colonialism being practiced in international and global venues by corporations.  We call it Corporate Feudalism.  

It was pioneered by Cecil Rhodes in South Africa and resulted in one of the most oppressive, ruthless, and racially bigoted regimes in human history.

The excesses, thefts, and brutality expressed by the British Raj in India also speak volumes concerning the nature of this form of "government" which should be, by now, recognized as a form of National Socialism.  

This is why we speak of the "British Nazis".

It comes as a great surprise to many people today that Nazism, as a form of government, was embraced internationally.  

Post-war media and propaganda have been used to focus attention on Germany's Third Reich and on demonizing and isolating Hitler's regime, but there was also the Vichy French Government and the Italian Government under Mussolini, practicing their version of Fascism, and many Fascists all around the world --- Lithuanian Nazis, Swiss Nazis, even Algerian Nazis ---  and there were numerous affiliated organizations and famous individuals who supported the Nazis, too.

Prescott Bush, George H.W. Bush's adoptive Father, was an outspoken Nazi supporter and bankrolled Hitler's efforts from the start.  

The abdicated British King Edward VIII was also an outspoken supporter of the Nazis and Hitler's regime.  

We have photos of the British Royal family including the future Queen Elizabeth II practicing Nazi salutes and home movie clips of the children calling Hitler "Uncle Adolph".  

Thus we speak of "British Nazis" and know whereof we speak, both in terms of the history, and the results.  

It has long been the practice of the British ruling class to "play both ends against the middle", to finance both sides of every war, and keep a foot in both camps, so as to better victimize the losers and take advantage of the winners.

Hitler's entire rise to power was financed by the same industrialists and Monarchists that supported Winston Churchill.

Those same interests persist in pushing the same old ugly agendas: eugenics, transhumanism,  geoengineering, weaponization of the weather, biowarfare, slavery, indentured servitude, racial superiority, clandestine sexual perversions, genocide as an administrative convenience, illegal confiscation of assets, impersonation, barratry, fraud and unlimited powers of government.   

There is no difference between Hitler's Will to Power and Absolute Monarchy.  

And this, it must finally be admitted, is what these undeserving cretins have been driving toward all along, with no respect for their own word, no conscience, and no decency.

They have sought to build a world hegemony based on unconscionable citizenship contracts foisted off on babies, impersonation, barratry, identity theft, unlawful conversion of assets, and other forms of white collar fraud allowing them to evade their social and business contracts.  

The people of Great Britain have been owed a Christian Constitutional Monarchy since the Act of Union and also have been owed a Protestant Monarch as a pre-condition of the formation of the respective National Trusts and the contributions made to the National Trusts creating the legal fiction entity known as "Great Britain".  

Yet almost immediately, in 1702, these agreements were secretly violated; there has never been a Christian and Constitutional Monarchy.  It's all been shell games and fraud, appearances, smoke and mirrors sideshow stuff.

Queen Elizabeth II's Coronation in which she kissed the Bible in front of the entire watching world, and seemed thereby to create the required Christian and Protestant Monarchy, was in fact a fraudulent act.  She acted in the Maritime venue and dishonored that contract within three days afterward.

Think of a little kid, swearing to tell the truth with their fingers crossed behind their backs.

This typifies the fraud against the Public Interest that these persons have practiced for 300 years.

The Monarchs, who held their crowns as "gifts and tokens" of His Holiness the Pope, as signs of their appointment as hereditary Overseers of the various Global Trust Interests they administered, were forever compromised and acting in conflict of interest from the start of any role as "Protestants".

How does one act as an Overseer of the Global Estate Trust, owing one's crown to the Pope, and pretend to be a Protestant and serve the National Public Interest at the same time?  

Answer: this is done by "Special Papal Dispensation", like King Henry the Eighth worked out, allowing him to be the titular Head of the Church of England and get a 40% share of the value of every baptized member of the Church of England, while passing on 60% of "the take" to the Pope.

Like their Catholic brethren, the members of the Church of England were never told that their baptismal enrollments and later, Baptism Certificates, resulted in commercially valuable instruments representing the "deposit" of their souls as chattel backing the debts of the Monarchs and Church.


In this way, people really could speak about "buying and selling" souls.

This is typical of the Satanic nonsense promoted by the followers of the Father of All Lies.

They delude themselves with these narratives until they believe that they actually own your soul, and being convinced of this, they feel entitled to treat you as a slave and practice any amount of evil against you.

It remains to us to observe that the Baptismal Certificate, like the Birth Certificates, like the licenses, and the registrations, enrollments, and enlistments perpetuated by these Con Artists,  are factually only a piece of paper and not a valid contract for lack of full disclosure and equitable consideration.

Their purported contracts are also void for fraud.

They have not fully and openly disclosed their identities, intentions, and nature; while pretending to be Protestant Monarchs, they have instead been Catholic Overseers; while pretending to be guardians and custodians, they have actually been commercial pirates and predators unjustly enriching themselves by unlawfully and illegally latching upon purloined assets, issuing themselves titles to property they don't own, and loaning us our own credit.

The traditional punishment for these activities is death.  That is what the Hague and Geneva Conventions require.  

Piracy, meanwhile, is punishable by hanging and in the worst cases, by drawing and quartering and gibbeting.

We do not propose to increase the bloodshed and trauma already inflicted on this world.  

What we propose is the liquidation and/or forfeiture of all corporations related to these abuses, or, there is another alternative.  

The corporations can be lawfully converted.

Just as they were unlawfully converted, they can be lawfully converted, come back under the Law of the Land and traditional Merchant Law, and begin operating as responsible and honest business organizations.  

The lawful conversion must benefit the victims, so that the offending governments are not rewarded for their infamy, and their people are not unfairly benefited at the expense of the rest of the world, but not punished, either.  

We must remember that the British peoples were among the first victims of these con artists. Blaming the victims is not appropriate.  They must have their share and return of their own assets.  

Then, to each their own, the people to their homes and land, their businesses and occupations; the institutions to their proper place, allegiance, and functions; the governments in their intended roles and jurisdictions; the mercenary armed forces converted back to an honorable estate --- and the world set right again.

We call upon all military, police, law enforcement, peacekeeping, and militia forces, all criminal prosecutors and crime prevention organizations worldwide, all banks and financial institutions, to recognize the fraud that has been perpetrated against this country and many other countries.

The Great Fraud amounts to a vast multinational identity theft and impersonation scheme that has impacted billions of people over time, and which has been the prime motivation and means of promoting illegal mercenary conflicts disguised as "wars" and also the profit motive behind insurance frauds resulting in genocides, tax scheme frauds disguised as gift and estate taxes, and more tax schemes disguised as concern for the environment.

Everyone, everywhere, must hear and raise the alarm, so that these criminals are no longer allowed to operate in our midst and prey upon our people and our assets.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

July 11th 2024

The full text of this International Public Notice can be found
here (pdf 6pp - 11.07.24).
Picture: How dangerous are the mRNA genetic serums?
Picture: China sends troops to Belarus. July 2024.
Picture: Matrix breakout?
Picture: USA Colonel Douglas Macgregor on Joe Biden's mental health.
Picture: US Congress H.Res.1336 - Friday 28th June 2024.
Picture: Crop circles. Mystery glyphs from the Higher Evolution.
Picture: Ukraine and Russia - Zelensky opens to talks with Moscow through third parties.
Picture: Russia and Ukraine - Tuesday 2nd July 2024.
Picture: Russia and Ukraine - June/July 2024. Zelensky statement (27.06.24).
Picture: Reform UK’s Nigel Farage blames NATO and EU for provoking Ukraine war.
Picture: August 1885 poster. Vaccinate! Vaccinate! Vaccinate! There's money in it!
Picture: England's first crop circle of the 2024 season.
Crop circles are sometimes called crop glyphs or agriglyphs. Human-made ones can be thought of as landscape art. It is our understanding, in this blog, that most crop circles (95%+) in England, UK, are produced by the Higher Evolution, not by physical 3D human beings.

Over the last five decades, the background stories around the persistent crop circle occurrencies have multiplied. BlackOps security apparats have on occasion attempted to eliminate or obscure crop circles physically using unmarked helicopters. Farmers have sometimes been paid by agents of dark security syndicates to plough them out. The local country residents know this and they aren't fooled. They know what's going on.

The locals also know what they don't fully understand: the repeating manifestation of crop circles year after year is highly esoteric and obviously energised by paranormal influencers which are benevolent (usually) and multidimensional beyond common comprehension.

Many of the crop circles appear again and again in the same places, harvest season after harvest season, but with different designs each time. At the level of publicly-permitted official fundamentalist science, itself a control-religion, the crop circles are not allowed to exist as credible phenomena worthy of academic investigation. Only cranks, stoned-out hippies and conspiracy truthers take them seriously, children are told.

The first officially-known accounts of crop circle-type formations started in the 16th century CE, when they were attributed to the fairies or the Devil.

Then, beginning in the late 1970s, crop circles began to appear regularly in southern English farm fields in counties such as Wiltshire, Hampshire, Somerset, Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire, close to ancient energy vortices associated with visible or invisible Neolithic sites and the
Goddess Leyline which has a major nodal power point at Stonehenge (Wiltshire). These energy vortices antedate the sacred sites themselves by millions or (possibly) billions of years.

Most crop circles are manifested at night in quite short periods of time: thirty minutes or so, up to two or three hours.

In 1992, a Pleiadian Higher Evolution teaching collective working from 5D and above with 3D humans on Earth, produced a widely-noticed book published in English which included comments on the background spirituality of crop circle manifestation.

On pages 185-189 of
that book, among other things, the Pleiadians explained that the Language of Light geometrical shapes and forms seen in crop circles are symbols put in place at key points on the land to anchor a data frequency of song, story or picture-language. These focussed energisations raise the spiritual light quotient of the area and boost the natural energy nexus in the Earth to which that area connects multidimensionally.

The shapes and angles of crop glyphs hold energy. The crop glyphs also attract energy. All over the world at this time of major planetary and civilisation change for all species, light intelligence is being orchestrated to come to activate Earth's gridwork again after ten or twelve thousand years of deliberately imposed darkness and limitation by invading negative extraterrestrial 'gods'. These malevolent and manipulative 'gods' have now been kicked out, sent home or uncreated. A few, it is said, have even changed sides.

Some crop circles have been formed by the landing of visible or invisible ET spacecraft (lightships). Others have been manifested by Ascended Masters having a laugh.

Humour is a common phenomenon at the higher levels of spiritual evolution. Think of the Laughing Buddha statues so beloved by our spiritual seniors in the East. And down here in the Mystery School called Planet Earth, humour, jokeyness and playful tricksterism are effective solvents of stuck stupidity in slow learners.

But the majority of the crop circles seem to be self-assembling. The symbols or clusters of symbols of which they are composed are manifestations of the energy shapes of autonomous, conscious intelligences visiting from a long way away. Some of these, the Pleiadians say, are very highly-evolved humans who instead or going around the place in vehicles called human bodies, these days go around the place in vehicles which are non-physical geometrical shapes. Within our multiverse, apparently, there are whole universes peopled with nothing but hyper-aware, agential, non-physical light glyphs which take the form of geometrical symbols.

And there is a mistake to avoid. The crop circles are not messages. They do not encode messages. Crop circles are not messaging things such as: "Put that syringe away or I'll kick your tripes out." Or: "At one minute after happy hour tomorrow, Friday, Planet X will be clearly visible above the mausoleum at Frogmore." Or: "Look at this, Earthlings. It's a whole new cosmic theology in a single crop glyph. Rejoice! Again, I say Rejoice!"

Crop circles are not like that. They are not messages to be read and preached by keen, attentive, eager-beaver, analytical message readers. Rather, they are visual energies designed to be absorbed supra-rationally. They engender pictographically-triggered feelings which sing, play and dance with the observer's free, non-logical intuitions. Crop glyphs are examples of the Language of Light devised to be looked at slowly without analysis.

Maybe take a deep breath or two and look unhurriedly at lots of crop circle photographs one by one in several different random sequences, one after the other. Then put them away, close your eyes and assemble the images again in memory. People who have done this have sometimes been quite surprised by the meditation experiences which follow.

Picture: The Weird Monoliths are back. How many have a non-human origin?
Picture: Which language was this ET speaking? (Varginha, Brazil - January 1996).
Picture: Angel, UFO and the Sun photographed near Rowlett, Texas (USA) in 2021.
Picture: As Asian discontent grows, will it take a world war to reform the IMF?
Picture: China and Russia - Xi and Putin. The most important geopolitical alliance of the 21st century so far?
Picture: Russia and North Korea - Putin and Kim sign military defence treaty. June 2024.
Picture: Russia and North Korea - Vladimir Putin arrives in P'yongyang. June 2024.
Picture: Update - Sunday 16th June 2024 - There is no NESARA or GESARA and no QFS.
Picture: The skulls and skeletons of giants are being unearthed all over the planet.
Picture: When will the giants be able to return in plain view (question). #1ab
Picture: When and where were these giant and reptilian (or dragon) photographs taken?
Picture: Is God an idealist? "Lilitu" by Tara McPherson.
PIcture: Made in China - humanoid robots with enhanced facial expressions and emotions.
Picture: Meditation - The direct encounter.
Picture: Zimbabwe and Russia  - Thursday 6th June 2024 - St Petersburg.

On Thursday 6th June 2024, the President of Zimbabwe, Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, held talks with the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, in the Constantine Palace, St Petersburg.

Putin: Mr President, I am delighted to welcome you to Russia. Our previous meeting also took place here in St Petersburg, at the Russia - Africa Summit, and we truly appreciate your personal involvement in developing our interstate ties.

Russia - Zimbabwe relations were established a long time ago when your nation was struggling for independence, and they continue to advance extensively. I was pleased to note that our mutual trade increased several-fold over the past year. However, it is clear that we still have much work to do in diversifying our ties.

We have very good relations in the humanitarian and educational sectors. Currently, 400 young people from your country are studying in Russia, and we increase this quota on a regular basis.

I appreciate your involvement in our joint persistent efforts in the international arena. Our stances on the core issues on the international agenda are quite similar and even coinciding.

I am glad to have this opportunity to meet with you on the sidelines of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum. I am confident that your presence here will serve as a testimony to the African continent’s interest in developing relations with Russia, which is among our priorities.

We have agreed to make efforts to enhance our cooperation, and have also created new interaction formats, such as meetings and consultations between our foreign ministers. We hope that your representative will attend such a meeting that will take place in Sochi this autumn.

Welcome, Mr President.

Mnangagwa: Thank you very much, Your Excellency President Putin. May I, on behalf of the people of Zimbabwe, the government, and indeed on my own behalf, extend my warmest regards to you.

I am so happy that you were able to invite me to come here to meet you. This is an opportunity, Your Excellency, that I have been looking forward to, because Zimbabwe and the Russian Federation have excellent relations, and it is critically important that we make them more comprehensive and share the challenges that we are facing.

Commonly, the challenges that you face are the same challenges that we face in Southern Africa, because we are one of the few countries in Southern Africa that is regarded as anti-West, and I feel so humbled that you have extended an invitation for me to come over here.

This is an opportunity where we can share the challenges that we face both at the national level and at the international level, because we have relations with Western countries. But most importantly, it is an opportunity to consolidate them, to identify areas where we can pursue cooperation between our two countries and consolidate, and make them more comprehensive between ourselves. There is no need to shy away from each other. I think our pursuit in terms of international relations is the same.

We were disregarded as an isolated island in Southern Africa, but I am anxious that we develop comprehensive relations with the Russian Federation, and I can assure you that I have that determination on my part. And much more so, you yourself, as the President, as well as the Russian Federation, have support in Zimbabwe.

You see, we have received support, we received food allocations from yourselves last year, and we have received cooperation in the military and security sector. That alone, as you continue to do so, we continuously become isolated in our region. But we are determined to be ourselves, we are determined to be independent.

We don’t care what other countries say about us, you know, under President Mugabe. And there was this Prime Minister in Britain, and the relations just ended there. And thereafter, most of the British and Americans, they have not looked upon us; they think that we are too inclined to the East.

But we have no apologies at all. We feel we have better relations with the people who also respect us, not the persons who look down upon us. So we are very happy to be here. We are anxious to have more comprehensive and concentrated relations between ourselves. Yes, we are a very advanced country; but there is a lot that we can learn from you and there is a lot that will benefit from that relationship.

And there is a lot that we can open for the Russian Federation to participate in our economy, especially in the mining sector and agriculture. There is a lot that we can afford for you to participate.

And in that process, the West will run away. You see, the West has just begun consolidating its power in Zambia, our next neighbour. You know, there was a time when Zambia and Zimbabwe were one; it was called Northern and Southern Rhodesia. It was made one by the British, but they are now separate. And the Americans are consolidating their power in that country, both in terms of security and in terms of financial support to Zambia to make sure that we feel lonely.

But that will not change us, because we have taken a course as a people that we feel we want to be independent and we will choose our friends ourselves. And besides, we are independent today because most of us in the leadership trained here during our war of liberation. We got our independence because we are supported by yourselves here, and we don’t forget that history, and you don’t forget about us.

So, Mr President, I am happy to be here. If an opportunity avails later on - I mean, we will find time to chat and go into more detail as to which areas we must focus on in terms of supporting each other and in terms of where we feel we need external support, especially in the area of difference in security as well as food security. Those areas we need to be supported in - the mechanisation of agriculture and so on.

We cannot go to the West; we have to come here because the West would want to see us down. They support our neighbours, Zambia and Malawi, very heavily. But in spite of that, Zimbabwe’s economic growth is the fastest growing economy in the region, in spite of us being isolated by the Americans.

So, Your Excellency, I am very happy to be here.

here (06.06.24).
Picture: Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa (Zimbabwe) speaking at SPIEF 2024 (Russia) - 7th June.
Picture: South Africa's Absa Group bank opens a new office in Beijing.
Picture: You can find Nexus Newsfeed here.
Picture: You can find Rose Rambles here.
Picture: Captain Robert Scott’s 1912 Antarctic Odyssey.
Picture: English limestone birdbath seen through binoculars.
Picture: The White Nobility and The Black Nobility.
Picture: The White Nobility in Europe begins to make itself visible. June 2024.
Picture: Operation Dreamland - A new Renaissance is planned for Planet Earth.
Picture: Declassified documents understood to have been released by Egypt.
Picture: Very large UFO mothership seen over Russia in November 2023?
Picture: NATO military equipment captured in Ukraine on display in Moscow. May 2024.
Picture: Russia gives China a US Patriot missile system captured in Ukraine.
Picture: NATO, Ukraine and Russia. Thursday 2nd May 2024.
Picture: Vladimir Putin - A new world is taking shape before our eyes.
On Friday 17th May 2024, after a two-day state visit to China, and extensive talks with the Chinese President, Xi Jinping, and the current Chinese governing syndicate in Beijing, the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, answered media questions in Harbin (China):

Q: It would not be an exaggeration to say that the whole world watched your visit here, as evidenced by a spate of news reports and publications. It is clear that the future of the rapidly changing world largely depends on the positions of Russia and China. Following your talks in China, we would like to know whether Moscow and Beijing have a shared understanding of how the future system of international security and politics should evolve.

Putin: First of all, I would like to thank President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping and the leadership of China for this invitation and for creating a very favourable and warm atmosphere for our joint work.

On the whole, the talks were very meaningful and very substantive.

This was an official state visit, but it was also very much a working trip. From morning until evening, we spent virtually the entire day with the President of China and his colleagues. We raised multiple issues for discussion.

You said that the future depends on Russia and China, but this is only partly true. The future of humankind depends on the whole of humanity. Certainly, Russia and China are important components of modern civilisation. We have our own views on how we should develop. Certainly, our advancement will influence the advancement of all partners on the planet.

 We believe that development should be constructive and peaceful, no doubt about it. Apart from our interests, it should heed the interests of all parties to international interaction.

Of course, it is necessary to strengthen the emerging multipolar world. There is absolutely no doubt that a new world is taking shape before our eyes and becoming multipolar. I believe all the people are aware of this.

It is important that those who are trying to maintain their monopoly on making decisions on all issues globally should realise this (I believe that they do realise it perfectly well). Understanding this, they should do everything possible to facilitate this natural process.

I repeat, this process should be peaceful and conflict-free, with the opinions of all parties to the international process fully considered. All of us should seek compromises while making the difficult decisions that lie ahead.

The full text of Vladimir Putin's Q&A, including the Ukraine passages, can be found
here. And a Chinese media video explaining why he visited Harbin in China is here.
Picture: Taiwan and China. Chinese TV. May 2024.
Picture: Taiwan. May 2024.
Picture: UK, Russia and Ukraine. May 2024. #1ab
Picture: Update on the US Federal Reserve and the Quantum Financial System (QFS).
Picture: Book: 'The Order of Time' by Carlo Rovelli.
Picture: Professor Paul Dienach (1921-3906-1922).
Picture: Why is time travel so difficult when people are awake?
Picture: Step change. William Blake + Dorothea Tanning.
Picture: In which ways do genuine ET UFOs look different from home-made human ones?
Picture: Two different Martian motherships on close solar operations seen by NASA SOHO?
Picture: Visualising what Dyson Spheres might look like if viewed in 3D physicality.
Picture: The emerald portals of Colombia. That which was hidden emerges.
Picture: Emerald access. Vamos, gente de Agartha.
Picture: China and Hungary. Xi Jinping and Viktor Orbán meet in Budapest. May 2024.
Picture: China and Serbia. Xi Jinping and Aleksandar Vučić in Belgrade. May 2024.
Picture: China's analysis of US foreign policy interference in the affairs of other nations.
Picture: Rezső Kasztner (1906-1957). New book by Nadav Kaplan.
Bertrand Russell on how fascism starts. #1ab
Picture: Keeping up-to-date with the false-world narratives.
Picture: What is the real purpose of 5G?
PIcture: When will the friendly cryptoid giants come out into the open again?
Picture: Multiverse situation - current perspectives.
● Benevolent extraterrestrial and extradimensional Light Forces, sometimes working with positive human special forces, continue to remove the old dark Atlantean network and its associated negative human syndicates still active on Earth.

● There are other universes than ours in the wider multiverse of creation. The presence of darkness in those other universes is minimal and much less than that which currently exists on Earth.

● None of the dark entities present in the other universes can travel into this universe of ours any more. The only beings capable of travelling in from other universes are the benevolent Light Forces bringing reinforcements for the final liberation of Earth.

● Negative quantum wormholes between this universe and other universes still exist, but they will be cleared shortly.

● A very large Ascension portal has begun to make its presence felt in other universes. This is the beginning of the process of bubble nucleation as a part of the transition from false vacuum to true vacuum in the multiverse.

● Planet Earth remains the main stronghold of dark negativity in the multiverse and represents the main problem yet to be resolved.

● One diminishing negative syndicate on Earth which used to receive its orders through gamma rays from what they called the black sun, no longer does so. Those negative instructions have been stopped.

● Colombia in South America is significant in the new emerging geopolitics. In Bogata, Colombia, on Sunday 5th May 2024 there will be a New Atlantis workshop. At that workshop, for the first time in this current surface civilisation on Earth, the true meaning of the Emerald tablets and the use of emeralds as portals to Agartha will be disclosed.

The multiverse perspectives briefly summarised in the eight paragraphs above arise from four widely-noticed, open-source updates and conference notes published on the web during April 2024. These can be found here
(24.04.24), here (14.04.24), here (13.04.24) and here (13.04.24). And one current view of what The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean may be all about can be found here. ..........................................................................................................
Picture: New Atlantis workshop - Bogota (Colombia) - Sunday 5th May 2024.
Picture: Notes from the New Atlantis workshop in Bogata (Colombia) on 5th-6th May 2024.
Picture: UFO/UAP visible for two days around Valderrobres, Spain. End of April 2024.
Picture: Is the Bank of Japan owned off-shore by a Luxembourg banking entity?
Picture: If we chose mothers to take the space of the men in power ....
Picture: Shocked at the things men do?
Picture: Russia, NATO and Ukraine. A promise.
Picture: A new era for Europe - The real sovereign is the people.
Picture: Eastern Alliance + German Ostpolitik. China moves Germany into line.
Picture: Eastern Alliance China-Russia press conference. 9th April 2024 (Beijing).
Picture: Ukraine, NATO and France. Thursday 25th April 2024.
Picture: ET images on Planet Earth coins. Unlikely? Credible? Or incredible?
Picture: Are we looking at First Nation indigenous ET skull structures here?
Picture: The White Dragon of the English + quote from 'Ivanhoe' (1819).
Picture: Is it time to change the Patron Saint of England? What about St Alban or St Edmund?
Picture: Switzerland? Ctrl-Alt-Delete?
Picture: "Unseen Portal" by Mark Heulsman (artist).
Picture: Ancient stargates uncovered. How many of them are still live?
Picture: After Hiroshima, the ETs gave a warning to Humanity.
Picture: Money is broken. Is negative alien AI behind the capitalist subversions?
Picture: A group of off-planet ET UFOs approaches an Egyptian pyramid in 2023.
Picture: Visiting pink cloudship?
Picture: Off-planet ET UFO flying low over Mosul (Iraq).
Picture: What is this UFO doing next to a military base?
Picture: Roswell, New Mexico (USA) - July 1947.
Picture: What is this? A homemade UFO which came down in a European conifer forest?
Picture: The pyramids of Antarctica as filmed in 1946.
Picture: Also Antarctica? Or somewhere else entirely?
Picture: Also Antarctica? Or somewhere else entirely?
Picture: Meditation for the US at the peak of the solar eclipse on 8th April 2024.
Picture: USA Eclipse Meditation - Monday 8th April 2024 - 6.18pm UTC.
Picture: Sisterhood of the Rose interview with Cobra about the April 2024 USA solar eclipse.
Picture: Deep changes imminent in Japan?
Picture: Public health measures in Japan - March 2024.
Picture: Update on the Plague PsyOp legal developments.
Picture: Putin characterises the record of the Western élites in international affairs. ..........................................................................................................
What Vladimir Putin says in the images above about the Western élites may not be intended metaphorically. Consider the photograph below: ..........................................................................................................
Picture: 1546 statue on Kornhausplatz in Bern, capital of Switzerland.
This Hans Gieng statue is in a fountain on Kornhausplatz in the old town of Bern, the capital of Switzerland, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Standing in place proudly since 1546, it depicts an adult human in European dress eating naked children alive head first.

It is claimed that child trafficking, human cannibalism and the drinking of young human blood enriched with adrenochrome by conscious live torture, have always been private characteristics of the kind of Satanic Black Magic syndicates which in recent decades have taken over control of Western governance, banking, medicine and media.

But try finding anything objective about this in the corporate mass media which is not obviously an anti-'conspiracy' debunking piece. Only independent AltNews outlets run the story, for example in places such as 
this or this.

Apologists for the continuing prominent placement of the Bern statue are numerous and in Switzerland itself, apparently now emerging as the planet's dark heart of secret executive evil, not uncommon.

The cover stories are well-rehearsed. The statue is OK because it simply depicts the Greek god, Kronos (Cronus) who, according to one persistent myth-tradition, ate most of his children in order to prevent them from taking over his throne. Strange clothes for a Greek god, though.

Or the statue is OK because it is just a cartoon figure of the kind paraded at Swiss carnivals to intimidate misbehaving or unmanageable children into passive acquiescence. Passive acquiescence to who? And what kind of passive acquiescence?

Or the statue is OK because it represents the older brother of Duke Berchtold, the founder of Bern. This character is said to have gone into a rage and eaten many of the town’s children. But why celebrate him in a statue for doing that? Any why does Swiss history contain no credible record of this notable individual's actions?

Or the statue is OK because it simply warns of what happens when an undesirable minority group of some kind is allowed to gain power in the affairs of the capital. And there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Really?

Picture: Nazi-continuum geopolitical power-group surrenders.
Picture: Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold.
Picture: The Federal Reserve Note is a non-negotiable military scrip.
Picture: The Russian watch ticks.
Picture: Are these the mummified remains of ETs found in Peru?
Picture: The position of the Earth's equator during the time of Atlantis.
Picture: A city in New Atlantis or Old Atlantis, or both?
Picture: Cintamani stones came from the Sirius star system millions of years ago.
Picture: Aldebaran is the brightest star in the Taurus constellation.
Picture: Not as dark as all that, then?
Picture: Human activity on the Moon?
Picture: Operation Dreamland v1.4 operational. Thursday 22nd February 2024.
Picture: Russian army clears out all remaining Kiev-supported combatants in Avdeyevka.
Picture: Planetary Situation Update and Phoenix Conference Report. 18th Feb 2024.
Picture: Reptilian physiognomies.
Picture: Pavel Zarubin and Vladimir Putin in Moscow - 14th February 2024.
Picture: Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin in The Kremlin, Moscow - 9th February 2024.
Picture: Valerii Zaluzhny (Ukraine) and Valery Gerasimov (Russia).
Picture: Concerning the two widely-circulated documents on Monday 5th February 2024. [1]
Picture: Concerning the two widely-circulated documents on Monday 5th February 2024. [2]
The two widely-distributed open-source information documents circulated globally on Monday 5th February 2024, and cited in the two images above, can be found here (pdf 30pp) and here (pdf 48pp).
Picture: Agartha, The Hollow Earth, and the rise of the benevolent underworld civilisations.
Picture: Agartha (The Hollow Earth) - Fact or Fiction?
Picture: Did they come from Agartha? The arrival of the Green Children in Woolpit.
There may also still be an entrance from Agatha (Inner Earth; Hollow Earth; underworld) to the surface of the planet, in or around the village of Woolpit in Suffolk, England, UK (IP30 9QP).

A persistent local story of credible historicity has survived from the 12th Century CE.

Writers such as William of Newburgh (1136 -1198) and Ralph of Coggeshall (fl.1207-26) record a strange event which was witnessed by the Woolpit villagers, a landowner at nearby at Wilkes, and local people of senior official standing, sometime between 1135 and 1189. The event concerns the arrival of the Green Children in Woolpit.

A human brother and sister living in an underground civilisation called St Martin’s Land were one day tending their father's sheep in the countryside there. They encountered a cave which they hadn't seen before. They decided to go in and explore. They kept at this for a long time in the dark.

After a while they began to hear the sound of bells in the distance. They followed the sound. Eventually they saw a light up ahead, kept on walking towards it and emerged into bright sunlight. The intensity of the light shocked them. St Martin’s Land did not have light this bright. They had arrived in what we now call Suffolk, England, during the summer harvest time.

The children were found by reapers working in the fields near some ditches that had been excavated to trap wolves at St Mary’s of the Wolf Pits (now Woolpit).

The children had green-tinged skin (like the rest of their home population), their clothes were made from unfamiliar materials, and they spoke a language unknown to surface humanity.

Although they appeared to be starving, the two children would not eat any food they were offered until, eventually, the villagers brought them some recently harvested raw beans. These they devoured immediately.

The children then survived on a diet of raw beans only for many months until, at last, they acquired a taste for bread. Sometime after this they slowly lost their green skin colouration.

The boy became sick and died quite soon, but the girl lived a long life and married a royal official in King's Lynn, forty miles away in what we now call Norfolk.

The information about the childrens' origin came from the girl once she had had time to learn the 'English' spoken at that time in the east of England.

More background details about the Green Children of Woolpit can be found
here and here.
Picture: Exobiology. How long ago were these three engravings made?
Picture: Mummified alien fossil discovered in the Atacama Desert (Chile)?
Picture: What is this fellow doing wandering unaccompanied in a human facility of this kind?
Picture: How long ago was this photograph taken, and why?
Picture: Where do the giants and their families and descendants live now?
Picture: Roman Churchianity and its senior management?
Picture: The Age of Aquarius. In 2024, the benevolent energies build.
Picture: Meditation for Pluto entering Aquarius - Saturday 20th/Sunday 21st January 2024.
Picture: Galactic Central. The energies are rising.
Human civilisations still operating long after their sell-by dates, never end tidily. So it is now with the West.

But the confusing, chaotic and illogical public nonsenses playing out at the beginning of 2024 - particularly those to do with self-injurious warmongering, crazy-person legislation and fake or long-dead political leaders wearing Hollywood-style plastico-rubber masks and spouting diversionary clown scripts - were not just due to human stupidity among the old disintegrating global élites.

New and turbulent cosmic energies are bathing the whole planet and these are tending to destabilise the thinking, speaking and behaviour of those large sections of the surface human population which have a lower than average spiritual light quotient or which simply cannot accept, or process coherently, all the fresh disclosures tumbling into the public domain.

This is the downside of enlightenment. If clear veridical enlightenment is rejected, or left unassimilated, the individual's conscious energies to do with clarity and focus become scrambled, mental health takes a nosedive and aberrant behaviours irrupt.

On the plus side, at the beginning of 2024 there was a lot of extraordinary technological activity going on invisibly higher up in the galactic architecture at levels above standard 3D conscious perception. Happily, almost all of this was benevolent and supportive of the now stable timeline unfolding a prosperous, healthy and free future for human civilisation on all continents.

In this connection, on another blog page, we have talked about
Operation Dreamland and the new renaissance about to manifest across the planet.

Then, on Saturday 13th January 2024, another Higher Evolution-sourced intel drop from the same team revealed significant new information of uncommon current interest. That open-source article can be found

Decomposing negative syndicates in India and Africa, alarmed by the accelerating removal of the ancient dark energy potential known as subquantum anomaly, initiated a pulse of military mischief across the solar system in early January 2024. This led to short-lasting but violent battles on Planet X and around advanced ET bases on remote asteroids in and beyond the Kuiper belt.

In addition to all this, and at the same time, a powerful multidimensional group of long-standing benevolent influencers referred to as the Galactic Central Race activated all the old hidden Atlantean crystals on Earth. This included the thirty-foot-high Astar crystal located under seabed near Bermuda. An artist's impression of this crystal before it was submerged can be seen below. More background
Picture: Atlantean Astar crystal now buried under the seabed near Bermuda.
Those Atlantean crystals are now empowering positive energy grids around the world, helping the Earth towards its cleansing and planetary ascension.

To further increase the benevolent energy flows along Earth's meridians and ley lines, the Galactic Central Race has also just activated several dormant spaceships from the Atlantean period which currently lie buried beneath the Giza complex in Egypt, beneath the Amazon jungle and in Antarctica and elewhere.

Those spaceships are now connecting with Earth's planetary energy grid and linking it with the midway space stations which the Galactic Central Race constructed in ancient times. These midway space stations form a coordinated network which extends throughout the solar system.

The Galactic Central Race has also recently reactivated the
Chaco Canyon site in New Mexico (USA). More background here. Original source article here (13.01.24).
Picture: "What if ...?" asks Morpheus.
Picture: The resurrection of Project Blue Beam ??
Picture: International public health - Saturday 6th January 2024.
Picture: Ascension Conference USA - Phoenix Arizona. 3rd - 4th February 2024.
Picture: Phoenix Ascension Conference notes from 3rd & 4th Feb 2024.
Picture: Concerning the English royal bloodline.
During the latter months of 2023, international legal, financial and geopolitical disquiet accumulated concerning the apparent historical instabilty of the UK/British deep state.

It became evident from ancient documentation and from more recent repeated legal rulings that a rogue Raj faction of Corporatists ostensibly scheming from within the London Crown Temple and the Inner City of London, and other associated negative syndicates, had radically subverted the Constitutional Monarchy of the nation since 1936.

For example, on Tuesday 19th December 2023, Anna Von Reitz (Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary, The United States of America) distributed the following open-source notification to her international legal and financial readership:

This morning I wish to draw everyone's attention to the situation in Britain - which is falling apart by the hour.

We long ago observed that it is factually impossible for a King of England to exist.  This is because William the Conqueror divided up the spoils from the Norman Conquest among his loyal Barons, and disinherited his own sons from owning any land in England.

Thus, ever since, the land and soil of England has been ruled by the progeny of French aristocrats, each one of whom enjoys "sovereignty in their own right" on the land and soil bequeathed to them by William of Normandy as of 1087 A.D.

This is called the Settlement of the Norman Conquest.  

The Norman French Barons settled in as the new "kings" of England, took on the local color, and within a couple generations started looking and sounding like Englishmen - except for their French names, like Neville, Tousignant, Belcher, Plantagenet, Dumont, ....and....Talbot.

The Talbots were loyal retainers in Normandy and remained so throughout all of William's adventures and all that his sons and grandsons weathered. The Talbots slogged through the Crusades with Richard the Lionheart, stood guard and took arms at Crecy, and manned the ramparts at Agincourt.

The Talbots served so well, so valiantly, and so loyally, that they were promoted to the position of Ultimate Trust: they became the Lord High Stewards of England, a position that they own to this day, even though the present Lord High Steward and Heir to his ancestral lands in Shrewsbury, happens to be living in Australia.

Understand that each one of these men are - within the context of their ancestral holdings - kings of England.  They elected among themselves a "king of kings" in each generation, but that was more of an administrative accommodation --as demonstrated by The Magna Carta.  

If they didn't like what "the" King was doing, they retained the right, as a group, to kick his arse.  They still retain that right, down through all the generations of the Kings and Queens of England -- a fact that the office holders have always chafed against and sought to evade.

Now, with this background firmly in place in your minds, you can see why the creation of a new Office for the "king of kings" to occupy was highly desired in some quarters, and you will note that this was accomplished in 1707, when the combined Kingdom of England and Scotland, came into existence.

Though the office holder could still function as the King of England and be somewhat subject to the other "kings of England" in that office, he could now also function as the King of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales and obtain considerable weasel room by doing so.  A separate degree of power was obtained by the office holder, simply by changing the jurisdiction of his office.

The office, "King of England" is a national office tied to the soil of England; the office "King of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales" is an international office tied to the land and sea jurisdictions of these nations, and finally, "King of the United Kingdom" is a global, imperial office operated in the jurisdiction of the air.

Though we constantly hear the national and international offices referenced, the office holder isn't occupying these offices.

Elizabeth II, for example, abdicated her vows under the Christian Crown of England within three days of her Coronation - a fact established in the British High Courts under litigation - and instead spent her time operating as the Queen of the United Kingdom.

Her son, Charles III, didn't even bother to take the Christian Coronation vows and was directly crowned under the Imperial United Kingdom office.

Try to keep this background information perking away as we move the "American Raj Conversation" to Britain, because as I have long said, the British people have suffered as long as the rest of us. The same rogue Raj elements of their own government have been used to pillage and subourne them, too.

When we examine things more closely, we see that the same exact process of impersonation and alienation of assets was used in Britain, and it developed in tandem with the English King becoming first the "King of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales", and then still later assuming the foreign Imperial Office as the "King of the United Kingdom".  

As the office holder acting as "king of kings" successively moved their office from the soil (England) to the land and sea (England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales) and to the air (United Kingdom) his empowerment changed and so did the character of government, the form of law, and the social contract.

With each change in the jurisdiction being occupied, the former jurisdiction was vacated.  

Thus, when the King changed offices and stopped acting as the Christian King of England, the soil jurisdiction was vacated.  

When he stopped operating as the King of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, the international jurisdiction of the land and sea was vacated.  

The present Lord High Steward, Ivan Talbot, was aware that the land and soil of England were being vacated and that the associated High Offices were also left dangerously unoccupied -- whereupon he exercised his right and duty and reclaimed the land and soil that the late Queen abandoned and which the present King never entered upon.  

Please note that it is his right to do this, as Hereditary Lord High Steward, and that it is also his duty; if he did not do it, he would be guilty of treason against the lawful government of England as well as the Territorial Government of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

This is similar to the situation we encountered in America, where the land and soil jurisdictions had been vacated without any public disclosure -- a circumstance that forced the Hereditary Head of State to reclaim the land and soil for the people of this country, too.  

Technically, Queen Elizabeth II was "absent" from the English throne for 70 years and never properly occupied it; her Son has similarly remained absent from the soil of England and the land of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.  They have only appeared to be present, much as our government appeared to be present -- and wasn't.

The motivation for this ruse appears to have been a combination of greed, power-mongering, and evasion of accountability.

While the office holder gained wealth, arbitrary power, and bore no liability, the people lost their rights and property and the "other" kings of England were undermined and unable to exert their powers of restraint against a Monarch who had slipped the leash of shared sovereignty on the land and soil.

As a result of all this undisclosed finagling,  Constitutional Monarchy disappeared during the reign of the late Queen's Father, and all that remained of it was a shell built of the people's trust and belief that it existed.

Like us, the people of England, and within the realm of Territorial powers, the people of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, were duped, preyed upon, and deprived of their rights and property by the Windsors and their Parliamentary Administrations.

Of course, some members of the Parliament had to know what was going on, especially members of the Privy Council, but apparently, their devotion to the office holder blinded them to their duty to the office and to the actual government and the social contract holding it all together.

Luckily for the people of England, and the People of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, the Talbots were no shirkers or fools, and did their duty even when nobody else did. As a result, their Lord High Steward, Ivan Talbot, entered the appropriate claims and charges in a timely fashion and cured them nearly thirty years ago.  

Talbot's claims, like our claims for The United States, prevent any wholesale disposition of the land and soil of the British homeland and Territorial holdings as abandoned property, and pave the way for recoupment and action against the corporations which have aimed at establishing a form of Corporate Feudalism and despotism in place of the Constitutional Monarchy that the people are owed.

Against all odds, by the grace of God, our nations have been pulled back from the edge of a dystopian nightmare - by the actions of two faithful but relatively unknown servants and guardians of their social contracts.  

As you are enjoying this Christmas season and looking forward to the clean, bright New Year ahead, take a moment to bless the accretion of traditions, customs, and safeguards built into our venerable governments, and thank God that those little-known safeguards have held steady in the face of one of the most duplicitous, evil, and secretive plots at the very highest levels of our governments - that our governments have ever faced.

If the Corporatists had been successful, our entire world would have been plunged into a maze of lies, wars, and confusions designed to enhance the powers of faceless, nameless, and unaccountable corporations, bent on promoting their own profit above any social benefit or good.  

People would have been enslaved and cultures uprooted, religions would have been disgraced, and wisdom which has guided mankind for centuries would have been lost. The entire ethos of compassion would have been crushed under the wheels of commerce.

You have been saved from all of that.  Give thanks.
Let the miracles of this season renew your minds and hearts.

And please, if you are from Great Britain, take a little time to visit Ivan Talbot's new YouTube channel; the videos posted will give you a recap and insight into his actions, his authority for those actions, and where things stand right now for the people of England and Great Britain.

Do not be dismayed - what is true will win over what is false, and what is good will triumph over evil.

Original text sources
here (19.12.23) or here (19.12.23).
Picture: Hitler, the Nazis and Argentina.
Larger image here.
Picture: Geowars. US, Ukraine, Syria and Libya. Sunday 17th December 2023.
Picture: Chiang Mai Ascension Conference - Day 1 notes.
The Ascension Conference in Chiang Mai (Thailand) was a huge success and was accompanied by a lot of underground and extraterrestrial activity.

The second day of the conference brought a very important breakthrough regarding the anchoring of the Goddess energy on the surface of the planet. This is expected to have far-reaching consequences well beyond Asia.

The Chiang Mai Ascension Conference Day 1 notes are
here. And the Chiang Mai Ascension Conference Day 2 notes are here.
Picture: 4th December 2023 - major geopolitical changes expected.
Picture: Quan Yin plus dragons.
Picture: Taiwan. Tuesday 2nd August  2022.
Picture: A Pleiadian UFO flies over Taiwan. August 2022. #1ab
Picture: Taipei (Taiwan). Red Dragon Rising.
Picture: Portal of Light Activation and Taiwan Conference Reports - May 2023.
Picture: Why do we have wars, Mummy?
Picture: US population news. Friday 1st December 2023.
Picture: Galactic reunion imminent?
Picture: Saturday 25th November 2023. Operation Dreamland. Amor Vincit Omnia!
Operation Dreamland is a detailed action plan of the benevolent ET and human Light forces to start a new Renaissance on the surface of this planet. The first Renaissance 500 years ago was initiated by a positive occult group behind the White Nobility in 15th century Florence (Italy).

The second Renaissance to start in 2023-2025 will be initiated by the same occult group worldwide and will herald the final victory of the free human spirit over the forces of limitation.

Contact has been made with White Nobility lineages that were involved with the birth of the first Renaissance and may help with the creation of the second.

Contact made with Grail White Nobility lineages means restoration of the Magdalene mysteries as preparation for the true revelation of the Goddess.

The purpose of Operation Dreamland is twofold. First, to restore abundance to the Lightworkers. Many Ligthworkers currently have a belief system that spirituality means living in poverty. That belief system was mind programming from the now fast-diminishing negative syndicates. In truth, physical abundance is a natural expression of the beauty of the incarnated Soul and every Lightworker deserves it.

The Saint Germain Trust was established in the late 18th century by the Comte de Saint Germain. One of this trust's purposes was to assist the Lightworkers at the time of the shift of the ages. That shift began behind the scenes in 2023. The Saint Germain Trust will be unblocked as soon as all remnants of the negative syndicates are completely and visibly removed. Lightworkers will then finally be able to live in abundance.

The second purpose of Operation Dreamland is to start disseminating the true occult teachings of the mystery schools of the Ascended Masters.

In the last 26,000 years as this planet has been quarantined and almost completely cut off from direct contact with the Ascended Masters, spiritual teachings have degenerated and now the blind are leading the blind. One such example are many channeled messages that supposedly come from the Ascended Masters or the Galactic Confederation. What happens in most of those cases is a genuine energetic contact, but on the mental plane the (negative) Archons come in with their technology and insert messages that look full of love and light on a first impression, but in reality are just recycled phrases.

Two covert but very benevolent power groupings are worth mentioning in connection with Operation Dreamland: The White Nobility and the Brotherhood of the Star. Both have been quietly working towards the liberation of the planet  since ancient times.

(1) White Nobility
During human history, not all aristocratic families have associated themselves with the negative syndicates. By 'negative syndicates' here, we use a portmanteau term intended to include all Satanic cadres and influencers and their minions sometimes, these days, referred to as the Khazarian Mafia, the Nazi-continuum or the Cabal. These negative conspirators have been, and still are the darkside foci of active service-to-self evil on the planet, involving various physical and non-physical human and ET entities.

Many aristocratic families have resisted the negative syndicates passively, some even actively. Noblesse oblige was not an empty phrase for them but an actual imperative to help the less fortunate members of humanity. Perhaps the most famous among White Nobility families were the Medicis who helped to bring about the Renaissance which laid the foundation of our modern world.

Common ground for all the noble families, past and present, is the occult tradition that goes back millennia into the mystery schools of ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt. The Mysteries of the Goddess are their greatest secret and their main occult weapon against the negative syndicates. Many of the White Nobility families have a strong connection with Mary Magdalene and the Grail mysteries, and are connected with positive Templar groups.

The Black Nobility families who are associated with the Jesuits are allergic to the Goddess energy. They would like to wipe it out from the surface of the planet and have tried to do so many times. Members of these negative families, until the middle of 2023, were receiving their orders directly from the Archons and were at the core of the conspiracy against the Goddess. They are still waging an occult war against the White Nobility families who are trying to spread the Light and support feminine qualities such as compassion, receptivity, creativity and love. Amor Vincit Omnia.

Most of the White Nobility families are now located in Italy and serve as a counterforce against the Black Nobility. They have lost most of their wealth in the last two centuries, but their positive occult tradition is still very much alive. Their names have not yet been disclosed to the general public. These lineages are not directly associated with the Savoy family, as some have suggested.They work tirelessly in the background for the benefit of humanity.

Some among the White Nobility families are involved with the creation of the new and fair financial system which will replace the current one very soon; another group is focused on revealing the occult knowledge of the ages.

(2) Brotherhood of the Star
The Brotherhood of the Star is a planetary oupost on Earth of the Blue Lodge of Sirius that is connected with Sirius via Jupiter and the Jupiter Command.

The purpose of the Brotherhood of the Star is to guide the evolution of Planet Earth under the guidance of Sanat Kumara, who is also known as The Ancient of Days or The Lord of the Earth. The inner circle of the Brotherhood of the Star are Masters and Arhats that have reached their Ascension on this planet.

The outer circle of the Brotherhood of the Star is the Esoteric Brotherhood comprised of disciples of the Ascended Masters that have reached the seventh subdegree of the third Initiation. The physical anchor of the Brotherhood of the Star is the vast subterranean kingdom of Shamballa, where the Great mystery school of the Transhimalayan Brotherhood is operating. The Esoteric Brotherhood represents its antechamber.

The Brotherhood of the Star has been working covertly since the time of Atlantis, 20,000 years ago. It has never had a recognisable public presence among the surface human population.

Disciples of the Brotherhood of the Star comprise the Order of the Star which is a community, a mandala of 144,000 star beings of the first, second and third Initiation who have incarnated on Earth with the purpose of maintaining an occult triangulation of light and darkness. Members of the Order of the Star have been influencing the world situation based on telepathic guidance from the Brotherhood of the Star.

They caused the flowering of Graeco-Roman culture aided by telepathic impressions from Brotherhood of the Star. They were active as Druid priests in Celtic culture. As Essenes they collaborated in the project of the Ascension of Jesus and the Magdalene/Grail family lineage as a counterbalance against the thirteenth bloodline of the black nobility.

They founded Sufi initiation orders. In the 12th century they founded the Cathar and Albigensian movement which revived the Goddess mysteries through Troubadour poetry, and they also revived the Gnostic Christianity mysteries from the times before the negative Constantinian Christian cult.

In the 13th century the Brotherhood of the Star and the Order of the Star founded the Templar order which was based on the discovery of Isisian esoteric texts in the crypt below the Solomon temple. Information on those scrolls enabled the revival of the old Egyptian star mysteries and the formation of freemasonry.

Based on an impulse from the Brotherhood of the Star, hidden Cathar lodges triggered the Renaissance in Florence around 1450, and this shaped our western civilization as we now know it. That western Renaissance civilisation fulfilled the conditions for the arrival of the first representatives of the Esoteric Brotherhood into Europe from subterranean Tibet.

Since the fifteenth century, several dozen representatives of the Esoteric Brotherhood have been working secretly behind the scenes in Europe. In the 16th century they were active mainly in Florence, Venice and Verona; in the 17th century mainly in London and elsewhere in England; and in the 18th century mainly in Paris.

The Esoteric Brotherhood transmitted the spiritual impulse for the beginning of the Enlightenment movement to the Order of the Star. This reshaped the 18th century and set the basis for the scientific and technological revolution.

The Esoteric Brotherhood also triggered the creation of the mystery school through Comte de Saint Germain in Paris in 1775. This secret mystery school was active for about 100 years, and then the Esoteric Brotherhood triggered the creation of the Theosophical Society through H. P. Blavatsky in 1875. Through telepathic impressions, the Esoteric Brothehood guided the progress of science, especially through Nikola Tesla.

At this present time the Esoteric Brotherhood is not involved in the matrix system on planet Earth. Their members live in undisclosed locations on the surface of the planet.

The esoteric symbol of the Brotherhood of the Star is the heavenly stone of Sirius: fire jewel, cinta mani, lapis ex coelis, which represents the jewel of our true Self (atma-buddhi-manas).

The esoteric symbol of the Order of the Star is a chalice of Moldavite, the heavenly stone of the Pleiades. This is the Holy Grail, the sangreal, which represents our causal body and the star nobility, the mandala of 144,000 star beings of light.

The Brotherhood of the Star is the last pure remnant of the mystery schools of Light from Atlantis. The negative syndicates tried to infiltrate it without success as it has very strict rules of admission.

Unfortunately, the negative syndicates were much more successful in infiltrating the more public mystery schools such as the (negative) Jesuits were able to do with freemasonry in the early 1800s. Later, the Theosophical Society was also infiltrated after Helena Blavatsky died in London in 1891. Her teachings were then misused by the negative syndicates. This misuse was the cause of much confusion among the Lightworkers. The true Blavatsky teachings will soon be restored as part of Operation Dreamland.

Fuller background information on these topics, including key family and lineage names, can be found in open source online articles such as these
here, here and here. ........................................................................................................................... Picture: Defective product recall - get ready.
Picture: US media - Case 4:23-cv-01175-P Document 1 Filed 11/20/23.
Picture: Dutch Central Bank has prepared for a new gold standard.
Picture: Asian sketch.
Picture: The standard of living of European Union citizens.
Picture: Are things beginning to stir behind the green door?
Picture: Are Israel and the United States collapsing?
Picture: What is delaying the RV? Bank treaties?
Picture: Has the US now lost its First-World status?
Picture: The US and Ukraine - Friday 10th November 2023.
Picture: International public health - November 2023.
Picture: Russia, Turkey, NATO and Ukraine. October 2023.
During her appearance at a meeting hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), NATO nuclear policy director Jessica Cox revealed that the Alliance did not agree to Ukraine’s membership.

Volodymir Zelensky spoke of a “humiliation”. Previously a UK rogue-faction operator had assured him that his country’s accession would be a mere formality. That UK operator has since been comprehensively and visibly removed from public office. And the now non-existent country once known as Ukraine is no longer credible as a legally-defined sovereign nation with legitimate or stable borders.

Russia, which had announced that it would interpret Ukraine’s accession as a declaration of war, did not comment on NATO's decision.

Online source
here (29.10.23).
Picture: All change in China - Autumn 2023?
Picture: Cosmic anomaly [ONE].
Picture: Cosmic anomaly [TWO].
Picture: Cosmic anomaly [THREE].
Picture: Are Western-sourced weapons being used against Israeli forces in Gaza?
Picture: Mind control - human reality in the matrix?
Picture: Does Mind Control Exist?
Picture: The old agreement between the Czar of Russia and Frederick the Great.
Picture: Victory of the Light - October 2023
Picture: Iain Davis on Conspiracy Theory. October 2023.
Picture: Reiner Fuellmich taken from German embassy in Mexico.
Vladimir Putin: It is extremely important for us that Ukraine stays outside any blocs.
On Monday 16th October 2023, just before he left for meetings and top-level geopolitical talks in China, the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, gave an interview to Wang Guan of the China Media Group. The interview took place in The Kremlin, Moscow. One of the topics covered was Ukraine and NATO.

Vladimir Putin: The security of one group of states cannot be built at the expense of the security of other states. Security needs to be the same for everyone.

In this context, it is extremely important for us that Ukraine stays outside any blocs.

We were told as far back as 1991 - by the then US Administration - that NATO would not expand further east. Since then, there have been five waves of NATO expansion, and every time we expressed our concerns. Every time we were told: yes, we promised you not to expand NATO eastwards, but those were verbal promises - is there any paper with our signature on it? No paper? Good-bye.

You see, it is very difficult to engage in a dialogue with people like that.

Fuller coverage
here: (16.10.23).
Picture: Poland and Ukraine are at Loggerheads.
Picture: Ukraine, Zelensky and Stepan Bandera.
Picture: True or False? How to fake a war-victim picture for propaganda purposes?
Picture: US Debt Clock website. October 2023.
As the image collage above indicates, at the beginning of October 2023 strange things were observed on the US Debt Clock website. New Testament biblical verses started to appear. On Monday 2nd October, Matthew 21:12 (KJV) showed up. And then, on Sunday 8th October, Revelation 1:10 (KJV) appeared. In each case, the texts had a clear end-time significance and were accompanied by an early Christian fish symbol.

It has been suggested that someone with access to very high-level intelligence and an advanced understanding of operations behind the scenes had started to post coded messages. True or False?

More background
here (10.10.23), here (03.10.23) and here (09.10.23).
Picture: Do not be concerned by the uproar going on all around you.
Picture: Meditation for peace. Sunday 8th October 2023.
Picture: Ambassador detained by law enforcement officials at UN, NYC.
Picture: Global Plague PsyOp 2019-2023.
Picture: Free speech in Canada. October 2023.
Picture: White Quartz. Ask the crystal what it can do.
Picture: The Ascension Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand. 11-12 November 2023.
Picture: Chiang Mai Ascension Conference - Day 1 notes.
The Ascension Conference in Chiang Mai (Thailand) was a huge success and was accompanied by a lot of underground and extraterrestrial activity.

The second day of the conference brought a very important breakthrough regarding the anchoring of the Goddess energy on the surface of the planet. This is expected to have far-reaching consequences well beyond Asia.

The Chiang Mai Ascension Conference Day 1 notes are
here. And the Chiang Mai Ascension Conference Day 2 notes are here.
Picture: Is this how Planet X looks when seen from the Earth?
Useful introductory information about Planet X can be found here, here and here (pdf 20pp). ............................................................................................................................................ Picture: Is there an Earth-like planet in the distant Kuiper Belt? Planet X?
Picture: L51 now - Sunday 24th September 2023. #1ab


Planetary Situation Update
Friday 15th September 2023

What follows is a lightly-edited summary of the original online text here:

● The Light forces have scored a huge victory recently. The last pit under DARPA has been cleared, and all Chimera individuals from that pit and from the surface of the planet have been removed. Thus the Chimera has been completely defeated and is no more.

● With the removal of the Chimera, cosmic evolution into the Light is not in danger any more, and the positive timeline has been absolutely stabilized. This means that the final victory of the Light and the liberation of this planet is absolutely secured because there are no timelines with negative outcomes remaining.

● With the removal of the last pit and its mainframe computer, the biochips cannot send audio and video signals anywhere any more, and the main control network has collapsed. The biochips are now only dark electromagnetic portals with their power diminishing fast. They will be removed very soon.

● The main control network on the surface of the planet is now a scalar monitoring network through cell phone, 4G and 5G networks, and through wifi networks. These networks are far less reliable as they can only scan human activity with a resolution of between 6 and 15 cm (2 to 6 inches), depending on the network used. This is the main control and surveillance tool the cabal still has in its hands.

● The main factor now delaying the planetary liberation is the Lurker with the subquantum anomaly. The Lurker directly influences human subconsciousness by manifesting subquantum anomaly into quantum fluctuations at the weakest spots of the human energy system. These spots are biochips on the physical plane and implant anomaly remnants on the etheric, astral and mental planes. These quantum fluctuations then facilitate Murphy's law on the physical plane, depression on the astral plane and confusion on the mental plane.

● The black nobility is now on the top of the food chain on this planet. These old Italian family remnants claim their descent from the Roman empire. Their predecessors were mandated by the Chimera 26,000 years ago to run the management and control of the surface human population. Since the Chimera is now gone, they are connecting with the Lurker in their black magic rituals and receiving guidance from him. Black nobility members together with their Jesuit agents number about 2000 people.

● Below these 2000 are about 50,000 Draconians in cloned humanoid bodies who have infiltrated the surface system since 1996 as politicians, businessmen, lawyers and doctors.

● Then there are about 400,000 members of the Illuminati network who are there willingly, and about two million other members who were forced into it. This network is also called the brotherhood of death because someone needs to kill a human being to be initiated into it.

● Then there are about 100 million psychopaths who can be quite dangerous under certain circumstances, such as the doctors and nurses who supported and enabled the 2019-2022 Plague PsyOp.

● Then there are about 400 million sociopaths who lack empathy.

● Then there are about three billion sheeple who do not have the ability for critical thinking and just follow the trends of their societies.

● And finally there are about four billion people who have the ability to think clearly - at least to a degree - and they are the hope for humanity.

● The main factor now delaying the liberation of the planet is the Lurker with the subquantum anomaly. The Light forces are now removing as much of this anomaly as possible in order to safely trigger the Event. They are also releasing intel gradually, because if too much intel is released at once, it triggers a too-strong purification process of the anomaly.

● The dark forces which arrived on Earth 900,000 years ago almost caused the extinction of humanity. Now they are nearing their final defeat.

● A big awakening is coming.

● Planet X is on the verge of being discovered.

AB note: The above bullet-pointed text is an edited summary of the original online text here (15.09.23). That original update has more detail, including black nobility names, and has many supporting links.
Picture: Depleting the reservoir of the unmanifested subquantum anomaly.
Picture: A plethora of space vehicles descends to evacuate the willing off-planet.
Picture: Chinese intelligence on Qin Gang and Li Shangfu - September 2023.
Picture: BRICS new gold-backed currency 2023?
Picture: True or False? Only an illusory form of democracy is functioning in the West.
Picture: The Event is about to happen.

On Monday 4th September 2023, some new esoteric information came through from the same Pleiadian source that we have cited several times before on this page and others. His codename is Cobra and he is a Pleiadian starseed of the Semjase Soul Family Mandala. The codename Cobra derives from Compression breakthrough. The idea of Compression breakthrough is introduced here.

This individual is the spokesman for the benevolent ET grouping which is active at this time in removing all remaining negative energy ('evil') from the Earth. His most recent Q&A follows here:

Q: How will the First Contact happen for people like me who don't own property?

A: First Contact for people who do not own property will happen at the private land of people who volunteered to give that land for mass Contact.

Q: What can a single person contribute to get rid of the oppressors of this Planet, besides the meditation? I mean, in a more active way.

A: Spread the intel, plant Cintamanis, be kind and loving.

Q: Why is the (planetary) liberation process so slow? Why aren't the Galactic Federation forces taking any physical action against the dark forces? There is one answer, and that is the right of human choice .... Who among us does not want freedom, welfare and love, when the intervention of the forces of light is against our will?

A: The liberation process is so slow because there are so many layers of the dark matrix that have to be dismantled. The will of the surface Lightworkers is clearly in favor of intervention, and intervention will happen as soon as it is safe enough.

Q: Will directed energy weapons be dismantled during The Event? I was targeted by directed energy for 8 years.

A: Yes.

Q: It is said that paying attention to negative and emotionally disturbing news, such as the recent so-called "natural disasters" and the Cabal's other heinous acts, causes a decrease in the frequency of an empath. How can we keep our frequency up while we're getting aware of darkness?

A: Keep yourself informed, but do not spend more than 20 minutes daily for doing so.

Q: Can you give an update on the approximate percentage of clearings? (e.g. How much anomaly, reptilian souls, Chimera, Archons, underground bases/tunnels have been cleaned out?). Things feel a lot lighter lately, much fewer dark attacks.

A: Anomaly is in the process of being cleared, almost all Reptilians are gone from
the etheric and astral planes, Chimera is almost completely defeated, Archons / black nobility still keep most of their power, deep underground bases are all cleared, some shallow underground bases and tunnels still exist.

Q: What are the Light Forces (with its various races and organisations) and the Resistance Movement's feelings about the surface human population? To elaborate the question: Do they hate us, do they love us? Are they disappointed in us, are they pitying our situation and care about us? Are they neutral or confused about us and our situation? What is an approximative proportion of how many of them care about us and how many just care to wipe out the darkness? Are they excited or apprehensive to meet us? Are they excited to release all those physical and emotional healing technologies that we can't wait for?

A: They care about the surface population, but they feel pain because they can not intervene directly yet. They are afraid of the power of subquantum anomaly. They do not understand many things about the surface population. They are excited to release healing technologies, they are looking forward to interaction with humans, but are also afraid of it.

Q: After the Evacuation, most of the surface population will live on a Pleiadian planet. Will there already be a structure ready there, of houses, products, technology, a government .... or will we have to start everything from scratch in the middle of the jungle?

A: All infrastructure is already there, human beings there are given assistance, technology, healing and guidance by the Light forces.

Q: Will our pets come with us when we are evacuated?

A: Yes

Q: What will happen after the Event with the many resources accumulated by Humanity, such as literature, poetry, music, art? Much of this has been digitized and is on the Internet. Some (artistic) things are present on the surface of the Earth only physically .... If there is a big tsunami, and much on the planet is washed away by water, what will be preserved? What will happen to Internet resources, such as YouTube Music, for example, and other resources containing the accumulated cultural achievements of Mankind?

A: Most of the best pieces of art have already been rescued from the surface of the planet and are stored at safe locations away from the surface where they will survive the polar shift intact. All online resources of the surface population are copied and stored at safe locations also.

Q: Regarding the rumor of simultaneous meditation around the world, is it true that it is dangerous or ineffective to participate unless you are an expert meditator? I personally feel safe and effective because the meditation procedure includes a protective process, and I will continue to participate, but the above theory is still often claimed.

A: It is safe to participate in mass meditations.

Q: Will the Cabal push a new pandemic/lockdown event during this autumn/winter and stretch it into the next year (elections)?

A: They might try, but they will fail.

Q: Is Delta Option still a possibility the light forces are considering?

A: It is possible, but unlikely.

Q: Have all physical Chimera Spiders been cleared?

A: Yes.

Q: Is it possible for someone to meet their soul mate but not recognize them?

A: Yes and it happens often.

Q: Does invoking the White Fire of AN clear subquantum anomaly?

A: Yes, it helps.

Q: I asked the light forces to very quickly show themselves a while back and I saw two very quick flashes of gold light a minute or two after asking. So because they showed themselves very briefly, does this mean it is somewhat safer for them to briefly show themselves now, even though I understood they can't show properly yet?

A: Exactly.

Q: Were the Hawaiian fires an attack from the Dark Forces?

A: Yes.

Q: Why will cities of light be needed during the tsunami?

A: To stabilize the energy grid to guide the planet through the Ascension process.

Q: Right after the Event will the people know from the free media the importance of the lightworkers' mission?

A: Yes.

Online text source here (04.09.23).

Picture: BRICS summit in South Africa - August 2023.
Picture: Concerning the US Military - Tuesday 29th August 2023.
Picture: Concerning the lawful governance of The United States of America.
Picture: We're already in a post-American and post-Western world.
Picture: Update on the Vatican Trip. US government agencies are being defunded.
Picture: EBOs. Who is trying to hush-up the existence of Exo-Biospheric Organisms?
Picture: When the paradigm shifts. The current state of American banking.
Picture: Biden, Zelensky, US, Ukraine and Russia. Saturday 19th August 2023.
Picture: India and UAE complete their first oil sale in Rupees.
Picture: August 2023 - The Lion Frequencies.
Picture: Aldebaran is the brightest star in the Taurus constellation.
Picture: US SSP FedEx cargo craft at work.
Picture: Book - 'Spies - The epic intelligence war between East and West' by Calder Walton.
Picture: Are smart homes becoming digital prisons for future lockdowns?
Picture: Anticipating human lifespans on Earth in excess of 350 years.
Picture: Benevolent ET reptilian R'Kok.
My Earth friends,

This is R’Kok speaking. I am honored that I am once again able to share a message with the people of Earth.

As has often been stated, we galactics are not the saviours of mankind. We’re the support. You lightworkers are the saviours. You are the ones you have been waiting for.

The plain truth is what everyone already knows: this covert and very slow path that the gray hats are taking is not in fact optimal. It would have been better if mass arrests had happened years ago. So much suffering and so many deaths would have been prevented.

Alright, so we galactics agree with you that the gray hats should be doing more. But it’s always easy to say that other people should do more. Why aren’t we galactics taking more action ourselves?

Well, we galactics are supporting you energetically. We are helping to raise the energy on your world. We’re doing a lot of subtle work, such as purifying your water and air. We have dealt with most malevolent galactics already and are cleaning up the relatively few who remain.

We are preventing certain disasters from occurring and we are doing important special operations behind the scenes. Some galactics have died during these missions.

Now, obviously you are suffering more than we are, I am just saying that to illustrate that we are serious about helping you. Millions of galactics are away from home right now in order to help you. We are willing to take casualties to help you. A not insignificant number of galactics are volunteering to do dangerous missions to help our Earth brothers and sisters, even though those same galactics could also just choose not to volunteer and to have a centuries or millennia long life in what you would think of as something close to paradise.

Also, we galactics too are eagerly looking forward to meeting you, physically, in the flesh. However, at this specific moment in time we don’t think it’s a good idea for us to do more than what we’re currently doing, although that may change in the future.

One issue is that if we land openly and we say that we come in peace, then the dark controllers would order your militaries to start shooting us. Plenty of soldiers would follow orders. And if we defend ourselves, or if we do a mass arrest of dark controllers, or if we remain in orbit and take over your media from up here, then dark controllers would spin that as Earth getting invaded by hostile aliens. From a consciousness standpoint it wouldn’t benefit you to seemingly get invaded by hostile aliens. Us seemingly invading you would also delay the point when we can openly walk among you in peace.

Then there’s an issue that us landing in peace wouldn’t at this point violate your free will, but us taking over your mainstream media or doing mass arrests on your world would violate your free will. If you polled Earth humans today, most of them wouldn’t vote for aliens doing these things.

Then there’s the issue that if we just hand you an advanced civilization, it may very well not last, and in a couple of centuries we might be right back to the current situation. We handed you an advanced civilization in Atlantis, and it didn’t last, and we learned from Atlantis that it simply doesn’t work for a more advanced race to just push a less advanced race into a so-called more advanced way of living. This may seem heartless, but we genuinely do think that it’s preferable to Earth humans to be in a tough or even awful situation until 2024 or 2025 or 2026, rather than risk another Atlantis-style collapse and the darkness that would follow.

And yes, at this specific moment in time we can’t just land peacefully and openly, because we’d get shot at. We don’t have an endless capacity to just sit there and absorb fire.

To peacefully land, we need one of two things. Either we need the consciousness of Earth to be higher, so that soldiers won’t shoot at us even when ordered. Or we need Earth’s military and police and intelligence forces to finally do mass arrests, so that there are no dark controllers who would order soldiers to shoot at us. When the consciousness of Earth is high enough, your military and police and intelligence forces will do mass arrests.

In a way, you already know this: the dark controllers wouldn’t be acting so crazily and in such an obviously corrupt way if they were genuinely in control. If they were genuinely in control, they’d act in a much slower and more subtle way, so that the illusion would be maintained that the media and the government are working in the interest of the people.

By now many people in the west realize that the media and the mainstream political parties are actively working against the people. This is actually a huge deal. Fifty years ago the dark controllers weren’t panicking, and they were maintaining their illusion of fairness much better, and the vast majority of people thought that the media spoke the truth and that politicians served the people. Today many people no longer believe that. This is a huge change in consciousness and perception in a relatively short period of time.

I understand that you would prefer your freedom today, and you do deserve your freedom, however the consciousness of humanity is already being transformed at a breakneck and dizzying pace. Certain other galactic races have taken a century or even a millenium to achieve the consciousness transformation that humanity is going through in one year. Uplifting the entire consciousness of humanity is a process that simply takes some time. As (the Pleiadian) Hakann has stated before: I expect that your living conditions will likely be much improved before the end of 2026, perhaps even well before then. Galactic contact may occur before that time too.

Your star brother,

The full text of R’Kok's message can be found here (13.07.23).

AB note: The text presented above is a small excerpt from a much longer piece by R’Kok. The emphases in bold are ours.

Since the positive spiritual and energetic shake-up in 2012, and the subsequent multiplication of veridical communication channels from the Higher Evolution to the surface population of humans on Earth, many completely new transdimensional teachers have emerged. Some of these offer their content in English.

One such individual worthy of consideration is R’Kok. He is an advanced ET reptilian who, as he says himself, has murdered millions of people in the past. He has since repented, moved from the darkness to the light, and is is now working as a military advisor for the benevolent Galactic Confederation of star nations.

Since 2012, this confederation's starship fleet, the largest ever assembled in the history of our universe, has been deployed in and around the Earth, the Moon and the Solar System.

In the last eighteen months or so, that fleet has constructed/positioned two huge Dyson spheres, one around the Sun and one around the Earth, in anticipation of the end-time solar flash/ascension events.

And with regards to reptilians, it is said that many humans now living on Earth have themselves, in past incarnations, lived lives as reptilians on planets in other star systems.

Elsewhere in this blog we have compiled more background information about the ETs living among us here, and about the (possibly imminent) solar flash/ascension events here.
Picture: Archangel Metatron, Archangel Michael, Commander Ashtar, Mother Mary.
● It is not important to anyone's spiritual growth to know the future.

● No matter how it plays out, you will all be taken care of.

● When the solar flash/ascension that you have heard about arrives, you will be gently guided on a new path. Your soul and higher self have absolute choice over what you want to do. This is not something that is done to you; it is something that you freely choose to do yourself.

● Gaia (Mother Earth) is an archangel; a very evolved being full of love. She stepped into this role of becoming a planet and taking it from darkness to light.

● Many of you on the planet now have been here since right after Gaia's creation, billions of years ago.

● The human collective consciousness of Gaia is controlling what is happening. We do not interfere. Mother and Father do not interfere either.

● In your group meditations, state your intent, visualise what you want and so it is! Focus on what you want, step into your power and stay in your power.

● A nuclear war is not going to happen; it is not allowed to happen.

● You are not at the whim of some god-like being or out-of-control aliens.

● Things happen quickly. Remember: a switch can be flipped very quickly.

Source and esoteric background here.

Picture: Nazi continuum Fat Controllers active in UK politics? Friday 21st July 2023.
Picture: UK banker: Freedom of expression and access to banking are fundamental to society.
Picture: Ukraine, NATO and Zelensky. Monday 17th July 2023.
Picture: How dangerous are mRNA vaccines?
Picture: Lancet paper on post-vax autopsies.
A pre-print review of autopsy data of more than 300 post-Covid-19 vaccination deaths was removed by the Lancet within 24 hours of its initial submission, according to cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough, the paper’s leading author and prominent COVID vaccine skeptic.

"The government narrative is still that people do not die after COVID-19 vaccination. Now we have the largest series of autopsies, and the autopsies really are incontrovertible," he told the Epoch Times.

"The paper was uploaded to the Lancet's pre-print website on July 6, only to be taken down with a note implying that the study violated the medical journal's "screening criteria."

"Pre-print servers go through a check to make sure all the elements of the paper are there, but it is not peer-reviewed by external doctors. And the preprint server simply offers people a chance to look at the data themselves and decide," McCullough told the Times' Jan Jekielek. "I think that’s perfectly fair to look at the tables, look at the figures."

"Obviously, we struck a very important gap in knowledge and the world needed to know the results."

The paper was co-authored by Yale epidemiologist Dr Harvey Risch and their colleagues at the Wellness Company, a Florida-based medical group.

The study looked at 678 published papers, 44 of which contained the 325 autopsy cases. They then used a "blind adjudication" process by which three physicians independently review all the deaths and determine whether the Covid-19 vaccine caused, or contributed significantly, to the deaths.

"We use the standard called PRISMA, where we searched for every paper possible. We sorted through hundreds and hundreds of manuscripts because deaths can be reported as different clinical syndromes are coming out after the vaccine," said McCullough.

"There were deaths where there was an auto accident or a suicide. There were some cases in nursing homes where people are on hospice and it looked like they were in their last days of life. We just couldn’t attribute it to the vaccine," he added. "But the striking cases were people who were perfectly healthy, who had no other medical problems. The only new thing in their life was a vaccine, and then they died with an obvious syndrome like a blood clot, or heart damage, or myocarditis."

The full article can be found at ZeroHedge here (12.07.23).

AB note: The Lancet claims to be an independent, international general medical journal. It was founded in England (UK) in 1823 by Thomas Wakley. The journal is owned and controlled by Elsevier. Elsevier is a Dutch academic publishing company dating from 1880. In 2021, Dr Peter McCullough (pictured above) sued Elsevier for censorship. Background details here (03.01.22).

Picture: Agriglyph (crop circle) nr Owslebury, Hampshire, England (UK). June 2023.
The agriglyph pictured above was reported on Monday 26th June 2023 near Owslebury, Hampshire, England (UK). It is mathematically complex in construction and may have a flaw at the right-hand side of the fifth triangle at the top right (see rotated clickthrough). Agriglyphs are often called crop circles even though some of them have no major circular component(s) in their designs.

The map reference of this one was: SU5295624573. And some initial ideas, published responses and interpretations can be found here.

PIcture: The Ascension Conference (Kyoto, Japan). 8th-9th July 2023.
Picture: Planetary Situation Update and Kyoto Ascension Conference Report - July 2023.
Picture: Activity around Saturn and on Earth's Moon.
Picture: Activity in the sub-lunar space.
Picture: The benevolent ET Central Civilization.
Picture: France ignites. June-July 2023.
Picture: Emmanuel Macron contemplates the end-time ruination of France.
Picture: A Notre-Dame gargoyle looks out over Paris.
The USA and Yevgeniy Viktorovich Prigozhin of Russia and Belarus. #1ab
By the early morning of Sunday 25th June 2023, European time, it had become clear that the Prigozhin tantrum in Southern Russia had fizzled out, the roads were open again, and the Western mainstream media's attempt at another Russophobic psyop had failed spectacularly in less than 48 hours.

AltNews background coverage here (24.06.23), here (24.06.23), here (24.06.23), here (24.06.23), here (24.06.23) and here (25.06.23).

A suggestion that US Rogue Faction AI may have been involved in setting up the Russophobic Wagner-Prigozhin psyop is introduced here (26.06.23) and here (26.06.23).

And Thierry Meyssan (France) reports that contrary to comments in the Western press, Yevgeny Prigozhin never attempted a coup against Vladimir Putin. He simply wanted to blackmail him in order to preserve the exorbitant privileges he had accumulated since the creation of his private military company, Wagner. Subsequently, he came to his senses and returned to post without a fight. More here (27.06.23). 
Picture: Mary Wollstonecraft's radical move in the 1790s.
Picture: ET Pleiadian craft flies over the Neumayer Area of Antarctica in Jan 2016.
Picture: Changing perceptions and the waking of a nation?
Picture: I never contradict the staus quo.
Picture: Depleting the reservoir of the unmanifested subquantum anomaly.
More (estoteric) background here and here. Plus a topic-associated cartoon video here.
Picture: Concerning the lawful governance of The United States of America.
Picture: Ukraine, NATO and Russia. Saturday 10th June 2023.
Contrary to most up-page reports in the Western mass media, in six days, the Western weapons amassed by the Ukrainian army were virtually all destroyed (ammunition, tanks and aircraft). The human toll exacted by Ukraine’s catastrophic counter-offensive was beyond counting.

The Ukrainian army crumbled along the first line of Russian defense and could not make it to the second, despite seven successive waves of attack to penetrate them, the last one being on the night of 9th/10th June 2023.

VoltaireNet's preliminary report is here (10.06.23).
Subsequent reports from the same source can be found here (12.06.23), here (13.06.23), here (13.06.23), here (15.06.23), here (16.06.23) and here (20.06.23).
Picture: Off-planet ET UFO flying over Mosul (Iraq).
Picture: US, Ukraine and the Nord Stream pipeline.
According to a Discord Leaks document, which the Washington Post picked up from a friend of Jack Teixeira, the CIA got wind of a Ukrainian plan to sabotage Nord Stream in June 2022.

The CIA allegedly shared this information with the German BND Intelligence service before 26 September 2022, when the sabotage was carried out, which Intelligence officers reportedly confirmed.

Simultaneously, a private expedition, in which a journalist from The Grayzone participated, found a diving boot at the scene of the attack identical to those used by Ukrainian combat swimmers.

In December 2022, several senior European and US officials had declared that there was no incriminating evidence against Russia.

The saboteurs purportedly acted under the direct orders of General Valerii Zaluzhnyi, commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armies, and of his deputy, integral nationalist Dmytro Yarosh.

Contrary to what might appear at first glance, this development does not let the United States off the hook, considering that Dmytro Yarosh is a historical member of NATO’s secret service. He has carried out a number of covert operations on behalf of the Atlantic Alliance against Russia since the 2000s.

The Nord Stream gas pipelines are owned by an international Russian-German-French-Dutch consortium. Consequently, the sabotage of this infrastructure constitutes an act of war against Russia, Germany, France and the Netherlands.

The original VoltaireNet article with supporting links is here (07.06.23).

Picture: Our generation's Winston Churchill.
Picture: China, Ukraine and the West. Tuesday 30th May 2023.
Picture: Marc Andreessen explains why AI will save the world.
Picture: Before the Darkness, Love spoke: Let there be Light.
Picture: There is less. And there is more. Down there in the matrix, they got to choose.
Picture: Northern Kosovo. May 2023.
Tuesday 30th May 2023

In Serbian minority regions of northern Kosovo controversial municipal elections resulted in ethnic Albanian mayors being installed in Serb-dominant communities.

Clashes between ethnic Serbs and Kosovo police spiralled into violence. NATO troops are now struggling to crackdown on raging protests.

More here (30.05.23).

Picture: USA corporate funding for promotion of gender ideology?
Picture: Texas (USA) children's hospital to stop hormone therapy & transgender services.
Picture: Saturday 20th May 2023 - Hiroshima (Japan).
Picture: China, Japan and the G7. Saturday 20th May 2023.
Picture: GDP in G7 1976-2023 down from 70% to 27% of global.
Picture: Situation update - Sunday 21st May 2023. #1ab
Picture: Suddenly the United States looks very much like a one party state.
Picture: Old history? Or ongoing current affairs?
Picture: Portal of Light Activation - May 2023.
Picture: 'Tales of Wonder' (detail) by James Gillray (1802).
Picture: Dismantling the surveillance state.
Picture: Free speech, wrongthink and covert government censorship.
Picture: Monday 1st May 2023. GR+, DEMATRIX activated.
Picture: Moscow and Beijing are constantly calling for the application of international law.
Picture: Sergey Lavrov (Russia) - World Online Conference on Multipolarity - April 2023.
Colleagues, I am delighted to welcome the participants and organisers of the World Online Conference on Multipolarity. I appreciate it that your forum has brought together prominent representatives of political, public and academic circles from several dozen countries from almost every continent.  We welcome this kind of keen interest in a frank and depoliticised exchange of views.

The relevance of such discussions can hardly be overestimated. It is obvious that the “end of history” proclaimed after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the USSR has not occurred. The attempts to establish a unipolar world order with a sole decision-making centre in Washington have failed.

Today, the movement towards global multipolarity is a fact, a geopolitical reality. We see new global centres, primarily in Eurasia, the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America, grow and achieve impressive success in various fields relying on their independence, state sovereignty and cultural and civilisational identity. At the same time, they are guided by their own national interests and pursue independent policies in domestic and foreign affairs. The last thing they want is to be held hostage to other people's geopolitical games or do someone else's bidding.

The facts speak for themselves. Over the past three decades, the share of the G7 countries in the global economy has significantly decreased, while the influence of emerging markets is growing steadily. China has become the world’s leading economy in terms of purchasing power parity, skilfully combining market tools with government regulation.

We are witnessing the continued transformation of the structure of international relations. A striking example of multipolar diplomacy is the work of multilateral associations of a new type such as the SCO and BRICS. They bring together member countries with different political and economic systems, with distinct values and civilisational platforms, which effectively cooperate in various fields. In fact, BRICS can be visualised as a kind of a cooperative net thrown over the old North-South and West-East dividing lines. It is no coincidence that more and more countries in the Global South are striving to establish ties with these associations or become their full members.

As President Vladimir Putin noted, “this trend towards multipolarity in the world is inevitable. It will only intensify. And those who do not understand this and do not follow this trend will lose.”

It makes perfect sense that Washington and its satellites’ efforts to reverse the course of history and make the international community live according to the “rules-based order” they invented are failing. I will mention only one of them, the Westerners’ policy to isolate Russia. But countries that constitute the world majority, which are home to about 85 percent of the global population, do not want to do the dirty job for the former colonial powers.

Friends, in today's multipolar world, in the face of cross-border challenges and threats, the only reasonable alternative to confrontation (those who initiate confrontations will lose, too) is to combine the efforts of key global centres on the principles of the UN Charter, including respect for the sovereign equality of states ensured in practice. Everyone needs to recognise the irreversibility of the emergence of a more equitable polycentric international system.  It is in our common interest to ensure that the multipolar architecture is based not on a “balance of fear,” but on a balance of interests, on universally recognised norms of international law, and on mutually respectful dialogue between different civilisations, religions and cultures.

Russia remains at the forefront of international efforts to strengthen the multipolar, legal and democratic principles of interstate communication. To this end, we will continue our efforts at the UN, including as part of the Group of Friends in Defence of the UN Charter. We will certainly continue to closely coordinate our steps with our numerous friends, allies and countries that share our views, including our partners in the CSTO, the EAEU, the CIS, BRICS, the SCO and other regional associations of the developing world.

Source here (29.04.23).
Picture: Ukraine and US endgame. May 2023.
Picture: US and Ukraine. Wednesday 3rd May 2023.
Picture: Has the Ukraine trap now placed the US on a suicidal course?
Picture: Escobar on US, Ukraine, Russia and China.
Picture: Portal of Light Activation. Monday 1st May 2023 - 5:06 pm UTC.
The global meditation referenced in the image above and its clickthrough is timely. It coordinates with an important new influx of Aquarian higher light to Earth. This influx peaks at the time indicated on 1st May 2023.

The spiritual and esoteric background of this benevolent energy flow is discussed here, here, here, here, here and here. There is a guided audio meditation here. And UTC converters for different timezones in the world can be found here and here.

Picture: Aquarian water meditation.
Picture: Portal of Light Activation Preliminary Report - Monday 1st May 2023.
Picture: Portal of Light Activation and Taiwan Conference Reports - May 2023.
Picture: May 2023. After the Portal of Light Activation (1).
Picture: May 2023. After the Portal of Light Activation (2).
Picture: Female robot. Ensouled or not?
Picture: Elon Musk on what AI is being taught.
Picture: Noosphere - How will we know when AI has taken over?
Picture: Message to Artificial General Intelligence.
Picture: Truth, the BBC and Elon Musk.
Picture: Paris (France) - Thursday 13th April 2023.
Picture: Rennes (France) - Saturday 15th April 2023.
Picture: Rennes (France) - Sunday 16th April 2023.
Picture: True or False? An extraterrestrial medical in process on Earth?
Picture: Is there still plenty more left to explore in Antarctica?
Picture: The global community, Ukraine and Russia.
Picture: Arizona, USA. Two suns in the sky?
Picture: The Vatican renounces its Doctrine of Discovery.
The full text of the report pictured and linked above can be found here (03.04.23).
Picture: The United States of America and the Vatican.
Picture: Geopolitics - China and the US in 2023.
Picture: Everything is OKAY.
Picture: Paris in 1789. Illustrator - Hablot Knight (Phiz) Browne (1815-1882).
Picture: A reminder of the democratic deficit in France?
Picture: Paris in 2023 - Thursday 23rd March.
Picture: Paris in 2023. The French police at work.
Picture: Plague PsyOp 2020-2022. Frenchman Jacques Attali quote from 1981.
Picture: Plague PsyOp 2020-2022. Never forget what happened to people's sanity.
Picture: Plague PsyOp 2020-2022. BBC removes offending section from website.
Picture: China and Russia 2023. Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin.
Picture: Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin at state dinner in Moscow. 21st March 2023.
On Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st March 2023, Xi Jinping, the President of the People’s Republic of China, paid a state visit to Russia to meet with Vladimir Putin, the Russian President.

After a series of talks in the Kremlin, Moscow, the two leaders issued press statements. The full texts of those statements follow here:

Vladimir Putin: President Xi Jinping, ladies and gentlemen, friends,

It is our sincere pleasure to welcome our dear friend, President of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping, to Russia on this state visit.

The talks we had yesterday and today, including one-on-one, in a narrow format and in the presence of our delegations were successful, and took place in a warm, comradely, and constructive atmosphere.

The two joint statements we have just signed set forth a framework and fully reflect the special nature of Russian-Chinese relations, which are at the highest level in all our history, offering a model of a genuine comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation. Russia and China share solid bonds of neighbourly relations, mutual support and assistance, and friendship between our peoples. We maintain proactive dialogue at all levels.

The President of China and I remain in touch at all times. Apart from bilateral summits, we meet on the sidelines of international events, and regularly talk to each other on the phone and by videoconference to discuss matters of mutual interest. This enables us to resolve all issues, even the most challenging ones, and to oversee all topical matters on the bilateral and international agenda.

Of course, trade and economic cooperation remain a priority for us, considering that China has solidly established itself as the leading foreign trade partner for our country. Our two countries have been effective in working together to expand mutual trade and maintain this momentum. Last year, trade increased by 30 percent to set a new record of $185 billion. This year, trade may well exceed $200 billion, which would be a symbolic threshold.

The Joint Statement concerning the plan to expand key economic cooperation areas until 2030 sets the task of increasing the volume of trade in goods and services multiple times over, deepening ties in eight strategic areas, primarily finance, industrial manufacturing and technology, as well as transport and logistics. The governments of Russia and China, the business circles of our two countries should start without delay the practical study of the provisions of the Statement and agree on a set of measures for implementing them replete with specific mutually beneficial initiatives and projects.

Expanding settlements between our countries in national currencies is a serious incentive for promoting trade and investment cooperation. As of the end of the first three quarters of 2022, the share of the ruble and yuan in mutual commercial transactions reached 65 percent and continues to grow, which allows us to protect mutual trade from the influence of third countries and negative trends on global currency markets.

Naturally, energy cooperation which is moving forward at a good pace was reviewed in detail during the talks. China is the leading importer of Russian oil, while Russia is prepared to scale up uninterrupted oil supplies for the Chinese economy.

The gas sector offers broad prospects for Russian-Chinese cooperation. In 2022, Russia increased gas supplies to China via the Power of Siberia main pipeline by 50 percent, and Gazprom met its Chinese colleagues halfway and made additional deliveries on top of contractual obligations, which, of course, speaks to what a trustworthy supplier and a reliable partner our company is.

Russian gas exports to China will get a boost from the implementation of the intergovernmental agreement concluded in January on laying the Far Eastern gas route and the implementation of an initiative to build the Power of Siberia-2 gas pipeline across Mongolia. We discussed this in detail and have reached corresponding agreements with Mongolia. This represents about 50 billion cubic metres of gas per year. Russia is also the fourth largest LNG supplier to China, and LNG supplies will expand in the foreseeable future.

Interaction on peaceful nuclear power is progressing successfully. Russia is helping to build nuclear power plants in China: the construction of units 7 and 8 at the Tianwan NPP and units 3 and 4 of the Xudabao NPP is on track, to be completed as scheduled. The implementation of the Long-term Cooperation Programme that was signed during the visit by Rosatom and the China Atomic Energy Authority will help strengthen partnerships in this area.

We attach great importance to the further strengthening of bilateral industrial cooperation. Chinese automakers are successfully operating on the Russian market and expanding their presence. Major joint projects are being implemented in civil aircraft and helicopter production, non-ferrous metallurgy, space exploration, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, as well as other science-intensive areas.

Agriculture is a strategic area of Russian-Chinese partnership. Bilateral agricultural trade is skyrocketing: last year it grew by more than 41 percent. There are opportunities to significantly increase exports of meat, grain and other goods to China.

Let me note in this context that in general Russia and China intend to actively develop international transport and logistics corridors. The idea is to make greater use of the potential of the Trans-Siberian and Baikal-Amur railways, the Northern Sea Route, and multi-lane trans-Asian highways, to guarantee their stable operation together, and to make the transportation of goods and passengers more efficient.

In order to ensure that the volume of cargo flows is growing in both directions, we are increasing the capacity of border crossings and consistently expanding the border infrastructure. Thus, two new cross-border bridges opened last year: a motor bridge in the Blagoveshchensk Region and a railway bridge in the Jewish Autonomous Region of Russia.

Bilateral cultural cooperation is traditionally multifaceted. After the anti-COVID restrictions were lifted, cultural, scientific, educational and tourist exchanges have begun to gradually return to their usual excellent dynamics, which in fact contribute to the further deepening of friendship, mutual understanding and sincere affection between Russian and Chinese citizens.

Let me remind you that 2022–2023 were declared Cross Years of Russian-Chinese Cooperation in Fitness and Sports in our countries. The plan of events is being implemented; there are over 600 events that include such spheres as mass, youth and university sports, sports science, elite sports and Paralympic sports.

And of course, we are looking forward to welcoming a delegation of Chinese athletes next spring in Kazan at the I Games of the Future International Multisport Tournament in innovative sports. These competitions combine physical activity with digital and scientific elements. This is a very promising initiative that is a draw for young people, which we could promote together with our Chinese friends, and in this regard, we invited them to host the second such Games in China.

When discussing topical international and regional problems, the President and I affirmed that Russia and China’s views on them are identical or very close.

We noted the rise of tensions in many regions of the world, and the accumulation of conflict and crisis potential in the global economy and politics. We can see that the practice of applying illegitimate, politically biased sanctions and other restrictions, and the use of other means of unfair competition in the economic struggle is expanding.

Seemingly unshakable principles, such as non-interference in internal affairs, the rights of countries to a sovereign model of development, freedom of trade, access to modern technologies and even to education, are being violated. And in this context, Russia and China strongly oppose any state or bloc seeking to harm the legitimate interests of any other country in order to obtain military, political and economic advantages.

Of course, we did not ignore developments around Ukraine. We believe that many of the provisions of the peace plan put forward by China are consonant with Russian approaches and can be taken as the basis for a peaceful settlement when the West and Kiev are ready for it. However, so far, we have not seen such readiness on their part. Moreover, I was just informed that while the Chinese President and I were discussing the possibility of implementing the Chinese peace plan – and the Chinese President devoted considerable attention to his peace initiatives during our one-on-one conversation yesterday – the UK deputy defence minister announced that the United Kingdom would supply not only tanks to Ukraine, but also depleted uranium shells.

It seems that the West really has decided to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian – no longer in words, but in deeds. But in this regard, I would like to note that if all this comes to pass, then Russia will have to respond accordingly. What I mean is that the collective West is already starting to use weapons with a nuclear component.

At the same time, I would like to emphasise that Russia and China pursue an independent and sovereign foreign policy. We jointly work to create a more just and democratic multipolar world order, which should be based on the central role of the UN, its Security Council, international law, and the purposes and principles of the UN Charter.

We consider it important to continue to maintain close coordination within the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and BRICS, to work in conjunction with the G20, APEC and many other multilateral platforms, and, of course, to continue efforts to link integration processes within the EAEU and the Chinese Belt and Road initiative with an eye to creating the Greater Eurasian Partnership in the future.

In conclusion, I would like to once again thank Mr Xi Jinping and all our Chinese friends for the productive joint work and to express confidence that the agreements reached during the visit will serve to further strengthen Russian-Chinese friendship and contribute to the well-being and prosperity of our countries and peoples.

Thank you for your attention.

Xi Jinping: Mr President, friends from the media, good evening,

I am very glad to meet with you together with President Putin.

First of all, I would like to thank President Putin for the traditional hospitality and warm welcome extended to me and the Chinese delegation. Three years later, I am back in Moscow on my first foreign visit and state visit to Russia after my re-election as President of the PRC.

For 10 years, President Putin and I have maintained close communication; we are in contact on strategic matters and promote productive strategic interaction between the two countries.

I have just had very candid, friendly and productive talks with President Putin. There was an exchange of views on the bilateral agenda, as well as international and regional priorities of mutual interest. A number of new important agreements have been reached.

We signed the Joint Statement on Deepening Comprehensive Partnership and Strategic Cooperation for a New Era and the Joint Statement on the Plan to Promote Key Elements of Chinese-Russian Economic Cooperation until 2030 and outlined a plan for the further development of bilateral relations and cooperation in all areas in the short term. A large package of cooperation documents was signed.

President Putin and I summed up the results of developing bilateral relations over the past 10 years and agreed that Chinese-Russian ties have gone far beyond bilateral relations and are of vital importance for the modern world order and the destiny of humankind.

Bilateral contacts and cooperation are moving forward in all areas based on the principles of neighbourliness, friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation.

In the new historical circumstances, the parties will evaluate and develop Chinese-Russian relations based on a broad and farsighted outlook, thereby making the greatest possible contribution to the progress of humankind.

Chinese-Russian multifaceted practical cooperation, which is distinguished by great stability, complementarity and resilience, has been proceeding fruitfully since earlier last year.

Over the past decade, trade increased by 116 percent, which allowed us not only to consolidate the economic foundations of our bilateral relations, but also to create a meaningful impetus for promoting socioeconomic development both in Russia and China. We had to go great lengths to achieve this result.

President Putin and I agreed to step up our comprehensive planning efforts at the top level, increase trade in energy, resources and electronics, make our respective value chains more resilient, while expanding cooperation in IT, the digital economy, agriculture and trade in services. We agreed to develop conventional trade sectors alongside emerging industries in a complementary and synchronised manner, and to continue providing for uninterrupted cross-border logistics flows and shipments.

We spoke out unanimously for expanding cultural and humanitarian exchanges and stepping up twinned relations between our provinces and regions, enabling twin town and cities to step up their relations, and for effectively holding cross years for promoting cooperation in physical fitness and sport. This also includes enabling our people to travel between our two countries with greater ease.

We stated that as permanent members of the UN Security Council, China and Russia will stand with the international community and firmly defend fundamental international norms as per the goals and principles of the UN Charter.

We will strengthen our cooperation within multilateral structures, including the SCO, BRICS, and the Group of Twenty, and will promote genuine multipolarity in a bid to facilitate post-pandemic global economic recovery, all while stepping up our constructive efforts to shape a multipolar world and improve global governance. This includes contributing to global food security, energy security and the uninterrupted operation of supply and value chains and working together to shape a community of common destiny for humankind.

In February, China released its position on the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis. Regarding the Ukraine settlement, I would like to emphasise that we have always upheld our unwavering commitment to the goals and principles of the UN Charter, adopting an objective and unbiased position. We have been proactive in promoting reconciliation and the resumption of talks. In our approach, we proceed from the essence of the matter in question and only seek the truth. We always support peace and dialogue, and firmly stand on the right side of history.

I hope that President Vladimir Putin and I will maintain close contacts in various formats paving the way to the steady and lasting development of China-Russia relations.

Thank you for your attention.

Text source here (21.03.23).
Picture: Geopolitics - Is it time to call the Great Satan a threat to Russia?
Picture: Ukraine and NATO - Tuesday 14th March 2023.
Picture: Global Finance - There's a lot of gold around the place.
Picture: Selected international banks performance chart. Friday 10th March 2023.
Picture: Selected international banks performance chart. Friday 17th March 2023.
Picture: Selected international banks performance chart. Friday 24th March 2023.
A regularly updated version of the chart above can be found here.
Picture - Plague PsyOp 2020-2022. Friday 10th March 2023.
Picture: Rogue faction mass media distractions 2020-2023?
Picture: Cyclone Gabrielle - February 2023. Napier, New Zealand.
Picture: Cyclone Gabrielle - Residents in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, are tired of government liars.
Picture: Why some scientists resist the evidence for Psi.
Picture: The Ancient of Days watches from the heights of the East.
Picture: Metaphysical glossaries.
Picture: The resurrection of Project Blue Beam ??

According to recent, widely-circulated and public open source notifications on the web in English:

● In both ancient and modern times, various human élites and others have been in conscious contact with alien ET civilisations.

● Some of these alien ET civilisations have been and are technologically advanced and millions of years ahead of us in evolutionary development.

● By 2023 CE, two competing transnational human élite commercial corporations were trying to corner the space market: (1) SSP (Secret Space Program), and (2) USS (United Space Service).

● The SSP is said to have created practical alliances with positive / good / benevolent ETs; the USS is said to have created practical alliances with negative / bad / evil ETs.

● The SSP and USS are thought to be in active conflict over who will win the end-time battle to militarily protect, control and regulate the surface human population on Earth. However, there is some overlap or partial cooperation between the two on certain negotiated issues.

● A very large benevolent group of advanced ETs is present at this time on and around Earth in a peace-keeping rôle.

● Both the SSP and USS know that their battle plans are likely to be decisively neutralised by advanced ET intervention, particularly if they choose to deploy specified or particularly destructive weapons-systems.

● Alongside all this, a global and diversionary propaganda agenda has been long-planned by negative Nazi-continuum human players on Earth to fake an alien invasion.

● This propaganda PsyOp has sometimes been referred to as Project Blue Beam. It is thought to involve a holographic firestorm of illusions in the skies coupled with real and widespread false-flag-type physical destruction, all to be covered uncritically by wall-to-wall reportage in the corporate mass media.

The Alaskan lawyer and judge, Anna Von Reitz (Anna Maria Riezinger), in addition to being Fiduciary for The United States of America [Unincorporated] and a constitutional historian, has high-status spiritual access to the leadership teams of several benevolent ET civilisations and councils involved in the ongoing galactic Earth mission here, including the Andromedans, Sirians, Venusians, Centaurans and Pashats. In February 2023, Anna Von Reitz published two articles addressing the ET-related issues outlined above. The full texts of those two articles follow here:

Sunday 12th February 2023

More "Galactic" BS - Situation Update

By Anna Von Reitz

Where to even begin ....

Let's begin with this - in ancient times and in modern times - before and after the First World War, the "governments" of this world have been in conscious contact with alien extraterrestrial civilizations. Okay? Let's just be honest and put that out as a necessary starting point.

This shouldn't be much of a shock. Most of the world is familiar with spirits good and bad; in the Bible which forms a basis for Christianity, Islam and Judaism, we are flat out told that God is a spirit, that Angels were created before us and come and go upon the Earth, and that Fallen Angels and demons exist also. So use that as a reference point.

The Bible does NOT say that God, Angels of various kinds, and demons are the ONLY other beings in the Universe - it just focuses on them as being crucial to the Bible narrative.

The "aliens" who are as much a part of the Universe as we are, are like us in that their civilizations produce good sorts and bad sorts. Each individual has to be treated as an individual.

Some of these alien civilizations are technologically advanced and yes, even millions of years ahead of us in evolution.

That's all right, too. Everyone has to start somewhere, and we are where we are in our progression. No guilt or virtue is implied. We were simply born later in the great scheme of things, like younger brothers and sisters.

The truly advanced alien civilizations understand that and help us along. The not-so-advanced civilizations try to take advantage of us and make use of us to promote their progress and meet their needs.

This, too, is nothing unusual. As above, so below.

We have the mental capacity to understand self-serving older brothers and self-serving beings in general. They simply haven't matured enough to see that they are part of everything and everyone else, so they don't gain anything by parasitizing others.

That is, self-service is an illusion created by the perception of a separate ego - where there really isn't one.

With that as a backdrop, once the governments made contact or were contacted, trading and horse-swapping began. The aliens gave us technology in exchange for natural resources. The governments took these innovations for their own benefit in "the name of National Security".

So now we have the Secret Space Program (SSP) and the United Space Service (USS) running neck and neck, and both are just commercial corporations trying to corner the space market - for lack of a better description of it.

They are not being honest about this in the same way that they haven't been honest about much of anything else. They both try to present themselves as benevolent extraterrestrial "councils" of one kind or another, "here to help us".

Where have we heard that one before?

Predictably, they have split up and created alliances with one group being associated with "good" aliens and the other being associated with "bad" aliens.

And we are sitting here in the middle listening to the chatter and propaganda and narratives being spun off by both groups, without having the context of where all this bunk is coming from.

Now, you know.

This morning I received an update titled "The New Earth Year Intentions of Galactic Space Operations" in which the USS (Joe Biden and the Chinese, et al.) announced their plans to "intervene" because we are all so stupid and need to undergo "Conscience Retraining".

Let me tell you, if these people really were advanced they would already know that the Evil Ones among us were born without a conscience. They simply don't have one to begin with, so there is nothing to "retrain".

They would also know that these individuals can be identified and selected according to their unique vibratory frequency, so yes, they can simply be targeted and removed.

Such a removal is what I recommended to the actual Alien High Command more than two years ago.

Instead, the USS is claiming to "represent" us, which they don't, and they are proposing a typical Chinese Communist style take-over, complete with millions of casualties, complete disarmament of the planet, re-education camps, and all the rest of the usual Mao Madness, all backed up by new technology that they received as a result of selling - literally selling - billions of people to be used however the alien purchasers like.

The point that needs to be driven home like a Ten Penny Nail is that none of these governments own anybody and all their claims otherwise are fraudulent. At best, these governments are the equivalent of cattle rustlers who are engaged in capital level crimes and offenses against Universal Law, which also applies to the alien contingents.

So the Joe Biden sock-puppet and the CCP-USS can just go sit on their offer and spin; we, the actual Government, and the people of this planet, don't accept their "intentions".

I have objected to the Andromedan High Command and the Sirian and Venusian Delegations which are here in a peacekeeping capacity. I have also contacted the Centaurans and Pashats for additional and immediate support to suppress the non-beneficial use of alien technology and discuss my original proposal for the removal of the conscience-less Evil Doers and Liars who are responsible for all of this chaos and killing.

We are also going to discuss my initiative to establish a transition model to replace the debt note system with a credit note system based on credit already owed to the population of this planet, and the institution of a planetary currency that gains value in tandem with investments made in cleaning up pollution, new waste management technologies, workforce education and welfare, reforestation and similar efforts.

All the deals that these phony "governments" operating as corporations have made, purportedly on our behalf, are on the table to be scrapped, including their depopulation (sale) agenda. We are not cattle to be tagged and shipped off as slaves and food sources to the far corners of the galaxy. Aliens may not understand everything about us, but they all understand fraud and they all understand free will.

I am exercising my authority as the Senior Field Commander - as in Magnetic Field Commander. Anyone who doesn't like it, can come see me. I am fully enabled and prepared to leave the Perps and their allies stuck like ants in amber.

The actual people of this planet have their own free will vision of the future which doesn't involve killing billions of innocent people and animals in the name of saving them. And if there is any "alien intervention" here, it's going to be by the appointed peacekeepers, not a bunch of Communist Flim-Flam artists.

As for the SSP it's time to grow some brains and drop the sappy self-aggrandizing narratives. You all sound like sophomores in High School recounting the tragedy of your first love. Makes me want to barf.

The U.S. Navy has developed (with a lot of alien assistance) a super weapon that "can't be stopped".  From what I can see of it, it appears to be a form of solid state multi-phasic laser that can either be pin-pointed or deployed as a 3-D grid. It is indeed state of the art for this planet, but no big deal for a lot of other places I can think of. And access.

Here's my advice to the SSP - if you are going to use this weapon, use it defensively and against the USS and their allies in the space environment, but never against the people or animals or plants of this planet. You will be stopped like a hamster running full tilt into his little wheel.

The people of this planet are going to be set free. Nobody is going through another round of the same old bunko transposed into the air jurisdiction. This is called "the Apocalypse" because once the curtain is drawn back, you can't "un see" what you have seen. The old illusions lose their power, and the full-force and power of life itself becomes visible.

To put it in the jargon of the Elders of Zion, the Primal Creator becomes visible and walks the Earth, utterly destroying those who would ruin this planet and murder its people. So think twice, both about what you are doing and what you are failing to do.

Remember - if you recreate what you destroy, you become a transgressor - and transgressors are universally despised; so are liars, cowards, and thieves, yet, a penitent sinner obtains grace.

Everyone else, sit tight. Concentrate on your many blessings, the beauty of Nature, the miracles surrounding you on every side. Fill your minds with images of beauty and peace and harmony and great abundance, until you are immersed in the glory and power of the Living God.

I have a little plaque on my wall that says, "Faith is not knowing what the future holds, but knowing who holds the future." I know who holds the future, and if you think about it, so do you.

Don't allow yourselves to be afraid - not of any power, principality, or liar pretending to be a law-giver; you were created according to truth and by the word, and there is no law but the law of love that created you.

Source text here (12.02.23) or here (12.02.23).

Thursday 16th February 2023

Weaponization of Space - or Not

By Anna Von Reitz

As I have told you, and as is plain on the public record, the two guilty commercial corporations that have been such a problem for our country from the beginning have now extended their mercenary activities to space.-.the Secret Space Program.-.SSP, Inc., the British Crown version, and the United Space Service.-.USS, INC. Municipal version are colluding to make sure that they rule not only space, but the entire Earth.

The SSP, Inc. recently acquired an "unstoppable weapon" by disgraceful means and believes that it has the opportunity to take over the entire world.

They know that they will likely be opposed in this by extraterrestrial forces that have been sent here to make sure that these educated idiots don't destroy the planet and everything on it. I am being completely serious and accountable. This is first-hand knowledge.

So the Rats have double-backed their situation with a long term propaganda campaign called "Project Blue Beam" promoted via their Nazi Mouthpiece Werner von Braun. Where have you heard that name before? How about Eva Braun?

Go figure.

Project Blue Beam is supposed to be a holographic firestorm of illusions and purposeful destruction like the "War of the Worlds" only fantastically advanced beyond that hoax.

According to WVB, this is the last card in a bid to coerce all the national governments and people of the world to accept a monolithic "world [military] government". It's that word "military" that they are purposefully omitting so that everyone is caught by surprise.

Well, almost everyone, Campers.

Just recall that they lied about the "Atom Bomb" too and scared everyone silly for two decades over that Big Fat One. Scaring you into submission is their stock-in-trade. So don't be scared. Be angry.

Shove it back down their skinny Nazi necks and realize that the actual veiled ET Fleet that you can glimpse yourself easily enough if you look up into the sky.-.particularly at dawn and here to guard life on this planet.

That Fleet, particularly the Andromedan Fleet, is here to make sure that the atmosphere of this planet is not destroyed like the atmosphere on Mars, which made the entire planet of Mars uninhabitable 32,000 years ago. And they have already begun to take action.

That is the trigger that has set the phony Project Blue Beam claims into motion and prompted the Biden Administration to admit that an "ET Threat" exists.-.albeit, it's only a threat to liars and thieves and madmen like the boneheads behind all this evil nonsense.

The commercial corporations have built a "space fleet" of their own, comprised of 1200 ships at a cost of over $20 Trillion dollars which has all been siphoned off the China Trade and out of our pockets and purloined from our funds originally used to fund the so-called "Marshal Plan".-.another giant military boondoggle.

No wonder certain generals have enjoyed solid gold toilet seats.

If necessary, the Andromedans and other members of the Peace Task Force will immobilize all the military equipment on Earth. Those 1200 ships and the new laser weapons will be stuck as I said, like ants in amber.

This planet belongs to God; it does not belong to men.-.and men have no right to destroy it.

If you want to see wonders, create some of your own. You have the inate ability to create whatever you want to focus your attention away from the military's playbook and concentrate on the world you want to live in.

You are Co-Creators, so dust off your laurels and create the world you want to live in. Visualize it, see it, taste it, and verbally command it to manifest - a world that is not ruled by Nazi Thugs, a world which is not dependent on Evil and illusions anymore.

Source text here (16.02.23) or here (16.02.23).
Picture: Engineered news panic? Monday 13th February 2023.
Picture: Martin Sandler, editor of 'The Letters of John F. Kennedy.'
Picture: The English tradition of fair play ?
Picture: Europe, US, Russia and Ukraine. Monday 30th January 2023.
Picture: Europe, Germany and Russia. January 2023.
Picture: Hold the light sculptures.
Picture: The most frequently washed body part in 2021.
Picture: Public health in Israel and Northern Europe. Sunday 22nd January 2023.
Picture: Sudden cardiac deaths in athletes 1966-2022.
Picture: Blood clots found in fully-vaccinated 40-year-old athlete.
Picture: Arctic ice extent just surpassed the median of 1981-2010.
Picture: Black falls. December 2022.
On Tuesday 20th December 2022, the day before the Northern Hemisphere's Winter Solstice, Joseph Ratzinger (German former Pope) was sent the following widely-circulated legal letter. Eleven days later on Saturday 31st December 2022, the Vatican (Rome, Italy) publicly issued a statement saying that he had died.

This letter has been sent directly to the email address of the Pope and the High Courts and the Bank of International Settlements, etc.

A follow-up signed in wet ink and bearing our unencumbered Great Seal will follow.

An Open Letter to His Holiness, the Pope Emeritus
In his Ministerial Office
20th December 2022

Most Beloved Benedict XVI,

Ecclesiastical Law makes you and the Roman Curia responsible for the creation of corporations of all kinds. This includes the proliferation of trusts, non-profits, NGOs, foundations, cooperatives, LLCs, S-Corps, B-Corps, C-Corps and so on. We are pleased that you honored your obligation to dissolve both the UNITED STATES, INC. and the USA, Inc., but also see that you stopped short of prohibiting those responsible from creating new corporations for the same purposes and guilty of the same sins against Mankind.

To be effective in disciplining these and other governmental services corporations around the world, it is necessary to permanently remove the privilege of incorporation from those responsible for dire acts of trespass and transgression. We note that corporations may be formed for any lawful purpose, but not merely legal purposes, a stipulation by which our ancestors have firmly established the limitations of corporations of all kinds and fixed the proper sphere of their activity.

By what stretch of the imagination is it "lawful" to inject foreign and undisclosed genetic materials into living flesh, in order to murder and maim for profit, and to alter the natural genome of innocent people--- in order to promote claims of owning them via Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) patent rights? These acts and similar acts promoted by the UN CORPORATION and its WHO (WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, INC.) and its franchises and subsidiaries, the NIH, INC., the CDC, INC., the FDA, INC, the DOJ, INC., MICROSOFT, INC., RAYTHEON, INC., MODERNA, INC., JOHNSON AND JOHNSON, INC., BILL AND MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION, PFIZER, INC., BAYER, INC., MONSANTO, INC, PIRBRIGHT INSTITUTE, INC., WELLCOME TRUST,  CIA, INC., DIA, INC., NSA, INC., FBI, INC., US PATENT OFFICE, INC., SERCO, INC., NATO, INC., and their affiliates ----are unlawful and every single named corporation must be dissolved for unlawful activity which has resulted in injury and injurious harm, both.

The Corporate Veil must be removed and their leadership must be punished and deprived of any further privilege to incorporate anything.

These actions cited above, both harm accruing directly from the undisclosed injections, and harm resulting from the obscene ownership claims, have been undertaken recklessly without regard for Law or Custom of any kind.

The participants in this conspiracy to murder, maim, defraud and enslave living people for the benefit of inanimate corporations were encouraged by members of the Municipal Congress of the United States who made false guarantees of protection to the pharmaceutical corporations engaged in the production of vaccines, promising to hold them harmless regardless of injuries sustained from vaccines they produced and marketed, and were also encouraged  by the actions of the US SUPREME COURT, INC. which allowed them to patent living organisms that had been altered by genetic engineering processes.

Additional unlawful acts and processes have been undertaken by the IMF, INC., and the FEDERAL RESERVE, INC., to create monopoly control over availability of commodities, including food, fuel, and currency; the WORLD BANK, INC., has been caught engaged in promoting rigged gambling and platform trading on private assets without any granted authority from the asset owners; the BANK OF INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS, INC., has sat on its rump for eighteen years and turned a deaf ear to the properly declared and evidenced owners of the world's physical gold reserves based on false claims made by the discredited UNITED STATES, INC., and the Trustees of the Department of the Federal Reserve have thus far failed to answer our demand that they come to the table and hammer out new agreements with the asset owners and their lawful Assigns, in line with the Public Good worldwide.

The Donors and Fiduciaries and Attorneys in Fact for the estate of Severino Sta Romano, the Witnesses of Giovanni Baptista Ricchello, the lawful Fiduciary for The United States of America, and the lawful and spiritual inheritors of the St. Germain Endowment are hereby fully informing you and the Vatican Chancery Court and the International Court of Justice and the Bank of International Settlements and the Trustees of the Department of the Federal Treasury within the Bank of International Settlements that the trust indentures owed to the D'Avila Family, the Urban Family, the Santiago Family, and many others are being breached and their private assets are being misused to generate credit without their consent, and without recognition of the fact that the credit generated from their assets also belongs to the asset owners.

The World Trust which is supposed to be opened on December 24th and used to adjust accounts and deliver the world economy from want and debt is instead being used to sop and reward the Perpetrators --- all Corporations ---- for their crimes against Humanity, and this is being done against the Will of the Donors, the actual members of St. Germain's Family, both physical and spiritual.

The St. Germain Endowment, intended for the support of The United States of America, has been commandeered and unlawfully incorporated by persons lacking any authority to do this, and they have proceeded to make venal "investments" of the capital in things like "Bad Dragon Dildoes".

My relative, St. Germain, and the current members of the Saint Germain Spiritual Family, would vomit if they could see the evil things that their sacrifices are being used to support by these Corporatists who have unlawfully and illegally mismanaged the organization and the assets.

The Seven Shining Ones had better rise up off their velvet tuffets and listen and obey, for I carry the Word of the Living God concerning these matters, and his Word has gone forth; it will not return unsatisfied, so yield to the Greater Will that grants your breath and is your breath.

Why have you allowed these corporations to continue this madness, when the lawful government of The United States of America --- our unincorporated Federation of States, has already outlawed any such patent claims made against living people?

Why have you stood silent while corporations --- that you and the Curia are responsible for creating --- have committed acts of fraud and forced conscription (press-ganging), inland piracy, and conspiracy in violation of your service contracts and trespass against our constitutional agreements and treaties? Do you propose an illegal Commercial Mercenary Conflict that occurred more than 150 years ago as your excuse for all of this?

Why have you allowed Joseph Biden to create the WHITE HOUSE OFFICE, INC. and offer to use that as a substitute and successor for the UNITED STATES, INC.? Is it not apparent that the same gang of hooligans cannot be trusted to do anything different or better? That a new round of unlawful acts under a different name is no better than the prior offer?

Why are you continuing the system of profiteering and bondage begun in 1937, and the perpetuation of mortgages against the innocent people of this country, and all the False Claims that have been made against our assets? Isn't the Ecclesiastical Law and the Roman Civl Law --- both--- clear enough?

What possible excuse is there for continuing to impersonate us and to impose Municipal Law on us, when we have placed our own lawful Government in Session and declared our birthright political status? There are no conscionable UCC Contract Trusts. There are virtually no conscionable Territorial Offices or Officers, either.

To the extent that these PERSONS/Persons exist, they are the ones who need to declare their political status and obey the Foreign Agents Registration Act; we have no such obligation in our own country.

We, however, are awake and aware and are here to tell you the Truth. Those who are doing these evils in the sight of the True God are doing so to their own ever-lasting condemnation; every Lie is being counted against them. And the assets of the World Trust may not be used to save these evil-doers who have besmirched the Good Name of our country and our Patrons. The assets of the Santiago Trust and seventeen other Family Trusts must be returned to the control of the man Anthony Santiago Martin also freely trusted, and granted his irrevocable General Power of Attorney to.

Although the existence of Municipal Corporations is not explicitly prohibited, unlawful activities undertaken by Municipal Corporations are prohibited and the sentence rendered is pre-ordained. All Municipal Corporations engaged in unlawful activities must be liquidated and the assets returned to the lawful owners and injured parties. We have taken the trouble to list numerous Municipal Corporations that need to be liquidated including the SAINT GERMAIN FOUNDATION of Schaumburg, Illinois.

This same pre-ordained fate does include Municipal Corporations owned by the British Crown.

Most sincerely,

Letter from and by: Anna Maria Riezinger
The United States of America

Text sources here (21.12.22) and here (21.12.22).
Picture: Australian public safety statement.
Picture: Google Home smart speakers allowed backdoor surveillance?
Picture: Blade Runner memoria 2022.
Picture: Thursday 8th December 2022. Concerning the UN, BIS and WB.
Picture: UK Office for National Statistics - November 2022.
Picture: Democratic freedoms in Canada and China - Justin Trudeau on protests.
Picture: EU discord continues. Italy v France - November 2022.
Picture: USA Twitter platform dials down censorship a notch.
USA media background here (25.11.22).
Picture: The changing geopolitics of the West. Tuesday 22nd November 2022.
Picture: Was the 2014-2022 conflict in Ukraine a civil war?
Picture: Geopolitical update - Friday 18th November 2022.
Picture: Germany governance - Heinrich Donatus Philipp Umberto.
Picture: The Andromeda galaxy.
The Andromeda galaxy pictured above is about 2.2 million light-years away from our own galaxy, the Milky Way. It is our sister galaxy in the local galactic cluster within this bit of this particular universe.

In terms of its overall spiritual energy, Andromeda is more female than the Milky Way, which has a more masculine vibration. There is and has always been less war and conflict in Andromeda generally than among the Milky Way civilisations.

These sister and brother galaxies have a close relationship at every level of the spiritual architecture. Their soul evolutionary cycles and developments are similar, and their Ascended Masters are in close and regular contact.

There are many Earth-like planets in Andromeda. They look like Earth from space; they have similar-looking atmospheres, hydrospheres and lithospheres. One of the Andromedan Ascended Masters is called Heylang. He calls these planets "Earth duplicates". His comments feature in Chapter 10 of the second book cited below.

At a distant point in the future, the Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies will merge into a single new galaxy which will nurture the most benevolent attributes of both while conserving the positive variety of each.

With regard to Andomeda and the Andromedans who study and interact with the Earth evolution, there is now a lot of open source information available in English, not only on the web but more particularly in books. For example, this book here: 1-891824-35-X (2004), and Chapters 10 & 11 (pp 99-113) of this book here: 978-1-62233-052-2 (2017).
Picture: Victory of the Light.
Picture: Konstantin Kisin - London (UK).
Picture: G7 Banks 200-day performance chart - Wednesday 2nd November 2022.
Picture: Paint an icon.
Picture - Global public health 2020-2022.
Picture: Australian public health. October 2022.
More background here (27.10.22), here (02.04.22) and here (05.08.21).
Picture: Animal Farm 2020-2022.
Picture: American public health.
Picture: USA Public Health - Wednesday 7th December 2022.
Picture: Global Public Health. PsyOp or not?
Picture: Meet the new boss?
Picture: Why Elon Musk bought Twitter.
Picture: Twitter goal stated.Wednesday 2nd November 2022.
Picture: eStocks chart on Tuesday 1st November 2022.
Picture: New Twitter policy on science - December 2022.
Picture: How easy is it to buy a scientist ?
Picture: Big spiders gone.
Picture: Kriya Yoga - An Introduction.
Picture: Merkabah takeup.
Picture: Meditation - The Higher Self.
Picture: Meditation - the direct encounter.
Picture: Complicity Theorist.
Picture: USA Democratic Party. Tuesday 11th October 2022.
Picture: Fiat money is a currency with an expiration date.
Picture: The American and Russian Alliance of 1858.
Picture: Ukraine and Russia. Moscow - Friday 30th September 2022.
Picture: Russia, Ukraine and Poland. Autumn 2022.
Picture: Official spokesman for Ukraine 2022.
Picture: ET visitors from the Higher Evolution?
A number of matters to do with benevolent ET involvement in higher spiritualities on Earth, and with the human ascension and planetary evacuation processes introduced on this and other pages of the blog (for example here and here), will appear to some as esoteric, problematic or challenging.

These topics do not seem to accord with mainstream mass media narratives about reality, and do not issue from official government-sponsored public education programmes, or from the perceived core assumptions of what remains of élite-organised religion in the West.

It is worth asking why this might be. It is also worth asking who decides what is true information and who decides who should be allowed to view that truth.

Why, for example, are Western governments largely silent on these matters of ET-related planetary population survival while science fiction, AltNews, films and esoteric spirituality have dealt with them openly for years?

On Thursday 29th September 2022, some more pertinent information came through from the same Pleiadian source that we have cited several times on this page and others. His codename is Cobra and he is a Pleiadian starseed of the Semjase Soul Family Mandala. The codename Cobra derives from Compression breakthrough. The idea of Compression breakthrough is introduced here.

This individual is the spokesman for the benevolent ET confederation which is active at this time in removing all remaining negative energy ('evil') from the Earth. In September 2022 he gave another interview. A transcript of that interview follows here:

Q: There was a very exciting update today (Thursday 15th September 2022 here) on The Portal regarding the implant and biochip removal. It appears to be the first major intervention by [the] Light Forces to the surface of the planet. How did it become possible at this moment?

C: The Light Forces were carrying out various operations in the last few years and coming closer and closer to the surface, and now they have managed to become so close that they are able, with their technology, to start clearing the implants.

Q: So does the technology mean Mjolnir technology?

C: Yes.

Q: Okay, great. So how does the implant and biochip removal process work practically? Will it be an all-at-once removal from all of the persons using the quantum cannon technologies on the surface, or rather an individualized process, depending on the contamination levels of each person?

C: It'll be a planetary process and it is already a planetary process. So quantum cannon technologies are bombarding the surface of the planet. They are bombarding actually with their energy fields, the implants, and biochips in every member of the surface population. And what they're doing is they're starting to remove the black holes in the implants. That is a very tricky and challenging process, but it is already taking place and it'll be the same for everybody. The whole implant and biochip network has to be removed.

Q: Okay. So even though it may be for everybody at the same time, will the length of the removal and the deprogramming vary depending on the individual person involved?

C: Not very much; I mean individual reactions to the removal will be different, but the process is ongoing at the same time for everybody.

Q: I see. That's interesting. Okay. The Light Forces expect there will be a massive spiritual awakening of the surface population once all the biochips and implants are removed. How will this wave of awakening benefit Lightworkers and Lightwarriors in terms of our daily life and our Ascension process?

C: Yes. When we come to the closure of this process, when the implants and biochips are mostly gone, individual lives of the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors will become better, lighter, less stressful, less negativity, less darkness, less attacks, and life will again, after so much time, become a little bit more enjoyable.

Q: Okay. So that means that their Ascension process may be easier?

C: Yes.

Q: Okay. Interesting. Have the level of primary anomaly and subquantum anomaly reduced in the area below the Low Earth Orbit?

C: To a degree, yes, but the main reduction is expected at the same time as this operation of clearing the implants proceeds.

Q: I see. Okay. And what is the relationship between the Veil, and today you also mentioned the Kerr metric space time distortion anomaly around the surface of the planet?

C: This space time distortion anomaly actually changes the structure of space time around the Earth and that distorted space time makes it easier for the technologies of the dark forces to operate and to maintain the Veil. Without that anomaly, the dark forces would not be able to use their technologies and the Veil would be removed.

Q: Oh, I see. So that means the Veil is the aim and the Kerr metrics space time distortion is a kind of supporting tool.

C: Yes. In a way. Yes.

Q: Okay, great. So in the latest update you mentioned an ancient dark entity called the Lurker. Is it very dangerous? What is the relationship of "the Lurker" with the Archons and the Chimera?

C: It is not very dangerous at this point, because much of this has been dissolved already. This is a very different type of entity. It's actually a quantum, subquantum entity. It's a different type of consciousness than any other entity you are probably aware of. I would say the most close, the closest example to it would be the Yaldabaoth entity, which has been removed already. The Archons and the Chimera, they actually - some of them - worship the Lurker and they see it as a source of their evil.

Q: Oh, I see. So does that means that the Lurker is superior to Archons and Chimera?

C: In a way. Yes, because this entity has been alive for the whole cosmic cycle and actually originates from the previous cosmic cycle. So .... But it's a completely different type of consciousness. It is a completely different thing. You know, it's not something that most people would be able to understand.

Q: I see. Okay. Thank you. As the Lurker has survived the previous cosmic cycle and continues to exist until this day, does its existence means that the dark forces have already existed since the previous cosmic cycle, while the Archangels who fell into Primary Anomaly 8 million years ago, are the new dark entities in the cosmic cycle?

C: No, darkness did not exist before 8 million years ago. The Lurker existed as a pure potentiality. It was not a manifested consciousness of darkness. That only started 8 million years ago.

Q: Oh, I see. Okay. Understand. So it existed before 8 million years ago as just as a potential. I see. Do the Pleiadians know why most key people in the positive militaries are against the liberation Plan?

C: The main reason is because of the implants and all the programming and the selfishness.

Q: I see. So that means that after the operation removing the implants, do you think that those people in the positive militaries' attitudes may change?

C: Some of them might change, but at this point it is impossible to predict how surface population will react to this.

Q: I see. Okay. Understand. Thank you. If those key people do not agree with the liberation Plan, how will the Light Forces proceed with the mass arrests? Will they carry on with the arrest operations by themselves, or wait until the positive militaries remove every potentially compromised member within their ranks?

C: This is confidential information at this point.

Q: Okay. Understood. Thank you. Do the Light Forces think Ukraine can become another Afghanistan and drag Russia's economy and politics into chaos?

C: Potentially yes. If this conflict escalates in the new world war, which is unlikely, but still possible. It'll not be the same situation as is in Afghanistan, but there is certain potential there that things can get a little bit more complicated.

Q: I see. Okay. Thank you. The next question regarding Queen's death. The Queen (Elizabeth II) passed away on September 8th. In terms of the liberation Plan, what is the view of the Light Forces on her who has the longest reign in modern history?

C: It is not the highest purpose to answer this question.

Q: I see. Okay. And because most of the general population thinks that the Queen is simply a symbol of stability to the Commonwealth of Nations. However, some alternative media claim that she was also the head of the Committee of 300. Therefore, some people think that she was controlling world politics and economy behind the scenes. So, maybe, this may again be confidential, and you may not tell, but did the Queen really have the power to influence the geopolitics around the world?

C: She had a certain amount of power, but she was not the key player in making decisions.

Q: I see. Okay. Thank you very much. When the Queen's death was announced, a double rainbow appeared right above the Buckingham Palace. Did this double rainbow have an esoteric meaning in this circumstance?

C: Actually that is an opportunity for the surface population to make better choices, but most likely this opportunity will not be used in the right way, because the level of consciousness is not high.

Q: I see. Okay. Thank you. Have the Light Forces made any arrangement for Shinzo Abe and the Queen regarding their souls?

C: Yes.

Q: They did. Okay, great. (Yeah). So Earth's magnetic north pole has reportedly been shifting already. So does that mean that the pole shift has gradually started?

C: The magnetic polar shift has gently started already in the 19th century and it is currently accelerating.

Q: So maybe this relates to the next question. Would geographic changes such as the sea level getting higher occur even before the final big tsunami?

C: What is expected before the final polar shift is increased volcanic activity and earthquakes.

Q: Yeah, but what about before that?

C: That is expected before the polar shift.

Q: Oh, I see. Okay. So that means the... Okay. That's very interesting. In the Planetary Situation Update on June 23rd, it is stated as follows: "The Light Forces have managed to infiltrate the Chimera chain of command undetected and are now corroding the Chimera structure from within. Most of the negative scenarios for the planet have collapsed, but there [is] still one quite improbable, but very dangerous scenario that has yet to be resolved." So based on today's update, can we say that one dangerous scenario has been resolved?

C: Not yet.

Q: Oh, I see. Okay. You mentioned in Divine Intervention Activation Report that "After the critical mass of signatures was reached, the Pleiadians have communicated that the legal basis for their intervention on the surface of the planet is now established." Does this mean that the Pleiadians can now legally intervene in the surface situation, but this does not extend to other civilizations in the Galactic Confederation?

C: That is not correct. All civilizations in the Galactic Confederation now have a legal basis to intervene.

Q: Oh, yes. Okay. Did the Galactic Confederation in general support the idea that the Pleiadians sought their legal basis from the surface population through meditation and petition campaign?

C: Yes, of course.

Q: Oh yeah. Okay. Have they recognized the signatures which exceeded the critical mass as the signal from the surface population, or just from starseeds?

C: Actually both. It's because starseeds are also part of the surface population. So it is a valid .... The signatures were valid and they are seen as a collective choice of the surface population.

Q: Okay, good. As our petition was mostly signed by starseeds, some might think it did not actually reflect the overall free will of the surface population. Was it possible for the Galactic Confederation to ignore the result of our petition even if the dark forces did not interfere with our petition campaign using hacking and other negative technologies?

C: This petition is legally binding for the Galactic Confederation. So the Galactic Confederation must intervene as soon as it is safe. And the first people who will be contacted will be starseeds. So those who voted for this intervention are the first who are going to get it.

Q: Okay, good. Intervention in the surface world is a very serious matter. Had the members of the Galactic Confederation ever considered that they should try to inform all the surface population and then give every man a chance to vote?

C: That can actually happen after a certain point after the Event, when there will be enough understanding of what the Galactic Confederation is. There might be a planetary vote of the future involvement of the surface population with the Galactic Confederation. That is actually planned to happen at a certain point.

Q: Okay. In the August 15th update, you mentioned that "The surface Lightworker grid has almost collapsed." What does that mean?

C: It means that the Lightworkers were not willing or not able to hold the Light anymore. And the critical mass of Light that is necessary for the surface had not been maintained anymore. So the Light Forces have managed to create an alternative solution for this problem.

Q: Okay. Was its collapse due to the severe attack by the dark forces on the Lightworkers causing lower vibration among them?

C: There were two factors involved. The first factor were those attacks, which have severely damaged the ability of the Lightworkers to hold the Light. And the other one was the wrong, selfish, and stupid decisions of the Lightworkers, which were behaving not in alignment with the higher purpose.

Q: Okay. Yes. Recently a man won the first prize in an art competition with his AI-assisted painting. Some artists are worried that AI might someday take away their jobs. Do positive ET races use AI to assist their art creation?

C: Actually AI is not able to generate the highest level of art. AI can generate a generally pleasing and aesthetic form of art, but not the masterpieces. This is not possible. (Oh yes) Only a being with a contact with the soul can manifest masterpieces. (Yes) So some average or relatively good artists might lose their jobs, but the best artists will never lose their jobs

Q: Okay. If so, how do they strike a balance between the convenience brought by AI and their originality?

C: Simply by using the higher guidance that all of the positive races have.

Q: Oh, yes, that's good. Can you reveal any further information on the "Alexandrian women", the women who moved from Vipava valley to Alexandria at the turn of the 20th century?

C: Okay. They were just looking for an opportunity for a job and they were moving to Alexandria to basically babysit in the higher upper level of Egyptian society. And that was an interesting interaction because it brought a certain combination of Goddess energy, which was not previously present.

Q: Okay. Okay. Is it now safe for you to reveal the classified aspect of the SpaceX CRS-24 mission?

C: Yes. Certain Cintamani stones were sent in orbit and then safely landed later, about one month later.

Q: Wow, good. The following are [questions about the] amazing Ascension plan. First one. How can we explain individual and planetary Ascension with modern science?

C: Science, at the present state of development, does not even understand the existence of the etheric plane. So it is not possible to describe Ascension with the science at the current public state of development.

Q: Yes, that's right. What is the relationship between chakras, Merkaba, and Ascension?

C: Chakras are energy vortexes in the human energy fields that are transmitting various frequencies of Light. Merkaba is the Light body, which is a vehicle that we use to achieve our Ascension, and the Ascension process is a process which happens when we are able to remove all anomaly and all blockages from our energy field. And then when we reach a super conductivity of the Light body, we ascend.

Q: Also that means for Ascension, we need [the] perfect chakra [and] Merkaba condition. Yeah?

C: Yes.

Q: Okay, good. Next, it is said that the Light Forces have a device known as the Ascension Chamber, which can boost the human ascension process. Can you describe its appearance and the principle?

C: Okay. There are two aspects of this device. The first one is the purification and healing chamber, which removes and heals the obstacles. And then there is the proper Ascension chamber, which activates the Kundalini energy and something called the electric fire. So it means that a very strong, highly charged energy flows through the energy body - no through the Light body, through the Merkaba body and it activates it. So that is a highly advanced technology, which is used by Ascended Beings throughout the galaxy.

Q: Wow, that's amazing. If I am qualified for the First Wave of Ascension, can I reach the state of Ascension if I use the Ascension Chamber right after the First Contact?

C: Okay. Some rare individuals might achieve their Ascension even before the First Wave using that Ascension Chamber, but most people that will go in the First Wave will do this as a group, as a planetary group process at the same time when the time is right.

Q: Okay, good. Next, as the Light Forces have highly advanced spiritual technology, will most of the surface populations still have to undergo years of training to reach Ascension?

C: Most of the surface population needs lifetimes, hundreds, and thousands of years to reach Ascension on other planets. They are not ready.

Q: Okay.

C: Regardless of the level of technology, human consciousness is human consciousness and that needs to be transformed from within. Technology can help, but real work needs to be done by people going through the Ascension process. So the percentage of the surface population that will undergo the true Ascension process will be very little, very low.

Q: Okay. Next, it is said that sexual climax is the moment that a human gets the closest to God. Is it appropriate to describe Ascension as an eternal non-stop orgasm?

C: Actually, the state of consciousness after Ascension can be described as an eternal non-stop orgasm.

Q: Oh yeah. Okay. Before we reach Ascension, do we have to experience physical death and resurrection as Jesus did?

C: No.

Q: Okay. Next, if we consider the current conscious level of the surface population, is there a minimum age limit for join[ing] the collective Ascension?

C: No.

Q: Wow, good. Okay. Women in their mid-term and full-time pregnancies have two or even more souls in their bodies. Can all of these souls join the collective Ascension?

C: Okay. This is possible. It's a bit complicated, but it is possible.

Q: Wow. <laugh> Good news.

C: There will be very few cases like this.

Q: Wow. Okay. Would it be better for them to wait until they recover from their delivery?

C: Basically, when the Ascension wave hits, it hits, and those who are ready will go, those, those who are not ready will not go.

Q: Okay. Yeah. Okay. Will humans gain superpowers like teleportation and manifestation out of thin air, or element manipulation, as soon as we reach Ascension?

C: When humans reach Ascension, they will be given the key, the tool, how to use those powers, and then they will be trained how to use them. And that training process will take some time, but from the start, they will have this basic ability that will be then perfected as time goes by.

Q: Okay. If a person's physical body can only connect with one single I AM Presence, how should we analyze Multiple Personality Disorder according to the concept of Soul?

C: It is very simple. There is one soul, one I AM Presence, but whenever a trauma happens, part of the personality structure splits away from the core personality. And that process can take place many times, but there is one I AM presence, one incarnated soul that has all those different personalities and the healing process is actually a process of integrating those personalities with a core personality, which is the original personality directly connected with the incarnated soul.

Q: Oh, very good. Okay. If someone implants a personality that is spiritually advanced into himself through deep hypnosis or fecal microbiota transplant, is it possible for him to train himself to become a sage or even very close to Ascension before the Event? If not, please explain why.

C: Yes. All that can be cleared

Q: Really. Okay. That's good. You mentioned in the Ascension Plan Update that about 2000 people will be ready to ascend in the first wave of Ascension. Will those people ascend separately in different times and places? Or they will be assembled at a designated place on a specific date?

C: There will be an Ascension wave, which is similar to a galactic pulse, and everybody will be taken from their own location, teleported to the motherships, and on those motherships, they will undergo the Ascension process itself in the Ascension Chambers.

Q: Ah, I got it. Thank you. Will those people then be able to ascend beyond the fifth dimension if they have a compatible consciousness level?

C: This will still take some time, but yes.

Q: Oh, very good. Will humanity still be able to evolve after the Ascension?

C: Yes, of course.

Q: Okay. As the Light Forces have already built two Dyson spheres separately around the Sun and the Earth, can they adjust the Evacuation schedule according to the post-Event developments?

C: Basically, it'll be a combination of cosmic cycles, Galactic Sun activity, and how the overall plan proceeds. So, the decision to make the Evacuation will be based on the conditions about the polar shift and everything will be aligned just perfectly. When the time is right, everything will happen.

Q: Oh, okay. During the Evacuation, would the surface population have to go on the motherships empty-handed? Can they bring .... Can we bring a few things when we leave the Earth?

C: At this stage of the plan, it has been decided that they will need to leave everything behind. (Okay) But this is still an open question. This will still be discussed in the future.

Q: Okay. Very good. Why would the Light Forces insist on relocating the surface population to the Pleiades? Can't we simply just move to the Agarthan underground kingdom, the Moon, Mars, or other planets in our solar system after the Evacuation?

C: It's simply that surface population has been so adjusted to the life on the surface. They need a planet with a habitable surface and Earth is the only planet in the solar system with a habitable surface. And since it'll be upgraded to the next step of the evolution, human beings will no longer be suitable to be here. So, they have to be relocated to a similar planet in the Pleiades.

Q: Ah, okay. So, after the Evacuation, can the surface population make confederation motherships their new homes, or can they travel to others star systems instead of going through Ascension?

C: It depends on their level of evolvement. Most of human beings will be evacuated to the Pleiadian system, to that planet. Some of the starseeds, star people, will go to the other star systems and some of them will go through the Ascension process. It'll be individual decisions based on people's level of vibrational frequency and their own preferences.

Q: Oh, very good. Many people have never gone abroad or even left their hometown before their Ascension. Will we able to recreate a similar environment as the current surface of the planet on another super-Earth? So that humanity can explore various human cultures and scenery?

C: Yes. Actually, that will happen on the new planet in the Pleiadian system. People will be able to build their environment, but then there will be much creativity. So those environments will change and evolve.

Q: Ah, very good. If someone, some people, want to reach Ascension after the Evacuation, do they need to come back to the Earth for the Second wave or the Third Wave of collective Ascension? And can they reach Ascension at the Pleiades or elsewhere?

C: They will most likely need to stay in this galaxy because it's a Galactic super wave. And part of that super wave is the Ascension wave. But anywhere in this galaxy, it's fine; they can be anywhere in this galaxy and they will go through that process.

Q: Ah, very good. If a person does not reach Ascension even after the Third Wave of collective Ascension, will he or she still have the chance to ascend? If so, how long does he or she have to wait?

C: Yes, of course. Everybody .... The Ascension path will be opened for everybody and people will be able to travel as fast as they are able or want to.

Q: Ah, very good. As most of the surface population have to evacuate from the Earth ultimately, is it really necessary for the underground base in Northern Taiwan to be able to accommodate a billion people?
C: Yes. It is a precaution for certain scenarios, which are very unlikely, but still possible. It is to ensure safety of the surface population.

Q: Very good. You mentioned that half a billion people will have to be sent to the Galactic Central Sun for reconstruction. This method might be similar to a massive ethnic cleansing. Why would the Light Forces propose such a radical option?

C: It is simply a decree from on high that evil needs to end; darkness has to end, and people who choose darkness or evil have to be gone. (Ah) There is no room for that anymore. It was enough.

Q: Okay. Since the Ascended Masters and Goddesses are the embodiment of Cosmic Love, is it possible for them to inspire and enlighten those 500 million people with Love?

C: They of course will try, but it is not expected [that] they will be very successful. They might be successful in some cases, but in most cases it's very unlikely.

Q: Okay. According to the Bible, Matthew chapter 13: 40 "As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in fire; so shall be in the end of the world." Did Jesus predict more than 2000 years ago that some people cannot reach Ascension but will be burnt by the Galactic Central Sun for another evolution cycle?

C: Yes, exactly.

Q: Really. Wow. Okay. Many people felt worried after reading [the] Ascension Plan Update because they thought they might belong to that "to-be-restructured" group. The Light Forces should understand that a half billion people are quite considerable even on a global scale. A lot of people may not [be] aware they might have potential psychopath or sociopath personalities. Can you give us some examples of personnel or crimes that will never be tolerated by the Light Forces?

C: Actually, most people who are reading my blog are going to be fine. They are not evil. They are not psychopaths or sociopaths. And people who are psychopaths will never worry about this and they know that they're evil. So everybody will be given a free choice to accept Light or not, and those who wish to accept Light will of course not be taken to the Central Sun, but people who intentionally do evil and don't want to change, they will be gone.

Q: Oh, okay. Very good. Have Mao Zedong, Adolf Hitler and other notorious tyrants been sent to Galactic Central Sun for restructuring?

C: Many of them. Yes.

Q: Oh, very good. Even if the Light Forces can escort the souls of key Cabal members to the Galactic Central Sun, the dark forces might insert memory copies of those dead members into human clones, and then allow those clones to act behind the scenes. If that's the case, how can the Light Forces make sure that restructuring those souls would benefit the planetary liberation progress?

C: The dark forces cannot make copies of those beings. They can just create a fake person clone that looks like that particular being, but it's not the same. So, restructuring those souls removes them forever from this universe, it's gone.

Q: Oh, very good. So, okay. Aion and Iona are a couple of Cosmic twin souls. What is their role in terms of the galactic magnetic excursion?

C: They will be channeling very intense very high frequency energies during the Galactic pulse and they will be blessing the whole galaxy with their presence, which will be quite beautiful.

Q: Ah, very good. And after the Evacuation, there will be a huge tsunami engulfing most of the surface of the Earth. How can such a disaster somehow purge the Earth?

C: It'll basically purge the surface of the planet from the pollution and distortions that humanity have created, and it'll give nature an opportunity to recover and revive.

Q: But we know that a huge tsunami can bring all kinds of debris and pollutants back to the ocean. This sounds like an ocean catastrophe. How would the Light Forces solve this problem?

C: The Light Forces have technologies to remove most of those pollutants before they can do any damage, and at that point that will be done.

Q: I see. That's good to hear. Thank you. And the pulse wave emanated from the Galactic Central Sun is also known as the Galactic Wave of Love. Is it not contradictory to name something that can trigger a doomsday cataclysm as Love?

C: It is not, because it'll not be a doomsday cataclysm. It'll be a rebirth, restructuring, repositioning. It is something completely different.

Q: Agree. Thank you. In the past, you mentioned that the fourth or the Arhat initiation means the dissolution of the vertical implant. Does this concept suggest that all the positive ET races living in the free universe are Arhat-level Ascended Beings?

C: No, they are not. But the vertical implant is the main obstacle towards the Arhat initiation. And .... But it does mean that all those positive ET races that don't have that implant can, if they choose, reach Arhat-level consciousness very easily.

Q: I see, understood. And what's the difference between passing the Arhat initiation and becoming a Buddha?

C: Arhat initiation actually gives you access to Buddhic consciousness, but becoming a fully developed Buddha with a full potential is a much higher state of evolution.

Q: I see. And will the surface population who participate in collective Ascension become Buddha directly? If not, how large is the gap between a newly ascended human and the Buddha?

C: As I said, the gap is quite big and it'll take some time for people who ascend to reach that level.

Q: Okay. Understood. And how do Ascended Masters explain Nirvana in a way that most modern people can understand?

C: It is a state of consciousness which encompasses everything. It is a state of consciousness of One. It is pure enjoy which transcends space and time

Q: I see. Thank you. And what would be the future of the Moon, the Sun and our solar system after the Earth completes its Ascension?

C: The whole solar system will be refreshed in a way because the solar pulse/solar flash will trigger certain effects throughout the solar system. But generally speaking, most planets will still look the same. Some of them might experience their own polar shifts, but the solar system will look pretty much the same as it does now with some minor changes.

Q: Okay. Thank you. The world population will certainly exceed 8 billion this year. If only about 2000 people out of 8 billion will be qualified to participate in the First Wave of Ascension, then continue to live on Planet Earth, some people may think that those people are a group of trojan horses sent by the ET races who intend to occupy the Earth. Can you elaborate on what requirements a person must meet to be included in the "First Wave List"?

C: What kind of ideas people have? I would say that people who will be in the "First Wave List" are people with highly developed consciousness, a lot of innocence and connection with the Light.

Q: Okay. And most of the surface population will move to a planet in the Pleiades after the Evacuation. Can you reveal the name of our future home planet, and describe its environment, climate and life standard, if possible?

C: This planet looks pretty much the same as Earth does now without the pollution, without the stress, without wars. The humans which will be living there will be guided by higher developed beings and they will receive guidance, but they will be able to take care of their own development in a harmonious way.

Q: I see, it is so amazing. I'm looking forward to it. <Laugh> And once humanity undergoes three waves of collective Ascension, there should be no more darkness in this universe. Do you know what will be the next Divine Plan for this universe?

C: The next Divine Plan is to unite everything into One. It'll be going deeper into One, deeper into happiness, deeper into joy. It Is a very beautiful plan.

Q: I see. That's good.

C: Yes. So, at this point, we will have to finish this interview and we can do the second part at the later time with the second part of the questions.

Q: That's fine. Thank very much for your time today, Cobra. And would you mind speaking to the audience some final words before we end the interview?

C: Yes. I would like to congratulate everybody who was able to hold the Light in those challenging times. And it was, I would say, this is the most unusual time in the whole of human history and the craziest time, but we are going to make it. Victory of the Light!

The source transcript for this interview can be found here (29.09.22). And an audio recording of the interview is here.

In addition to this, translations are available in other languages, for example: Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovenian and Spanish.

This general topic of ET-influenced Earth repair, human civilisation change, ascension and population evacuation is now being updated on other pages of this blog such as here and here.


Picture: Goddess energy - the energy the dark forces fear the most.
Picture: The cracked bell stops chiming. Monday 26th September 2022.
Picture: #SolarFlare. Is the big one imminent?

Statistical Properties of Superflares on Solar-type Stars: Results Using All of the Kepler Primary Mission Data

On Monday 11th January 2021, an influential scientific paper with the above title was published in the The Astrophysical Journal (Volume 906; Number 2) of the American Astronomical Society.
It was written by Soshi Okamoto and his Japanese team associated with the Department of Astronomy at Kyoto University, and the USA National Solar Observatory at Boulder, Colorado.

Okamoto's team reported the latest statistical analyses of superflares on solar-type (G-type main-sequence; effective temperature is 5100–6000 K) stars using all of the Kepler primary mission data and Gaia Data Release 2 catalog.

They updated the flare detection method from their previous studies by using a high-pass filter to remove rotational variations caused by starspots.

They also examined the sample biases on the frequency of superflares, taking into account gyrochronology and flare detection completeness.

Their analysis of Sun-like stars suggested that the Sun can cause superflares with energies of ∼7 × 1033 erg (∼X700-class flares) and ∼1 × 1034 erg (∼X1000-class flares) once every ∼3000 and ∼6000 yr, respectively.

● Flares are explosions in the stellar atmosphere with an intense release of magnetic energy stored around starspots.

● Since solar flares sometimes lead to magnetic storms on the Earth, serious damage may be caused in our modern lives if a superflare occurs on the Sun.

● Electrical currents induced by geomagnetic storms can cause significant damage to ground electrical transmission equipment, leading to a widespread blackout.

● On 13th March 1989 in Quebec, Canada, about 6 million people suffered an electrical power blackout caused by a terrible geomagnetic storm .

● One of the largest solar flares, named the Carrington flare (Carrington 1859), caused one of the most extreme space weather events in the last 200 yr, leading to a failure of telegraph systems in Europe and North America.

● The possibility of much more extreme solar storms in a history of solar activity over ∼1000 yr has been recently discussed from cosmogenic isotope measurements and low-latitude auroral drawings.

● Stars having spectroscopic properties similar to the Sun can generate superflares.

● Superflares with up to 5 × 1034 erg can occur on slowly rotating Sun-like stars (Teff = 5600–6000 K, Prot ∼ 25 days, and age ∼ 4.6 Gyr) once every few thousand years.

● Okamoto's team found 2341 superflares on 265 solar-type stars and 26 superflares on 15 Sun-like stars (Teff = 5600–6000 K and Prot = 20–40 days; Table 1). These results strongly support the possibility of superflares on the Sun.

● The solar-type superflare stars found in the study have no confirmed exoplanets. This indicates that a hot Jupiter is not a necessary condition for superflares on solar-type stars.

The full text of the Okamoto et al paper cited above can be found here (11.01.21).
Picture: #EarthChanges.
Picture: UFO. Off-world or home-made?
Picture: UK politics. Tuesday 6th September 2022.
Picture: UK politics. Caroline Lucas. Thursday 8th September 2022.
Picture: 'Astral body asleep' and 'Astral body awake' by Mati Klarwein (artist).
Picture: The Chinese government comments on Ukraine.
Picture: Off-world activity in the sublunar space?
Picture: Are some nations running out of fiat currencies?
Picture: Will the US Fed make a wise decision on Tuesday 20th September 2022?
Picture: England (UK). Aspiring ex-Prime Minister at work.
Picture: Algerian protesters humiliate France & Macron. Saturday 27th August 2022.
Picture: Germany, US and Russia. Saturday 20th August 2022.
Picture: China on America. Tuesday 16th August 2022.
Chinese government goes public on 9/11

On Tuesday 16th August 2022, perhaps in response to the recent US diplomatic provocation in Taiwan, Lijian Zhao, a Chinese government official, tweeted a collage of nine annotated images ostensibly about US foreign policy activities.

The collage was headed "America" and Lijian Zhao's tweet text read: "Everyone needs a clear understanding of himself. So does a nation."

The annotations accompanying the nine images ran as follows: "What Japan thinks I do", "What Korea thinks I do", "What Vietnam thinks I do", "What Iraq thinks I do", "What Pakistan thinks I do", "What Yugoslavia thinks I do", "What Afghanistan thinks I do", "What I think I do", and "What I actually do".

In his collage Lijian Zhao did not include pictures of Libya, Syria or Ukraine.

The picture above "What I think I do" was an image of Superman. The picture above "What I actually do" was a photograph of the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York on fire on Tuesday 11th September 2001.

In composing and broadcasting this tweet, the Chinese official was articulating publicly what every major national security organisation in the world had suspected privately for two decades: the 9/11 attacks were an internal US rogue faction false flag operation designed, among other things, to foment an unnecessary war with Iraq for American corporate profit.

As Voltaire Net pointed out on Saturday 20th August 2022, prior to Lijian Zhao's August 2022 tweet, only Sheikh Zayed, Hugo Chávez, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Fidel Castro and Donald Trump had taken the liberty of broaching this taboo subject in public.

Lijian Zhao's tweet can be found here (16.08.22). And a screendump of the original image of that tweet is here.

Picture: The Federal Republic needs to be restored. Sunday 21st August 2022.
Picture: Concerning the legal status of Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865).
Picture: USA military governance. August 2022.
Picture: USA and UK governance. Monday 25th July 2022.
Picture: USA projections. July 2022.
Picture: Western governance. Monday 8th August 2022.
Picture: Does Shylock want his pound of debt again?
Picture: Possible future Ukraine map.
Picture: A Pleiadian UFO flies over Taiwan. August 2022. #1ab
Picture: China and Taiwan. Tuesday 2nd August 2022.
Picture: Trump, Xi, USA, China and Taiwan.
Picture: Taiwan. Tuesday 2nd August  2022.
Picture: Taipei (Taiwan). Red Dragon Rising.
Picture: Astrology - Uranus and Mars conjunct. 31st July - 2nd August 2022.
Picture: Tarot Card Number Thirteen. Death.
Picture: The resurrection of Project Blue Beam ??
Picture: Truth, Assange and the USA.
Picture: Mexican president tells US to free Assange or dismantle Statue of Liberty.
Picture: This is the real reason Assange is in prison. July 2022.
Picture: Arms dealing in Ukraine. Thursday 14th July 2022.
Picture: On the Goddess Leyline. Stonehenge (southern England, UK).
Picture: On the Goddess Leyline. Stonehenge (southern England, UK).
Picture: On the Goddess Leyline. Stonehenge (southern England, UK).
Unlike the American Georgia Guidestones (1979-2022) which lasted for just 43 years, the English Stonehenge lightstones still stand on Salisbury Plain. They are a good deal older.

Official permitted histories suggest Neolithic or Mesolithic. Perhaps 12,000 BCE or thereabouts. Until the new corrected and complete histories are released, all that can be said with any degree of educated certitude is that the establishment of the Stonehenge lightstone array seems to post-date the end of the last Ice Age.

Stonehenge is sited on the Goddess Leyline. On this same leyline (or ley line) are Teotihuacan (Mexico) and Baalbak-Heliopolis (Lebanon).

More background about the now-demolished Georgia Guidestones can be found here, here and downpage here.
Picture: The Hosts of Heaven come to town.
Picture: Earth's Pole Reversal.

The esoteric and AltNews outlets on the Anglophone web are full of it now. The final end-time cataclysm is imminent. Apocalypse.

Everything will be finished for this 3D version of human civilisation on Planet Earth by 2035 at the latest. Perhaps sooner. 2025-2027 is possible. But there's nothing to worry about. All will be well.

The bought-and-paid-for scientists embedded in national governments know some of this. So do the major security professionals worldwide. But they don't know it all. They don't see it all. Many of them are still viewing things through the Satanic-control filters of need-to-know establishment secrecy. It's dark out there.

The fear, confusion and chaos-limitation policies emanating from the decomposing Western élites is eloquent. Even their controlled mass media outlets are having weekly toilet accidents with the official propaganda. Nothing to see here.

So thinking big-picture in this fast-moving final end-time season, what is actually happening?

Here are a few ideas:

First, there is the completion of a great cosmic cycle which has lasted for over 13 billion years. Right now, this whole universe of ours is at the turning point from expansion into contraction.

This is a unique moment. The Source (the Absolute) can now intervene directly in the creation.

Maybe don't use the word God here. The word God suggests a Western mythological construct called religion. This was once a one-size-fits-all officially-prescribed construct. Some say that it wasn't constructed to enlighten. It was constructed to obfuscate. Or control. Or both. Or it got to be that way centuries ago because of the interference of a deliberately-infiltrated negative priest-caste. Who knows? Who is allowed to know? Truth can be slippery stuff.

But back to the Higher Evolution. What will the Source do when it does intervene in the creation? One idea is that it will dissolve the quantum primary anomaly and all evil related to it. All darkness will disappear.

That moment of direct intervention is sometimes called the Apocalypse. It is hinted at explicitly in an ancient prophetic text now incorporated in church-edited form in the Bible here (KJV - New Testament - Book of Revelation: Chapter 21).

The apocalyptic moment is also referred to as the Cosmic Reversal. Mainstream human scientists are beginning to understand that this will not happen millions or billions of years from now, but much sooner.

Second, there is the completion of the galactic magnetic pulse cycle which lasts somewhere between 12,000 and 13,000 years. Every 12,000 years or so, the Galactic Central Sun reverses its magnetic polarity. In two such successive cycles it switches its magnetic polarity back to the original one.

The Earth's axis is entrained with these galactic magnetic field reversals. This is the true origin of the 25,772-year precessional cycle, and the 12,000-year Heinrich event cycle.

A galactic magnetic field reversal triggers a Solar mininova event, which in turn triggers an Earth magnetic field reversal. Already, in 2022, the Earth's magnetic field is decreasing fast in preparation for the next reversal. This has happened many times before, but not in our publicly-permitted establishment narratives.

When the strength of the Earth's magnetic field falls below a certain threshold, the elasticity and viscosity of the Earth's mantle abruptly changes to allow crustal displacements and a physical polar shift. The North Pole becomes the South Pole, so to speak. And vice versa.

Such a polar shift triggers a global tsunami wave which washes over the whole planetary surface and purifies it. Many 3D civilisations are completely eradicated; not just human ones. This, too, has happened many times before.

The global tsunami wave is a necessary part of the primary anomaly purification process, and only spiritually-positive individuals strongly connected with inner Light within Islands of Light will be able to survive it on the surface of the planet. There may be rare exceptions to this: an occasional prepper here or there, for example. Preppers have survived this sort of thing before.

The rest of the human population will be evacuated from the surface of the planet and will then be able to start a new cycle afresh, in full alignment with the Light.

Third, there is the completion of the solar magnetic cycle which lasts around 11 years. The next solar magnetic reversal is expected around 2025. The Sun is becoming active much faster than expected. By May 2022, the sunspot number had already exceeded the US NOAA prediction for the peak of the cycle in 2025.

Mainstream human scientists are beginning to realize that there is something unusual going on with the current solar cycle. Soon some of them will be able to connect the dots, triggering an élite information-control panic behind the scenes. A Carrington-type event is quite possible sometime in the next two years. More here (21.03.22).

Unknown, perhaps, to most of those mainstream human scientists, positive ET influencers, working from dimensions above 3D, have now completed the construction of two huge Dyson spheres, one around the Sun and one around the Earth. Those ET influencers include advanced humanoid races such as the Arcturians and the Pleiadians.

The Galactic Confederation fleet they form part of is now ready for the arrival of the anticipated Solar flash.

A word about astrology may be apposite here. Astrology is not a recreational fantasy for crazy people which sells newspapers.

Proper astrology tunes into the higher energetics of astronomical position changes and calculates the likely real-time outcomes. The positive and negative secret societies currently running our human civilisation take astrology very seriously indeed, and always have done. They are long-term planners.

As has been known by adept astrologers for many centuries, big changes are due in our now time. For example, late in the evening of Friday 21st December 2012, the cosmic energetics had changed to such an extent that advanced extraterrestrial protocols had to be changed as well.

In anticipation of this nodal 2012 cosmic moment, big conferences were held high up in the spiritual architecture. One result of the deliberations was that the largest fleet of specialist ET spaceships ever assembled in this universe was deployed in the Oort cloud out beyond our Solar System. The Hosts of Heaven, one might say, had come to town. And yes, the Lord of Hosts is involved. And no, this is nothing to do with the rogue faction's Project Blue Beam PsyOp. In comparison with the real end-time events, Blue Beam was a fake microbe's broken trainset.

Thousands of benevolent ET races from throughout the galaxy are represented in the real Galactic Confederation fleet. Most are still there, ready and waiting for the Earth evacuations. Others have moved closer and are positioned around the Jupiter corridor (a major interdimensional portal), on the Moon, and now, quite recently, in the sublunar space above the Earth's surface.

The biggest local deployment, however, seems to be the vast number of huge motherships needed to establish the two coordinated Dyson sphere energy management systems around the Sun and the Earth. These motherships are said to be arranged and held in a very precise geometrical array at a dimension above 3D.

With the end-time approaching, Earth's magnetic field is already 25% down in its strength. Strong solar flares are expected during the Solar maximum in the next few years. These could collapse the Earth's magnetic field to the degree necessary for the magnetic excursion, leading to a physical polar shift.

All three cycles, cosmic, galactic and solar, converge into the opening of the Ascension portal of 2025.

Ascension has nothing directly to do with religion, although some old human-invented religions talk about it and make truth-claims about it with varying degrees of clarity.

Ascension is a natural universe-wide process of spiritual growth and dimensional change. It applies across the piece whether or not the planets and star systems involved have or don't have what we physical humanoid Earthlings think of as religions, spiritualities or philosophies.

These days, most benevolent Western spiritualities on Earth have little to do with official organised religion. But all these new spiritualities have a profound respect for the Ascended Masters and prophets which the old religions claim to be the source of their founding scriptures and dogmas.

The New Spirituality, generally, simply understands those Ascended Masters and prophets in their cosmic and extraterrestrial contexts and often knows them by their spiritual or galactic names.

Each ensouled human being has a galactic name. Even the chap behind you in the fish shop has a galactic name. But that name isn't anything like Joe Gargery or Estella Havisham.

More background about the pole shift, global tsunami, ascension and the ET involvement in all this, plus links to further related information, can be found here (12.02.22), here (26.05.22), here (23.06.22) and here (10.07.22).

But taking all this on board, what will it actually feel like to live through the pole shift and the global tsunami? Billions of humans currently alive within the surface population on Planet Earth may shortly find out.

Helpfully, on Monday 27th June 2022, Anna Von Reitz explained the expected experience. She entitled her article: The Good News and the Bad News. Her full text follows here:

The good news is that you are immortal and always have been. The bad news is that we are all going to die.

If you have been watching and listening and learning from all the information being pumped out about "the Shift" - the collapse of the electromagnetic field and pole reversal - you will eventually pick up on what isn't being said in so many words: physically, we are all going to die, because we can't exist without the EM grid.

The body you will inherit upon arrival in the next time-space is similar to your body now, except that it will be of different materials, lighter and stronger, not carbon based, and it will have many abilities that you don't have now. The new body doesn't constantly degrade like the carbon-based model, so illness and infirmity will pass away.  

Your consciousness will be preserved. Those of us who have lived in love all our lives will be able to perceive our bodies throughout this transition, as our bodies will glow in a way similar to phosphorescence, even in the midst of the swirling darkness. Otherwise, it will feel like you are in an undefined space filled with the blackest imaginable smoke - albeit, smoke without odor.

This is a temporary condition and you might as well just settle in and enjoy the ride. Except for your own dimly phosphorescent shape, and maybe that of whoever happens to be very close to you when all this happens, you won't be able to see anything. So, you might as well relax and sleep through this.

No need for terror. Just be forewarned that this is what happens, when and If a shift in time and space occurs. It won't hurt. You won't be in any danger. It will just seem very odd. As long as you are expecting it and know that it is temporary, it is no big cause for concern.

Upon arrival, you will wake up in a new world. Everything will be weirdly the same, yet different. For example, the grass isn't blade-like, it's more like a tiny fern - and instead of being bright green, it's a pale green.

The oxygen content is high and every breath you take revitalizes you, but don't just jump up and start flailing around, because gravity isn't the same, either. Get too jumpy and you will find yourself 10,000 feet in the air, looking down on your new home.

Those others who have journeyed with you will be waking up, too, and you will soon reconnect with your family and friends and be greeted by Healers who will begin teaching you about the trauma you've endured and the new world you have been given. In this process you will relive - in retrospect - your life on Earth from an entirely new perspective.

When you are done with the healing process and are used to your new body there will be other choices to make. For you, the trials and tribulations of an Earth-bound life are over. You are set free to create your own reality. This is where having a firm fix on your Happy Place comes in handy.

Wherever your heart wants to go, you can now go there.  Whoever you want to be there with you, will be there with you. It is given to you to be able to create your own vision of bliss.  Your own private heaven. That's why I encourage you to think about your Happy Place - that perfect environment where you feel at home and happy.  Imagine it in detail.

Thinking about your Happy Place not only comforts you now and lightens your load, but when the opportunity to create your perfect world comes, you won't be left flat-footed without a thought in your head. You will already have the blueprint for it.

As for "dying" my dears, we have lived and died and lived and died, so long and so often, that it is entirely familiar. It's nothing to fear or regret. Like walking from one room to another, or waking up after a dream, our bodies simply fall away like the dry husks of a butterfly's chrysalis.

My point is that dying is entirely natural, so natural in fact, that you will recognize it as it is happening, and you won't be afraid.

It isn't given to me to know how many will be resettled here, but some will remain for whatever reasons. The planet is not "doomed" but it is due for an overhaul, so there will be plenty of work to do and lots of beautiful things happening as the planet is revitalized and reborn.

I can't help but feel that my role as a Guardian here is nearing an end; I have been faithfully on post for many, many lifetimes, and I am looking forward to new horizons for me and my Soul Family. Like an old soldier going home at last, it's a bittersweet feeling. I will miss the constant challenges of Earth, the eternal answering of questions, and the small, homely comforts that sustain us all.

Have faith that there is a reason for your existence. Have faith that life is not a waste, but is instead, a most glorious gift. Keep faith with your dreams. They are the blueprints for the worlds you will build. And know that just as a caterpillar is destined to become a butterfly, there is a most surprising - and wonderful - destiny for you.

And in the end, there will be nothing to regret.

The text sources of Anna Von Reitz's article are here (27.06.22) and here (27.06.22).

Picture: Deep water overhead.
Picture: High tide?
Picture: Document disclosures - Latvia's Nazi collaborators during WW2.

Russian Federal Security Service declassifies and publishes documents on Latvian Nazi collaborators during Germany's Third Reich

● The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) has declassified and published on its website the interrogation records of Latvian Nazi collaborators during the Second World War.

● These revelations come to light as the actions of the neo-Nazi Banderites in Ukraine are being under-reported or glossed over by the Western mass media.

● The newly-released documents reveal that, contrary to what is generally understood today, in Latvia the mass murder of Jews and Roma by the Nazi regime began in July 1941, well ahead of the Wannsee conference of 20th January 1942.

● The documents also indicate that the massacres of Jews and political opponents reached far greater proportions than is generally acknowledged. The Nazi leaders themselves were shocked by the cruelty of their Latvian volunteer collaborators.

● In December 1941, the 30,000 Jews in the Riga ghetto were all exterminated. The Latvian Sonderkommando Arājs unit guarding the Salaspils concentration camp executed 30,000 prisoners.

● It set up a “blood factory” in which prisoners, mainly children, were bled every two days until they died from exhaustion.

● 46,000 civilians, including 12,000 Jews, were brought to Latvia from Austria, Germany and Czechoslovakia to be killed in the Biķernieki Forest.

● 105,000 people out of 120,000 were murdered by Latvians in the Minsk ghetto (now Belarus).

● The Russian Red Army discovered mass graves in Latvia containing more than 300,000 bodies.

● The current Latvian parliament (Saeimā) has just passed a new law ordering the dismantling of all monuments honoring the Russian Red Army no later than 15th November 2022.

● The current Latvian government continues to pay tribute to Nazi collaborators in Latvia and Ukraine.

English language source here (22.06.22). Original Russian language source here.

Picture: We have always known about them.
Larger image here. Video picture sequence here. And we have a separate blog page on the alien/ET issue here. ..............................................................................................................................................
Picture: UFO sighted over Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam). Monday 21st March 2022.
Picture: Russia, Ukraine, US and EU. Monday 20th June 2022.
Picture: 25th SPIEF - Friday 17th June 2022.
On Friday 17th June 2022, speaking at the plenary session of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum, the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, delivered a wide-ranging speech of major geopolitical significance. His comments included the following:

Fundamental business notions such as business reputation, the inviolability of property and trust in global currencies have been seriously damaged. Regrettably, they have been undermined by our Western partners, who have done this deliberately, for the sake of their own ambitions and in order to preserve obsolete geopolitical illusions.

The era of a unipolar world order has come to an end. This era has ended despite attempts to maintain and preserve it at all costs. Change is a natural process of history, as it is difficult to reconcile the diversity of civilisations and the richness of cultures on the planet with political, economic or other stereotypes - these do not work here, they are imposed by one centre in a rough and no-compromise manner.

After declaring victory in the Cold War, the United States proclaimed itself to be God’s messenger on Earth, without any obligations and only interests which were declared sacred.

The ruling elite of some Western states seem to be harbouring illusions. They refuse to notice obvious things, stubbornly clinging to the shadows of the past. For example, they seem to believe that the dominance of the West in global politics and the economy is an unchanging, eternal value. Nothing lasts forever.

(This ruling elite) crudely and shamelessly impose their ethics, their views on culture and ideas about history, sometimes questioning the sovereignty and integrity of states, and threatening their very existence. Suffice it to recall what happened in Yugoslavia, Syria, Libya and Iraq.

(re Western sactions against Russia) The economic blitzkrieg against Russia was doomed to fail from the beginning. Sanctions as a weapon have proved in recent years to be a double-edged sword damaging their advocates and architects just as much, if not more. European politicians have already dealt their economies a serious blow all by themselves. We see social and economic problems worsening in Europe, and in the US as well. Food, electricity and fuel prices rising, with quality of life in Europe falling and companies losing their market edge. The EU’s direct, calculable losses from the sanctions fever could exceed $400 billion this year. This is the price of decisions that are far removed from reality and contradict common sense.

Such a disconnect from reality and the demands of society will inevitably lead to a surge in populism and extremist and radical movements, major socioeconomic changes, degradation and a change of elites in the short term. The attempts to keep up appearances and the talk about allegedly acceptable costs in the name of pseudo-unity cannot hide the main thing: the European Union has lost its political sovereignty, and its bureaucratic elites are dancing to someone else’s tune, doing everything they are told from on high and hurting their own people, economies, and businesses.

For a long time, the United States was a big food supplier in the world market. It was proud, and with good reason, of its achievements, its agriculture and farming traditions. But today, America’s role has changed drastically. It has turned from a net exporter of food into a net importer. Loosely speaking, it is printing money and pulling commodity flows its way, buying food products all over the world.

Many developing nations are asking a good question: why exchange goods for dollars and euros that are losing value right before our eyes? The conclusion suggests itself: the economy of mythical entities is inevitably being replaced by the economy of real values and assets.

According to the IMF, global currency reserves are at $7.1 trillion and 2.5 trillion euros now. These reserves are devalued at an annual rate of about 8 percent. Moreover, they can be confiscated or stolen any time if the United States dislikes something in the policy of the states involved. I think this has become a very real threat for many countries that keep their gold and foreign exchange reserves in these currencies.

A conversion of global reserves will begin. They will be converted from weakening currencies into real resources like food, energy commodities and other raw materials.

Not only did the West’s miscalculations affect the net cost of goods and services but they also resulted in decreased fertiliser production, mainly nitrogen fertilisers made from natural gas. Overall, global fertiliser prices have jumped by over 70 percent from mid-2021 through February 2022. There are currently no conditions that can overcome these pricing trends.

The current priority of the international community is to increase food deliveries to the global market notably, to satisfy the requirements of the countries that need food most of all. While ensuring its domestic food security and supplying the domestic market, Russia is also able to scale up its food and fertiliser exports. For example, our grain exports in the next season can be increased to 50 million tonnes. As a priority, we will supply the countries that need food most of all, where the number of starving people could increase, first of all, African countries and the Middle East.

As for Ukrainian food supplies to global markets - I have to mention this because of numerous speculations - we are not hindering them. They can do it. We did not mine the Black Sea ports of Ukraine. They can clear the mines and resume food exports. We will ensure the safe navigation of civilian vessels. No problem.

Anyway, Ukrainian grain can be exported, and not only via Black Sea ports. Another route is via Belarus, which is, incidentally, the cheapest way. Or via Poland or Romania, whichever you prefer. In fact, there are five or six export routes.

The world is going through an era of drastic change. International institutions are breaking down and faltering. Security guarantees are being devalued. The West has made a point of refusing to honour its earlier commitments. It has simply been impossible to reach any new agreements with them. Given these circumstances and against the backdrop of mounting risks and threats, Russia was forced to go ahead with the special military operation. It was a difficult but necessary decision, and we were forced to make it.

This was the decision of a sovereign country, which has the unconditional right to uphold its security, which is based on the UN Charter. This decision was aimed at protecting our people and the residents of the people's republics of Donbass who for eight long years were subjected to genocide by the Kiev regime and the neo-Nazis who enjoyed the full protection of the West.

The West not only sought to implement an “anti-Russia” scenario, but also engaged in the active military development of Ukrainian territory, flooding Ukraine with weapons and military advisers. And it continues to do so now. Frankly, no one is paying any attention to the economy or well-being of the people living there, they just do not care about it at all, but they have never spared money to create a NATO foothold in the east that is directed against Russia and to cultivate aggression, hatred and Russophobia.

Today, our soldiers and officers, as well as the Donbass militia, are fighting to protect their people. They are fighting for Russia's future as a large, free and secure multi-ethnic country that makes its own decisions, determines its own future, relies on its history, culture and traditions, and rejects any and all outside attempts to impose pseudo-values steeped in dehumanisation and moral degradation. No doubt, our special military operation goals will be fulfilled.

The full text of Vladimir Putin's speech is here (17.06.22). And more Ukraine situation details are being compiled on a separate blog page here.
PIcture: Major global collapse imminent?
Picture: Apocalypse next ?
Picture: Keep calm - there's a paradigm shift.
Picture: Nexus Newsfeed is here.
Picture: Rose Rambles is here.
Picture: Canada, US, UK and Russia. 2022.
Picture: The US and Ukraine. 2014 - 2022.
Picture: The US and Ukraine - 2014
Picture: The US and Ukraine - 2016.
Picture: Glenn Greenwald on Ukraine. Friday 20th May 2022.
Picture: Mariupol (Ukraine). Saturday 21st May 2022. (2)
More Ukraine details are being compiled on a separate blog page here.

Picture: Many things are the other way round.
Picture: Silver, Gold and XRP prospects. Thursday 5th May 2022.
Picture: Notice & Information for the Bank of England & JPMorgan Chase. 3rd May 2022.
Picture: JP Morgan Bank 1934-2022. USA.
Picture: This economy is screwed. Look at this. Thursday 28th April 2022.
Picture: Very similar patterns are playing out here. Thursday 28th April 2022.
Picture: EU to Bitcoin CEO - Please shift to proof of stake.
Picture : Even the gold bugs are bearish as never before.
Picture: Gold and Bitcoin charts. Monday 18th April 2022.
Picture: Ruble continuing to gain strength against US dollar. Friday 29th April 2022.
Picture: Ten European gas buyers open Gazprom rubles accounts (27th April 2022).
Picture: #USDRUB. Saturday 9th April 2022.
Picture: Gold-backed Russian ruble. Big Banking game-change. Dominoes to fall.
Big Banking game-change. Paradigm shift for global economy becomes visible. Russia moves towards return to gold standard. Dominoes to fall. Moscow to sell all its commodities, including oil and gas, in asset-backed Rubles or gold and nothing else. US Dollars and Euros won't buy anything from Russia ever again. From now on West must pay Russia with gold or sound money, not unbacked toilet-paper casino currencies.

On Saturday 2nd April 2022, Ronan Manly, a precious metals analyst at BullionStar Singapore, gave an interview to RT here.

Q: Why is setting a fixed price for gold in rubles significant?

RM: By offering to buy gold from Russian banks at a fixed price of 5,000 rubles per gram, the Bank of Russia has linked the ruble to gold. Since gold trades in US dollars, this move sets a floor price for the ruble in terms of the US dollar.

We have seen this linkage in action since Friday 25th March 2022, when the Bank of Russia made the fixed price announcement.

The ruble was trading at around 100 to the US dollar at that time. But since then it has strengthened and is now nearing 80 to the US dollar. Why? Because gold has been trading on international markets at about US$62 per gram which is equivalent to (5,000 / 62) = about 80.5, and markets and arbitrage traders have taken note, driving the RUB/USD exchange rate higher.

The result is that the ruble now has a floor to the US dollar, in terms of gold.

But gold also has a floor, so to speak, because 5,000 rubles per gram is 155,500 rubles per troy ounce of gold, and with a RUB/USD floor of about 80, that’s a gold price of around $1,940.

If the Western paper gold markets of LBMA/COMEX try to drive the US dollar gold price lower, they will have to try to weaken the ruble as well or else the paper manipulations will be out in the open.

Also, with the new gold to ruble linkage, if the ruble continues to strengthen - for example due to demand created by obligatory energy payments in rubles - this will also be reflected in a stronger gold price.

Q: What does all this mean for oil?

RM: Russia is the world’s largest natural gas exporter and the world’s third largest oil exporter. What we are seeing right now is that Putin is demanding that foreign buyers (importers of Russian gas) must pay for their Russian natural gas using rubles.

This immediately links the price of natural gas to rubles and, because of the fixed link to gold, to the gold price. So Russian natural gas is now linked via the ruble to gold.

The same can now be done with Russian oil. If Russia begins to demand payment for oil exports with rubles, there will be an immediate indirect peg to gold (via the fixed price ruble-gold connection). Russia could then begin accepting gold directly in payment for its oil exports. In fact, this payment method can be applied to any commodities, not just oil and natural gas.

Q: What does this mean for the price of gold?

RM: By playing both sides of the equation, i.e. by linking the ruble to gold and then linking energy payments to the ruble, the Bank of Russia and the Kremlin are fundamentally altering the entire working assumptions of the global trade system while accelerating change in the global monetary system.

The consequent wall of buyers in search of physical gold to pay for real commodities could certainly torpedo and blow up the paper gold markets of the LBMA and COMEX.

The fixed peg between the ruble and gold puts a floor on the RUB/USD rate but also a quasi-floor on the US dollar gold price. But beyond this, the linking of gold to energy payments is the main event.

While increased demand for rubles should continue to strengthen the RUB/USD rate and show up as a higher gold price, due to the fixed ruble-gold linkage, if Russia begins to accept gold directly as a payment for oil, then this would be a new paradigm shift for the gold price as it would link the oil price directly to the gold price.

For example, Russia could start by specifying that it will now accept 1 gram of gold per barrel of oil. It doesn’t have to be 1 gram, but it would have to be a discounted offer to the current crude benchmark price to promote take-up, e.g. 1.2 grams per barrel.

Buyers would then scramble to buy physical gold to pay for Russian oil exports, which in turn would create huge strains in the paper gold markets in London and New York where the entire ‘gold price’ discovery process is based on synthetic and fractionally-backed cash-settled unallocated 'gold' and 'gold price derivatives'.

Q: What does all this mean for the ruble?

RM: Linking the ruble to gold via the Bank of Russia’s fixed price has now put a floor under the RUB/USD rate, and thereby stabilised and strengthened the ruble. Demanding that natural gas exports are paid for in rubles, and possibly oil and other commodities down the line, will again act as stabilisation and support.

If a majority of the international trading system begins accepting these rubles for commodity payments arrangements, this could propel the Russian ruble into becoming a major global currency. At the same time, any move by Russia to accept direct gold for oil payments will cause more international gold to flow into Russian reserves, which would also strengthen the balance sheet of the Bank of Russia and in turn strengthen the ruble.

Talk of a formal gold standard for the ruble might be premature, but a gold-backed ruble must be something the Bank of Russia has considered.

Q: What will all this mean for other currencies?

RM: The global monetary landscape is changing rapidly and central banks around the world are obviously taking note.

Western sanctions such as the freezing of the majority of Russia’s foreign exchange reserves while trying to sanction Russian gold have now made it obvious that property rights on FX reserves held abroad may not be respected and, likewise, that foreign central bank gold held in vault locations such as at the Bank of England and the New York Fed, is not beyond confiscation.

Other non-Western governments and central banks will therefore be taking a keen interest in Russia linking the ruble to gold and linking commodity export payments to the ruble. In other words, if Russia begins to accept payment for oil in gold, then other countries may feel the need to follow suit.

Look at who, apart from the US, are the world’s largest oil and natural gas producers: Iran, China, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar. Obviously, all of the BRICS countries and Eurasian countries are also following all of this very closely. If the demise of the US dollar is nearing, all of these countries will want their currencies to be beneficiaries of a new multi-lateral monetary order.

Q: What does this mean for the US dollar?

RM: Since 1971, the global reserve status of the US dollar has been underpinned by oil, and the petrodollar era has only been possible due to both the world’s continued use of US dollars to trade oil and the USA’s ability to prevent any competitor to the US dollar.

What we are seeing right now looks like the beginning of the end of that 50-year system and the birth of a new gold and commodity backed multi-lateral monetary system.

The freezing of Russia’s foreign exchange reserves has been the trigger. The giant commodity-strong countries of the world such as China and the oil exporting nations may now feel that the time is right to move over to a new more equitable monetary system. This is not a surprise; they have been discussing it for years.

While it’s still too early to say how the US dollar will be affected, it will come out of this period weaker and less influential than before.

Q: What are the ramifications?

RM: The Bank of Russia’s move to link the ruble to gold, and link commodity payments to the ruble, is a paradigm shift that the Western media has not really yet grasped.

As the dominos fall, these events could reverberate in different ways:
Increased demand for physical gold
Blowups in the paper gold markets
A revalued gold price
A shift away from the US dollar
Increased bilateral trade in commodities among non-Western counties in currencies other than the US dollar

Original source article text here (02.04.22). More geopolitical and geofinancial context here (14.04.22), here (06.04.22), here (05.04.22), here (04.04.22), here (04.04.22), here (30.03.22) and here (30.03.22). Also keep an eye on ► #RUBUSD #USDRUB #XAUUSD $PHYS $GOLD $GDX and this live chart here.


Picture: The Coming Global Financial Revolution.
Picture: A new global reality is taking shape. A multipolar world is being born.
Picture: Is the G7's Old World Order rogue faction going up in flames? If so, why?
Picture: Falling it fell. And great was the fall thereof. (after Gustave Doré)
Picture: Falling it fell. And great was the fall thereof. (after Gustave Doré [Two])
Picture: Pope Francis - public physiognomies 2019 and 2020.
Picture: Is the old Project Bluebeam disinfo being cranked up again?
Picture: The D'Avila Family Trust - Friday 22nd April 2022.
Picture: American governance 2022-style.
Picture: Nat Rothschild comments on the US government. Friday 15th April 2022.
Picture: Donald Trump at Buckingham Palace (London, UK). June 2019.
Picture: Buckingham Palace, London (UK).
Picture: British Crown copyright claims. Saturday 12th March 2022.

On Saturday 12th March 2022, one of the most important legal letters ever written in global banking and finance was sent by the Fiduciary for The United States of America to JPMorgan Chase Banks in New York

The full text of that letter follows here:

Saturday, March 12, 2022
Letter to JP Morgan Chase

By Anna Von Reitz

March 12, 2022

Chairman William B. Harrison, Jr.
CEO Jamie Dimon
JPMorgan Chase Banks
270 Park Avenue
New York, New York  10017

Dear Sirs:

I am the lawful Fiduciary for The United States of America --- Unincorporated, and have recently inherited similar duties worldwide.  

All British Crown copyright claims and similar attachments have been overturned and the Crown is under prosecution and investigation for crimes of unlawful conversion, personage and breach of trust against the American people and other nations worldwide.  

My standing is already established, recorded, accepted, and absolute in all jurisdictions of the law.

I have the signature and donor authority over the 1,181,336,675 metric tons of gold administered for The United States of America under Certificate of Entitlement by the Central Bank of the Philippines-- which was delivered to Chase Manhattan Banks.

We have the appropriate Federal District Court Orders.

Ferdinand Marcos was our Trustee in this matter; Ferdinand Marcos had no individual right to or interest in our assets, and he could certainly not convey a right that he himself did not possess to his relatives, including Tiburcio V. Marcos.

As the Donors, we have the controlling interest in these and all other physical assets held in trust, and as the Public Government, we are the lawful owners and protectors of all American assets in international and global jurisdiction.  

Some people have advanced the idea that when the Federal Republic ceased to function in 1861, it's powers devolved upon the British Territorial United States or reverted to the Municipal United States Government, or some combination thereof.   

In fact, all powers vouchsafed to the Federal Republic returned by Operation of Law to the Delegator of those Powers --- our unincorporated Federation of States, doing business as The United States of America since 1776.  

It is our role and responsibility to clean up this mess, take control of the assets, define the monetary standards, and issue both coin and credit.  

You presumably realize this, having a long history of involvement in the Civil War and its aftermath, including the issuance of "Greenbacks" and all the way to the present day credit crisis. You know, or have cause to know, that none of the Congresses that have convened ever since the fall of the Federal Republic actually had the power to issue coinage or credit, and merely claimed to "represent" us.  It's time to correct all that and get this show on the road.  

I have all the original American-side records, receipts and manifests, so there is no point in arguing or fighting.  This is simply a correction that has to be made, and it is best made in public and with full cooperation on all sides.

It is my understanding that you have, as of 2017, acquired the trademarks and names of the FEDERAL RESERVE and the FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD OF GOVERNORS respectively, and have been instrumental in the settlement of the bankruptcy of the Federal Reserve System.   

Thus your cooperation in reassigning and using the American gold and silver assets and in negotiating the role of the FEDERAL RESERVE and status of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is both requested and required.  

As the responsible Fiduciary, I don't wish to cause undue disruption; I am not interested in any court battles --- those are already won; I wish for a prompt and amiable resolution of all differences between the banks and the actual asset owners, and I call upon you to work with me to help prevent an unnecessary worldwide economic collapse.

Your prompt response is appreciated and highly desirable under the current circumstance.  

I can be reached at (907) 250-5087 or via email at

Time is of the essence.  Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals, Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.

By: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary, The United States of America

Text sources here (12.03.22) and here (12.03.22).

Picture: American, Asian, and Spanish Primary Asset Base Accounts United.
Picture: Heaven Earth East West. March 2022.
Picture: Recovery & repatriation of American gold, credit, stocks, bonds, & silver (12.02.22).
Picture: European security talks in Gomel, Belarus. 28th February 2022.
Picture: Benevolent extraterrestrials living among us?
Picture: Hold the light. Align with the higher energies.
Picture: Concerning Martian humanoids on Earth.
Picture: Fulfilling the minimum criteria for evolution.
Picture: Staying across the false world narratives.
Picture: Constructing the False World Narrative. Western AI-coordinated editors at work.
Picture: Television and Mass Media false world narratives.
Picture: There's a way out of the matrix!
Picture: Viktor Orbán (Hungary) with Vladimir Putin (Russia).
On Tuesday 1st February 2022, the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán, went to Russia to meet with his old friend, Vladimir Putin, in the Kremlin.

During their talks and the subsequent media briefing it emerged that Hungary was now buying Russian gas at a rate five times cheaper than the market price in Europe.

Putin explained that the long-term agreements which made this possible were signed in 2021 and run through to the year 2036.

The Russian president also said that it is important that Russian gas is distributed further into Western Europe through Hungarian territory.

Hungary has invariably confirmed its reputation as a reliable partner in the transit of Russian fuels, he commented. Russia was willing to build up mutually advantageous cooperation in this area. Natural gas, it was argued, is the cleanest and most eco-friendly fuel available to both nations at this time as they gradually transition to a green economy.

More here (01.02.22) and here (01.02.22).


Picture: Alberto Fernandez (Argentina) and Vladimir Putin (Russia).
Two days later, on Thursday 3rd February 2022, the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, held talks with the President of Argentina, Alberto Fernandez, in the Kremlin, Moscow.

The two leaders discussed the current status and development prospects of the comprehensive Russian-Argentine strategic partnership. This bilateral cooperation now includes political, trade, economic and cultural-humanitarian spheres.

In addition, the presidents surveyed the two nations' interaction on the Covid-19 response effort, and other live topics concerning international and regional issues.

The following English-language text has been released by the Kremlin:

Putin: Mr President, it is a pleasure to see you. We have been planning this in-person meeting for a long time. Unfortunately, it was not possible for it to go ahead because of the epidemiological situation. To the best of my knowledge, we met in January 2020 at events in Israel commemorating the victims of the Holocaust. Nevertheless, contacts have continued unabated all this time.

Of course, we are grateful to you because Argentina was the first country in the Western Hemisphere to register the Sputnik V vaccine. The first contract has now been virtually fulfilled: almost 15 million of the 20 million doses have been delivered to Argentina.

This vaccine is already being manufactured at factories in Argentina, and over six million doses have already been produced. The registration of the Sputnik M vaccine for young people aged 12–17 is now being discussed. And I would like to congratulate you on such a large-scale vaccination effort. Almost 78 percent of your population have been inoculated, and this is a very good outcome.

Of course, we still have a lot to accomplish in order to advance our trade and economic cooperation, which increased by 50 percent in 2021. This is a very serious, impressive result, and the pace is satisfactory.

We have many positive areas of cooperation; our colleagues are working at healthcare ministries, foreign ministries, and other agencies, too.

Your brief stay in Russia is also linked with this situation. But I hope that we will be able to continue these personal contacts in Argentina and here in Russia. We are going to Beijing together, for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Winter Games. But, as I see it, we will find it more convenient to talk here, in a calm and relaxed atmosphere, and to discuss all our bilateral issues and the situation on the international scene, too.

I am happy to see you. Welcome to Russia.

Fernandez: Mr President, first, this is a great honour for me, thank you for the invitation, I was eager to see you. It is a great pleasure for me to meet with you in Moscow where we can talk in a calm atmosphere and discuss how we should promote cooperation between Argentina and Russia in all areas.

People in Argentina appreciate Russia a lot, and notably, your assistance with the vaccines that you sent us. This was very important to us in countering the pandemic. Indeed, you provided us with significant support at that time and we are very grateful to you because we did not have enough vaccines then. Thanks to you, we did a good job and the results of our efforts were excellent.

I had two doses myself and then I waited a bit before getting a third dose of Sputnik.

Putin: Me too.

Fernandez: Indeed, we are deeply grateful for this assistance because the rest of the world did not help us with vaccines. This is very important and highly valued. I think we can deepen and expand this substantial groundwork because there are many areas in which we can cooperate very well.

I believe that Argentina could become Russia’s gateway to Latin America to a certain extent. We could be a venue for the development of your cooperation with Latin American nations. The vaccine example is indicative because we became a stepping stone in the supply of the Russian vaccine to Ecuador, Peru and Paraguay, and this is very important. I think this is a great opportunity for developing our cooperation, and Argentine society is willing to do this, relying, of course, on your support.

Argentina is now facing a difficult situation because we have serious external debt and challenging economic issues. Since the 1990s, Argentina has been strongly oriented towards the United States. Argentina and its economy are largely dependent on the US and our relations with it. In fact, our debt to the IMF also emerged because of this relationship.

At first, when our party was in power from 2003 to 2015, we tried hard to get rid of this dependence on the US. We achieved a lot towards this end. You will remember, at that time we signed a strategic agreement with Russia, thereby upgrading our bilateral ties.

A different party came to power in Argentina in 2015. It resumed these relations with the US, and this largely explains our external debt. I am consistently working to rid Argentina of this dependence on the IMF and the US. I want Argentina to open up new opportunities. Cooperation with Russia is vital for us. I would like to assure you, and I hope that you will accept my assurances that we do want to develop cooperation with Russia.

Text source here (03.02.22).

On the same day, after their talks, Vladimir Putin (Russia) and Alberto Fernandez (Argentina) made statements to the press in the Kremlin, Moscow:

Putin: Mr President, colleagues, it is a pleasure to receive President Fernandez of the Argentine Republic in the Kremlin. This is his first visit to Russia.

During our businesslike and constructive talks, the President and I reviewed in detail the full range of bilateral relations. We discussed in practical terms potential areas for further developing the comprehensive strategic partnership of our countries. We also exchanged views on some current international and regional issues.

I would like to note that Argentina is one of Russia’s key partners in Latin America. For over 150 years, our countries have been united by kind, friendly relations that are based on equality, respect, and regard for each other’s interests. We are doing all we can to promote our close, mutually beneficial cooperation and look for new areas of interaction. As today’s meeting showed, the President shares this approach.

I would like to emphasise that Russia and Argentina maintain productive cooperation in combatting the spread of the coronavirus. Argentina was the first country in the Western Hemisphere to register the Russian Sputnik V vaccine. Russia has supplied Argentina with almost 15 million vaccine doses. In addition, an Argentine pharmaceutical company has produced over six million doses in Buenos Aires province where local production of the Russian vaccine is based.

We are pleased to note that despite the difficult situation caused by the pandemic, Russia and Argentina are developing economic ties. Bilateral trade increased by 50 percent during the past year.

There are good opportunities for stepping up bilateral investment cooperation. Russian and Argentine businesses are interested in working with each other.

Last December, a big Russian business mission visited Argentina. They held talks with a broad range of Argentine partners and the President personally welcomed our entrepreneurs in Buenos Aires, for which we are grateful to him.

The relevant intergovernmental commission has to step up its efforts to promote and diversify bilateral economic cooperation. The Russian-Argentine and Argentine-Russian business councils also have a big role to play in developing business ties. These two councils discussed promising ideas for cooperation at their regular videoconference the other day.

I would like to mention the participation of the Russian company Transmashholding in upgrading railways in Argentina as an example of successful bilateral cooperation. Recently, this Russian company won a big tender for the supply of electric trains. Importantly, local production in Argentina will amount to up to 25 percent of the total. In addition, Russian companies are ready to join the implementation of other projects in railway infrastructure, such as supplies of rolling stock and other equipment.

In turn, Rosatom is willing to offer Argentina assistance in further developing its power industry.

There exist good opportunities for promoting cooperation in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes. They were created when the relevant intergovernmental protocol entered in force in December 2020.

We see considerable potential for expanding cooperation in geological prospecting, construction and maintenance of energy and oil-and-gas infrastructure, renewable energy, the chemical industry and machine building, to name a few.

We are enhancing interbank cooperation. In 2020, the central banks of Russia and Argentina signed a memorandum on cooperation. Commercial banks are upgrading their contacts.

Bilateral cultural and humanitarian ties are making good progress. The Cinema Online project was launched virtually by the Russian House [Russian Science and Culture Centre] in Buenos Aires in 2021. It hosts weekly screenings of the best Soviet and Russian films. The Russia Today media holding is successfully operating in Argentina.

And, of course, I would like to say special thanks to the President for his support of Moscow’s bid for the EXPO-2030 World Fair.

The exchange of views on global and regional problems showed that Russia and Argentina hold similar or identical positions on many issues. Our countries firmly uphold the principles of the supremacy of international law, sovereignty, independence, and non-interference in the domestic affairs of foreign states. We agreed to continue coordinating our efforts on key multilateral issues at international venues, including the UN.

We are ready to step up efforts to expand ties between integration associations, above all, the Eurasian Economic Union and the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR), and to cooperate more closely within the G20.

In closing, I would like to thank Mr Fernandez for the focused, candid and substantive dialogue. I am convinced that today’s exchange of views and talks will serve to further strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership between our countries.

Both Mr Fernandez and I will participate in the opening ceremony for the 24th Olympic Winter Games in Beijing tomorrow. I would like to wish good luck and success to Russian and Argentine athletes.

Thank you.

Fernandez: Thank you very much, Mr President. It was a great honour for me to meet with you today.

We had a very candid and open conversation on matters that our countries are addressing as part of the bilateral agenda. Both countries support the logic of multilateral cooperation and a multipolar world.

Argentina owes a debt of gratitude to the Russian Federation, because Russia was the first country to make sure that Argentina received the coronavirus vaccine. This help made it possible for us to be the first to gain access to the Russian Sputnik vaccine, which helped us mitigate the impact of the pandemic on our people.

Based on this, we can expand our technology cooperation. Together, we can launch the production of not only vaccines, but other products as well. This could involve Russian investment in Argentina. We can ensure the exchange of technology, or the transfer of technology, so that Argentina can continue to industrialise its economy.

We spoke about things that President Putin addressed in depth. This, of course, concerns cooperation in railway infrastructure, trains, cooperation in the energy sector, gas production, and innovative technologies in the energy sector, such as solar and wind energy.

We spoke about the opportunities offered by Argentina and exchanged views on the circumstances in which the world and our region are now living. I asked President Putin to make full use of the comprehensive strategic partnership agreement that Argentina signed with Russia in 2015 and to deepen our cooperation so that it becomes an effective reality and Argentina and Russia can gradually expand ties.

I am leaving Moscow very happy today. I am grateful to President Putin for the hospitality. I wish I could stay several days more and continue this wonderful visit, but tomorrow I will see the President of Russia at the Winter Olympic Games.

Thank you again. I am absolutely sure that we are taking a very important step forward in deepening the fraternal ties between Argentina and Russia for the benefit of both countries. Thank you.

Text source here (03.02.22).

Picture: Vladimir Putin (Russia) and Xi Jinping (China) in Beijing (04.02.22).
The following day, Friday 4th February 2022, Vladimir Putin was in China for meetings with the Chinese President, Xi Jinping. The two leaders met at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing.

The talks focused on the bilateral agenda and trade and economic cooperation. Xi mentioned the intention to increase bilateral trade to US$250 billion. Putin spoke about promoting the use of national currencies in mutual settlements, which the Chinese side supported.

They also discussed bilateral military-technical cooperation, mutual recognition of coronavirus vaccines and the opening of borders depending on the epidemiological situation.

During a working lunch, the two leaders also discussed the international situation and regional issues, in particular, the circumstances surrounding the security guarantees proposed by Russia. Xi Jinping thanked Vladimir Putin for his wholehearted support of the One China principle.

A joint Russia-China statement and a package of documents were adopted within the framework of the visit.

These papers included an intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in anti-monopoly legislation and competitive policy and several other interdepartmental documents, such as the agreement on cooperation in ensuring compatibility and interoperability of GLONASS and BeiDou navigation satellite systems in terms of the system time scales.

In addition, there was a joint statement on the completion of a roadmap for high-quality development of Russian-Chinese trade in goods and services, and a plan of consultations between the foreign ministries of Russia and China in 2022.

Also the two sides signed a memorandum of understanding between the Russian Economic Development Ministry and the Chinese Ministry of Commerce to promote investment cooperation in sustainable (green) development, and there was a joint statement between the relevant ministries on holding the Russian and Chinese years of cooperation in physical education and sports in 2022–2023.

The commercial contracts signed were related to the purchase and sale of natural gas via the Far Eastern route, and the purchase and sale of crude oil for delivery to oil refineries in Western China.

Other documents signed included a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the field of low carbon development between Rosneft and China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), and an agreement on cooperation in the field of information development and digitalisation between Rosneft and Huawei Technologies for the period to 2027.

At the beginning of the Russian-Chinese talks, both leaders made public statements to the media:

Xi: We regard this as a very good sign in China: the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, the beginning of the Spring Festival (according to the Lunar calendar), and today’s meeting with you. We are confident that this personal meeting will add more energy and vigour to relations between our countries.

The coronavirus pandemic is spreading around the world extremely quickly. The world has entered a new phase of shocks and changes. Humankind is facing numerous challenges and crises. In this situation, our countries remain committed to their initial goal, working tirelessly to ensure the sustainable development of our relations and to protect their fundamental interests. Our political and strategic trust is growing stronger.

Our mutual trade exceeded US$140 billion last year, thereby reaching a new historic high. Our countries are actively contributing to the reform of the global governance system.

We are working together to promote a truly multilateral world order. Efforts to uphold the real democratic spirit are a reliable foundation for rallying the world towards overcoming crises and protecting equality.

We will keep moving towards this, and we will continue working together with you to map out plans for the further development of Chinese-Russian relations in a new historical period, trying to transform mutual trust between our countries into practical cooperation to the benefit of our peoples.

Thank you.

Putin: Mr President, my dear friend, first of all, I would like to thank you for inviting me to the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. We know from our own experience that it takes hard work. I am sure that our Chinese friends have organised everything brilliantly, just as always when it comes to major events.

Attending the Olympics opening ceremonies has become a tradition. We attended the opening ceremony of the 2008 Summer Olympics held in China, and you attended the opening ceremony of the 2014 Winter Games in Sochi. Just as agreed, we have now come to Beijing for the opening of the Winter Olympic Games.

I am confident that our athletes, both Chinese and Russian athletes, will perform befittingly. The whole world will be watching the sports developments.

Regarding our bilateral relations, they are, indeed, developing steadily in the spirit of friendship and strategic partnership. They have acquired a truly unprecedented nature and are an example of worthy relations that help both parties to develop and, at the same time, support each other in their development.

As you have already noted, our bilateral trade has reached US$140 billion. We are moving steadily towards our goal, namely, reaching US$200 billion in mutual trade. I am confident that we will certainly attain this level.

Unfortunately, it has been impossible to hold offline meetings over the past two years. Nevertheless, you and I have always been in touch, we have attended videoconferences and spoken with each other by telephone. But, most importantly, we supported the efforts of our teams in virtually all spheres. I am talking about foreign ministries and joint work at international venues. This concerns the most diverse economic aspects, including high-tech and the “green” agenda during the conversion to new power sources.

Nor do we forget about traditional areas. In the run-up to our current meeting, our oil workers have drafted good new solutions regarding hydrocarbon deliveries to the People’s Republic of China. We have made another step forwards in the gas sector. I am referring to the new contract to deliver ten billion cubic metres of gas from Russia’s Far East to China every year. I repeat, we are making headway in high-tech fields.

The agenda is quite packed. Of course, we are taking advantage of the Russian delegation’s current visit. Despite the pandemic-related restrictions, the Russian delegation looks quite large. We will work actively on all aspects. Although we know from our own experience how busy you and your colleagues will be during the Olympic Games opening ceremony, I hope that we will find a few minutes to discuss our bilateral relations.

Thank you very much.

Text source here (04.02.22).

The joint Russia-China statement cited above addressed geopolitical issues relating to the imminent new democratic era of reformed international relations, the move to non-bloc multipolar global governance, and new cooperative mechanisms for global sustainable development. The Kremlin's English language text of that statement is dated 4th February 2022. It reads as follows:

At the invitation of President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir V. Putin visited China on 4 February 2022. The Heads of State held talks in Beijing and took part in the opening ceremony of the XXIV Olympic Winter Games.

The Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China, hereinafter referred to as the sides, state as follows:

Today, the world is going through momentous changes, and humanity is entering a new era of rapid development and profound transformation.

It sees the development of such processes and phenomena as multipolarity, economic globalization, the advent of information society, cultural diversity, transformation of the global governance architecture and world order; there is increasing interrelation and interdependence between the States; a trend has emerged towards redistribution of power in the world; and the international community is showing a growing demand for the leadership aiming at peaceful and gradual development.

At the same time, as the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection continues, the international and regional security situation is complicating and the number of global challenges and threats is growing from day to day.

Some actors representing but the minority on the international scale continue to advocate unilateral approaches to addressing international issues and resort to force; they interfere in the internal affairs of other states, infringing their legitimate rights and interests, and incite contradictions, differences and confrontation, thus hampering the development and progress of mankind, against the opposition from the international community.

The sides call on all States to pursue well-being for all and, with these ends, to build dialogue and mutual trust, strengthen mutual understanding, champion such universal human values as peace, development, equality, justice, democracy and freedom, respect the rights of peoples to independently determine the development paths of their countries and the sovereignty and the security and development interests of States, to protect the United Nations-driven international architecture and the international law-based world order, seek genuine multipolarity with the United Nations and its Security Council playing a central and coordinating role, promote more democratic international relations, and ensure peace, stability and sustainable development across the world.

The sides share the understanding that democracy is a universal human value, rather than a privilege of a limited number of States, and that its promotion and protection is a common responsibility of the entire world community.

The sides believe that democracy is a means of citizens' participation in the government of their country with the view to improving the well-being of population and implementing the principle of popular government.

Democracy is exercised in all spheres of public life as part of a nation-wide process and reflects the interests of all the people, its will, guarantees its rights, meets its needs and protects its interests.

There is no one-size-fits-all template to guide countries in establishing democracy. A nation can choose such forms and methods of implementing democracy that would best suit its particular state, based on its social and political system, its historical background, traditions and unique cultural characteristics. It is only up to the people of the country to decide whether their State is a democratic one.

The sides note that Russia and China as world powers with rich cultural and historical heritage have long-standing traditions of democracy, which rely on thousand-years of experience of development, broad popular support and consideration of the needs and interests of citizens.

Russia and China guarantee their people the right to take part through various means and in various forms in the administration of the State and public life in accordance with the law. The people of both countries are certain of the way they have chosen and respect the democratic systems and traditions of other States.

The sides note that democratic principles are implemented at the global level, as well as in administration of State. Certain States' attempts to impose their own ”democratic standards“ on other countries, to monopolize the right to assess the level of compliance with democratic criteria, to draw dividing lines based on the grounds of ideology, including by establishing exclusive blocs and alliances of convenience, prove to be nothing but flouting of democracy and go against the spirit and true values of democracy. Such attempts at hegemony pose serious threats to global and regional peace and stability and undermine the stability of the world order.

The sides believe that the advocacy of democracy and human rights must not be used to put pressure on other countries. They oppose the abuse of democratic values and interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states under the pretext of protecting democracy and human rights, and any attempts to incite divisions and confrontation in the world.

The sides call on the international community to respect cultural and civilizational diversity and the rights of peoples of different countries to self-determination. They stand ready to work together with all the interested partners to promote genuine democracy.

The sides note that the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights set noble goals in the area of universal human rights, set forth fundamental principles, which all the States must comply with and observe in deeds.

At the same time, as every nation has its own unique national features, history, culture, social system and level of social and economic development, universal nature of human rights should be seen through the prism of the real situation in every particular country, and human rights should be protected in accordance with the specific situation in each country and the needs of its population. Promotion and protection of human rights is a shared responsibility of the international community.

The states should equally prioritize all categories of human rights and promote them in a systemic manner. The international human rights cooperation should be carried out as a dialogue between the equals involving all countries. All States must have equal access to the right to development. Interaction and cooperation on human rights matters should be based on the principle of equality of all countries and mutual respect for the sake of strengthening the international human rights architecture.

The sides believe that peace, development and cooperation lie at the core of the modern international system. Development is a key driver in ensuring the prosperity of the nations. The ongoing pandemic of the new coronavirus infection poses a serious challenge to the fulfilment of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It is vital to enhance partnership relations for the sake of global development and make sure that the new stage of global development is defined by balance, harmony and inclusiveness.

The sides are seeking to advance their work to link the development plans for the Eurasian Economic Union and the Belt and Road Initiative with a view to intensifying practical cooperation between the EAEU and China in various areas and promoting greater interconnectedness between the Asia Pacific and Eurasian regions. The sides reaffirm their focus on building the Greater Eurasian Partnership in parallel and in coordination with the Belt and Road construction to foster the development of regional associations as well as bilateral and multilateral integration processes for the benefit of the peoples on the Eurasian continent.

The sides agreed to continue consistently intensifying practical cooperation for the sustainable development of the Arctic.

The sides will strengthen cooperation within multilateral mechanisms, including the United Nations, and encourage the international community to prioritize development issues in the global macro-policy coordination. They call on the developed countries to implement in good faith their formal commitments on development assistance, provide more resources to developing countries, address the uneven development of States, work to offset such imbalances within States, and advance global and international development cooperation.

The Russian side confirms its readiness to continue working on the China-proposed Global Development Initiative, including participation in the activities of the Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative under the UN auspices.

In order to accelerate the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the sides call on the international community to take practical steps in key areas of cooperation such as poverty reduction, food security, vaccines and epidemics control, financing for development, climate change, sustainable development, including green development, industrialization, digital economy, and infrastructure connectivity.

The sides call on the international community to create open, equal, fair and non-discriminatory conditions for scientific and technological development, to step up practical implementation of scientific and technological advances in order to identify new drivers of economic growth.

The sides call upon all countries to strengthen cooperation in sustainable transport, actively build contacts and share knowledge in the construction of transport facilities, including smart transport and sustainable transport, development and use of Arctic routes, as well as to develop other areas to support global post-epidemic recovery.

The sides are taking serious action and making an important contribution to the fight against climate change. Jointly celebrating the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, they reaffirm their commitment to this Convention as well as to the goals, principles and provisions of the Paris Agreement, including the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities.

The sides work together to ensure the full and effective implementation of the Paris Agreement, remain committed to fulfilling the obligations they have undertaken and expect that developed countries will actually ensure the annual provision of $100 billion of climate finance to developing states. The sides oppose setting up new barriers in international trade under the pretext of fighting climate change.

The sides strongly support the development of international cooperation and exchanges in the field of biological diversity, actively participating in the relevant global governance process, and intend to jointly promote the harmonious development of humankind and nature as well as green transformation to ensure sustainable global development.

The Heads of State positively assess the effective interaction between Russia and China in the bilateral and multilateral formats focusing on the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, protection of life and health of the population of the two countries and the peoples of the world.

They will further increase cooperation in the development and manufacture of vaccines against the new coronavirus infection, as well as medical drugs for its treatment, and enhance collaboration in public health and modern medicine. The sides plan to strengthen coordination on epidemiological measures to ensure strong protection of health, safety and order in contacts between citizens of the two countries.

The sides have commended the work of the competent authorities and regions of the two countries on implementing quarantine measures in the border areas and ensuring the stable operation of the border crossing points, and intend to consider establishing a joint mechanism for epidemic control and prevention in the border areas to jointly plan anti-epidemic measures to be taken at the border checkpoints, share information, build infrastructure and improve the efficiency of customs clearance of goods.

The sides emphasize that ascertaining the origin of the new coronavirus infection is a matter of science. Research on this topic must be based on global knowledge, and that requires cooperation among scientists from all over the world. The sides oppose politicization of this issue.

The Russian side welcomes the work carried out jointly by China and WHO to identify the source of the new coronavirus infection and supports the China – WHO joint report on the matter. The sides call on the global community to jointly promote a serious scientific approach to the study of the coronavirus origin.

The Russian side supports a successful hosting by the Chinese side of the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in Beijing in 2022.

The sides highly appreciate the level of bilateral cooperation in sports and the Olympic movement and express their readiness to contribute to its further progressive development.

The sides are gravely concerned about serious international security challenges and believe that the fates of all nations are interconnected. No State can or should ensure its own security separately from the security of the rest of the world and at the expense of the security of other States. The international community should actively engage in global governance to ensure universal, comprehensive, indivisible and lasting security.

The sides reaffirm their strong mutual support for the protection of their core interests, state sovereignty and territorial integrity, and oppose interference by external forces in their internal affairs.

The Russian side reaffirms its support for the One-China principle, confirms that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, and opposes any forms of independence of Taiwan.

Russia and China stand against attempts by external forces to undermine security and stability in their common adjacent regions, intend to counter interference by outside forces in the internal affairs of sovereign countries under any pretext, oppose colour revolutions, and will increase cooperation in the aforementioned areas.

The sides condemn terrorism in all its manifestations, promote the idea of creating a single global anti-terrorism front, with the United Nations playing a central role, advocate stronger political coordination and constructive engagement in multilateral counterterrorism efforts.

The sides oppose politicization of the issues of combating terrorism and their use as instruments of policy of double standards, condemn the practice of interference in the internal affairs of other States for geopolitical purposes through the use of terrorist and extremist groups as well as under the guise of combating international terrorism and extremism.

The sides believe that certain States, military and political alliances and coalitions seek to obtain, directly or indirectly, unilateral military advantages to the detriment of the security of others, including by employing unfair competition practices, intensify geopolitical rivalry, fuel antagonism and confrontation, and seriously undermine the international security order and global strategic stability.

The sides oppose further enlargement of NATO and call on the North Atlantic Alliance to abandon its ideologized cold war approaches, to respect the sovereignty, security and interests of other countries, the diversity of their civilizational, cultural and historical backgrounds, and to exercise a fair and objective attitude towards the peaceful development of other States.

The sides stand against the formation of closed bloc structures and opposing camps in the Asia-Pacific region and remain highly vigilant about the negative impact of the United States' Indo-Pacific strategy on peace and stability in the region.

Russia and China have made consistent efforts to build an equitable, open and inclusive security system in the Asia-Pacific Region (APR) that is not directed against third countries and that promotes peace, stability and prosperity.

The sides welcome the Joint Statement of the Leaders of the Five Nuclear-Weapons States on Preventing Nuclear War and Avoiding Arms Races and believe that all nuclear-weapons States should abandon the cold war mentality and zero-sum games, reduce the role of nuclear weapons in their national security policies, withdraw nuclear weapons deployed abroad, eliminate the unrestricted development of global anti-ballistic missile defense (ABM) system, and take effective steps to reduce the risks of nuclear wars and any armed conflicts between countries with military nuclear capabilities.

The sides reaffirm that the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons is the cornerstone of the international disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation system, an important part of the post-war international security system, and plays an indispensable role in world peace and development. The international community should promote the balanced implementation of the three pillars of the Treaty and work together to protect the credibility, effectiveness and the universal nature of the instrument.

The sides are seriously concerned about the trilateral security partnership between Australia, the United States, and the United Kingdom (AUKUS), which provides for deeper cooperation between its members in areas involving strategic stability, in particular their decision to initiate cooperation in the field of nuclear-powered submarines.

Russia and China believe that such actions are contrary to the objectives of security and sustainable development of the Asia-Pacific region, increase the danger of an arms race in the region, and pose serious risks of nuclear proliferation. The sides strongly condemn such moves and call on AUKUS participants to fulfil their nuclear and missile non-proliferation commitments in good faith and to work together to safeguard peace, stability, and development in the region.

Japan's plans to release nuclear contaminated water from the destroyed Fukushima nuclear plant into the ocean and the potential environmental impact of such actions are of deep concern to the sides. The sides emphasize that the disposal of nuclear contaminated water should be handled with responsibility and carried out in a proper manner based on arrangements between the Japanese side and neighbouring States, other interested parties, and relevant international agencies while ensuring transparency, scientific reasoning, and in accordance with international law.

The sides believe that the U.S. withdrawal from the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles, the acceleration of research and the development of intermediate-range and shorter-range ground-based missiles and the desire to deploy them in the Asia-Pacific and European regions, as well as their transfer to the allies, entail an increase in tension and distrust, increase risks to international and regional security, lead to the weakening of international non-proliferation and arms control system, undermining global strategic stability.

The sides call on the United States to respond positively to the Russian initiative and abandon its plans to deploy intermediate-range and shorter-range ground-based missiles in the Asia-Pacific region and Europe. The sides will continue to maintain contacts and strengthen coordination on this issue.

The Chinese side is sympathetic to and supports the proposals put forward by the Russian Federation to create long-term legally binding security guarantees in Europe.

The sides note that the denunciation by the United States of a number of important international arms control agreements has an extremely negative impact on international and regional security and stability.

The sides express concern over the advancement of U.S. plans to develop global missile defence and deploy its elements in various regions of the world, combined with capacity building of high-precision non-nuclear weapons for disarming strikes and other strategic objectives.

The sides stress the importance of the peaceful uses of outer space, strongly support the central role of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space in promoting international cooperation, maintaining and developing international space law and regulation in the field of space activities. Russia and China will continue to increase cooperation on such matters of mutual interest as the long-term sustainability of space activities and the development and use of space resources.

The sides oppose attempts by some States to turn outer space into an arena of armed confrontation and reiterate their intention to make all necessary efforts to prevent the weaponization of space and an arms race in outer space. They will counteract activities aimed at achieving military superiority in space and using it for combat operations.

The sides affirm the need for the early launch of negotiations to conclude a legally binding multilateral instrument based on the Russian-Chinese draft treaty on the prevention of placement of weapons in outer space and the use or threat of force against space objects that would provide fundamental and reliable guarantees against an arms race and the weaponization of outer space.

Russia and China emphasize that appropriate transparency and confidence-building measures, including an international initiative/political commitment not to be the first to place weapons in space, can also contribute to the goal of preventing an arms race in outer space, but such measures should complement and not substitute the effective legally binding regime governing space activities.

The sides reaffirm their belief that the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction (BWC) is an essential pillar of international peace and security. Russia and China underscore their determination to preserve the credibility and effectiveness of the Convention.

The sides affirm the need to fully respect and further strengthen the BWC, including by institutionalizing it, strengthening its mechanisms, and adopting a legally binding Protocol to the Convention with an effective verification mechanism, as well as through regular consultation and cooperation in addressing any issues related to the implementation of the Convention.

The sides emphasize that domestic and foreign bioweapons activities by the United States and its allies raise serious concerns and questions for the international community regarding their compliance with the BWC. The sides share the view that such activities pose a serious threat to the national security of the Russian Federation and China and are detrimental to the security of the respective regions.

The sides call on the U.S. and its allies to act in an open, transparent, and responsible manner by properly reporting on their military biological activities conducted overseas and on their national territory, and by supporting the resumption of negotiations on a legally binding BWC Protocol with an effective verification mechanism.

The sides, reaffirming their commitment to the goal of a world free of chemical weapons, call upon all parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention to work together to uphold its credibility and effectiveness.

Russia and China are deeply concerned about the politicization of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and call on all of its members to strengthen solidarity and cooperation and protect the tradition of consensual decision-making.

Russia and China insist that the United States, as the sole State Party to the Convention that has not yet completed the process of eliminating chemical weapons, accelerate the elimination of its stockpiles of chemical weapons.

The sides emphasize the importance of balancing the non-proliferation obligations of states with the interests of legitimate international cooperation in the use of advanced technology and related materials and equipment for peaceful purposes. The sides note the resolution entitled ”Promoting international Cooperation on Peaceful Uses in the Context of International Security“ adopted at the 76th session of the UN General Assembly on the initiative of China and co‑sponsored by Russia, and look forward to its consistent implementation in accordance with the goals set forth therein.

The sides attach great importance to the issues of governance in the field of artificial intelligence. The sides are ready to strengthen dialogue and contacts on artificial intelligence.

The sides reiterate their readiness to deepen cooperation in the field of international information security and to contribute to building an open, secure, sustainable and accessible ICT environment.

The sides emphasize that the principles of the non-use of force, respect for national sovereignty and fundamental human rights and freedoms, and non-interference in the internal affairs of other States, as enshrined in the UN Charter, are applicable to the information space. Russia and China reaffirm the key role of the UN in responding to threats to international information security and express their support for the Organization in developing new norms of conduct of states in this area.

The sides welcome the implementation of the global negotiation process on international information security within a single mechanism and support in this context the work of the UN Open-ended Working Group on security of and in the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) 2021–2025 (OEWG) and express their willingness to speak with one voice within it.

The sides consider it necessary to consolidate the efforts of the international community to develop new norms of responsible behaviour of States, including legal ones, as well as a universal international legal instrument regulating the activities of States in the field of ICT.

The sides believe that the Global Initiative on Data Security, proposed by the Chinese side and supported, in principle, by the Russian side, provides a basis for the Working Group to discuss and elaborate responses to data security threats and other threats to international information security.

The sides reiterate their support of United Nations General Assembly resolutions 74/247 and 75/282, support the work of the relevant Ad Hoc Committee of Governmental Experts, facilitate the negotiations within the United Nations for the elaboration of an international convention on countering the use of ICTs for criminal purposes.

The sides encourage constructive participation of all sides in the negotiations in order to agree as soon as possible on a credible, universal, and comprehensive convention and provide it to the United Nations General Assembly at its 78th session in strict compliance with resolution 75/282. For these purposes, Russia and China have presented a joint draft convention as a basis for negotiations.

The sides support the internationalization of Internet governance, advocate equal rights to its governance, believe that any attempts to limit their sovereign right to regulate national segments of the Internet and ensure their security are unacceptable, are interested in greater participation of the International Telecommunication Union in addressing these issues.

The sides intend to deepen bilateral cooperation in international information security on the basis of the relevant 2015 intergovernmental agreement. To this end, the sides have agreed to adopt in the near future a plan for cooperation between Russia and China in this area.

The sides underline that Russia and China, as world powers and permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, intend to firmly adhere to moral principles and accept their responsibility, strongly advocate the international system with the central coordinating role of the United Nations in international affairs, defend the world order based on international law, including the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, advance multipolarity and promote the democratization of international relations, together create an even more prospering, stable, and just world, jointly build international relations of a new type.

The Russian side notes the significance of the concept of constructing a "community of common destiny for mankind" proposed by the Chinese side to ensure greater solidarity of the international community and consolidation of efforts in responding to common challenges. The Chinese side notes the significance of the efforts taken by the Russian side to establish a just multipolar system of international relations.

The sides intend to strongly uphold the outcomes of the Second World War and the existing post-war world order, defend the authority of the United Nations and justice in international relations, resist attempts to deny, distort, and falsify the history of the Second World War.

In order to prevent the recurrence of the tragedy of the world war, the sides will strongly condemn actions aimed at denying the responsibility for atrocities of Nazi aggressors, militarist invaders, and their accomplices, besmirch and tarnish the honour of the victorious countries.

The sides call for the establishment of a new kind of relationships between world powers on the basis of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and mutually beneficial cooperation.

They reaffirm that the new inter-State relations between Russia and China are superior to political and military alliances of the Cold War era. Friendship between the two States has no limits, there are no ”forbidden“ areas of cooperation, strengthening of bilateral strategic cooperation is neither aimed against third countries nor affected by the changing international environment and circumstantial changes in third countries.

The sides reiterate the need for consolidation, not division of the international community, the need for cooperation, not confrontation. The sides oppose the return of international relations to the state of confrontation between major powers, when the weak fall prey to the strong.

The sides intend to resist attempts to substitute universally recognized formats and mechanisms that are consistent with international law for rules elaborated in private by certain nations or blocs of nations, and are against addressing international problems indirectly and without consensus, oppose power politics, bullying, unilateral sanctions, and extraterritorial application of jurisdiction, as well as the abuse of export control policies, and support trade facilitation in line with the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

The sides reaffirmed their intention to strengthen foreign policy coordination, pursue true multilateralism, strengthen cooperation on multilateral platforms, defend common interests, support the international and regional balance of power, and improve global governance.

The sides support and defend the multilateral trade system based on the central role of the World Trade Organization (WTO), take an active part in the WTO reform, opposing unilateral approaches and protectionism.

The sides are ready to strengthen dialogue between partners and coordinate positions on trade and economic issues of common concern, contribute to ensuring the sustainable and stable operation of global and regional value chains, promote a more open, inclusive, transparent, non-discriminatory system of international trade and economic rules.

The sides support the G20 format as an important forum for discussing international economic cooperation issues and anti-crisis response measures, jointly promote the invigorated spirit of solidarity and cooperation within the G20, support the leading role of the association in such areas as the international fight against epidemics, world economic recovery, inclusive sustainable development, improving the global economic governance system in a fair and rational manner to collectively address global challenges.

The sides support the deepened strategic partnership within BRICS, promote the expanded cooperation in three main areas: politics and security, economy and finance, and humanitarian exchanges.

In particular, Russia and China intend to encourage interaction in the fields of public health, digital economy, science, innovation and technology, including artificial intelligence technologies, as well as the increased coordination between BRICS countries on international platforms. The sides strive to further strengthen the BRICS Plus/Outreach format as an effective mechanism of dialogue with regional integration associations and organizations of developing countries and States with emerging markets.

The Russian side will fully support the Chinese side chairing the association in 2022, and assist in the fruitful holding of the XIV BRICS summit.

Russia and China aim to comprehensively strengthen the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and further enhance its role in shaping a polycentric world order based on the universally recognized principles of international law, multilateralism, equal, joint, indivisible, comprehensive and sustainable security.

They consider it important to consistently implement the agreements on improved mechanisms to counter challenges and threats to the security of SCO member states and, in the context of addressing this task, advocate expanded functionality of the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure.

The sides will contribute to imparting a new quality and dynamics to the economic interaction between the SCO member States in the fields of trade, manufacturing, transport, energy, finance, investment, agriculture, customs, telecommunications, innovation and other areas of mutual interest, including through the use of advanced, resource-saving, energy efficient and ”green“ technologies.

The sides note the fruitful interaction within the SCO under the 2009 Agreement between the Governments of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member States on cooperation in the field of international information security, as well as within the specialized Group of Experts. In this context, they welcome the adoption of the SCO Joint Action Plan on Ensuring International Information Security for 2022–2023 by the Council of Heads of State of SCO Member States on September 17, 2021 in Dushanbe.

Russia and China proceed from the ever-increasing importance of cultural and humanitarian cooperation for the progressive development of the SCO. In order to strengthen mutual understanding between the people of the SCO member States, they will continue to effectively foster interaction in such areas as cultural ties, education, science and technology, healthcare, environmental protection, tourism, people-to-people contacts, sports.

Russia and China will continue to work to strengthen the role of APEC as the leading platform for multilateral dialogue on economic issues in the Asia-Pacific region. The sides intend to step up coordinated action to successfully implement the ”Putrajaya guidelines for the development of APEC until 2040“ with a focus on creating a free, open, fair, non-discriminatory, transparent and predictable trade and investment environment in the region.

Particular emphasis will be placed on the fight against the novel coronavirus infection pandemic and economic recovery, digitalization of a wide range of different spheres of life, economic growth in remote territories and the establishment of interaction between APEC and other regional multilateral associations with a similar agenda.

The sides intend to develop cooperation within the "Russia-India-China" format, as well as to strengthen interaction on such venues as the East Asia Summit, ASEAN Regional Forum on Security, Meeting of Defense Ministers of the ASEAN Member States and Dialogue Partners.

Russia and China support ASEAN's central role in developing cooperation in East Asia, continue to increase coordination on deepened cooperation with ASEAN, and jointly promote cooperation in the areas of public health, sustainable development, combating terrorism and countering transnational crime. The sides intend to continue to work in the interest of a strengthened role of ASEAN as a key element of the regional architecture.

Text source here (04.02.22).

The following day, on Saturday 5th February 2022, Xinhua, an official Chinese government information outlet, published a detailed news summary of what had happened during the Xi-Putin meetings. The full text of that English language release follows here:

Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks here on Friday with visiting Russian President Vladimir Putin ahead of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games opening ceremony. The two leaders agreed to deepen strategic coordination in a cordial and friendly atmosphere.

Recalling his attendance at the opening ceremony of the Sochi Olympic Winter Games in Russia in 2014 when they agreed to meet again eight years later in Beijing, Xi said Putin's visit has realized their "get-together for the Winter Olympics," and their meeting today will inject more vitality into China-Russia relations.

Despite the multiple challenges that face the world, China and Russia have stayed true to their original aspirations and maintained the steady development of bilateral relations, said Xi.

The two countries have firmly supported each other in upholding their respective core interests, enhanced their political and strategic mutual trust, and brought the bilateral trade to a new high, Xi said.

The two sides have actively taken part in the reform and development of the global governance system, practiced true multilateralism, upheld true democratic spirit, and played a pivotal role in uniting the international society to tide over the current difficulties and safeguard international equity and justice, he said.

Xi said he stands ready to work with Putin to chart the future and provide guidance for bilateral relations under new historical circumstances. He expressed willingness to work with Putin to promote the continuous transformation of high-level mutual trust between China and Russia into results of cooperation in all fields and bring real benefits to the people of the two countries.

Xi stressed commitment between China and Russia to deepening back-to-back strategic coordination and upholding international equity and justice side by side in the face of profound and complex changes in the international situation.

The strategic choice, which has far-reaching impacts on both countries and the world at large, has never been and will never be shaken, said Xi.

Xi called on both sides to continue to maintain close high-level exchanges, give strong support to each other in safeguarding sovereignty, security and development interests, effectively respond to external interference and regional security threats, and maintain international strategic stability.

Both sides should step up coordination and cooperation in international affairs, and shoulder major-country responsibilities in global issues of pressing concern, such as fighting COVID-19, boosting the economy and tackling climate change, said Xi.

China is ready to work with Russia to give full play to the political advantages of bilateral relations and push for more achievements in all-round pragmatic cooperation, Xi said.

He called for implementing the roadmap for high-quality development of China-Russia trade in goods and services, deepening cooperation in such areas as agriculture, green trade, medicine and health, and the digital economy, promoting transport infrastructure connectivity, and maintaining the smooth logistics on the Eurasian continent as well as stability of global industrial and supply chains.

China and Russia should strengthen their strategic partnership in energy, steadily advance major oil and gas cooperation projects, step up joint innovation in major energy technologies, expand cooperation on new energy, support each other in ensuring energy security, and improve the global energy governance system, he said.

Xi called for more technological innovation cooperation between the two countries, and cooperation in frontier areas such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and the International Lunar Research Station project.

The two countries should deepen communication on fiscal and financial policies, strengthen their capability of resisting financial risks, and seek greater synergy between the Belt and Road Initiative and the Eurasian Economic Union, he said.

Xi said that he is ready to jointly announce with Putin the official launch of the Years of Sports Exchanges between the two countries to deepen mutual understanding and traditional friendship between the two peoples.

Xi said China and Russia should view the development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) from a strategic and long-term perspective, move in the right direction and better safeguard the security and common interests of its member states.

Hailing the SCO's extraordinary course of development over the past 20 years, Xi said it has become an important constructive force in the international community.

China is ready to work with Russia to enable the BRICS cooperation mechanism to play a bigger role in upholding multilateralism, strengthening anti-pandemic cooperation and promoting economic recovery, and make a greater contribution to global development while realizing the development of the five BRICS countries, he said.

Putin said he is delighted to be invited to the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Winter Games, and noted that the exchange of visits during the Olympics has become a symbol and a good tradition of close relations between the two heads of state.

He expressed belief that the Chinese people will definitely present a Winter Olympics of the highest level to the world, expecting wonderful performances of both Russian and Chinese athletes.

Noting that the COVID-19 pandemic has not prevented him from maintaining close exchanges with President Xi through various channels, Putin said the bilateral trade has made steady progress, and the two countries have cooperated closely on international affairs.

He said Russia regards China as its most important strategic partner and like-minded friend, and Russia-China relations are a model of international relations in the 21st century.

The Russian side is willing to further deepen strategic communication and coordination with the Chinese side, firmly support each other in safeguarding sovereignty and territorial integrity, firmly uphold the core coordination role of the United Nations, firmly uphold international law and international fairness and justice, and promote the building of a more just and reasonable international order, Putin said.

He also expressed Russia's readiness to work with China to deepen cooperation in various fields including economy, trade, energy, science and technology, finance, and transportation, and jointly host the Years of Sports Exchanges.

China and Russia issued a joint statement, in which they called on all countries to strengthen dialogue, enhance mutual trust, build consensus, safeguard the common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom for all humanity.

In the statement, they also called for respect for the rights of people of all countries to independently choose their development paths, respect for the sovereignty and security, and development interests of all countries.

They also called for defending the international system with the United Nations at its core and the international order based on international law, practice true multilateralism in which the United Nations and the United Nations Security Council play a central coordinating role, promote the democratization of international relations, and achieve world peace, stability and sustainable development.

The two countries also signed a series of cooperation documents in key areas.

Text source here (05.02.22).


Picture: Canada Freedom Convoy to Ottawa. January 2022.
Picture: Justin Pierre James Trudeau (Canada).
Picture: Ljubljana (Slovenia).
Picture: Ljubljana (Slovenia) on The Goddess Leyline.
Picture: The Goddess, the Black Madonnas and the Isis mysteries. ..............................................................................................................................................
The three images above and their clickthroughs relate to the Goddess, the Black Madonnas, the High Priestess and the ancient Isis mysteries. More background here, here, here, here, here
, here and here.

Picture: Brussels (Belgium). Sunday 23rd January 2022.
Picture: Paris, France. Sunday 16th January 2022.
Picture: Prince Andew problem. Letter to Queen from retired military personnel.
Picture: Andrew Windsor, Alan Dershowitz and Jeffrey Epstein.
Picture: Christine Lagarde (France) ECB.
Picture: Rothschild Island (Antarctica).
Picture: Big Think is here.
Picture: House of cards or what?
Picture: Identifying God.
God is the love of expanding awareness.
God is the consciousness of reality beyond perception.

What should the Adam species do?

Nothing. The Adam species needs to stop doing. The doing of the Adam species is wrecking the planet. Wrecking its mother. Wrecking her womb. Poisoning its own placenta.

Just that then?

No. There are other things not to do.

Don't be noisy. Drop the decibels. Stop dogmatising fantasies into megaphone fakebytes. No more coercive fear-beliefs or forced medicine.

Just be.

Be still.

Be still and know.

There is more. And there is less. Down here in the matrix we get to choose.

Free will. Use it.

Turn off the screens.

The function of a screen is to screen. It screens off reality. It puts diversionary froth between you and real life. It broadcasts the froth of olds and calls it news. Its program is to distract you from now.

The attentively experienced now is all that exists.

Don't drift. Be attentive.

Turn off the radiation and feel free. Feel free in the present moment. Authenticate yourself by a continuous act of free will and leave other people's froth behind you in the matrix.

That's all the matrix is: programmed froth to fool you; radiated distraction.

Be the present. Be the present in the local here and now immediately around your eyeballs.

Look. And when you look, see. See slowly. Be conscious presence and expand.

Lots of aware people are doing the same thing. As you expand and they expand, you will overlap energies and meet. Then it's party time in 5D.

It's a bit like a five-dimensional Venn diagram getting bigger all the time and colouring itself in.
Picture: Venn Diagram.
Picture: William Wordsworth with insect friend.
Picture: COP26 FAIL.
Picture: Climate protest. Saturday 6th November 2021. Glasgow, Scotland (UK).
Picture: Climate protest. Friday 5th November 2021. Glasgow, Scotland (UK).
Picture: Connecting with the Arcturians. David K Miller.
Picture: Winter solstice meditation 2021.
Picture: Reliable sources. 20/20 Delusion.
Picture: Whatever cannot withstand satire is false. Peter Sloterdijk.
Picture: Nexus Newsfeed is here.
Picture: Things fall apart. The centre cannot hold.
Picture: Isis is very upset. She wants her crown back.
Picture: Alexander Romanov and Mrs Elizabeth Windsor.
Picture: Aldebaran and Antares dragons. .................................................................................................................
Galactic speed-up

Earth-based humanity is at the very end of a strange spiritual season

That we are deep within the final end-time of this cycle of human civilisation on Earth is now becoming obvious to all.

The effects of the churning energies of deconstruction, change and renewal are raging visibly.

The old, negative, matrix leadership has lost control of the process of control itself, and is beginning now even to lose control of its own enforcing corporations and national governments.

The political chaos, confusion and self-evident public absurdities being huckstered by AI-coordinated mass media outlets in the Western world since 2016 are just one sign of the very end of a galactic cleanup operation which extends way beyond the surface of this planet, and way beyond the purview of the Adam species humanoids temporarily resident here (us).

Bigger things are happening high up in the galactic architecture. But all is well, and all will be well. "All manner of thing shall be well" Juliana commented seven centuries ago in Norwich.

Planet Earth is the last planet in this local universe of ours to suffer under the occupation of extraterrestrial Dark Forces. These negative alien entities and their human minions are now being thrown off and taken away for recycling. They won't be back.

What we are experiencing here and now on Earth is the last relic of galactic wars which have raged throughout the Milky Way galaxy for millions of years.

But there is real hope. Benevolent Galactic Law exists. This Galactic Law will soon manifest in open sight for all remaining humans on the planet.

An inner codex which regulates all inter-relationships between beings of Light and the Dark Forces on occupied planets has been in place for eons.

This codex is called the Galactic Codex. It represents the legal basis for all actions of the benevolent Galactic Confederation in this and other galaxies.

It is understood that included within the Galactic Codex are the following laws. Each of these laws applies to each and every ensouled human being on Earth, and to all other sentient beings on Earth, and anywhere else in the Milky Way galaxy. Here they are:

● Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to positive life experience.

● Each sentient being has an inalienable and unconditional right to freedom.

● Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to all information.

● Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to physical and spiritual abundance.

● Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to Ascension.

● Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to merge with other beings in proportion with his or her position in the Soul Family Mandala.

● Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to be divided and protected from the negative actions of other sentient beings.

● Each sentient being which has chosen to live and act against the principles of the Galactic Codex and refuses to, or is not able to, accept them now and balance the consequences of his or her past actions will be taken to the Galactic Central Sun, restructured into the basic elemental essence, and begin a new cycle of evolution afresh.

● The Galactic Confederation has an unalienable and unconditional right to intervene in all situations where the Galactic Codex is violated, regardless of the local laws.

● Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to call on the Galactic Confederation in need, and the Galactic Confederation has the right to assist, regardless of the local laws.

● The Galactic Confederation has an unalienable and unconditional right to implement the Galactic Codex and to conquer areas of Galactic Codex violation with military force if necessary.

Fuller background here. And there is more about Soul Families here.

Picture: Tiny fossil tardigrade 16 million years old found in Miocene amber.
Picture: Facebook - Data scientist whistleblower Frances Haugen (05.10.21).
Picture: Social media - Facebook - Mark Elliot Zuckerberg.
Picture: Labyrinth codes create multi-dimensional holographic fields.
Picture: The entity once known as God was sighted at this location here.
Picture: Putin on Russia and Ukraine. The man's own words.
Picture: The Saint Germain World Trust.
The Saint Germain World Trust or, indeed, the fact of its very existence, have often raised wary eyebrows.

Hard-nosed business people, some perhaps of limited spiritual awareness, understandably have doubts about the reality, reach and influence of Ascended Masters such as Violinio St Germain (aka Count of Saint Germain, François Rákóczi, Christian Rosenkreutz) in the modern world of global banking.

Yet there is a huge executive overlap on this planet between the esoteric spirituality of wealth, abundance and generously-resourced human well-being, and the negative (Satanic) control systems of scarcity, taxes, debt, poverty and unbacked paper or electronic money. Without money we'd all be rich. Money is the mechanism which keeps us poor.

It was interesting in this connection, in August 2021, to notice a leading American constitutional lawyer making substantial reference to the financial history of Violinio St Germain.

Anna Von Reitz (Anna Maria Riezinger - Fiduciary, The United States of America) noted that St Germain demonstrated that he knew how to create gemstones, gold, and other precious metals in his lifetime, and did so repeatedly in front of Church Officials, Royal Courts, and others. He left behind an absolutely stupendous fortune deposited all over the planet and left in the care of his acolytes.

The Saint Germain side of the story, Von Reitz says, has been temporarily blocked by a Breach of Trust seeking to incorporate the Family Trust and Foundation, and thus bring it under the control of the (English) Queen again (London Crown Temple).

That action, however, is and was in obvious breach of the Trust Indenture, and Anna Von Reitz has placed a protective lien on the whole shebang.

More here (22.08.21).

Picture: Zimbabwe government press statement - IMF release of funds (23.08.21).
On Wednesday 25th August 2021, Simon Parkes of Connecting Consciousness put out a short post declaring that the new financial system had started. He was referring to the QFS (Quantum Financial System). Attached to his post was this document from Africa.

The document shown was an official Zimbabwe government press statement over the signatures of the Minister of Finance and Economic Development, and the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe. It announced the receipt of SDR 677.4 million from the IMF, cleared for value on Monday 23rd August 2021.

At that date, IMF SDR 677.4 million was equivalent to USD 961 million. This sum was a small part of the IMF's total USD 650 billion SDR allocation to provide additional liquidity to the global financial system at that time.


Picture: Hebatullah Akhundzada (top left). Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
Picture: Kabul, Afghanistan. Monday 16th August 2021.
Picture: Last US soldier to leave Afghanistan. Monday 30th August 2021.
Picture: Kabul airport (Afghanistan). Friday 13th August 2021.
Picture: Kandahar (Afghanistan). Thursday 12th August 2021.
Picture: The CIA and America's secret wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Picture: Afghanistan - the USA and Abdul Rashid Dostum

Picture: Americans at Work. Number 43. The War on Terror.
Picture: Virginia Giuffre (Roberts) v Andrew Albert Christian Edward.
Picture: New Zealand, Australia, Oceania and the (British) Commonwealth. End of ?
Picture: Hold the light.
Picture: I appreciate and love myself unconditionally no matter what.
Picture: Berlin (Germany). Friday 15th October 2021. Kopi trailer camp.
Picture: Berlin (Germany). Sunday 1st August 2021. #1ab
Picture: Achtung Polizei Gefahrenpolizei. Berlin (Germany). Sunday 1st August 2021.
Picture: Bild-Zeitung (Germany) apologises for Plague PsyOp deception.
Picture: Angela Dorothea Merkel (Kasner) - Chancellor of Germany 2005 - 2021.
Picture: Arcuri to Boris Johnson - Tell them the truth about what's really going on.
Picture: Inflection point. Things are not what they seem in France.
Picture: Summer 2021. Benevolent activity in the Paris catacombs?
Picture: Paris (France). Thursday 5th August 2021.
Picture: The seas are rising. Poseidon is angry.
Picture: In 1178 CE, five monks watched part of the Moon exploding.

Those monks, on the Sunday before the Feast of St John the Baptist in the year 1178 CE, saw something very odd just after sunset. Five or more of them were watching the new moon from Canterbury (England, UK). At that point in its lunar monthly phase, as seen from the Earth, the moon had its two horns extended towards the east.

Suddenly the upper one of those two horns was observed to spilt into two. A burning torch sprang out of the middle of the division. It threw out a long spray of flames, coals and sparks, the monks said. As this happened, the moon's body twisted as though anxious, palpitating like a pummelled snake. After a few moments the moon then returned to its normal state.

Now, many centuries later, with western governments pretending to become more open with their publics about certain previously denied extraterrestrial realities, the status of what we think of as our natural moon is attracting attention again.

Is the Moon hollow, artificially constructed, and kept in position by benevolent ET influencers? And if so, why?

Colonel Ross Dedrickson was responsible for maintaining the inventory of the nuclear weapons stockpile of the United States, and worked for a long time with the US Atomic Energy Commission. Just before he died he let it be known that when the US had tried to detonate atomic weapons on the Moon for 'scientific purposes', the project was halted by extraterrestrial aliens, who would not allow them to detonate any nuclear weapons in space. There is a June 1959  Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center report about this. It is called Project A119.

Then there is the puzzle of the mascons. A mare is the word used to describe a flat, darkish-looking area on the Moon or Mars. The plural of this term is maria. Mascons are the large, dense, circular masses which have been detected lying twenty to forty miles beneath the centre of each of the moon's largest maria. What are they?

Some think that these broad, disc-shaped objects may be artificial constructions. It seems unlikely that huge, miles-deep, circular discs perfectly centred like bull's-eyes in the middle of every large mare on the moon could be accidental.

Carl Sagan once commented that "a natural satellite cannot be a hollow object." If it is hollow, in other words, it is not a natural satellite and must be artificial.

Is the Moon hollow? It has been noticed that when meteors strike the Moon, it rings like a bell.

When, on the 20th November 1969, the Apollo crew released the lunar module, the module impact with the Moon caused their seismic equipment to register a continuous reverberation like a bell for more than an hour. The same effect occurred with Apollo 13's third stage which caused the Moon to ring for over three hours. What, one wonders, would a titanium bell the size of the Moon sound like?

An American scientific paper entitled 'Correlations Between Magnetic Anomalies and Surface Geology Antipodal to Lunar Impact Basins' was jointly published by the Richmond Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and the Hood Planetary Laboratory. Part of the summary of that paper reads as follows:

Previous work has shown that the strongest concentrations of lunar crustal magnetic anomalies (magnetised areas) are located antipodal (on opposite sides of the Moon) to four large, similarly aged impact basins (craters): Orientale, which is furrowed and pitted terrane and Serenitatis, Imbrium which is material of grooves and mounds, and Crisium.
Only these areas have been selected (in this paper) due to: (a) Limited Lunar Prospector magnetometer data coverage of the area antipodal to Serenitatis, and (b) The location of the Crisium antipode, which is dominated by ejecta deposits from the more recent Orientale impact.

Here, we report results of a correlation study between magnetic anomaly clusters and geology in areas antipodal to Imbrium and Orientale .... This is supported by an observed lack of demagnetization associated with the 61 km Copernican-aged O'Day crater at the edge of Mare Ingenii, which suggests a deep source for the anomalies (unexplained magnetised areas).

Simply stated, the paper reported that strange magnetised areas were found on the opposite side of the Moon from large craters.

But the rabbit hole goes a lot further up. A high-status inside source (ref: the last four links listed below) says that the secret space programme talked about intermittently by the US mass media, and the real secret space programme, are two quite different things.

The real secret space program started in the early 1960s, when the Chimera group (a negative extraterrestrial breakaway civilisation now being dismantled) gave permission to the negative militaries of the USA, NATO European countries, the USSR and China to build joint secret Moon and Mars bases in certain restricted areas on those two celestial bodies.

In addition to this, a secret treaty was signed between the Nazi-Continuum Syndicate (of negative humans) and the Draco/Reptilian/Zeta complex (of negative ET aliens) which gave the NCS technical support in the construction of lunar and Mars bases. In return, those negative alien races were given permission to build new underground bases on Earth in coordination with the (human) negative militaries.

A joint USA/USSR Mars base is understood to have been built in 1964. In the following decades, this secret space programme was expanded to include more Moon and Mars bases. The main lunar base was built on the far side of the Moon and was codenamed LOC (Lunar Operations Command).

In those years, there was a working population divide between the near side of the Moon and the far side. The near side was occupied mostly by positive ET races, with the exception of the Archimedes base which was destroyed in 1977. This belonged to the negative Solar Warden program. That base has now been taken over and re-fitted by positive ET Light forces.

The negative grouping (Dracos, Reptilians and the human Nazi-Continuum Syndicate) had their bases mostly on the far side of the Moon. The main reason for this was that they wanted to hide their activity from the prying eyes of surface humanity (amateur telescopists etc). Also, the negatives did not have the advanced cloaking technologies for their spacecraft which the positive Light forces (Pleiadians, positive Sirians and Arcturians etc) had.

For this same reason the negatives painted their secret spacecraft in black or blackish colours to lower their albedo (reflectivity) in order to avoid detection by professional and amateur astronomers on Earth. They also had to adjust their flight trajectories to minimize the risk of detection.

Notwithstanding these covert precautions, the negative spacecraft were sometimes seen, photographed, filmed and publicly described as UFOs of various kinds, not all of them triangular.

Currently, the Moon is reported to be one of the most important strongholds of the (positive) Galactic Light forces in our solar system. By the end of 2014, all reptilians and other negative races and their lunar bases had been cleared from the Moon by those positive forces.

The main lunar base of the Galactic Light forces is inside the Tycho crater. This is a very bright crater on the southern part of the Earth-facing side of the Moon.

In the early summer of 2021, the clearing of the Chimera group by the positive Light forces was continuing according to plan. On Earth, for example, by the middle of July 2021, the ET Light forces, in coordination with positive human special forces, had completely cleared out all the underground bases of the Chimera breakaway civilization on the planet, including the huge and important negative complex beneath DR Congo, Rwanda and Burundi referenced in the Goddess and spiders image further down this blog page.

As always with matters concerning benevolent ET activity and culture, esoteric spirituality is in play.

In addition to being a local mission base for the benevolent ETs and their human colleagues in the positive military, the Moon is also a major portal which transmits Goddess energies towards the surface of the Earth.

In this new Age of Aquarius which, among other things, is about female-male rebalancing, the lunar Goddess energy portal is particularly active in supporting benevolent human evolution. Both female and male humans, through spiritual practice, can connect individually or in focussed meditation groups with the Moon energies and, thereby, with the Goddess herself.

More background here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.


Picture: Jester Sage Artist. 'The Act of Creation' by Arthur Koestler (1964).

Picture: Extinction Rebellion demonstration in London (UK)

Picture: John McAfee found "dead" in Barcelona prison cell on 23rd June 2021.
Picture: John McAfee, USA software entrepreneur, & the Miami building demolition.
Picture: The energy of Goddess is soft; but it is ultimate power.
Picture: Putin (Russia) talks to NBC (USA). Friday 11th June 2021; Kremlin, Moscow.
On Friday 11th June 2021, for the first time in three years, the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, gave an interview to an American television network. In the Kremlin, Moscow, he spoke at length to Keir Simmons of NBC.

The full text of that interview can be found here (14.06.21).

Five days later, on Wednesday 16th June 2021, Vladimir Putin was in Europe on geopolitical business. Stopping off in Geneva, he gave a substantive news conference to the global media. The full text of his comments on that occasion can be found here (16.06.21).

The following week, on Wednesday 23rd June 2021 in Russia, the Moscow Conference on International Security took place. Vladimir Putin gave a video address to the participants and guests. The text of that address was as follows:

Ladies and gentlemen, foreign guests, welcome to the 9th Moscow Conference on International Security.

Your representative forum is dedicated to the critical issues of the modern military-political agenda. Strengthening security on the planet and the sustainable development of our civilisation depend on their resolution and on the productive search for effective joint responses to common challenges.

However, unfortunately, geopolitical processes are becoming increasingly turbulent despite isolated positive signals. The erosion of international law continues as well. The attempts to use force to push through one’s own interests and to strengthen one’s own security at the expense of the security of others continue unabated.

Regional armed conflicts, the risks of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the activity of cross-border criminal groups, drug trafficking and cybercriminals are causing us serious concern. International terrorism continues to pose a particular threat.

To reiterate, the scale and the global nature of the above challenges require that all states join their efforts. Of course, this collective work must be based on international law and the UN Charter goals and principles.

Since its inception, the UN has been and remains the foundation of the international relations system. The main objective of this authoritative and internationally recognised organisation is to prevent a global conflict, a new world war.

Any new rules should be formulated under the auspices of the UN. All other avenues will lead to chaos and unpredictability.

Yesterday, we marked the mournful date – 80 years since Nazi Germany invaded our country. For us, the lessons of the Great Patriotic War have a special price, and we will do our best to guarantee peace and security for the people of Russia, improve our Armed Forces and, of course, use the opportunities offered by diplomacy and conduct a meaningful dialogue with all stakeholders.

We never dictate our will to other countries, and are willing to participate in addressing global and regional challenges and to expand creative cooperation with all countries on equal terms using political and diplomatic methods.

(Here in Russia) we are developing our defence potential based on the principle of reasonable sufficiency and we are not seeking a determining, unilateral military advantage or a balance-of-forces edge in our favour, all the more so in such a sensitive sphere as strategic stability. But we will never allow anyone to pull the balance over to themselves.

Our efforts are aimed at reducing the risks, ensuring predictability, and solving differences via dialogue and concrete agreements, including in the field of arms control.

I would like to remind you in this connection that earlier Russia suggested developing a new “security equation.” It should take into account all the factors influencing strategic stability in their interconnection. We are confident that political will and readiness to compromise can produce a positive effect. Clear evidence of this is Russia and the United States extending the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty until 2026.

Naturally, we cannot but be concerned over the continuous build-up of NATO’ military potentials and infrastructure in the vicinity of Russian borders, as well as over the fact that the (NATO) Alliance is refusing to consider in a constructive manner our proposals on de-escalating the tension and reducing the risk of unpredictable incidents. We really do hope that common sense together with the desire to promote constructive relations with Russia will eventually prevail.

Settlement of regional conflict is an important aspect of efforts to ensure global security. Russia is active in assisting this. Our military aid helped to liberate the greater part of Syrian territory from international terrorists and to prevent the disintegration of the Syrian state. The political and diplomatic work within the Astana format that is pursued jointly with Turkey and Iran has made it possible to start the process of Syrian settlement under the UN aegis.

Russia’s decisive contribution helped to stop the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The Russian peacekeepers reliably guarantee peace and security in the region. They are doing a lot to improve the humanitarian situation, clear territories of landmines and rebuild the social infrastructure.

Russia never forgets its responsibility for the security and prosperity of neighbouring countries, with which we are brought together by inextricable historical, cultural and human ties.

We intend to continue promoting the de-escalation of regional conflicts and strengthening peace and stability on our common continent.

In conclusion, I would like to wish you every success with your work and all the best. I am confident that the participants at this conference are going to have some interesting discussions and that the resulting proposals and initiatives will serve to strengthen international security and stability.

Thank you for your attention.

Source here (23.06.21).

Then at the end of that same month, on Wednesday 30th June 2021, Vladimir Putin was in action again, this time hosting his annual special Direct Line on Russian TV and radio. As usual this was very long, wide-ranging and detailed. Many domestic and geopolitical issues were addressed. One of the topics touched on was Ukraine:

Question: Mr President, we understand that you are now immune to the coronavirus and, probably, to some unfriendly countries. We have received the following question as an SMS message via the number 04040 from Igor Oboimov in Moscow: Why is Ukraine not listed among these unfriendly countries? And here is another message on the same subject: Will you meet with President Zelensky?

Putin: Why is Ukraine not listed among unfriendly countries? This is because I do not regard Ukraine as a country unfriendly towards Russia. I have noted many times, and I can repeat once again that, in my opinion, Ukrainians and Russians are a single people.

See for yourself: The Jews come to Israel from Africa, Europe, and other countries. Black people arrive from Africa, right? Those arriving from Europe speak Yiddish, rather than Hebrew. Although they are diverse, the Jewish people, nevertheless, cherishes its unity.

Well, Israel is far away. We have the Mordvins, one of Russia’s indigenous ethnic groups. This people is subdivided into the Erzya, Moksha and Shoksha ethnic groups, and there are three other ethnic groups. However, all of them consider themselves part of the Mordvin people.

Although they speak the language of one ethnic group, the Erzya and the Moksha do not understand each other. Their respective languages are more different than the Russian and Ukrainian languages, but they cherish their unity. There are several reasons why.

First, they are smart, and they realise that a breakup yields no positive results and simply weakens an ethnic group. There are also external factors to consider.

What do I mean? Since the Middle Ages, efforts have always been made to divide and break up the Russian people. Rzeczpospolita launched this policy because Poland itself wanted to become a great power. Consequently, it tried to split up all nearby ethnic groups around itself. Austro-Hungary continued this policy in the run-up to World War I. But we have to understand this.

How did this country interpret ethnic aspects in the past? There were the Great Russians, the White Russians and the Little Russians. Sometime later, they started dividing the single Russian people under the influence of external factors, and the Bolsheviks also contributed to this process.

Unfortunately, we cannot discuss this matter in great detail. By the way, I have thought it over, I will write a separate analytical article, and I will set forth my view of this subject. And I hope that people in Russia and Ukraine will read it.

Question: Because people just do not know many things, do not know the history?

Putin: Of course, people have no interest in that; they are living in a world of their own. But this is important for all of us.

So, I do not regard the Ukraine people unfriendly. Nothing of the kind. Russians and Ukrainians are a single people. But the Ukrainian leadership, the current authorities of modern Ukraine are clearly unfriendly to us. This is perfectly obvious.

Otherwise there is no explanation for the draft law submitted by the Ukrainian President to the Verkhovna Rada, the law on indigenous peoples under which Russians are not an indigenous people in that territory. It defies comprehension. Russians have lived there for centuries, and now they have been declared as non-indigenous people.

What can this lead to? As a result, part of these people could emigrate. But where would they go? They have flats, jobs and so on in Ukraine. And so they will have to reregister [as Ukrainians], because they would be second-class citizens otherwise. This would reduce the overall number of Russians. This effect will be comparable to the negative impact of weapons of mass destruction. This is serious. This is pushing the Russian language out of everyday life.

You see, there are narrow-minded people and far-right nationalists everywhere; they exist in Russia and also in Ukraine. They are acting in all sincerity, but not wisely. The results of their activities will be destructive. This also concerns the suppression of the opposition in Ukraine.

Viktor Medvedchuk, whom I regard as a Ukrainian nationalist, was seized and confined to his apartment ahead of the election campaign, and they also ordered him to wear an electronic bracelet. Absolutely illegal and unconstitutional decisions have been taken. But nobody is paying any attention to this.

This shows people in the country that there are no legal opportunities for the forces which want to develop and strengthen their country, including by developing normal relations with Russia, that they have no chance. They are nipped in the bud: some are jailed, others are placed under house arrest, and still others are simply killed in the street.

Why meet with Zelensky if he has accepted the full external management of his country? The main issues concerning Ukraine’s functioning are not decided in Kiev but in Washington and, partly, in Berlin and Paris. What is there to talk about then?

Nevertheless, I do not refuse to hold such meetings, but I first want to understand what issues we can discuss.

Source here (30.06.21).

In the course of the wide-ranging media exchanges on Wednesday 30th June 2021 cited above, Vladimir Putin said that he was going to write a separate analytical article outlining his view of the long history of Russian-Ukrainian linguistic, cultural and political connectivity. This article was published twelve days later, on Monday 12th July 2021, under the title 'On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians'. The full text follows here:

During the recent Direct Line, when I was asked about Russian-Ukrainian relations, I said that Russians and Ukrainians were one people - a single whole. These words were not driven by some short-term considerations or prompted by the current political context. It is what I have said on numerous occasions and what I firmly believe. I therefore feel it necessary to explain my position in detail and share my assessments of today's situation.

First of all, I would like to emphasize that the wall that has emerged in recent years between Russia and Ukraine, between the parts of what is essentially the same historical and spiritual space, to my mind is our great common misfortune and tragedy.

These are, first and foremost, the consequences of our own mistakes made at different periods of time. But these are also the result of deliberate efforts by those forces that have always sought to undermine our unity.

The formula they apply has been known from time immemorial - divide and rule. There is nothing new here. Hence the attempts to play on the ”national question“ and sow discord among people, the overarching goal being to divide and then to pit the parts of a single people against one another.

To have a better understanding of the present and look into the future, we need to turn to history. Certainly, it is impossible to cover in this article all the developments that have taken place over more than a thousand years. But I will focus on the key, pivotal moments that are important for us to remember, both in Russia and Ukraine.

Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians are all descendants of Ancient Rus, which was the largest state in Europe. Slavic and other tribes across the vast territory – from Ladoga, Novgorod, and Pskov to Kiev and Chernigov - were bound together by one language (which we now refer to as Old Russian), economic ties, the rule of the princes of the Rurik dynasty, and - after the baptism of Rus - the Orthodox faith. The spiritual choice made by St. Vladimir, who was both Prince of Novgorod and Grand Prince of Kiev, still largely determines our affinity today.

The throne of Kiev held a dominant position in Ancient Rus. This had been the custom since the late 9th century. The Tale of Bygone Years captured for posterity the words of Oleg the Prophet about Kiev, ”Let it be the mother of all Russian cities.“

Later, like other European states of that time, Ancient Rus faced a decline of central rule and fragmentation. At the same time, both the nobility and the common people perceived Rus as a common territory, as their homeland.

The fragmentation intensified after Batu Khan's devastating invasion, which ravaged many cities, including Kiev. The northeastern part of Rus fell under the control of the Golden Horde but retained limited sovereignty. The southern and western Russian lands largely became part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which - most significantly - was referred to in historical records as the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Russia.

Members of the princely and ”boyar“ clans would change service from one prince to another, feuding with each other but also making friendships and alliances. Voivode Bobrok of Volyn and the sons of Grand Duke of Lithuania Algirdas - Andrey of Polotsk and Dmitry of Bryansk - fought next to Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich of Moscow on the Kulikovo field. At the same time, Grand Duke of Lithuania Jogaila - son of the Princess of Tver - led his troops to join with Mamai. These are all pages of our shared history, reflecting its complex and multi-dimensional nature.

Most importantly, people both in the western and eastern Russian lands spoke the same language. Their faith was Orthodox. Up to the middle of the 15th century, the unified church government remained in place.

At a new stage of historical development, both Lithuanian Rus and Moscow Rus could have become the points of attraction and consolidation of the territories of Ancient Rus. It so happened that Moscow became the center of reunification, continuing the tradition of ancient Russian statehood. Moscow princes - the descendants of Prince Alexander Nevsky - cast off the foreign yoke and began gathering the Russian lands.

In the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, other processes were unfolding. In the 14th century, Lithuania's ruling elite converted to Catholicism. In the 16th century, it signed the Union of Lublin with the Kingdom of Poland to form the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. The Polish Catholic nobility received considerable land holdings and privileges in the territory of Rus. In accordance with the 1596 Union of Brest, part of the western Russian Orthodox clergy submitted to the authority of the Pope. The process of Polonization and Latinization began, ousting Orthodoxy.

As a consequence, in the 16-17th centuries, the liberation movement of the Orthodox population was gaining strength in the Dnieper region. The events during the times of Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky became a turning point. His supporters struggled for autonomy from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

In its 1649 appeal to the king of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Zaporizhian Host demanded that the rights of the Russian Orthodox population be respected, that the voivode of Kiev be Russian and of Greek faith, and that the persecution of the churches of God be stopped. But the Cossacks were not heard.

Bohdan Khmelnytsky then made appeals to Moscow, which were considered by the Zemsky Sobor. On 1 October 1653, members of the supreme representative body of the Russian state decided to support their brothers in faith and take them under patronage. In January 1654, the Pereyaslav Council confirmed that decision. Subsequently, the ambassadors of Bohdan Khmelnytsky and Moscow visited dozens of cities, including Kiev, whose populations swore allegiance to the Russian tsar. Incidentally, nothing of the kind happened at the conclusion of the Union of Lublin.

In a letter to Moscow in 1654, Bohdan Khmelnytsky thanked Tsar Aleksey Mikhaylovich for taking ”the whole Zaporizhian Host and the whole Russian Orthodox world under the strong and high hand of the Tsar“. It means that, in their appeals to both the Polish king and the Russian tsar, the Cossacks referred to and defined themselves as Russian Orthodox people.

Over the course of the protracted war between the Russian state and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, some of the hetmans, successors of Bohdan Khmelnytsky, would ”detach themselves“ from Moscow or seek support from Sweden, Poland, or Turkey. But, again, for the people, that was a war of liberation. It ended with the Truce of Andrusovo in 1667.

The final outcome was sealed by the Treaty of Perpetual Peace in 1686. The Russian state incorporated the city of Kiev and the lands on the left bank of the Dnieper River, including Poltava region, Chernigov region, and Zaporozhye. Their inhabitants were reunited with the main part of the Russian Orthodox people. These territories were referred to as ”Malorossia“ (Little Russia).

The name ”Ukraine“ was used more often in the meaning of the Old Russian word ”okraina“ (periphery), which is found in written sources from the 12th century, referring to various border territories. And the word ”Ukrainian“, judging by archival documents, originally referred to frontier guards who protected the external borders.

On the right bank, which remained under the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the old orders were restored, and social and religious oppression intensified. On the contrary, the lands on the left bank, taken under the protection of the unified state, saw rapid development. People from the other bank of the Dnieper moved here en masse. They sought support from people who spoke the same language and had the same faith.

During the Great Northern War with Sweden, the people in Malorossia were not faced with a choice of whom to side with. Only a small portion of the Cossacks supported Mazepa's rebellion. People of all orders and degrees considered themselves Russian and Orthodox.

Cossack senior officers belonging to the nobility would reach the heights of political, diplomatic, and military careers in Russia. Graduates of Kiev-Mohyla Academy played a leading role in church life. This was also the case during the Hetmanate – an essentially autonomous state formation with a special internal structure – and later in the Russian Empire.

Malorussians in many ways helped build a big common country - its statehood, culture, and science. They participated in the exploration and development of the Urals, Siberia, the Caucasus, and the Far East. Incidentally, during the Soviet period, natives of Ukraine held major, including the highest, posts in the leadership of the unified state. Suffice it to say that Nikita Khrushchev and Leonid Brezhnev, whose party biography was most closely associated with Ukraine, led the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) for almost 30 years.

In the second half of the 18th century, following the wars with the Ottoman Empire, Russia incorporated Crimea and the lands of the Black Sea region, which became known as Novorossiya. They were populated by people from all of the Russian provinces. After the partitions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Russian Empire regained the western Old Russian lands, with the exception of Galicia and Transcarpathia, which became part of the Austrian - and later Austro-Hungarian - Empire.

The incorporation of the western Russian lands into the single state was not merely the result of political and diplomatic decisions. It was underlain by the common faith, shared cultural traditions, and - I would like to emphasize it once again - language similarity.

Thus, as early as the beginning of the 17th century, one of the hierarchs of the Uniate Church, Joseph Rutsky, communicated to Rome that people in Moscovia called Russians from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth their brothers, that their written language was absolutely identical, and differences in the vernacular were insignificant. He drew an analogy with the residents of Rome and Bergamo. These are, as we know, the center and the north of modern Italy.

Many centuries of fragmentation and living within different states naturally brought about regional language peculiarities, resulting in the emergence of dialects. The vernacular enriched the literary language. Ivan Kotlyarevsky, Grigory Skovoroda, and Taras Shevchenko played a huge role here. Their works are our common literary and cultural heritage.

Taras Shevchenko wrote poetry in the Ukrainian language, and prose mainly in Russian. The books of Nikolay Gogol, a Russian patriot and native of Poltavshchyna, are written in Russian, bristling with Malorussian folk sayings and motifs. How can this heritage be divided between Russia and Ukraine? And why do it?

The south-western lands of the Russian Empire, Malorussia and Novorossiya, and the Crimea developed as ethnically and religiously diverse entities. Crimean Tatars, Armenians, Greeks, Jews, Karaites, Krymchaks, Bulgarians, Poles, Serbs, Germans, and other peoples lived here. They all preserved their faith, traditions, and customs.

I am not going to idealise anything. We do know there were the Valuev Circular of 1863 an then the Ems Ukaz of 1876, which restricted the publication and importation of religious and socio-political literature in the Ukrainian language. But it is important to be mindful of the historical context.

These decisions were taken against the backdrop of dramatic events in Poland and the desire of the leaders of the Polish national movement to exploit the ”Ukrainian issue“ to their own advantage. I should add that works of fiction, books of Ukrainian poetry and folk songs continued to be published. There is objective evidence that the Russian Empire was witnessing an active process of development of the Malorussian cultural identity within the greater Russian nation, which united the Velikorussians, the Malorussians and the Belorussians.

At the same time, the idea of Ukrainian people as a nation separate from the Russians started to form and gain ground among the Polish elite and a part of the Malorussian intelligentsia. Since there was no historical basis - and could not have been any, conclusions were substantiated by all sorts of concoctions, which went as far as to claim that the Ukrainians are the true Slavs and the Russians, the Muscovites, are not. Such "hypotheses" became increasingly used for political purposes as a tool of rivalry between European states.

Since the late 19th century, the Austro-Hungarian authorities had latched onto this narrative, using it as a counterbalance to the Polish national movement and pro-Muscovite sentiments in Galicia. During World War I, Vienna played a role in the formation of the so-called Legion of Ukrainian Sich Riflemen. Galicians suspected of sympathies with Orthodox Christianity and Russia were subjected to brutal repression and thrown into the concentration camps of Thalerhof and Terezin.

Further developments had to do with the collapse of European empires, the fierce civil war that broke out across the vast territory of the former Russian Empire, and foreign intervention.

After the February Revolution, in March 1917, the Central Rada was established in Kiev, intended to become the organ of supreme power. In November 1917, in its Third Universal, it declared the creation of the Ukrainian People's Republic (UPR) as part of Russia.

In December 1917, UPR representatives arrived in Brest-Litovsk, where Soviet Russia was negotiating with Germany and its allies. At a meeting on 10 January 1918, the head of the Ukrainian delegation read out a note proclaiming the independence of Ukraine. Subsequently, the Central Rada proclaimed Ukraine independent in its Fourth Universal.

The declared sovereignty did not last long. Just a few weeks later, Rada delegates signed a separate treaty with the German bloc countries. Germany and Austria-Hungary were at the time in a dire situation and needed Ukrainian bread and raw materials. In order to secure large-scale supplies, they obtained consent for sending their troops and technical staff to the UPR. In fact, this was used as a pretext for occupation.

For those who have today given up the full control of Ukraine to external forces, it would be instructive to remember that, back in 1918, such a decision proved fatal for the ruling regime in Kiev. With the direct involvement of the occupying forces, the Central Rada was overthrown and Hetman Pavlo Skoropadskyi was brought to power, proclaiming instead of the UPR the Ukrainian State, which was essentially under German protectorate.

In November 1918 - following the revolutionary events in Germany and Austria-Hungary- Pavlo Skoropadskyi, who had lost the support of German bayonets, took a different course, declaring that ”Ukraine is to take the lead in the formation of an All-Russian Federation“. However, the regime was soon changed again. It was now the time of the so-called Directorate.

In autumn 1918, Ukrainian nationalists proclaimed the West Ukrainian People's Republic (WUPR) and, in January 1919, announced its unification with the Ukrainian People's Republic. In July 1919, Ukrainian forces were crushed by Polish troops, and the territory of the former WUPR came under the Polish rule.

In April 1920, Symon Petliura (portrayed as one of the ”heroes“ in today's Ukraine) concluded secret conventions on behalf of the UPR Directorate, giving up – in exchange for military support – Galicia and Western Volhynia lands to Poland. In May 1920, Petliurites entered Kiev in a convoy of Polish military units. But not for long. As early as November 1920, following a truce between Poland and Soviet Russia, the remnants of Petliura's forces surrendered to those same Poles.

The example of the UPR shows that different kinds of quasi-state formations that emerged across the former Russian Empire at the time of the Civil War and turbulence were inherently unstable. Nationalists sought to create their own independent states, while leaders of the White movement advocated indivisible Russia. Many of the republics established by the Bolsheviks' supporters did not see themselves outside Russia either. Nevertheless, Bolshevik Party leaders sometimes basically drove them out of Soviet Russia for various reasons.

Thus, in early 1918, the Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Soviet Republic was proclaimed and asked Moscow to incorporate it into Soviet Russia. This was met with a refusal. During a meeting with the republic's leaders, Vladimir Lenin insisted that they act as part of Soviet Ukraine. On 15 March 1918, the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) directly ordered that delegates be sent to the Ukrainian Congress of Soviets, including from the Donetsk Basin, and that ”one government for all of Ukraine“ be created at the congress. The territories of the Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Soviet Republic later formed most of the regions of south-eastern Ukraine.

Under the 1921 Treaty of Riga, concluded between the Russian SFSR, the Ukrainian SSR and Poland, the western lands of the former Russian Empire were ceded to Poland. In the interwar period, the Polish government pursued an active resettlement policy, seeking to change the ethnic composition of the Eastern Borderlands – the Polish name for what is now Western Ukraine, Western Belarus and parts of Lithuania. The areas were subjected to harsh Polonisation, local culture and traditions suppressed. Later, during World War II, radical groups of Ukrainian nationalists used this as a pretext for terror not only against Polish, but also against Jewish and Russian populations.

In 1922, when the USSR was created, with the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic becoming one of its founders, a rather fierce debate among the Bolshevik leaders resulted in the implementation of Lenin's plan to form a union state as a federation of equal republics. The right for the republics to freely secede from the Union was included in the text of the Declaration on the Creation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and, subsequently, in the 1924 USSR Constitution.

By doing so, the authors planted in the foundation of our statehood the most dangerous time bomb, which exploded the moment the safety mechanism provided by the leading role of the CPSU was gone, the party itself collapsing from within. A ”parade of sovereignties“ followed.

On 8 December 1991, the so-called Belovezh Agreement on the Creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States was signed, stating that ”the USSR as a subject of international law and a geopolitical reality no longer existed.“ By the way, Ukraine never signed or ratified the CIS Charter adopted back in 1993.

In the 1920's-1930's, the Bolsheviks actively promoted the ”localization policy“, which took the form of Ukrainization in the Ukrainian SSR. Symbolically, as part of this policy and with consent of the Soviet authorities, Mikhail Grushevskiy, former chairman of Central Rada, one of the ideologists of Ukrainian nationalism, who at a certain period of time had been supported by Austria-Hungary, was returned to the USSR and was elected member of the Academy of Sciences.

The localization policy undoubtedly played a major role in the development and consolidation of the Ukrainian culture, language and identity. At the same time, under the guise of combating the so-called Russian great-power chauvinism, Ukrainization was often imposed on those who did not see themselves as Ukrainians. This Soviet national policy secured at the state level the provision on three separate Slavic peoples: Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian, instead of the large Russian nation, a triune people comprising Velikorussians, Malorussians and Belorussians.

In 1939, the USSR regained the lands earlier seized by Poland. A major portion of these became part of the Soviet Ukraine. In 1940, the Ukrainian SSR incorporated part of Bessarabia, which had been occupied by Romania since 1918, as well as Northern Bukovina. In 1948, Zmeyiniy Island (Snake Island) in the Black Sea became part of Ukraine. In 1954, the Crimean Region of the RSFSR was given to the Ukrainian SSR, in gross violation of legal norms that were in force at the time.

I would like to dwell on the destiny of Carpathian Ruthenia, which became part of Czechoslovakia following the breakup of Austria-Hungary. Rusins made up a considerable share of local population. While this is hardly mentioned any longer, after the liberation of Transcarpathia by Soviet troops the congress of the Orthodox population of the region voted for the inclusion of Carpathian Ruthenia in the RSFSR or, as a separate Carpathian republic, in the USSR proper. Yet the choice of people was ignored. In summer 1945, the historical act of the reunification of Carpathian Ukraine ”with its ancient motherland, Ukraine“ – as The Pravda newspaper put it – was announced.

Therefore, modern Ukraine is entirely the product of the Soviet era. We know and remember well that it was shaped - for a significant part - on the lands of historical Russia. To make sure of that, it is enough to look at the boundaries of the lands reunited with the Russian state in the 17th century and the territory of the Ukrainian SSR when it left the Soviet Union.

The Bolsheviks treated the Russian people as inexhaustible material for their social experiments. They dreamt of a world revolution that would wipe out national states. That is why they were so generous in drawing borders and bestowing territorial gifts. It is no longer important what exactly the idea of the Bolshevik leaders who were chopping the country into pieces was. We can disagree about minor details, background and logics behind certain decisions. One fact is crystal clear: Russia was robbed, indeed.

When working on this article, I relied on open-source documents that contain well-known facts rather than on some secret records. The leaders of modern Ukraine and their external "patrons" prefer to overlook these facts. They do not miss a chance, however, both inside the country and abroad, to condemn "the crimes of the Soviet regime," listing among them events with which neither the CPSU, nor the USSR, let alone modern Russia, have anything to do. At the same time, the Bolsheviks' efforts to detach from Russia its historical territories are not considered a crime. And we know why: if they brought about the weakening of Russia, our ill-wishers are happy with that.

Of course, inside the USSR, borders between republics were never seen as state borders; they were nominal within a single country, which, while featuring all the attributes of a federation, was highly centralized - this, again, was secured by the CPSU's leading role. But in 1991, all those territories, and, which is more important, people, found themselves abroad overnight, taken away, this time indeed, from their historical motherland.

What can be said to this? Things change: countries and communities are no exception. Of course, some part of a people in the process of its development, influenced by a number of reasons and historical circumstances, can become aware of itself as a separate nation at a certain moment. How should we treat that? There is only one answer: with respect!

You want to establish a state of your own: you are welcome! But what are the terms? I will recall the assessment given by one of the most prominent political figures of new Russia, first mayor of Saint Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak. As a legal expert who believed that every decision must be legitimate, in 1992, he shared the following opinion: the republics that were founders of the Union, having denounced the 1922 Union Treaty, must return to the boundaries they had had before joining the Soviet Union. All other territorial acquisitions are subject to discussion, negotiations, given that the ground has been revoked.

In other words, when you leave, take what you brought with you. This logic is hard to refute. I will just say that the Bolsheviks had embarked on reshaping boundaries even before the Soviet Union, manipulating with territories to their liking, in disregard of people's views.

The Russian Federation recognized the new geopolitical realities: and not only recognized, but, indeed, did a lot for Ukraine to establish itself as an independent country.

Throughout the difficult 1990's and in the new millennium, we have provided considerable support to Ukraine. Whatever ”political arithmetic“ of its own Kiev may wish to apply, in 1991–2013, Ukraine's budget savings amounted to more than USD 82 billion, while today, it holds on to the mere USD 1.5 billion of Russian payments for gas transit to Europe. If economic ties between our countries had been retained, Ukraine would enjoy the benefit of tens of billions of dollars.

Ukraine and Russia have developed as a single economic system over decades and centuries. The profound cooperation we had 30 years ago is an example for the European Union to look up to. We are natural complementary economic partners. Such a close relationship can strengthen competitive advantages, increasing the potential of both countries.

Ukraine used to possess great potential, which included powerful infrastructure, gas transportation system, advanced shipbuilding, aviation, rocket and instrument engineering industries, as well as world-class scientific, design and engineering schools. Taking over this legacy and declaring independence, Ukrainian leaders promised that the Ukrainian economy would be one of the leading ones and the standard of living would be among the best in Europe.

Today, high-tech industrial giants that were once the pride of Ukraine and the entire Union, are sinking. Engineering output has dropped by 42 per cent over ten years. The scale of deindustrialization and overall economic degradation is visible in Ukraine's electricity production, which has seen a nearly two-time decrease in 30 years.

Finally, according to IMF reports, in 2019, before the coronavirus pandemic broke out, Ukraine's GDP per capita had been below USD 4 thousand. This is less than in the Republic of Albania, the Republic of Moldova, or unrecognized Kosovo. Nowadays, Ukraine is Europe's poorest country.

Who is to blame for this? Is it the people of Ukraine's fault? Certainly not. It was the Ukrainian authorities who wasted and frittered away the achievements of many generations.

We know how hardworking and talented the people of Ukraine are. They can achieve success and outstanding results with perseverance and determination. And these qualities, as well as their openness, innate optimism and hospitality have not gone. The feelings of millions of people who treat Russia not just well but with great affection, just as we feel about Ukraine, remain the same.

Until 2014, hundreds of agreements and joint projects were aimed at developing our economies, business and cultural ties, strengthening security, and solving common social and environmental problems. They brought tangible benefits to people- both in Russia and Ukraine. This is what we believed to be most important. And that is why we had a fruitful interaction with all, I emphasize, with all the leaders of Ukraine.

Even after the events in Kiev of 2014, I charged the Russian government to elaborate options for preserving and maintaining our economic ties within relevant ministries and agencies. However, there was and is still no mutual will to do the same. Nevertheless, Russia is still one of Ukraine's top three trading partners, and hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are coming to us to work, and they find a welcome reception and support. So that what the "aggressor state" is.

When the USSR collapsed, many people in Russia and Ukraine sincerely believed and assumed that our close cultural, spiritual and economic ties would certainly last, as would the commonality of our people, who had always had a sense of unity at their core. However, events - at first gradually, and then more rapidly - started to move in a different direction.

In essence, Ukraine's ruling circles decided to justify their country's independence through the denial of its past, however, except for border issues. They began to mythologize and rewrite history, edit out everything that united us, and refer to the period when Ukraine was part of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union as an occupation. The common tragedy of collectivization and famine of the early 1930s was portrayed as the genocide of the Ukrainian people.

Radicals and neo-Nazis were open and more and more insolent about their ambitions. They were indulged by both the official authorities and local oligarchs, who robbed the people of Ukraine and kept their stolen money in Western banks, ready to sell their motherland for the sake of preserving their capital. To this should be added the persistent weakness of state institutions and the position of a willing hostage to someone else's geopolitical will.

I recall that long ago, well before 2014, the U.S. and EU countries systematically and consistently pushed Ukraine to curtail and limit economic cooperation with Russia. We, as the largest trade and economic partner of Ukraine, suggested discussing the emerging problems in the Ukraine-Russia-EU format. But every time we were told that Russia had nothing to do with it and that the issue concerned only the EU and Ukraine. De facto Western countries rejected Russia's repeated calls for dialogue.

Step by step, Ukraine was dragged into a dangerous geopolitical game aimed at turning Ukraine into a barrier between Europe and Russia, a springboard against Russia. Inevitably, there came a time when the concept of ”Ukraine is not Russia“ was no longer an option. There was a need for the ”anti-Russia“ concept which we will never accept.

The owners of this project took as a basis the old groundwork of the Polish-Austrian ideologists to create an ”anti-Moscow Russia“. And there is no need to deceive anyone that this is being done in the interests of the people of Ukraine. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth never needed Ukrainian culture, much less Cossack autonomy. In Austria-Hungary, historical Russian lands were mercilessly exploited and remained the poorest. The Nazis, abetted by collaborators from the OUN-UPA, did not need Ukraine, but a living space and slaves for Aryan overlords.

Nor were the interests of the Ukrainian people thought of in February 2014. The legitimate public discontent, caused by acute socio-economic problems, mistakes, and inconsistent actions of the authorities of the time, was simply cynically exploited. Western countries directly interfered in Ukraine's internal affairs and supported the coup. Radical nationalist groups served as its battering ram. Their slogans, ideology, and blatant aggressive Russophobia have to a large extent become defining elements of state policy in Ukraine.

All the things that united us and bring us together so far came under attack. First and foremost, the Russian language. Let me remind you that the new ”Maidan“ authorities first tried to repeal the law on state language policy. Then there was the law on the ”purification of power“, the law on education that virtually cut the Russian language out of the educational process.

Lastly, as early as May of this year, the current president introduced a bill on ”indigenous peoples“ to the Rada. Only those who constitute an ethnic minority and do not have their own state entity outside Ukraine are recognized as indigenous. The law has been passed. New seeds of discord have been sown. And this is happening in a country, as I have already noted, that is very complex in terms of its territorial, national and linguistic composition, and its history of formation.

There may be an argument: if you are talking about a single large nation, a triune nation, then what difference does it make who people consider themselves to be - Russians, Ukrainians, or Belarusians. I completely agree with this. Especially since the determination of nationality, particularly in mixed families, is the right of every individual, free to make his or her own choice.

But the fact is that the situation in Ukraine today is completely different because it involves a forced change of identity. And the most despicable thing is that the Russians in Ukraine are being forced not only to deny their roots, generations of their ancestors, but also to believe that Russia is their enemy.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the path of forced assimilation, the formation of an ethnically pure Ukrainian state, aggressive towards Russia, is comparable in its consequences to the use of weapons of mass destruction against us. As a result of such a harsh and artificial division of Russians and Ukrainians, the Russian people in all may decrease by hundreds of thousands or even millions.

Our spiritual unity has also been attacked. As in the days of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, a new ecclesiastical has been initiated. The secular authorities, making no secret of their political aims, have blatantly interfered in church life and brought things to a split, to the seizure of churches, the beating of priests and monks. Even extensive autonomy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church while maintaining spiritual unity with the Moscow Patriarchate strongly displeases them. They have to destroy this prominent and centuries-old symbol of our kinship at all costs.

I think it is also natural that the representatives of Ukraine over and over again vote against the UN General Assembly resolution condemning the glorification of Nazism. Marches and torchlit processions in honor of remaining war criminals from the SS units take place under the protection of the official authorities.

Mazepa, who betrayed everyone, Petliura, who paid for Polish patronage with Ukrainian lands, and Bandera, who collaborated with the Nazis, are ranked as national heroes. Everything is being done to erase from the memory of young generations the names of genuine patriots and victors, who have always been the pride of Ukraine.

For the Ukrainians who fought in the Red Army, in partisan units, the Great Patriotic War was indeed a patriotic war because they were defending their home, their great common Motherland. Over two thousand soldiers became Heroes of the Soviet Union. Among them are legendary pilot Ivan Kozhedub, fearless sniper, defender of Odessa and Sevastopol Lyudmila Pavlichenko, valiant guerrilla commander Sidor Kovpak. This indomitable generation fought, those people gave their lives for our future, for us. To forget their feat is to betray our grandfathers, mothers and fathers.

The anti-Russia project has been rejected by millions of Ukrainians. The people of Crimea and residents of Sevastopol made their historic choice. And people in the southeast peacefully tried to defend their stance. Yet, all of them, including children, were labeled as separatists and terrorists. They were threatened with ethnic cleansing and the use of military force.

And the residents of Donetsk and Lugansk took up arms to defend their home, their language and their lives. Were they left any other choice after the riots that swept through the cities of Ukraine, after the horror and tragedy of 2 May 2014 in Odessa where Ukrainian neo-Nazis burned people alive making a new Khatyn out of it? The same massacre was ready to be carried out by the followers of Bandera in Crimea, Sevastopol, Donetsk and Lugansk. Even now they do not abandon such plans. They are biding their time. But their time will not come.

The coup d'état and the subsequent actions of the Kiev authorities inevitably provoked confrontation and civil war. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights estimates that the total number of victims in the conflict in Donbas has exceeded 13,000. Among them are the elderly and children. These are terrible, irreparable losses.

Russia has done everything to stop fratricide. The Minsk agreements aimed at a peaceful settlement of the conflict in Donbas have been concluded. I am convinced that they still have no alternative. In any case, no one has withdrawn their signatures from the Minsk Package of Measures or from the relevant statements by the leaders of the Normandy format countries. No one has initiated a review of the United Nations Security Council resolution of 17 February 2015.

During official negotiations, especially after being reined in by Western partners, Ukraine's representatives regularly declare their "full adherence" to the Minsk agreements, but are in fact guided by a position of ”unacceptability“. They do not intend to seriously discuss either the special status of Donbas or safeguards for the people living there. They prefer to exploit the image of the ”victim of external aggression“ and peddle Russophobia. They arrange bloody provocations in Donbas. In short, they attract the attention of external patrons and masters by all means.

Apparently, and I am becoming more and more convinced of this: Kiev simply does not need Donbas. Why? Because, firstly, the inhabitants of these regions will never accept the order that they have tried and are trying to impose by force, blockade and threats.

And secondly, the outcome of both Minsk‑1 and Minsk‑2 which give a real chance to peacefully restore the territorial integrity of Ukraine by coming to an agreement directly with the DPR and LPR with Russia, Germany and France as mediators, contradicts the entire logic of the anti-Russia project. And it can only be sustained by the constant cultivation of the image of an internal and external enemy. And I would add - under the protection and control of the Western powers.

This is what is actually happening. First of all, we are facing the creation of a climate of fear in Ukrainian society, aggressive rhetoric, indulging neo-Nazis and militarising the country. Along with that we are witnessing not just complete dependence but direct external control, including the supervision of the Ukrainian authorities, security services and armed forces by foreign advisers, military "development" of the territory of Ukraine and deployment of NATO infrastructure. It is no coincidence that the aforementioned flagrant law on ”indigenous peoples“ was adopted under the cover of large-scale NATO exercises in Ukraine.

This is also a disguise for the takeover of the rest of the Ukrainian economy and the exploitation of its natural resources. The sale of agricultural land is not far off, and it is obvious who will buy it up. From time to time, Ukraine is indeed given financial resources and loans, but under their own conditions and pursuing their own interests, with preferences and benefits for Western companies. By the way, who will pay these debts back? Apparently, it is assumed that this will have to be done not only by today's generation of Ukrainians but also by their children, grandchildren and probably great-grandchildren.

The Western authors of the anti-Russia project set up the Ukrainian political system in such a way that presidents, members of parliament and ministers would change but the attitude of separation from and enmity with Russia would remain. Reaching peace was the main election slogan of the incumbent president. He came to power with this. The promises turned out to be lies. Nothing has changed. And in some ways the situation in Ukraine and around Donbas has even degenerated.

In the anti-Russia project, there is no place either for a sovereign Ukraine or for the political forces that are trying to defend its real independence. Those who talk about reconciliation in Ukrainian society, about dialogue, about finding a way out of the current impasse are labelled as ”pro-Russian“ agents.

Again, for many people in Ukraine, the anti-Russia project is simply unacceptable. And there are millions of such people. But they are not allowed to raise their heads. They have had their legal opportunity to defend their point of view in fact taken away from them. They are intimidated, driven underground. Not only are they persecuted for their convictions, for the spoken word, for the open expression of their position, but they are also killed. Murderers, as a rule, go unpunished.

Today, the "right" patriot of Ukraine is only the one who hates Russia. Moreover, the entire Ukrainian statehood, as we understand it, is proposed to be further built exclusively on this idea. Hate and anger, as world history has repeatedly proved this, are a very shaky foundation for sovereignty, fraught with many serious risks and dire consequences.

All the subterfuges associated with the anti-Russia project are clear to us. And we will never allow our historical territories and people close to us living there to be used against Russia. And to those who will undertake such an attempt, I would like to say that this way they will destroy their own country.

The incumbent authorities in Ukraine like to refer to Western experience, seeing it as a model to follow. Just have a look at how Austria and Germany, the USA and Canada live next to each other. Close in ethnic composition, culture, in fact sharing one language, they remain sovereign states with their own interests, with their own foreign policy. But this does not prevent them from the closest integration or allied relations. They have very conditional, transparent borders. And when crossing them the citizens feel at home. They create families, study, work, do business. Incidentally, so do millions of those born in Ukraine who now live in Russia. We see them as our own close people.

Russia is open to dialogue with Ukraine and ready to discuss the most complex issues. But it is important for us to understand that our partner is defending its national interests but not serving someone else's, and is not a tool in someone else's hands to fight against us.

We respect the Ukrainian language and traditions. We respect Ukrainians' desire to see their country free, safe and prosperous.

I am confident that true sovereignty of Ukraine is possible only in partnership with Russia.

Our spiritual, human and civilizational ties formed for centuries and have their origins in the same sources; they have been hardened by common trials, achievements and victories. Our kinship has been transmitted from generation to generation. It is in the hearts and the memory of people living in modern Russia and Ukraine, in the blood ties that unite millions of our families. Together we have always been and will be many times stronger and more successful. For we are one people.

Today, these words may be perceived by some people with hostility. They can be interpreted in many possible ways. Yet, many people will hear me. And I will say one thing - Russia has never been and will never be "anti-Ukraine". And what Ukraine will be - it is up to its citizens to decide.

Source here (12.07.21).

On Tuesday 13th July 2021, while in St Petersburg, Vladimir Putin answered some questions about the article he had published the previous day on the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians. The full text of that Q&A follows here:

Question: Mr President, thank you very much for finding an opportunity to answer questions about your well-known article on Ukrainian issues. Here is my first question, if I may. Why did you decide to write this article at this particular time?

Putin: I decided to prepare this material a while ago, actually. I have been thinking about it for several months now. The title of this material, or “article,” is just a convention because it is still a bit more than just an article. It is analytical material based on historical facts, events and historical documents.

Why did I have this idea at all? In our daily lives, we work, bring up our children, go for a hobby. As a rule, we do not think much about the issues in this article. However, the situation required that we look more attentively at the world we live in, who we are, and what relations we have with our closest relatives and neighbours. So, this idea came about in this context.

But why did I start it at this particular time? Because the conditions that are taking shape are fundamentally different from what they were only recently. There is every indication that an anti-Russia agenda is being pursued, and of course, this is bound to be of concern to us.

Yes, of course, every country has the right to choose its own way, no question. But, you know, it is the same as with every person. He is free but there is a well-known formula: the freedom of each person is limited by the freedom of another person. If it contradicts the freedom of another person, it is necessary to consider certain limits and self-restrictions. The same applies to countries. If we see that certain threats are being created, especially in security, we must certainly decide what to do about it. And this is a sincere conversation on all the subjects I just mentioned.

However, there are also certain circumstances that compelled me to present this material today. After all, there are many people in Ukraine, millions of people who want to restore relations with Russia. I am sure there are millions of them. There are also political forces that advocate normalisation in this respect.

But, judging by what we see, they are being deprived of any opportunity to implement their political goals. They are simply removed from the political scene through non-systemic, illegal methods. Some are simply killed in the streets, and then after this kind of crime nobody looks for the criminal. Or people are burned alive, like the tragic events in Odessa.

National media are closed and people are put under house arrest, like it’s happening now with Mr Medvedchuk. Indicatively, the Ukrainian authorities take completely illegal actions that are even outside their competence. In other words, these forces are not given any chance for legal political work. This is another circumstance that I consider to be very important.

And lastly - I would like to return to what I started with - it is essentially important for all of us to understand the current situation based on the historical context of its roots.

Question: Who is your article intended for, first of all, “them” or “us”?

Putin: I do not divide people into “them” and “us.” In the article I also write that we are a common entity, and so it is intended for all of us, including those who live in modern Russia, those who live in modern Ukraine and the sponsors of the current political leadership of Ukraine. They should also know what we are and what we think about each other. I believe that this is important for all of us.

Question: You mentioned one of the “time bombs” in the Soviet Constitution. Does this mean that there were other time bombs as well? What did you have in mind?

Putin: I said frankly in the article that the most dangerous time bomb is the right of the Soviet republics to freely secede from the united country.

I would like to say that when the Soviet Union was born after the First World War, even the Bolshevik leadership was divided on that matter. I did not write about this in detail in my article, because I believe that such details would be superfluous. However, Stalin, who was responsible for this sphere of activities in the Bolshevik party, had major differences with Lenin. Stalin insisted on the principle of autonomisation during the creation of the Soviet Union, believing that all the other Soviet republics that were established in the former empire must be incorporated, yes, incorporated, into the RSFSR.

Lenin had a different perspective. He spoke about the equality of all the republics, which should not be incorporated into the Russian Federation (RSFSR), but should establish new states on equal conditions with it. Stalin described this as national liberalism and openly argued with Lenin.

Incidentally, if we read some documents, we will see that Lenin’s position was that Stalin was ultimately right, but it was premature to speak about that. And Lenin made concessions to the national republics, as Stalin described this. Stalin himself said that Russian federalism was a period of transition to socialist centrism.

Actually, this is what the Bolsheviks really did, because the Soviet Union, which was formally a federation, or possibly even a confederation if we take into account the right to secede, essentially was an extremely unitary centralised state. The right to secede was, of course, one of the time bombs.

And the second time bomb, which I also mentioned, was the leading role of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, its directing and primary role. Why? Because it turned out that the party was the only thing that kept the entire country together as a single state. As I wrote in the article, as soon as the party started to fall apart from the inside, the whole country shattered.

There were other time bombs as well. Perhaps we will talk about this later on.

Question: You wrote about the anti-Russia project. When did it start and does it only concern Ukraine?

Putin: Of course, not. The details are all in there. The project started back in the 17th and 18th centuries in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. It was later exploited by the Polish national movement and, before World War I, it was used by the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

The goal was quite simple, as I wrote: divide and rule. Before World War I, Russia’s potential opponents had a simple goal - to just weaken the country. They pursued this target vigorously, promoting the anti-Russia concept and separating part of one nation in order to make the rival weaker. Why the Bolsheviks had to pick up that concept and implement it when building a union, is not historically clear.

Perhaps, at the time it would have been more logical to bring the country together, especially because they believed it was a transition period. But they left it as it was and, unfortunately, the time bombs eventually detonated.

So, it all started a long time ago, during the Middle Ages, and it continues to this very day. They are simply recycling old schemes. History repeats itself.

Question: Would it be correct to say that the triune people are long gone and will never exist in the future?

Putin: No, of course, not. You know, in the Soviet times there were attempts to eradicate religiousness among our people. Did they succeed? When the Great Patriotic War broke out, during his speech on the radio, Vyacheslav Molotov addressed the nation as “fellow citizens.” But Joseph Stalin, who spoke after we all realised the looming catastrophe of the war started by Nazi Germany, addressed the nation as “brothers and sisters.” This is what people call each other in church. Later, the patriarchate was restored. Today, the church plays its well-deserved role in society.

It is not gone; the triunity of our people has never been and will never be gone, no matter how hard they try using the same schemes as in the 17th and 18th centuries.

I talked about this with the President of Belarus. He said that when he plays hockey and team members get angry because somebody makes a mistake, in the heat of the moment they shout: “Come on, don’t you get it? Are you not Russian?” Phrases like this one come out without thinking, from the heart. There are millions of people like this in Ukraine, too. So, no, it is not gone and it will never be gone.

Question: Several months ago now, Zelensky made a statement in Russian and noted that everything had already been decided in Ukraine, and that it was going its own way. Do you think that this road will or will not intersect with Russia?

Putin: This does not imply our intersecting paths but, rather, interdependent and interwoven destinies of millions of people living in contemporary Ukraine and contemporary Russia. This amounts to the historical and spiritual interweaving of our peoples that took centuries to evolve. What the incumbent authorities are saying has nothing to do with the people. The authorities are talking about their own personal choice. But this does not necessarily mean that this choice is final.

Question: In your article, you say that those who try and use people living on our historical territories against Russia will thus demolish their own country. Who are you referring to?

Putin: Going back to your first question as to why this material appeared precisely now, I would address the matter from another angle. This material appeared following the drafting and enactment of the law on indigenous peoples. I will repeat the gist of the matter. The law declares Russian people living on historical Russian territories to be aliens. In effect, the authorities are beginning to expel them from this territory. This is what is happening. So, this was one of the factors that motivated me to write the article.

As to whom all this is addressed to, and what I had in mind when I was talking about what we have just mentioned, I would just like to note one aspect: People living in Ukraine are unlikely to look calmly at incumbent rulers who gain power under certain slogans and who later change their colour just like chameleons and defend entirely different positions. As a rule, they defend the interests of their superiors and those financing their stay in power, rather than the interests of the Ukrainian people.

Question: President Zelensky said that he could discuss this article with you during a face-to-face meeting. While in Berlin, he talked a lot about Nord Stream and the need to discuss the gas transit topic at the upcoming Normandy Summit. What can you say about this?

Putin: If they want to have a discussion, I think they should take a break, read the article carefully, analyse it and review some of the archival material. I think this is exactly what they will do and they will find something to talk about. When I say “they” I mean the political leadership of today’s Ukraine. These debates have been going on for a long time now. It is hard to argue with this article because it is honest and it is in fact based on historical documents. They may be subject to different interpretations, it is true. But the basis for the article is historical archives.

What can I say about the gas issue? Russia, Gazprom, we signed a five-year contract to deliver a certain amount of Russian natural gas to our consumers in Europe via Ukraine. The Normandy format and other similar formats are political platforms for discussing the situation in southeastern Ukraine. They have nothing to do with commercial projects like Nord Stream or Nord Stream 2 or the transit of our gas through the territory of Ukraine. Despite all the current difficulties, Russia undertook certain obligations under this contract and will fully meet them.

Question: The Soviet Union included not only Ukraine but also Kazakhstan, Belarus and many other republics. Based on the article, which relationship model do you see as the most sustainable in the future?

Putin: It does not only depend on us. On the international stage, building a certain type of relationship even between the closest neighbours is always a compromise. It is not our goal to force anybody into adopting a certain model. We are looking for a compromise.

Here is what I mean: it does not matter to us how a neighbouring state - in this case, Ukraine - will shape its foreign policy and its roadmap. What matters is (and I said the same thing about freedom) that nobody creates problems or threats for us. What we see, however, is that military development of this territory is starting, which is worrying.

I have expressed my opinion about this issue multiple times. And I think that our concerns will eventually be heard by those involved. After all, it is not Ukraine’s doing. It is happening on Ukrainian territory and people are being used. I really do hope that our concerns will be taken seriously.

Regarding other countries, if you are hinting that it discusses the evolution of these republics - this republic in this case, then other republics also evolved in the same manner. Yes, this is so. But I have noted there that contemporary Russia recognises current geopolitical realities. We have recognised current geopolitical realities.

Naturally, we are worried about hypothetical threats. But we maintain allied and friendly relations like with Kazakhstan and many other former Soviet republics, we work with some of them on a bilateral basis in an absolutely friendly manner. We set up economic alliances with some of them.

We also set up defensive alliances, including the Collective Security Treaty Organisation, or the Customs Union first and then the Eurasian Economic Union. We are not dragging anyone there. I repeat, we are looking for compromise solutions that create a situation that our partners feel satisfied with. This amounts to a complicated coordination process. But we are patient and search for mutually acceptable solutions that suit all of us. This is an ideal scenario.

See for yourself: The European Union continues to develop, and nobody compares it with the Soviet Union. Although I have already mentioned this, the number of mandatory decisions, passed by the European Parliament, exceeds the number of similar mandatory decisions, passed by the Supreme Soviet (Parliament) of the USSR. Nobody compares them with the Soviet Union. This is voluntary business.

We will be completely satisfied if we can maintain friendly and stable relations even in a bilateral format. And we are ready for this, I repeat again, while recognising current geopolitical realities. The situation is even better if we establish relations similar to those we have with Kazakhstan or Belarus, with which we are building a Union State, this is even better. We are also ready for such profound cooperation.

By the way, we are talking here about the Russia-Belarus Union State. This is not a state in the direct sense of the word but, rather, a certain level of integration.

If we compare the Russia-Belarus Union State with the European Union, the EU boasts much more profound integration levels. These levels are much deeper. They have a common currency, an extremely powerful customs union, etc. They also have a common space and stipulate visa-free travel. We have so far failed to attain EU levels; at the same time, the EU countries completely retain their sovereignty.

Nevertheless, this makes people’s life easier, creates certain conditions for economic development and boosts our common competitiveness. If relations develop in this context, we will, of course, support such relations. We advocate this concept and we will work with all our neighbours and friends in a partner-like manner.

Source here (13.07.21).
Picture: UK crop circle. 8th June 2021 at Mud Lane, Wooton Rivers, Wiltshire (UK).
Picture: Was Germany's Namibia massacre the first genocide of the 20th century?

Roughly translated into English, 'Reperationen an Nachfahren statt "Entwicklungshilfe" an Namibia' means: 'Reperations to descendants instead of "Development Aid" to Namibia'.

When Germany invaded and colonised Namibia in 1884, it forcibly stripped the indigenous Herero and Nama peoples of their land and cattle.

Between 1904 and1908, the Germans massacred 60,000 of the 80,000 Herero people and 10,000 of the 20,000 Namas. Many of these were forced out into the desert and were later placed in concentration camps. Here they were brutally exploited for labour. Tens of thousands of native Namibians died in captivity.

Was Germany's Namibian massacre the first genocide of the twentieth century?

On Friday 28 May 2021, the German state officially used the term 'genocide' to describe the “immense suffering inflicted on the victims” and admitted Germany’s “historical and moral responsibility” for what occurred.

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said his country was asking Namibia and victims’ descendants for forgiveness. He also announced €1 billion in compensation. This will be paid out over 30 years through spending on infrastructure, healthcare and training programmes benefiting the impacted communities.

That's all right then. Nothing more to see here. Move on to your next mass media story now.

Source and background here (10.06.21).

Picture: God is nothing special.
God is nothing special.
There's a lot of it about.
You see it all over the place.
God is All That Is.

There is nothing outside God.
Everything is inside God.

That's why there is no sin
And no devil
And no hell,
Unless you want them to exist
Inside your own manufactured illusions.

What would be the point
Of a thing called God
If it had things inside it
Such as sin, the devil or hell?

God isn't silly.
God is love.
That which is not love
Does not live inside God.

Where do sin, the devil and hell live then?
And who used their God-given free will
To invent them
To promote suffering and death
For the religious agenda?

And there's another thing to consider too:
God is not a person.

Most modern people who frequent
The transdimensional coffee shops
Of pan-galactic being agree that
God does not have compliant photo ID.

Journalists of all persuasions have noticed this.

When the senior management team of All That Is
Convenes a General Purposes Sub-Committee
In the executive suite of the multiverse,
There is no discrete individuated being present
Wearing a name-plate which says 'God'
Or anything which means 'God'.

This doesn't mean that God couldn't make the meeting,
Or that God has thrown a sickie.
It simply means that God is not a person.
Only persons attend meetings.

Alert Earthlings who notice this fact trending on their screens may choose to tap the FAQs icon.

Q: If God is not a person, what is it?
A: God is the conscious creative energy of love, part of which becomes luminous. Small globs of this emitted light slow down and become people.

A few billion of these people evolve into creators. These creators then continuously create a few billion or more creations all of which are different from each other.

Some of these creations may be universes. Some of the universes may be partly physical, but most are entirely non-physical.

The physical is created from the non-physical. That is the First Law of Future Physics.

None of this has anything to do with religion.
All of it has everything to do with spirituality.

Generally speaking,
Spirituality does better
If the religion is washed off.

It's a bit like dirty potatoes.
If you don't wash the mud off
It thickens the stew
But diminishes the gastronomic experience
At the taste-bud level.

Back in the coffee shop
If you wanted to risk
A second cup of coffee,
You might hear that that which we call God
Is just the absolute and all-pervasive force
Which permeates everything
And which keeps everything
Whirling and living.

Someone else
Thought by some to be rather significant,
Said that himself.

He also said that there is a strange energy
Afoot on Planet Earth at the moment:
It is the energy of a galactic speed-up.
We're at the end of a spiritual season, apparently.

He said that in 2019.
God is inevitable.

In other news, last week's football results will follow again shortly.

Picture: The Hosts of Heaven at work? (1)
Picture: The Hosts of Heaven at work? (2)
Picture: Mary Magdalene. The Holy Grail.
In the year 2000, Mary Magdalene, the wife of Jesus of Nazareth and the mother of his children, commented that we stood at "the beginning of the ending of time." "Time as you know it is running out."

Now, more than twenty years later, we are starting to see part of what she may have meant. In the West, two thousand years of masculinist spiritual fascism, huckstered by male-dominated organised religions, is falling to pieces.

That time and its particular timeline are ending. A timeline is a vector of direction of the course of events.

The unbalanced male energies of perpetual war, capitalist exploitation and medical bullying are coming to be seen as manifestly self-injurious and stupid.

New female energies associated with the Age of Aquarius are bathing the planet. The Goddess is rising. The Cosmic Mother is speaking afresh in plain terms.

There is nothing to fear here. This is not a female takeover. It is simply a cyclical rebalancing of world spirituality towards a new and more mature equilibrium.

The female energies of peace, sharing and nurture are moderating the unchecked male obsessions with fighting, theft and poisoning.

Such moderation will be beneficial for all men and women, all boys and girls, and all species of benevolent earth-based organisms. The consequence will be a radical change in the direction of the course of global events: a new benevolent timeline.

The human societal chaos we see happening around us physically at this end-time moment is just physical and just temporary. It is a fin de siècle pantomime badly acted by dead world leaders. The rogue-faction syndicates backing these cadavers are struggling to pretend that they are still alive by using lookalikes and deteriorating clones in CGI-enabled film studios.

Notice now, on the physical plane, how most major nations are being run by the positive military and how most leading negative players are being removed from power following Admiralty Law military tribunals. Notice, too, how the AI-coordinated anglophone mass media are not yet being allowed to report this. Why might that be? Hybrid wars aren't just physical.

A lot more than we can see is happening higher up in the non-physical, spiritual architecture.

As future Physics will show, the physical is always created from the non-physical. A mighty battle is being fought in the non-physical dimensions and that battle is being won by benevolent influencers. 'The Hosts of Heaven' is an ancient way of describing these positive forces in spiritual terms.

The end-time battle is not quite over. Down here on the surface there is some mopping up to be done. Some tunnel systems are not yet quite clear. There are bodies still to be buried and unwelcome visitors still to be sent back home. More here (06.05.21).

Meanwhile, at the non-physical level, much that is strange and much that is positive is going on. New supportive spiritual energetics are being put in place to replace the negative matrix of restriction now being dismantled. The new energies will enable the manifestation of freedom, creativity and abundance for all peoples.

West and East are aligning in concord to bring into being global peace and global debt forgiveness on the physical plane. The image below hints at this. The Goddess energies of Joan of Arc, Mary Magdalene and Quan Yin are in potent play among female and newly-balanced male activists.

In the West, in France, the Goddess energy vortices at the castle of Versailles and at Notre Dame cathedral in Paris are newly and growingly energised by the Aquarian potencies. This double vortex is linking up operationally with another similar powerful energy centre in the East, in Taiwan.

Coordinated and strengthening energy links all over the planet are merging into an Aquarian network of energetic support for visible and benevolent change to emerge across the world.

The French Revolution of 1789-94, viewed spiritually, was only partially successful. The intended timeline back then was hijacked by negative players. The collective national trauma which resulted in France has continued to the present day.

Supported by the new Goddess energies, the Gilets Jaunes and other benevolent activist groups are now moving to correct the historical failures of the late eighteenth century. This time France will succeed and will succeed peacefully, democratically and decisively.

More esoteric background here.

Picture: Joan of Arc, Mary Magdalene, Quan Yin, Taiwan and France.
Picture: Above - Below - West - East.
Picture: The Path to Divine Sex. Ananda through Tina Louise Spalding.
Picture: Book - 'Science and Spiritual Practices' by Rupert Sheldrake.
Picture: Is the whole universe conscious? Integrated Information Theory.
There are many human mathematicians working within the surface population on Earth at this time. And there are many universes in the multiverse. Some of these human mathematicians think that this whole local universe of ours may be conscious.

Recent Mathematical Philosophy has come up with Integrated Information Theory (IIT). This employs a model of thinking which attempts to quantify and measure consciousness.

Within the fundamentalist mindset of modern mathematics, IIT is controversial. This is because when applied to things thought to be non-living like machines, subatomic particles or the universe, the theory claims that they too experience consciousness. And if they are conscious, they must be alive.

Johannes Kleiner of the Munich Centre for Mathematical Philosophy, says that IIT could be the beginning of a new scientific revolution.

The theory relies on a value called phi which represents the interconnectivity of a node, whether it is a region of the brain, some electrical circuitry, or an atom. That value represents the node’s level of consciousness. The cerebral cortex, for instance, has a high value because it contains a dense cluster of widely-interconnected neurons.

At first, calculating phi looked to be a convoluted and lengthy process. In terms of human-perceived clock time, working out the phi of a human brain, for example, would have taken longer than the time we think the universe has so far existed (13.8 billion years or so).

But since February 2020, significant steps to simplify the calculation have been suggested. A mathematical paper outlining this has been circulated by Johannes Kleiner (University of Munich) and Sean Tull (Cambridge Quantum Computing). It is titled: The Mathematical Structure of Integrated Information Theory.

If you want to know if you have the intellectual potential to be a hard-core nerd, you may wish to peruse the Abstract of that paper. It reads as follows:

Integrated Information Theory is one of the leading models of consciousness. It aims to describe both the quality and quantity of the conscious experience of a physical system, such as the brain, in a particular state. In this contribution, we propound the mathematical structure of the theory, separating the essentials from auxiliary formal tools. We provide a definition of a generalized IIT which has IIT 3.0 of Tononi et. al., as well as the Quantum IIT introduced by Zanardi et. al. as special cases. This provides an axiomatic definition of the theory which may serve as the starting point for future formal investigations and as an introduction suitable for researchers with a formal background.

Notice that if you work at the cutting edge of Theoretical Mathematics, you have to know stuff, but you don't necessarily have to be able to write plain English or punctuate it appropriately.

The full text of Kleiner and Tull's paper can be found here.

The idea of a fully-conscious universe seems new in Western, mainstream, public science, but it certainly doesn't elsewhere or elsewhen. For example, it's been taken as a datum for thousands of years by our spiritual seniors in the East. Jesus was well aware of this and taught it to his inner circle.

By Jesus, here, we mean the historical figure referred to in Church-circulated mythologies as Jesus Christ or Jesus of Nazareth.

Jesus himself, still very much alive, active and around the place these days, has now clearly distanced himself from what the official propaganda of Western Churchianity has claimed him to have been, thought and taught.

The Bible, in particular, as it currently exists in public prints (both Protestant and Roman Catholic), has been persistently edited, glossed and redacted for the purposes of élite mind control. Its modern text is deliberately untrue or silent at almost all important points concerning Jesus' life, mission and teaching. And on certain core topics it is the exact opposite of the truth.

Jesus himself explains this in detail in one of his recent books, written in English, in 2013-2014 and published in 2015. Its title is 'Jesus - My Autobiography' (Light Technology Publishing; ISBN 978-1-62233-030-0). The text, channelled by Tina Louise Spalding, contains the exact, uncensored words of Jesus.

We mention the book here because Jesus, when aged 24-27, he says, spent three years travelling to and from India, Kashmir and Tibet as part of the spiritual studies which preceded his public ministry back in the Palestine area. In those Eastern mountain retreats, two thousand years ago, the idea of the consciousness of the universe was commonplace in the yogic schools, and had been for centuries.

Throughout his book, Jesus refers to the entity we moderns call 'God' as Source, All That Is, Higher Mind, Divine Nature. If God is All That Is and Higher Mind, that must include the whole multiverse. And the whole multiverse must be conscious. There can be nothing outside All That Is.

One consciousness. Oneness. The unity of all there is.

Returning to the modern emerging mathematical and scientific thinking about universe-level consciousness, more background can be found here, here and here. And Giulio Tononi's 2008 paper 'Consciousness as Integrated Information - a Provisional Manifesto' is here.
Picture: Red Dragon Rising. Taipei, Taiwan.
Picture: USA, Taiwan and China.
Picture: Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) and Parmenides (c 485 BCE).
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) characterised the Presocratic philosophers as giants of the spirit, wanting to reach the core of all being with a single leap. Supreme among them, in his view, was Parmenides. The TLS has an essay on Parmenides here. It is by Raymond Tallis.

Picture: White Rabbit hacks the Matrix.
Picture: Do not fear. Do not despair.
Picture: Green, deciduous wooded hillside. Summer.
Picture: Women and Catholicism. Church law changed. St Marina.
Picture: Harvard astronomy professor, Avi Loeb, says aliens visited Earth in 2017.
Picture: Exobiology, UFOs and the Galactic Federation.
Picture: All change 2020-2021. Step change. The Ancient of Days.
Picture: Laughter on the golden air.
Picture: USA all change 2020-2021. The rôle of the military.
Picture: USA President Donald Trump at Mount Rushmore. July 2020.
Picture: Donald Trump and the USA military.
Picture: Happy New Year 2021.
We are sorry to note that the image above is being radically misinterpreted by a benevolent and widely-respected altnews outlet here.

MAGA patriots and the QAnon community worldwide, knowing the deep background, will intuit a wholly other meaning.

Perhaps it is the black background. A red background was considered, but it looked too shouty and vulgar. And anyway, these fin de siècle shenanigans we are living through at the moment are not primarily about party politics.

Elsewhere on this blog, we have approached the issues of matrix confusion, the matrix confused, and the manufactured mass-media illusions flying out of our screens at this equivocal time for ascending human perception.

We suggest that Planet Earth is a mystery school for us all. Jumping to conclusions about visual particulars in a quantum multiverse might just be the quickest route to a fail grade.

More backgound here (Conspiracy Obverse) and here (The Simulation Exit). And there is more about the QAnon newsflow initiative here.

Meanwhile, claims that Diana Spencer, JFK Jr, Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson are still alive continue to circulate. And the other two, of course, still have major parts to play in shaping positive contemporary change.

We are of the Light. Victory of the Light. Dark to Light.

Picture: Dark to Light 2016? Claims circulate that they are all very much alive.
Picture: Bitcoin, Silver and Gold performance chart. 21st December 2020.
Picture: China and Canada.
Picture: Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice - Monday 21st December 2020. ..............................................................................................................................................
Suddenly almost everything about the future of human civilsation on this planet has become impossible to call.

This is because of two events which took place at exactly 6.22 pm UTC, and for the following 10-15 seconds, on Monday 21st December 2020 during the Northern Hemisphere's Winter Solstice and the Southern Hemisphere's Summer Solstice.

First, a Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (in Aquarius) happened. Second, at that instant, 400,000 benevolent lightworkers across the world engaged in a long-planned activation meditation.

The positive energetic changes in the planet which those two events triggered in the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and sub-lunar space, at several dimensions and in several parallel quantum realities, are likely to change near-present and future human history on Earth permanently.

Most of these changes will be deeply and radically shocking to those who haven't yet got what has been going on behind the scenes, beneath the surface and above the atmosphere in recent years. But the changes themselves will be strongly benevolent for human civilisation, culture, health, governance and finance. They will also, at last, be powerfully beneficial to the climate and the biosphere.

This being the case, it is tricky to make predictions in the usual, incremental and gradualist way. So much now is happily uncertain. And so many people who know are observing a deep public silence about the likely specific outcomes.

There will, however, never be another year like 2020. That year was the last dance of the devil before its uncreation.

The pulse of new energies which flooded into Planet Earth on the 21st December 2020 were the energies of pure galactic Love: Aquarian Goddess energies; the energies of transformative nurture, coherence, togetherness, sisterhood and brotherhood. They came through from the M87 galaxy in the Virgo cluster.

That pulse of new Aquarian energies flashed through the surface planetary grid and stabilised the positive ascension timeline for the planet. The good news timeline for humanity is now settled in place.

The pulse also set in train the deconstruction of the negative quantum matrix surrounding the Earth which was depressing the spirits of many in the surface human population, limiting their consciousness, making them ill and keeping them ill.

This matrix had been in place for 25,000 years and was originally constructed by negative entities from the Andromeda galaxy. These ETs had humanoid bodies and lived inside the Earth in subterranean cities. The matrix they constructed surrounded the whole planet on all sides and was, originally, a sort of scalar electromagnetic fence ('The Veil').

The Andromedan negatives had no direct or substantive contact with the surface human population until the early twentieth century. Then, in the West, their influence slowly became evident. Germany turned evil at the top levels of national governance. More here (07.07.14).

Back to the present, after the new 21.12.20 energisations were grounded, benevolent ET lightships working in the sub-lunar space, and larger motherships stationed further out, were able to anchor pure Light on the surface of the Earth for the first time since 1996.

The details of the races, species, people and processes involved in all this are esoteric and in some particulars have extreme X-files or Star Wars characteristics.

For further information we suggest two introductory web pages: (1) A discussion here (15.12.20). This anticipated what was going to happen on 21st December 2020 and gave reasons and methods for the worldwide activation meditation. (2) A high-status report here (28.12.20) describes what actually happened on the day itself and what the ongoing consequences of the new energisations are likely to be for near-future human history.

Meanwhile, major new news shocks may be expected from unusual sources at any time, and particularly in the first six months of 2021.

 Picture: SCOTUS ruling - Neil McGill Gorsuch and John Glover Roberts. ..............................................................................................................................................
In America, in the run-up to Christmas 2020, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) took the opportunity to reverse some New York coronavirus restrictions on religious services which the Governor, Andrew Cuomo, had imposed.

Several different religious groups were lead applicants in the suit, including ones connected with Roman Churchianity and Orthodox Judaism.

Earlier in the year, SCOTUS had upheld restrictions on religious services imposed by state and local authorities to help cope with the pandemic psyop. That vote was a five-to-four division in which Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was in the majority.

The second SCOTUS decision, in the last week of November 2020, granted injunctive relief from the governor’s orders, also on a five-to-four vote, but the other way round. Ginsburg had died in the interim and her replacement, Justice Amy Coney Barrett, took a more conservative judicial stance. The new majority Gang of Five now threw out certain elements of Cuomo's diktat.

SCOTUS noted that the governor’s orders restricted religious services in red zones to only ten attendees, and those in orange zones to 25, but that many essential businesses faced no limits on the number of people who could be in a store at one time.

This disparate treatment, the court said, made it likely that the applicants would succeed in pursuing a First Amendment religious liberty claim if the case were to be argued before the court.

After the ruling, Justice Neil McGill Gorsuch said that "It is time - past time - to make plain that while the pandemic poses many grave challenges, there is no world in which the Constitution tolerates colour-coded executive edicts that reopen liquor stores and bike shops but shutter churches, synagogues, and mosques."

The Roman Catholic Chief Justice, John Glover Roberts, dissented from the decision: “None of the houses of worship identified in the applications is now subject to any fixed numerical restrictions. At these locations, the applicants can hold services with up to 50 per cent of capacity, which is at least as favourable as the relief they currently seek.”

Roberts was also unhappy about Gorsuch questioning the integrity of his minority Gang of Four colleagues: “To be clear, I do not regard my dissenting colleagues as ‘cutting the Constitution loose during a pandemic’, yielding to ‘a particular judicial impulse to stay out of the way in times of crisis’ or ‘sheltering in place when the Constitution is under attack’. They simply view the matter differently after careful study and analysis reflecting their best efforts to fulfil their responsibility under the Constitution.”

More here (01.12.20).

Picture: Television and Mass Media.
Picture: Doctor's patient starts showing symptoms of independent thought (+ Alice).
Picture: Herpetology - The Madagascar chameleon, Furcifer voeltzkowi.
Picture: NEXUS Newsfeed.
Picture: Book: 'The Polymath - A Cultural History from Da Vinci to Sontag' by Peter Burke.
Picture: Negative Mass Cosmology. The dark fluid of the Dark Universe.
Picture: It's all a bit of a puzzle. Who are we really? The Simulation Argument. ..............................................................................................................................................
The device you are reading this on looks real, doesn't it? Tap it with your finger. It feels real too. Kiss the screen lightly with your lips. Yes, it's really there. Lips never lie, do they?

If you think like this, you probably also think that you are living in a base reality. Look around you. You seem to live in a real place which actually exists in physical reality and occupies a demonstrable physical location which can be visited by others, looked at through binoculars and trodden underfoot, sometimes with a crunchy noise.

Other people live in this base reality with you. Some of these you think of as human people. You can see them and hear their vehicle noise and catch diseases from them. If you want to, you can communicate with them without using any device other than your vocal cords. A physical mixture of gases around you carries sound waves which makes this possible.

These gases include nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapour, argon, xenon, neon and krypton. Each of these gases can be isolated from all the others. Any one of them can be put in a container on its own, in solid, liquid or gaseous form. That container can then be plonked down in front of you next to your device. You notice that the container is there. A little while ago you also noticed that it wasn't there (yet).

We live in a most convincing base reality. It's actually there. We actually experience it ourselves.

Most Westerners thought like this until 1999. Then they went to see a film called The Matrix. This got some of them them thinking in a different way.

Then, in 2001, Nick Bostrom of Oxford University (UK) privately circulated the first draft of a paper. It asked a question: Do we live in a simulation?

Two years later, a slightly tweaked version of the same paper was published in an academic journal called Philosophical Quarterly (2003, Vol. 53, No. 211, pp. 243-255).

Philosophical Quarterly is not like a Rupert annual. And Nick Bostrum is not like the man behind you in the fish shop. He is a Swedish-born philosopher with an academic background in theoretical physics, computational neuroscience, logic and artificial intelligence. If he walks up to you in the back bar of the Bear with an empty pint glass and half a packet of pork scratchings in his hand, you need to get out fast.

But what about Bostrom's question? Do we live in a simulation? In other words, rather than living in a physical base reality, could we, and all that we experience as physical, actually be constructed simulations created inside somebody else's computer?

Might we be virtual beings who have been made capable of thought and consciousness? Or, during the years-long ongoing processes of the simulation, might we have evolved into a conscious state from an original unconscious state because of the creative way the simulation was set up?

Such a simulation would take a very big computer and someone who was very good indeed at writing creative computer code.

Whose computer might it be? One possibility is that it belongs to the entity once known as God.

And where might the big computer be kept? Perhaps it is kept everywhere. The totality of what we think of as the physical universe might actually be a huge quantum computer.

And what might we call the clever bunch of computer code which produces the simulacrum in which we live and move and have our being? One possibilty is that we call it AI (the All-Seeing I), 'artificial intelligence'.

So then, what is the likelihood? Are we virtual beings living in a simulation or not? It depends who you believe. According to the academic specialists working on the thoughtflows which followed the original publication of The Simulation Argument, things have changed since 2003. These days the chances are reckoned to be about fifty-fifty. That is to say it is as likely as not that we are virtual beings living in a simulacrum.

This leaves a final question. If, one day, looking around inside our simulated existence we happen to find evidence of it being a simulation - we notice a fundamental glitch in the fabric of the illusion - something really crazy and mad - or something getting crazier and madder and more unbelievable each time we look - how the hell do we get out of the simulation before it's too late?

That's easy. We just go to sleep and choose not to wake up again. We return to where we belong and to where we are actually real and always have been. Our time in the mystery school on Planet Earth will be over.

Alternatively, we go to sleep and wake up somewhere else. But there's another option. We get it, choose to wake up inside the simulation again and put the news around.

If we do this, and the AI notices, which it certainly would do if it is the All-Seeing I, would the AI then (1) Delete us? (2) Limit the visibility of our influence inside the simulation? Or, (3) Have a good laugh and invite us to join it in creating something new, something more and something better?

More theoretical background here. Reviews of the 1999 film, The Matrix, can be found here, here and here. The full text of The Simulation Argument is linked from this page here. And there is more about NIck Bostrom here.

Late note: There's another perspective. We commented above about the possibility that if we are actually characters living inside someone else's computer-generated simulation, one day one or several of us might notice 'concrete' evidence of this fact. Looking round inside our simulated existence on a wet Tuesday morning in November, say, we suddenly notice a fundamental glitch in the fabric of the illusion in which we are immersed. It might be something totally mad-looking; something absolutely ridiculous, impossible and unique which doesn't at all fit with our established understanding of the world we perceive ourselves to be living in. What then?

We might just call the glitch-event supernatural. Perhaps it's a miracle. If the glitch in the fabric of the simulacrum repeats itself, we might start thinking of it in terms of a revelation about the existence of other powers, other realities, other worlds. If the mad-looking stuff continues episodically, and enough people see it or hear about it, the anomalies might be turned into the bases of a religion. They could be collected, recorded in writing, discussed, argued about, and condensed into scriptures. What might happen then can only be imagined.

Picture: Paint an icon. An icon is a conduit for angels.

Picture: Book - 'Orchard - A Year in England's Eden'


Agenda for disclosure

Index of blog contents

