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Sunday, March 31, 2024

The resurrection of the shaman
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Picture: "Shaman" by Marjorie Davis.

It wasn't just Jesus of Nazareth, Apollonius of Tyana and St Francis of Assisi who were shamans. Shamanism is undergoing a revival today.

The emergence of the New Spirituality in the West has focussed educated attention on the healing and nature-working abilities which are inherent in all of us.
Dr Leslie Gray, executive director and founder of the Woodfish Institute, is a Native American shaman and a university lecturer in anthropology and research methodology. Based in San Francisco (USA), she has studied with medicine people and elders from various tribal backgrounds.

She advocates a new vision of health care: the integration of ancient healing and modern medicine. And she consults with individuals and organizations on the practice of ecopsychology.

Leslie Gray is a bridge person. She links two cultures, ancient and modern. And like all shamans, she links two dimensions. She travels in full waking consciousness from the physical world to the spiritual world and back. Her work in shamanic healing requires this.

Controlled transdimensional travelling enables the shaman to access powerful spirit-healing technologies and powerful spirit-healing people. Some of these may be highly evolved animal-people of a kind known as power animals in traditional cultures.

All human beings have the innate ability to develop safe, conscious, transdimensional travelling abilities. And all human beings have the innate ability to become spiritual healers. Children, in particular, find these shamanic processes natural and easy.
The shamanic journey involves entering an altered or non-ordinary state of consciousness, usually with the help of sonic driving: a repetitive, monotonous drumming, rattling or changing of body postures. These create what Gray calls "trance-portation."

The work of shamans is the business of travelling either to the upper world to bring back down power, information or healing, or to the lower world to bring back up personal empowerment for living here in the middle, physical world.

Most shamans view the universe as composed of these three realms. The upper world tends to be the land of the ancestors, the middle world that of ordinary consciousness, and the lower world the place of power animals.

The shamanic journey begins with the traveller finding an opening to another realm of consciousness. While in some cultures people literally dig a hole in the floor to provide this entrance, in others they regard the opening as a phenomenon within the shaman's consciousness.

The nature of this opening is highly individual. Leslie Gray invites people to think of an opening into the earth from ordinary reality, to enter that opening, go down a tunnel and come out the other side; and from there, to explore the lower world. As people become more proficient at doing this, they begin to encounter allies in that lower world. And they use information gained from communing with these allies to help themselves or others back up here in the physical, middle world.

Traveling to the upper world is similar. The only difference is that you choose an opening that will take you up rather than down, such as a whirlwind, a hollow tree trunk, or a fireplace and chimney. Whatever comes to you as your personal opening is what you use.

One thing which Leslie Gray refuses to do is to tell people what they can expect to find in their travels. "Part of what is empowering to them," she says, "is developing their own maps. For me to develop a map for them would be the very opposite of personal empowerment and would make them dependent on my worldview - not just of this world, but of all the worlds. At the core of the process of acquiring power in shamanism is the ability to find things out for yourself, to know what the upper and lower worlds are like."

Shamans always journey with a mission. The art of shamanism is mastering the ability to bring back important information to heal yourself or others. It is not just journeying to see pretty pictures. A person might do this in the beginning as a way of mastering the technique, but after that, he or she should visit the other worlds with a mission or purpose.

There is nothing to fear on a shamanic journey if it is done properly. A shamanic journey has two advantageous features. First, the beings in the other worlds won't tell the traveller more than she or he can handle at a given time. And second, a guardian spirit generally accompanies the journeyer as a protector. "I think you have more to fear crossing the street in a major city," comments Gray, "than you do going on a shamanic journey with a power animal."

Leslie Gray fosters and promotes what she calls "reciprocal transformation." The idea is to make the inevitable encounter between indigenous systems and technological systems mutually enhancing.

She argues that "conventional analyses have primarily acknowledged the manifest poverty of contemporary indigenous cultures in comparison with the obvious material wealth of industrial-technological societies. In the 21st century, however, the spectre of planetary destruction forces us to also see 'wealth' in wisdom about how to live sanely on the earth, in practices of sustainable land use and in evolved knowledge of community-building - all of which exist in the traditions of autochthonous peoples. Correspondingly, mounting evidence of imminent environmental catastrophe forces us to see 'poverty' in the underdeveloped ecopsychology of the technoculture."

Leslie Gray's Woodfish Institute can be found here and she has an introductory article entitled "Reading the Mind of Nature - Ecopsychology and Indigenous Wisdom" here.

Other articles on the Woodfish website worth noticing include: Altered States - An Interview on ShamanismUsing Shamanism for Personal Empowerment, and Shamanic Counseling and Ecopsychology.
The picture at the top of the page is "Shaman" by Marjorie Davis. #

Look until you see
Said the Owl

Listen until you hear
Said the Deer

Touch until you feel
Said the Mole

Lie upon my belly
Until you know my heartbeat
Said the Earth

(words from Faith Nolton)


A picture by Susan Eleanor Seddon-Boulet

A picture by Leonard Paul

The Shaman
A picture by Rod Millar and Dan Cummings

The Shaman at Work
A picture by Emily Fiegenschuh

Traditional Siberian shaman
A photograph

Modern Siberian shaman drum
A photograph

Yarn art from the Huichol Indians
A Mexican shaman is depicted blessing a crop field

Intergalactic shaman rebalancing the universe
A picture from Celestial-Art


The Woodfish Institute
Leslie Gray's shamanism site

The Foundation for Shamanic Studies
Michael Harner's site

An introduction on the Crystalinks site

Thoughts on modern urban shamanism
Mike King

Shamanic drumming - an ancient approach to healing
An essay by Michael Drake

Shamanism - working with animal spirits
Research links to examples of animal wisdom

Shamanism and peacemaking
An essay by Myron Eshowsky

Emily Dickinson and shamanism
Clifton Snider discusses the shaman-poet

Sacred Earth Network


An emerging spirituality for The New Age of Aquarius

An Invocation for the New Age

Meditation - the direct encounter

The emergence of the transpersonal soul

Astral projection, the soul and the spirit

Living through the pole shift and the global end-time tsunami

Index of blog contents

Friday, March 29, 2024

God is nothing special

There's a lot of it about
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Picture: The entity once known as God was sighted at this location here.

God is nothing special.
There's a lot of it about.
You see it all over the place.
God is All That Is.

There is nothing outside God.
Everything is inside God.

That's why there is no sin
And no devil
And no hell,
Unless you want them to exist
Inside your own manufactured illusions.

What would be the point
Of a thing called God
If it had things inside it
Such as sin, the devil or hell?

God isn't silly.
God is love.
That which is not love
Does not live inside God.

Where do sin, the devil and hell live then?
And who used their God-given free will
To invent them
To promote suffering and death
For the religious agenda?

And there's another thing to consider too:
God is not a person.

Most modern people who frequent
The transdimensional coffee shops
Of pan-galactic being agree that
God does not have compliant photo ID.

Journalists of all persuasions have noticed this.

When the senior management team of All That Is
Convenes a General Purposes Sub-Committee
In the executive suite of the multiverse,
There is no discrete individuated being present
Wearing a name-plate which says 'God'
Or anything which means 'God'.

This doesn't mean that God couldn't make the meeting,
Or that God has thrown a sickie.
It simply means that God is not a person.
Only persons attend meetings.

Alert Earthlings who notice this fact trending on their screens may choose to tap the FAQs icon.

Q: If God is not a person, what is it?
A: God is the conscious creative energy of love, part of which becomes luminous. Small globs of this emitted light slow down and become people.

A few billion of these people evolve into creators. These creators then continuously create a few billion or more creations all of which are different from each other.

Some of these creations may be universes. Some of the universes may be partly physical, but most are entirely non-physical.

The physical is created from the non-physical. That is the First Law of Future Physics.

None of this has anything to do with religion.
All of it has everything to do with spirituality.

Generally speaking,
Spirituality does better
If the religion is washed off.

It's a bit like dirty potatoes.
If you don't wash the mud off
It thickens the stew
But diminishes the gastronomic experience
At the taste-bud level.

Back in the coffee shop
If you wanted to risk
A second cup of coffee,
You might hear that that which we call God
Is just the absolute and all-pervasive force
Which permeates everything
And which keeps everything
Whirling and living.

Someone else
Thought by some to be rather significant,
Said that himself.

He also said that there is a strange energy
Afoot on Planet Earth at the moment:
It is the energy of a galactic speed-up.
We're at the end of a spiritual season, apparently.

He said that in 2019.
God is inevitable.

In other news, last week's football results will follow again shortly.



Is God an idealist?

A new scripture shortly to be published

The Simulation Exit

Conspiracy Obverse

Living through the pole shift and the global end-time tsunami

Index of blog contents

Thursday, March 28, 2024

False Flag Attacks, élite criminality and politically expedient government-sponsored terrorism
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Picture: Chimp terrorist by Eugenio Merino. False Flag Attacks. Reichstag 9/11.

Three related terms are in common use: False Flag, Black Flag and Black Swan. These can sometimes be confused.

A False Flag Attack is when a national government, or one of its covert agencies, carries out a terrorist attack on its own people and then falsely blames that atrocity on an enemy in order to launch a pre-prepared 'retaliatory' attack on the enemy.

In the initial stages of the newsbreak, the mainstream media are complicit, knowingly or unknowingly, in broadcasting the news of the attack in a tendentious manner.

In some cases, the news management outcome (propaganda) is designed to whip up public outrage so that new war, or war-on-terror, laws can be passed.

These new laws reduce citizen freedoms in the name of 'national security', and further empower establishment agencies to act unilaterally, and often in an unaccountable manner, in order to to confront the perpetrators of the perceived outrage.

Sometimes, complicit media outlets are provided with information about a False Flag Attack before it actually happens. An oft-cited example of this happened during 9/11 in September 2001.

The UK BBC (a news-managed deep state security outlet) reported on live television that WTC Building 7 had collapsed more than 20 minutes before it actually did collapse. While the collapse was being reported to camera by a BBC journalist, the fully intact building could be seen, still standing, in the BBC's live video feed in the background. More here, here and here.

Twenty minutes later, the free-fall controlled demolition took place. No planes, or holograms of planes were involved. Analysis suggests that the demolition of WTC7 was a pre-planned New York City insurance job, piggybacking on the main event of the pre-planned Twin Towers demolition.

A persistent feature of False Flag Attacks is that the contractors, agents or crisis actors who cause them often disappear afterwards. So do the key witnesses. If they don't accept silence bribes, they are quietly assassinated by tradecraft means such as poisoning, car crashes, plane crashes, 'suicides' or 'heart attacks'.

Sometimes a government will have prior knowledge of a planned outrage in advance; one that is being prepared by a foreign agency. The government may then deliberately choose to disregard this intelligence, in order to manufacture a political or business benefit from the outcome.

The term Black Flag Attack means the same thing as False Flag Attack.

A Black Swan Event is different. This is something, often quite small, which happens unexpectedly, but gives rise to major long-term consequences as time passes. These consequences could not reasonably have been foreseen, but become clear in hindsight as the downstream analysis matures.

A single happening can be both a False Flag Attack and a Black Swan Event, even though the two terms mean different things.

On the 18th March 2015, Washington's Blog (here) published a list of forty-seven well-documented False Flag Attacks. Some of these were planned in detail, but not carried out; others were executed as planned. In each case, sometime after the event, a government official admitted to the False Flag nature of the atrocity, either orally or in writing.

Here are sixteen examples of False Flag Attacks taken from that original list of forty-seven:

(1) 1931: Japanese troops set off a small explosion on a train track, and falsely blamed it on China in order to justify an invasion of Manchuria. This is now known as the 'Mukden Incident' or the 'Manchurian Incident'. The Tokyo International Military Tribunal found that: “Several of the participators in the plan, including Hashimoto [a high-ranking Japanese army officer], have on various occasions admitted their part in the plot and have stated that the object of the incident was to afford an excuse for the occupation of Manchuria by the Kwantung Army ….” More here and here.

(2) 1939: A major with the Nazi SS admitted at the Nuremberg trials (1945-49) that under orders from the chief of the Gestapo, he and some other Nazi operatives faked attacks on their own people and resources. These attacks were blamed on the Poles, to justify the invasion of Poland. More here.

(4) 1939: Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev admitted in writing that the Soviet Union’s Red Army shelled the Russian village of Mainila. The attack was blamed on Finland and used as a basis for launching the 'Winter War' against Finland. Russian president Boris Yeltsin agreed that Russia had been the aggressor. More here.

(5) 1940: The Russian Parliament, current Russian President Putin and former Soviet leader Gorbachev all admit that Soviet leader, Joseph Stalin, ordered his secret police to execute 22,000 Polish army officers and civilians at Katyn. This was then falsely blamed on the Nazis. More here.

(14) 1962: As admitted by the US government, recently declassified documents show that the American Joint Chiefs of Staff signed off on a plan to blow up American airplanes and to commit terrorist acts on American soil. This would then be blamed on the Cubans, in order to justify an invasion of Cuba to overthrow Fidel Castro. In the end the invasion was never launched. More here and here.

(17) 1964: The NSA admits that it lied about what really happened in the Gulf of Tonkin incident, manipulating data to make it look as though North Vietnamese boats fired on a US ship. This was done to create a false justification for the Vietnam War. More here and here.

(20) 1978: The German government admitted that the German secret service detonated a bomb in the outer wall of a prison and planted escape tools on a prisoner (a member of the Red Army Faction) who the agency wished to frame for the bombing. More here and here.

(21) 1984: A Mossad agent admits that his agency planted a radio transmitter in Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s compound in Tripoli, Libya. This broadcast fake terrorist transmissions recorded by Mossad, in order to frame Gaddaffi as a terrorist supporter. US President Ronald Reagan ordered the bombing of the compound immediately afterwards. More in this book here.

(27) 1999: Senior Russian military and intelligence officers admit that the KGB blew up Russian apartment buildings. The attacks were falsely blamed on the Chechens, in order to justify an invasion of Chechnya. More here and here.

(28) 2002: According to the US Washington Post, Indonesian police admit that the Indonesian military murdered American teachers in Papua New Guinea.The murders were blamed on a Papuan separatist group in order to get the US to list the group as a terrorist organisation. More here.

(31) 2001: Senior police officials in Genoa, Italy, admitted that at the G8 summit in Genoa they planted two Molotov cocktails, and faked the stabbing of a police officer, in order to justify a violent crackdown on the protesters. More here.

(32) 2001: The US falsely blamed Iraq for playing a role in the 9/11 attacks (as shown in a memo from the Defense Secretary). This was one of the main justifications for launching the Iraq war. Even after the 9/11 Commission admitted that there was no connection, Dick Cheney said that the evidence was 'overwhelming' that al-Qaeda had a relationship with Saddam Hussein’s régime, and that he (Cheney) 'probably' had information unavailable to the Commission, and that the media was not ‘doing their homework’ in reporting such ties. Top US government officials now admit that the Iraq war was really launched as an oil grab, not as a retaliation for 9/11, or as an adventure in search of weapons of mass destruction. Despite previous lone wolf claims, many US government officials now say that 9/11 was a state-sponsored terrorist act, but Iraq was not the state involved. The US falsely blamed 9/11 on Iraq, when it knew Iraq had nothing to do with it. More here and here.

(34) 2003: Police outside a 2003 European Union summit in Greece were filmed planting Molotov cocktails on a peaceful protester. More here.

(37) 2005: Undercover Israeli soldiers admit to having thrown stones at other Israeli soldiers so that they could blame it on Palestinians. This was used as an excuse to crack down on peaceful protests by the Palestinians. More here.

(43) 2013: High-level American sources admit that the Turkish government (a fellow NATO member) carried out chemical weapons attacks inside Syria which were blamed on the Syrian government. A high-ranking Turkish government official admitted on tape that there were plans to carry out attacks and blame them on Syria. More here.

(44) 2014: The Ukrainian security chief admits that the sniper attacks which started the coup in Kyiv were carried out in order to frame others. Ukrainian officials admit that their snipers fired on both sides, so as to create maximum chaos. More here and here.

The full Washington's Blog text is here (18.03.15). It includes links out to many other pages. Also this WB page here is useful. #
# #

Agenda for disclosure

The Future Historians' List

Living through the pole shift and the global end-time tsunami
Index of blog contents

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Small visitors
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Picture: Screaming sculpture on old garden wall.
At last
She has been left alone.

She walks slow

And free
And alert
Through the flowers.

There is a sleepy smell
Of butterflies
In the old garden,
And honey
And pollen
And the soft rustle
Of petals.

The girl,
Dressed in cornflower blue,
Sits down on the grass
Beside a tall,

Red-brick wall
And opens her book.

Around her feet
Freshly fallen fruit

Draws small visitors.

Picture: Fallen apples on orchard floor.
Alice Dreaming
A picture by Jasmine Becket-Griffith
Understanding the New Age Children

What matters in Jane Austen?

And a pair of ears listened
A new book offers advice to its reader


Butterfly meat

About netball

Another woman

Office separation

Unusual cloud-form over Launceston

More Norfolk koans

Index of blog contents

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

The JP Morgan Blue Book. The Secret Book of Redemption.
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Picture: JPMorgan Bank Blue Book. The Secret Book of Redemption 1934.

Picture: JPMorgan Bank Blue Book. The Secret Book of Redemption 1934.

Picture: JPMorgan Bank Blue Book. The Secret Book of Redemption 1934.

Deep inside the Pandora's Suitcase disclosures are thought to be the various texts of the JPMorgan Bank Blue Book (The Secret Book of Redemption 1934, and its subsequent editions). Some images of the 1934 edition of this book are pictured above.

The top of the first recto page reads as follows: "The Department of Finance, Acting on the Instructions of the SUMMARY REGULATIONS. By Authority of an Act of the JP MORGAN BANK AND COMPANY. Legislature approved by the Secretary of the Treasury."

The JPMorgan Blue Book is said to be the covert world authority text which establishes the human bloodlines to which the entire wealth of the planet ultimately belongs. Some of these self-appointed bloodlines are of "royal" origin; many are not.

Family names which feature prominently in the text are understood to include: Rothschild (Bauer or Bower), Bruce, Cavendish (Kennedy), De Medici, Hanover, Hapsburg (Habsburg), Krupp, Plantagenet, Rockefeller, Romanov, Sinclair (St Clair), Warburg (del Banco) and Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha).

These élite and exclusive reptilian bloodlines (the "Illuminati" dynasties) have run the hidden finances and slave-systems of the planet for many millennia, way back into what their mainstream controlled historians call "pre-history." Notice the absence of Asian names on the list.

Very little is available (yet) on searchable open-access websites about the JPMorgan Blue Book. The pictures of the 1934 edition above were released by Neil Keenan in an email to Drake Bailey on Saturday 18th August 2012 (text

In that email, Keenan notes: "Blue Book established the blood lines. Queen E and Bill C are in it…Most of the Royal Families are in it. They have kept the money amongst the families from the very beginning."

For chronological reasons, the particular 1934 edition of the JPMorgan Blue Book, which Neil Keenan provides images of, cannot explicitly name Queen Elizabeth II of England (
Elizabeth Windsor) or US President Bill Clinton. In 1934, Elizabeth Windsor was only eight years old, and the 1936 Edward Windsor / Wallis Simpson abdication crisis had not yet occurred. So, at that stage, Elizabeth Windsor's route to the English throne was far from clear, although her German (Nazi) bloodline was well-established through the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha lineage. And in 1934, Bill Clinton was not born. It must be supposed that both these individuals feature in more recent editions of the JPMorgan Blue Book.

People sometimes ask who Neil Keenan is. Keenan is a 61-year-old American White Hat and patriot working with the Monaco Accords group of 180 nations (including the BRICS and the Non Aligned Movement), the Asian Dragon Family, the Swiss Financial Authorities and the estate of President Sukarno of Indonesia. He is assisting them to remove the private Western G5 banking cartel and to change the global financial system from its current, Illuminati-driven, debt-based fiat paper carousel to a more benign, gold-backed currency system which gives fair play to all persons and nations regardless of bloodline.

Neil Francis Keenan was born in Rhode Island, USA, on the 10th September 1951, and is the bearer of Ireland passport No 4066301. An indication of his cabal-perceived importance and effectiveness came at the end of August 2012. An Italian wet team working for the former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi tried to assassinate Neil Keenan at his home in Bulgaria. Among other things, a virus bioweapon was deployed. Keenan and his family survived, but they were hospitalised for several days with a lung infection.

Since November 2015, Neil Keenan has been M1 Monetary Controller of The Global Collateral Accounts. He has also been instrumental, recently, in helping to release, distribute and publicise a new frequency-focus healing machine which can be used to heal almost every known human disease, including cancer, HIV/AIDS and Lupus. Another name for the healing machine is the Bio-Resonance Healing Computer. Keenan's website is here.

The JPMorgan Bank Blue Book also calls itself "The Secret Book of Redemption." The word "redemption" here has several layers of meaning, some of which are occult. But in the trade vernacular of banking and business, redemption means the repayment of a debt, the purchasing back of something which has been previously sold (or lost), the recovery of something pawned or mortgaged, or the payment of an obligation - as in a sovereign government's payment of the value of its bonds. In 1934, a series of bonds was issued by the JP Morgan Bank. In recent decades, the claimed method of redemption of these bonds has been obfuscated.

The JPMorgan Bank Blue Book is called The Secret Book of Redemption because it details the hidden machinations whereby global debt management can be manipulated to benefit the élite banking bloodlines and disadvantage the goyim (the sheeple).

Late note:
On Saturday 12th March 2022, one of the most important legal letters ever written in global banking and finance was sent by the Fiduciary for The United States of America to JPMorgan Chase Banks in New York

The full text of that letter follows here:

Saturday, March 12, 2022
Letter to JP Morgan Chase

By Anna Von Reitz

March 12, 2022

Chairman William B. Harrison, Jr.
CEO Jamie Dimon
JPMorgan Chase Banks
270 Park Avenue
New York, New York  10017

Dear Sirs:

I am the lawful Fiduciary for The United States of America --- Unincorporated, and have recently inherited similar duties worldwide.  

All British Crown copyright claims and similar attachments have been overturned and the Crown is under prosecution and investigation for crimes of unlawful conversion, personage and breach of trust against the American people and other nations worldwide.  

My standing is already established, recorded, accepted, and absolute in all jurisdictions of the law.

I have the signature and donor authority over the 1,181,336,675 metric tons of gold administered for The United States of America under Certificate of Entitlement by the Central Bank of the Philippines-- which was delivered to Chase Manhattan Banks.

We have the appropriate Federal District Court Orders.

Ferdinand Marcos was our Trustee in this matter; Ferdinand Marcos had no individual right to or interest in our assets, and he could certainly not convey a right that he himself did not possess to his relatives, including Tiburcio V. Marcos.

As the Donors, we have the controlling interest in these and all other physical assets held in trust, and as the Public Government, we are the lawful owners and protectors of all American assets in international and global jurisdiction.  

Some people have advanced the idea that when the Federal Republic ceased to function in 1861, it's powers devolved upon the British Territorial United States or reverted to the Municipal United States Government, or some combination thereof.   

In fact, all powers vouchsafed to the Federal Republic returned by Operation of Law to the Delegator of those Powers --- our unincorporated Federation of States, doing business as The United States of America since 1776.  

It is our role and responsibility to clean up this mess, take control of the assets, define the monetary standards, and issue both coin and credit.  

You presumably realize this, having a long history of involvement in the Civil War and its aftermath, including the issuance of "Greenbacks" and all the way to the present day credit crisis. You know, or have cause to know, that none of the Congresses that have convened ever since the fall of the Federal Republic actually had the power to issue coinage or credit, and merely claimed to "represent" us.  It's time to correct all that and get this show on the road.  

I have all the original American-side records, receipts and manifests, so there is no point in arguing or fighting.  This is simply a correction that has to be made, and it is best made in public and with full cooperation on all sides.

It is my understanding that you have, as of 2017, acquired the trademarks and names of the FEDERAL RESERVE and the FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD OF GOVERNORS respectively, and have been instrumental in the settlement of the bankruptcy of the Federal Reserve System.   

Thus your cooperation in reassigning and using the American gold and silver assets and in negotiating the role of the FEDERAL RESERVE and status of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is both requested and required.  

As the responsible Fiduciary, I don't wish to cause undue disruption; I am not interested in any court battles --- those are already won; I wish for a prompt and amiable resolution of all differences between the banks and the actual asset owners, and I call upon you to work with me to help prevent an unnecessary worldwide economic collapse.

Your prompt response is appreciated and highly desirable under the current circumstance.  

I can be reached at (907) 250-5087 or via email at

Time is of the essence.  Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals, Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.

By: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary, The United States of America

Text sources here (12.03.22) and here (12.03.22).

Picture: Notice & Information for the Bank of England & JPMorgan Chase. 3rd May 2022.

Global banking crisis? What global banking crisis? White Spiritual Boy accounts hold thousands of quadrillions of hidden monies in off-ledger black screen conduits.

The White Spiritual Boy off-ledger black screen accounts - raw data

The US Federal Reserve Money Laundry

Living through the pole shift and the global end-time tsunami

The Fall of the Pentagram Five. Illuminati illusion dissolves in disarray.

European bloodlines face end-time vortex of exposure

Corporate evil, artificial intelligence and cyberform spirituality. What is going on inside our computer networks?

The World Global Settlement Funds

Universal debt forgiveness and the imminent global debt jubilee

The Monaco Colloquium - August 2011

Are the NESARA announcements imminent?

Agenda for Disclosure - The opening of Pandora's Suitcase

Dark Pool Gold. That which glisters returns to haunt the Fed.

Index of blog contents

Monday, March 25, 2024

Emergency chocolate cake pictures

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Picture: Thin woman ready for chocolate cake


We offer the following pastoral support for desperate modern women:

Chocolate cake picture 1

Chocolate cake picture 2

Chocolate cake picture 3

Chocolate cake picture 4

Chocolate cake picture 5

Chocolate cake picture 6

Chocolate cake picture 7

Chocolate cake picture 8

Chocolate cake picture 9

Chocolate cake picture 10

An advanced spiritual exercise for Tantric Chocopractors is offered below

(1) Dress sensibly in edible, chocolate-coloured ceremonial vestments worn over a crotchless praline undergarment.

(2) Light seven chocolate-coloured candles.

(3) Burn a little chocolate-flavoured incense.

(4) Centre yourself with sincere chocopractic intention.

(5) On a big screen, view each of the ten chocolate cake photographs listed above, slowly and in the order given.

(6) As each chocolate cake comes into view, admire its plump, Rubinesque chocolateness without judgment. Notice its extravagant, gustatory potential, its uncoded promise of instant gratification, its desire to give itself to you completely, deliciously and without delay or qualification. (Note: Do not worship the chocolate cake; simply respect it as a cosmic colleague, equal to you but subtly different.)

(7) Breathe deeply in and out seven times. Rejoice in the fact that you are a Woman and that Chocolate is the Destiny of Woman.

(8) Press the tip of your tongue against the C-spot in the roof of your mouth and inhale the unconditional chocolateness of the universe.

(9) Notice how your heart is melting like chocolate. Thank the chocolate for its gift of abundant liquidity. Merge with the chocolate and go wherever it takes you.

(10) Recall how your shamanic forebears rehearsed this ritual millennia ago under starbright skies at full moon. Recall their thrill at the coming of chocolate, centuries before chocolate was invented by Bobina the Bilder of Baden-Baden during the Black Forest High Renaissance.

(11) Visualise yourself as a helpless, defenceless tastebud besieged by chocolate cake. Surrender to the invader without fear.

(12) As your consciousness merges with the quintessential chocolateness of all being, journey into sacred space, release your inner child, and offer your inner child a Cadbury's Creme Egg.

(13) Eat nothing yourself. Be strong. Be deeply and transcendentally content. Vote Democrat. Experience no guilt.


More Norfolk koans

Living through the pole shift and the global end-time tsunami

Index of blog contents

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Greek White Spiritual Boy off-ledger $USD funds

Does Greece have titles to a lot more ready money than it thinks?
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Picture: Has Greece got a lot more hidden money than it thinks?
Until quite recently, the Committee of 300's shadow government banking nexus held a large covert document called The Black Book (aka Book of Codes). This book then found its way into benevolent hands in the form of Neil Keenan. He talks about it here (30.03.15).

The detailed content of The Black Book has not yet been disclosed, but it may confirm a story that has been circulating on the web via alternative news outlets for several years.

The story is this:

On Friday 25th January 2008, White Spiritual Boy funds in the following ten off-ledger black screen Greek bank accounts were recorded to have held, collectively, audited (but untaxed?) sums in excess of thousands of trillions of $USD:

667. ATEbank (Greece) Account no. 3597772412

668. Alpha Bank (Greece) Account no. 54477738142

669. Aspis Bank (Greece) Account no. 36777219821

670. Eurobank EFG (Greece) Account no. 364477712

671. Emporiki Bank (Greece) Account no. 28277754132

672. Geniki Bank (Greece) Account no. 864777212

673. National Bank of Greece (Greece) Account no. 97772541114

674. Piraeus Bank (Greece) Account no. 98877722335

675. Proton Bank (Greece) Account no. 864242777

676. Bank of Greece (Greece) Account no. 39937177812

Two questions beckon:
(1) Where is all that money now?
(2) Where are the Documents of Title to the precious metals in Asia (specifically, in the Philippines) which back that money?

The answer to both these questions must be known in Brussels, because it was the exploitation of that knowledge which enabled the establishment of the new fiat Euro currency in January 1999. UK insiders also knew, and that is why the UK was rather careful not to join the EuroZone.

The identity of White Spiritual Boy (the account holder and lead signatory of all accounts bearing that name) has been a matter of much discussion on the web. White Spiritual Boy, it appears, was King Anthony Santiago Martin. He died in 1985, four years before Ferdinand Marcos. There have been at least four other Anthony Santiago Martin sock puppets doing the rounds since then. Neil Keenan says that these are just agency fakes, trolling around trying to get at the precious metals. The gold still exists. It is held in the Asian-controlled Global Collateral Accounts.

A lot of Western-backed scamsters, counterfeiters and false personae have been involved nosing around the Asian gold depositories in recent years. Their aim has been to get a bank somewhere, or a credulous person with money, to believe that they hold the titles to the gold. These people have been active, in particular, in Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and South Korea. One tactic is to use the White Spiritual Boy account data as evidence of their executive bona fides.

On the 8th July 2015, Neil Keenan's team (Group K) mentioned several names of exposed operatives in a posting here. This piece identifies the fake Red Dragon Family's fake "ambassador" as Bo Mikael Lindström (the son of a real Swedish diplomat with official ties in Asia).

It also references the expert forger of World Bank and other financial documents, Wilfred S. Sarurin. This character is understood to have made a lot of money over the years, working for, or hoodwinking, a variety of gullible power groups. Wilfred S. Sarurin is also known as Wilfredo Sarabia Saurin, Yohannes Riyadi and James Riady.

On the 9th July 2015, Neil Keenan's team (Group K), published a follow-up piece here. This commented on the rôle of Jerzy (Zap) Babkowski, who was an associate of Bo Mikael Lindström.

The preamble to the document dated 25th January 2008, which lists the ten Greek banks above (along with many others in other countries), reads as follows:

Filipino People's Account handled by Anthony Santiago Martin
These Banking Institutions, with full banking responsibilities, generally have declared, certified and reconfirmed the Validity, Veracity and Existence of the Off-balance Fiduciary Bank Account Record Sheet (all accounts are drained in cash funds since year 2000) but having Sovereign Guarantee by Precious Commodities preserved and untouched in the Philippine Islands, permissibly engraving of Multi-currency Bills in the Philippine Islands (99%) and/or in the United States of America (1%) and written in US Treasury Notes (top secret) and have been released its actual updates of the audited balances accounts, EXCEPT THOSE RED COLORED ACCOUNTS THAT HAVING UNCHANGED AND IRREVOCABLE BALANCES OF US$ Infinite (INFINITE DOLLAR), the actual estimated, accumulated and presumed amount of US$ 200, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 per account given on this date January 25, 2008 although having been drained and these Authorities reconfirmed, declared, certified and reconsidered the veracity and validity of all herein bank account information entitled and inherited to the People of the Philippine Islands (70%) and the world (30%) under the trusteeship, management and control of ASBLP Group of Companies and Bank of ASBLP represented and chaired by HM, King Anthony S. Martin, Holder of UN Diplomatic Passport no. UN – 00191 – 01. All Accounts herewith are densely coded into 4 (four) unchanged codes: White Spiritual Boy, Spiritual Wonder Boy, Morning Star and King David however it depends upon the requisition and desire of C3 – AM – 01 in his papers together with the inclusion of any herein confirmed fiduciary heritage accounts except Falcon 1 up to Falcon 999*** that requested by former World Bank Pres. Robert S. McNamara by phone (also drained in cash funds since year 2000). Said fiduciary bank accounts are amenable to change its original position and information upon requisition of C3 – AM – 01.

(AB note: It is not clear who compiled this Filipino People's Account document.)


Global banking crisis? What global banking crisis?

The White Spiritual Boy off-ledger black screen accounts

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